Definitions of Azimuth On The Web

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Definitions of Azimuth on the Web:

The angle of rotation (horizontal) that a ground based parabolic antenna must be
rotated through to point to a specific satellite in a geosynchronous orbit. The azimuth
angle for any particular satellite can be determined for any point on the surface of the
earth given the latitude and longitude of that point. It is defined with respect to due
north as a matter of easy convenience.
The horizontal direction of a satellite. It would have a different azimuth in !os "ngeles
than in #hicago. $ince the satellite is over the e%uator& wherever you live it will be in
the southern s'y.
The horizontal angular distance between the vertical plane containing a point in the
s'y and true south.
a magnetic bearing sighted from your position to a 'nown landmar'. )sed in
navigation and in determining site locations."rchaeology*++,-.htm
" surveying term that references the angle measured cloc'wise from any meridian
(the established line of reference). The bearing is used to designate direction. The
bearing of a line is the acute horizontal angle between the meridian and the line.
" direction in terms of a 2304 compass. 5orth is at 04. 6ast is at *04. $outh is at -+04.
West is at /704.
The horizontal direction of a vector& measured cloc'wise in degrees of rotation from
the positive y(a:is& for e:ample& degrees on a compass. ;'staffm.bla'emagisglossaryesriglos.htm
)nit: degree "ngle between the pro8ection of the normal of a surface onto the
horizontal and true north. <easured cloc'wise. " surface facing east has an azimuth
of *0 degrees. " surface facing south has an azimuth of -+0 degrees. " surface
facing west has an azimuth of /70 degrees.
The angle of horizontal deviation from north. When using a compass& the direction in
degrees. 6ast& for e:ample& is an azimuth of *0 degrees.
the compass rose goes around through the east through 230 degrees. The azimuth is
the angle of the compass rose around the horizon from the north pole through the
east& south& and west to the north again.
the compass direction (in degrees) where an ob8ect in the s'y appears. (The ob8ect=s
altitude is also needed to pinpoint its position.)
"ngle from the 5orth& from 04 to 2304& measured towards the 6ast. $o& *04 is 6ast&
-+04 $outh& /704 West& etc.
1art of a local coordinate system (with >altitude>) for astronomical ob8ects. "zimuth is
the distance& measured in degrees& from due $outh. West has an azimuth of *0
degrees& 5orth is -+0 degrees& and 6ast is at (*0 (or /70) degrees. "zimuth is a
function of the observer=s location.
the angular distance measured cloc'wise along the horizon from a specified
reference point (usually north) to the intersection with the great circle drawn from the
zenith through a body on the celestial sphere.
The angular distance between true south and the point on the horizon directly below
the sun. Typically used as an input for opa%ue surfaces and windows in computer
programs for calculating the energy performance of buildings.
Direction (side(to(side in the horizontal plane) from a given point on 6arth& usually
e:pressed in degrees. 5orth A 0 or 230 degreesB 6ast A *0 degreesB $outh A -+0
degreesB West A /70 degrees.
The number of degrees from north (or other reference direction) that a line runs&
measured cloc'wise.
The length of the arc of the horizon (in degrees) intercepted between a given point
and a reference direction& usually north& and measured cloc'wise from the reference
direction. "zimuth may be synonymous with bearing& a navigational term that can
have different meanings. "ny point in space can be located relative to an observing
point by its azimuth angle& elevation angle& and range.
The definition from Webster=s 5ew #ollegiate Dictionary states& >an arc of the horizon
measured between a fi:ed point such as true north and the vertical circle passing
through the center of an ob8ect.> "zimuth is an important consideration in locating a
satellite for transmission or reception of CD signals. The azimuth e:pressed in
degrees of a circle will be the horizontal angle of rotation that the ground antenna
must be rotated though to point at the specific satellite. ...
wind direction specified by the angle in degrees from which the wind is blowing&
counting countercloc'wise from zero at true north.
the distance& measured in degrees& along the horizon& eastward (cloc'wise as viewed
from above) from the north point of the horizon to the place where a vertical circle
through the star& or other ob8ect& intersects the horizon.
The horizontal angle (0 ( 230 degrees) from a reference point& usually true north or
true south. "lso 'nown as a bearing.
Eorizontal direction or bearing& measured in degrees from zero reference point.
"zimuth is the angle between the horizontal component of the borehole direction at a
particular point and the direction of north. The angle should always be e:pressed in
the 0(230 degree system. The angle may refer to either magnetic& true (geographic)&
or grid northB whichever referred to must always be clearly indicated (also 'nown as
" horizontal direction e:pressed as the angular distance between a fi:ed direction&
say 5orth& and the direction of the ob8ect.
the azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it
and the plane of the meridian
"zimuth is the horizontal component of a direction (compass direction)& measured
around the horizon from the 5orth point& toward the 6ast& i.e. cloc'wise. It is usually
measured in degrees.

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