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For more information

and to submit application:

Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Immigration, Settlement and Multiculturalism Division
7th Floor, 213 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3B 1N3
Telephone: (Canada 001) 204-945-2806
Fax: (Canada 001) 204-948-2256
Manitoba Provincial
Nominee Program
for Skilled Workers
Printed in Canada 09-09
Introducton 2

Secton 1: Am I eligible to apply? 3

Secton 2: Self assessment a guide to assessment streams 7
Employer Direct stream 7
Internatonal Student stream 8
Family Support stream 9
General stream 11

Secton 3: How to submit your MPNP applicaton 16

Secton 4: What happens next? 18

Secton 5: Immigraton representatves 21
1. Document checklists
Employer Direct (MDOC EMPLOYER)
Internatonal Student (MDOC STUDENT)
Family Support (MDOC FAMILY)
Strategic Initatves (MDOC STRATEGIC)
2. Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Applicaton (MAPP)
3. Manitoba A davit of Support (MAS)
1. Applicaton for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM 0008 GENERIC)
2. Background/Declaraton (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)
3. Additonal Family Informaton (IMM 5406)
4. Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)
Other federal immigration-related forms such as study and work permit applications
are available at the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website:
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 1
How to immigrate to Manitoba, Canada
Thank you for choosing Manitoba. These guidelines
explain how to apply to the Manitoba Provincial
Nominee Program (MPNP) for Skilled Workers to be
nominated for permanent resident status in Canada.
The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program is an
economic program that selects skilled workers who
have the potental to make a positve contributon to
the provincial economy.
Applicatons to the MPNP are assessed under ve
dierent assessment streams according to the type
and strength of connecton applicants have to the
province of Manitoba. MPNP eligibility criteria are
described in the secton Am I Eligible to Apply? as
well as in the secton for each assessment stream.
Please read all the applicaton guidelines carefully
before you apply.
All the forms you need to apply to the MPNP are
included in this applicaton kit. If applicaton criteria
or applicaton forms have been updated since
the publicaton of this booklet, you will nd
the most current informaton on our website at
There is no fee required to apply to the MPNP. The
government of Manitoba has the sole authority to
nominate applicants for permanent resident status in
Canada, based on our assessment of your potental for
success in Manitoba as an independent skilled worker.
If you are nominated by the government of
Manitoba, you must then apply for Canadian
permanent resident status. The MPNP will provide
you with instructons explaining how to apply. You
must pay the required Government of Canada
immigraton fees and meet statutory requirements
for medical and criminal admissibility. The
Government of Canada has the nal authority to
issue a permanent resident visa.
Thank you for your interest in Manitoba as your
immigraton destnaton in Canada.
2 This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.
Answer the questons below to nd out if you are
eligible to apply to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee
Program for Skilled Workers (MPNP).
1. Do I have legal status in my country of residence?
Do you have proof that you have legal status in
the country where you are now living? You are not
eligible to apply if you are now a refugee claimant or
a refused refugee claimant living in Canada. You may
apply from outside of Canada if you have proof of
legal status in your country of residence.
2. Am I a skilled worker who is employable in
You need proof of training (including any required
licence or certcaton), work experience and
language ability to nd employment in your assessed
occupaton in Manitoba soon afer you arrive. Your
assessed occupaton is the occupaton under which
an MPNP program o cer assesses your applicaton
based on your training and main work experience.
The MPNP accepts applicatons in any occupaton
where individuals satsfactorily demonstrate their
employability in their assessed occupaton in Manitoba.
The MPNP will assess your employability in your
assessed occupaton based on:
your documented educaton, training,
work experience and language skills
the current demand and potental for
long-term employment in your assessed
occupaton in Manitoba
current descripton of dutes, skills, talents
and work set ngs in the Canadian economy,
described in the Natonal Occupatonal
Classicaton (NOC)
your transferable skills to other related
occupatons with equal/similar skill levels
The MPNP reserves the right to assess the
employability of any applicant in their assessed
occupaton on a case-by-case basis.
NOTE: Receiving approval under the MPNP does not
mean that you can immediately start working in your
assessed occupaton once you arrive in Manitoba. You
may need to have your qualicatons, educaton and
experience assessed when you arrive in the province.
For more informaton on regulated occupatons and
qualicatons recogniton in Manitoba, visit the Work in
Manitoba secton of
3. Do I meet the eligibility criteria for one of the
MPNP assessment streams?
MPNP applicants must demonstrate a genuine
intenton and ability to setle successfully in
Manitoba. The MPNP has four priority assessment
streams and a General stream based on the type of
connecton applicants have to Manitoba. Priority
assessment streams are designed for applicants
who can demonstrate the strongest potental to
setle successfully and permanently in Manitoba.
Applicatons accepted under a priority assessment
stream will be assessed before applicatons accepted
under the General stream. To nd out if you are
eligible to apply under one of the assessment
streams, refer to the tables in the following pages.
NOTE: No Applicaton Deadline
There is no deadline for applying to the Manitoba
Provincial Nominee Program. However, program
criteria may change without notce and your
applicaton will be assessed according to the criteria in
place at the tme we receive your complete applicaton.
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 3
a valid work permit for full-tme employment
AND worked for a Manitoba employer for at least six months
AND a long-term, full-tme job oer from the same Manitoba employer
Employer Direct stream
a post-graduaton work permit received afer completng a post-secondary program in
a long-term, full-tme job oer from a Manitoba employer for whom you have been
working for at least six months
Internatonal Student
a close relatve in Manitoba who has signed a Manitoba A davit of Support (MAS)
AND I meet the minimum criteria for the Family Support stream
Family Support stream
If your applicaton is not eligible for consideraton under a priority stream you may be eligible to apply
under the General stream if you have one or more of the following:
a close relatve in Manitoba
completed educaton in Manitoba
two distant relatves or friends in Manitoba
who have each signed a Manitoba A davit of
Support (MAS)
previous work experience in Manitoba
(at least six months)
Please review the specic criteria for each of these factors in the secton Self Assessment General stream.
Strategic initatves are undertaken at the discreton of the MPNP in accordance with program needs
and available resources. You are eligible to apply to the MPNP through a strategic initatve if you:
partcipated in an exploratory visit to Manitoba conrmed by the MPNP, had an interview with a MPNP o cer and
received an invitaton to apply
were interviewed by a MPNP o cer and received a leter of invitaton to apply as part of a MPNP targeted overseas
promotonal initatve
To nd out about current strategic initatves please visit our website at
4 This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.
4. Do I have su cient setlement supports?
The MPNP is not a sponsorship program. To be
nominated, you must be able to demonstrate your
ability to successfully setle in Manitoba as a skilled
You are eligible to apply to the MPNP only if you can
provide evidence of nancial resources in your own
name demonstratng that you are able to:
pay your Government of Canada immigraton
fees and travel expenses to Manitoba
support yourself while you are looking for
ensure your successful setlement in
As a general requirement, you should have at least
$10,000 Cdn, plus $2,000 Cdn for each accompanying
dependant. You can demonstrate that you have
su cient setlement funds in your name by including
the following documents with your applicaton:
original or notarized copies of bank
statement(s) and certcate(s) of deposit(s)
demonstratng a clear nancial history of
su cient and transferable setlement funds in
your name and/or the name of your spouse/
common-law partner, if applicable
In additon, you may also provide
notarized copies of securites and other
short-term investments
proof of ownership of real estate including
a current market price evaluaton, or other
assets (not including personal items such
as jewelry, furniture or vehicles) owned by
applicant or spouse/common-law partner,
with objectve valuaton of fair market value
If there are currency controls in your country
of residence, the MPNP may require proof of
transferability of setlement funds. In all cases, you
must provide evidence of some setlement funds in
your name. Additonal informaton about setlement
funds requirements can be found under each stream
in the Self Assessment secton.
5. Do I have a complete applicaton with all required
forms and documents?
If you meet all eligibility criteria, you must provide all
required forms and documents described in one of
our document checklists (MDOC) for yourself and for
all of your accompanying dependants. The MPNP will
not accept incomplete applicatons.
6. Who can be included in my applicaton?
Manitoba values the contributon that family units
can make to the economic development of our
province and encourages the inclusion of eligible
family members in your applicaton to the MPNP.
Eligible family members included in your applicaton
are called accompanying dependants.
Eligible accompanying dependants include:
your spouse (legal marriage or at least one
year of common-law partnership*)
children under age 18 of whom you have
legal custody and who are either your
biological or adopted children, or those of
your spouse or common-law partner
adult children who are:
- under age 22 and not married or in a
common-law relatonship
- over age 22 and not nancially
independent due to a physical or mental
- over age 22 and pursuing full-tme
academic, professional or vocatonal
* A anc(e) is not a dependant for purposes
of immigraton. If your anc(e) intends to
accompany you to Manitoba and you are not
get ng married before you apply to the MPNP, he/
she will need to ll out his/her own applicaton and
qualify as a principal applicant.
Please note that you must be able to show enough
setlement funds for all family members that you
include in your MPNP applicaton.
If your children do not meet the above criteria, but
want to come to Manitoba with you, they can stll
apply to the MPNP program. They must submit a
separate applicaton at the same tme as you and
indicate they are connected to your applicaton.
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 5
Please note the following:
