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The Ultimate of Life
Authored by Mr Mahesh Bhatt
6.0" x 9.0" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Black & White on White paper
284 pages
ISBN-13: 9781490388489
ISBN-10: 1490388486

Greatest ongoing & never ending adventurous
attempt by all means of I-body, senses, mind &
soul- to achieve an everlasting excellent
enjoyment of the life that covers all kinds of
adventures around the universe.

-attempted by Mahesh Bhatt

Self published by Mahesh Bhatt
Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2013 Mahesh Bhatt

This book has been assigned
a CreateSpace ISBN-13: 978-1490388489 &ISBN-10: 1490388486

Author: Mahesh Bhatt +91-79-25451077 Mobile: +91-9426459101
A/8 Prajivan Apts., Harihar Soc., Ramannagar, Maninagar, Ahmadabad, Gujarat,
Messenger ID on Yahoo: bhattmaheshj On Skype: Bhatt.Maheshj
My Group:
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Price $14.99


I am very sure that no one among you has seen any book ever
before having this bunch of few pages addressing to you both
with a narration that having absolutely no connection at all to
the content of the book itself.

It is because, being a newbie, I remained very late in
realizing the innumerable immoralities & evil that polluting
the entire publishing field of the world, & suffered a lot in
gating my book published, & that is why, by highlighting all
this smudginess at the opening of this book I would like to
make the reader understand how hard & challenging it is to
be a successful published Author & at the same time to carry
out a business as an established Publisher.

Moreover, considering it as my moral duty, to save,
safeguard & warn the new comer & to keep them self away
of any such sufferings by being victim of widely pervaded
roguish of this field, I have started a big movement against
Mr. Adam Selviani of Raider Publishing International of
New York, a taint of the publishing field of the world &
especially of America who is in practice to cheat upcoming
authors using sugarcoated promises, false representation,
extremely cunning full mastery of methods & skills in
making moves just only to make money, a tactful shiftiness
& rascality to misdirect the others very openly using
international platform of Internet.

Please join my hands & do the needful at your optimum level
for this good cause to take all possible initiative against this
inhuman criminal offence, to avail me justice, to prevent him
& his company to carry on such kind of evil business & to

provide due punishment to him that is able enough to set an
example for the entire authors & publishers of the world.

Explaining the fact of my case, first of all, I must write that I
am not at all an Author & never ever ponder over even in my
dream to be recognized as an Author. I use to read since little
literacy light upon inside of me. With every new topic that I
intone, in addition to be updated by collecting new &
deleting old memories, to rethink, relate, reevaluate &
interconnect everything inside of my brain become a prime
function of my mind, with which, I use to rediscover all my
thoughts & ideas especially when I am alone. I am also in
practice to note down it under the heading of my own
inspiration. However not having any experience for writing a
book on a particular subject, as a surprising fact, during
January to September 2012, I am inspired to write pages &
pages. I am highly pleased to inform you that I wrote over six
hundred pages on different subjects.

Some of my friends had strongly confirmed that my writing
under the title of The Ultimate of Life is the best ever
they read before & told me that it can be able to bring a
revolutionary change for the happy living of the entire
mankind if published as a book. This entire work is an
absolute rediscovery of my thoughts & ideas previously
written under different headings those are Why I Am Not
Happy, Gods of Other Religions, Mysteries of
Universe, Understanding Religion, Peeping Inside,
Persons & Outcome of Their Relationship and How to
Prey to be Blessed duly included by gist & essence notes
from the scriptures of all religions.

However, no leeway have been kept left by almost all
persons came to my contact in afflicting, exploiting, grieving,
torturing & hurting me, since I was a kid to till date, I do not

know why, but I am always highly desirous to serve the
human community over the globe at my best, and that is why,
though I am completely inexperienced of the book publishing
field, I was determined in publishing my debut manuscript on
international level so as to serve the mankind by spreading its
content to as many as possible people of the world, & than
also, I was not at all in search of a publisher that offers me a
highest return for my writings either by way of books
royalties or in any other way with a promise to pursue
promotional opportunities for me but I had strongly decided
that I will donate 60% of whatever the income will be earned
from this book to the United Nations for their various
programs of sustainable human development activities to
support the achievement of the Millennium Development
Goals especially for the empowerment of youth & women.

In the first week of the September 2012, I had started
searching for a publisher on the net & sent many mails to the
leading publishers of the world including UN Publications &
was waiting for a favorable reply from any of those to whom
I submitted few pages of my manuscript to review. It was
really very unfortunate that I found a website on the top of Google search
while searching top ten publishers of the world, from where,
Mr. Adam salviani had responded me on 16th October 2012
as under:
I have the pleasure of informing you that we have looked
over your submission and we have decided to accept your
work for publication. We have attached our Acceptance
Packet to this email, which includes all of our contracts
and relevant information.

I was completely new in the publication field so it sounds me
good & as per their Acceptance Packet I selected a Silver
packet after some exchange of mails. Finally, I signed a

contract sent by them through mail & sent Indian
Rs.:95,000/- towards the publication fees on 16th of January,
2013 via wire transfer in to the bank account of Mr. Adam's
company along with duly signed contract, duly answered
questionnaires, the manuscripts of my debut book in a fully
completed manner both in 8.5 x 5.5 book format & in
MSWord document format duly completed with proof
reading & well designed both cover pages. But that man had
made me fool & stopped responding to me from the moment
he received the money.

The one who previously uses to reply me frequently & was
quick enough to ask for the money directly by phone on my
landline & mobile had winded up all his side immediately
after the money was received by him. He wrote in the last
mail I received on 17th January 2013 that:
Dear Mahesh,
I have the pleasure of informing you that we have received
your publication fee as of this afternoon, on our side of the
world. Thank you again for joining us as one of our
Please feel free to contact Elizabeth
( with any questions,
comments or concerns that you might have from this
point forward. She has instructions to answer your
questions in a timely fashion and you will be working with
her throughout the length of the publication process.
It's a great honor for us to be working with you on this
project and we'll be in touch frequently as things progress.
Take care and you'll be hearing from us again, shortly.
Best Wishes,
Adam Salviani - Raider Publishing International

I had than contacted her with all my concerns & queries but
an auto reply message came to me that thank you someone

will answer soon & as a matter of fact till date I had never
received any response from her desk. When constantly three
of my mails remained unanswered I was afraid of something
wrong & contacted directly to him twice but got no response
from him too.

As such, I searched more about him & his company on the
Net & came to know his more scams at:
An Indian had also filed a complaint in consumer court at:
You can find the actual facts of the company & Mr. Adam at:

By all these above, I feel as if I am ripped off my hard-earned
money and of course the global rights of my precious
manuscripts in addition to the mental torture, agony and the
irreparable damages caused to my writing career & my
present economical condition.

I came to know by an elderly advice of my reliable lawyer
that though the legibility of such online contract is
controversial & having no legal value, being in India, I can
do nothing against this thick skinned treacherous practicing
badly only for the money, & than also, I have to wait until
second week of March, 2013 because as per clause No. 16 of
the contract signed by us, the publisher will send the final
proof back to the author by the beginning of March 2013.

Actually, the proof reading of the book (non-stylistic
editing), creating a cover for the book & to email me both the
edited manuscript and the cover for my approval is hardly a
work of less than a week as everything was sent by me in a

fully completed manner & his side has just to go through it to
send it back to me. It means once the money is received he is
not the one to bother for his prestige & reputation even
though was having a chance to be continued with me without
violating any terms of the contract.

Moreover, in the same clause the publisher was agreed that
the said book would be available in the market by the
middle of April, 2013 but as there was no response from his
side even after ten more days from the deadline of the
beginning of March 2013 to send the final proof back to me,
it was absolutely clear that I am made fool by him & he is not
at all serious or concerned with the publishing of my book.
On the contrary, it is proved as an extremely tragic &
unbelievable fact that since beginning, he was entirely on his
way in making money by trapping a new comer.

Secondly, on 15th January 2013, I had demanded hard copies
of our signed Contract, Invoice, Acceptance packet & the
Receipt of the money transferred to him in original by post in
a way that it reach to me latest by the end of February 2013
as we have planned a special gathering for the members of
my organization to promote my book in the first week of
March 2013, wherein, as per our planning we would like to
invite all representatives of print media of our state.
According to one of our senior member, a nature lover, an
experienced Press Reporter & Columnist in a leading
Gujarati news paper who had voluntarily taken up all
responsibilities to bring grand success for the proposed
gathering on his shoulders, the press people do not consider
any printout received by us as a mail attachment.

In this connection, as the money transferred by me was not
credited to his A/c till that time, just only to keep me
continue, he had promised me that I will get back to you as

soon as the payment is received on our side and I'll also
send you the paperwork you're requesting. I shall also
provide my own views on your book as we go over the
title. I'll respond to you in a more comprehensive way, on
how we will be moving forward, one we receive your
payment. But the fact is, till date he neither conveyed sorry
for not fulfilling his promises nor inquired about it though it
is a part of his duty.

It means, he is not at all interested in any such promotional
activity for the said book even though it brings a good
business to him & not only that he is not at all concerned
with my sufferings as we remain failed in our planning due to
his unforgivable misconduct, carelessness, deceitfulness &
craftiness! He had ruined & spoiled all our planning by not
responding any of my mails & especially due to he had not
fulfill his own promises given to me though he was well
aware & well informed well in advance.

At last on March 20, 2013 I wrote him that you are liable for
all compensation as since the moment my money transferred
to your A/c you have stopped responding. It means it is
proved that I am made fool & victimized by you & my
money sent to you in the name of so called publication fee is
nothing but your fraudulent embezzlement. It is an
international cyber crime & for your said criminal offense
you are liable for all compensation for the loss suffered by
me financially, physically & mentally & for the loss of
reputation of my own self & my organization. I will do my
best to provide you a due punishment. You cannot continue
such cheating on the net is for your kind information. But it
was the most pitiable aspect of my case that he simply
replied me that Thank you for bringing this to our

As such on 21st, in replying to his mail I demanded refund
for my money with interest & transfer charges at the earliest
but on the contrary, very evasively, he replied me that Your
book is nearly ready, but the fact that you have admitted
to slandering us and violated the contract yourself in more
than one way is cause for concern. We would still like to
publish your book and we should be able to shortly. That
being said, we need you to correspond with us in a civil
and respectful way as you agreed to. If you can do so we
can move forward as quickly as possible.
Please think about this and get back to us on Monday. We
can go from there.

It means he is a callous person of very thick skin having no
hesitation in writing a complete false thing & having an evil
intention to evasively avoid & linger my concern & to hide
all his black side to continue me with him as long as possible
because how the one can write your book in nearly ready
who is fully unaware of everything just before one day &
wrote that Thank you for bringing this to our attention?

Since 18th March, 2013, I had started contacting various
USA & especially New York based authorities & agencies to
file a complaint against him after being none responded
continuously for two & half months means ten more days
after the period agreed by him in our signed contract. Then
also I had demanded only the actual amount I sent to him
with interest & charges paid by me in a respectful manner
fully appropriate with the clause seventeen of the contract but
he had shown his fully-fledged fighting frown & scowls to
threat & bluffs me for the damage to his company. We all are
well aware that those who fears for their prestige &
reputation never behave in such way.

In spite feeling ashamed, he crossed over all heights of
humanity, & as a complete change of phrase, he warned me
by his very next Email on the same day that While we
understand why youre upset, slandering us online not
only has caused significant financial damage to our
company, compromised your position legally but has also
violated clause seventeen of the contract itself. If any of
the points in the contract are up for debate or discussion,
then we are to discuss these matters as per clause fifteen
of your contract.

People of my kind are always God fearing & by agreeing
with clause seventeen of the contract generally people of the
world of the both sides admit & accept that they both have
great civic sense & respect for each other & that is why in the
time of unavoidable circumstances & natural calamities
instead having a rigid & inhuman approach they will
correspond with each other with a healthy sympathetic
approach. But it never allows him to keep his side fully away
constantly for two & half months from the very next moment
after receiving my money. It does not prevent me in asking a
receipt & not at all allow him to cop out his promises & to
represent his side in careless & evasive manner.

There was a time when publishers (magazine and book) used
to work very hard at promoting writers. A minority still does,
but most do not. This is not an indictment against publishers,
but the fact remains that selling a book is just the first step in
getting it read. The publishers whose books are typically seen
in a book store or supermarket rack are published by trade
publishers. Traditional is not an actual term used in the
publishing industry. It's a term used by the scammers and
vanity publishers because they're busy trying to fool new
writers who do not know anything about the publishing
industry into becoming their victims or customers.

It is rare to see a vanity or self-published book in a book
store as such books rarely have any editorial quality control
though with vanity publishing (also referred to as subsidy)
one has to pay to be published!!! Some vanity publishers
claim not to accept everything and a few actually live up to
that. However, their services tend to be expensive which is
why they accept just about anything. Besides, they know the
real truth that 99.99% of their books will never see a book
store shelf because most of them don't know how to
distribute books to retailers.

Because of the Internet, vanity publishers have exploded in
numbers. Where there used to be only three or four such
companies in the entire US, there are now dozens, if not
hundreds because they can now offer distribution through the
Internet and it doesn't cost them a single thing while they can
now claim to have your book available from coast to coast
and even abroad.

This is going to be hard to hear for any new comer but the
fact is they did not legally steal from any of them but as the
upcoming authors are truly lacking necessary research they
can be able to manipulate & hoodwink them by their inveigle
& shrewdness irresistibly & fascinatingly with their enticing,
tempting & sugar-coated pictures & promises & compel
them to make a serious mistake, though voluntarily but
extremely artfully, cleverly & cunningly, to sign a very bad
deal with an "old-style" vanity publisher who have absolutely
no legal obligations other than to prepare a proof copy, to
make copies of the book when and if someone comes to them
asking to buy one, and to return the rights to them at the end
of 3 years.

Their marketing claims are almost non-existent. They
promise almost nothing. Even the royalty claims are
ridiculous -- they're going to give you not a royalty of XYZ
%, but 51% of the royalties -- whatever those royalties may
be. No publisher with a speck of experience would ever say
that, in that way. Actually, the publishing history of many of
such founder proves that they're not trying to rip any one off,
they're just too ignorant and nitwitted to know that how badly
they're doing their job, and how idiotic they look to someone
who does know the business. In short, in all such cases, there
always going to have trouble getting a consumer fraud or
consumer protection agency to take an interest.

Defining the other side of the publishing field, it is the only
reality that with trade publishers, there is no cost to the
author. Never! This is because trade publishers analyze the
market meaning they get weekly reports from all retailers
who sell books through the distributors who provide those
books to the retailers. They then know what kinds of books
are selling, so they tend to look for manuscripts that reflect
the kind of content that the buying public is purchasing.
Because the buying public is particular, the trade publishers
do their best to put out a quality product which means finding
books with not only the right content, but also distinct
writing styles, good control of pace, and easy readability.

It means, it is very hard for any new comer to get their debut
work be accepted for the publication by them. All major
publishers, generally, dealing with publishing have a similar
policy, are not able to consider unsolicited manuscript
submissions that come to them randomly from anywhere.
Many literary agencies, in turn, have guidelines for
submitting manuscripts. Not all of the public wants to read a
writer whose sentences ramble on for over five hundred
words because not every writer is capable of doing that well

as Hemmingway could. This is partly why it is so difficult to
be accepted by a publisher. They're looking for subtle
differences that most writers can't produce without lots of
practice. In fact, most writers' first and even second
manuscripts are often considered nothing more than practice
or trunk stories because those end up stored in trunks under
the bed. Only a few writers ever get their first manuscript

After accepting and editing a manuscript, trade publishers go
beyond what the other publishers do. They send their books
out through the distributors to be stocked at book stores and
other retailers, but with a difference from what only a few
vanity publishers ever attempt. Trade publishers also have
actual sales people who visit the headquarters of the chains to
promote what they've published. Only rarely will a publisher
ever advertize on the TV or in the papers and when they do,
it's generally to let the public know that a new book is out by
an established author and this is frequently caused by lots of
letters from the public asking the publisher when the next
book will be released. This is because it is not cost effective
to advertize that a book has been published when there is no
demand established yet for that author.

A ginsu knife can be advertized even though no one heard of
it before its original introduction because it could be
demonstrated in the commercial in order to impress the
buying public but keep it your mind that your book cannot. It
doesn't slice. It doesn't dice. It can't cut through cans and still
be sharp. Also, the individual reading it might not even read
it in the way the author intended. Even if the reader does, that
could limit it to a small segment who reads in the same
manner. This is why trade publishers limit their main
advertising efforts to industry publications that are read by
retailers who do the actual book selling to the public. So,

trade publishers are actually driven by the market. They don't
regulate or shape the market.

I am now fully aware of the difference between vanity or
subsidy publisher & trade publisher but at the same time,
being a new comer, having no hesitation at all in accepting &
committing the hard fact of my own experience that I was
attracted by the under mentioned paragraphs written in the
Acceptance package sent by Raider Publishing International
that As your publisher we are honored to be representing
your work and presenting it to the world. Through our
extensive printing and distribution system which reaches all
around the world, our dedicated team of publishing
professionals and our own Broadcasting Network and
Literary Magazine we will help you every step of the way
through the publishing process! We have our own bookshops
in USA & challenging group of distributors including UK,
Europe & Australia. After receiving a signed contract & and
an email containing the answers to the questions listed on the
book information sheet we will start the process that we have
laid out as the timeline as under:
1. Receiving your signed contract and book information.
2. We will proof read your novel (non-stylistic editing).
3. We will create a cover for your book (based on your
4. We will email you both the edited manuscript and the
cover for your approval.
5. The book will be submitted to the printer and
subsequently received by our distributors.
6. You will be the first to receive copies of your book (free
of charge).
7. Your book will become available through the vast
majority of major bookstores in the entire world.

8. We will pursue book signings and contact media outlets
through press releases and preexisting industry
9. Your book will be promoted through TV and radio
advertisements (depending on package selected).
10. Promotions will continue through our Broadcasting
Network, our Literary Magazine and through continued
press releases.

Actually how tragic it was that during the exchange of mails
with him once I wrote that I am well-coming you
considering your reply a step as the reflection of the universe
to my action for the benefit of the entire mankind. I strongly
feel that creating any doubt at this stage on you toward any
misuse of my work in future is a similar act not believing in
God. On the contrary, to love you by putting absolute trust &
faith in you considering you as my God is the most
appropriate step for a fresher like me. I deeply understand the
value of your reply received by me & proudly considering it
as my greatest achievement of my life towards my work.

Instead would be remain busy promoting my book, since
many days, I am constantly endeavoring my best efforts in
bagging & requesting help, guidance & support from as
many as possible sources, persons & organizations of the
world to avail due justice, my hard earned money to be
returned, to prevent him in continuing any such cheating in
the publishing field & to provide him due punishment for his
great international crime. While at the other end the one who
made me fool very openly on an international platform using
all tricks & strategies of his evil-business, misappropriations
& false promises is enjoying the money sent by me fully
fearlessly, carelessly & without any hesitation by keeping me
badly in all round painful circumstances.

However, the New York Police Department has extensive
crime scene investigation & laboratory resources assisted
with computer crime investigations & though they runs an
anti crime computer network, essentially a large search
engine & data warehouse operated by detectives to assist
officers in the field with their investigations, a Domain
Awareness System, a joint project of Microsoft and NYPD &
other surveillance devices into an integrated system to ensure
public safety, according to Scambook, a window into the
world's most advanced consumer complaint database, the
page created by them on Raider Publishing International on
Nov 07, 2011 has accumulated 24 consumer complaints with
on average users reported $7614.19 of damages excluding
my complaint & the unresolved reported damage reaches
over $ 182,740/-till January 3, 2013 but this figure is surely
five times more as there are many unaware of Scambook
over the globe!

I had submitted complaints against this man & his company
to Honorable US President, Vice President & The Office of
Public Engagement of The White House for more than three
times but this man knows very well that the personnel
engaged in continuing the system laid down to keep them as
the top three powerful positions of the superpower country of
the world never allow any of them to favor my small case of
nearly less than one hundred thousand Indian Rupees.

I had tried my best to bring my case in the notice of some
respected Democrat & Republican Senators &
Representatives of the most powerful business province of
U.S.A. that is obviously the New York, but this man is very
sure of the platform I used that it never remain able to
provide my details to any of them until they desirous to go

I had drawn attention of Honorable Mr. Andrew M. Cuomo
the Governor of the city called as the most powerful
economical center of the world, the New York, but this man
is well acquainted that it is not my participation to build a
stronger & better New York. I had requested support to the
office of Honorable US Embassy in India & Indian High
commission in New York but this man is well aware that it is
not a matter to decide on granting of visa.

I lodged a complaint with Federal Bureau of Investigation at
their Internet Crime Complaint Center but this man knows
that they receives thousands of complaints each month and
does not have the resources to respond to inquiries even
regarding the status of complaints. As a fruit of experience
of his evil business this man had digested that limitation of
very few characters to file a online complaint with New York
City Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) always create
great trouble in preparing & forwarding a message to the
appropriate agency for review and handling. He also aware of
the fact though I lodged a complaint with, an
initiative of the International Consumer Protection and
Enforcement Network (ICPEN) that submitting a complaint
to this system will not necessarily trigger an obligation for
any participating agency to investigate your complaint on my

I had requested help & guidance with the forum &
organizations like Disqus, Open Congress Support, Preditors
& Editors, publisher Desk & some groups of LinkedIn but
the entire publishing field including all of them is always in
practice to keep a safe distance with the both sides is also a
painful aspect of all such cases that able enough to
encourages such disgrace of this field to carry on their evil
business. I had also uploaded a detailed request as blog at, Yahoo. Answer & Google help but all these

are nothing more than only to receive an auto generated

The reason why this man can venture his evil craftsmanship
of so called publishing business extremely boomingly, is the
most surprising fact that once the new coming Author realize
the fact that he/she is made fool, they wouldn't spend the
time, energy or emotional resources. They just move on
because even if any agency does take an interest, it won't
help the victimized person. He/she won't get their money
back or their rights. The Author aren't going to be able to
exert any leverage, on the contrary, he/she has to beg to such
stupid so as to get them to revert rights, with 90 days written
notice that they want them back, as per the contract. One
can't even embarrass him by exposing as a vanity press as he
is quite obviously more than that, and he makes no effort to
hide it.

He knows very well that all the above mentioned powerful
personalities, positions, platforms, forums & agencies efforts
their best all together than also he has only to refund some
portion of the money misappropriated by him, & that is why,
he still caring out his evil business & victimizes many new
comers of the world though it is extremely serious matter
disgracing the great country of USA, entire publishing fields
& the authors of the world, the entire exchange of
information on Internet and for the network of all search
engines especially the Google, & off course, is a story of my
first ever experience of the publishing field of the world.

Mahesh Bhatt
May 5, 2013


I am thankful from the bottom of my heart to the great God,
highly delighted & of the no words to express, for having this
opportunity to dedicate this book to my late parents with
respect & love.

My father Late Shri Jagdishchandra Bhatt, a God fearing
follower of Vedic discipline had silently worked as a
reformer in his time with only one motto spread of
knowledge & patronized education in his surroundings.
However, the struggles of his life had never allowed him to
cross even a lower limit of a middle class, being a teacher, he
use to teach many students every day without any fees or

My mother Late Shrimati Sakuntalaben Bhatt with the same
qualities worked at her best as a trained Montessorians since
1945 to she died in 1963, during when the rate of education
in India was at the lowest, people use to get their children
admit direct in the first standard & no concept of preschool
educational like nursery, play group or kindergarten was

Both of them preserved & passed some extremely
enlightened genes to me that spiritually carried over by the
generations of sage Raikav Muni, acknowledged as the first
of our Rayakval Brahmin. They tried their best to reduce the
ignorance, we have been in from our very birth, due to
which, in conditioned life we are committing sins at every
step, even without knowing it, by truly following great lines
written in Brhadaranyaka Upanishad-I.3.28 as:

(Asato maa sad-gamaya, Tamaso maa jyotir-gamaya.
Mityor-maa-mitan gamaya, Om shaanti shaanti
Oh God, Lead us from Untruth to Truth, from Darkness to
Light, from Death to Immortality. Om peace, peace, peace.

This book is also dedicated to the Honorable President of
India, respecting the highest position in the only secular
country of the world, with an hope that it will be proved
useful for the truthful happy living of the people of India,
rather than in defining the articles 25 to 28 of Preamble part
III of the Constitution of India for the fundamental rights for
justice, social, economic and political liberty of thought,
expression, belief, faith and worship & right to freedom of

This book is also dedicated to the United Nations
Organization as they are united for the better prospects of the
humanity & mankind over the globe. To be united, what I
mean is to accept & confirm the presence of God in others. I
hope this book will be proved useful to reform & reshape
their ideas of mass progress & fundamental rights with
sustainability & humanity.

Mahesh Bhatt.

Aspects & course of Life
All about Happy
Fundamental Misunderstanding defining God & Religion
Facts & Realities of Universe, I & God
Magical Power of the God-A Human Brain as Mind
Desire-the Actual Cause of all our Actions & its
The Secrets of the Body & the Soul
The Unreal Impression of the World on our Mind
The Law of Material Nature
Towards Attainment of Oneness
Hindrances towards the Path of God
Love-The Blessed Power of the Lord
Fight Everything between Us & God this Way
Eight P Assessment System to measure our Relationship
with God
Types of Persons, Their Relationship & its Effects on the
Both Sides
Effect of Inauspicious Bond of Indebtedness Contracted in
Previous Births
A True Prayer & How to Prey
Present Necked Reality of God & Religion
The Religions of the World
Ultimately to all my loving fallow enthusiasts


This book is neither a mare religious nor criticizes any
religion but is an attempt at my best to develop our strong &
constant relationship with the God. It aims to provide new
hopes, true guidance & pure encouragement to all those
living alone tired, discouraged & defeated to make every
moment of their everyday life a happy memory. It covers all
secrets of the I & after recognizing our own self covering
its all reflections from the universe, what is described here is
my living testimony, perhaps a real way to live happy but I
must write it is not at all a new religion.

I hope this effort of mine in a form of a short readable
composition of a worldview would bring sense & purpose in
to individual lives, tolerance & peace to our planet against
the irrational dogmatism of both religion & science because
although we are literally all one being in many individual
forms, we are a part & portion of a constant continuation that
harm one another.

We all are well aware that many saints & sagas have tried &
are trying their best for the better progress of human being by
keeping their religions as a center. Philosophers &
emancipators have presented many ideologies & have
endeavor their best for the happy living of the mankind.
Although it becomes a universal truth now a day that no one
has a reach that understand the philosophy of everyday life.
There are limitless scriptures in all religions but very few of
us can live according to what is taught by our scriptures like
Geeta, Bible & Quran. It is not a failure of those holy books
but is an absolute incapability of our own self to gain &
convey it.

However great, varied & many in strength, all these remains
unsuccessful to acknowledge where is the real source of our
worries & why the fruits of happiness still remain
unavailable. On the contrary, the religion (dharma) is
considered as the biggest business of the world is an
extremely sad fact of the present era because no machine is
invented till date that can test a different between heretics
and veracious. It is a great bad luck of mankind that there is
not a single way to remain unaffected by the activities
coverlet under religion. I strongly believe that answers
given by religion today for some most unscientific questions
those are obviously the God, Universe, I & the Destiny are
exactly the opposite of the truth & are responsible for the
violence & hatred that engulfs our planet & not only that
some purported answers are monstrously inhumane &
unworthy of real God.

