Y2 Summer Termly Overview

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Greenfields Primary School

Termly Overview
Year Two - Summer 2014

Spellings: these will be given out each Monday and then tested on the following Friday.
Maths: a homework task will be set each Monday and needs to be handed in by the fol-
lowing Monday. The task may be paper-based, or on I am Learning.
Reading: children should be reading at least three times per week at home and this
should be recorded in their planner. Please refer to the Reading Focuses in the planner
for ideas for questions you could ask during home reading.
Narrative stories with fa-
miliar settings. We will be
writing stories set at the
seaside, under the sea and
on islands.
In our poetry unit we will
write poetry about tropical
fish, desert islands and un-
der the sea.
We will continue to learn
more about Super Star
Writer Powers, helping use
with our grammar, sen-
tences and punctuation.
Count, read, write & order whole numbers to at least 100, knowing what each
digit represents (including 0 as a place holder.
Describe & extend simple number sequences (including odd/even numbers,
counting on or back in ones or tens from any two-digit number, and so on).
Understand the subtraction is the inverse of addition.
Know by heart all addition & subtraction facts for each number to at least 10.
Use knowledge that addition can be done in any order to do mental calcula-
tions more efficiently.
Understand multiplication as repeated addition or as describing an array.
Know & use halving as the inverse of doubling.
Know by heart the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
Estimate, measure & compare lengths, masses & capacities, using standard
units; suggest suitable units and equipment for such measurements.
Read a simple scale to the nearest labelled division, including using a ruler to
draw & measure lines to the nearest centimetre.
Use mathematical names for common 2D and 3D shapes; sort shapes & de-
scribe some of their features.
Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement.
Choose and use appropriate operations and efficient calculation strategies to
solve problems, explaining how the problem was solved.
As scientists, we will be learning all about plants and animals in our local environ-
ment. We will be investigating the habitats of different mini-beasts and finding
out about the conditions needed for plant growth.
In the second half of the term, we will explore variation between animals in the UK
and animals in the Caribbean. We will also investigate variety with humans, noticing
similarities and differences.

We will be learning about Caribbean Islands and comparing their fea-
tures. Directional language and compass work will also be covered in
this units, as well as map work; finding out about the continents and

We will be exploring and under-
standing what an algorithm is and
will use this to design and make a
simple computing program.

Children will continue to have their
PE lessons with the Crossbar
In addition, pupils will also have a
gymnastics session each week with
their class teacher.

To link with our Pirate topic, we will be
drawing and painting Tropical Islands
and beach scenes in the style of
Monets Beach at Trouville.
We will also be creating collages and
constructing a puppet from a pirate

In RE we will be finding out how
Christians and Jews show their be-
liefs. We will also find out about
special places for Christians and
Jews, including their places of wor-

In our music lessons we will be
learning some fantastic animals
songs in preparations for the
Shropshire Sings show at the
West Midlands Showground!

- Remember to keep an eye on the class blog
and leave a comment or two!
- Ask your children to log on to their I Am
Learning accounts at home to play online
learning activities at home!
Speak to your teacher if
you have forgotten your log-
on details!

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