All existng dependants must be declared to the
MPNP before you are nominated.
New dependants, afer you have been nominated
(such as a newborn), must be declared to the MPNP
and the Government of Canada visa o ce before
you and your dependants are issued permanent
resident visas, whether they are accompanying
you to Canada or not. If you do not declare new
dependants, and they do not undergo medical
examinatons, you may not be able to sponsor them
in the future.
If your dependants are not accompanying you
to Canada at this tme, you will need to apply
separately to sponsor them through a Government
of Canada sponsorship program afer you setle in
Manitoba. (Note: The MPNP cannot assist you with
a sponsorship applicaton.)
Children who meet the criteria for adult dependant
at the tme you receive nominaton from the
province and later change their status (get married,
stop/complete their university educaton, have
children, etc.) cannot be included in your applicaton
for permanent resident status at a visa o ce,
and will likely be withdrawn from your MPNP
applicaton. Please note that the MPNP will not
issue certcates for those individuals afer you
received nominaton, unless they meet the criteria
of one of the MPNP streams.
6 This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.
This secton provides detailed informaton about
each MPNP assessment stream. Both you and
your spouse or common-law partner, if applicable,
should review the informaton individually. This will
help you to assess your potental for a successful
applicaton to the MPNP. The person who meets
the eligibility criteria for a specic stream, and
is the most qualied, should be the principal
applicant. The other spouse can be included as an
accompanying dependant.
Manitoba recognizes that employers play an
essental role in helping newcomers setle
successfully in Manitoba and that immigrants can
provide a valuable source of skilled workers to our
labour force. All occupatons are eligible under the
Employer Direct stream.
The MPNP Employer Direct stream is a priority
assessment stream that helps employers retain a
foreign worker with the required skills for a positon
they may have been unable to ll with a Canadian
citzen or permanent resident. You are eligible
to apply to the MPNP under the Employer Direct
stream if you fulll the following conditons:
You are employed full-tme in Manitoba with
a temporary work permit, have been working
for the same employer for at least six months,
and have received an oer of long-term,
full-tme employment from that employer
You have all the qualicatons required for the
positon, including training (and any licence
or certcaton required in Manitoba), work
experience and language ability.
Manitoba employers please note: If you are a
Manitoba employer interested in recruitng
foreign workers, please visit the For
Manitoba Employers secton of our website
Applicaton Process Employer Direct Stream
1. Foreign worker obtains a job oer from a
Manitoba employer.
Most job oers from Canadian employers require a
positve labour market opinion from Service Canada.
For more informaton about this requirement,
please visit the Citzenship and Immigraton Canada
website at
2. Foreign worker applies for temporary work permit.
Foreign workers can apply at the Canadian embassy,
high commission or consulate in their country of
residence for a temporary work permit to work in
Canada. For additonal informaton about processing
requirements, tmes and fees, please visit the
Citzenship and Immigraton Canada website.
3. Foreign worker applies to MPNP for nominaton
to obtain a Canadian permanent resident visa.
Foreign workers, who have worked in Manitoba
for at least six months, can apply to the MPNP for
a nominaton to obtain a Canadian permanent
resident visa, provided they have:
a valid temporary work permit issued by
Citzenship and Immigraton Canada
current employment with a Manitoba employer
a long-term, full-tme job oer in Manitoba from
that same employer
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 7
Setlement funds under the Employer Direct stream
If you are currently employed in Manitoba, it may
not be necessary for you to have at least $10,000
Cdn in your name, as explained in the secton
Am I Eligible to Apply? The MPNP will take into
consideraton your current income in Manitoba.
But in all cases, you must provide evidence of some
setlement funds in your name.
Provincial nominee awaitng permanent
resident visa may apply for a work permit.
If you have been nominated by the MPNP, you may
be eligible to:
apply for a temporary work permit if you
wish to begin working in Manitoba before
you obtain a permanent resident visa
extend your work permit while your
applicaton for a permanent resident visa
is being processed
You will need:
an oer of a long-term, full-tme job from
a registered Manitoba employer related to
your assessed occupaton*
a supportng leter from the MPNP
* Contact our o ce for more informaton.
The MPNP Internatonal Student stream is a priority
assessment stream for internatonal students
who graduated from a Manitoba post-secondary
insttuton, who have established strong tes to
Manitoba and intend to live, work and establish
their careers in this province.
You are eligible to apply to the MPNP under the
Internatonal Student stream if you have:
graduated from a recognized post-secondary,
educatonal program of at least eight months
(one academic year) in Manitoba
obtained a post-graduaton work permit from
Citzenship and Immigraton Canada
worked for a Manitoba employer on a full-tme
basis for at least six months and received an
oer of long-term, full tme employment from
the same employer
Applicaton Process
Internatonal Student Stream
1. Individual applies for a student permit.
Individuals interested in studying in Manitoba
can apply for a student permit at a Canadian
embassy or consulate in their country of residence.
For additonal informaton about processing
requirements, tmes and fees, please visit the
Citzenship and Immigraton Canada (CIC) website.
2. Internatonal student graduate applies for a
post-graduaton work permit.
You are eligible to apply for a post-graduaton work
permit if:
You have completed a program of at least
eight months (one academic year) from an
eligible post-secondary insttuton in Canada
and you received notcaton that you are
eligible to obtain a degree, diploma or
You have a valid study permit when you
apply for the work permit.
You submit a complete work permit
applicaton, including all required fees
and supportng documents, to the Case
Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta
T9C 1W1, within 90 days of receiving
writen conrmaton from the post-
secondary insttuton that you have met the
requirements of the academic program.
The CIC booklet Applying for a Work Permit
Student Guide (IMM 5580), as well as applicaton
forms and informaton about processing
requirements, processing tmes and fees, are
available on the CIC website.
If you need more informaton about applying for
a work permit, please speak to the internatonal
student advisor at your post-secondary insttuton.
8 This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.
3. Internatonal student graduate works in
Manitoba for six months.
Afer completng a post-secondary program in
Manitoba and obtaining a post-graduate work
permit, you must obtain a job oer and work full-
tme with the same employer in Manitoba for at
least six months before being eligible to apply to
the MPNP under the Internatonal Student stream.
4. Internatonal student graduate submits
complete applicaton to the MPNP.
If you meet all the criteria described in the secton
Am I Eligible to Apply? you may submit a complete
applicaton package to the MPNP according to the
document checklist (MDOC STUDENT) including a
copy of a full-tme, long-term job oer and a valid
post-graduaton work permit.
Setlement funds under the Internatonal Student
If you are currently employed in Manitoba, it may not
be necessary for you to have at least $10,000 Cdn in
your name as explained in the Am I Eligible to Apply?
secton. The MPNP considers your current income in
Manitoba. But in all cases, you must provide evidence
of some setlement funds in your name.
NOTE: Info sessions for internatonal students
The MPNP regularly holds informaton sessions
for internatonal students at our o ce in
Winnipeg, Manitoba. Atend if you are having
di culty nding post-graduate employment or
simply want more informaton about the MPNP.
For details, visit
or phone us at 204-945-2806.
The MPNP Family Support stream is a priority
assessment stream for skilled workers who can
demonstrate they have the strong support of a close
relatve who is successfully established in Manitoba.
You are eligible to apply to the MPNP under the
Family Support stream if you:
provide proof of a close relatve in Manitoba
dened as a mother/father, son/daughter,
sister/brother, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew,
grandparent or rst cousin (your aunt/uncles
provide a Manitoba A davit of Support
(MAS) completed and signed by a close
relatve in Manitoba, indicatng his/her
intenton and ability to support your
successful setlement in Manitoba
give the authority to disclose informaton
to the Manitoba close relatve who is
expected to be closely involved with the
applicaton process
are able to meet minimum age, educaton,
work experience, employability and
language ability requirements for the
Family Support stream described in the
following table. (If there is a dierence
between how you assess yourself under
the minimum criteria and a MPNP program
o cers assessment, the program o cers
assessment will be used.)
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 9
Factor Criteria Yes No
1 AGE You are between the ages of 21 and 49.
You have completed a minimum of a one-year, post-secondary educatonal or
training program and received a diploma, certcate or degree.
You have a minimum of two years of full-tme work experience within the past
ve years.
You have job-ready language prociency based on educaton, employment
documents and/or English test results (minimum score of ve points in IELTS
general test Internatonal English Language Testng System). See document
checklist (MDOC-FAMILY) for details.
A. You can satsfactorily demonstrate intenton and ability to establish
successfully in Manitoba, based on your connecton to the province,
including setlement supports from family in Manitoba.
B. You are employable in Manitoba, based on your training and work experience
related to your assessed occupaton. All occupatons are eligible under the
MPNP but the program o cer will determine your employability potental in
your assessed occupaton, based on your past educaton, training, experience,
language skills and regulatory requirements in Manitoba.
Applicaton Process Family Support Stream
1. Close relatve in Manitoba completes Manitoba
A davit of Support (MAS).
In your MPNP applicaton, you must include a
completed MAS form, which your close relatve
in Manitoba must ll in, sign and have witnessed
by a Manitoba commissioner for oaths or notary
public, together with evidence that this person is
a Canadian citzen or permanent resident and has
lived in Manitoba for at least one year. (A permanent
resident is a person who is legally in Canada as an
immigrant, but who is not yet a Canadian citzen.)
NOTE: It is illegal in Manitoba for a commissioner
for oaths to charge any fee to witness a document.
A notary public may charge a fee.
If your close relatve in Manitoba has supported the
applicatons of other applicants for immigraton to
