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Human Blood

Name: Nuryuhainis Shazreen
Class: 3 Jujur
Teacher: Pn Linda Gomez
Blood components & functions

Blood is made up of blood cells&platelets suspended in a
The yellow part is called plasma.
And forms about 55% of the volume of blood.
It carries dissolved substances.
The blood cells & platelets form 45% of blood.

Blood consists of:
a) Plasma
b) Red blood cells
c) White blood cells
d) Platelets (blood clotting cells)

Pale yellowish liquid
It is made up of 90% water
10% is soluble substances like nutrients, mineral salts, blood proteins, &
Red blood & White blood cells & platelets float in plasma.

Composition of plasma
Components Percentage
Water 92
Protein 6
Mineral salts 0.8
Lipid 0.6
Glucose (blood sugar) 0.1
Others 0.5

Functions of plasma
a) To transport digested food to the cells
b) To transport waste products like urea from the body tissues to the
excretory organs
c) To controls the body temperature at 37`C by spreadingheat to all parts
of the body
d) To carry hormones to tissues to regulate body processes

Red blood cells have a
biconcave shape.

Red blood cells do not have a nucleus.

Function of the red blood cells:
a) transport oxygen to body cells.

Red blood cells contain haemoglobin (a red
pigment) which combines with oxygen to form

Oxyhaemoglobinreleases oxygen when it reaches
the body cells.

Red blood cells are
produced in the bone

White blood cells are larger size
thanred blood cells.

White blood cells have nucleus.

White blood cells do not have a
definite shape.

Functions of white blood cells:
a) protect the body form being attacked by
microoraganisms like bacteria & viruses.

White blood cells form a part of the bodys
defence system.

Some white blood cells can:
a) Kill bacteria in the blood.
b) Produce antibodies to neutralize poisonus
substances (toxins) produced by microorganisms
in the blood.
White blood cells are produced in the bone
marrow & lymph glands.

Platelets are small
pieces in the blood
that have no definite shape.

Platelets do not have nucleus.

The size of platelets is very small.

Functions of platelets:
a) clot blood in a wound to prevent the loss of an
excessive amount of blood.

Platelets are produced
in the bone marrow.

The lifespan of
platelets is very short,
i.e. from a few hours to
nine days.

Blood Groups
Human blood is classified into four groups:
a) A
b) B
c) AB
d) O

A person who donates his blood to another is
called blood donor.
A person who receives blood from another is
called recipient.
Blood transfusion is the transfer of blood from a
donor to a recipient.
People with blood group O can donate blood to
people having blood groups O, A, AB, Bbecause of
this, people with blood group O are called
universal donors.

Donors blood/
blood group


yes yes


yes yes yes yes

Blood Donation

The loss if a lot of blood as a result of an accident
or an operation needs to be replaced with blood
transfused from another person. This is because
massive blood loss will damage bodily functions &
cause death.

People are encouraged to donate blood to save
lives of others.

Blood transfusion must be carried out with care
to avoid blood clotting from occurring.

The type of blood transfused to a recipient must
be suitable & compatible.

There are to types of blood transfusion:
a) Through blood kept in the blood bank.
b) Through direct channeling from the donor to the

Storage & Handling of Blood

Each blood donor must be tested before hand in
to know his or her blood group. He or she must
also be examined by a doctor to ensure that his
or her body is healthy enough for donations.

Before blood is transfused into a patient, it
must be tested to ensure that it is free from
diseases like hepatitis B & C , HIV & venereal
diseases like syphilis

Blood obtained from a donor should be stored
in a clod place before use.

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