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Titanic is a 1997 American romantic film directed, written, co-produced and co-edited by James Cameron about the sinking

of the R! Titanic "

#t features $ate %inslet as Rose &e%itt 'ukater, and (eonardo &iCaprio as Jack &awson, two members of different social classes who fall in
lo)e aboard the ill-fated )oyage of the ship" *he main characters and the central lo)e story are fictional, but some characters +such as members of
the ship,s crew- are based on real historical figures" .loria !tuart plays the elderly Rose, who narrates the film in a modern day framing de)ice"
/roduction of the film began in 1990, when Cameron shot footage of the real wreck of the R! Titanic" 1e en)isioned the lo)e story as a means
to engage the audience with the real-life tragedy" !hooting took place at the Akademik Mstislav Keldysh - which aided Cameron in filming the real
wreck 2 for the modern scenes, and a reconstruction of the ship was built at /layas de Rosarito, 'a3a California" Cameron also used scale models
and computer-generated imagery to recreate the sinking" Titanic became at the time the most e4pensi)e film e)er made, costing appro4imately
5!6788 million with funding from /aramount /ictures and 78th Century 9o4" 'oth studios were nearly bankrupted during production"
The film was originally to be released on July 2, 1997, but post-production delays pushed back the film's release to
ecember 19, 1997! "fter this news broke, the news media belie#ed that Titanic would fail and take $o% and
&aramount with it! The film turned into an enormous critical and commercial success, winning ele#en "cademy
"wards, including 'est &icture! (t became the highest-grossing film of all time, with a worldwide total of )1!*
billion +it is the si%th-highest grossing in ,orth "merica once ad-usted for inflation$ictional characters
:edit; /lotLeonardo Di Caprio as Jack Dawson< A penniless artist who tra)els the world, Jack wins tickets to the R! Titanic in a
poker game" 1e is attracted to Rose,s beauty at first sight and incidentally talks her out of attempting suicide" *his heroic act enables
him to mi4 with the first-class passengers for a night" 1e in turn shows her a carefree way of life which she had dreamed of but ne)er
had the courage to e4perience firsthand" 'illy Crudup and !tephen &orff were considered for the role of Jack"

Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater< A first-class socialite, se)enteen-year-old Rose is forced to become engaged to Caledon
1ockley so she and her mother, Ruth, can maintain their status after the death of her father which left them a >reputated> empty shell"
9eeling trapped, Rose becomes suicidal, but disco)ers a completely new lease on life when she meets Jack"
#n 1997, treasure hunter 'rock (o)ett +'ill /a4ton- and his team e4plore the wreck of the R! Titanic , searching for a necklace set with a
)aluable blue diamond called the 1eart of the ?cean" 5nsuccessful, they instead disco)er a drawing of a young woman reclining nude, wearing
the 1eart of the ?cean, dated the day the Titanic sank" 188-year-old Rose Cal)ert +.loria !tuart- learns of the drawing, and contacts (o)ett to
inform him she is the woman in the drawing" !he and her granddaughter @liAabeth >(iAAy> Cal)ert +!uAy Amis- )isit (o)ett and his skeptical
team on his sal)age ship" %hen asked if she knew the whereabouts of the necklace, Rose Cal)ert recalls her memories aboard the *itanic,
re)ealing for the first time that she was Rose &e%itt 'ukater, a passenger belie)ed to ha)e died in the sinking"
#n 1917, the upper-class 17-year-old Rose +$ate %inslet- boards the ship in !outhampton, @ngland, with her fiancB, Caledon >Cal> 1ockley +'illy
Cane- and her mother, Ruth &e%itt 'ukater +9rances 9isher-" &istraught and frustrated by her engagement to Cal and her controlled life, Rose
attempts suicide by 3umping from the stern, but a drifter and artist named Jack &awson +(eonardo &iCaprio- inter)enes" #nitially Cal, his friends
and the sailors, o)erhearing Rose,s screams, belie)e Jack attempted to rape her" !he e4plains Jack sa)ed her life, hiding her suicide attempt by
e4plaining she slipped after trying to see the propellers" Jack supports the claim, although 1ockley,s manser)ant, former police officer !picer
(o)e3oy, is uncon)inced" Jack and Rose strike up a tentati)e friendship as she thanks him for his corroboration, and he shares stories of his
ad)entures tra)eling and sketchingD their bond deepens when they lea)e a first-class formal dinner of the rapport-building wealthy for a much
li)elier gathering of #rish dance and ale in third-class"
Cal is informed of her partying in steerage and during breakfast flips the table in rage and forbids Rose to meet Jack again" 1owe)er, after
witnessing a woman encouraging her se)en-year-old daughter to beha)e like a >proper lady> at tea, Rose defies him and her mother, asking Jack
to sketch her nude, wearing only the 1eart of the ?cean, an engagement present from Cal" Afterwards, the two playfully run away from (o)e3oy,
going below deck to the ship,s cargo hold" *hey enter %illiam Carter,s Renault and ha)e se4, before mo)ing to the ship,s forward well deck" Rose
decides when they arri)e in Eew Fork, she will lea)e the ship with Jack" *hey then witness the ship,s fatal collision with an iceberg" eanwhile,
Cal disco)ers Rose,s nude drawing and her taunting note in his safe, so he frames Jack for stealing the 1eart of the ?cean by ha)ing (o)e3oy plant
it in Jack,s pocket" 5pon learning Cal intends to lea)e Jack to die below deck, Rose runs away from him and her mother to rescue him from
imprisonment in the master-at-arms,s office"
Jack and Rose return to the top deck" Cal and Jack, though enemies, both want Rose safe, so they persuade her to board a lifeboat" 'ut after
realiAing that she cannot lea)e Jack, Rose 3umps back on the ship and reunites with Jack in the ship,s first class staircase" #nfuriated, Cal takes
(o)e3oy,s pistol and chases Jack and Rose down the decks and into the flooded first class dining saloon" %hen Cal runs out of ammunition, he
realiAes he left the 1eart of the ?cean in Rose,s o)ercoat" Cal returns to the boat deck and boards Collapsible A by pretending to look after an
abandoned child" %hen Jack and Rose return to the top deck, the lifeboats ha)e gone, and they are washed into the freeAing Atlantic waters once
the ship sinks" Jack and Rose manage to grab hold of a car)ed oak panel, which can only support one person" Jack dies of hypothermia, but Rose
is rescued when 9ifth ?fficer 1arold (owe returns with (ifeboat 1= with fi)e other sur)i)ors"
Rose is taken by the R! Carpathia to Eew Fork City, where she gi)es her name as Rose &awson +adopting Jack,s surname, leading e)eryone to
belie)e Rose &e%itt 'ukater died on the Titanic-" 1a)ing completed her story, the elderly Rose goes to the stern of (o)ett,s ship" After she steps
onto the railing, it is re)ealed she still has the 1eart of the ?cean in her possession" !he drops the diamond into the water, sending it to 3oin the
remains of the most important e)ent of her life" *he film ends with a shot of Rose in bed" Around her are pictures of her doing e)erything she said
she would do with Jack throughout her life"
*he final shot of the film is a )ision of the young Rose reuniting with Jack at the .rand !taircase of
the Titanic, surrounded and applauded by those who perished on the ship as she kisses him"

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