Canada, he/she must give this informaton to the
MPNP in the MAS form, and must include current
address and employment status of the previously
supported or sponsored person(s).
The MPNP reserves the right to determine that a
Manitoba A davit of Support is invalid if a program
o cer is not satsed that:
your close relatve has demonstrated
su ciently strong tes to you or to Manitoba
your close relatve is able to support you,
based on the number of applicatons
previously or currently supported by the
same individual
any previous applicants to the MPNP
supported by your close relatve have
established themselves successfully in
2. Applicant submits a complete applicaton to
the MPNP.
If you meet all the criteria outlined above you may
submit a complete applicaton package to the MPNP
according to the document checklist (MDOC-FAMILY),
including the original MAS, the Declaraton of Financial
Support, if applicable, and signed release designatng
your relatve as your Manitoba representatve.
10 This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.
Setlement funds under the Family Support stream
If you cannot demonstrate su cient setlement funds
in your name and you are applying under the Family
Support stream, the MPNP may accept a Declaraton
of Financial Support (MAS page 3) provided that it is
from a close relatve in Manitoba and that the relatve
has the ability to assist you nancially.
In any case, you stll need to provide evidence of
some liquid funds in your name. Please refer to the
secton Am I Eligible to Apply? for more informaton
regarding setlement funds.
The MPNP General stream is for skilled workers who
can be assessed enough points in each assessment
factor and who can demonstrate their intenton and
ability to establish successfully and permanently in
Manitoba. To be eligible to apply to the MPNP under
the General stream, you must provide one of the
proof of a close relatve in Manitoba
two a davits of support (MAS), each
completed by a close friend or distant
relatve in Manitoba
evidence that you have six months of full-
tme work experience in Manitoba
proof that you completed an educatonal
program in Manitoba (excluding language
NOTE: Applicants with close relatves in Manitoba
should only apply to the General stream if they do
not meet the eligibility criteria for the Family Support
priority assessment stream.
Assessment in the General stream is partly based on a
point system. Your applicaton will be assessed points
according to several factors including age, educaton,
work experience, language ability and adaptability.
Skilled workers who apply under the General stream
will be considered for nominaton if they can satsfy
the MPNP that they:
can be assessed su cient points for
have the training, work experience
and language ability necessary
for long-term employment in Manitoba
have demonstrated a clear
ability and intenton to establish
permanently and successfully in
To be considered, you must score at least 55 points as
assessed by a MPNP program o cer according to the
criteria in the following table. If there is a dierence
between the points you give yourself and the
points the program o cer awards you, the o cers
assessment will be the one that is used.
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 11
The principal applicants age points are calculated according to the date his/her applicaton reaches the MPNP.
Years Points
18 4
19 6
20 8
21 49 10
50 8
51 6
52 4
53 2
54 or older 0
Maximum points = 10
Your Total
The principal applicants educaton points are based on the documented proof of completed educaton and training
programs. Refer to the document checklist (MDOC GENERAL) for informaton regarding required documents.
Years Points
10 (completed secondary school) 10
12 (completed secondary school) 12
11 - 13 (completed a post-secondary program of at least one year) 14
14 - 16 (completed one post-secondary program of two years or more) 16
17 - 18 (completed two post-secondary programs of at least two years each) 18
Masters degree or Doctorate 20
Maximum points = 20
Your Total
The principal applicants work experience points are based on documented proof of work experience in the past 10 years.
Refer to the document checklist (MDOC-GENERAL) for informaton regarding required documents.
Years Points
Six months (uninterrupted full-tme employment) 2
Four points for each year of full-tme employment to a maximum of four years (or 16 points) 4 per year
Maximum points = 16
Your Total
12 This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.
The principal applicants language ability points are calculated according to documented proof of training and ability in both
English and French. Refer to the document checklist (MDOC-GENERAL) for informaton regarding required documents.
Prociency in English and/or French will help you nd employment in Manitoba. If you have prociency in both languages, choose
the one you are more comfortable using; this will be considered your rst o cial language.
Applicants under the General stream who claim English prociency must include Internatonal English Testng System (IELTS) results
unless this table indicates otherwise. There is no minimum score required to apply.
You may also be able to demonstrate your language ability if you were interviewed in person by a MPNP program o cer, during
your exploratory visit or meetng overseas.
First o cial language Points
Applicant is from an English/French speaking country (uent) no test required or IELTS score of
8 to 10.
Applicant is currently immersed, working or studying in English or French environment and has been doing
so for at least the past two years no test required or IELTS score of 7.
Applicant has completed one or two-year, post-secondary educatonal program delivered in English/French in
an English or French-speaking country within the past two years no test required or IELTS score of 6.5.
Applicant has competent prociency based on IELTS score of 6. 8
English or French is the common second language used in secondary and post-secondary school system
in applicants country of residence and applicant has su cient language ability to be employable in his/her
assessed occupaton based on educaton documents or overall IELTS score of 5.5.
Applicant has received some instructon and is employable in Manitoba based on IELTS score of 5. 6
Applicant has received some language instructon and has su cient ability to begin working in
English or French but stll nds it di cult and will need language classes based on IELTS score of 4 and 4.5.
Applicant has limited language ability but can use rst language (mother tongue) in a given workplace
in Manitoba for which s/he has a job oer or submits IELTS score of 3.
Applicant has very limited ability based on IELTS score of 2 and 2.5. 2 or 3
Applicant has no ability, requires language instructon prior to eectve employment search or has 0
not submited satsfactory documentaton to demonstrate language ability.
Maximum points = 12
Your total in rst o cial language
Second o cial language (no test required) Points
Applicant is from an English/French speaking country (uent). 6
Applicant is currently immersed, working or studying in English or French environment and has been so for at
least the past two years.
Applicant has completed a one or two-year, post-secondary educatonal program in an English or
French-speaking country within the past two years.
Applicant has received at least two years of post-secondary educaton or has at least two years work
experience within the past ve years in English or French.
English or French is the common second language used in the primary and secondary school system in your
country of residence.
Applicant has been interviewed by the Manitoba employer and language ability is considered su cient. 1
Maximum points = 6
Your total in second o cial language
Maximum points = 18
Your total (rst and second o cial languages)
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 13
The principal applicants adaptability points are calculated according to documented proof of a strong connecton to
Manitoba and employability potental in their assessed occupaton, demonstratng the applicant has the potental to
setle successfully and permanently in this province. Refer to the document checklist (MDOC-GENERAL) for informaton
regarding required documents.
All occupatons are eligible under the MPNP, but the program o cer will determine your employability potental in your
assessed occupaton based on your past educaton, training, work experience, language skills and regulatory requirements
in Manitoba.
Criteria Points
Social supports in Manitoba
NOTE: You cannot be assessed points for both the close relatve and the family-like support criteria.
Support of close relatve in Manitoba
You must provide proof of relatonship to a close relatve in Manitoba, dened as:
son/daughter, mother/father, sister/brother, grandmother/grandfather
uncle/aunt (mothers or fathers brother or sister)
rst cousin (uncles or aunts son or daughter)
If your relatve has lived in Manitoba for less than one year, provide proof that he/she is well-established in
Manitoba (proof of employment, proof of residence, Canada Revenue Agency Notce of Assessment, etc.) The
MPNP reserves the right not to consider support from any close relatves who cannot satsfy a program o cer
that they have established strong tes to Manitoba.
Family-like support from distant relatves or friends in Manitoba
You must provide complete MAS forms from at least two people known to you and who live in the area to which
you are destned in the province.
The MPNP reserves the right not to consider MAS from friends or distant relatves who cannot satsfy a program
o cer that they:
have demonstrated strong tes to Manitoba or the applicant
are able to support the applicant, based on the number and outcome of applicatons under any Canadian
immigraton program the individual has previously supported
Previous educaton or work experience in Manitoba
Work experience in Manitoba
You must provide leters of reference from Manitoba employer(s) and work permit(s) demonstratng that you
have completed at least six months of contnuous, full-tme employment in Manitoba within the past 10 years.
Completed post-secondary educaton in Manitoba of two years or more
You must provide certcates, transcripts and study permit(s).
Completed post-secondary educaton in Manitoba of eight to 12 months
You must provide educatonal certcates, transcripts and study permit(s).
Completed high school in Manitoba
You must provide certcates, transcripts and study permit(s) demonstratng at least two years of study.
Destnaton in Manitoba
Regional immigraton
You can prove that your destnaton is outside of Winnipeg, based on either employment, educaton or family/
family-like support documents demonstratng potental to setle successfully and permanently in a Manitoba
region outside of the city of Winnipeg.
Maximum points = 42
Your Total
14 This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.
Enter your total points from the previous ve sectons on the worksheet below.
Age 10
Educaton 20
Work experience 16
Language 18
close relatve in Manitoba OR 12
family-like support of distant relatve or friend in Manitoba 5
full-tme work experience in Manitoba of six months or more 10
completed post-secondary educaton in Manitoba of two years or more OR 10
completed post-secondary educaton in Manitoba, eight to 18 months 5
completed high school in Manitoba 5
regional immigraton 5
Your Total
Approval requires YES for all factors
You have su cient points for consideraton: 55 points or more. YES