In fact, as the real source of our worries, it is confirmed by
all religions that the material bondage of our own self as I
the body, senses & mind, always prevent us to go with the
higher aspect of our real self, the soul. Human being is an
ultimate creation of God who is able enough to do anything
in this universe. The only one who can compel the God to do
according to his desire is none other animal but the man,
although, we consume our whole life for food, shelter,
security and relation. Unfortunately we take shelter in the
name of God & religion only to reach a new or higher level
of ever increasingly varied & different levels of these four
basic necessities, according to its quality, quantity and
satisfaction & not at all for final beatitude. We have been in
this ignorance from our very birth however, in conditioned
life we are committing sins at every step, even without
knowing it.

This ignorance is prominent despite we all have our religion!
People remain in ignorance, continue to sin and suffer the
reactions, though there are innumerable educational
institutions & so many big & famous universities! However
it is stated before so many years in the Srimad Bhagavatam
(5.5.3) this foolishness will continue until one comes to the
platform of understanding self-realization, all these
universities & institutions for imparting knowledge are a
continuation of that same ignorance and foolishness & none
of them is teaching consciousness of soul, the applied science
of the soul. Until & unless one comes to the point of asking
"What am I? What is God? What is this world? What is my
relationship with God & this world?" & able to find proper
answers, one continues to be foolish like an animal & is
subjected to transmigration from one body to another in
different species of life as a result of ignorance because all
the matter & energy of the universe neither ends nor
destroyed but simply change its form.

We are also not aware that lack of consciousness, ignorance
and illness of mind are main causes of most distresses &
problems now a day. Basically, we see so much war and
violence because people are failing to accept higher aspects
of them. We use to think primarily of ourselves, of our own
particular desires & pleasures and as such, we miss the
chance to be more wholesome in our politics, education,
relationships & even in our religion since we only approach
these things in a myopic way.

Those who got a chance to honor someone else's existence as
well as our own higher existence appears on the pages of
history as few God fearing, sensible, hardworking, kind
hearten persons including those who set many examples of
high moral & braveness beyond our capacity. A universal
reflection of their great works for us is our present existence.

Since we approach life with limitation, it become a common
living tendency of a human being to be coward, eunuch, ill
minded & week to grab each & every opportunity of our own
benefit instead being a brave & of the high moral for the
benefit of the mass. As such, the universe always reflects our
each & every such action in very silent manner by way of
distresses & problems. It is a law of nature, a part of great
antipathy arrangement of the God that runs this universe.
Peace & harmony are the universal reflection of our ethical &
philosophical values is a proved fact.

We should not think for our problems only in a limited views
as what they are, but by collecting, comparing & analyzing
global data, it should be considered as all round universal
reflection in a way that why we are facing difficulty
nourishing our soul or connecting with the Godhead because
we get more and more of the same in return from the
universe. Science, technology, politics & widely practiced
present form of religions are not able to solve it. It can be
solved only by true spiritualism for which we must establish
a worldwide system, a way of real life that should be true &
incomparable practical course of education for universal
development of ones own self with the treatments not only
for our soul but for the soundness of body senses & mind
with what we are benefited since generations. We should
reconcile spirituality & science. All religions & their
authorities ought to contribute at their best in creating such
system considering it as their essential duty.

It is a very serious matter & we are very late, hence, every
nation should feel guilty for not having any such arrangement
till date for their people. Maintaining at least a marginal level
of true spirituality in their people should be a prime
responsibility of the government of all nations & their leaders
both ruling & opposition. Unlike finance, home, defense &

such other departments their system must serve this purpose
in all respect. Anybody, from top to bottom, who proves fail,
should be punished immediately. Only such basic platform
can compel the religious leaders to carry their real
responsibilities to develop high moral and meaningful living
in their devotees, disciples & followers by keeping due
respect for all other religion. Nationwide gradual increment
in the level of spirituality is a basic duty of every religion &
its authorities & they should also be punished immediately
for any of their failure. Spirituality gives us a set of values
that enables us to think about how our relationship with God
should be.

It is extremely unfortunate for the people of India that in the
region of the original source of spiritual & philosophical
development, day by day the situations is going more & more
out of control & we just ostentation religion. People are in
practice to quote many examples in the name of God &
religion neither concern with the fact nor anybody want the
fact be explain. Everything goes to ashes when Lord Shiva
open His third eye, Lord Krishna lifted Mount Govardhan on
His first finger, Lord Hanuman jumped over the sea & burnt
the Lanka, Lord Krishna invisibly provided one thousand
eight saris to Droupadi, Ravna having ten heads killed by
Lord Ram, Lord Jesus will return to earth again for the Last
Judgment & the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the
world and Allah will come & ask us on the doomsday- are
the few example require deep understanding & great
spirituality, to which, we immediately declare the one mad
considering it as ignorance and foolishness if any such
statement is made by a single person but we believe all these
only because it is believed by a big strength, it is written in
our holy scripture & all these is a religious beliefs but never
even try to go deep why, how & for what it is written in our

According to our mythological scriptures building a self
confidence in their people, to develop a sense of satisfaction
for what and where they are & for what so ever they possess
and to bring them out of ignorance are three basic duties of
the social & political leader. Besides of that, to develop their
holiness, to provide them discriminate knowledge that
differentiates the good & the bad and to connect all their
devotees, disciples & followers strongly & constantly with
the God are the three basic duties of the religious leaders. In
an ideal, well-established, modern polity, religion should
have no connection whatever with politics but is a matter of
personal beliefs and convictions. Outbursts of communal
frenzy are totally incompatible with true secularism and
every well-educated community should have no narrow
considerations of religion and caste in worldly matters.

But today, the reality is absolutely shameful for the country
like India, which is rightly described as a secular country,
legally guarantee by the supreme law, as per the declaration
in the Preamble to the Indian Constitution that contain a
complete religious freedom, with the absence of any
compulsion what so ever in religious matters, there are
tensions, strains, fears of the impact of liberalization on a
particular religion, the inward hostility and suspicion towards
other religions and the lack of tolerance, where genuine
secularism has taken a back seat, even after sixty six years
from the day such great thought was resolved unanimously in
a land of ascetics (Rushis), poets and philosophers who
achieved the ultimate level in each & every subjects
pertaining to life, God & religion.

All these are enough to prove that since before couples of
centuries of our independence, we are lacking true
spiritualism. Beside the ostentation that is, there is no official

religion & the State stands committed to a policy of non-
interference in religious matters, our leaders, with their
limited aspect were in hurry to secure their positions & had
ignored the greater aspect of those golden lines they used in
the Article. They were and are well aware of spoiling, rot &
putrefaction of overall social & religious circumstances,
illiteracy & superstition, ill mentality of the people toward
religious acts, the power of religions & their leaders and
above to all, their own incapability.

Instead of God, leaders of these both sides established their
strong & constant relationship with each others & the both
are still enjoying the fruits by dividing people in many heaps.
Many of them were & are cowardly surrendered to a suicide
mix up of so called social & religious system for their own
both sided benefit but no one had tried or no one is trying
boldly to fight the evil bravely & courageously for the benefit
of the people of India & their forthcoming generations. No
one there is to feel guilty for all these on this land where the
words "If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all"

We live in an age where we often demand respect from
others but may not respect those around us. However if we
do not understand how and why we surrender to Gods will
we cannot gain respect we want and need. Respect includes
love for our surrounding what we love for ourselves. It
involves treating others the way we expect to be treated and
the way we hope God will treat us, with compassion, love
and mercy. Major sins put a barrier between humanity and
Gods mercy and cause all the torment, misery and evil in
this world and the hereafter. We should stay away from sin
and must strive against our own destructive character flaws.
How to do these is a simple definition of the word religion
& thats all. But since last two centuries the authorities of

religion from top to bottom either intentionally or
unintentionally are creating confusion in many ways in the
name of God, ritual, belief, tradition, celebration & even in
some required religious activities. People should develop a
perfect shield system to prevent such attacks & for that social
& political leader should endeavor at their best considering it
as their prime responsibility.

That means, understanding self-realization, happy living &
our relationship with the God now a day become a matter of
individual effort & both these leadership failed to provide us
any such platform that confirm & define their liability &
responsibility. On the contrary, they both have joined their
hands in continuation of the same ignorance and foolishness
as they are failing to accept higher aspects of them, having
one & only limited approach of their life, that is, to be
benefited from us as high as possible.

We reached beyond a height of our spiritual fall, & the very
surprising fact is, we are the people of India who recognized
as the original source for the message to the world that the
death is the definite end of every life & our work is the only
thing that can be remembered for many years. This is
unbelievable but is the true cause we are losing an
opportunity for our real happiness & to maintain our strong
& constant relationship with the God since thousands of
years. Mainly, all our endeavors toward achieving spirituality
are always either interrupted or prevented in one or another
ways by the system & establishment of these both
leaderships, only & only for their own benefit!

It is a great surprising fact of mankind that no body, yes it is
a truth, is interested in to learn consciousness of soul, God &
religion in their true meaning & at the same time there is a
big lot of individuals, organizations & books who believes

such teaching is their birth right are fully, yes it is also true,
interested in creating misunderstanding in our path towards
realizing the God & religion so as to maintain monopoly of
their so called business. All these will bring only one result
that day by day we are passing gens of ill minded, selfish,
week, coward & eunuch which is absolutely against the Law
of Nature that passes the DNA of the best out of the best to
the next generation.

That is why, at this juncture, the only thing I can do is, I
heartily request the Honorable President of India to do the
needful to include a subject called as applied science of the
soul & life by considering this book as a syllabus at the
level of 11th standard or equivalent for all our universities,
education boards & such other organizations. I also urge
from the bottom of my heart to the Honorable General
Secretary of United Nations to endeavor some meaningful
efforts that enable the governments of all countries to adopt
such education & if so the universe will witness truthful
happy living of the entire mankind over the planet earth.

Actually, human being is an ultimate of Gods creation fully
equipped by all His power, capacity & grace. He never want
any of us a craven, debile, faint, feeble, pavid, poltroon,
sapless, scaramouch, timid, timorous, or languishing even for
a moment. He want us to reach up to the highest level of the
capacity He entrusted to us, & that is why, our happy living
is a great challenge of the game He is playing with us. As a
part of this game, the natural forces that maintain this
universe always use many of us as their tool in the name of
God & Religion against a huge strength of either illiterate
or less educated unaware people logging at the lowest level
of their confidence to keep all of us away from the secret of
happy living. Believe me, the fact is, one can be happy only
by his/her own efforts & by the grace of God. No one else

but our own self is the only source that is able to provide us a
happy living.

That means we need to forgive them for being so & for
creating the confusion and misunderstanding in our way &
strategy in playing the game of life as an adventure. The time
is now ripped off to reassess & revaluate all our so called
religious activities, the persons involved in the same & to
understand the true meaning of the words God & religion
that enables us to play the game in the spirit of the game. It is
a matter of fact that the ideologies, views & teachings of all
religions & societies remains paralyzed until it commute our
hearts because the very first duty of the human being is an
introversion in a sense that to accept our self with all its
circumstances. We should not waste our time in finding the
truth of all those persons practicing God & religion but
should think for our happy living because after all Truth is
the highest of all virtues but higher still is truthful living.

If we want to become happy we must accept our life as it is
according to our own resources & capacities without any
grouse though we strongly believe life of our neighbor is
happier than us. Whatever rich & equipped, we all is poor &
lacking something every moment & not at all complete in all
respects in consideration with our ever increasing desires. If
we want to live a very happy life we must accept the truth
that we all are a part & portion of the nature & our life is a
course between birth & death, where every spring is followed
by a fall, every ebb returns back as a new tide, every night
has a new morning & unlike birth as a beginning the death as
an end of our life is also sure & definite.

We need something that works immediate with a long lasting
effect to fight courageously against all our worries, miseries
& sufferings but the fact is it is the only thing we are always

lacking, a practical wisdom. It is nothing but an intelligence
that specially developed, designed & cultured by the both-our
mind & heart-only by the time all together with our growth.
All present religions, its entire activities, its present forms of
communication & the persons connected to it from top to
bottom remains fail to make us achieve even a marginal level
of our practical wisdom that can be able to provide us a
happy living.

Look at the Sun. It is precious & is shining only for us & has
no exception for anybody of us. Similarly, we must become
precious by making our everyday a happy day. We should be
happy seeing its light, existence of everything, good people
and good things. We should shine for our surroundings &
help all those unhappy people having only sky on their heads.
We should try to speak some good words to those all old
breathing for last few moments. We should provide help at
our best to all those who are week, seek, ill, handicapped,
hated, disregard, cheated & to those who have no one as their
own in this world. It is the only best way to make our own
self happy in all respect. A leaf which falls from a tree goes
wherever wind takes it. Be the wind to drive others, not the
leaf to be driven by others. If you cannot be a pencil to write
anyone's happiness, then try at least to be a nice rubber to
erase everyone's sorrows!

Thank the God for the sun in the sky, for the roof on our
heads, for the food we eat, for the work we have, for the
health, eyes, ears, hands and feet & for the surrounding
persons to whom we love & who love us. Thank Him that all
these are enough to enjoy the all round happiness because
human life is a rarity.

Mahesh Bhatt

Aspects & course of Life
We all know very well that this world for some is heaven, more joy
less pains & for them I strongly believe that it is because they are
loved by God. While at the other end this world is hell for many.
There is no peace surrounded it but a never-ending troubles,
sufferings and pains. For some it is a prison cell because they do not
have freedom to do everything they like, they are been manipulated
and tortured whole their lives. There are millions living things
including human being, for which, life is just like an ordinary thing
where happiness means resting span of their pains and sufferings.

All of us, more or less, for & at sometimes, live in this world full of
sufferings, pains & miseries those troubles throughout our lives. It
means, no peace & never ending troubles, suffering & pains is not
limited to the poor, backward, illiterate & such similar groups or
community but it is very obvious that all these, off & all,
experienced by many rich, literate & those who belongs to high
society too & that means, our life is an extremely puzzle some

I know we are not alright. I can feel that we are not happy & never
been happy since before. We have so many questions &
circumstances that really needs help & healing at this very minute.
We are facing life and death right now! We do not know what
tomorrow brings to all of us. We are not only a human being but a
superior creation of God but then also it is very surprising that we
are in this world only for just omission and commission. We are
week, sick, ill minded, unhappy and fully occupied by many
problems living so badly in such a way that though death is the
definite & the only end of our life, many of us turns in a living dead.
It is a great universal truth that everyone love life and hate death
however life is a beautiful Lie and death is a painful Truth!

There always a time in the life of everybody of us when we feeling
stuck, not sure where this thing called our life" is headed, unsure of
our own future, frustrated, maybe confused, disillusioned or just
plain ole burnt out. Is life pressing upon our mind and soul so hard
that it now is impacting our heart and we are will to push forward, to
keep moving and to press on? Have past or even recent events sent

us into a tailspin and we are free-falling and clinging on to whatever
we can find just to keep breathing and moving? Disappointed
perhaps and frustrated with people and events in our life? Perhaps
we are a believer in God and we have ardently prayed only to "feel"
like our prayers are hitting an invisible ceiling, a brick wall and
tumbling back down at our feet?

We never get satisfactory answers if we ask ourselves that are we
tired with our life? It seems we are living in a circle, turning &
turning around without any directions at all? Are we wandering on
this earth in full of confusions with so many questions why we have
to suffer and others are happy & live in luxury? Are we happy in the
outside but inside our heart we are grieving for so many
circumstances? Are we living in poverty since our birth until now
with our family? Are we in an instance that it is hard for us to give
forgiveness for others who have done wrong with us? Are we in a
situation of planning & thinking of vengeance to people who had
hurt us? Are we also in a situation facing trials & tests in our lives?

As such, everybody of us is repeatedly receiving advice from the
other person or through a book that To all who do not feel good
today, it is okay. It is normal cycle of our physical body. Just have
always with us positive thoughts. Do not let our depression take us
away from the good of this day. Always have with us this thought
that life is a gift given by our Creator. We are here to make the most
of it. We are here to be happy where tomorrow is a promise of a
good life. Stand up, go and give ourselves a break. We are not just
there at the corner doing nothing. Fight life! Keep on fighting the
race, we cannot be a loser, we will win and this is our aim, a victory
over all challenges of life. We are survivors of this earth! but I am
very sure we are really tired of receiving such advices!

I very deeply understand the difference between to advice & to face.
However, it only reiterate all such advices, I endeavored here at my
best to make you all acquainted about the vitality & variedness of the
supreme Godhead & to produce and create love and faith inside you
for Him. This universe in which we are doing all that and this is a
mortal world, from which, one day everything will be perish and the
only name will remain is God. At this juncture, my one & only
intention for all these written here is to establish your constant &

strong relationship with Him because it is the only source for
everybody of us to carry on a happy life. If it remains fail to achieve
my goal, and then also, be sure that all these is only to encourage us
to fight against the situation around us & not at all to emboss my
thought & ideology on anybody of us. We are free to think different
is also a great uncertainty of this universe & therefore, first of all, I
must introduce myself so that you can be able to assess me & all that
is written here at the same time.

I am a very satisfied person gladly accept & commit that God has
given me more than what I deserved by my own efforts-the
happiness, peace & love for all humanity around me as my world. I
am born & brought up in Hindu culture of India & therefore, came to
know or in other way compel to know the terms God & religion as
believed & followed by my surroundings. Moreover, though not in a
satisfactory way, I have gone through our epics like Ramayana,
Mahabharata & many other scriptures those are Bhagvad Geeta,
Vedas, Upanishads, Purans etc. in addition to various books on
philosophy, religions, autobiography of legends & by subjects truth,
karma (act), soul, universe, Lord of the universe, sin, meritorious,
yoga, healing, meditation, spiritual empowerment etc. since
adolescence to till date. I have many Muslim, Sikh, Buddha and
Christian friends who are matured enough to exchange dialogues on
each others religions & related topics.

I am highly pleased to make you knowledgeable about those few
moments of my first ever experience of signs & evidences that God
existed. It is once when I was a kid of just five and was sitting
nearby to my father during his regular worshiping activities in
avidity of some pieces of banana kept there in a small metal dish on
the low square stool in front of many small statues, photos & many
types of other materials which is considered as holy & worshipful,
arranged very well according to their importance by my father in a
lower division of an open space in the wall used as door less
cupboard, to which, we called it as our home temple.

My father use to keep his eyes closed for some part of the worship &
during that time, I tried to steal a piece of banana but was prevented
by an invisible force inside of me & I am very sure that there were
three repetitions of the said prevention. It had started an internal

dialogs between me & that invisible force to whom I named as God
when I grew young, wherein, I will not try again & will wait till the
worshiping completed if I will get all blessed food was the only
condition we compromised.

Still today I cannot believe but it was a fact that two mousses
fighting to each other rushed there & one of them hurtled the dish &
the blessed food fell down on the cloth spread on that stool. My
father filled back all pieces in that dish & the whole scenario ended
as my great surprise that I was told to take away it as mine. He took
dish full of lump sugar as blessed food & continued with his
worship. Since that, a trust was developed inside me that God is
always there to help me & as a child I use to call upon Him that
brought many successes for my small need & was sulked with Him
too for many times for not providing things desired by me & for my

Since that first realization of an invisible is being existed, the most
active part of my physical body, my brain, for most of the time, is in
search of the real meaning of the word GOD, the true and real
existence of God & our relationship with Him. But when I realized
that He is unable to go beyond my destiny & since I came to know
about this universal uncertainty of I that is me & the life that is my
own, I always pray for very happy and blessed life for all. May our
God given life will be proved useful for the source of joy with
spiritual, very emotional & optimistic attitude. May peace prevail on
earth! Please spread peace, love and enrichment to all human
communities around the world because I truly believe in the God.

As a result of searching of my mind & some continuous dialogues
with my soul I reached up to a new way of living to which I must
call it as my own living testimony that Life is an adventure. Do not
give up. Keep on fighting! Be happy in all its courses! And as such, I
am always searching joy & happiness from all small things &
matters of my life. I use to laugh at & with each & every one of my
surrounding & also use to make them laugh too even on me so as to
become able to reduce the pains & sufferings of the both sides.
Instead giving priority to the religion, its scriptures, the saint, gurus
and such other leaders, the philosophers and their ideologies, only
purpose of my life what I made is to be happy always & to make

others happy. I am always feeling happy with this way of living &
would like to share everything in this connection with all those who
are desirous to know our relationship with God & intend soon to
comprehend His will.

I am a person who believes that life is the most precious gift that we
have & hence, we should treasure every moment that we have with
us. I believe in living in the present and looking forward to a positive
future irrespective of the setbacks or losses that we might have had
in life because experiences of sorts can only make us stronger, better
& deeper as individuals. Life is too short to wake up in the morning
with regrets so love the people who treat us right. Pray for the ones
who do not. Strive hard of living a new life everyday with God
through faith in Him & love to all that come across to us because
every creature has life but only a few human beings have real life.
And this way I am trying my best to maintain my strong relation
with the Great Almighty because after all the oneness of the supreme
Godhead is made of He, I & the universe & when any two of them
are happy then why should not the third!

I am always looking for a decent, genuine & sensible friendship that
develop through honesty & sensitivity. Decency is a virtue I admire
the most. I know the fact that no one and nothing is perfect in this
world, yet it is very important to find the right person to strike a
chord. I am a positive thinker and a professional who values every
moment in life and makes the most of it. I would want someone who
would help me make life more meaningful & joyous. Do join this
adventurous attempt if you too happen to believe in my views and
enter a new search in your mind that God exist or not because
ultimately search towards to Him is the only thing that finally
becomes our living testimony, and that is why, it is become very
important for me to make you all understand very pure and proper
definition of some special words we off & all experience throughout
of our life and means a lot to our lives. Such words should be a life
itself, success, failure, troubles, pains, sufferings, happiness,
feelings, faith, love, peace, good, bad, heaven, hell, God & above to
all who am I.

Starting with the word Life I must write that it is really full of
surprises. Life, an adventure is the duration between births to death,

wherein, all actions performed by us & reflected by our surroundings
are our own moments & events, weather happy or sad. However, life
is ten percent what we make it and ninety percent how we take it,
however, a very excessive peculiarity of the word life, that what our
life now is what we made it. Life needs us to come on some concrete
conclusion to fight the situation by sticking on it keeping someone or
something as the God with us by our prayers truly from our heart till
the favorable result is achieved as we have so many different
concerns in our lives.

According to my own logic, since the time of being sparked as an
individualized divine consciousness, being a developing fetus, with
empty brain of an absolute zero memory, we actually make our own
universe other than all the others & then enter in to it, this way the
Creator gets the experience one tiny part of His infinite potentials
through each of innumerable individual lives in this universe. The
only pursuit of such experience through physical life is how the
infinite mind actualizes its infinite potential. In doing so, our body,
senses & mind are merely tools for experiencing physical existence.
This is the reason that differentiate us each other by interest, quality
& ability. However developing all the time, our incomplete
knowledge of physical reality always encourage our mind to
maintain a newness in everything that we experience & that allow
all of us to live our lives as a great adventure.

In this literal sense, the purpose of our life is nothing but an
experience, God wishes to experience life through every living thing.
Our consciousness may can be transferred for more newer
experience but can never die & I am not at all wrong in reaching a
conclusion that life is God made manifest & at the end of life, our
individual consciousness will be fully reunited with His infinite
consciousness, as & when, His purpose will be fulfilled which
characterized as emancipation (moksha) in Hindu religious

Following this logic, there was no good & bad, right & wrong,
righteous & sin, happy & sad, pain & pleasure, justice & injustice,
divine & evil & so more at the time of our creation but all these are
the terms that define our life experiences in maintaining our
existence, in consideration with the other beings. Except God there is

no absolute good or bad, no timeless right or wrong, these terms are
only the name of the outcome of all our actions which does or does
not advance our existential purpose. Everything we do at a certain
time frame has consequences, Hindu scriptures called it as Law of
Karma, to which, science describes it as law of action & its reaction
that whatever we did unto others would, sooner or later, come back
upon us full force.

According to that the consequence of our negative actions is
negative things happening to us, though not necessarily immediately.
As such, we should think for our lots of actions for plenty of time in
our imagined universe to achieve a balance of good & evil, of high
& low, in the existence of our spiritual being, either knowingly or
unknowingly. The consequences of the things we do largely depends
on the context in which they are done, & that way, all rules of proper
behavior depend upon a trinity of time, place & purpose.

We must be careful, however, not to attribute all our personal
misfortunes to the action of Karma. Those living particularly
unfortunate lives may be balancing & canceling negative karma
from previous lives. There is also a possibility of a superficial
intelligence have intentionally chosen a life of suffering (i.e.
incarnation, deity, saint, sage etc.) for the benefits it can bring not
only for that particular soul but for the entire universe. Suffering &
hardship can bring growth & wisdom and this may be a path chosen
by benevolent souls to advance their spiritual evolution.

The fabrics of life is approximation, not certainty, all the time we
confronted with situations, circumstances, contradictions, facts,
evidences & claims. Out of it all & in the very midst of the circus of
life we draw conclusions as best we can.

Life as a human being is a great gift of God.
Life is beautiful does not lose it till it lost you,
Life is a big cheating but completes it in its full swing,
Life is a game plays it with absolute sportsman spirit,
Life is an education for us & through us for our surroundings so get
it & let it pass.

All about Happy Living

Actually, in search of our so called happiness, we have no time to
understand the meaning of our life as well as the power of the
satisfaction of the things we are having! We must think for our life
in a way that we have very little time on this small planet between
our birth & death & we are absolutely helpless to add even a second
in it, so we must remain happy for each & every moment, whatever
the adverse circumstances, we must make it memorable & will have
to become happy again by remembering all those moments of our
life. The difference between God and human being is- God gives and
forgives while man gets and forgets! Do not forget those happy
moments because those are given by the God.

In fact it is very great to be born & live as a human being &
therefore our life is to enjoy every moment, to smile & to laugh, to
love & to be loved, to be a good human being & that way only for a
happy living. We by being human simply need to live happy & thats
all. Being Human is the most difficult but not impossible just try
one more time. So simple is to live, so simple is to love, so simple is
to smile, so simple is to win but it is so difficult to be simple! Good
life means love yourself, flirt with your understanding, romance with
own dreams, get engaged with simplicity, marry genuineness and
divorce the egos. Life is only traveled once, today's moment
becomes tomorrow's memory so enjoy every moment, good or bad,
because the gift of life is the life itself.

Meaning of life cannot find in a dictionary but can be searched only
from the life itself. Our day should be passed in a manner that
experiences a contentment of an accomplishment of an art piece
while going to the bed in the night. No pang for it is not happening is
perhaps obvious but if there is no repentance for it, then, it is a very
serious matter that preventing us to live a happy life. Most of us
sorrowfully encircled since the moment we wake up in the morning.
It is really worthless to find the happiness even we never feel the
astonishment when wake up from sleep. New life never enters in a
self made pauper living. Such ill minded never become able to see
blooming flowers & singing birds.

