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Proactive Detail Design of Batch III Sub-Projects using GPS

The procedural Steps are described below:

Step1: Install GIS Arc GIS 9.3, and DNR Garmin softwares. Save required Too !a "Sulied in #D$
ote: DNR Garmin helps to down load the GPS data (Track and Way point). Arc GIS is re!ired to
interpret and process the GPS data.
Step !: Download the data fro" GPS
#onnect G%S wit& t&e &el of 'S( ca)le to t&e comuter.
*en DNR Garmin
Go to G%S ta) in menu )ar , t&en set ort ta) and c&ec+ mar+ in 'S(
Go to ,ile ta) in menu )ar, t&en set ro-ection ta), ro-ection disla. will o out.
Set datum to #GS $%, %ro-ections to &T' (one %)
#li+ Trac+ and select down load from t&e o u menu. "/ait for a w&ile t&e software downloads
t&e trac+ data in ta)ular form$
Go to ,ile c&oose Save to, c&oose ,ile "Give t&e desired location. Note: Never save t&ese of
files in t&e des+to$
*e"e"ber: Sa"e these #iles $oth as %.shp (Pro&ected) and %.t't #ile #ormats.
#lic+ /a.oint and select down load from t&e o u menu. "/ait for a w&ile t&e soft ware down
loads t&e /a.oint data in ta)ular form$ *e"e"ber: +dit ,our field observation re"ar-s in the
./''+T .olu"n in order to view it with ,our wa, points0
Go to ,ile c&oose Save to, c&oose ,ile "Give t&e desired location. Note: Never save t&ese of
files in t&e des+to$
*e"e"ber( Sa"e these #iles $oth as %.shp (Pro&ected) and %.t't #ile #ormats. (Now yo! ha"e the #ield
data o# $oth Track and Way point down loaded into yo!r comp!ter. )o! may disconnect the
GPS #rom yo!r comp!ter and switch it o##)
Step 1: I"porting 2ield data to 3rc GIS
*en Arc!a " %ro0rams1 ArcGIS1 Arc!a$
#lic+ Add Data icon "S&own wit& arrow$ to add t&e saved Too !a "40tiff$, Trac+ "40shp$ and
/a.oint "40shp$ one ). one simultaneousl..
Step %: 5abeling #a,points
#lic+ ri0&t mouse in t&e wa. oint and select %roerties
Go to 2a)els Ta) select #*!!3NT from 2a)el ,ield dro down menu.
#&ec+ 5abel features in this la,er
%ress Al. and *+
/it& t&e end of ste 4, we &ave )rou0&t all t&e raw field data into GIS. Now we are read. to edit t&ese data
as er our requirement.
Step ): +diting
Go to Tools and add 3ditor Tool )ar
#lic+ 3ditor and select Start 3ditin0.
#&ose t&e location of t&e required feature t&at .ou want to edit in t&e Start 3ditin0 window t&at
comes after .ou c&ose Start 3ditin0 from t&e 3ditor Tool )ar and ress o+ and select Start 3ditin0.
ote: do not #or*et to select the desired #eat!re in the Tar*et pop !p men!.
Now .ou can fine tune .our trac+ line ). dou)le clic+in0 t&e trac+ and movin0 t&e verte5. 6ou
ma. also delete and Insert t&e verte5 ). clic+in0 t&e ri0&t mouse at t&e desired oints on t&e trac+0
*e"e"ber: to sa"e and stop +ditin* #rom the +ditor Pop !p. In case yo! are compelled to edit yo!r
track e'tensi"ely as a res!lt o# di##ic!lties in the #ield, yo! can create yo!r own new track line
$ased on the a"aila$le track data and the conto!r lines o# the Topo map.
Step 6: .reate ew Trac- 5ine
*en 3rc .atlog "s&own ). arrow$
#&ose t&e desired location for t&e new s&aefile.
#reate new s&aefile ). clic+in0 ri0&t mouse )utton New S&aefile
Give t&e desired name of t&e s&aefile and select Pol,line in t&e ,eature T.e and ress *+.
Step 7: Drawing the new trac- line in the shapefile that ,ou have created0
Imort t&e newl. created s&aefile ). reeatin0 Ste 3.
To draw new trac+ line reeat Ste 7 in order to activate t&e editor.
Select s+etc& Tool to start t&e drawin0
6ou ma. also sna t&e features in order to ma+e .our s+etc&in0 -o) easier Select 3ditor and clic+
ote: The mo!se pointer chan*es
6ou can now start drawin0 t&e new trac+ line ). clic+in0 t&e left mouse alon0 t&e desired
*e"e"ber: Do not #or*et to click on the Waypoints while drawin*, $y doin* so yo! will not miss the
chaina*e o# that way point.
After finis&in0 .our drawin0 clic+ ri0&t mouse and select 2inish S-etch or ress 2!.