You have su cient setlement funds and/or setlement supports in Manitoba. YES


You have satsfactorily demonstrated both the ability and intenton
to establish successfully in Manitoba based on your connecton and
employability potental in Manitoba.


NOTE: MPNP program o cers have the discreton to apply a personal suitability consideraton on a case-by-case basis,
based on your demonstrated ability to establish successfully in Manitoba.
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 15
1. Complete the forms included in this applicaton kit.
This kit contains all required forms. The forms are
also available on our website. All forms are free. You
must use the forms provided by MPNP. They can be
originals, printouts from the website or photocopies.
Computer-generated forms from non-o cial sofware
or other mechanically produced forms will not be
accepted. Refer to the applicable document checklist
(MDOC) to nd out which forms you (and others, such
as dependants, your relatves or friends) must ll. The
forms that are required depend on the stream under
which you are applying.
2. Gather your supportng documents.
Collect documents to demonstrate that you meet
MPNP eligibility criteria and to conrm your identty,
family status, educaton, work experience, language
skills and nances. The applicable document checklist
(MDOC) explains what supportng documents you
must submit. It is your responsibility to submit all
supportng documents. If documents are missing, are
not translated*, are not readable or understandable,
your applicaton may not be accepted.
* The MPNP will only accept translatons prepared by
certed translators or professionally done translatons
notarized by a notary public or commissioner for oaths or
equivalent o cial in your country of residence.
3. Organize your applicaton package.
Review and organize your completed forms and
supportng documents according to the informaton on
one of the document checklists (MDOC). Incomplete
applicatons will not be accepted for assessment.
Please collate your pages and secure them with one
paper clip.
Do not bind your applicaton or put the pages
in a ring binder.
Do not enclose individual pages in plastc,
envelopes or folders.
Do not te, sew, bolt or glue the pages together.
Do not use multple staples or paper clips.
Do not send multple copies of identcal
4. Make photocopies of your applicaton package.
Photocopy all your completed forms and supportng
documents so that you have:
a) A MPNP applicaton package to send to the Manitoba
Provincial Nominee Program.
This package should include the original Manitoba
Provincial Nominee Applicaton form (MAPP), original
MAS, if applicable, photocopied Government of
Canada forms and copies of supportng documents
according to the instructons on the document
checklist (MDOC). Ensure that translatons and
copies of your educaton, employment and nancial
documents have been notarized.
b) A Government of Canada applicaton package to
send to the Canadian visa o ce at a later tme,
if you are nominated by the MPNP. This package
should include original Government of Canada
forms and copies of supportng documents. The
MPNP will give you a Government of Canada
checklist and instructons for applying to the
visa o ce if and when your provincial nominee
applicaton is approved.
If you submit original documents in your applicaton,
they will not be returned to you, unless the MPNP
requests such documents during the assessment of
your applicaton, in which case you will be advised to
provide a self-addressed pre-paid envelope for the
documents to be returned to you.
5. Send us your MPNP applicaton.
Mail your complete applicaton, including all forms
and documents specied in the applicable document
checklist (MDOC), to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee
Program o ce in Winnipeg, Manitoba, deliver it in
person or have the person you designated as your
representatve deliver it for you.
16 This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.
We recommend that you provide a Manitoba mailing
address in your MAPP form (page 1) to ensure that
correspondence from us reaches you in a secure and
tmely manner. (For example, use the address of your
relatve or friend who lives in Manitoba.)
We remind you to complete the Authority to Disclose
Personal Informaton form (MAPP SCHEDULE 1)
indicatng a designated representatve (Manitoba
relatve, friend or paid immigraton representatve)
who can obtain informaton on your behalf. If this form
is not completed and signed by you, the MPNP cannot
communicate with anyone but you.
NOTE: The MPNP will communicate with only one
authorized representatve.
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 17
Manitoba Labour and Immigraton
7th Floor - 213 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3B 1N3
The following explains the standard procedure for
a successful applicant. Other possible applicaton
results are explained aferward.
1. Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program receives
your applicaton.
The MPNP will send a leter to the postal mailing
address you provided on your MAPP form, informing
you that we have received your applicaton.
Incomplete or ineligible applicatons will not be
accepted and your applicaton will be returned to
your mailing address.
2. MPNP assesses your applicaton.
Complete, eligible applicatons are given a le
number and assigned to the appropriate stream.
A MPNP program o cer assesses your applicaton
based on how your informaton matches the
eligibility criteria. A second o cer reviews the
assessment. Once a decision has been nalized, you
will be contacted in writng. This decision will not be
given over the telephone or by e-mail.
To facilitate this process you have to:
Complete all forms and atach all documents
required for the applicaton, as noted in the
applicable document checklist (MDOC).
Write or fax us immediately about any
changes to the informaton you gave in
your applicaton, such as mailing address,
dependants, representatve, educaton,
employment or nancial status.
Processing tmes can vary based on number of
applicatons recieved in each stream, completness
of your applicaton and tme required to complete
necesary vericatons. The MPNP does not respond
to inquiries about applicaton status.
1. MPNP sends you an approval leter.
If your applicaton to the MPNP is approved, we will
mail you a Leter of Approval. A formal Certcate
of Nominaton will be sent directly to the Canadian
embassy, high commission or consulate in your country.
NOTE: Before you quit your job or sell your
possessions, you must apply for and receive
permanent resident visas from the Government of
Canada for you and your accompanying dependants.
2. You apply to Citzenship and Immigraton Canada
for a permanent resident visa.
If you are nominated by the Manitoba Provincial
Nominee Program, we will mail you a nominaton
package together with the Leter of Approval. The
package includes instructons on how to apply
for your permanent resident visa at the Canadian
embassy, high commission or consulate in your
country. Submit your visa applicaton, processing fees
and the original Leter of Approval before the expiry
date that is noted on your Leter of Approval.
The Government of Canada is responsible for
ensuring that all applicants for permanent resident
status meet the requirements of the Immigraton
and Refugee Protecton Act and all medical, criminal
and background checks. The Government of Canada
has the nal authority to approve or refuse a
permanent resident visa.
18 This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.
The following events may happen to nominated
applicants depending on the circumstances.
3. Nominated person may seek temporary work
If you have obtained a job oer from a Manitoba
employer afer you were nominated by MPNP, the
MPNP may issue a supportng leter for a work
permit applicaton.
Note: The employer has to be registered with the
province (
before you ask for a supportng leter.
This will allow you to apply for a temporary work
permit at the Canadian embassy, high commission
or consulate in your country of residence. If
you are currently employed in Manitoba on a
temporary work permit, you should contact the
MPNP two months before the expiry date of
that work permit. We may provide you with a
supportng leter that will allow you to apply to
CIC to have your work permit renewed.
4. MPNP may withdraw your Certcate of
The MPNP has the right to withdraw a Certcate
of Nominaton if the applicant has provided false
or misleading informaton, or no longer meets the
criteria under which he or she was nominated.
Applicants falsely declaring their intent to live
and work in Manitoba, or who provide false or
misleading informaton or documents in their
applicatons, may also be subject to enforcement
acton by the Government of Canada, before and
afer a permanent resident visa is issued.
Nominaton under the MPNP is at the sole discreton
of Manitoba.
If the MPNP decides not to nominate your
applicaton, you will receive a leter by regular mail
with reasons for the decision.
Applicatons are not approved in situatons including,
but not limited to, the following:
You fail to demonstrate that you have su cient
work experience, training (including any licence
or certcaton required to nd employment in
their assessed occupaton in Manitoba).
You have insu cient language ability to be
employable in Manitoba.
You fail to demonstrate your ability and intenton
to establish permanently in Manitoba.
You have not provided su ciently detailed,
credible documentaton for full assessment.
You fail to demonstrate that you meet the
eligibility criteria of the stream under which the
applicaton is being assessed.
You fail to demonstrate you have su cient and
conrmed setlement supports from relatves or
friends who are established residents of Manitoba
and have strong tes to you.
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 19
MPNP may review its decision not to nominate.
The MPNP may formally review a decision on an
applicaton if:
I. you submit a writen request signed by you within
60 days of the date on the result leter, AND
II. the request provides su cient details to
indicate that the program o cer may have
made an error in the assessment of the
applicaton based on the reasons described in
the result leter and the documents included in
the applicaton at the tme of the assessment.
The MPNP reserves the right to reject any request for
a formal review that does not meet the conditons
described above or that is based on:
the submission of new documents, including
an oer of employment
strength of relatonship to Manitoba
language ability, if you have not provided
IELTS results
retenton (ability and/or intenton to remain
in the province)
In the event of a formal review, we will mail the
applicant a writen notce of the result.
Applicants who received a decision not to be
nominated may reapply.
You may reapply to the MPNP afer six months
from the date on the result leter or afer you have
addressed the reasons why your applicaton was not
approved. When you reapply, you must show that you
have su cient training, experience and/or a stronger
connecton to Manitoba to support a new applicaton.
For all applicants: If you want to withdraw your
applicaton to the MPNP
Send a signed, writen request by mail, e-mail or
fax. You may resubmit your applicaton at any tme.
An immigraton representatve may withdraw an
applicaton on your behalf by submit ng a writen
request signed by you.
To withdraw your applicaton afer receiving
a leter of approval, send a writen, signed
request to both the MPNP and to the Canadian
embassy, high commission or consulate to
which the MPNP sent your Certcate of
Nominaton. (Note: The Government of Canada
does not refund visa-processing fees.)
20 This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants.
For purposes of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee
Program, an immigraton representatve is someone
you pay and authorize to represent, advise, consult
or look into the status of your applicaton. A
representatve can be a lawyer or consultant you hire
to prepare your MPNP applicaton. The MPNP has
no o cial immigraton representatves actng on its
behalf and does not endorse or require the services
of an immigraton representatve or recruiter.
Any applicant who uses the services of an
immigraton representatve or recruiter does so
at his or her own risk. Applicants are responsible
to check that representatves they choose are
ethical and competent to work on their behalf and
authorized according to the provisions of the Code
of Conduct (MAPP SCHEDULE 2).
If you use the services of an immigraton
representatve or recruiter in connecton with
an applicaton to the MPNP, you must provide
the MPNP with the complete name and contact
informaton for the specic individual and/or
company. Failure to give us this informaton may
result in the refusal of your MPNP applicaton.
Manitoba will only recognize or release informaton
to a paid immigraton representatve who:
is a member in good standing of the
Canadian Society of Immigraton Consultants
(CSIC) or a law society in Canada
has signed the Code of Conduct for
immigraton representatves
is named by the applicant in a signed
Authority to Disclose Personal Informaton
the MPNP considers not to have engaged in
actvites contrary to the interests of MPNP
program integrity as described by the Code
of Conduct
NOTE: All applicants must sign and return the
Code of Conduct, whether or not they have a paid
immigraton representatve. If you have a paid
immigraton representatve, that person must also
sign the Code of Conduct. The MPNP reserves the
right not to accept an applicaton if it determines
that a representatve or applicant has not complied
with the terms specied in the Code of Conduct.
The MPNP is not responsible for the resoluton of
any disputes arising between applicants and their
immigraton representatve. Applicants may remove
a named representatve from their applicaton at
any tme by providing a request in writng to the
MPNP, signed by the applicant. Applicants must
remove an existng representatve before changing
to a new representatve.
The MPNP will disclose informaton to only one
designated representatve for each applicaton.
Designated representatves must be named under
the Authority to Disclose Personal Informaton of
the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Applicaton form
(MAPP SCHEDULE 1). For purposes of assessing an
applicaton, the MPNP will communicate directly
with the applicant whenever necessary.
NOTE: Under Manitoba legislaton, it is illegal for
recruiters/immigraton representatves to charge
foreign workers or future immigrants for a job oer
in Manitoba. All recruitment costs must be covered
by the Manitoba employer seeking foreign workers.
To nd out more about immigraton
representatves, visit these websites:
1. Employment Standards:
2. Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program:
3. Citzenship and Immigraton Canada:
4. Law Society of Manitoba:
5. Canadian Society of Immigraton Consultants:
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. 21
Effective June 30, 2011, oversight of the consultant community became the responsibility of the newly created
Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council. The MPNP requires that immigration representatives
be a member of this council, or of a law society in a Canadian province.
Please complete this document checklist to ensure that you submit a complete applicaton package, containing all
required forms and supportng documents. Forms and documents should be included in your applicaton in the order
described on this checklist. Only complete applicaton packages will be accepted for assessment.
copy of valid temporary work permit (If you are currently working in Manitoba you must have been
employed here for at least six months before applying to the MPNP under the Employer Direct stream.)
original leter signed by a Manitoba employer oering you a long-term, full-tme job in Manitoba, AND
You must complete and atach all of the following forms as described. Keep originals of all Government of Canada
forms to submit to the visa o ce if you are nominated by Manitoba and submit copies of those forms to our o ce.
MAPP - Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Applicaton Form
one original form (six pages) completed and signed by both the applicant and spouse (even if
not accompanying), including signatures to the Code of Conduct for Immigraton Representatves,
Informaton Release and Applicant Declaraton.
Applicaton for Permanent Residence in Canada Form (IMM 0008 GENERIC)
copy of form completed by the principal applicant
include a photocopied photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying family member
Background Declaraton Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)
copies of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over the
age of 18, whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not
copies of refusal leters from Citzenship and Immigraton Canada and/or the MPNP or other PNP programs,
if applicable
Additonal Family Informaton Form (IMM 5406)
copies of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over the
age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not
Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)
copy of the form completed and signed by the principal applicant
copies of birth certcates showing names of both parents for principal applicant and spouse
copy of Natonal Identty Card for principal applicant and spouse, if applicable
Marital status
Include copy of applicable document(s):
marriage certcate
documents proving common-law relatonship for at least one year
divorce certcate or proof of separaton for previous relatonships
death certcate