We are always lacking something in our life because we never

proudly preserve our God gifted senses like eyes, ears, nose, tongue
etc. The eyes are to enjoy the greatness of the universe by observing
rising sun, colorful florescence, whitened snowy peaks, blue sky,
colors of the clouds & stars and movements of the moon in the night.
Tongue is to speak noble words, hands are to give a loaf of bread to
a poor & for delicacy kinetic consonance, feet are to guide a blind &
incapable and the heart is only to feel sensibility but we never
respected our body in this manner.

I am always in search of the secret of our real happiness weather it
would be gained either by money or wealth or land, buildings &
properties or by watching movies, dramas & such other shows or by
luxury tours or from delicious dishes but I strongly believes that all
these never a cause of our long lasting real happiness. I am always
surprised by those few having a very special sense to enjoy each &
every small aspects & things of their life. Instead of uneasiness,
confusion and self pride they are equipped by a great herb of smile
and pleasantness.

Sir Charlie Chaplin achieved an ultimate height of this herb & said
for his life that I have many problems in my life but my lips do not
know that. Although smile is necessary & wholesome factor of our
life we never think for it in a way that it is a best medicine both for
our heart & mind. If there are creases of worries in our heart, those
creases appear very soon on our faces too, but the smile is our best
cosmetic that prevent it. It makes us relaxed & cool, free us from our
daily routine workload & its chemical reaction increases our hunger
& controls our blood pressure. Smile is a language of love, is a
source to win hearts, is a name of livelihood & brings greatness in
personality so always keep smiling.

On the contrary, it becomes our common tendency to be stressed &
cried out with complain for all small uncomforting of our life. If we
miss a bus we never think of people who have to walk daily to go to
job, if it is headache, we never think of many who are handicapped,
if there is a stigma on our face, we never think of people suffering
from incurable diseases, if the queue is long, we never think of those
millions were & are tortured only because of their different beliefs,
cast and creed. If there is a little delay in our lunch, we never think
of those billions who cannot have enough food to eat and if

somebody refused our demand we never think that there are
innumerable helpless persons over the globe.

If we desire to blossom like a rose in the garden then we must learn
the art of adjusting with the thorns because only difficulties will
make us shine like a rose. We never become happy if we are in habit
to see everything wrong around us & the defects of the others since
very first moment we open our eyes in the morning. We can never be
happy if we are a victim of our own feelings & emotions, slave of
our own desires, prisoner of our own over expectations & not at all
in position to control our obsession.

Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of
garbage, full of frustration, full of envy, full of disappointment, full
of anger & full of pride. As their garbage piles up, they need a place
to dump it and sometimes they dump it on us. Just smile, wave, wish
them well & move on because successful people do not let garbage
trucks take over their day and spread it to other people at work, at
home or on the streets.

Many of us is always suffering from only one superstition that there
is nobody who can understand them & ever increasingly
complaining is their birth right. A thought never even arise in their
mind that how they understand their own self! They intend to loot all
wealth of the world but always remain careless towards the
preciousness of all small matters & thing of their life. All of us are
more or less proved a dam bagger against the God but no one
thanked Him that I am very happy to have too much. Most of us
suffering from inferiority complex & evaluate own capabilities at the
lowest. We condemned our own self from all quarters & insult our
self unconsciously.

Though well aware of all religious & spiritual reality of the life, the
fact is, many of us are the creator of many pains & suffering that last
long with us till our death. We became dependent of many things,
services & persons, we use to make everything a puzzle & we lost
our temperament even for very small inconveniency. More over we
generally use to avoid problems during our growth, education,
occupation, marriage & relations with the others, at the time when it
arises & than continuously feel our self fully pressed under its

burden but as a matter of fact it all habituated to run behind &
knockdown us if we escape. Actually, we must sincerely accept all
problems with strength & courage.

All of us while growing young use to shape a conception of life &
than we love it. When the distance gradually increased between that
ideal imagination & realities of life we exercise to forget it but ones
it was loved by us previously at an extreme level it become too hard
for us to forget. On the contrary, it arise again & again at all horizons
of our mind. There would be thousand types of such imagined forms
of life & to run after such visionary, many of us, continuously either
intentionally or unintentionally provide pains & sufferings to our
own self & to all our surroundings & relatives including intimates.
There is nothing wrong in dreaming for such a beautiful thought but
it conflict our life when become an iron cage on all sides to us.

Consequently, many of us experience our own self tightly hang on to
destiny, circumstances & our helplessness from our neck & we are
compelled to go with it, wherein, our imagined own self as an ideal
character of our life is nothing else but purely an imagination of
ideal circumstances which can never been possible & that is why, we
always cried out when such detachment occurs. A victorious of the
world or a celebrity is not at all a destiny of the all, hence, lust for it
& to be a martyr for & as it, is a complete foolishness, while at the
other end, to become all the time happy human being is a worth
matter of our own hands.

In fact, we consume most of our life bewailing pains but never
realized that the hands, feet & intellect given to us by the God are
only to be happy & to make other happy. Man is nothing but a
miracle but he himself turns that miracle in an unfortunate
occurrence. God is not at all interested in creating a stunted man but
we never have such feeling that what I possess is different than the
other. We should put faith in our own self & should trust that there is
no one other like myself. Unlike entire water in the ocean can never
sink a ship, unless it gets inside, all the pressures of life can never
hurt us unless we let them in.

The one who develop own self to go ahead in the maze of adverse
circumstances & not disappointed if such advancement is not

possible can enjoy the essence of the fruit of life. There also is
sweetness even in a ripped fruit of the nimb tree but the one who
thinks about grape at that time, loss the total charm of life. Only very
few can properly set their life on a certain point in a previously well
drawn up map but many of us has to cross our life in such a manner
that we seat to play cards with some strange wayfarers just to pass a
night in a inn & we cannot play our games according to our pre
imagined strategies as there never can be other alternative.

It is because God is using many tricks those are bitter experiences,
unavoidable circumstances, conflict, worries & something more than
that to teach us many lessons. God is always in search of the best in
His best creation & therefore, is in practice to test the highest of us
for all the time. All these develop our virtue. Financial loss teaches
us good, right & proper use of money, hardship teaches patience &
thus gradually we become master in the art that make us free from
all our actions. But we abide by conceit, avarice, libido, anger etc &
that way loss the opportunity to change ourselves. We strongly
blame the world for all our miseries & try to search the solution in to
the others & never fight by our own in time of setbacks. The world
can be change only for those who change their selves.

However comparing the other animals we are living together with
unbelievably more in numbers in this universe but everybody of us is
feeling alone is a surprising fact! Though experiencing the presence
of the others we avoid even to look at the other at all public places is
become our very common life style. We use to walk with just a
single thought that all people of our surrounding are the walking
poles & we just try to avoid collision. We never had have tried to
accept the miraculous greatness of the God that everybody of us is a
different, can think different, behave different, feel different & can
speak different. We have lost our own acquaintance having a heart
inside of us & therefore cannot in a position even to imagine the
outcome of those happy moments when everybody asks the others
how are you!

World always say that find good people and leave the bad ones but I
say, find the good in people and ignore the bad in them because no
one is born perfect. When we have the heart to forget those who
made us smile than we must have the heart to forgive someone who

made us cry. If we are sad we always remember the person who
loves us then if we are happy we must remember the person who we
love! However, man of the present consumes the life first in
producing & than in reducing tension. A different thought sometimes
come to my mind that Is an absolutely tensionless life possible?
Rebuffing the tension is not velour on the contrary it is a proved fact
that if there is tension there is progress.

Tension full bad living is a product of a trinity of ruinous instinct
that devours us. Life of many people is devoured by moil or
donkeywork. Those poor people who are compel to go for drudgery
for the sake of food is a different case but what to understand in the
case of the one who cannot leave chore though having enough
money? A greedy can never leave away moil whatever the wealthy
he is. A miser can give away life but can never leave away of his
money. He devours the life of his family, makes his wife widow
though he is alive & lives life almost as widower.

The second thing that devours the life is an addiction. Addicts never
become ruinous individually but makes ruined their families too.
There are many examples noted by some organizations engaged
against addiction that a father of a daughter had asked whether the
boy use to drink or not? Addiction is an outraged swoop on our
independence. Many families ruined due to alcoholic drink &
tobacco. A drunkard king or thane always proved costly to the
people. Groggy actor shortens his career. Smoker father inheriting
weakened lungs to their sons.

The third thing that devours the life is a lack of goals. The
mechanical routine life is a second name of death. People lives by
their habit but never asked by self that ultimately why for this life is?
When such question is not arises believe that we just ostentation life.
People over the globe are well aware of the great come back of
Japan, within a short period after Second World War, only because
they are goal bound. A fantastic sentence written on every
Japanese bus stop is Only buses will stop here. Not your time, so
keep walking towards your goal. The insolvent of the business lose
his credit but the reputation not fears of those who are insolvent of
the life not having any goal, on the contrary, sometimes considered
as VIP, if he/she is rich and is a system adopted by our society!

Life, with all its activities, implies risk. It cannot offer success in all
attempts. We are now up, but later on we are down there. We are
down now & later on we will up there. There is no such thing that
remains constant in this world. We all need to be flexible, so that we
can stand up high in various conditions in life. There is always a
hair's breadth between success and failure but the danger is part of
the thrill. Some failures act as a challenge is able enough to
stimulating our aggressive instincts. We want to pick ourselves up
again, have to fight back, need to try harder, ought to direct our
effort a little differently for a win next time. Sometimes we may fail
in our aim, some sighs and regrets may arise but we need to strive
and have to remain active & unbeaten to play the game to find where
the true happiness lies. But it is a universal fact that there are always
ongoing hurdles or resistances called as troubles for every one of us.

Troubles are like pebbles. Looked at objectively, they are challenges
we can meet and conquer but out of perspective they assume
gigantic proportions that cause us to fret & fear. Some people are
very impatient. They hated to wait for longer hours or longer line for
something. They do not accept any explanations for the delay on
something. They do not want to care about others' feelings. They
think only of themselves & want to control everything to their own
ends. They always love short cuts. As a society we all are
surrounded by such people & have to live with them.

Never play with the feelings of others because we may win the game
but the risk is that we will surely lose the person for lifetime. Expect
more from our own self than from others because expectation from
others hurts a lot while expectation from us inspires a lot. Too many
resplendent sunsets we never even noticed because our sight was
colored with the die of fright! Whatever we perceive our world, the
place we called home is nothing but our life molded by us and is a
destiny created us.

There are certain life situations, inevitably painful and we have to
take them in our stride. There are also certain situations which we
have created, either deliberately or by neglect and from these we
have to learn a lesson so that they are not repeated again. Some time
we as a person forcefully entrapped in such a painful situation which
has a height beyond our capacity to suffer a pain though we can do

nothing to come out from it & have to face it, but then also, we must
believe that everything happens for a reason. Nobody said life would
be easy, they just promised it would be worth it. God works the same
way. Many times, we wonder why He would let us go through such
bad & difficult times. But God knows that when He puts all these
things in His order, they always work for good. We just have to trust
Him & eventually, they will all make something wonderful. Accept
the pain, future will be fruitful. Do not feel the work we are doing is
pain, because there will be always a reason for that pain or work so
face the pain, for the pain we face, there will be definitely happiness
ahead. Do not ask for a lighter load but pray God for a stronger back.

There are lot of small & big resistances & hindrances that prevent us
to live happy. Consequently, all these are list concerned with our
education, intelligence, prestige, wealth, relations & popularity and
with what so ever our greatness is. Such bad spells of life are
unavoidable & inhabit to attack us all of a sudden. Illness, fatal
diseases, accident, sudden death of a loving intimate, lose in
business or of job, ruse, perfidy, cheating, disregard by husband or
wife, defamation, to be a victim of natural calamity etc. make us
frustrated and shattered and break away all our delusion of our so
called happiness but all these is a part and portion of our life and I
am very sure that no one can survive from this evil fact.

Although there is no other alternative than to face all these sudden
attacks courageously many of us cannot even accept it, try hard to
escape from it & give up as fully pressed of it. In fact a difficult
circumstance is a boon. It shows us the reality of life, realize us our
frail. It makes us feel our self as indigent, weak & worthless but at
the same time provide us new sense & meaning of our real happiness
& than after only, we experience our true own self. Always welcome
the problems because problems give us dual advice. First, we know
how to solve it and the second we know how to avoid it in future.
Negative thinkers focus on problems while positive thinkers focus
on solutions.

The Buddhist path to liberation and enlightenment become very
interesting at this point that defines pains & sufferings as endless
cycle. It describes principles of rebirth & karma (action) as the two
of the basic beliefs of Buddhism towards the Eight Steps to

Happiness & according to that the basis of Buddhist morality is an
understanding of the law of karma, the definite relationship between
actions and their effects - virtue causing happiness and non-virtue
causing suffering.

Generally, everyone who has physical or mental pain, even animals,
understands their own suffering but Buddha says you should know
sufferings, means we should know the sufferings of our future lives
too. Through knowing these, we shall develop a strong
determination to liberate our self until we liberate ours self from the
sufferings of future lives, we shall definitely use our present human
life for the freedom & happiness of our countless future lives. If we
do not have this will, we shall waste precious human life only for the
freedom & happiness of this one short & present life.

Every living being without exception has to experience the cycle of
the sufferings of sickness, ageing, death & rebirth, in life after life,
endlessly. Following Buddha You should abandon origins we
should develop strong renunciation for this endless cycle & make a
strong determination to attain enlightenment, the permanent
cessation of suffering & to lead every living being to that state.
Normally we have a sincere wish to avoid suffering permanently but
we never think to abandon our origins refers mainly to our
delusions of attachment, anger and self-grasping ignorance as we are
always rushing towards worldly pleasures.

However, without controlling & abandoning our delusions, it is
impossible to attain permanent liberation from suffering and
problems. It is important to understand that as ordinary worldly
beings we do not choose our rebirth but are reborn solely in
accordance with our karma. If good karma ripens we are reborn in a
fortunate state, either as a human or a God but if negative karma
ripens we are reborn in a lower state, as an animal, a hungry ghost or
a hell being.

Happy or miserable our whole life will be, is the effect of our
judgment of things around us. It is based on our fast and wrong
decisions we have done in our life. Building our life needs to think it
maturely. We have to be wise and very cautious. Think ahead of
time & the things that can cause good or bad effects. We have to

balance everything. We have given minds to use it for our sake & for
others too. We cannot blame someone else except the destiny for
what happened to us & happening to us now. We are the one who
made it. We are lack of patience to wait for an exact time, what we
called God's time to materialize things we ever wanted.

Happiness is a well balanced span, time or even a moment of a life.
Happiness is a state of soul, atmosphere is interior, does not depend
on external circumstances or facts. Set our limits to be naughty
sometimes, but not too much. Explore the world. Learn to make
mistakes sometimes, but not too much, it will teach us life and can
differentiate good from bad.

All we want is happiness and peace of mind. We always want to live
in a peaceful environment and intend to have everything that we
need. Just like living in paradise. I am very sure that we can obtain it
here on earth. We always have with us one feeling that is love &
with love we can have harmony with the world. Because love is
compassionate, humble, fair, kind, charitable, always wants peace
and everything good! Love to God and put our faith in Him will
automatically bring all happiness for us is a proved universal fact.

We are made educated by thousands of years long experience of our
lineage that everything is under God's control & we are the one who
can help ourselves to become happy by just accepting God with
faith. We all know very well that to remember God and to serve Him
at the highest level is not only a need for our all over happiness but
is a basic requirement for our existence too. Believe that there is
heaven here on earth. Just believe & it will happen to us if we fill our
hearts with full of sincerity and humility by relying on ourselves
alone to the God what so ever the name of our choice.

Fundamental Misunderstanding defining
God & Religion

People all over the globe are well aware of this fact that God is in
everything, everywhere & at every time. Everybody of us is a
creation of God as a part of His mysterious arrangement of His great
universe that is run by Him. All these provides many names &
varied concepts, ideas & experiences of God & His existence to
everybody of us. It is therefore, becomes a matter of great confusion
for almost everybody of us to answer any such question that who is
God? How do we know God exists? Is there truly a God? How can
anyone be sure such a being exists?

The arrangement of this unbelievably extraordinary well designed
universe is the actual cause for the entire mankind & that has created
a great fundamental misunderstanding to name the God, to know His
existence, to find Him truly & properly & to finalize any authentic &
responsible system that make us sure of such a being exists, & that is
why, since thousands of years to this present moment we have not
reach up to an unanimous establishment to connect ourselves with
God, on the contrary, all of us have our own names & ways to
worship the God with our definite, specific & rigid approach &
likings according to our cast & creed, religion & region, path &
persuasion, to which we strongly believe that our relationship with
God is pure, sure & constant!

There is no doubt at all that to love & put faith in God & His all
kinds & forms of the universe can bring happiness that is able
enough to convert our surroundings in to a paradise. However,
people are associated with places like temples, churches & mosques,
books like Geeta, Bible, Quran, & such kinds & types of other
religious scriptures and persons like ascetics, saints, philosophers,
messengers, priests, guides & such other religious preceptors by
keeping their trust & faith in them only to get themselves be blessed
for happiness in the name of their relationship with God & not at all
for the true salvation purely in a spiritual manner & way.

This way, our logging for the happiness, what I mean is, the worldly
happiness, is the second cause able enough to create a basic
misunderstanding in realizing God. It is the most hazardous element

towards the true happiness of our life for every living things because
everybody wants to be happy all the time & nobody want to be sad
even for a moment is a great mystery of this universe & people all
over the globe want God & His all kinds & forms of the universe in
the name of their own so called happiness & not as a Supreme
Personality of Godhead.

Generally human being believe in God to cope with some of their
most basic fears, which is the third, real & unavoidable cause of
basic misunderstanding in naming God for all of us. Everybody of us
want a father figure to protect our self from this frightening world,
who gives our lives meaning and purpose, something that stops
death being the end, to believe that we are an important part of the
universe and that some component of the universe (God) cares for
and respects us.

In fact everybody wants a different God, the different than He is, the
merciful who suffers along with us. We pray to save our own self,
while thousands die but never think that if all stop dying, there will
be no space on earth. We should not afraid of death & should not
concern only with sorrow and suffering. But every thought of God is
bound to be colored and limited by the views and cultural
background of the person making the description & is absolutely
restricted by the religious beliefs, tradition & sayings of the religion
& its leaders, to which, that particular person use to believe.

Since we cannot comprehend God directly(actually we never
desirous to do so), we use to get an idea of God by looking at the
lives and teachings of the saint, sages & other religious leaders
especially His messengers and through the words created(the holy
scriptures) by the God. There is no doubt at all that till date all of
them have provided the most complete knowledge of God available
at their particular time. Actually, this is the forth cause of
misunderstanding in naming God for all of us as it is a proved fact
that all of us are just in practice only in to believe, trust & respect
such personalities, such Holy scriptures and such social & religious
establishments & organizations but mostly, never use to live
according to lives & teachings of them, we use to believe & respect
such Holy scriptures but not at all desirous to go with all that what is
written in such Holy scriptures in our real life and we use to put our

faith, trust & respect in such social & religious establishments &
organizations only to gain the mass benefits in many ways, to
establish supremacy being a part of it & to impress & victimize the

However, everyone possesses the discretionary knowledge to judge
good & bad, these days at large numbers, many of us are initiated as
disciples, collectively by many persons, books & organizations
wherein, neither any of these three nor the disciples feel concerned
about their salvation. It is a great insult of the Guru-disciple tradition
by the both sides. The so called Guru is not worthy to lead the
disciples to salvation & than also the fact is the disciples are not
allowed to go somewhere else, while at the other end, the disciples
are concerned only with the blessings for the fulfillment of their
loggings & not with the teachings. It is not necessary that one can
attain salvation simply by having a religion or a help in any other
way but it can attain by one's own yearning and strong desire.

Actually the God realized enlightened & devoted saints who able to
show us a path to salvation never like to have disciples. Hindu
scriptures says Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum" means God is the
Guru of the whole world & we are also a part of this world, then as a
whole, we are not one without a Guru & therefore, to stay in
company of noble saints and follow their teachings is good but is a
matter purely limited to the concern person. Guru-disciple
relationship or bondage is never required as compulsory for the path
towards the God. On the contrary, if one does not follow their
teachings, then it shall not amount to be a sin but if the one have a
Guru and do not follow his commands, it is a sin, an offense.

In life it is seen that generally many of us desires that other people
be drawn towards them, they wants them to trust them, to become
their disciple, to have reverence for them, to offer them regard, to
respect and worship them, to obey them, to follow their sect etc.
Moreover, to serve these purposes & to get them self be popular,
many persons use different ways & methods like a photo, statue,
tree, animal, small temple, tomb, location & such other things which
they use to call it as holly things. Though God, in spite of being
superior to all, does not make anyone dependent, He makes the faith
of a devotee steady in the deity, whom they seeks to worship-this

shows the great generosity and impartiality of God. Whatever
celestial form a devotee seeks to worship with faith, in those forms
itself, God steady the faith of those devotees.

This is the fifth cause that has created a fundamental
misunderstanding & a real truth behind many names of our God and
due to these, all higher authorities, by whom we are divided in many
heaps, never become courageous to accept & commit other names of
God even at an equal level. Even according to a man's desire, God
Himself makes a devotees faith firm in the worship of various
demigods (devataas) & our so called Gurus. He Himself satisfies
their various desires through them & it is God's immense generosity
but man only believes that it is through the worship of the various
demigods & gurus themselves, that his desires were fulfilled. In
reality, all these are dependent & subordinate to the God. The ability
and the rights to satisfy desires have been given to them by Him.
They also have to surrender themselves to their God for the
satisfaction of their own desires.

Generally, people visit &/or pay their homage from one to another, if
not satisfied properly & timely, with their so called faith & trust for
the fulfillment of their common to all personal, family & social
riddles, embarrassments & wishes like wealth, health, marriage,
child, education, business, job, family dispute etc. & not at all for a
strong relationship with God. You all must have to agree with me
that as there is continuous repetition of sacred things, incenses,
adoration, worship, prayer, burnt offering, oblation, hymn,
incantation, religious talk & singing and many more of that sort at
the concerning religious places of such individuals & organizations,
& that is why, for some of them & for sometimes, the divine
atmosphere, holiness & vibrations can be able to turn some positive
energy for the fulfillment of the wishes of some fortunate

Some sites & seats claims to transform negative energy of the
universe by their black magic &/or witchcraft to fulfill the wishes of
their very few own who are able to please them in all respects &
some claims to use evil spirit/s for such work-is a story of strength of
such individuals & organizations that sometimes comes to our
knowledge form here & there, however, we all understand very well

that such exchanges can never be consider as our strong relationship
with God & is a complete selfishness of both concerned sides as a
whole. All these proved as the sixth & most significant cause of
misunderstanding in naming the God especially in the illiterate,
backward & lower than higher middle class strength of our entire
society. It is extremely shameful fact that due to all these, presently
we are divided in such a bad & senseless way that we can be used by
the others for their own benefit in the name of God & religion & the
only reason is our loggings & nothing else. The most surprising is
our bad luck that we are proud of it! This is a great cruse that
befallen to the life of the walking marvel on the earth.

Though it is unbelievable but the seventh great misunderstanding
towards the path of God is carried out by all of us since generations
that we are made fool that God, His relationship with us & His
blessings can be experienced only by adopting a religion that must
be continued from our forefathers & if not than we must be turned to
the other one in a well planned way. I am very sure but it is our own
selfish choice to get benefited according to our own requirements &
not at all a relationship with the God!

Actually, God and religion are the two different things but since
thousands of years, we all are a victim of this great misunderstanding
that every religion has its separate God to worship, for which, we
can widely use a term that our God & our religion. It is a fully
unauthorized combination that provides benefit to the both sides,
those who come there & those who call others to go with them. It is
a vicious circle of its own started since there were at least three
human beings on this earth because difference of opinion is a part &
portion of the law of Nature.

Our education, culture of our society, our religious & social leaders
and our respected elders & other family members prove failed to
acknowledge us a simple reality that God is a universal fact
pervaded all over can be found in anything, any form or even as an
invisible thought and the religion is a constitution toward the
progressive living of mankind & that way to establish a relation with

Religion is nothing but a set of principles that teaches us how to live.

It considered as the blessed words of God only because it is a best
outcome of millions years long experience of the mankind & fruits
of the penances & sacrifices of our saints & sagas & than also, there
should be a scope to vary as per the need of time & fact of the
situation. The use of a sentences that it is said by the God Himself
or by His prophet/ messenger and it is written in our holy scripture
(Geeta, Bible, Quran etc) is to provide & increase faith & trust to
live according to those principles even in the hardship of the life &
not at all to establish the supremacy of a religion, person & a book
what so ever holy & miraculous they/it are. All those rigid &
extremist approaches are the eighth cause of our misunderstanding in
defining the God & Religion.

We knows very well that since thousands of years, people of all
religions, in collision with their so called religious surroundings and
all small & big authorities of their religion developed a new living to
progress high very rapidly instead of progressive living according
to the religious scriptures, wherein, one remains fail to follow any
principle that really teaches us how to live is not a very big matter
because the bad effects or balance of sin for the same can be washed
out or can be manage by the blessing of the God and such blessing
depends on how he/she is blessed & acquainted by all higher
authorities of that religion & society! Huge strength of people of the
both side exercising such an exception is the ninth cause creating
misunderstanding in judging the religion.

We spend our life in a world of matter, we all the time encounter
solids, liquids & gases, all which are different forms of matter. We
identify our self with our body, which also consists of matter. We are
so accustomed to equating reality with matter that even if we believe
in an afterlife, it is very difficult for us to conceive of it as anything
other than a quasi-reality. It is the tenth cause of our
misunderstanding in defining the God & Religion & as such the
history of religion is full of depictions of God as Supra-material
being & of heaven as a literal place, but such views are impossibly
limiting His supremacy. However religious scriptures presented
many celestial forms not only with masculine & feminine gender but
with the essence of both, the esoteric traditions tell us that before any
beginning & beyond any end, God the Unrevealed simply is &
nothing more can be said with certainty about Him.

Our basic misunderstanding in defining the words God & religion
become a cause that present world is divided in many heaps.
Moreover, at one side, all religious individuals, organizations, places
& books are in practice to use their own separated form of the real
supreme Godhead or the creator by en-cashing their idea and
blessings & for many kinds & types of benefits to which they called
their God or His part and portion, while at the other side there is
nothing but our longing of happiness. We cannot prevent this never
ending vicious circle to carry on its all activities till the end of the

At various times, religions have named a single God, multiple Gods
and Goddesses, an invisible life force, a cosmic mind and in the
current religion of physics, a blind game of chance, hence, in a living
universe, we do not have to answer any questions about who the
creator is. We use to worship water, fire, wind, land, sky, trees,
stones, mountains, rivers, seas, tomb etc. but have never experienced
whats far more crucial about genius is our own self. However the
oldest culture of the world had reached up to a height in an
extremely spiritual and devotional way to name our own self as the
God as described in the Upanishad Ahm Bhrahmasmi, we still are
in practice to separate our God and religion by name!