Step $: To create new shapefile for #a,points
,ollow Stes 9 and : "Note: #&ose Points in lace of ol.line$
!ar+ t&e desired wa.oints on t&e trac+ ). clic+in0 left mouse activated wit& s+etc& tool and
Save .our edits and sto 3ditin0
Step 8: 3dd 3ttributes for new #a,points 95a,er:
#lic+ ri0&t mouse and oen attri)ute ta)le for t&e new wa.oint
Go to *tions, c&oose Add ,ield to insert new column to t.e .our remar+s
ote: Do not #or*et to *i"e name o# yo!r new col!mn and chose the appropriate type
Start editin0 to t.e .our remar+s in t&e new column ,ID "after t.in0 save and sto editin0$
To view .our remar+s follow Ste 4.
*e"ar-s: -ollowin* the a$o"e steps yo! can create as many layers o# Waypoints as re!ired to show
the di##erent #eat!res o# yo!r str!ct!res.
Step 1;: ./''3D 3*+3 Delineation
#reate t&e command area %ol.0on followin0 t&e a)ove stes as in case of trac+ a)ove.
*e"e"ber( While selectin* the #eat!re type, choose .Poly*on/.
Step 11: .alculation of .o""and 3rea
*en Attri)ute Ta)le ). ri0&t clic+in0 t&e New #ommand area
#reate as man. attri)ute column as required "e0. ##A Sqm, ##A &a etc.$
*e"e"ber: 0hoose -loat in the Type drop down men!.
Ri0&t clic+ on t&e #ommand Area title and select .alculate Geo"etr,
Step 1!: .alculating and Displa,ing .hainage0
#reate a new oint s&ae file from Arc #atalo0 for ,i5ed c&aina0e interval and add it to t&e Arc
Start 3ditin0 t&e oint s&ae file t&at .ou &ave created.
Select t&e ali0nment of w&ic& .ou want to write c&aina0e.
,rom t&e 3ditor Dro down menu select Divide
#&oose lace oint searated ). ever., and 0ive t&e desired interval and ress *;
Sto editin0 and add ,ield in t&e #&aina0e s&ae file and write c&aina0es0
Step 1): To calculate and Displa, chainage of #a, points 9odes of the final align"ent:
Go to Arc Tool (o5
Go to Data 'anage"ent Tool, t&en 2eatures, t&en 2eatures <ertices to Points
Inut t&e ali0nment of w&ic& .ou want to write c&aina0e
Name t&e outut features class, clic+ *;
*en attri)ute ta)le of newl. formed outut features
Add fields for 5 coordinate and . coordinate as 5 and .
#alculate Geometr. for 5 and . field.
*en c&aina0e<wa..d)f format in e5cel. Save as in e5cel format 9 ote : don=t edit in dbf for"at:
#alculate t&e distance )etween t&e two oints in searate column ). usin0 distance formula
"=sqrt"">?@>A$B? C "6?@6A$B?$
#alculate t&e cumulative distance in searate column
#onvert t&e cumulative distance into t&e c&aina0e format ). usin0 D=T3>T"cell address,EFCFFFE$G
#o. #&aina0e and aste in attri)ute ta)le ). addin0 a ,ield 9ote: select te>t in t,pe while
adding field:
Step 16: 3dd the +>cel file in the GIS as a Separate la,er0
Goto Tools select 3dd ?@ Data
Give t&e location of t&e 35cel file and ress o+ "New will )e added wit& e5tension H3ventE
Ri0&t clic+ on t&e a)ove file 0o to Data, c&ose 35ort data and save t&e file ). 0ivin0 desired
location in s&ae file format.
Now .ou can add t&is s&aefile and remove t&e 35cel file from t&e disla. window.
Step17: Deleting unwanted chainage points
Start editin0 as e5lained earlier in order to remove t&e unwanted c&aina0e mar+s0
ote: It is ad"isa$le to t!rn o## other layers in order to chose the e'act point #or deletion0
Siml. select t&e oint .ou want to delete wit& t&e editin0 mouse ointer and ress delete.
Step 1$: Setting 5a,out and Printing
Go to ,ile, select rint setu and c&oose t&e aroriate siIe of aer and orientation
Go to la.out view."shown by an arrow$
6ou can Stretc& .our ma ). dou)le clic+in0 and movin0 t&e verte5.
Remem)er: Scroll of .our mouse will Ioom onl. t&e aer, w&ere as t&e Ioom in .our tools will Ioom t&e
ma inside .our aer.
6ou can insert Title, 2e0ends, Nort& Arrow, Scale )ar etc. from t&e Insert menu.
After finaliIin0 .our ma la.out .ou can %rint it in aer, .ou also can e5ort .our ma la.out, in
ot&er formats li+e %D,, J%3G, (!% etc. from file menu and c&oosin0 H35ort maE.


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