This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MDOC EMPLOYER PAGE 1
copies of birth certcates showing names of both parents for each dependent child
copies of adopton papers for any and each adopted child
if parents are divorced or separated, copies of legal documents indicatng custody agreements for children
under age 18
proof of contnuous full-tme studies for any accompanying dependant age 22 to 25
Passport / travel documents
copies of passports or travel documents (or proof of applicaton for passports or travel documents) for
principal applicant, spouse and dependent children including pages showing the passport number, date of
issue and expiraton, photo, name, date and place of birth
copies of visas and/or status document for country of residence if dierent than country of citzenship
copies of entry visas, immigraton stamps and temporary status permits for previous and current visits to Canada
Educaton and training
notarized copies of educatonal/training degrees, diplomas, certcates and o cial transcripts including
names and locatons of insttutons for principal applicant and spouse
atach a certed translaton into English or French to each document issued in another language
English and/or French language ability
copy of educatonal, testng and/or employment documents demonstratng ability in either or both o cial
language(s) for both applicant and spouse
copies of non-Canadian documents must be notarized
notarized copies of leters of reference from the principal applicants and spouses employers for the past 10
years, which must:
- include specic start and end dates for the period of employment
- describe the exact positon, dutes and responsibilites of the employee
- be on o cial company leterhead and signed by an authorized representatve of the company, including
name and ttle of that representatve and contact informaton
atach a certed translaton into English or French to each document issued in another language
if self-employed: notarized copies of business registraton, business tax records for each year the business
has been in operaton and work contracts, if applicable
original or notarized leters from nancial insttutons indicatng balance and account history in applicants and/
or spouses name for the last three months
bank account statements showing access to transferable liquid funds and assets in applicants name
proof of ownership of real estate (land and buildings) including a current market price evaluaton
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MDOC EMPLOYER PAGE 2
Please complete this document checklist to ensure that you submit a complete applicaton package, containing all required
forms and supportng documents. Forms and documents should be included in your applicaton in the order described on this
Only complete applicaton packages will be accepted for assessment.
proof that you have completed an educatonal program of at least eight months (one academic year) from
an eligible post-secondary insttuton in Manitoba AND
copy of your valid post-graduaton work permit. (You must work in Manitoba for at least six months
before applying to the MPNP under the Internatonal Student stream.) AND
original job-oer leter from a Manitoba employer, indicatng long-term, full-tme positon
You must complete and atach all of the following forms as described. Keep original Government of Canada forms to
submit to the visa o ce if you are nominated by Manitoba and submit copies of those forms to our o ce.
MAPP Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Applicaton Form
one original form (six pages) completed and signed by both the applicant and spouse (even if not
accompanying), placed at the front of your applicaton and including signatures to the Code of Conduct
for Immigraton Representatves, Informaton Release and Applicant Declaraton
Applicaton for Permanent Residence in Canada Form (IMM 0008 GENERIC)
copy of form completed by the principal applicant
include a photocopied photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying family member
Background Declaraton Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)
copies of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over the
age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not
copies of refusal leters from Citzenship and Immigraton Canada and/or the MPNP or other PNP
programs, if applicable
Additonal Family Informaton Form (IMM 5406)
copies of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over the
age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not
Economic Classes- Provincial Nominees Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)
copy of the form completed and signed by the principal applicant
copies of birth certcates showing names of both parents for principal applicant and spouse
copy of Natonal Identty Card for principal applicant and spouse, if applicable

Marital status
Include copy of applicable document(s):
marriage certcate
documents proving common-law relatonship for at least one year
divorce certcate or proof of separaton for previous relatonships
death certcate
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MDOC STUDENT PAGE 1
copies of birth certcates showing names of both parents for each dependent child
copy of adopton papers for any and each adopted child
if parents are divorced or separated, copy of legal documents indicatng custody agreements for
children under the age 18
proof of contnuous full-tme studies for any accompanying dependant between age 22 to 25
Passport / travel documents
copies of passports or travel documents (or proof of applicaton for passports or travel documents) for
principal applicant, spouse and dependent children including pages showing the passport number, date
of issue and expiraton, photo, name, date and place of birth
copies of visas and/or status document for country of residence if dierent than country of citzenship
copies of entry visas, immigraton stamps and temporary status permits for previous and current visits
to Canada
Educaton and training
copies of educatonal/training degrees, diplomas, certcates and o cial transcripts including names
and locatons of insttutons for principal applicant and spouse
copies of non-Canadian documents must be notarized
atach a certed translaton into English or French atached to each document issued in another language
educaton and training documents obtained in Canada do not need to be notarized
notarized copy of leters of reference from the principal applicants and spouses employers for the past
10 years, which must:
- include specic start and end dates for the period of employment
- describe the exact positon, dutes and responsibilites of the employee
- be on o cial company leterhead and signed by an authorized representatve of the company,
including name and ttle of that representatve and contact informaton for the company
atach a certed translaton into English or French atached to each document issued in another language
leters of reference issued by Manitoba employers do not need to be notarized
if self-employed: notarized copies of business registraton, business tax records for each year the
business has been in operaton and work contracts, if applicable
original or notarized copies of nancial documents and bank statements demonstratng access to transferable,
liquid funds and assets
proof of ownership of real estate (land and buildings) including a current market price evaluaton
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MDOC STUDENT PAGE 2
Please complete this document checklist and ensure that you submit a complete applicaton package, containing all
required forms and supportng documents. Forms and documents should be included in your applicaton in the order
described on this checklist. Only complete applicaton packages will be accepted for assessment.
proof that you have a close relatve in Manitoba (See secton B) AND
original MAS (Manitoba A davit of Support) completed and signed by your close relatve in Manitoba
(See secton B) AND
proof that you meet minimum criteria of the Family Support stream as indicated on page 9
of the MPNP applicaton kit
You must complete and atach all of the following forms as described. Keep original Government of Canada forms to
submit to the visa o ce if you are nominated by Manitoba and submit copies of those forms to our o ce.
MAPP Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Applicaton Form
one original form (six pages) completed and signed by both the applicant and spouse
(even if not accompanying), placed at the front of your applicaton forms and including signatures to
the Code of Conduct for Immigraton Representatves, Informaton Release and Applicant Declaraton
MAS Manitoba A davit of Support Form
one original form completed and signed by a close relatve in Manitoba (MAS Part 1)
you must include documents showing your relatonship, such as birth or marriage certcates.
the signatory must have been a resident of Manitoba for at least one year and must provide proof of same
- a copy of both sides of their Manitoba Health Card and copy of their Canadian passport, citzenship
or permanent resident card
the MAS form must be witnessed by a Manitoba notary public or commissioner for oaths.
the Declaraton of Financial Support by Close Relatve (MAS Part 2) must be completed only if the
principal applicants nances do not meet MPNP requirements for setlement funds. (See Item 4
under Am I Eligible to Apply? in the applicaton kit.)
Applicaton for Permanent Residence in Canada Form (IMM 0008 GENERIC)
copy of form completed by the principal applicant
include a photocopied photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying family member
Background Declaraton Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)
copies of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over the
age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not
copies of refusal leters from Citzenship and Immigraton Canada and/or the MPNP or other PNP
programs, if applicable
Additonal Family Informaton Form (IMM 5406)
copies of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over
the age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not
Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)
copy of the form completed and signed by the principal applicant
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MDOC FAMILY PAGE 1
copies of birth certcates showing names of both parents for principal applicant and spouse
copy of Natonal Identty Card for principal applicant and spouse, if applicable
Marital status
Include copy of applicable document(s):
marriage certcate
documents proving common-law relatonship for at least one year
divorce certcate or proof of separaton for previous relatonships
death certcate