The whole history of religion is just a history of bloodshed. A better
humanity will be without organized religions. A better humanity will
respect the individual. It will not take away the dignity of anyone,
man or woman, black or white. Religiousness concerns itself with
freedom, with consciousness, with exploring the divine which is
spread all over the place, in the trees and in the stars, in the birds, in
the rivers and in the mountains. The whole universe is one soul & we
are part of it.

Nobody is born a Hindu or a Mohammedan, a Christian or a
Communist but the reality is everybody is born as innocence & to
regain that innocence is my whole effort here, & that is why, I call
this place, these words of this line of this page of this book, really
holy and sacred equal to any other holy words written in the
scriptures of the entire mankind. All those so-called religious places
are only profane because they have been committing all kinds of

crime against the growth of humanity, its spirituality, its love, its

Religion has nothing to do with temples, churches, mosques &
synagogues as it is something about finding our self, about knowing
our eternal consciousness. It does not need any priest, Guru & imam
as a mediator between us and existence. Actually such the priesthood
all over the world is the only thing that has been insisting that
religion is their monopoly. A suicide mix-up of our social & political
leaders with them each other has & is all the time preventing us to
have a direct, intimate love affair with existence & how it is
surprising that it has to be care of them because they has a direct
line to God. The world is tortured by two kinds of people, the
politicians and the priests. Both are liars. The priest does not know
truth, because it is not written in the scriptures and politicians are
just beggars, suffering from an inferiority complex. They are trying
to be powerful by begging votes to convince themselves that they are
not inferior but are superior beings.

The present global scenario in the name of God & religion is so
extremely corrupt & infected that all our religions become our
imprisonment, they are our chains. If we really want to taste
existence and its dance, then we have to renounce not the world, but
religions and their scriptures, we have to renounce all our religious
leaders & places, we have to come directly in contact with our own
being because it is the real place with the door to the kingdom of
God. Everyone individually is capable of rejoicing in this beautiful
existence, in the divinity of everything that is. No temples are
needed, no statues are needed & no scriptures are needed. What the
only thing needed is a deep silence and a search within our self. In
our flowering as individual roses these all are concerned with
authentic religion, they are concerned with the self, in the true
meaning of our deepest consciousness.

But consciousness, awareness, watchfulness & many more words of
such kind are now a days used in a complete change of phrase that
creates unnecessary confusion & is the tenth cause creating
misunderstanding in defining the term God & religion. One should
be very clear for the true & proper meaning of these words as it has
become a very effective armament of all those so called religious

authorities & books. I should write that there is no such thing as a
part of our mind. It is just dust gathered on the mirror. Just clean the
mirror and the mirror starts reflecting all the stars and the moon in
the sky. In the same way all our words & thoughts are nothing but a
dust. Every evening we try to dust off as much as possible because
we have been gathering dust for centuries, for many lives. Thick
layers are sitting upon our consciousness and anyway, if we do not
dust the mirror every day, it will be covered with dust. As time
passes dust gathers again. We have to clean our mirror every day.
And as far as our consciousness is concerned, we have to cleanse it
every moment. Do not allow any thought to settle in our
consciousness. Every thought corrupts. Be without any thinking, just
a pure opening- a pure & absolute clarity. My own experience that is
what is meant by meditation.

Awareness is primordial & is the original state, beginningless,
endless, uncaused, unsupported, without parts and without change.
Consciousness is on contact, a reflection against a surface, a state of
duality. There can be no consciousness without awareness but there
can be awareness without consciousness, as in deep sleep.
Awareness is absolute while consciousness is relative to its content.
Consciousness is always of something. It is partial and changeful but
awareness is total, changeless, calm and silent.

Awareness remains steady as common matrix of every experience.
Since it is awareness that makes consciousness possible, there is
awareness in every state of consciousness. Therefore the very
consciousness of being conscious is already a movement in
awareness. To go beyond consciousness into awareness one has to
take interest in his/her stream of consciousness that takes him/her to
awareness. It is not a new state but is at once recognized as the
original, basic existence, which is life itself, and also love and joy.

As a matter of fact, in the case of realization the very common
misunderstanding is the reality around us & since it is with us all the
time, it become hard to understand what does self-realization consist
of but the simple fact is the realization is just the opposite of
ignorance. To take the world as real and ones self as unreal is

ignorance. It is the ongoing & never ending cause of sorrow for
everybody having a mind. To know the self as the only reality and
all else as temporal and transient is freedom, peace and joy. It is all
very simple. Instead of seeing things as imagined, learn to see them
as they are. It is like cleansing a mirror. The same mirror that shows
us the world as it is, will also show us our own face, wherein the
thought 'I am' is the polishing cloth to use.

Actually, not only in the name of God & religion but to be happy for
every moment of our life, there is no need to rely on anything
because we are all. In the ultimate sense all and nothing are
synonymous. The day we become awakened we will know that
nothing and all are two names of the same experience. Positively one
can say, I am all. Negatively that can be described as I am
nothing. But we are the both because they are not two. This is the
ultimate experience, brought into language. It is difficult to bring it
into language but in silence it comes very easily, without making
even the sound of footsteps. In silence it comes, without any

Our innermost being has always been perfect. It is just that we have
completely forgotten to go into our own self. We go on and on,
round and round the whole world, not knowing what we are
searching for. Somebody is searching for power without knowing
that power never satisfies anyone. Somebody is running after money,
knowing perfectly well that there have been millions of people who
have had an immense amount of money and it does not help
understanding. These are all unconscious ways of searching for
something that we have already got within us. But the tendency of
the mind is to look away, never to look to the obvious.

As per Osho, we are already so dead and still we believe through our
whole life that we are alive. But this life is lukewarm. By saying this,
he wants to push all of us deeper into death because all our scriptures
say that death is a fiction. His honest & whole intention is that as we
try to be more and more dead, we will find life asserting itself. It is a
very deep dialectical process. The more we try to die, the more we
will find our self fresh, young and newly born. It is resurrection.
Jesus should not have the monopoly of being resurrected, it is
everybodys right. We do not have to hang on a cross but can simply

die in that manner here. We too can just leave the body and go in,
fearlessly, because there is the eternal treasure of being.

Osho had also said that it is a strange and sad story that India gave
birth to one of the greatest man of the world but the mediocre masses
of India could not understand him. The distance was too much. The
distance was between the mind and no-mind, what I mean to convey,
Gautama Buddha is a quantum leap. He does not teach us any
theology, he simply wants us to be, neither doing, nor non-doing, but
just being. He has no God to preach to us, no rituals to be followed.
He is the first man in the world to make freedom of being the
ultimate right of every living creature.

Buddha is perhaps the first revolutionary of the world who says The
inner is not a person but it is only an eternal living space. Perhaps
he is the only man who has asserted the truth. We are the all-
pervading, eternal and infinitely creative awareness-consciousness.
All else is local and temporary but we forget what we are. In my
own opinion the total capacity of my brain till date to answer who is
the Creator of the universe is limited to my own self, my physical
presence, my desire & also limited to the reflection of the universe to
me! Can we see our self as the point around which everything is
revolving? No & will never.

God, in a very general term, is only an idea in our mind but the fact
is our own self. God is an experience in time but the experiencer is
timeless. There is no such thing as a person. There are only
restrictions and limitations. The sum total of these defines the person
& because of a person is naturally limited the primary idea of God
took place. Of all living beings, ultimately the perfection is the final
the destiny of all human beings. Gradually the possibility becomes a
certainty when the notion of enlightenment appears in the minds of
those who really starved in the name of God. It is the concept that
has taken roots and grows and in due course took the blessing shape
of the God as the end of all desire and knowledge. After all,
knowledge by the mind is not a true knowledge we require a spiritual
essence that as because I am than there must be a God & is the real
truth. It has encouraged many to surrender to our own self to get
progress in spiritual life to reach pleasure and happiness of life.

But I never meet a single person who starve to get strongly
connected with God & wonder why till date there is no one in my
circle able enough to let me experience his/her relationship with God
& is a surprising fact that may remain as it is for you too, though
such relationship is essential for everybody of us & is only a real
happiness of our life. Since adolescence I never fully satisfied by any
place, book or a person what so ever he/it is for my burning enigma
that how to create & maintain a valuable relationship with God that
should be pure, proper, loving, trustworthy & complete in all respect
& that way to make my living happy in real sense?

Instead doing vein exercise finding who the God is & limiting His
Lordship by naming Him, we need to accept His greatness, need to
feel His presence & must experience His existence everywhere,
every time in everything by confirming the difference between our
own self & His perfect personality of Supreme Godhead. We need to
find our own inside, need to fulfill our own name & need to finalize
the real cause of our own existence by adopting a self search that
what we possess & what not. Although we are lacking much & many
things like knowledge, intelligence, health, wealth, wealth also in the
meaning of reach, relations, relations also in the meaning of love &
sex, pleasantness of mind & that way prestige & popularity like
Him, we are entrusted by the I that is human body, senses & mind
fully empowered by the vitality of a soul inside as a part of His
complete arrangement of His mysterious universe.

It means, with all these & as per our destiny He wants us to play our
role at our best. Instead of being happy in our own way we need to
make Him happy by discharging our duties as required by Him at the
best of our efforts & capacity. This is the real & perfect epitome of
the speech delivered by Lord Krishna known as Hindu Holy
scripture Geeta. Actually if we want to be powerful & wise we
should consider the God is a simple and rather helpless & at the
same time our religion should make us happy in keeping us free
from the world because when we are free of the world, we can do
something about it. As long as we are a prisoner of it, we are
helpless to change it. On the contrary, whatever we do will aggravate
the situation.

In fact, life without religion is a total failure however religious

living, what I meant & want to make you understand, is very ideal &
rare in this present fast living universe. The very first sign of a
religious living is an all round pleasantness. Everybody of us is
trying hard to be happy & nobody want to be unhappy but internally
our mind is full of vitiation, however, we constantly keeps clean our
personality from outside. Obviously, we look like externally as what
we are inside & what is there inside of us. However, we try hard to
hide the originality of our action, it remains the same, & therefore,
we never remain worriless & as such no one can be happy with it.

Actually we always remained away to catch the center of our
pleasantness means to understand the actual meaning of our religion
because of our fully occupied & fully confused life, by which, we
are always compelled a double standard of grubby mind & pleasant
face but is not a permanent remedy. The scriptures say that if we
want to be pleasant in all respects it should be followed by ultimate
relaxation, which, require all round cleanliness of body, mind &
senses to reach up to a fully developed holiness & it is the only thing
that become able to bring a true & real pleasantness.

There are five types of holiness & all religions believe in it. What so
ever our religion the first is a religious holiness. Our earning should
be from right and proper sources & that way economical holiness is
second. The third is a physical holiness, idleness is body bound
weakness and overeating brings many diseases. Forth holiness is
mental that provides clarity of thought and animus. The fifth & final
holiness is a behavioral. All our worldly-minded transactions, speech
and behavior should be practical according to situation and concern
person. Unlike water that clean our body from outside these kinds of
holiness cleans our real inside that carry us up to the spirituality.
There is no need to pay a regular visit at our religious place, to
attend religious speech & it is not at all compulsory to celebrate all
religious occasions to achieve this sentience as we can be able to
attain it at any place even inside our bedroom too. It can also be
achieved by yoga, meditation & chanting.

Holiness of mother Marry described at many places in Christian
scriptures & the holiness of all surroundings including sky &
animals at the time of birth of Jesus Christ are the proof that the
concept of holiness is accepted by Christianity. The scripture of

Buddhism & Jainism has respectfully adopted holiness of the source
of income. The Islamic prophet Muhammad said that "Cleanliness is
half of faith" & to perform valid Salah (namaj) Muslims must be in a
state of ritual purity. Holy fire is a symbol that shows Parsee
believes in holiness. Lustrate, oblation & burnt offerings are some
more ways to achieve it in Hindu scriptures. Fasting & vow of
silence are two other examples of holiness believed by Jainism. But
then also it is widely observed fact that hardly one percent of us
follow holiness in our routine life, however, all of us are well aware
that it increases our mental strength which immediately creates a
new wave of vitality that leads us to a real state of spirituality to
connect our soul with God.

Every human being needs to cultivate the spirit, irrespective of
his/her beliefs. All need devotion. It is only spirituality that can
purify the heart and mind. The second requirement is morality.
Morality helps to purify speech (Vaak). The third is righteousness
(Dharmikam). All righteous deeds done by the body or hands
sanctify a man. Only the one who has achieved this triple purity
(trinity of purity) can realize the Divine, if any of these instruments
are impure, one cannot realize the Divine-Discourse. We are well
aware of this fact but who cares!

It is a universal fact that spirituality is not a part of our everyday life
& due to that ultimately we lack of spiritual guidance! We do not
know what actually we require! It is because we are unaware of our
own self & is the real obstacle that prevents us to gain all the
happiness of the universe. Once we know our own self we will
definitely know whom to love & where to put faith. We know very
well that day by day the time goes extreme critical & only true-
spiritual revolutionary movement, individually from our own side,
can save us. The realization of the one & only I, the me, our
own self is the only way that provides us all vital knowledge & for
that we must ask to our own inside that who am I?.

Facts & Realities of Universe, I & God

I wanted to make you understand that the one I, that represent
ourselves individually, we called Me is an absolute uncertainty &
nothing more, therefore most venerably, One who knows oneself
rightly & has control over oneself she/he has real life. Searching
towards I, while trying to reason out all actions & behaviors weather
it is of mine or from the others, I found that all events have a certain
reason & I strongly feel that it is very beautiful to live in this
ongoing uncertainty of our lives. Everybody of us when concerned
as individual can describe our self as:

I may not have a perfect personality, but I am ME,
I may not be the most intelligent, but I am ME,
I may not meet every challenge that comes along, but I am ME,
I may not be "God" but I am ME.
ME is sensitive, ME is kind, ME is friendly, ME is caring, ME is
defensive and at the same time ME is self-righteous.
ME like who ME is for the personality, not for the physique,
ME like who ME is for trying not for always succeeding,
ME like who ME is for not trying to be perfect,
ME like who ME is for choosing true friends.
ME may make mistakes and ME may love you very much, but
ME can't change for you and for sometime not even only for ME.

Going more with WHO AM I? I must write that it is a question
which is asked by almost everybody of us, at least once in our life to
ourselves & is the only question explained by innumerable persons
according to their interest, ideology & experience, since mankind
had started communicating each other. We all are well aware that till
date, due to our varied religious & philosophic overview, no
common, quick & easy answer can be possible, however, it can be
answered by only one word that is Human being to a book of
pages what so ever.

However & off course, the answer requires our cent percent
acceptance, to get the answer complete & meaningful, this small
bunch of three words is magically followed by a series of many
questions which are-From when I came in to existence, Where I
came from, From what I made of, How, Up to when I will remain as

I, To where I will go, To what (form) I will go to, Why am I, For
what I am, What is the ultimate truth of I existence, How and why
this great universe came into existence, How the creatures came into
existence, What is the end of all, In reality, what is happened after
death, What is the Gods own reality, Is it possible to pay a visit of
God & Is God really become incarnated?

All these & questions such relating to it is intelligently answered by
many this before but it is really surprisingly very great that we all are
still seeking a new answer since our existence, & with every new
answer, we the human beings are more & more divided by many
measures & standards created by our own believes, religions,
societies, leaders, cultures, languages, casts, creeds, colors &
geographical areas where we are living!

It is because of two basic reasons. Since generations we believes that
such answer cannot bring any change to our everyday life &
therefore, it became our genetic sense, which is all the time
encouraging us to go for a one & only condition for such answer,
that why should I worry alone, it must be accepted by the all,
although, we are well aware that it is never been possible. Secondly
all our religious, philosophic, social & such other leaders & big
banners are always found inimical over the others way of thinking,
fully occupied imposing supremacy at their best among those
specific crowd following to them. Actually we all are highly
occupied in search of our own self-centered happiness desired by our
mind, however, we are always impatient & at the same time highly
suspicious for any kind of response to these questions.

What first I noticed since adolescence is, we have never made a joint
&/or collective effort to answer any question related to God &
religion, and the second, true, wrong & none of them are the three
sides by which we are always divided while answering not only this
who am I, but to any question. Such miraculous antipathy is a part of
arrangement of God for His universe to encourage those very few
who sacrifice their lives in establishing new invention, discoveries,
theories & principles. Still there are many who are presently
involved in the same task. All of them can be distinguished in only
two groups.

The first group is made of religious & social leaders, messengers,
prophets, saints, sages, emancipators, philosophers etc. who are least
concern weather they or their work are true or not & what is the
reaction of the other people as well. As per them & their followers
they worked or are working on behalf of the God. The second one is
a group, whose members is always providing tough fight to each
other in reaching any final conclusion, is certainly made of
researchers & scientists. Sometime some of them are proved wrong
by the other new comer even after a century & that way this group is
always concerned with the true & fair results & the reaction of the
entire world.

There are many individuals and small groups and leadingly the
Jainism believes that the universe is a continuous process with no
start and end while all other religions, their scriptures and many
philosophers believes that this universe was came in to existence
from an absolute zero and there was nothing that before and one day
it will go back in to nothing. However, in responding to our question
who am I, adopting a perfect analysis of all ideologies of those few
who were and are successful in having their own crowd and by
comparing its outcome with the most scientifically approved theories
and principles set by the group called scientists, it is found that these
both groups have confirmed that we, the human being are a part of
the universe.

This is the first miraculous reality of the supreme personality of the
Godhead, for which, we should not forget & must keep firmly in our
mind, that a true & proper definition of the word universe is
nothing but an expansion of two small particles of an atom! The
scientists do not know why it was happened & what was the type &
kind of that atom but had approved a theory of Big Bang as a basic
for the creation of the universe. That great explosion was the cause
of birth of our universe which took place before 13,90,00,00,000
years between two sub particles of a proton inside an atom that
collided to each other at a speed beyond light & the energy having a
temperature of over billions of millions degree released in all
directions is still spreading all over the outer sides of this ball like

Many clouds of thus released various hot gases had created visible

lumps which recognized by us as meteor, comet, planet, secondary
planet or a natural satellites, star, galaxy, milky way etc. as per their
shapes & sizes due to the continuous centrifugal expanding process
of the universe while it gating cold by the time. Still there are many
clouds of various hot gases that may give birth to a small piece of
meteor to a star in the coming future. The Astrophysics researchers
further describes that such lumps are having their own weight, mass,
energy, magnetic field, gravitation & speed, & that is why, they
rotate on their own axis & all have their own orbit like path in the

The universe is not limited to creation or a birth but there are many
deaths & destructions for all matters of the universe. Star can be died
in three ways-Pulsar or Dying star that get strangled or collapsed by
its own mass & weight while getting cold, Supernova explosion of a
star due to heavy energy and high temperature and transformation of
a star into a Black Hole due to loosing mass where the weight
remain as it is causing double gravitational force that further absorb
all nearby objects. Apart from all those meteor showers, falling
comets & small lumps noted by us there are a lot of possibilities of
destructions due to collision between all moving lumps.

The quantum-physicists have confirmed by more research toward the
universe that any form of the innumerable objects of our universe is
made of some particular atoms. All atoms are formed by nucleus
having their particular pattern & all nucleuses have its own range of
sub particles called as primary particles. According to them a
particular rule bound arrangement of molecules having their own
weight & mass is a most basic aspect of all small-big, living-dead &
steady-moving matters of the universe & to understand the nature &
behavior of Proton, Neutron & Electron-the basic particles of a
nucleus, they had adopted a Standard Model Theory in 1960 that
describes all statistical information of 12 particles of matters & 12
particles of force which are smaller than the nucleus.

There are six quarks that makes up protons &/or neutrons in a
particular combination of three which called as up, down, charm,
strange, top & bottom. All these are heavy & considered as hadron
by nature & behavior not by weight & mass. There are six leptons
that automatically means light particles by nature & behavior not by

weight & mass, that immune to the strong force named as electron
neutrino & electron, muon neutrino & muon and tau neutrino & tau.
Electron, muon & tau are the kind of electron having a similar
negative (-) electricity in an upside order of their weight. The
particles of force are Photon, Z Boson, W+ & W- Boson & other 8
types of Gluons by which at quantum level each force of nature is
transmitted by these dedicated particle & /or a set of particles.

It is confirmed by them that there never can be a single or a double
nucleus & their sub particles in an atom but many of them are
arranged in an atom following a specific rule. The statistical
information of this rule is aspirated by two researches. All nucleus
following the statistics described in the research report made by
molecular physics scientists Fermi & Dirac are called Fermions
while the other nucleus following the statistics that researched by
Satyendranath Bose & Sir Albert Einstein called Bosons.

According to the pre-assumption provided by Physicist Peter Higgs
towards confirming the weight & mass of a molecule in 1964 all the
primary particles of the universe were lacking weight & mass at the
time of the Big Bang but within 10,00,00,00,000 part of a second an
invisible field of Boson molecules of zero speed spreader all over the
universe called Higgs field which had provided weight & mass to
all primary weightless particles of an atom while passing through
that field & such interaction depends on the speed means the more
speed the more weight.

The Higgs theory further describes that all those primary particles
not interacting to this field remain weight & mass less i.e. Photon
(primary particle of Light) remained weightless till date because it is
not interacting to this field. Such interaction can also able to add
some other qualities in some more ways, manners & measures like
energy, speed, gravitational force, magnetic field & more to those
atoms but the statistics of such addition yet not approved by the

These weight, mass & force provides own individual place & path to
all matters of the universe from a molecule to a gigantic lump & due
to these many star systems & galaxies in to the numbers of Milky
way are having their own existence in the universe. There are also

many stars having one or more objects orbiting around them & one
of them is our Sun and the astronomical objects gravitationally
bound in orbit around it, all of which formed from the collapse of a
giant molecular cloud approximately 4.6 billion years ago called as
The Solar System by the scientists. It is located within one of the
outer arms of Milky Way galaxy, which contains about 200 billion
stars gravitationally inter-relating to each other.

The vast majority of this solar system's mass is in the Sun. Of the
many objects that orbit the Sun, most of the mass is contained within
eight relatively solitary planets whose orbits are almost circular & lie
within a nearly flat disc called the ecliptic plane. The four smaller
inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars, also called the
terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of rock & metal. The four
outer planets, the gas giants, are substantially more massive than the
terrestrials. The two largest, Jupiter & Saturn, are composed mainly
of hydrogen & helium while the two outermost planets, Uranus &
Neptune, are composed largely of ices, such as water, ammonia and
methane, which are often referred to separately as "ice giants".

The Solar System is also home to a number of regions populated by
smaller objects. The asteroid belt, which lies between Mars and
Jupiter, is similar to the terrestrial planets as it is composed mainly
of rock and metal. Beyond Neptune's orbit lie the Kuiper belt and
scattered disc that linked populations of trans-Neptunian objects
composed mostly of ices such as water, ammonia and methane.
Within these populations, five individual objects, Ceres, Pluto,
Haumea, Makemake and Eris are recognized to be large enough to
have been rounded by their own gravity and are thus termed dwarf
planets. In addition to thousands of small bodies in those two
regions, several dozen of which are considered dwarf-planet
candidates, various other small body populations including comets,
centaurs and interplanetary dust freely travel between regions. Six
of the planets and three of the dwarf planets are orbited by natural
satellites, usually termed "moons" after Earth's Moon. Each of the
outer planets is encircled by planetary rings of dust and other

The solar wind, a flow of plasma from the Sun, creates a bubble in
the interstellar medium known as the heliosphere, which extends out

to the edge of the scattered disc. The Oort cloud, which is believed
to be the source for long-period comets, may also exist at a distance
roughly a thousand times further than the heliosphere. The
heliopause is the point at which pressure from the solar wind is equal
to the opposing pressure of interstellar wind. The scientists have
confirmed that such a unique formation of our solar system (from
Sun to Oort cloud) is not found anywhere in the universe by all
means of our technological developments till date.

One more very unique thing not found anywhere in the universe till
date is nothing else but our planet Earth, a large aria that provides
extra ordinary living condition. Sometimes referred to as the world,
the Blue planet, it is the third planet from the Sun, formed 4.54
billion years ago & interacts with other objects in space, especially
the Sun and the Moon. At present, Earth orbits the Sun once every
366.26 times it rotates about its own axis, which is equal to 365.26
solar days, or one sidereal year. The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted
23.4 away from the perpendicular of its orbital plane, producing
seasonal variations on the planet's surface with a period of one
tropical year (365.24 solar days).

Earth's only known natural satellite, the Moon, which began orbiting
it about 4.53 billion years ago, provides ocean tides, stabilizes the
axial tilt and gradually slows the planet's rotation. Between
approximately 3.8 billion and 4.1 billion years ago, numerous
asteroid impacts during the Late Heavy Bombardment caused
significant changes to the greater surface environment. About 71%
of the surface is covered by salt water oceans, with the remainder
consisting of continents and islands which together have many
rivers, lakes and other sources of water that contribute to the
hydrosphere. Earth's poles are mostly covered with solid ice
(Antarctic ice sheet) or sea ice (Arctic ice cap). The planet's interior
remains active, with a thick layer of relatively solid mantle, a liquid
outer core that generates a magnetic field and a solid iron inner core.

Life appeared on the surface of the earth within one billion years as
its biosphere has significantly altered the atmosphere and other
abiotic conditions on the planet, enabling the proliferation of aerobic
organisms as well as the formation of the ozone layer which,
together with Earth's magnetic field, blocks harmful solar radiation,

permitting life on land. The physical properties, its geological
history & orbit of the earth & moon, have allowed life to persist &
by the time it becomes home to millions of species, including
humans. The estimate on how much longer the planet will to be able
to continue to support life that range from a mere 500 million years
to as long as 2.3 billion years, however, the earth is equal to a
mustard seed in comparison to many huge & large matters of the
universe & can be evaporated in gases within a fraction of second
due to heavy & continuous topsy-turvy of the universe!

The first drop of water, the elixir of life on this earth was formed by
an atom of oxygen that combined all to gather with two atom of
hydrogen, was a years long process. Thereafter, life on earth
originated and then evolved from a universal common ancestor
approximately 3.7 billion years ago, when within the water,
eventually, a single cell of hardly one hour long life called as Ameba
had started a dividing process as a basic of our present being.

The research toward gases those formed water with the same
researchers & scientists who carried us up to here definitely brought
us back in to the universe & ends at a great explosion, wherein,
according to all till date research reports there was nothing that
before, but considering you all as my fellow travelers of this long &
miraculous voyage all our research are now transferred to chemistry,
biology, genetic engineering, physiology, medical science and some
other related branches to know the life on earth bodily and

According to them, along with RNA & proteins, DNA is one of the
three major macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of
life. A chromosome is an organized structure of DNA and protein
found in cells. It is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many
genes, regulatory elements & other nucleotide sequences.
Chromosomes also contain DNA-bound proteins, which serve to
package the DNA & control its functions. During cell division these
chromosomes are duplicated in the process of DNA replication,
providing each cell its own complete set of chromosomes. Within
the chromosomes, chromatin proteins such as histones compact and
organize DNA. These compact structures guide the interactions

between DNA and other proteins, helping control which parts of the
DNA are transcribed. Repeated speciation and the divergence of life
can be inferred from shared sets of biochemical and morphological
traits or by shared DNA sequences.

The DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is a nucleic acid containing the
genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all
known living organisms (with the exception of RNA viruses). The
DNA segments carrying this genetic information are called genes.
Likewise, other DNA sequences have structural purposes or are
involved in regulating the use of this genetic information. DNA
consists of two long polymers of simple units called nucleotides,
with backbones made of sugars and phosphate groups joined by ester
bonds. These two strands run in opposite directions to each other and
are therefore anti-parallel. Attached to each sugar is one of four
types of molecules called nucleobases (informally, bases).

It is the sequence of these four nucleobases along the backbone that
encodes information & is read using the genetic code, which
specifies the sequence of the amino acids within proteins. The code
is read by copying stretches of DNA into the related nucleic acid
RNA in a process called transcription. Evolutionary processes give
rise to diversity at every level of biological organization, including
species, individual organisms and molecules such as DNA &

According to the Survival of the fittest theory of Evolution as
propounded by Charles Darwin we the human being is an ever
increasingly developing species of animal called Homo-sapiens
who reached up to this latest shapes & features from a monkey who
first stood up on his feet. The monkeys came in to existence from a
reptile that started living on the trees & the reptiles were aquatic
animal or plants previously as a part of this process that started from
that first ever single cell. As per Hindu scriptures there are 84,00,000
forms of the life, while, according to the biologist & researchers who
have been cataloguing all forms of life for more than 250 years,
humans are sharing the planet with as many as 8.7 million different
forms of life since thousands of years but many of them disappear
before they are even found.

They still have no exact answer to the question, How many species
are on Earth? They say that the diversity of life is not equally
divided between land and ocean. Three-quarters of the 8.7m species,
the majority of which are insects those are on land & only one-
quarter, 2.2m, are in the deep, even though 70% of the Earth's
surface is water. Their estimate that the various forms of life on the
planet included 7.8m species of animal, 298,000 species of plant,
611,000 species of mushrooms, mould and other fungi along with
36,400 species of protozoa, single-celled organisms and 27,500
species of algae or chromites, wherein, they did not venture to put an
estimate on the number of bacteria.

Every living thing that has been identified has two names, a genus
name and a species name. We call this two-word combination a
species as its scientific name. The Taxonomist, who engaged in
analyzing the hierarchical categorization of life on Earth have
organize & classify all species in six parts to keep track of them & to
estimate how many undiscovered species exist with the help of
taxonomy, the science of discovering, describing & categorizing
living things, the foundation for understanding life on our planet.
The monera kingdom covers all types of single cell & bacteria, the
protozoa kingdom is for all multi-cellular organisms, species of
mushrooms, mould & such other called the fungi kingdom, the plant
kingdom is made of all kinds of plants, creepers & trees, all on land
& aquatic animals, birds & humans considered as the animal
kingdom & the sixth is the virus kingdom which are not made of cell
but it use other cell for their dividing process. Some marine life,
insects & flora and fauna are divided either in plant or in animal
according to the variety of that particular species.

Mostly all forms of life & particularly human can be differentiating
as their gender in male (man) & female (woman) by their appearance
& reproductive system but both considered as same while counting
the species. Certain genetic traits are linked to the sex of living
things & are passed on through the sex chromosomes. The
autosomes contain the rest of the genetic hereditary information. All
act in the same way during cell division. In addition to these, human
cells have many hundreds of copies of the mitochondrial genome.

The early stages of human differentiation appear to be quite similar

to the same biological processes in other mammals and the
interaction of genes, hormones & body structures is fairly well
understood. In the first weeks of life, a fetus has no anatomic or
hormonal sex and only a karyotype distinguishes male from female.
Specific genes induce gonadal differences, which produce hormonal
differences, which cause anatomic differences, leading to
psychological and behavioral differences, some of which are innate
and some induced by the social environment.

Sexual differentiation is the process of development of the
differences between males and females from an undifferentiated
zygote (fertilized egg) into fetuses, infants, children, adolescents &
eventually into adults and sex & gender differences develop at many
levels like genes, chromosomes, gonads, hormones, anatomy and
psyche. Human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes (22 pairs of
autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes), giving a total of 46
per cell. Each person normally has one pair of sex chromosomes in
each cell. Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one
X and one Y chromosome. Early in embryonic development in
females, one of the two X chromosomes is randomly and
permanently inactivated in cells other than egg cells.

This phenomenon is called X-inactivation or Lyonization. X-
inactivation ensures that females, like males, have one functional
copy of the X chromosome in each body cell. Because X-
inactivation is random, in normal females the X chromosome
inherited from the mother is active in some cells and the X
chromosome inherited from the father is active in other cells. It is
obvious that the Y chromosome must carry at least one essential
gene which determines testicular formation (originally termed TDF).
A gene in the sex-determining region of the short arm of the Y (now
referred to as SRY) to direct production of a protein which binds to
DNA, inducing differentiation of cells derived from the genital
ridges into testes.

Since its inception, the evolution process is extraordinarily &
miraculously designed to welcome the best out of the best of the
present. All its work is done very mysteriously inside the DNA
package which is then followed by each & every new DNA came in
to existence by cell division. This great process of such an

unbelievable biological & genetic development provides more &
more superior design to every species with only one & never ending
command of most fit & best of the best to all living things of the

Among to all living species, the magically well designed miraculous
one & only unique living thing on this earth is the human body.
Human being is a walking marvel there is no equal. According to the
medical science human body is the entire structure that consists of
two arms & two legs, torso, neck and a head with two eyes, two ears,
nose & mouth made of lips, tongue & teethes. The said structure is
fully supported by its twelve unbelievably miraculous organ systems
those are musculoskeletal system, vestibular system, respiratory
system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, endocrine system,
digestive system, integumentary system, urinary system, immune
system, reproductive system & nervous system. By the time the
human reaches adulthood, the body consists of close to 100 trillion
cells, the basic unit of life. These cells are organized biologically to
eventually form the whole body.

The human musculoskeletal system consists of the human skeleton,
made by bones attached to other bones with joints and skeletal
muscle attached to the skeleton by tendons. It is also known as the
locomotors system that gives animals (including humans) the ability
to move using the muscular and skeletal systems. The
musculoskeletal system provides form, support, stability and
movement to the body. It is made up of the body's bones (the
skeleton), muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints and other
connective tissue that supports and binds tissues and organs together.
Its primary functions include supporting the body, allowing motion
and protecting vital organs. The skeletal portion of the system serves
as the main storage system for calcium and phosphorus & contains
critical components of the hematopoietic system.

The vestibular system, which contributes to balance in most
mammals and to the sense of spatial orientation, is the sensory
system that provides the leading contribution about movement and
sense of balance. Together with the cochlea, a part of the auditory
system, it constitutes the labyrinth of the inner ear. The vestibular
system comprises two components, as movements consist of

rotations & translations. The semicircular canal system indicates
rotational movements and the otoliths indicate linear accelerations.
The vestibular system sends signals primarily to the neural structures
that control eye movements & to the muscles that keep a creature
upright. The projections to the former provide the anatomical basis
of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, which is required for clear vision and
the projections to the muscles that control posture are necessary to
keep a creature upright.

The respiratory system (or ventilatory system) is the biological
system of an organism that introduces respiratory gases to the
interior and performs gas exchange that consists of airways, lungs
and the respiratory muscles. Molecules of oxygen and carbon
dioxide are passively exchanged, by diffusion, between the gaseous
external environment and the blood. This exchange process occurs in
the alveolar region of the lungs. Other animals, such as insects, have
respiratory systems with very simple anatomical features and in
amphibians even the skin plays a vital role in gas exchange. Plants
also have respiratory systems but the directionality of gas exchange
can be opposite to that in animals.

The cardiovascular system comprises the heart, veins, arteries and
capillaries. The primary function of the heart is to circulate the blood
and through the blood, oxygen and vital minerals are transferred to
the tissues and organs that comprise the body. The left side of the
main organ (left ventricle and left atrium) is responsible for pumping
blood to all parts of the body, while the right side (right ventricle and
right atrium) pumps only to the lungs for re-oxygenation of the
blood. The heart itself is divided into three layers called the
endocardium, myocardium & epicardium, (liquidation) which vary
in thickness & function.

The lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system, comprising
a network of conduits called lymphatic vessels that carry a clear
fluid called lymph that remains unidirectional towards the heart. The
lymph system is not a closed system. The circulatory system
processes an average of 20 liters of blood per day through capillary
filtration which removes plasma while leaving the blood cells.
Roughly 17 liters per day of that gets reabsorbed directly into the
blood vessels. The primary function of the lymph system is to

provide an accessory route for these excess 3 liters per day to get
returned to the blood. So lymph is essentially recycled blood
plasma. Secondly the lymphatic organs play an important part in the
immune system, having a considerable overlap with the lymphoid

Lymphoid tissue is found in many organs, particularly the lymph
nodes and in the lymphoid follicles associated with the digestive
system such as the tonsils. The system also includes all the structures
dedicated to the circulation and production of lymphocytes, which
includes the spleen, thymus, bone marrow and the lymphoid tissue
associated with the digestive system. The main function of the
lymphatic system is to extract, transport and metabolize lymph, the
fluid found in between cells. The lymphatic system is very similar to
the circulatory system in terms of both its structure and its most
basic function (to carry a body fluid).

The endocrine system is the system of glands, each of which secretes
a type of hormone directly into the bloodstream to regulate the body.
It is an information signal system like the nervous system, yet its
effects and mechanism are classifiably different. The effects of this
system are slow to initiate and prolonged in their response, lasting
from a few hours up to weeks. The endocrine system is made of a
series of glands that produce chemicals called hormones. A number
of glands that signal each other in sequence are usually referred to as
an axis, for example, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The
nervous system sends information very quickly and responses are
generally short lived. Hormones are substances released from
endocrine tissue into the bloodstream where they travel to target
tissue and generate a response. Hormones regulate various human
functions, including metabolism, growth and development, tissue
function and mood.

The features of endocrine glands are, in general, their ductless
nature, their vascularity and usually the presence of intracellular
vacuoles or granules storing their hormones. In contrast, exocrine
glands, such as salivary glands, sweat glands and glands within the
gastrointestinal tract, tend to be much less vascular and have ducts or
a hollow lumen. Many other organs that are part of other body
systems, such as the kidney, liver, heart and gonads have secondary

endocrine functions. For example the kidney secretes endocrine
hormones such as erythropoietin and rennin.

The human digestive system is a complex process that consists of
breaking down large organic masses into smaller particles that the
body can use as fuel. It provides the body's means of processing food
and transforming nutrients into energy. The breakdown of the
nutrients requires the coordination of several enzymes secreted from
specialized cells within the mouth, stomach, intestines, and liver.
The major organs or structures that coordinate digestion within the
human body include the buccal cavity, mouth, esophagus, stomach,
liver, small & large intestine ending in the rectum and anus. These
parts together are called the alimentary canal (digestive tract). The
whole digestive system is around 9 meters long. In a healthy human
adult this process can take between 24 and 72 hours. Food digestion
physiology varies between individuals and upon other factors such
as the characteristics of the food and size of the meal. There are three
Phases of gastric secretion & at least five hormones that aid and
regulate the digestive system in mammals.

The Cephalic phase occurs before food enters the stomach and
involves preparation of the body for eating and digestion. Sight and
thought stimulate the cerebral cortex. Taste and smell stimulus is
sent to the hypothalamus and medulla oblongata. After this it is
routed through the vagus nerve and release of acetylcholine. Gastric
secretion at this phase rises to 40% of maximum rate. The Gastric
phase takes 3 to 4 hours. It is stimulated by distension of the
stomach, presence of food in stomach and decrease in pH. Distention
activates long and myenteric reflexes. This activates the release of
acetylcholine, which stimulates the release of more gastric juices. As
protein enters the stomach, it binds to hydrogen ions, which raises
the pH of the stomach. Inhibition of gastrin and gastric acid secretion
is lifted. This triggers G cells to release gastrin, which in turn
stimulates parietal cells to secrete gastric acid. The Intestinal phase
has 2 parts, the excitatory and the inhibitory. Partially digested food
fills the duodenum. This triggers intestinal gastrin to be released.
Enterogastric reflex inhibits vagal nuclei, activating sympathetic
fibers causing the pyloric sphincter to tighten to prevent more food
from entering and inhibits local reflexes.

The integumentary system is the organ system that protects the body
from damage, comprising the skin and its appendages those are hair,
scales, feathers, hoofs and nails with a variety of functions. It may
serve to waterproof, cushion, and protect the deeper tissues, excrete
wastes, regulate temperature and is the attachment site for sensory
receptors to detect pain, sensation, pressure and temperature. In most
terrestrial vertebrates with significant exposure to sunlight, this
system also provides for vitamin D synthesis.

The skin acts as the bodys first line of defense & function in many
ways like to protect the bodys internal living tissues and organs,
against invasion by infectious organisms, to protect the body from
dehydration, to act as a receptor for touch, pressure, pain, heat &
cold, to generate vitamin D through exposure to ultraviolet light, to
store water, fat, glucose & vitamin D. It protects the body against
abrupt changes in temperature so as to maintain homeostasis, against
sunburns by secreting melanin. It helps excrete waste materials
through perspiration & for the maintenance of the body form. The
skin also works for the formation of new cells from stratum
germinativum to repair minor injuries. The color of the skin may
indicate many conditions becomes yellowish in jaundice.

The urinary system or urinary tract (also called the excretory system)
is the organ system that produces, stores, and eliminates urine. In
humans it includes two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder and the
urethra. The female and male urinary system are very similar, they
differ only in the length of the urethra. The kidneys perform a
number of tasks, such as to filter water soluble waste products from
the blood, concentrating urine, regulating electrolytes and
maintaining acid-base homeostasis. The end point is a hyperosmolar
solution carrying waste for storage in the bladder prior to urination.
Humans produce about 2.9 liters of urine over 24 hours, although
this amount may vary according to circumstances.

The immune system is a system of biological structures and
processes within an organism that protects against disease & to
function properly, it must detect a wide variety of agents, from
viruses to parasitic worms, and distinguish them from the organism's
own healthy tissue. Adaptive immunity creates immunological
memory after an initial response to a specific pathogen, leading to an

enhanced response to subsequent encounters with that same
pathogen. This process of acquired immunity is the basis of
vaccination. Disorders of the immune system can result in
autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and cancer.
Immunodeficiency occurs when the immune system is less active
than normal, resulting in recurring and life-threatening infections.

In humans, immunodeficiency can either be the result of a genetic
disease such as severe combined immunodeficiency, acquired
conditions such as HIV/AIDS, or the use of immunosuppressive
medication. In contrast, autoimmunity results from a hyperactive
immune system attacking normal tissues as if they were foreign
organisms. Common autoimmune diseases include Hashimoto's
thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus type 1 and
systemic lupus erythematosus.

The primary direct function of the human male reproductive system
is to provide the male gamete or spermatozoa for fertilization of the
ovum. It is a series of organs located outside the body and around the
pelvic region of a male that contribute towards the reproductive
process.The major reproductive organs of the male can be grouped
into three categories. The first category is sperm production and
storage. Production takes place in the testes which are housed in the
temperature regulating scrotum, immature sperm then travel to the
epididymis for development and storage. The second category is the
ejaculatory fluid producing glands which include the seminal
vesicles, prostate and the vas deferens. The final category are those
used for copulation and deposition of the spermatozoa (sperm)
within the female, these include the penis, urethra, vas deferens and
Cowper's gland.

The human female reproductive system is a series of organs
primarily located inside of the body and around the pelvic region of
a female that contribute towards the reproductive process. It contains
three main parts, the vagina, which acts as the receptacle for the
male's sperm, the uterus, which holds the developing fetus and the
ovaries, which produce the female's ova. The vagina meets the
outside at the vulva, which also includes the labia, clitoris and
urethra all these area is lubricated by mucus secreted by the
Bartholin's glands during intercourse. The vagina is attached to the

uterus through the cervix, while the uterus is attached to the ovaries
via the fallopian tubes. At certain intervals, typically approximately
every 28 days, the ovaries release an ovum that passes through the
fallopian tube into the uterus. The lining of the uterus, called the
endometrium and unfertilized ova are shed each cycle through a
process known as menstruation. The breasts are also an important
reproductive organ during the parenting stage of reproduction.

Human reproduction takes place as internal fertilization by sexual
intercourse. During this process, the erect penis of the male is
inserted into the female's vagina until the male ejaculates semen
which contains sperm that travels through the vagina and cervix into
the uterus or fallopian tubes for fertilization of the ovum. The uterus
hold, nourish & develop a fertile ova, a developing mammal after the
embryonic stage and before birth. An embryo is the developing
offspring during the first 8 weeks following conception, and
subsequently the term fetus is used henceforth until birth. Pregnancy
is the fertilization and development of one or more offspring, known
as an embryo or fetus, in a woman's uterus wherein, there can be
multiple gestations, as in the case of twins or triplets. Childbirth
usually occurs about 38 to 40 weeks after conception in both cases of
conception weather achieved through sexual intercourse or assisted
reproductive technology.

Nervous systems are found in most multi-cellular animals, but vary
greatly in complexity. The nervous system is an organ system
containing a network of specialized cells called neurons that
coordinate the actions of an animal and transmit signals between
different parts of its body. In most animals the nervous system
consists of two parts, central and peripheral.The central nervous
system of vertebrates (such as humans) contains the brain, spinal
cord and retina. The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory
neurons, clusters of neurons called ganglia and nerves connecting
them to each other and to the central nervous system. These regions
are all interconnected by means of complex neural pathways. The
enteric nervous system, a subsystem of the peripheral nervous
system, has the capacity, even when severed from the rest of the
nervous system through its primary connection by the vagus nerve,
to function independently in controlling the gastrointestinal system.

Neurons send signals to other cells as electrochemical waves
travelling along thin fibers called axons, which cause chemicals
called neurotransmitters to be released at junctions called synapses.
A cell that receives a synaptic signal may be excited, inhibited, or
otherwise modulated. Sensory neurons are activated by physical
stimuli impinging on them and send signals that inform the central
nervous system of the state of the body and the external
environment. Motor neurons situated either in the central nervous
system or in peripheral ganglia, connect the nervous system to
muscles or other effecter organs. Central neurons, which in
vertebrates greatly outnumber the other types, make all of their input
and output connections with other neurons. The interactions of all
these types of neurons form neural circuits that generate an
organism's perception of the world and determine its behavior.
Along with neurons, the nervous system contains other specialized
cells called glial cells which provide structural and metabolic

The human brain is the center of the human nervous system. It has
the same general structure as the brains of other mammals, but is
larger than expected on the basis of body size among other primates.
During the first 3 weeks of gestation, the human embryos ectoderm
forms a thickened strip called the neural plate. The neural plate then
folds and closes to form the neural tube. This tube flexes as it grows,
forming the crescent-shaped cerebral hemispheres at the head and
the cerebellum & pons towards the tail. The adult human brain
weighs on average about 3 lbs. (1.5 kg) with a size of around 1130
cubic centimeters in women and 1260 cubic centimeters in men,
although there is substantial individual variation. Men with the same
body height and body surface area as women have on average 100g
heavier brains, although these differences do not correlate in any
simple way with gray matter neuron counts or with overall measures
of cognitive performance.

Estimates for the number of neurons (nerve cells) in the human brain
range from 80 to 120 billion. The brain is very soft, having a
consistency similar to soft gelatin or soft tofu. Despite being referred
to as "grey matter", the live cortex is pinkish-beige in color and
slightly off-white in the interior. At the age of 20, a man has around
176,000 km and a woman about 149,000 km of myelinated axons in

their brains. The brain consumes up to twenty percent of the energy
used by the human body, more than any other organ. Although the
human brain represents only 2% of the body weight, it receives 15%
of the cardiac output, 20% of total body oxygen consumption and
25% of total body glucose utilization. Brain metabolism normally is
completely dependent upon blood glucose as an energy source, since
fatty acids do not cross the bloodbrain barrier & deprivation of
glucose, as can happen in hypoglycemia, can result in loss of

The term brain refers to one of two parts of the central nervous
system (CNS). It is the part located in the cranial cavity & the other
is the spinal cord. Neuroanatomists subdivide the brain in three
different ways as into forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. The highest
level divisions of the Developmental CNS Model are the
Telencephalon, Mesencephalon and Rhombencephalon which is
between cerebral cortex, cortical nuclei, sub cortical nuclei,
cerebellum and cerebrospinal trunk. The retina is included as a
component of the cerebrospinal trunk. Most of the expansion comes
from the cerebral cortex, especially the frontal lobes, which are
associated with executive functions such as self-control, planning,
reasoning, and abstract thought. The portion of the cerebral cortex
devoted to vision is also greatly enlarged in human beings and
several cortical areas play specific roles in language, a skill that is
unique to humans. The dominant feature of the human brain is
corticalization. The cerebral cortex in humans is so large that it
overshadows every other part of the brain. In humans the lateral zone
takes up a much larger fraction of the cerebellum than in most other
mammalian species.

Despite being protected by the thick bones of the skull, suspended in
cerebrospinal fluid and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood
brain barrier, the human brain is susceptible to many types of
damage and disease. The most common forms of physical damage
are closed head injuries such as a blow to the head, a stroke, or
poisoning by a variety of chemicals that can act as neurotoxins.
Infection of the brain, though serious, is rare due to the biological
barriers which protect it. The human brain is also susceptible to
degenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's & Alzheimer's disease &
multiple sclerosis.

A number of psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia &
depression are thought to be associated with brain dysfunctions,
although the nature of such brain anomalies is not well understood.
Injuries to the brain tend to affect large areas of the organ,
sometimes causing major deficits in intelligence, memory,
personality & movement. Mental disorders such as clinical
depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder & post-traumatic stress
disorder may involve particular patterns of neuropsychological
functioning related to various aspects of mental & somatic function.

Clinically, death is defined as an absence of brain activity (as
measured by EEG) & the main reasons for a death of a human being
is ageing and failure of any or more organ system while injuries,
burns, drown, hemorrhage, heart attack, infection, septic, illness etc.
are also the reasons of death before the estimated lifespan of a
human body and then, the body that called dead body is always
annihilated in to the matters and forces of the universe through the
funeral process according to the religion of the deceased person.
Thus all living things remain same before birth & after death which
best described in Hindu scripture as Panch Mahabhut those are
earth, water, air, fire & sky.

In fact, everything of this universe is nothing but an ever changing
forms & shapes of matter & force that released at the time of big
bang. This magical expanding process in side an atom had created a
miraculous molecular arrangement for all animates & inanimate
which is able enough to carry & pass a full proof growth program for
all living things as per their specification & evolution that can never
been possible for any of us of this universe & is a clear-cut proof of
the existence of the God & as you have gone through up here, I am
very sure, is a fact also accepted by you too. The universe is such a
beautiful and orderly thing that it must have been designed. Only
God could have designed it, & therefore, since the universe exists,
God must exist. Everything that happens has a cause means the
existence of the universe must have had a cause & that cause must
have been God, therefore, since the universe exists God must exist in
order to have caused it to exist.

Moreover, so as to make you sure about some great peculiarities of
the Supreme Godhead, I cannot prevent myself in representing few

unbelievable interesting facts about the universe and our body but do
remember that this small bunch of surprises is just to entertain you &
is to serve my one & only purpose that is to make you more and
more knowledgeable about the greatness of the God. Apart from
these selected facts there are lots of more & more secrets,
peculiarities & surprises of the work of God because this universe,
full of innumerable surprises is weird, eerie & uncanny. It is made of
antipathy ingredients with a basic specialty of the coexistence so as
to maintain the balance. The coexistence of many ingredients of
mutually antipathetic nature is a real nature of the universe & we
need to be surrender to it & there is no other choice.

A warlike situation as a continuous interaction for every moment
between prim-opaque, good-bad, yin-yang, light-dark, hot-cold,
comfort-misery, mercy-cruelty, deep-shallow, empty-full, high-low,
small-large auspicious-inauspicious, fortune-misfortune, redolence-
malodor, beautiful-ugly, resplendence-gloom, & ascetic-impure is a
universal truth. Grandiosity, terribleness, enablement, generosity &
solemnity are the masculine and love, fondness, elegance,
attractiveness & beauty are the feminine qualities of the Supreme
Power who constructed this whole universe that remain constant in
all three process of the universe those are creation, maintenance &
distraction. What most surprises us is God does not believe in Xerox
copy or duplicate, & as such, there are many kinds of personalities &
things. There are billions of million people living in this universe but
any two of them are not of utterly similar personality. Nature is
colossal & trees are many, but then also, there can never be fully
similar two leafs.

All planets orbits anticlockwise but Venus orbit in clock wise. The
earth experience quakes over fifty thousand times in a year &
lightning for six thousand times in a minute. The flow of river
Mississippi was reserved in a quake in 1811. It is proved that inside
mechanism of our neck is magnificently well designed to fit other
head if operated properly, however, no modern surgeon is till date
able to do so but as per Hindu scripture Lord Shiva performed such
surgery for Lord Ganeshji. We immediately died if our head is cut
but the cockroach can live for seven weeks wherein, the reason of its
death is total loss of nutrition!

The human eyes remain same in shape & size from birth to death but
nose & ears grows bigger & bigger. The eyes of ostrich are bigger
that its brain. There are three eyelashes in a camel. The movements
of our ribs for a year are over five trillion times. The thigh bone is
harder than the concrete. Although we never experience the loss, 300
bones at the time of our birth changes to 206 when we grow adult.
The strength of bacteria in our mouth is higher than the human being
over the globe. The average weight of the food eaten by a human
during the life is 27,272 kilograms.

Unlike fingerprint our tongue print is also different. We differentiate
the taste with the help of ten taste centers on the tongue but butterfly
do the same by its feet. Water in our body is 60 to 75 percent but
jellyfish made of 95 percent by water. Penguin is the only birds who
cannot fly but can swim even deep underwater. Porcupine can swim
too. Giraffe can clean away stuff from its ears with the help of its 21
inches long tongue. Snail has four noses & can sleep continuously
for three years. Praying Mentis, a small creature can turn its head for
360 degrees. Elephant can lift a pin that lies on the grass by its trunk.

The neurons of the brain that store the memories touch the moon if
arranged in a straight line that long to 3, 56,344 kilometer. As per
neuroscientists we use only 3 percent of our brain & if it is fully
utilized one can remember 7x10{17} pages in a fraction of a second.
Daniel Poll was the one who remembered 22,517 digits of the value
of Pi (22/7). The telephone & mobile network of the world can be
stored in our brain in a portion equal to a mutter seed. We never can
be able to make a computer like our brain. It require 102 storied
1454 feet high building at least on two acres of land covering 37
million cubic feet & 3,65,000 tones in weight & than also how long
it works is not guaranteed. We dreams for over1460 times in a year.

Writer & physician Martin Fisher says that if you are unaware of
God see a branch of the flower forsythia & the growth of leaf of
latish. See the wisely endless, innumerable & immeasurable art of
Lord that human can generate human, animal can animal, tree comes
from tree & weevil produce weevil. Diplomat James Weldon Jones
says that our arms are too short to box with God so it is wise to join
it to gather & lay down our head by closing our eyes. In fact God is
more than what we would understand, whatever attributes we

ascribe to Him is wrong and what so ever attributes we deny Him is
equally wrong.

