Communist Regime, Red. Note .) at Each Little Gate There Is Still A Little Pathway. Oh, How The

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The Word of God

(Translated by I.A.)

Sons, you are not from an earthly mother, but rather you are born of a spiritual mother.
Your eyes did not see when God sent bread into your house. Keep well into your mind, for
there is not freedom that it was once. There are locks put on the little churches. (Locked by the
communist regime, red. note
.) At each little gate there is still a little pathway. Oh, how the
doors were open once and you were entering and were not frightened!

Oh, children of Jerusalem, oh, children of the city which is coming! It was told spiritu-
ally that the time will come when we are free again. Oh, do not seek without this work, for I
want to unlock with you. You are a lump of salt that will salt this whole earth. You are the
key of this age at the end. The Lord is keeping it. But to whom did I give this key? See that
you do not know if you do not read the Law? For it is written on the big calendar which I left.

Come to your senses as this work is not seen well, but the time will come when it is
seen greatly and well for this is the house of Zacchaeus, and know that some of you will enter
and others will not enter, for the Lord prepared a place which will not be as those on earth, for
the last time is coming. If you do not believe, know that you will not inherit this earth.

... Son, undress of the old clothes and put on the new ones, for the Lord will come to
you and will lift you up on the clouds of the sky. (See selection topic: The rapture of the
, r.n.) If you are into the house, get out from the house on hearing these words. If
you are in the field, let the field on hearing this whisper. Get up and follow Me. If you are up
on the house, do not come down and do not take anything from your house. Come! On My
whispers, get up! Son, hurry up and come after Me! If you are in My services, this is what I
allow you; to ask from Me blessing for your journey, for at My whispers all the hell is groan-
ing, and at My words all the hell is afraid for at My calling all the hell will rise. But be care-
ful, Christian, on how you are to leave, for your relatives will get into your way and will stop
you. Say to them nothing of My whispers. You come after Me. You know on how that time
will be, as even the most beloved friend will keep you so that you may be late. Do not be a
slacker for I will call you the son after My own heart and I will love you as I have never loved
anyone else. I will name you above the day of the resurrection. I will name you above the day
of your birth. I will name you above the birth of the first man. Come to Me, the one in the
plan, the man from the symbol, you man from the nowadays time, who did not forget all that
has been worked out, who did not forget your Father, whose name is God, and followed Me
with all that you had and nothing broke you from the holy truth. Come to Me, for you will feel
so good when I call you!

Gods Word in Romania
Redactor (editor) note
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I have fed you seventy times seven with milk and not with earthly milk, but with
spiritual milk, for I have fed you more than your son who sat next to Me. I have fed you so
much and I put a bracelet on your hand, so that this world may know you. Keep well Chris-
tian, for you have food at Me, for you have drink at Me. Remember My feast which I cele-
brate, for My feast has not been in any time such as now, as now the cattle (The churches,
r.n.) are barren but when they calve they will give us so much milk.

My people, I have given you bread, but do not say that I have not given you. My
people, I have given you water, but do not say that I have not given you. My people I have
given you life; receive life from Me. My people enter My ship and do not say that it is not the
time. My people for what sin did you fall into the sword of Pharaoh? (By the communist re-
gime sword, r.n.)

My son, for what did God come to you? Was it that your sin and your iniquity may
be allowed? What is the marriage for? This graft is from the foundation of the Most High, and
I told you and I am telling you: give birth to sons in the spirit and not in the body, for oth-
erwise, I will not call you the Christian according to My law, rather I will call you Christian
against Me. We cannot reconcile on this word; I cannot be reconciled with you having no

Son, if you succeed in My work, you will see the secret of the son; you will see all the
things placed and will see all the secrets into My things.

I have remained with the people of Israel, but with its remnant, not with those that I
took out from the bondage of Pharaoh, but with the sons of the sons of their nation, so that
they may inherit the country of Canaan. Oh, My people, we do not have so much time, and
that is why the work is short. My word in front of the people is like the rod of Aaron.

Oh, come closer to Me, Romanian country, because if you do not listen to Me, a
sign from Me will remain into you as it had remained as a memory from the emperors mon-
asteries. Approach Me, Romanian army, as the children who are coming are not from Me,
they are not with Me, because God will break down the earthly school and will rise church if
there is obedience. God will spoil conception of the infants, if there is obedience among the
Romanian army, as I have taken grafting for you and I put grafting from the beginning, so that
the unborn remain risen. If I succeed in it, it will be all right, as it is written in the prayer on
earth as it is in heaven, without sin. Keep your faith, as a lot of it is spoiled. The world be-
lieves in God, but sins a lot.

Be close to the work of today. Let no one carry out his plan according to his will, but
rather all may carry out their plan according to Gods will. A Christian should not live with
his wife at his will, but rather let him live only according to Gods will. It is written in the law
about the one who spoils the word of God. That one God names his enemy. Be very careful,
Israel, as it was for you that the law came down from the Mount of Sinai.

If I succeed in doing this with you, I will make this land a heaven for you; the eternal
life will be on it; you will be the sons of heavenly Eden. Subject yourselves to the heavenly
will, My sons. Oh, hear Me, you, New Jerusalem! What say you, will you go without sin?
Make no mistakes, My son, in order to be able to succed with you, to give you the Orthodox-


Christian country in use. (See selection topic: Romania The New Jerusalem The New
, r.n.)