copies of birth certcates showing names of both parents for each dependent child
copies of adopton papers for any and each adopted child
if parents are divorced or separated, copies of legal documents indicatng custody agreements for children
under age 18
proof of contnuous full-tme studies for any accompanying dependant age 22 to 25
Passport / travel documents
copies of passports or travel documents (or proof of applicaton for passports or travel documents)
for principal applicant, spouse and dependent children including pages showing the passport number, date
of issue and expiraton, photo, name, date and place of birth
copies of visas and/or status document for country of residence if dierent than country of citzenship
copies of entry visas, immigraton stamps and temporary status permits for previous and current visits to Canada
Educaton and training
notarized copies of educatonal/training degrees, diplomas, certcates and o cial transcripts including
name and locaton of insttuton for principal applicant and spouse
atach a certed translaton into English or French to each document issued in another language
English and/or French language ability
copies of educatonal testng, and/or employment documents demonstrated ability in either or both
o cial language(s) for principal applicant and spouse and Internatonal English Language Testng System
(IELTS) test results
all copies must be notarized for non-Canadian documents
notarized copies of leters of reference from the principal applicants and spouses employers for the past 10
years, which must:
- include specic start and end dates for the period of employment
- describe the exact positon, dutes and responsibilites of the employee
- be on o cial company leterhead and signed by an authorized representatve of the company, including
name and ttle of that representatve and contact informaton
atach a certed translaton into English or French to each document issued in another language
if self-employed: notarized copies of business registraton, business tax records for each year the business
has been in operaton and work contracts, if applicable
leters from nancial insttutons indicatng balance and history of the account in applicants and/or spouses
name for the last three months
bank account statements demonstratng access to transferable liquid funds and assets in applicants name
proof of ownership of real estate (land and buildings) including a current market price evaluaton
all copies must be notarized
If the principal applicants nances do not meet MPNP requirements for setlement funds, also include:
a Declaraton of Financial Support (MAS Part 2) signed by a close relatve in Manitoba as well as income,
employment and other nancial documents proving your relatve has the ability to support you nancially
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MDOC FAMILY PAGE 2
Please complete this document checklist to ensure that you submit a complete applicaton package, containing all
required forms and supportng documents. Forms and documents should be included in your applicaton in the order
described on this checklist.
Only complete applicaton packages will be accepted for assessment.
proof that you have partcipated in an exploratory visit to Manitoba, conrmed by the MPNP, had an
interview with a MPNP o cer and received an invitaton to apply to the program OR
proof that you were interviewed by a MPNP program o cer and received an invitaton to apply as
part of a MPNP targeted overseas promotonal initatve
You must complete and atach all of the following forms as described. Keep original Government of Canada forms
to submit to the visa o ce if you are nominated by Manitoba and submit copies of those forms to our o ce.
MAPP Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Applicaton Form
one original form (six pages) completed and signed by both the applicant and spouse (even if not
accompanying), placed at the front of your applicaton and including signatures to the Code of
Conduct for Immigraton Representatves, Informaton Release and Applicant Declaraton
Applicaton for Permanent Residence in Canada Form (IMM 0008 GENERIC)
copy of form completed by the principal applicant
include a photocopied photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying family member.
Background Declaraton Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)
copies of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant
over the age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not
copies of refusal leters from Citzenship and Immigraton Canada and/or the MPNP or other PNP
programs, if applicable
Additonal Family Informaton Form (IMM 5406)
copies of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant
over the age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not
Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)
copy of the form completed and signed by the principal applicant
copies of birth certcates showing names of both parents for principal applicant and spouse
copy of Natonal Identty Card for principal applicant and spouse, if applicable

Marital status
Include copy of applicable document(s):
marriage certcate
documents proving common-law relatonship for at least one year
divorce certcate or proof of separaton for previous relatonships
death certcate
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MDOC STRATEGIC PAGE 1
copies of birth certcates showing names of both parents for each dependent child
copy of adopton papers for any and each adopted child
if parents are divorced or separated, copy of legal documents indicatng custody agreements for
children under age 18
proof of contnuous full-tme studies for any accompanying dependant age 22 to 25
Passport / travel documents
copies of passports or travel documents (or proof of applicaton for passports or travel documents)
for principal applicant, spouse and dependent children including pages showing the passport number,
date of issue and expiraton, photo, name, date and place of birth
copies of visas and/or status document for country of residence if dierent than country of citzenship
copies of entry visas, immigraton stamps & temporary status permits for previous and current visits
to Canada
Educaton and training
notarized copies of educatonal/training degrees, diplomas, certcates and o cial transcripts
including name and locaton of insttuton for principal applicant and spouse
atach a certed translaton into English or French to each document issued in another language
English and/or French language ability
copies of educatonal testng, and/or employment documents demonstratng ability in either or both
o cial language(s) for principal applicant and spouse
copies of non-Canadian documents must be notarized.
notarized copies of leters of reference from the principal applicants and spouses employers for the
past 10 years or since age 18, whichever is longer. The leters must:
- include specic start and end dates for the period of employment
- describe the exact positon, dutes and responsibilites of the employee
- be on o cial company leterhead and signed by an authorized representatve of the company,
including name and ttle of that representatve and contact informaton for the company
atach a certed translaton into English or French to each document issued in another language
if self-employed: notarized copies of business registraton, business tax records for each year the
business has been in operaton and work contracts, if applicable
leters from nancial insttutons indicatng balance and history of the account in applicants and/or
spouses name for the past three months
bank account statements demonstratng access to transferable liquid funds and assets in applicants name
all copies must be notarized
proof of ownership of real estate (land and buildings) including a current market price evaluaton
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MDOC STRATEGIC PAGE 2
Please complete this document checklist to ensure that you submit a complete applicaton package, containing all
required forms and supportng documents. Forms and documents should be included in your applicaton in the order
described on this checklist.
Only complete applicaton packages will be accepted for assessment.
proof that you have a close relatve in Manitoba (see Secton B) OR
two original MAS (Manitoba A davit of Support) forms each completed and signed by a distant relatve
or friend who has lived in Manitoba for at least one year (see Secton B) OR
proof of secondary or post-secondary educaton completed in Manitoba as indicated on page 15 of the
MPNP applicaton kit OR
proof of six months of contnuous work experience completed in Manitoba within the past 10 years AND
proof that you meet other minimum criteria of the General stream as indicated on page 10 of the
MPNP applicaton kit
You must complete and atach all of the following forms as described. Keep original Government of Canada forms to
submit to the visa o ce if you are nominated by Manitoba and submit copies of those forms to our o ce.
MAPP Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Applicaton Form
one original form (six pages) completed and signed by both the applicant and spouse (even if not
accompanying), placed at the front of your applicaton and including signatures to the Code of
Conduct for Immigraton Representatves, Informaton Release and Applicant Declaraton
MAS Manitoba A davit of Support Form
two MAS forms completed and signed by distant relatves or friends in Manitoba (MAS parts 1 and 4) OR
documents showing your relatonship to a close relatve in Manitoba, such as birth or marriage
for all MAS forms, the signatory must have been a resident of Manitoba for at least one year and
must provide proof of same provide a copy of both sides of their Manitoba Health Card and copy of
their Canadian passport, citzenship or permanent resident card
MAS forms must be witnessed by a Manitoba notary public or commissioner for oaths.
The Declaraton of Financial Support by Close Relatve (MAS Part 2) must be completed only by a
close relatve and only if the principal applicants nances do not meet MPNP requirements for
setlement funds. (See Item 4 under Am I Eligible to Apply? in the MPNP applicaton kit.) The MPNP
does not accept a declaraton of nancial support from friends or distant relatves.
Applicaton for Permanent Residence in Canada Form (IMM 0008 GENERIC)
copies of form completed by the principal applicant
include a photocopied photo of the principal applicant and each accompanying family member
Background Declaraton Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1)
copies of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over
the age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not
copy of refusal leters from Citzenship and Immigraton Canada and/or the MPNP or other PNP
programs, if applicable
Additonal Family Informaton Form (IMM 5406)
copies of forms completed and signed by the principal applicant, spouse and each dependant over
the age of 18 whether they are accompanying you to Canada or not
Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees Form (IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 4)
copy of the form completed and signed by the principal applicant
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MDOC GENERAL PAGE 1
copies of birth certcates showing names of both parents for principal applicant and spouse
copies of Natonal Identty Cards for principal applicant and spouse, if applicable
Marital status
Include copies of applicable document(s):
marriage certcate
documents proving common-law relatonship for at least one year
divorce certcate or proof of separaton for previous relatonships
death certcate

copies of birth certcates showing names of both parents for each dependent child
copies of adopton papers for any and each adopted child
if parents are divorced or separated, copies of legal documents indicatng custody agreements for
children under age 18
proof of contnuous full-tme studies for any accompanying dependant age 22 to 25
Passport / travel documents
copies of passports or travel documents (or proof of applicaton for passports or travel documents)
for principal applicant, spouse and dependent children including pages showing the passport
number, date of issue and expiraton, photo, name, date and place of birth
copies of visas and/or status document for country of residence if dierent than country of citzenship
copies of entry visas, immigraton stamps and temporary status permits for previous and current
visits to Canada
Educaton and training
notarized copies of educatonal/training degrees, diplomas, certcates and o cial transcripts
including names and locatons of insttutons for principal applicant and spouse
atach a certed translaton into English or French to each document issued in another language
include evidence of completon of educaton in Manitoba if your connecton to the province is
through past educaton in Manitoba
English and/or French language ability
copies of educatonal testng and/or employment documents demonstratng ability in either or both
o cial language(s) for both applicant and spouse
Internatonal English Language Testng System (IELTS) test results
copies of non-Canadian documents must be notarized
notarized copies of leters of reference from the principal applicants and spouses employers for the
past 10 years, which must:
- include specic start and end dates for the period of employment
- describe the exact positon, dutes and responsibilites of the employee
- be on o cial company leterhead and signed by an authorized representatve of the company,
including name and ttle of that representatve and contact informaton
- include evidence of at least six months of work experience in Manitoba if your connecton to the
province is through past employment in Manitoba
atach a certed translaton into English or French to each document issued in another language
if self-employed: notarized copies of business registraton, business tax records for each year the
business has been in operaton and work contracts, if applicable
leters from nancial insttutons indicatng balance and account history in applicants and/or spouses
name for the last three months
bank account statements showing access to transferable liquid funds and assets in applicants name
all copies must be notarized
proof of ownership of real estate (land and buildings) including a current market price evaluaton
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MDOC GENERAL PAGE 2
The principal applicant must complete this form. All questons must be answered completely and
truthfully. Failure to provide complete and truthful informaton may result in the refusal of your
applicaton. Please print clearly.
Principal applicant Spouse
Family name
Given name(s)
Date of birth
(dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy)
Address of your current residence
(include country and postal code)
Mailing address for applicaton
Your e-mail address
Your telephone number
Preferred language for communicatng with the MPNP English French
Number of children
Number of children
accompanying you to Canada
Spouse will accompany you
to Canada?