God the Delitescent is less than nothing & at the same time more
than everything, less than zero and simultaneously greater than
infinity, neither large nor small & does not exist in a space or time.
God is not merely immortal but infinite, beyond human imagining,
whose realm is the Absolute. In a state of infinite & unimaginable
perfection, above & beyond all space & time the God simply is, &
that is why, Hindu Upanishad says Tadpichav gunanam isparam
nayati. Still there are innumerous secrets of our universe remained
unsolved since existence of mankind to till date & in consideration
that of it is a matter of big surprise that the Hindu scriptures says that
there are innumerable universes (Anantkoti Brahmand)!

Guy Murchie who spent 17 years writing The Seven Mysteries of
Life-an Exploration of Science & Philosophy wrote in it about God
as a Creator of this universe as under:

Honestly now, if you were God, could you possibly dream any
more educational, contrasty, thrilling, beautiful, tantalizing world
than Earth to develop spirit in? If you think you could, do you
imagine you would be outdoing Earth if you designed a world free of
germs, diseases, poisons, pains, malice, explosives & conflicts so its
people could relax & enjoy it? Would you, in other words, try to
make the world nice & safe- or would you let it be provocative,
dangerous & exiting? In actual fact, if it ever came to that, Im sure
you would find it impossible to make a better world than God has
already created.

At this point, describing Gods creation as an automatic process
reaching to its perfection, Teilhard, in his philosophical appeal
Omaga Point leaves us with a tantalizing implication of
development on a cosmic scale, an evolutionary hope that the
universe will achieve some kind of ultimate eschatological
perfection, rather than descend in to a final state of maximum
entropy. Between the law of natural selection in the physical realm
& the working of Karma in the spiritual realm, he claims this
particular creation of which there may be an infinite number will

someday be complete. It will ultimately become all that it can be &
will fulfill its potential & thereby enrich God.

If straight way, at least ten percent of all these very meaningfully
narrated wide & mere description, starting from an atom to the
universe, what we all are & off course, about the miraculously,
minutely, wisely & purposely well designed craftsmanship of the
Lord of the universe is received by you & is not at all proved as my
useless exercise, henceforth & that means, it has served my intention
to make you all acquainted about the vitality & variedness of the
Supreme Godhead & to produce & create love & faith inside you for
Him. Every line written here in this description of what is this
universe & what we are is enough to realize & experience us the
presence of the God.

After reading up to here if an only desire does not arise inside you to
surrender yourself to the Maker of this unique, extraordinary &
miraculous universe, you are lacking of intelligence. The analyzing
& reasoning capability of your brain is either zero or fully damaged
& infected. You are still an animal in the form of a human being &
your thought of happiness is purely limited to your physical body
which never able to reach up to an ultimate level that is brought to
you only by that Great Almighty. Just search inside of you & ask
yourself that where does God not exist? When does He not exist? In
whom does He not exist? There is neither a thing, nor time, nor
space, nor place, nor person, nor state, nor circumstance in which
God is not present. Just think whom one of us is capable, eligible &
qualified to name this Supreme Personality? And then visit once to
that particular seat or site to meet that best person of your choice &
find out how & why we are divided in His name?

To all people who until now are asking for signs & evidences that
God existed. Look ourselves at the mirror. Who do we think created
us? Observe everything around us the Rivers, Sea, Jungles
Mountains, Deserts, Sky, Air, Wind, Rain, Trees, Earth, Moon,
Stars, Galaxy & many more that we can see & feel. Can an ordinary
man create such wonderful things like these? How about our
feelings, our hearts, why can we love, laugh & cry? How about all
the gifts that we are receiving everyday, who do we think all of that
came from? What more evidences we are looking for? It is an

everlasting truth truly acceptable by all since before our birth & will
remain as it is after our death that this entire universe is a creation of
God, all inanimate & living are a part & partial of it & everything
happens for a specific reason by His causeless mercy, either it makes
us happy or sad and the universal fact is no one can change this
happening in his/her own favor.

The reason we know that God exists is because He has told us so &
has revealed Himself to us. It would be no help to us at all in our
human predicament if God were silent, but happily this is not the
case. God not only exists but also He has communicated that fact to
us. He has told us all about who He is, what He likes & what His
plan is for His planet earth. He has revealed these things to mankind
through the religious books like Geeta, Bible, Quran & so many
more. All these have demonstrated it to be more than a mere book
but it is the actual word of God. Instead of man reaching up to find
God, He reached down to man, as explained in The Christian in
Philosophy by J.V.L.Casserley The gospel provides that
knowledge of ultimate truth which men have sought through
philosophy in vain, inevitably in vain, because it is essential to the
very nature of God that He cannot be discovered by searching &
probing of human minds, that He can only be known if He first takes
the initiative & reveals Himself.

According to Vedic disciplined succession, the spiritual masters
always base their statements on what they have heard from
authoritative sources, never on personal experience. Trying to
understand things by one's own direct experience is the material
process of gaining knowledge, technically called pratyaksa. Such
acquainted knowledge remains with us as smruti means memory
which can be loosed by many reason & therefore, the Vedic method
is different. It is called sruti, which means "to hear from
authoritative sources" which is the secret of Vedic understanding.
With our imperfect senses we should not try to understand & think
beyond our experimental powers. Suppose we want to know who our
father is. It is not possible for us to find out it by experimenting. We
know who our father is just by hearing from the proper authority that
is our mother. This is common sense. When we cannot know our
material father by such experimental process, than how can we know
the Supreme Father by the experimental process? It is impossible but

we know God is the original father. He is the father of the father of
the father, all the way down to us.

My fellow enthusiasts, do understand that the verities of His quality
those have been confirmed till date is not limited to any name. But
by & now, only from this very moment, as you have gone through
these all, from my side, in the name of love you are free to name this
Supreme Element of the universe as per your search inside of your
own self & according to your inner instinct. Actually the fact is,
because we are always attracted by His greatness, God is the only
one having innumerable names.

He is the most trustworthy relative to us. He is the one & only to
whom we put our faith & above all He is the one to whom we want
to love at our best & therefore, people have called this extraordinary
Superior Personality of my darling, my intimate, my father, my
master & my owner by many names that is suitable to their pure
absoluteness of love & not at all to en-cash His closeness to them &
us. He knows all over needs & there is no necessity of longing to
Him for anything accepts His love for us.

I strongly believe that love is love & while we are in love & for us to
love someone it makes no difference whether anybody of us is
illiterate or highly knowledgeable, hence, if my purpose is fully
served to make you love Him, all His names stands as one for you &
the only desire to remember God and to serve Him at the highest
level is become your religion, I allow you to leave this great
adventurous attempt at this stage that has made us fully acquainted
of the supremacy of the most proper one to love & to put our faith
because the result will be the same at the end of this book that is
what is at this point. My hopes are with you that the end may compel
you to love Him absolutely if you will continue this ongoing
adventure towards acquiring knowledge essence till we reach to the
ultimate of life.

Magical Power of the God-A Human Brain as Mind

Though we all are travelers of the same path, the path of blooming
consciousness, apart from regular worship, prayer & reverence there
are many paths developed toward the relationship with God like
renunciation, penance, yoga, healing, meditation, spirituality, energy
transformation, awakening, reiki, philosophy, mental empowerment,
use of mystical plexus circle etc. which mainly provides peace,
power of endurance & capacity of patience but whichever is precise
consciousness toward the God is an age-old dilemma, the answer to
which may have finally been uncovered. Hence everything beyond
this line require full concentration, deep understanding, intelligence
& firm determination to get our self strongly connected with God.

We now have to observe & define brain as mind. Understanding the
relationship between the brain & the mind is a great challenge. We
are well aware that as a center of the human nervous system our
brain is attuning the functions such as self-control, planning,
analyzing, reasoning and abstract thought in intelligence, memory,
personality and movement. The left side of the brain interacts with
the right side of the body and vice versa. Each hemisphere of the
brain interacts primarily with one half of the body, but for reasons
that are unclear, the connections are crossed.

In human beings, the two hemispheres are thought to contribute to
the processing and understanding of language. The left hemisphere
processes the linguistic meaning of prosody (or the rhythm, stress
and intonation of connected speech), while the right hemisphere
processes the emotions conveyed by prosody. It is very difficult to
imagine how mental entities such as thoughts & emotions could be
implemented by physical entities such as neurons & synapses or by
any other type of mechanism. Neurosurgeons, neurologists,
neuroscientists and psychiatrists along with researchers from allied
disciplines say that the study how the human brain works is a study
of all existence of God & all His aspects.

The main aspect which differentiates a human from any animal is a
mind, an innate part of the energy inside the brain we are made of &
that way we are just perfected and enhanced somehow among all
living things. We have been entrusted with the care and feeding of

the most extraordinary & complex creation in the universe. The
written history & word of mouth lets us pass on more experience,
knowledge of our past and future. We know about what can occur
more clearly & can think about death or even life after death. We
seem to have more ability to look at ourselves from the outside or as
if from the outside objectively, certainly reasoning with math & such
other tools and our imagination, inventiveness & language.

We have a higher consciousness when we want to use it. Home to
our mind and personality, our brain houses our cherished memories
and future hopes. It orchestrates the symphony of consciousness that
gives us purpose and passion, motion and emotion. As per scriptures
of all most all religion a matter of only experience that control & at
the same time depends on a bunch of twenty, as a king or as a master
control, to which, we realized it as mind is all the way concerned
with five basic elements of the universe those are earth, water, air,
fire & sky, five basic subjects (tastes) of the universe those are
beauty, smell, tactile, zest & word and ten senses of the body those
are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, hands, feet, anus, pudendum &
speech in all the three kinds of the human being those who corrode,
pass & make life.

According to Buddhism the mind is neither physical, nor a by-
product of purely physical processes but a formless continuum that is
a separate entity from the body. When the body disintegrates at
death, the mind does not cease. Although our superficial conscious
mind ceases, it does so by dissolving into a deeper level of
consciousness, call the very subtle mind. The continuum of our very
subtle mind has no beginning and no end & it is this mind which,
when completely purified, transforms into the omniscient mind of a

Mind cannot speak, it cannot even with a single finger indicate the
ultimate but everything that mind is doing is a controlled, relevant
gibberish on the surface looking very silent, inside a madhouse.
This madhouse cannot say a single word about the truth as it knows
nothing, although it plays the game as if it knows. Mind
continuously changes, a childs mind is one thing, a young mans
mind is another thing, a mature middle-aged mind is another thing
and the mind of an old man is another thing. The mind is constantly

accumulating, changing viewpoints, ideologies, religions. It is not
very trustworthy, it cannot be relied upon. Today it may be a
communist and tomorrow may turn against communism, today it
may be atheist, tomorrow it may become a theist. Mind is just hot
air, fully polluted from the beginning to the end. No-mind is of our
unpolluted nature but from birth to death, this is how it is.

Mind is the main cause of all causes, origin of the origin & is the
only thing able to reach or can experience the God because the
realization of the Supreme Godhead is nothing but a condition
achieved when mind works under the absolute control of a soul.
When both soul itself & the universe, as a part of God are existed,
the one & only thing that is able to experience, differentiate & relate
the trinity of existence of the God those are soul, universe & God, is
an energy inside the brain, the invisible part of the trinity of
individual own existence of I those are body, senses & mind.

It means in the existence of I, by the help of soul & its power, the
mind is the only thing that can experience separately &/or jointly the
fullness or oneness of the God, the six different parts of these two
trinities, being as a part of any of these two trinities or being as a
center of the universe extremely separately, independently &
individually as only a mind. We must value this extraordinary
capacity & peculiarity of our mind & think on it by it very
seriously that only the human being is blessed to achieve this level!!!

To understand how the realization of the Supreme Godhead is a
condition of mind, we should start with the Big Bang. Since that
moment, when God become many rather than one, the soul and the
universe became a part & portion of the God & that way very
similarly the soul also became a part & portion of the universe too,
therefore, to reach or realize the God, everything that is a part &
portion of the God should be considered or seen as one means in
other words the realization of God can be possible only when
everything (soul, universe & God) become one, & as there is no one
other than God can do so, it require heavy profuse of benignity of
the lord & if so, only in that case, a moment of oneness of the trinity
of the existence of the God can be experienced by a trinity of
positive forces of mind those are intelligence, attention & ego when
set on a single axis.

Such realization may vary in accordance with a trinity of experience
those are physical, subtle & astral. Moreover such realization is not
at all an end of the life but the soul need to continue in every birth
until the God wind up the whole universe for that particular soul,
means till its emancipation.

Mind is capable enough to avail emancipation, heaven or hell or all
these three to the soul by the actions performed by the I those are
physical body, senses & mind, according to the work given by a
soul, however, soul is abide by the destiny can be able only to
provide works according to the sacrament. These three are the
ultimate level, point or thing of the type & kind of outcome of action
as per our sacrament. All our actions, weather performed or not, are
previously a simple thought produced in our mind widely considered
as our own desire which is the real cause to live for each & every
living thing of the universe.

However, the river of life flows between the banks of pain and
pleasure, our mind is restlessly greedy of the pleasant and afraid of
the unpleasant. It always refuses to flow with life and gets stuck at
the banks & creates a problem because the memory of an event can
neither pass for the event itself nor can the anticipation. There is
something exceptional, unique, about the present event, which the
previous or the forthcoming do not have. There is difference of
livingness about it, an actuality that stands out as if illuminated.

There is the stamp of reality on the actual, which the past and the
future do not have. We consider memories, only when they come
into the present but the forgotten is not counted until one is reminded
which implies, bringing into the now. Things and thoughts have been
changing all the time. But the feeling that what is now is real has
never changed, even in dream. Time is endless, though limited,
eternity is in the split moment of the now. We miss it because the
mind is ever shuttling between the past and the future. It will not
stop to focus the now. It can be done with comparative ease, if
interest is aroused.

The multifarious forms constituted of the five elements around us is
transient and in a state of perpetual flux. It governed by the law of

causation which applies to the body and the mind because both are
transient and subject to birth and death. We know that the world can
be known by only the physical I, the body, senses and mind
because as in the Kantian view, it is a correlate of the human
knowing subject, and therefore, has the fundamental structure of
our way of knowing. This means that time, space and causality are
not objective, or extraneous entities, but mental categories in which
everything is molded. The existence and form of all things depend
upon the mind. Cognition is a mental product. And the world as seen
from the mind is a subjective and private world, which changes
continuously in accordance with the restlessness of the mind itself.

In opposition to the restless mind, with its limited categories like
intentionality, subjectivity and duality etc. stands supreme the
limitless sense of I am. But the thing that is really experiencing I
is not the mind but is our own self, the light in which everything
appears. The self is the common factor at the root of all experience,
the awareness in which everything happens. The entire field of
consciousness is only as a film, or a spech, in I am. This I am-
ness is, being conscious of consciousness, being aware of itself.
And it is indescribable, because it has no attributes. It is only being
myself, and that is why, is all that there is. Everything that exists is
exists as my own self & there is nothing which is different from me.

Going with our own reality, I must write that our mind is all with
things, people and ideas, never with our self. We need to bring our
self into focus, become aware of our own existence to see how we
function. We need to watch the motives and the results of our
actions, study the prison we have built around our own self by
inadvertence. By knowing what we are not, we come to know our
self & that is the way back to our self is through refusal and
rejection. One thing is certain that the real is not imaginary & is not
a product of the mind. Even the sense I am is not continuous,
though it is a useful pointer because it shows where to seek but not
what to seek.

Just have a good look at it. Once we are convinced that we cannot
say truthfully about our self anything except I am, and that nothing
that can be pointed at, can be our self, the need for the I am is over
& than we are no longer intent on verbalizing what we are. All we

need is to get rid of the tendency to define our own self. All
definitions apply to our body only and to its expressions. Once this
obsession with the body goes, we will revert to our natural state,
spontaneously and effortlessly. The only difference is to be aware of
our natural state, while we are bemused, we differ only in
appearance. We discover it by being earnest, by searching,
enquiring, questioning daily and hourly, by giving one's life to this

Before we accept God, we must accept our own self, which is even
more frightening. The first steps in self acceptance are not at all
pleasant, for what one sees is not a happy sight. One needs all the
courage to go further. What helps is silence. Simply look at our self
in total silence, do not describe our self. 'This I am not-what am l?' is
the movement of self-enquiry. There are no other means to
liberation, all means delay. Resolutely reject what we are not, till the
real Self emerges in its glorious nothingness, its 'not-a-thingness'. In
doing so we need to concentrate our mind at its best that requires
practice & peace.

Upanishad Amritbindu describes that in that whom reside all beings
and who resides in all beings & who is the giver of grace to all, the
Supreme Soul of the universe, the limitless being is none other but I
am that & The seeker is he who is in search of himself. Give up
all questions except one that is Who am I? After all, the only fact
we are sure of is that none other but we are. The I am is certain.
The I am this is not. Struggle to find out what we are in reality,
should be the actual food for our mind. To know what we are, one
must first investigate and know what we are not. Discover all that we
are not-body, feelings thoughts, time, space, this or that-nothing,
concrete or abstract, which we perceive can be our self. The very act
of perceiving shows that we are not at all what we perceive. The
clearer us understand on the level of mind we can be described in
negative terms only, the quicker will we come to the end of our
search and realize that we are the limitless being.

Even to say that we are not the body is not quite true. In a certain
way, we are all the bodies, hearts and minds and much more. If we
go deep into the sense of I am we will find all things we have
mislaid or forgotten because all it are kept in mind until we recall it.

When the sense of being, of I am is the first to emerge ask our self
whence it comes, or just watch it quietly. When the mind stays in the
'I am' without moving is the basic point of self realization from
where, we enter a state which cannot be verbalized but can be
experienced. All we need is to try and try again. After all the sense I
am is always with us, only we have attached all kinds of things to it-
body, feelings, thoughts, ideas, possessions etc. All these self-
identifications are misleading & because of them we take our self to
be what we are not.

To rectify this misunderstanding of ones reality, the only way is to
take full cognizance of the ways of ones mind and to turn it into an
instrument of self-discovery. The mind was originally a tool in the
struggle for biological survival. It had to learn the laws and ways of
Nature working hand-in-hand can raise life to a higher level. But, in
the process the mind acquired the art of symbolic thinking and
communication, the art and skill of language. Words became
important. Ideas and abstractions acquired an appearance of reality,
the conceptual replaced the real, with the result that man now lives
in a verbal world, crowded with words and dominated by words.
Obviously, for dealing with things and people words are exceedingly
useful. But they make us live in a world totally symbolic and,
therefore, unreal. To break out from this prison of the verbal mind
into reality, one must be able to shift ones focus from the word to
what it refers to, the thing itself.

Before we can know anything directly, non-verbally, we must know
the knower. So far, we took the mind for the knower, but it is just not
so. The mind clogs us up with images and ideas, which leave scars in
memory. We take remembering to be knowledge. True knowledge is
ever fresh, new, unexpected. It wells up from within. When we know
what we are, we also are what that we know. Between knowing and
being there is no gap. By all means just use our mind to know our
mind. It is perfectly legitimate and also the best preparation for
going beyond the mind.

Being, knowing and enjoying are our own. We need first realize our
own being. This is easy because the sense 'I am' is always with us.
Then meet our self as the knower, apart from the known. Once we
know our own self as pure being, the ecstasy of freedom is our own.

Actually, we always drive by the others & it becomes our habit to
see what the other too could see, here and now, but for the wrong
focus of our attention. We give no attention to our self.

While at the other end, only because there is a soul inside of us by
the blessings of the Lord within the heart, we increase our ability to
deeply communicate and connect with the spiritual realms. We do
not simply want to connect with the physical, metaphysical or subtle
material realms but almost & generally, we want to connect with the
transcendental realms. We, off course, have a physical body and a
subtle astral body & we have many subtle experiences associated
with our subtle bodies. So many phenomena that we call
extraordinary miraculous or paranormal occurrences are normal
activities for the subtle body. However, beyond the subtle body is
the soul, which is in connection with the Kingdom of God.
Communication at the highest level is the language of the heart in
maintaining a relationship of the soul with God. Because we all have
an ongoing internal dialogue or internal conversations that develop
from the aggregate of our life experiences and that we constantly
repeat to ourselves.

Many people in our lives often give us specific labels, which we then
embrace and even directly place on ourselves. Consequently, we
maintain these constant conversations within us that dictate the way
we respond and behave at all times. This internal dialogue is very
significant because our external behavior is only a small aspect of
our real selves. For instance, during most conversations, we receive
only seven percent of the message from the content itself. We
receive thirty-eight percent of the message from voice, pitch, tone &
sounds and fifty five percent from non-verbal communication such
as facial gestures and body movements. The internal dialogs of the
speaker as well as the receiver affect all areas of communication.

Nevertheless, most people are only aware of the externals, which
obviously make communication and our relationships in general very
difficult. Most importantly, by identifying too much as physical
beings, we overlook the deeper aspects of our real identity. If you
have reconnected to your core values, if you have experienced
existence of your soul & if you would have digested at least fifty
five percent content up to here I am very sure that you are labeled as

to your real identity.

At this point, I must write that knowledge, intelligence,
remembrance, moral, values, ethics, principles & language of the
heart are always considered as the parts & portions of the state of
mind & considering all these all to gather, it is a most magical,
mysterious & surprising fact that I have yet to meet anyone who
would say they did not want to operate from a position of a solid set
of values. I found all most all of us wanted to be good to the core.

On the surface, the concept of values is intellectually easy to
understand & so I assumed, and may be you do too, that most of us
understand and try living by our values, however, it is found more
challenging than it would appear to be on the surface. In leadership
workshops all over the world, it was seen as the stunning realization
people face when they are given a blank sheet of paper and
challenged to write down their own core values. What I have also
seen, among very busy people, is that once they begin to think about
it-once their inner flame is stoked-they have a natural burning desire
to reconnect to their values. They are inspired when they reconnect
to their core & it is good.

Very good! It is a proof of an existence of a soul inside us & is
enough for me to provide you an opportunity to know our own self
& it is also a first & extremely necessary step towards our
relationship with God. My hope is that we will be challenged to
search inside, to investigate the real value of knowing our values, to
indicate our own values, to integrate our values into the fabric of our
life. In doing so, I hope we become an orchardist who plants seeds of
our core values into the culture of our organization. Most
importantly, I hope we will be inspired to truly live our core values.
My intent is to certainly challenge us, but my greater desire is to
walk with us through the orchard of our mind, body, senses and soul
on a journey back to the core. I am convinced when we arrive there
where we will be exponentially more valuable. I want to make you
valuable first.

The mind is the only thing by which, this way almost & apparently,
we have acquired knowledge forFrom when I came in to existence,

Where I came from, From what I made of, How, Up to when I will
remain as I, To where I will go, How the creatures came into
existence, How this great universe came into existenceamong the
series of many questions magically following a small bunch of three
words that is who am I, but still the way is very long. We now
require spirituality inside us & a sense to understand philosophy to
go forTo what (form) I will go to, Why this great universe came
into existence, What is the end of all, Why am I, For what I am,
What is the ultimate truth of existence of I, In reality, what is
happened after death, What is the Gods own reality & Is it possible
to pay a visit of God & Is God really become incarnated?

At this Juncture I must bring few lines of J Krishnamurti in to your
knowledge that a disciplined mind is never a free mind, not can a
mind that has suppressed desire ever be free. It only can be free
through understands the whole process of desire. Discipline always
limits the mind to a movement within the framework of a particular
system of thought or belief. Such a mind is never free to be
intelligent. It gives the capacity to function within the pattern of a
society which demands functional ability, but it does not awaken the
intelligence which has its own capacity. The mind that has cultivated
nothing but capacity through memory is like the modem electronic
computer which, though it functions with astonishing ability and
accuracy, is still only a machine. Being guided to think along certain
lines or in terms of a foregone conclusion is not to think at all.

That means, to get true answers of these questions, an honest reply
of eternal self-inquiry become obtainable only when the real state of
life and the great life or God life can be revealed by our soul through
our mind. We all have to travel through the journey of our life from
I to the Supreme, covering a complete knowledge of this universe
too, that needs a true spiritual science with spiritual psychology to
make it a wonderful experience of inner truth and the way of real life
that should be the cosmology of modern times. Our acquaintance
with ourselves, our own reality is the naked truth of the spiritual
world and cosmic life.

Desire-the Actual Cause of all our Actions & its

If we go to deep more & more in our own inside we can experience a
revelation that our soul is remained continuously in action achieving
concord over this material world duly connected with God though
concealed in our body, with the help of our mind which is fully
controlled by & at the same time totally depends on our senses,
wherein a desire is produced one after one continuously &

A product of mind desires either binds or makes us free is depends
on the nature of a particular desire as it become a strong cause that
bind us when mind is fully controlled by our senses but absolute
freedom is the only outcome when by the use of intelligence mind is
assisted by the organs of the perception.

In the leadership of mind, forces of desire, knowledge & action
works fully datum on vitality (here it means our soul power) &
though it is a product of soul it is experienced by mind. Vitality is a
substratum of the body but mind is a ruler or a king of the body &
that way we would assume the relation of soul as father & the mind
as his son.

When we feel an absolute control of our soul over our own trinity
that is our physical body, mind and senses and becomes one to use it
as per our desire, if we reach there, then I am very sure that the only
desire remains with us is to remember God & to serve Him at the
highest level because ultimately, there is a presence of God within
each and every one of us.

We all knows very well that we are made of two different elements
to which we would define either as matter & force or as vitality &
inert or animate & inanimate & therefore, to increase our level
towards self realization, we should feel the presence of the both, is
the first & most basic condition. Moreover, being a part & portion of
God every soul is aware of this fact, & is always remain active to
create a strong desire inside the I, but then also, it become a
universal fact that it is very hard for us to go beyond a level of
common to all consciousness. Actually, to recognize our self only as

a matter & not by our vitality is become habit of our I.

Explaining this fact the Vedic paradigm describes that a desire born
in our mind that fully control & simultaneously totally depends on
our senses. Such arrangement of senses is made by the Great
Almighty for each & every living body to perform his/her act at its
best besides the minute independence given to us by the God to do
as per our desire. That means a soul is given a minute independence
by the God to do as per our desire & it is possible for everybody of
us to increase our level by an ardent desire towards the realization of
God, as there is a heavy profuse of benignity of God on every
person. But at the same time our senses which create a desire in us
constantly remain transient, impatient, unsteady and hesitating
according to our surroundings & accountability of all acts performed
that before by a soul is a miraculous arrangement of God, for which,
all most all religions say that it is according to the balance of sins
and meritorious to which very commonly one can say good and bad
of the present & previous births of the soul who carries that
particular body.

Actually, all our desires aim at happiness & are considered as bad &
some are considered worse than others. When we pursue any desire,
it will always give us trouble, even the desire to be free of desire! All
desire has its source in the self. It is all a matter of choosing the right
desire which varies with habit, custom, standards and vary with
societies. We need to discard all traditional standards & to leave
them to the hypocrites. Only what liberates us from desire and fear
and wrong ideas is good. As long as we worry about sin and virtue
we will have no peace. True virtue is divine nature (swarupa). What
we are really is our virtue but the opposite of sin which we call
virtue is only obedience born out of our own fear. The desire for
truth is the highest of all desires, yet, it is still a desire. All desires
must be given up to the real to be. Remember that we are. This is our
working capital. Rotate it and there will be much profit.