Oh, I have spoken this way because of My love for you. Christian, when I am with
you, you walk with Me. When I am with you do not fail. Restrain yourself son, and restrain
your members, for I am always with you. Restrain son, for the enemy is coming over you if
you do not do as I do. Listen to Me, for I am the one who stand against your enemy. Let the
news spread to all My people. And be careful so that the dogs of the heathen may not bark at

Sons, the time for the new covenant has come, for someone among the Christians
say that God has come to get married. I have come with righteousness and I have not found a
virgin boy or a virgin girl that do not want to get married bodily, but I have come out of the
Gods law.

Oh, today nobody is called Romanian, except the Christian one. He may be a German,
an Indian, but if he is a Christian, he is a Romanian. Peace to the Romanian people! Peace to
you, My people!

Oh, Verginica, if you look into the Holy Scripture, you will find how David and
Matthew, the evangelist, prophesied and how it was worked out and how it is worked out to-
day through the Holy Spirit. Oh, My daughter, many prophecies have been discovered and
still people do not understand. Verginica, this vessel which you see, has been since the begin-
ning of the law until now. This vessel is put in front of the Christians, in front of the priests,
but in a hidden way, and is being discovered only in parables. Blessed is he who has known
the plan of God and who has used his skill, for who washed his life into this vessel, that one
became worthy and entered the kingdom of God, and today it has been discovered to the chil-
dren of Israel this holy vessel, and who is washing into this vessel, will become worthy to
enter the tabernacle of God in the Church of the New Jerusalem. This is what the Holy Spirit
is speaking, for this tabernacle is also called the church of the Christians, the church of the
New Jerusalem, and this vessel is called the vessel of washing of the tabernacle, of the church
of the Christians, so that anyone who wants to come to this vessel to worship by himself to
God, he should wash first, as the Christian is not allowed to have friendship with unbelievers,
for the Lord speaks, I will not sit with unbelievers.

Tell, Verginica, to the Christians, that God says so: whoever wants to enter this
tent, let him wash his sins first. Verginica, Verginica, as the non-baptized Christians could not
enter into the heavenly kingdom long ago, today the man who is not penitent cannot enter this
tent too, the tent which is the church of The New Jerusalem. (See selection topic: The apoca-
lyptic trumpets
, r.n.)

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Keep well, Verginica, all that you have, for My work is upright.

Verginica, you tell, My daughter, to this people to whom I have spoken, that the
Lord put them a question: why do you not listen to My advice? I called them the sons of the
New Jerusalem, the daughters of the New Jerusalem, the people of the holy tabernacle, the
people of the New Jerusalem, but they are full of dirt even now, after such a long time of
prophesying. I, the Lord, have been working great mysteries with people but not for the bene-
fit of the body, rather for the benefit of the Holy Spirit, as the body is dust and clay but the
spirit is immortal. If I am to take it from the mans building until now, there have been only
Gods mysteries, but in this time the things have not been discovered.

Today I have taken grafts from all the works that have been worked from the begin-
ning, to unite them together, that is the beginning with the end, but it is difficult to Me to bind
them together as the end has been estranged from the beginning.

Oh, Verginica, say, you beloved, to the Christians how do you see Me, the Lord,
working only mysteries and only heavenly works, and crowds upon crowds of peoples have
estranged from the truth, listening to the deceiving spirits. Verginica, in My vessel that you
have seen, are all the mysteries of God and all the symbols, all the parables and all the works
that I have been worked out, and the talks with the prophets, from the beginning of the world
until this day.

Verginica, remind the people of the present marriage, that the men of nowadays,
compared to the ones then, have a strange life. This sin is a great burden to My journey now.
We still have a graft which I have not worked out and through this graft you will be known
among the sons of men that you are My disciples, and by this graft all the nations will confess
your true faith and many nations will come to faith and, together with My people, they will
inherit the eternal kingdom, forever and ever.

Oh, well you Romanian people, Romanian people, the Lord has come for you from
the holy heaven to do with you what has been left to be worked. Why, My people, you are
still slow to believe? Why are you slow to repent? Is it not My coming written now? Are you
not written in the law about this holy work? Why are you still slow to believe? Why are you
slow in coming to Me? I say to you, Romanian people, that the foreigners will come from
afar, but you, a palm of land, you are slow to come. Do you not reckon that other Christians
from abroad, have left the rest and their courtyards, their women and their sons, and have
travelled in a foreign country seeking the Lord, Jesus Christ? But you do not want to leave



anything. Behold, I left the heaven and I have come to your villages, where it is written, but
expensive will be the price of My coming to you. What other work should I do beside this
work of coming back to the man for his sin? What work is to be beside this? Who has not
heard and not wonder? And who did not hear and not wonder? Who does not take into ac-
count and not be frightened? The Lord has come again on earth; he has come into the Holy
Spirit. How is the fear not to seize you? Heart of stone, how are you staying in numbness?
Even the dead groan in their graves because of horror.

Romanian people, wake up! Why are you staying any longer? It is daytime, not night.
Why are you sleeping? The hour is late. Come, Romanian people, why are you slow in com-
ing? Are you really not in my plan?

For this I bow down to this little daughter, (Through which the Lord speaks, r.n.) to
make you sons and daughters of the New Jerusalem. Is this not really a mystery?

Verginica, I put an end to this speech and I bless with a holy blessing this letter,
which gives a share from My works to all, and give it in front of the people. Amen, amen,

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
You can see more documents containing the word of God here:

The second coming of Jesus Christ:

The word of God in Romania:


Prophecies about New Jerusalem:

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