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Ark of the Covenant – Preamble to World War III

J.A. Clark –

Post Date: 3-10-08

Imagine peace between Israel and all other middle eastern nations. A charismatic,
intelligent and persuasive man assigned by the European Union to assist in the middle
eastern peace negotiations has inspired an entire region with his diplomatic and political
savvy. This man was even able to negotiate a new temple in Jerusalem on the Temple
Mount. This specific act alone will be unprecedented in all of world history. The Jewish
Sanhedrin are ecstatic. They began construction of the new Temple on the Mount and
complete this incredible structure in minimum time. The entire world is entranced with this
man's oratorical and business skills which has inspired the entire globe. He gains more and
more followers which equates to more and more power.

Then something happens. This same man that coordinated the peace efforts of an entire
world has some disagreements with the leaders that initially assigned him to the peace
initiative. The disagreements become the catalyst for mutiny. This orator of nations has
three of the European Union's leaders assassinated. No one dared to interfere with this
man's agenda. His power was too great.

His power completely enveloped his entire being. So much so, he came to the conclusion
that no one had more power then he. Not even God himself. In fact, he announced to the,
now global community, that he WAS god. And because he was god he needed a place for all
world inhabitants to worship him. That place was the Temple Mount.

He entered the new, recently completed Temple Mount. Went in to the one room that would
prove his worthiness to be worshiped by all; the room where the Sanhedrin rabbis placed
the Ark of the Covenant. The most prized possession, past and present, for the Jewish

Once this 'man of the people' announces his deity, a new age begins. For the next 3 and a
half years, this starts World War III by gathering all nations of the region. There is only one
goal. To completely annihilate and kill every Jew alive.

What a story, huh? Here's the thing - it's a true story. Well not quite yet, but the Bible
prophesies of this exact man, the Antichrist, taking over the world; and not by force. At
least not at first.

Did I hear someone say, 'but wait a minute. How can the Temple Mount be rebuilt when the
Ark of the Covenant hasn't been seen for over 3000 years? It was destroyed by the
Babylonians or the Romans wasn't it?' Although that was a good catch, the Ark of the
Covenant was not destroyed nor was it lost. You thought the story above was good, wait
until you hear this one! And its a true story. None of that bogus 'based on a true story'
hocus pocus. This is the real deal.

Here's how it went. As you may already know, God commanded Moses and his people to
construct an Ark (a container) to house the Ten Commandments that would eventually be
given to Moses. The Ark of the Covenant traveled with the Israelites during the 40 years in
the desert directly after escaping Egyptian slavery.

King Solomon eventually built the first Jewish temple using a set of 'blue prints' given to him
by his father, King David (1 Chronicles 28:11-12). The main purpose of the temple has
always been to be a permanent place for the Ark of the Covenant.

King Solomon completed the temple, however, because Solomon was a womanizer (just like
ole Pop), God allowed the temple to be destroyed.

It is written in historical documents that Solomon took Queen of Sheba (a land south of
Arabia and/or Ethiopia) as one of his many wives. The Queen of Sheba eventually bore a
son by King Solomon. His name was Menelek.

According to these same historical documents, King Solomon had a perfect replica of the
Ark made for Menelek as a gift. Later on, the high priest of the temple saw that King
Solomon's sins of bringing idols into the temple (which was specifically prohibited by God)
was desecrating the temple so a plan was devised by the high priest and Menelek (who by
now was a young man) to switch the Arks so that Menelek could return to Ethiopia with the
original Ark of the Covenant. Twelve representatives of the Levite tribe (the only people God
allowed to touch and transport the Ark) also returned to Sheba with Menelek and the
original Ark.

This act was not carried out to 'steal' the Ark, but to protect it against the abominations
being made in the Jewish temple by King Solomon. What is really interesting is from that
point on, the Bible reads that Israel split up and was eventually conquered.

Another interesting fact is the Jewish presence in Ethiopia which came directly from Menelek
and the 12 Levite representatives that accompanied Menelek back to Ethiopia.

Once Menelek returned to his empire in Ethiopia, he placed the Ark of the Covenant in an
underground tabernacle of a church located in the city of Axum. That is where it was
protected for centuries until 1991, which was the end of the Ethiopian civil war. Israel flew
several commercial jets to Ethiopia to bring back thousands of Jews back to Israel; direct
descendants of Menelek, son of Solomon. This return of all Jews to Israel is prophesied in
Zephania Chapter 3.

Israeli officials and the Ethiopian high priest agreed it was time to move the Ark of the
Covenant back to Israel. The Communist Ethiopian leaders responsible for starting the
Ethiopian civil war discovered this agreement with Israel and the high priest and demanded
42 million dollar ransom before the Ark would be allowed to leave Ethiopia.

The Israeli government quickly raised the 42 million dollar ransom and gave it to the rogue
Ethiopian leaders in several suit cases.

Once this 42 million dollar ransom was turned over, the Communist Ethiopian leaders left
Ethiopia for Switzerland to deposit the ransom in a swiss bank. As these commie dirty dogs
(sorry, couldn't help it) were flying to Switzerland, Israeli officials contacted the Swiss bank
to inform them that the 42 million bucks was 'funny money' (counterfeit). The actual 42
million raised by Israel was then given to the new Ethiopian government to assist them in
their new start.

Wow! What a story. And as I said earlier it is a true, documented event.

The Ark of the Covenant was transported and hidden in Israel until the 'third temple' is built.
Daniel 9:27 eludes to the third temple already built because the Antichrist has entered the
temple (Abomination of Desolation) where the Ark of the Covenant has been placed. The
Abomination of Desolation is also prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24:15.

Bottom line, in order for this 'Abomination of Desolation' to occur there must be an Ark of
the Covenant in the temple. Which means that the Ark of the Covenant has not been
destroyed. It is being hidden by the Sanhedrin until such time authority has been given to
begin rebuilding the temple.

As you can see the Ark of the Covenant is an integral part of Bible prophecy. There can't be
a temple until the Antichrist takes over and their can't be a temple if there is no Ark of the
Covenant. And there can not be a world War III without the Antichrist or the Ark of the

What happens after the Abomination of Desolation is another awesome story. Check it out -
its fully documented starting in Revelation, chapters 13 through 22.

People, people, people! We are so close to the time where the prophecy of the Bible meets
the current events of today. That is a fact. Just pick up any paper or visit any news web site.
Both of these media vehicles are chalker block full of what's going on right now in Israel and
the surrounding area. And none of this can happen without the Ark of the Covenant.

I am so excited! Are you ready for the return of Jesus? If you are not sure, find out what
you need to know by going to or if you have questions, feel free to
Email Me at I always get a big kick from hearing from you guys out

Hey, one more thing, look up because I'm here to tell you, Jesus is coming soon!

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