The highest happiness, the greatest freedom is desirelessness but is
the highest bliss. With lucidity (sattva) the motive behind the desire
is goodwill, compassion, the urge to make happy rather than be
happy. But the Supreme is beyond all, yet because of its infinite
permeability all cogent desires can be fulfilled. By all means attend

to our duties. Action, in which we are not emotionally involved and
which is beneficial and does not cause suffering will not bind us. We
may be engaged in several directions and work with enormous zest,
yet remain inwardly free and quiet, with a mirror-like mind, which
reflects all, without being affected. Just as a sleeping man forgets all
and wakes up for another day, or the one, who dies and emerges into
another life, so do the worlds of desire and fear dissolve and
disappear. But the universal witness, the Supreme Self never sleeps
and never dies. Eternally the Great Heart beats and at each beat a
new universe comes into being.

Harmony between the inner and the outer is happiness. On the other
hand, self-identification with the outer causes is suffering. Desire
shapes our destiny and destiny shapes our desire. All our desires are
conditioned by heredity and circumstances, by opportunities and
accidents, by what we call destiny. Of course we are free to desire,
but not at all free to act on our desire. Other urges will lead us astray.
Most of our desires are not strong enough, even if it has our
approval. Other desires, which we disapprove of, are stronger
causing as pain to us as well as to our surroundings.

Pain and pleasure go always together. Freedom from one means
freedom from both. If we do not care for pleasure, we will not be
afraid of pain but there is happiness which is neither, which is
completely beyond. The happiness we generally know is describable
and measurable & so to say is objective. But the objective cannot be
our own. It would be a grievous mistake to identify our self with
something external. This churning up of levels leads nowhere.
Reality is beyond the subjective and objective, beyond all levels,
beyond every distinction. Most definitely it is not their origin, source
or root. These come from ignorance of reality, not from reality itself,
which is indescribable, beyond being and not-being. Pain and
pleasure happen, but pain is the price of pleasure, pleasure is the
reward of pain. In life too we often please by hurting and hurt by
pleasing. To know that pain and pleasure are one is peace.

It is needless to describe that our desires are varied & infinite in
numbers & if it fulfilled we are happy & if not we are sad.
Moreover, no one desirous to go to hell means to be in sadness even
for a moment and the one who desirous to reach up to an

emancipation are the rare & very exceptional cases in the history of
mankind but the imagination of heaven means the happiness is an
ever-increasing desire of all living thing on this earth however, we
are well aware that what will happen next & when, which & whose
desire will be fulfilled is hardly a matter of our hand because of its

All most all scriptures of all religions confirmed in their own ways &
words that the desire is a real cause of ones act which is accomplish
& accountable according to & with all previous good & bad acts
performed by a soul since its existence what so ever the bodies
possessed by that soul before that particular act & due to this
miraculous arrangement of the great all mighty everything of the
whole universe is in action. According to Hindu scriptures such
accountability also includes good & bad acts performed by all those
persons in blood relation to us & of all maternal & paternal forebears
who died before that particular action.

Many of us do not believe in the previous births & its balance of
meritorious & sins but consider only the present life. According to
them for all good & bad actions performed during this life, one has
to pay, means, either has to suffer or will enjoy the fruits here on this
earth before the death. Many people disagree with Hindu scripture
towards the effect of the balance of good & bad actions performed
by all our maternal & paternal ancestors on our present life & for
them it is very ridiculous.

We need a little study of our own experiences to understand the
word accountability in its all respect to be happy for ever as it is
highly necessary for us to define this word. We are, of and all, facing
this accountability through many incidences in our surrounding. It is
a universal fact that one baby born in the millionaire & at the same
times the other one born in the worthless poor. There are many
handicapped by birth. Many of us killed or died all of a sudden in
accident, injuries, burns, drown, hemorrhage, heart attack, infection,
septic, illness & by natural calamities. Arts & crafts come inherit
many of us while disease like blood pressure & diabetes goes to
many generations. Some gets position in the business & profession
established by their family while some of us compel to carry out the
same unwillingly as there is no one other to manages the same. All

these are few examples of the word accountability or the balance
of meritorious & sins as a direct effect of our previous births.

There are so many who gets more than their expectation by their
very simple effort. Many get immediate rise, sudden increase in
business or get great opportunities for the power & fame very
effortlessly & unbelievably while many hard worker, established
businessman, highly rich & well qualified remains fail even to
survive themselves even after tireless hardworking. Many proved
lucky to win a lottery & such other benefit. Some get good job &
even become higher authority, celebrity, leader & some of us
progress great in their businesses in an extreme short period.

But when any one is lacking balance of meritorious the reflection of
the whole universe turns to the exact opposite. There are many who
get very nominal for their day long donkeywork. Some has to serve
their own premises in town planning, road, railway & such other
development. Some must loss everything in natural calamities. Some
have to face great setbacks in their businesses while some become a
victim of accident, illness & such other adverse circumstances. We
often heard about those few people who victimized by the other
through fraud, theft & cheatings. Apart from these all the history has
witnessed rise & falls of many kingdoms and leaders. All these are
indirect effect of actions performed by us in our present and previous

Everybody of us have observed some old people who use to keep
everything well maintained from their denture, spectacles, tie, belt,
wallet, cufflinks, shoes to the valuable thing & documents in their
own control. Most of Indian old women use to keep a bunch of keys
tied up at their waste that under locks all jewelries, saris & other
valuables in lockers & cupboards. When they died, with that same
moment all these automatically & immediately becomes others
including land, buildings, properties and shares etc. what so ever in
their names. While at the other end there are many cases where
families are either ruined or facing heavy financial crisis due to long
lasting illness of the parents &/or grandparents as well as by the big
business loss created by them. It is a direct effect of the balance of
good and bad actions performed by all our maternal and paternal
ancestors (manes).

People over the globe are also witnessing this balance in the form
of fame & defame of all their relatives who died previously & who
are living presently. For example, British people respect the newly
married Kat Middleton as the future queen. It is not a balance of
meritorious of the actions performed in the present & previous births
by her but is an indirect benefit incurred to her by the balance of
good & bad actions performed by all ancestors (manes) of the family
of Prince William, by which, she would become queen definitely,
but, said balance was lacking by late lady Dina & was died well
before. Many people get respect & benefit only because either their
father or grandfather or fore father was among celebrities, authorities
or leaders while many has to suffer only because he/she is in a
generation of a criminal. All these are indirect effect of the balance
of good & bad actions performed by all our ancestors.

According to Hindu mythology the record of accountability of
meritorious & sin of a soul is maintain by a division of Demigod
Chitragupt who finally pass an order to Demigod Yamraj, having a
division of angel of death to end up all attachments of a so called
physical or bodily life of a soul. These both are control & govern by
a presiding deity of fate who decides & use to write destiny exactly
on the sixth day after the birth of a human being. Hindu religion
strongly believes that the future thus decided called as things
ordained by destiny can never be change by anybody, not even by
the Lord of the universe. Destiny, widely & truthfully referred as
theory of karma at all most everywhere in Hindu scripture is an
expression of a beneficial law, the universal trend towards balance,
harmony and unity. At every moment, whatever happens now is for
the best. It may appear painful and ugly, a suffering bitter and
meaningless, yet considering the past and the future it is for the best,
as the only way out of a disastrous situation.

As such, Hindu scriptures further describes that to live in this
universe with a human body is a rarity even for the Demigods &
Goddess & very few souls can reach up to such accountability to
have a birth as human to enjoy the fruits of happiness. But sometime
as a part of His great antipathy arrangement of this universe, God
use to provide human body to all those souls whose negative actions
(karma) are fully ripen to experience pains & sufferings according to
their huge balance of sins.

The Secrets of the Body & the Soul

The Vedas & Puranas speak of 84,00,000 types of bodies that the
soul can occupy throughout the creation according to its balance of
the meritorious & sins. The body is a vehicle that can experience an
infinite number of situations. It can be able to perform an act only
during the period in which it considered as live, which is called a
lifespan. All the things & bodies of this universe are destructive &
have an end that is death. Not the soul but the body, a word we very
commonly use for a trinity of I those are body, mind & senses has its
own existence through birth. This perishable trinity of body, mind &
senses has needs of existence & survival but the soul who possesses
the body has no such worry in using this mysterious trinity towards
the path of its relationship with God.

As described in Bhagvad Geeta-sargeapi nopjaayante pralaye na
vyathanti cha-(14/2), our life does not depend on this body but is
very longbeginning-less & end-less. We are not born at the time of
new creation nor do we die at the time of final dissolution but we
remain the same. It means that the body is born and it dies but we as
our soul are not born nor do we die. Consequently soul is the true &
proper answer in replying all four new questions that arise at this
time that if the trinity of I, the body, senses & mind is not considered
as self than when we died, towards our all actions performed
before death, who will bear the fruit of sinful and virtuous actions?
Who will go to different wombs and to heaven and hell? Who will
be bound? Who will be liberated?

Actually to understand this first of all we need to develop a spiritual
discipline which is the only source to make us understand what the
I is. The essence of all spiritual disciplines is best described as a
dining room is the place where meals are eaten, so is this body a
place where pleasure and pain are experienced. He, who experiences
pleasure and pain, is not the body, but the self who identifies itself
with the body but the place of experience is different from the

The body is like the garment which is different from us. As by
changing numerous clothes, we do not become numerous, we remain
the same. As by discarding old clothes we do not die and by wearing

new clothes we are not born, similarly by casting off old bodies we
do not die and by acquiring new bodies we are not born. Our nature
and the nature of the body are totally different from each other.
Neither have we union with the body nor does the body have union
with us. As the body lives in the world, likewise we do live in the
body. There was never our union with the body, nor is, nor will be,
nor can be. In fact we do not need the body. Even without the body,
we do not lose anything. Till now we have acquired and cast off
numberless bodies but has it made any difference in our existence?
What loss have we sustained? We have remained the same which is
beat described in Bhagvad Gita (Bhootgraamh sa evaayam, bhootvaa
bhootvaa praleeyate-8/19).

If we accept the fact that the soul is the real owner & that the body
acts as a costume or garment, we can understand that we change
costumes according to the activities that we have to perform from
one moment to the next, from one life to the next. If the body can be
changed, then death is nothing more than a visit to the changing
room. We merely leave one set of clothes behind & put on another.
The law of conservation in physics tells us that matter can neither be
created nor destroyed but it simply changes its form.

Actually, people realize the absence of body, senses, mind, intellect,
attention & ego but no one ever realizes the absence of the self that
is our soul. For example in sound sleep, we died. The reason is that
even in the absence of the body, we existed. So when we are awake,
we say that I slept so soundly, that I knew nothing. It means that we
existed as the same in sound sleep. It proves that our existence does
not depend on the body, senses, mind, intellect and ego. Allgross,
subtle and causal bodies cease to exist but the self never ceases to

According to Hindu dharma, for us while concerned as soul, the self,
our body means a gross form created or assumed inside the mind
(impure consciousness or vitality) as the I, a trinity made of body,
mind & senses. What happens during the so called death is that this
ego is withdrawn to its source and remains in non manifest state.
Hence the previously created body appears dead. But, in reality all is
one again at a suitable time as ordained by God, as & when, a soul
wears another body, the mind than starts assume another suitable

gross form and continues its journey, hence the so called birth. Thus,
in reality there is neither birth nor death to the soul which is identical
to Brahman, a delusion in general. All the birth and death pertain
to only this ego. This continues as long as the ego thinks itself as a
separate entity. Once it realizes true nature of its own it rests in it
and thereafter there's neither birth nor death.

Moreover although our bodies are changing from childhood, to
youth, to old age, something remains the same. That something is the
spirit soul who is a visitor for that body, which is sometimes found
phenomenal due to having a possession by one or more souls &
while walk-ins of other soul & that is why, especially & highly
meaningfully I have used here two different terms of body
occupation which the soul or souls can do & we must examine the
situations where one's body accommodates different types of
temporary or permanent visitors called as strangers in our bodies.
Such occupations includes all those types of soul which we have
experience in & around us as well as per all our beliefs, myths and
books since the inception of mankind like angel, devil, ghost, entity,
elf etc. & their holly-evil, positive-negative power, energy and
vibration & as such we must believe in the courses of walk-ins and

A walk-in occurs when someone no longer wants to continue life in
the present physical form. The individual soul departs & willingly
allows another soul to occupy his or her body. A good analogy might
be "time sharing". One soul is occupying a form that can be used by
another. The original owner of the body usually desires to leave
because of depression, frustration, or anxiety. One may also decide
to leave the physical form temporarily & allow another entity to
occupy it. This practice has gained popularity over the last decade
under the name of channeling. Channel people with the ability to act
as mediums receive communication from other realms, act upon the
messages & encourage others to act.

This should not be shocking. History shows that many great
inventors & others who have made major contributions to society
heard voices & were given certain instructions from other realms.
Beings that walk in entity come with their own unique patterns, but
at the same time well aware of the patterns of the previous occupant.

Their understanding & their nature assist them in these efforts. They
are still evolving, yet they have a duty to perform in bringing about a
new era. The entities that enter in this way are generally of a positive
or pious nature. The advantage of entering a body in this way is that
it saves time. The walk-ins do not have to undergo the process of
birth & growth but they can immediately begin the work they ought
to do. Sometimes they may not know that they have entered this life
as a walk-in & at a later time this fact is revealed. One indication of
such a transition has taken place, is a changes in the patterns of
thought & behavior after some duration, when someone who has had
a period of distress or has given up the will to live abruptly.

Possession is the forceful occupation of one's body by another entity,
typically a negative entity. As mentioned, walk-ins are invited & or
visit voluntarily. Sometimes entities that enter under possession may
also be invited by the host but this invitation is reflective of the
host's low level of consciousness &/or by the way of black magic
through that person &/or someone else. When individuals eager for
wealth, distinction & power and are ready and willing to sell their
own self for this power by associating with lower entities and lower
vibrations, such lower beings can penetrate them. The intruding
personality is dominant over the host entity. Unlike the walk-in
phenomenon, the host entity still occupies the body with the visiting
entity. Entities will occupy the bodies of people who make
themselves available through particularly sinful lives or fearful
dispositions. Entities of a negative nature have power just like
entities of a divine nature. However, without these preconditions,
these entities can have no effect.

According to our traditional belief and fiction, a ghost is a soul or
spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear, in visible form or
other manifestation, to the living. Descriptions of the apparition of
ghosts vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or
barely visible wispy shapes, to realistic, lifelike visions. The
deliberate attempt to contact the spirit of a deceased person is known
as necromancy.

The belief in manifestations of the spirits of the dead is widespread,
dating back to animism or ancestor worship in pre-literate cultures.
Certain religious & especially practitioners of funeral rites,

exorcisms, spiritualism and ritual magic are specifically designed to
rest the spirits of the dead. Ghosts are generally described as solitary
essences that haunt particular locations, objects, or people they were
associated with in life. Another widespread belief concerning ghosts
is that they are composed of a misty, airy, or subtle material.
Anthropologists link this idea to early beliefs that ghosts were the
person within the person (the person's spirit), most noticeable in
ancient cultures as a person's breath, which upon exhaling in colder
climates appears visibly as a white mist.

I am highly surprised that we all most, more or less & off and all
experience the positive & negative power & vibration of other
entities in & around us but either we remain unaware or never
desirous to make the other people knowledgeable about the same.
People over the globe use to deny such thing & their immediate
reaction for the same are aberration & misapprehension. We also use
to try to prove the person having such experience as foolish or mad.

As described in Hindu scripture one can be changed, killed & even
harassed in all respect by the use of witchcraft & black magic & can
be helped, healed & awakened by some superficial saints & ascetics.
There were & are many good & bad pretenders who capable enough
to call upon any soul from the list of our manes & entity, spook,
demon, devil, wraith, witch, elf, hag & such kind of ghost and evil
spirit and can able to visit one to other place as their subtle and astral
body easily & invisibly.

This much awareness is very superficial & I am well aware that it
possessed by all most everybody of us but it is highly surprising for
me that we are not initially desirous to walk beyond this on the way
that leads us to God as we are highly occupied towards the worldly
care & anxieties & have entrapped ourselves in our own vicious
circle. I am very sure that the moment we start walking beyond this
way, than, I do not know why but there is no need to worry, God will
start helping us on the same moment to make us acquainted about
His extremely mysterious facts & truths, & therefore, I am highly
eager to keep you all with me on this journey of loving & faithful
relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a never
before & never ending greatest adventurous attempted by a living
body, the ultimate of life.

The Unreal Impression of the World on our Mind

The moment we advance beyond this, our first curiosity is-what is
the moment itself. The moment is a particular time frame that
distinguished whether the act is performed or not. Since the moment
when vitality came in force in the inert to which science called as
Big bang & according to all religions since God by selecting to be
many rather than one, spreading all over entirely is a peculiarity of
this universe. That moment had started a time cycle for all animates
& inanimate with only one rule get extend. It was a moment when
God divided as the matter & the force, and with that, an element
called time automatically becomes the third basic in that first ever
omnipresent of the God. Matter, force & time are the basics of
everything that is related to God & therefore considered as a trinity
of (basic element of) Gods own self.

It means God pervaded all over in these three ways, & that is why,
when differentiated as soul, universe & God all these three become
His next division, the trinity of existence. Since that a trinity of time
cycle those are past, present & future become applicable to
differentiate all moments, the very next division those are solid,
liquid & gas is a trinity of matter while energy, speed & power
become a trinity of force. This way we always constantly
experiences the omnipresent universal trinity of the supreme
Godhead, made of soul, universe & God as a basic of existence,
physical, subtle & astral in experience, atom, nucleus & sub particle
in arrangement, solid, liquid & gases in form, creation, maintenance
& destruction in process, happiness, sadness & middling in
circumstance, heaven, hell & emancipation as the last levels of the
sacrament & infinitively more & more up to the individual own
existence of I that is a trinity of body, mind & senses.

God adopted an extremely mysteriously well designed trinity of
process those are creation, maintenance & destruction with that first
division, to get himself be divided more & more. The creation
process follows only one rule that any two divisions of these two
basic elements of the God duly related to the third, the time, should
not remain utterly similar to each other, not even for a moment. Due
to such creation process the universe is full of antipathy ingredients
but the maintenance process follows only one rule that a balance

should be maintained what so ever the uncertainties are there in the
universe, & therefore, the process of destruction follow only one rule
that destroy all that comes across in the creation & maintenance.

This way after innumerous divisions, the trinity of universe those are
time, vitality & material of that particular moment, transform to this
latest present material world, where we are living, is a transcendental
consciousness of our ascetics, knowledge essence from all books &
is a principle proved by our scientists & philosophers. All animate &
inanimate of the present material world have reached up to an
extreme different form fully opposite to their original when the
division was started. Discoveries & inventions till today & their
usages and collective control of the mankind over all modern
technologies has developed a delusion in every person to consider
the body, mind & senses as our own self.

Actually, there are always two things that humans come across all
the time in life. The first is unchanging or imperishable & the second
is ever changing or perishable! The self that is the essence of
existence means our soul is imperishable while the body & the
world, which are ever changing, are perishable. Significant point
here is that our essential relationship is with the body & the world
while it should be with the Lord alone as being a part of the Him.
There is a fundamental error implicit in the assumption that regards
the self as belonging to the world & the world as belonging to the
self, by which, we have established an erroneous relationship with
this body & world. However unaware & highly occupied, we have
devaluated the greatness of our own self in this way.

Being a part of the Supreme (Paramatma), in reality the self can
never be distant from the God & can never be one with this ever-
changing world. This is an established principle. Our relation with
Supreme Consciousness, the God can never be severed & we can
never establish a permanent relation with this inert body & world. It
became our major mistake that we have forgotten the one of our
eternal and real relationship. We do not consider the relationship
with the Supreme as real & have accepted as our very own
relationship means we have established an unreal relationship with
the world. If we accept that "I belong to the Lord and the Lord
belongs to me", then "the world does not belong to me" would

become clear. If on the other hand we accept that "I do not belong to
the world and the world does not belong to me", then, "the Lord
belongs to me" would also be established. The important point is to
accept any one of these two points.

Acceptance of the oneness of the self with this world is a mistake.
Minimally, if we understand this mistake inwardly, then everything
would be all right over a period of time. The importance of time is in
the eyes of the embodied soul but in the spiritual world there is no
difference between past, present & future. This doubt is due to the
existence of the world in our eyes. In reality, in the eyes of both God
and His devotees-there is nothing else whatsoever besides God.
Bondage & freedom is in the eyes of the being but in reality there is
neither freedom nor is there any bondage. Man is free to attain his
upliftment (Geeta 6:5).

The absolute truth is that body does not remain with us. How can a
thing that is not really ours remain with us! Neither we can become
distant from the Lord nor can the Lord become distant from us. The
Lord is our own, He is ever close to us and we are never distant from
Him. Body, objects, money, property, house etc. are perishable
things that cannot remain with us & we cannot remain with them.
However, whether we know the Lord or we do not, there cannot be
any separation between our self and the Lord. Bodies, whether it is
physical, subtle or causal body, it belongs to nature (Prakriti) &
whether we consider our self as good or bad, we belong to the Lord.
If this is understood then one is liberated in the present, as our
bondage is due only to this identification with perishable objects. We
are bound only by the things that we regard as ours. That which we
do not regard as our own, we are not bound by those things.

Moreover, all physical, mental and emotional pleasures and pains are
experienced by live bodies, senses and minds. These are essentially
transient phenomena that constantly distract the life form in
experiencing the permanent unchanging existence of the soul, the
self or the real I or Me. Body, mind & senses are not the real me or I
but a genetically passed attachment inside of every living being,
mostly of chemical and biological form & manner, that is

experiencing the pleasure or pain, which does not allow the body,
senses and mind to feel or experience the real self which is the
permanent I, the soul.

However, a gross form of I, a thought, an idea inside the mind
continuously endeavor to detach from what happens to the body,
senses and mind and seek the experience of continuous and
exclusive presence of the self, the soul. The soul is the spiritual
reality of a person, which does not die when their body dies. It
moves to another plane of existence. The soul does not live in the
body but is connected with it in a way that is not explained. This
connection begins at the moment of conception. There is clearly
great continuity between the experiences of the soul during our
bodily life and the after-life.

Modern science has collected valid data on the physical bodies of
life forms and plants on this planet Earth. If we incorporate this
scientific confirmable data in our spiritual concepts, we can reach up
to a deeper insight that developed by our ancestors before too many
years. The researchers amazed to realize that our great thinkers of
the past were correct in interpreting their observations and
experiences with the nature around us and of the physical bodies of
life forms when they have applied such scientific data to many
spiritual concepts.

It is fully known that the body never born without the genetic
material passed on by the parents. This genetic material will control
the physical as well as mental activities of an individual, throughout
its lifespan till death. It has been continuously passed on since
several thousand generations of our ancestors & will be passed on to
several thousand future generations of our progeny till this planet
sustains life. If we compare soul (Atma) & genetic material,
according to me, they are identically the same because spirituality
calls it Atma & science calls it genetic material.

When one is experiencing that self alone, no pleasure or pain in the
body is experienced. Though it is very hard, the real purpose of
Yoga is to attain and remain in this state as long as possible. It is
very difficult to be concentrated upon the actual self in exclusion of
everything else or to reach such a state or even to be in that state,

however, logic says that it is beyond all physical, mental and
emotional phases of pleasures and pains. In fact, by concluding that
mind and intellect are its own, the self becomes happy or sad. A
person established in Prakriti alone becomes subject to happiness
and sorrow.

We are confused because we believe that the world was there before
we came & therefore, we are in the world, not the world in us. We
imagine that we were born at a certain time and place because have a
father and a mother, a body and a name. This is our sin and our
calamity! Surely one can change his/her world if truly work at it by
all means, work. Nobody can stops that work. Believe me, causes or
no causes, we have made this world and we can change it. On the
contrary, a world of which we are the only source and ground is fully
within our power to change. What is created can be always dissolved
and re-created. All will happen as we want it, provided we really
want it.

All we want to know is how to deal with the world's sorrows.
Actually, though we deal with them we have created them out of our
own desires and fears. All is due to our having forgotten our own
being. Having given reality to the picture on the screen, we love its
people and suffer for them and seek to save them. It is just not so.
We must begin with our self. There is no other way. Our universe
seems to contain every possible experience. The individual traces a
line through it and experiences pleasant and unpleasant states. This
gives rise to questioning and seeking, which broaden the outlook and
enable the individual to go beyond his narrow and self-created world
limited and self-centered. This personal world can be changed-in
time & every time because the universe is timeless and perfect.

Mind and intellect are not of the self but belong to Prakriti (nature),
whereas, the self is a part (ansh) of the Paramatma (Absolute
Conscious-sness). It is a mistake to consider one's self as happy or
sad, when mind & intellect are affected. In reality the self does not
get affected at all and remains as it is. Self is never affected but it
presumes itself to be affected, as presently we have a firm notion
that mind-intellect are ours, which are really never ours. Mind-
intellect belongs to nature and objects of nature alone affect its other
objects is a universal fact.

If an impression of the world is formed on the mind, let it be so, do
not be concerned, do not accept it, thereafter it will go away. By
giving significance to the impressions of the world, we are depriving
ourselves of great benefit. So, if impressions are formed, let them be,
but understand correctly that impressions are not real. Unreal objects
can only have unreal impressions. A very significant point to
consider here is that such impression is formed only in the I, the
body, senses & mind and its intellect and not in the self. Body and
the world are inert, whereas the self is sentient. Inert can only
impress upon the inert (body)accept this truth right away and there
would be clarity. This very moment our work will be accomplished!

According to a profound & savant Acharya of Jainism who has
developed a peculiar vision by his research, over viewing all
religious scriptures & present life, toward how we spoil off our
priceless life, the senses are inanimate & vitality is an animate. We
can either say conflux or friendship of these two is so irrefutable &
peerless that most discerning & brilliant also surprised by it. What
the biggest cause of surprise is inanimate have no attraction at all for
the animate but the animate cannot live without inanimate. The more
our friendship with the inanimate the more painful our life, the more
our rotation of birth & the exact opposite the less we associated with
inanimate, the less wandering of our soul. Only the one who
understand the rarefaction of life as a human being can experience
this truth of God.

All that is consider as ours is nothing but an attribute of Him & this
presence is providing knowledge, remembrance, intelligence, as well
as the exact opposite sides of these three those are ignorance,
forgetfulness & deceitfulness as per the need of our particular action.
These negative forces of mind have made our senses deaf & dump
towards the inner instinct of our soul & thus we all are entrapped in a
vicious circle of our own pomposity that became our real identity
that keep us all duly interested in the worldly happiness, one of the
trinity of circumstance where the other two are middling & sadness
but never encourage us to go deep to know a trinity of (questions
towards) self realization those are why, how & for what I am a part
& partial of this arrangement of the universe.

