Engleski Jezik 2 - Primer Prevoda Preveden

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TEXT 1 (55 words)

A marketing plan summarizes all the decisions relating to a company's objectives

to be pursued over a specified period of time and becomes a really
efficient tool for the realization of the set marketing tasks since it both
identifies resources needed to fulfill the plan and recommends a budget
and its allocation to major activities.
Marketinki plan rezimira sve odluke u vezane za ciljeve kompanije radi izvrenja u
specifiranom vremenu, ime postaje veoma efikasno sredstvo za realizaciju utvrenih
marketinkih zadataka, poto oboje identifikuju resurse potrebne za ispunjenje projekta i
preporuuju budet i njegovo dodeljivanje, glavnim delatnostima.
TEXT 2 (63 words)
Accounting as one of the fastest-growing fields in the modern business world
provides the most effective means of recording, summarizing, and presenting
appropriate data. By using modern data-processing euipment, accountants
engage in preparing financial statements, recording business transactions,
participating in strategies for mergers and acuisitions, uality management,
developing and using information systems to track financial performance, ta!
strategy and health care benefits management.
Raunovodstvo kao jedno od brzorazvojnih polja u modernom svetu biznisa, obezbeuje
najefektivnija sredstva snimanja, rezimiranja i prezentovanja odgovarajuih podataka.
!orienjem moderne opreme za obradu podataka, raunovoe zapoinju pripremanje
finansijskih izjava, snimanje poslovnih transakcija, uee u strategijama "stapanja# i
akvizicije, upravljanje kvalitetom, razvoj i korienje informacionih sistema za praenje
finansijskog uinka, poreske strategije i upravljanje zdravstvenim osiguranjima.
TEXT 3 (67 words)
"n an attempt to appeal to the needs of workers, the satisfaction of their
fundamental needs for material survival such as a good salary, safe working
conditions and job security have proved ineffective. "nnovative management
approaches have turned to personal needs and to the desire for responsibility,
recognition, growth and promotion and thus altered conditions in the workplace
and, conseuently, motivated the employees to perform more effectively.
$ pokuaju da odgovore potrebama radnika% zadovoljavanje njihovih osnovnih potreba za
materijalnim opstankom kao to su dobra plata, bezbedni radni uslovi i sigurnost posla,
pokazali su se kao nedelotvorni &neuspeni'. $pravljanje inovativnim pristupima okrenuto je
ka potrebama personala, ka njihovim zeljama za odgovornou, raspoznavanjem, razvoju i
unapreenju, prema tome i ka izmenjenim uslovima radnog mesta, kao posledica toga,
motivisani, radnici rade efektivnije.
TEXT 4 (48 words)
"nternet as a global, publicly accessible computer network that transmits data by
packet switching using the standard "nternet #rotocol. "t is mostly widely used
for e-mail and $he %orld %ide %eb &or the '%eb'( as a system of interlinked,
hyperte!t documents accessed via the "nternet with a web browser.
(nternet kao globalna, javno dostupna raunarska mrea koja alje podatke razmenom paketa
koristei standardni (nternet protokol. $ najiroj je upotrebi za elektronsku potu i )*+
servis kao sistem povezanih hipertekstualnih dokumenata dostupnih na (nternetu preko )eb
TEXT 5 (63 words)
)ne of the main benefits gained from the e!change of goods and services in the
world market is that it allows a nation to specialize in those goods that it
produces more cheaply, more efficiently and with more technical e!pertise than
its competitors. $wo economic principles- the theory of comparative and the
theory of absolute advantage show when and how specialization is advantageous.
,edna od glavnih olakica dobijenih razmenom dobra i usluga na svetskom tritu je ta to
dozvoljava zemlji &naciji' da specijalizuje robu koju proizvodi mnogo jeftinije, mnogo
efikasnije i sa mnogo vie tehikog tehnike ekspertize &vetine' od njenih konkurenata. -va
ekonomska principa . teorija uporeivanja i teorija apsolutne prednosti pokazuju kada i kako
je specijalizacija korisna.
TEXT 6 (90 words)
"n a retail trade business, a generally accepted budgeting device is a fle!ible
master budget which can be used as a control device that permits monitoring of
the company's operations. )ne of the important entries for the sales budget is
the information about unit prices, that is, the price of one item of each kind of
merchandise sold which is often adjusted to account for allowances or
discounts. $he purchases budget reflects the estimated prices for purchases
which are strongly influenced by the profit objective incorporated in the sales
$ maloprodajnom poslu, opte prihvaeno sredstvo za prikupljanje budeta je fleksibilni
master budet koji moe biti kontrolno sredstvo koje dozvoljava nadgledanje poslovanja
kompanije. ,edno od vanih odrednica budeta prodaje jeste informacija o jedninim
cenama, tj. or ceni jedinice proizvoda svake vrste robe koja se prodaje i koja je esto
prilagoena obraunu za olakice ili popuste. +udet kupovine odraava proraunate cene
za kupovinu koje su strogo pod uticajem profitnog ciljwww.intrance.in
a inkorporisanog u prodajni plan.

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