Please select one assessment stream. See guidelines in applicaton kit.
1. Employer Direct
I have included proof that I am currently employed full-tme in Manitoba on a temporary work
permit, AND
I have included an original leter from a Manitoba employer indicatng I have been
oered a full-tme long term job.
2. Internatonal Student I have included copies of a Manitoba post-secondary educaton certcate, AND
a full-tme job oer and post-graduaton temporary work permit
3. Family Support
I have included proof of, and an A davit of Support signed by a close relatve who lives
in Manitoba, AND
I meet minimum stream assessment criteria.
4. General stream I have included evidence of one of the following:
a close relatve
in Manitoba
two a davits of support
(MAS) from friends or distant
relatves in Manitoba
completed educaton
in Manitoba
previous work experience
in Manitoba
See guidelines in applicaton kit.
I have included a Leter of Invitaton received from the MPNP indicatng that I meet eligibility criteria for a specic recruitment
initatve and invitng me to apply.
Intended occupaton principal applicant
Number of years you have worked in your intended occupaton in the past 10 years:
Intended occupaton spouse
Number of years you have worked in your intended occupaton in the past 10 years:
Educaton/training principal applicant (highest level atained)
Total years secondary (high school) Total years post-secondary (afer high school)
10 years 12 years 1 year 2 years 3 years more than 3 years
Date accepted for
assessment by Manitoba
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MAPP PAGE 1
Country of
Country of
Legal status in your country of residence: Citzen Visitor Passport number
Student Worker Refugee Other: Expiry date
Provide informaton concerning all previous immigraton applicatons to Canada.
(Include all provincial nominee applicatons.)
Type of program or visa File number Result Date of result Destnaton in Canada
Name of city or town
Describe all previous stays in Canada by the principal applicant and/or spouse and provide
supportng documents.
Province Dates
(visitor, student, worker, etc.)
RELATIVES IN CANADA Do you or your spouse have relatves living in Canada?
Yes No
Names of all relatves in Canada City & province Relatonship to principal applicant Relatonship to spouse
LANGUAGE ABILITY All applicants review the informaton under the language factor described in the applicaton kit
guidelines for the General stream and provide your self-assessed score.
English self- assessed score French self-assessed score
Have you used English or French as the primary language
of communicaton at work?


How long?
Have you used English or French as the primary language
of communicaton at school?


How long?
Have you studied English/French as a foreign language
or as a second language?


Hours of
SETTLEMENT FUNDS personal net worth statement
You must provide supportng documents.
Assets Indicate the value of your liquid assets in Canadian dollars.
Debts List in Canadian dollars the amount of loans and other nancial
obligatons including mortgages, fees owing to lawyers or consultants,
alimony and child support payments. Use extra pages if necessary
Assets Dollar mount (Cdn.) Debts Dollar amount (Cdn.)
A. Cash A. Home mortgage or loan
B. Real estate B. Other mortgages or loan
C. Investments C. Other
D. Other
(1) Total assets
(add A - D above)
(2) Total debts
(add A - C above)
Net Worth: (1) - (2) = C $
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MAPP PAGE 2
1. Oer of employment Contact informaton for employer
Employer name
Phone and fax number
E-mail address
Contact person
2. Close relatve Contact informaton for relatve
Phone and fax number
E-mail address
Describe relatonship
3. Family-like support or
community supporter
Contact informaton for one friend, distant relatve or community supporter
Phone and fax number
E-mail address
Relatonship Distant relatve Friend Other:
4. Manitoba educaton Name of school and program completed
Name of insttuton
Describe program
Date program started
Date program completed
5. Manitoba work experience Contact informaton for employer
Employer name
Phone and fax number
E-mail address
Duraton of employment (Dates) Part-Time


You may designate one individual (a relatve, friend, community supporter or a paid immigraton representatve) who can obtain
informaton about your applicaton on your behalf. You must sign the following informaton release naming this representatve.
If you are applying for consideraton under the Family Support stream you must designate the close relatve in Manitoba named
in your applicaton.
You must read, inital and sign the Code of Conduct on the following page indicatng whether or not you are using the services
of a paid immigraton representatve. If you are using the services of a paid immigraton representatve, your representatve
must also sign the Code of Conduct and provide proof that he/she is a member in good standing of the Canadian Society for
Immigraton Consultants or a Law Society within Canada.
You may remove or change the authority given to an immigraton representatve or other individual at any tme by providing
a request to the MPNP in writng. You must remove the authority of the individual named below, before you can provide
authority to another individual.
I authorize the release of personal informaton from my immigraton records to the following partes:
My relatve, friend or community
Name Telephone number
E-mail address
Mailing address
with postal code
Signature of principal applicant Date
My Canadian immigraton lawyer/consultant/agent
Print name Immigraton Firm or company name
Signature of principal applicant Date
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MAPP PAGE 3
All applicants and paid immigraton representatves must read the Code of Conduct and sign the appropriate sectons.
Manitoba Labour and Immigraton requires that all immigraton representatves (individual representatves who receive
a fee) who act on behalf of applicants under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program agree to abide by this code
of conduct. All immigraton representatves who wish to represent an applicant to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee
Program must be members in good standing of the Canadian Society for Immigraton Consultants or of a Law Society in
Canada and must comply with the following minimum standards:
1. to indicate clearly at all tmes and in all materials that they act as independent agents and do not represent in any
way the Government of Manitoba or any of its departments or agencies
2. to advise all potental clients that applying to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program does not require them
to use the services of an immigraton representatve, with this informaton to be provided to the client at the
rst contact or the earliest possible opportunity and again prior to their signing a contract with the immigraton
3. to advise all clients that they are free to communicate directly with the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program on
their own behalf even while represented by the immigraton representatve
4. to advertse and accept assignments for only those services which the immigraton representatve is capable of
providing, and from which the immigraton representatve reasonably believes there will be real benets to the client
5. to disclose to the province the fact that they are representng their clients, and to relay all correspondence from the
province about a clients le directly to the client without modicaton or undue delay
6. to act responsibly, with due diligence and in a tmely manner in the handling of their clients cases
7. to not sign, submit or otherwise be associated with any applicaton, leter, report or other document provided by or
submited about a client, which contains false or misleading informaton
8. to not engage in any unlawful actvity personally or on behalf of a client
9. to not work or collaborate in any way with others who are engaging in any unlawful actvity
10. to hold in strict condence all informaton acquired in the course of the professional relatonship concerning the
aairs of their clients, and to not divulge any such informaton unless authorized by the client or required to do so by
the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program or by law
11. to take care to avoid conicts of interest and upon becoming aware of the existence of a conict, to fully disclose at
the earliest possible opportunity the existence and circumstances of the conict to the client, and to the Province of
Manitoba, if the conict in any way aects the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program
12. to not allow any outside business or professional interests to jeopardize their professional integrity, independence or
competence as immigraton representatve
13. to provide clients with complete and accurate informaton regarding the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program and
all other maters about their clients interest in immigraton
14. to advise the clients of the requirement that applicants under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program have
a bona de intent to reside and work or do business in Manitoba and to not knowingly submit or contnue with
Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program applicatons on behalf of clients who do not possess this bona de intent
15. to be truthful in all forms of communicatons and media, and to refrain from misleading statements, exaggeratons
or innuendo (for example, Manitoba does not have any special or preferental arrangements with any immigraton
consultant or lawyer. Therefore, an immigraton representatve cannot guarantee acceptance under the Manitoba
Provincial Nominee Program, immigraton status or citzenship. Similarly an immigraton representatve should not
claim to have a special relatonship or arrangement with or connecton with the Government of Manitoba or any of
its departments, which implies preferental treatment, etc.)
16. to not undertake to act for, charge or accept any fee, which is not fully disclosed, fair and reasonable

