Intro Resume and Reflection

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ANSC 438 Introduction Resume & Reflections 2014

Name ______Urvi Shah_______________

Be sure that you have your boots and coveralls by class time for Monday, February 3.
This assignment is due (ONLINE) by Monday, February 3.
Type out your responses to the questions below directly on these pages. Use as much space as
you need to respond to the questions. NOTE the multiple choice questions in Part C on page 3
these require that you read and know the information in the Syllabus and The Beginning
Module (on Compass 2g).
After typing in your responses, copy and paste the contents of this entire document into your
individual journal in Compass 2g (under Your Journal). Be sure to keep a copy for yourself.
Part A: Resume & Reflections
1. Your Name _______Urvi Shah ____________________
2. Your Academic Status: Are you a: Senior
3. Your Academic Major: Food Science and Human Nutiriton
4. Have you taken or are you currently taking ANSC 103? YES or NO
If YES, then which animals did you primarily work with in your lab rotations (beef, dairy,
poultry, sheep, swine)?
_______________ _______________ _______________
5. Please briefly describe your previous experiences with animals:
I have a lot of experience with companion animals. I have worked in an animal hospital
where dogs and cats were boarded. I also volunteered in an animal shelter. I also have some
farm experience. My uncle owns a dairy farm, and I have spent time there and done
observations when there. I also worked at ISRL in Dr. Dilgers lab, so I do have swine
experience. I am starting to work at the horse farm this semester.
6. Please elaborate on your career goals; also what has motivated you to have those goals:
I hope to work with companion animal nutrition. I am very interested in nutrition, which is
why I chose my current major. I also have an extreme love for animals, specifically dogs. I
hope to incorporate these two fields into my dream job!
7. Describe something(s) special, unusual, or extraordinary about you: special skills,
participation in out-of-the-ordinary educational programs, special interests, etc.
I think something unusual about me is that I have had a variety of international learning
experiences. I love to travel and have learned a lot while traveling. In high school, I
traveled to Spain, Costa Rica, and Argentina. In all three places, in addition to learning
local history, I was able to work with native students. I have family in many parts around
the world and I have been fortunate enough to visit most of them. Mostly, I have been to
Kenya and the U.K. to see family. In Kenya, I have been on safaris, gone to elephant
orphanages, fed giraffes and also worked on my uncles farm. All of these experiences
have given me the opportunity to grow!
8. List three things that you think will be important for you to be successful in your career/job.
Briefly explain why each will be important.
First, being patient will be important to be successful. In any job this is important when
working with others and dealing with situations out of your control. Second, perseverance
is important. This is important to stay motivated and strive to achieve the best possible
outcome that I can. Lastly, I believe that it is important for me to be able to enjoy my job. I
dont want work to be a chore. If I enjoy my job, I will most likely be successful.
9. Briefly describe how you currently approach working with a group of people and describe
what characteristics that you have that you may need to work on to improve your teamwork
Usually, when working with others, I take a leadership role. I tend to delegate tasks and get
things going. This can be a good thing to get work done. However, I feel I can sometimes
be a little overbearing, so I will work on taking a step back and giving others the
opportunity to step up and take the lead.
10. What are your personal goals to achieve this semester in ANSC 438
My main goal is to not procrastinate! I tend to leave assignments until the last minute. In
this class, I hope to finish assignments early! Also, I get distracted easily in longer class periods.
I do not mean to be disrespectful but I know that it may seem that way. This semester I will
definitely work on being attentive to the person that is speaking. And of course, I am taking this
course to learn about lactation! I really hope to take advantage of the farm trips and being around
the animals!
Part B: What do you want to know?
During your lifetime you have already had experiences related directly and indirectly to lactation
biology. You probably have questions about some of those experiences. If you had the
opportunity to ask a question of an expert in lactation biology, based on your own experiences
what would you want to know? Also, explain what motivated you to ask that question.
My main question deals with milk composition. Being a human nutrition major, I know
that human infants cannot drink any other milk except human breast milk or formula in the first 6
months of life because it can cause allergies. Why can other animals nurse between species? Are
their milk compositions close enough? Also, are there certain animals that we do not have a
formula for? This question stems from a book I read. In Kenya, there is an elephant orphanage
that I visit called the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. The founder, Daphne Sheldrick wrote a
biography. In this biography she explained the struggle she had finding a formula that kept new
born elephants alive. Finally, after much experimentation and the loss of several elephants, she
found a formula that contained coconut milk/fat. This formula was adequate to meet the needs of
the newborn elephants. So, is there any other animals that we know of with this issue?
Part C: Content Questions
For the rest of these questions, you will need to go to the course Compass 2g website and
carefully read the Syllabus and The Beginning Module.
1. After reading the course Syllabus, which of the following is most accurate for the ANSC 438
course? [delete all except the correct answer]
b. plus-minus grades are given and there are two major group projects
2. From your reading of The Beginning Module, the three general types of mammals in the
Class Mammalia are which of the following? [delete all except the correct answer]
b. monotremes, marsupials, and mammals with a true placenta
3. In reading the course Syllabus, you know that the University of Illinois Student Code
applying to Academic Integrity, Article 1, Part 4, section 1-402 covers the definition of which of
the following? [delete all except the correct answer]
d. all of the above
4. From your reading of The Beginning Module, you know that the mammary gland is which
of the following? [delete all except the correct answer]
e. all of the above
5. From your reading of The Beginning Module, when the young of mammalian species are
born developmentally immature and are unable to obtain their own food, this is called which of
the following? [delete all except the correct answer]
b. altricial

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