Applicants initals
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MAPP PAGE 4
Full name
hereby conrm that I am familiar with the contents of this Code of Conduct and understand the described standards expected
of my services as an immigraton representatve. I acknowledge that I will comply with the code in providing assistance to the
Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Applicant listed below.
Company name
Telephone and fax
E-mail address
Describe services provided
to applicant
I am a member in good standing of the Canadian Society for Immigraton Consultants or of a law society
in Canada and as required I have included proof of this membership with this applicaton. Yes No
Signature of immigraton representatve Signature of witness Date
Complete and sign if you are using the services of a paid representatve.
Full name
hereby conrm that I am familiar with the contents of this Code of Conduct and understand that they describe the standards
expected of any immigraton representatve that I have engaged to assist me in preparing my applicaton for the Manitoba
Provincial Nominee Program.
I have paid or will pay the following individual in connecton with preparaton of my applicaton:
Describe services
Signature of principal applicant Signature of witness Date
Complete and sign if you are not using the services of a paid representatve.
Principal applicant - full name
hereby conrm that the services of an immigraton representatve were not used in connecton with my applicaton for the Manitoba
Provincial Nominee Program.
Signature of principal applicant Signature of witness Date
This MPNP application kit is provided free by the government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MAPP PAGE 5
This informaton release and declaraton must be signed by the principal applicant and spouse authorizing the Manitoba Provincial
Nominee Program Branch of Manitoba Labour and Immigraton to collect and disclose personal informaton to assess this applicaton
to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, and declaring that the informaton provided is true and accurate.
I, Date of birth
Principal applicant full name (dd/mm/yy)
I, Date of birth
Spouse full name (dd/mm/yy)
in the city/town of country of
do hereby authorize the designated representatves of Manitoba Labour and Immigraton (the department), Manitoba Provincial Nominee
Program Branch to exchange all personal informaton collected by and disclosed to Manitoba as part of my applicaton for the Manitoba
Provincial Nominee Program to be disclosed to other partes in Manitoba and elsewhere to assess this applicaton.
I understand that Manitoba may contact such partes to verify informaton provided by me in this applicaton. I understand that I have the
right to examine and request correctons or amendments to my personal records, whether held by a provincial or federal government o ce.
I consent to the Manitoba Labour and Immigraton (the department) collectng any personal and other informaton, including informaton
about our address, telephone number, social insurance numbers, marital status, employment, income, assets, liabilites, benets received
under other government programs or any other relevant personal informaton, required to verify any informaton provided about my
involvement in the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (the Program) and to locate and contact me about evaluatng the program and
my partcipaton in it.
I consent to the department collectng this informaton from any federal, provincial, municipal or other local authority (such as Canada
Revenue Agency, Citzenship and Immigraton Canada, Canada Border Service Agency, Manitoba Family Services and Housing, Service
Canada and Manitoba Health) or any other person, department, agency or organizaton holding such informaton.
Any informaton provided to Manitoba will only be disclosed under the Freedom of Informaton and Protecton of Privacy Act. I consent
to the disclosure of the above noted informaton by these persons, departments, agencies and organizatons to the department and the
Department disclosing to these persons, departments agencies or organizatons such personal informaton as may be necessary to obtain
the informaton required by the department for the program.
I declare that the informaton I have given in this applicaton is truthful, complete and correct.
I understand that any false statements or concealment of informaton may result in Manitoba refusing my applicaton or,
if applicable, withdrawing my nominaton.
I understand that my failure to provide a complete applicaton package including all required forms and credible, supportng documentaton
may result in the return or refusal of my applicaton.
I understand all these statements and asked for and received an explanaton on every point that was not clear to me.
Signature of principal applicant Signature of witness
Signature of spouse Signature of witness
Signed at: Date
City/Town and Country
The personal informaton on this form is collected under the authority of Manitobas Freedom of Informaton and Protecton of
Privacy Act (S 36 1b). Personal informaton is necessary for the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program and is used and/or disclosed
to assess your applicaton to this program. Under the provisions of the act individuals have the right to protecton of, and access to,
personal informaton. For informaton contact: (204) 945-2806
A FIPPA request should be made on the Applicaton for Access form, which is available on the website:
This secton must be completed by the signatory of this A davit of Support.
Close relatves must include documents demonstratng relatonship to the applicant and/or spouse/common-law partner, if
Close relatves and distant relatves or friends who sign this a davit must include proof of Canadian citzenship or
permanent resident status and proof of established residence in Manitoba for at least one year (eg. Canadian passport,
record of landing, permanent resident card, Manitoba Health Card).
I, of
Name Address including city and postal code
Date of birth E-mail address Phone number (day) Phone number (evening)
1. I am a Canadian citzen or permanent resident of Canada and I have lived in Manitoba for at least one year.
2. I am a close relatve, distant relatve or friend of the principal applicant or his/her spouse named below and that I have
provided documentaton proving that I am a close relatve of this individual and/or a personal leter of support (MAS page 4)
if the individual and/or spouse, if applicable, is/are my friend or distant relatve.
Name and address of my relatve or friend who is applying to the MPNP:
Family name Given name
Address including city, country, postal code
Describe your exact relatonship to this person. (Be specic. For example: my spouses sister or my cousin [mothers brothers son] or my personal friend.
3. I declare that my spouse, if applicable, agrees with the terms and conditons contained in this a davit.
4. I declare that I clearly understand that the applicant(s) to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program named below must
make a formal declaraton of their intenton to live and work in Manitoba, that I will not knowingly support the applicaton
of individuals who do not intend to live in Manitoba, and that I will be prohibited from supportng other relatves or friends
in the future if the applicant named on this a davit (and/or any dependants) does not setle successfully and permanently
in Manitoba.

Name of principal applicant Name of spouse
Date received
by Manitoba
Family Support stream: The close relatve named by the
applicant must complete this form.
General stream: two distant relatves or two friends named
by the applicant must each complete their own MAS form.
This form cannot be signed by a paid immigraton
representatve or anyone who is not a relatve or friend
of the principal applicant and/or the principal applicants
This form cannot be signed by any elected o cial in
Canada or his/her sta.
Who should complete this form?
This form is made available free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MAS - Page 1
Names of all accompanying dependants (use additonal page if required):
5. I am satsed that the applicant has the required amount of setlement funds ($10,000 Cdn for a principal applicant and
$2,000 Cdn for each accompanying family member) and/or a bona de oer of long-term, full-tme employment in Manitoba
and/or a signed declaraton of nancial support by the close relatve signing this a davit, and I am aware that the
MPNP may refuse any applicant who cannot provide evidence of su cient setlement funds.
6. I am prepared to assist the applicant and his/her family to establish successfully in Manitoba as follows:
7. I declare that I have known the principal applicant and/or spouse for:
One year or more Less than one year How long? Never met
8. I declare that I have also supported or sponsored other relatves or friends as immigrants to Canada.
Yes No
If Yes, give details below (atach additonal page if required):
Name Date of applicaton Type of program Date landed in Canada
(eg. provincial nominee, federal family class)
Address and telephone number of other person(s) I supported or sponsored:
Employer of other person(s) I supported or sponsored:
Address and telephone number of other person(s) I supported or sponsored:
Employer of other person(s) I supported or sponsored:
9. I a rm that I have not received or been promised payment or other consideraton for signing this a davit of support.
10. I declare the informaton provided is true, complete and accurate, and I give consent to Manitoba to verify any
informaton I have provided in this a davit of support.
11. I understand that the provision of any false statements or concealment of any material fact may result in, but is not limited
to, some or all of the following consequences:
refusal to approve this support or future support to other applicants
refusal to grant or withdrawal of the principal applicants Certcate of Nominaton
other enforcement acton
12. I understand and am prepared to comply with all the commitments and obligatons contained in this a davit of support,
having asked for and received an explanaton on every point about which I may have been uncertain.
13. I swear this support to be bona de.
This form is made available free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MAS - Page 2
AFFIRMED and SWORN before me at )
Signature of person swearing a davit
in the province of Manitoba, )
Signature of notary public/commissioner for oaths
this day of 20 )

Name of notary public in and for Manitoba or commissioner for oaths: My commission expires:
(day/month) (year)

This secton should be completed only by the Manitoba close relatve of an applicant who cannot demonstrate su cient
setlement funds as described in the MPNP applicaton kit.
Close relatves declaring support must include nancial documents such as their bank statements, tax statements, proof of
assets (property, investments, etc.), proof of employment (including salary informaton) etc.
I, of
Name Address including city and postal code
Date of birth E-mail address Phone number (day) Phone number (evening)
1. I will ensure that all processing and right of landing fees, medical and transportaton costs and any other pre-arrival costs
of the principal applicant and his/her accompanying dependants are paid.
2. I hereby agree to ensure that the essental needs of the principal applicant and any accompanying dependants are met
from the date of landing in Canada including, but not limited to, providing shelter, food, clothing and other goods or
services necessary for day-to-day living in Manitoba as well as the dental care, eye care and other healthcare needs not
provided by Manitoba Health.
3. I hereby accept full responsibility for ensuring that the principal applicant and his/her accompanying dependants shall not rely
on any social assistance or other government income-support program in Manitoba or other Canadian province or territory.
4. I a rm that this support cannot be terminated once the Manitoba has issued a Certcate of Nominaton for the principal
applicant and accompanying dependants.
5. I permit the sharing, release and exchange by and to Manitoba and the Government of Canada as necessary of any
personal, nancial or corporate nancial informaton on the understanding that this informaton may be used to assist in
verifying, assessing, evaluatng, monitoring and enforcing this a davit of support.
6. I have su cient nancial resources and expertse to fulll this a davit of support and have provided a conrmaton-
of-employment leter, bank records and ownership documents to demonstrate my nancial ability to honour the
commitments I have made in this a davit of support.
7. I agree to be the principal contact and representatve for my relatve in Canada and I understand that Manitoba will
not recognize any paid immigraton representatve with respect to the processing of his/her applicaton for permanent
resident status in Canada where this nancial declaraton of support has been included in the applicaton.
8. I declare the informaton provided is true, complete and accurate and I give consent to Manitoba to verify any informaton
I have provided in this declaraton if nancial support.
9. I understand that the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program is not a sponsorship program and that all applicants will be
assessed on the basis of their educaton, work experience and demonstrated ability to setle successfully in Manitoba.
10. I swear this declaraton of nancial support to be bona de.
In Manitoba it is illegal for a commissioner for oaths to charge a fee to sign this document. A notary public may charge a fee.
This form is made available free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MAS - Page 3
AFFIRMED and SWORN before me at )
Signature of person swearing a davit
in the province of Manitoba, )
Signature of notary public/commissioner for oaths
this day of 20 )

Name of notary public in and for Manitoba or commissioner for oaths: My commission expires:
(day/month) (year)
General stream: all distant relatves or friends of applicants applying to the General stream must complete this secton.
Please describe how you know the applicant and why you are supportng his or her applicaton to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. (Atach additonal pages
if necessary.):
AFFIRMED and SWORN before me at )
Signature of person swearing a davit
in the province of Manitoba, )
Signature of notary public/commissioner for oaths
this day of 20 )

Name of notary public in and for Manitoba or commissioner for oaths: My commission expires:
(day/month) (year)
The personal informaton on this form is collected under the authority of Manitobas Freedom of Informaton and Protecton of Privacy Act (S 36 1b).
Personal informaton is necessary for the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program and is used and/or disclosed to assess your applicaton to this program.
Under the provisions of the act individuals have the right to protecton of, and access to, personal informaton. For informaton contact: (204) 945-2806
A FIPPA request should be made on the Applicaton for Access form, which is available on the Manitoba government website:
In Manitoba it is illegal for a commissioner for oaths to charge a fee to sign this document. A notary public may charge a fee.
In Manitoba it is illegal for a commissioner for oaths to charge a fee to sign this document. A notary public may charge a fee.
This form is made available free by the Government of Manitoba and is not to be sold to applicants. MAS - Page 4
For more information
and to submit application:
Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Immigration, Settlement and Multiculturalism Division
7th Floor, 213 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3B 1N3
Telephone: (Canada 001) 204-945-2806
Fax: (Canada 001) 204-948-2256
Manitoba Provincial
Nominee Program
for Skilled Workers
Printed in Canada 09-09

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