The Law of Material Nature

Apart from the qualities of existence of soul/s as an owner of a body
what we are experiencing around us from unseen atmosphere to
everything of this universe is a material world. The Isopanisad states
that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete
that possesses a complete arrangement for this material world which
is his process of creation, maintenance and destruction. Every living
being in this material world has a fixed schedule of six changes,
which are birth, growth, care & maintenance, the production of by-
products, diminution & destruction. A flower is born as a bud. It
grows, remains fresh for some duration, produces a seed, gradually
withers and then is finished. This is the law of material nature. We
cannot stop this by our so-called material science but we as a trinity
of I, always going adverse for our own self and for our physical body
though to try to do so is ignorance.

We want to grow, want to remain fresh & are eager to produce a
seed but neither at all desirous to wither nor want to be finished by
our body because the I, made of the trinity of our body, mind &
senses remain in a delusion that its pomposity is our real identity &
this way everybody of us always ignores the existence of our soul.
We are always desirous to establish our supremacy over each &
everything in front of us weather in both courses, those to satisfy our
senses & to fight for our existence & survival. We are free to desire
anything is a causeless mercy of the Supreme Godhead & that is why
we want exception for ourselves from this law but at the same time
want it be applicable to others for our benefits & in consideration to
this mysterious arrangement all the existences of universe, weather
living or dead is widely defined as Nature& called as Maya in
religious books.

People have always focused their attention on eating, sleeping,
mating & fearing but sometimes in different parts of the world the
cosmetic facade covers the reality of the situation. There are no
accidents in the universe. God does not make mistakes & He is not
unfair. The situations in which we find ourselves, including those
with our mates as well as with our children, have arisen for specific
reasons. We should learn to inquire into what these reasons might be
so that we may learn our lessons & take the appropriate actions.

Everybody knows very well that this world is not so good & the
'Maya', a physical power of Lord has made everyone indulge and
entangle in activities which we did in our every birth. So if we are in
panic or trouble whether it physical or spiritual then the way to
flourish & pleasure is only our relationship with God.

Only because we are looking at karma-our action, when we look
around & try to view our whole situation from the viewpoint of that
limited self; we cannot be the center of the cosmos. Our attention is
going to bits & pieces of our situationa current relationship, events
at work, finances, perhaps tossing in a vague concern with some
political crisis or the state of the stock market. No matter how many
of these ingredients we try to comprehend, we are not seeing our
whole situation. From the perspective of wholeness, the universe is
thinking about us. Its thoughts are invisible but they eventually
manifest as tendencies & sometimes our attention feels the larger
design at work because every life has inescapable turning points,
opportunities, epiphanies and breakthroughs.

For us, a thought is an image or idea floating through our mind. But
to the universe, here we mean the universal intelligence that
permeates the swarm of galaxies, black holes & interstellar dust, a
thought is a step in evolution. It is a creative act. To truly live at the
center of the one reality, evolution must become of primary interest
to us. The noncritical events in our life already run themselves.
Think of our body, which operates with two separate types of
nervous system. The involuntary nervous system is automatic. The
other, voluntary nervous system relates to will or volition, and this
system carries out desires. The universe reflects the same division.

On one level, natural forces need no assistance from us to keep
everything regulated so life can be sustained. For example ecology is
self-balancing while the second half of the universes nervous
system revolves around desire. When our brain carries out a desire,
the universe is carrying it out at the same time. The forces of the
universe works in so many different ways from our sound & speech
to air flow, wind, fire, rain , positive-negative vibrations, healing,
meditating & awakening, energy transformation, reiki waves,
revelation, radiation, radio wave, short wave, microwave, optical
movement, infrared, blue tooth, ultra violet, X-ray, magnetic,

lectromagnetic, frequency modulation & such other kinds and forms.

Often, it may seem that we are being moved about like tiny pawns
on a giant chessboard. But we still have free will, because everything
is happening according to our desire. When we add together all the
notions about what we want, taking into account the past as well as
the present, we get an overall result that will determine the
arrangements that the God & their agents need to make for us. In
other words, the sum total of our desires determines our
circumstances. That is why we must be careful about how we direct
our energies. The universe offers us more of anything to which we
give our concentrated attention. We must accept responsibility for all
the patterns in our lives, whether we are happy with it or not. Just
like a customer in a restaurant, we may not like the way a particular
soup tastes, but we still recognize that we ordered that soup & that
we will have to pay for it. By being accountable, we can gain the
power to make a change.

Moreover material nature consists of three modes (gunas) which are
goodness (sattva-guna), passion (rajo-guna) and ignorance (tamo-
guna). Another meaning of guna is "rope". Rope is made by twisting
fiber in a threefold process. First the fiber is twisted in three small
strands, then three of them are twisted together, then again three of
those are twisted together. In this way the rope becomes very strong.
Similarly, the three modes of nature - goodness, passion, and
ignorance - are mixed, after which they produce some by-product.
Then they are mixed again and again & thus they are " twisted
together innumerable times. In this way the material energy binds us
more and more. By our own efforts we cannot get out of this
bondage, which is known as worldly entanglement (pavarga) of
ones life. Every living entity in this world is struggling very hard to
maintain him/her and survive. This is called the hard struggle for
existence. We recognize this fact as Our reaction to the laws of
nature through which all our activities are going on.

This rule is more meaningfully described in our scriptures as a
process of to eat or to go eaten & propounded by Darwin as a
theory of evolution that is survival of the fittest that in spite of all
our efforts, we remain bound up by the ropes of the material modes
of nature. In material life, one is always in a blazing fire of fear,

since no one knows what will happen next, all our hopes and plans
for happiness & security in this world are ended by death. So, we all
need to nullify this entanglement (pavarga) process. In other words,
we must do something to attain absolution (apavarga), where there is
no hard struggle for existence & any material bondage, fear or death.
Pavarga symphonizes this material world, but when we add the
prefix "a" to pavarga, it means everything is nullified which leads to
completion of the course of life for a soul (moksha).

Everybody of us is well aware of all these fact but we have been in
ignorance from our very birth, however, in conditioned life we are
committing sins at every step, even without knowing it. The reason
we are sinning unknowingly. This ignorance is prominent despite so
many educational institutions & so many big & famous universities.
It is because none of them is teaching consciousness of soul atma-
tattva, the applied science of the soul, & therefore, people remain in
ignorance and they continue to sin and suffer the reactions. As stated
in the Srimad Bhagavatam (5.5.3) this foolishness will continue
until one comes to the platform of understanding self-realization.
Otherwise, all these universities and institutions for imparting
knowledge are a continuation of that same ignorance and
foolishness. Until & unless one comes to the point of asking "What
am I? What is God? What is this world? What is my relationship
with God & this world?" & able to finds proper answers, one
continues to be foolish like an animal & is subjected to
transmigration from one body to another in different species of life.
This is the result of ignorance.

If you too have understood these all with the same meaning that I
want to convey, than I am very hopeful that it is not my vain
exertion but we are on the right path & everything up to here can be
proved highly useful to carry on this adventure towards our strong
relationship with the one & only Supreme Personality of Godhead,
the everlasting excellent enjoyment of life (Moksh), an attainment of
oneness that merge us with God, that is an ongoing but never ending
adventure of a living body, the ultimate of life.

Towards Attainment of Oneness

It is really very surprising that we are not aware that a true-spiritual
high-flow-tide is growing up behind the screen due to our profound
melancholy and we just have to welcome it immediately for our own
interest. We are also not aware that lack of consciousness, ignorance
and illness of mind are main causes of most distresses & problems to
which, science, technology, politics & widely practiced present form
of religions are not able to solve it. It can be solved only by true
spiritualism for which we must establish a system or way of all
round universal development worldwide, the way of real life, with
what we are benefited since generations wherein, the syllabus should
be true & incomparable practical course of education for universal
development of ones own self with the treatments for soundness not
only of body senses & mind but of the soul too.

Since years, the jewel called humanity is devaluated by the birth
base division & due to that traditional class distinction our society
become four heaps. The dignity of mankind is fully dented as these
classes of society are supported by the religions. Actually, the real
divisions of mankind in the present fast moving span of the universe
are the four levels of human existence as described by
E.F.Sumaker. At the mineral level there would be only ascendency
of material, on the plant level to be alive is the only important,
common to all consciousness is at animal level and self awareness is
a human level, where, there is no scope for the division based on
class, color & cast.

This all rounds elated forth level can be possible for all human
being. There is a possibility to become a Buddha in every
Sidhdharth. There is a heavy profuse of benignity of God on every
person & therefore, though whatever extreme sinful the man is, can
survive due to this innumerable consistency. If there is not a fall
there is a trickle of the grace that wet everybody. Accustom is a
second name of ardent desire that convert that thin current of mercy
of Lord in to a fall. To sustain is not a prerogative of the saint &
sages. It is a fact that a man get down due to arrogance but who
valuate owns self at an extreme bottom level is also committing a
suicide. The true understanding of self is called self concept & there
is no need to defame as overweening to such self aware people.

Modesty can also be an anti-apparition of pride. Self valuation at the
lowest level & too much modesty are the straight forward insults of
the creativeness of the God. The pilgrimage towards self is the true
pilgrimage in which, we simply need to increase our level by our
strong desire but what to say for the people use to shopping in the

Be sure that we are not at all less equipped by the sources that make
our life success & significant. On the contrary, some of them make
us able to swim the ocean of this world, wherein, the highest & first
is a knowledge, intellect & action bound mortification, a yoga, that
is something different than the religion, that increase the power of
our own vitality, an element of forces of the God. It is the only way
by which our soul establish a well-maintained relationship with God
at its optimum level, it create a one & only desire that is the
extremely excellent enjoyment of life that merge soul & God in to
one & is an ultimate of life.

Hindu scripture Yogadarshan shows a conventional definition of
the power of vitality of the Supreme Godhead as only a matter of
self experience & proved that such spiritual energy is attainable.
There are three layer of accustom. In the first, the exerciser live in
the ego of his/her action, the second progresses according to the
blessing of God by surrendering itself & the third is absorbed in
contemplation of Brahma, wherein, the exercitant experience the
power of the vitality of the God by the power of vitality of his own
soul. Existence of God is not a subject of only mind & its
intelligence but is a matter of experience of many things together as
one. Achieving this level is highest possible degree of happiness &
after that the life is a continuous pleasantness, an absolute
delightfulness of mind. Only Yogi can understand this
incomprehensible secret.

Delightfulness of mind is a best predicament. The practice to remain
pleasant in all circumstances can be attained by the mind, wherein,
our intelligence remain constant in those who achieve all-time
pleasantness & for them an all round success is very obvious. It is
when the mind, by its constant intelligence reaches up to an
automatic experience of assimilation, discretion, adoration, ability &
above all happiness. It is a yogic harmony of mind, intelligence,

attention & ego but in this four sided perception it is very hard to
bring the mind in to an accomplished condition.

The only example of this highest condition of life is best described in
Hindu epic Mahabharata when Arjuna was moralized a tutorage by a
preeminent king of yoga Lord Krishna at a ultimate pleasantness of
mind in the extreme tensed & stressed circumstances just few
moments before that great war, wherein, all forces of His mind,
intelligence, attention & ego were set on one axis. According to that
greatest ever sermon practice & stoicisms are the two ways to
concentrate the undulated flow of vagaries of difficult mind on a
single point, & if so, the remaining life becomes absolute happy for
the one who achieve this condition.

To understand this one should feel the power of vitality of the God
different than then power of vitality of his own soul. The power of
vitality is possessed by everybody but it is covered one under one by
the layers of worldly attachment, affection, malice, odium, love &
hate etc. since many births, therefore, it requires to be awakened to
feel it. To come out of this darkness is not at all an easy task.
Worship, chanting & regular visit of our religious place are not
enough sources to lead us to perfection. Even Mahatma Gandhi
wrote that though piety is a king yoga (Rajyog), it is a lust & is an
easiest way to learn piety! If it is not reformed by heart it is vain.

I would like to share something extremely special point that hidden
in the scriptures, which I have received by the grace of saints & great
souls while wondering in to the mountain ranges in & around Girnar,
Amarkantak & deep in to the Himalayas. Generally, those who are
engaged in spiritual pursuits are of one belief, that realization of God
is not at all an easy task. When even ordinary things in this world are
acquired with much effort & hard work, then one has to sacrifice a
great deal, has to undergo much penance and has to follow many
strict disciplines for it. Many great Yogis even after many life times
of austerities did not realize God due to it is era of Kaliyug is a very
common argument, I too previously had the same habit, that it is a
strange thing that not possible to achieve by me. But such beliefs
create obstacles in realization of God as all it entirely false.

We simply have to accept that our relationship with God is eternal,

impenetrable, constant and without any modifications, and if so than,
we too can realize God because God is already realized in side of us.
Only we are habituate by the forgetfulness of it. We are God's and
God is ours. The world is not ours and we are not of this world.
Accept this from the heart and then spiritual practice will become
very easy. It requires only one condition that our conscious (chetan)
element should be attained by an instrument in the form of an inert

Lord Krishna told in Shrimad Bhagvatam that Neither by the study
of the Vedas, nor by rituals, nor by gifts nor by sacrifices, nor by
austere penance, nor by charity can this form of mine be seen, I be
seen in this form as you have seen me. It was said that to take
refuge in the Lord is not our surrender to Him at all because we are
already eternally in His refuge, only we did not know this point
earlier. God has already taken us under His shelter since the moment
He divided Himself. Do not understand that by writing this, I am
against taking refuge in the Lord. It is not only my sentiments at all
but is a truth.

We have turned away from God & turned towards the world & have
surrendered ourselves to the things of the world. We have taken the
support of the world & this body that will not last but without any
doubt separate from us. All the things that are with us & considered
by us to be ours, such as body, wealth, strength, intellect, abilities,
position, power & such other, all of it has been taken by us from the
world, therefore, we should utilize it in the service of the world. We
need to remove that sense of mineness from it, do not have any
expectation of it & then we will be freed. We cannot leave God, we
are always with God & God is always with us but we have simply
forgotten. We have made a mistake. God is ours & we are Gods is a
recollection of that truth & is a fact proved on every morning when
we wake up from the sleep. I remember now that I am God's & God
is mine, in this, there is no new knowledge but this becomes
devotion. It is very simple & easy and there should no delay. If we
cannot prevent our self going towards the worldly pleasures, that
makes us interested in the world, than, to achieve this power that
help the soul, as obtainable by own self & can only been achieved by
an uninterrupted accustom, need many births. No soul can merge
itself in to the God without this power.

Hindrances towards the Path of God

In real life, all our relations in this material world is connected by
selfish desires & maleficent ways, depending upon our attitude,
needs, fight for the existence, struggle to survive, fears, increasing
societal fears of the present era, expectation, ego, enmity, jealousy,
our ignorance toward the real happiness, pride, anger, lacking of
love, sex hungriness & much more, which only can be turn in to
right direction by our positive attitude, courage, faith, trust, control
of mind & by choosing love over fears & by the correlation between
love and happiness.

We must understand all these terms that able to convert our desire as
well as the way of living to a devotional consciousness. First of all,
we should know all the resisting factors & miseries that prevent our
mind to create desire for the real happiness, all those depravities
inside & around us, and the two basic obstacles towards the path of
realization, by examine the ways that establish a complete control on
them all that leads us towards our relationship with God.

The most resisting factor is our low self-esteem which diverts us on
wrong way. Lacks of self-esteem always minimize God. As we have
stressed, low self-esteem is actually another way of praying God. We
pray God by focusing so much on ourselves that we end up only
thinking about ourselves. We just think about the money, the
relationship, the love or the health that we do not have. It is all about
our body, our concerns, our needs & our disappointments. We than
even begin to feel angry that such needs have not been satisfied. We
basically lack gratitude. However, we must realize that the only
disability is our attitude because so much of our material and
spiritual situation depends on it.

The second most resisting is our need, for which psychology and
anthropology explain that we all pursuing four basic needs.
According to their consciousness, people focus on different
gradations of these needs. At the lowest level of consciousness,
people are focused on physical needs. At the second level of
consciousness, people are pursuing needs for protection and
affiliation, at the third level people are pursuing needs for self-
esteem and lastly they are pursuing needs for transcendence and self-


The Lord responds to us according to our quality of surrender & if
we take a step further, we see that surrender often relates to
consciousness. It does not entirely depend on secondary
considerations such as what we give & what we avoid but depends
more on the consciousness behind those actions. Every aspect of the
devotional culture such as the rituals, scriptures, associations and
paraphernalia are all designed to stimulate our internal
consciousness. If these stimuli only remain external, then, a person
has cheated him/herself & has minimized the mercy that the Lord &
His great servants (each & everything of this universe as a whole)
constantly provide. It never has been & never will be about the
individual in the center or about external factors.

It is our common living tendency of a human being to be coward,
eunuch, ill minded & week to grab each & every opportunity of our
own benefit instead being a brave & of the high moral for the benefit
of the mass. While at the other end our history witnesses few God
fearing, hardworking, sensible, kind hearten person who set many
examples with high moral & braveness beyond our capacity. These
both are a great antipathy arrangement of the God that runs this
universe. These ways the universe always reflects our each & every
action in very silent manner.

Basically, we see so much war and violence because people are
failing to accept higher aspects of them. We use to think primarily of
ourselves & of our own particular desires and pleasures,
consequently missing the chance to honor someone Else's existence
as well as our own higher existence. We miss the chance to be more
wholesome in our politics, education, relationships and even in our
religion since we only approach these things in a myopic way. We
have difficulty nourishing our soul or connecting with the Godhead
due to such limitations. Since we approach life with limitation, we
will get more and more of the same in return from the universe.

As we move into the twenty-first century, we are definitely
witnessing an increase in environmental fears. We hear about
tampered medicine, mad cow disease, killer bees, serial killers,
asbestos, terrorists & nuclear & chemical warfare. Cancer, AIDS &

heart disease are taking many lives. Certain places are suffering from
droughts, cyclones & hurricanes. There is even an increase in mental
disturbances such as varieties of depressions, anxieties & mental
illnesses. The amount of violence & hostility is rapidly escalating.
Many transportation & journeys are widely effected by movements
related to classism & provincialism.

The terrorists are also causing extensive fear, especially due to the
attacks on the World Trade Center, which claimed a massive number
of lives. Author Gavin de Becker provided a clear idea of the amount
of violence that prevails throughout the United States that in the past
two decades alone, more Americans died from gunshot wounds than
were killed during the entire Vietnam War-ten times the number who
died at the World Trade Center. Increasing societal fears is a big
problem now days. The culture of fear, which is quite powerful and
almost all encompassing, is actually sweeping the planet at this time
& is such a powerful ingredient in the material energy.

As a matter of fact, the Vedic paradigm considers fear to be one of
the major resisting factors that maintains the material world and the
illusion. The four basic engagements that the living entities pursue
instead of self-realization described are eating, sleeping, mating and
fearing or defending. All species of life must eat and sleep in order
to gain strength and rejuvenate the body. Mating is also a natural
function necessary for the growth and development of a species.

However, while the living entities pursue these activities, they
constantly fear that such activities will cease or the quality of eating,
sleeping and mating will decrease. Consequently, they always have
an underlying fear of the future. The Vedic scriptures also describe
three specific types of miseries or fears that attack all living entities
regardless of their race, creed, tribe, gender or place of residence.

The trinity of basic miseries can be known as (adhyatmika) spiritual,
(adhidaivika) supernatural & (adhibhautika) material. Adhyatmika
refers to the attacks or fears created by one's own mind. The fears
which result from Godly wishes or demigods and the environment
such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, droughts or floods are
known as adhidaivika. Some of these torments can attack us abruptly
and even have such devastating power that they take our lives. Due

to negative circumstances that we may have undergone in the past,
we maintain a sense of fear in the present and carry that into the
future. The last type of fear, adhibhautika, results from our
interactions with other people and from the constant disappointments
or disturbances that we experience through the process of

Unless people take tremendous shelter of the spiritual culture &
repeatedly surcharge themselves spiritually, such fears remain as an
integral part of their lives. Furthermore, as (Kaliyuga) the Age of
quarrel & hypocrisy progresses, the influence of fear will also
concomitantly increase. Not only are we products of this fear, but
our children and grandchildren must also grow up in this
environment, which we help to maintain in our own ways. To the
extent that we fail to embrace love, at the same time we will create
& maintain the culture of fear. Eating, sleeping, mating & fearing
along with the three miseries are all a part of this illusory culture.

Many kinds of terrorist attacks, serial bomb attack, Taliban terror,
Kashmir valley problem, assassination of some national & social
leaders & many other threatening activities has escalated people's
fears & anxieties, since the devastation has exposed some of these
illusions. Those illusions that seemed enduring and dependable can
no longer offer the same sense of security. Although some people
feel that these attacks have changed the world, in another sense our
predicament has always been the same because these three miseries,
adhyatmika, adhidaivika, and adhibhautika, have always harassed
the world.

We should always try to protect ourselves from the constant assaults
of material nature that come in three forms - bodily or mental paints,
paints offered by other living entities and paints offered by
supernatural disturbances. Much of our survival as humans depends
on how we are able to protect ourselves from these constant attacks.
Of course, the greatest attacks come from the enemies of the mind as
either our own mind attacks us or someone else's mind attacks them,
which causes them to act obnoxiously. We should try to stop
ourselves from being our greatest enemy and we must also try to
stop others who act as our so-called enemies by attacking, abusing,
or exploiting us. By stopping our minds from attacking us, we

become more peaceful and focused on higher goals.

By stopping or minimizing the attacks of material nature, we have
fewer obstructions in carrying out our daily activities. By stopping
the attacks from other living entities, we will help ourselves as well
as them. When other living entities attack, they will incur negative
karma and will have to suffer the reactions. If we care about them,
we must protect ourselves and find ways to help them by not giving
them a field of activity in which they can commit or continue to
engage in their deviations. When necessary, there must be a
punishment befitting the crime or offense, and, after the punishment,
there is forgiveness.

If a sinner does not receive a punishment, the society or community
will become confused about the proper code of ethics and it will also
reinforce the deviant activity and mindset. We should see the sinner
as someone who is sick with a contagious disease or mental illness
although he or she is essentially also a spirit soul. It is described in
Bhagavad-Geeta 2.24 that This individual soul is unbreakable and
insoluble and can be neither burned nor dried. He is everlasting.
Present everywhere, Unchangeable, Immovable and eternally the

The attack that is the third one, the supernatural disturbances can
neither be stopped by us nor even by the God as it obviously a part
of his complete arrangement for this material world that is His
process of creation, maintenance and destruction. Towards these
attacks all holy scriptures & our billions years experience have
proved that our relationship with God works extraordinarily
miraculous towards all these real mystery of this material world.

Only the one who strive hard of living a new life everyday by
carrying on fighting without give up against these attacks is the
winner & survivor. We should always be hopeful on this, the one &
only rule of this greatest adventure, the game of life which requires
tremendous sincerity, true faith & love beyond devotional level for
The Supreme Godhead what so ever His name, form, appearance &
complexion according to our individual capacity & limitation.

We, by a trinity of depravity inside of us, are rushing towards two

wrong directions of malignant & sorry plight. Expectation, envy &
egotism are three types of depravity inside of us. We all have to set a
check in our mind whether any of this trinity of squator is there or
not & if it is found, count the proportion that it should not go astray
up to a level that ruinous us and provides pains to the others. True
understanding of this element creates wisdom of welfare and damage
that enable us not only to restrain us on the wrong ways but leads us
to the right path. Renouncement of all those consider as deprave
ways, the hindrances that spoils intellect & predicament is a
retenue, something more than the word religion.

We desire for things, sometimes for person & some time we desire
all this & that should be done according to our desire. All is called
expectation & it has many forms like wishes, lust, thrust, libido, lure
etc. that produce many whirlpool of love and hate in life & due to
these we do many tarnished acts with a result nothing but agony &
sorrow. It is a maleficent way that encourages us for violence,
thieving, lie speaking, storage of the vain, jobbery, to take inedible
& so many more wrong acts. It ruins the pleasure, breaks good,
sound & sweet relations, makes us helpless against the improper &
inferior persons & in short, expectation is a mother of all kinds of
pains & sufferings that increases our sin.

The second depravity is envy. The weakness of mind towards others
progress & advancement is a jealousy. Such person neither sees well
nor can endure the good of the others. He like to tress out disgusting
from the goodness of the others. Good occurrence or good words for
the others makes such person uneasy. It is also maleficent way that
develops a selfish outlook that dim down the outlook on life of a
person. It is not possible at all to see defects of others without
making our own sight squalid. Such person is more interested in
making bad or preventing the good of the other people than making
good of his own! However, happy in all respect, such person always
remain unhappy-The one who is unhappy by others happiness. Envy
produces distress & always spread bed smell of vice in his/her
surrounding life.

Egoism is the third depravity. Arrogance for I am something & I
have something special always troubles us a lot. The vanity created
by our pursuit to be appears as special & to impress the others makes

us futile, also rude. It provides us a provision to become cheap by
our own self, a platform to make bad of the others & becomes a base
source for the deprave elements like contempt, anger, untrue, deceit
etc. It makes us separated from our own & increase bitterness in
relations that ultimately leads to a separation.

Some persons are by nature of a special kind that they can find out
nothing other than something to affront in the others. Disdain is the
only habit of such person. They never have good friends & relations.
Bumptious quickly sulk, always remains reserved & by the time get
ignored by the others. He/she never comes out from self praise &
that way sometime become a matter of enjoyment for the others &
for sometimes people use to go for illicit gain. All these are a
maleficent ways of arrogance.

Apart from resistances, miseries & depravities, there is two basic
obstacles able enough to prevent us in building our faith towards our
relationship with God, are our pride and anger. The number of
demoniac & evil qualities that are present & such conduct that is
there, they are all living under the shade of "Pride". It come as a
result of being of a particular class, caste, creed, race, nationality,
etc., knowledge, intellect or order of life or stage of life. Pride comes
due to regarding that greatness, superiority, specialness, as being
mine. If we see something great in ourselves whether it is our ability
to meditate, whether it is cleverness, whether it is our ability to do
favors to others, whatever form of distinctive qualities that we see in
ourselves, compared to others is only a pride which is very harmful
& it is very difficult to escape from it.

Pride can be of various sorts. The feeling of "I am", my existence (a
sense of egoism) is not as evil as pride is. A fragment (ansh) of God
is free of flaws but the feeling that I have some good qualities, I have
many capabilities, I am knowledgeable & learned, I am very clever, I
can speak eloquently, I am capable of explaining to others, I
remember the entire something, I can teach something, I can
understand the extra-ordinary expressions & sentiments of any
religious scripture- are all pride that leads to the down fall. The
manner in which I can conduct divine chanting no one else can do
the same. There are many others but there is none like me-in this
manner, the moment we do comparison with others, at that very

same moment, pride will creep in! This way, seeing something extra-
ordinary in our own self in comparison to others is a very big flaw
harmful to us & our surroundings, so never hold your head high with
pride or ego because even the winner of a gold medal gets his medal
only when he bows his head down.

We should believe that I am not the doer but this is all happening by
God's grace. Whatever special qualities that we see in our self, they
are not ours rather they have come from God. Actually, one cannot
get rid of this pride by one's own effort but it goes away only by
God's grace. As one undertakes more effort to distance his pride, it
becomes more strengthened. If one tries any solutions & means to
get rid of pride, that solution itself will further increase his pride,
therefore it is very difficult to be free from pride.

It is God's immense grace that He does not let anyone's pride stay,
therefore the moment that pride comes, something collides with it.
God by His immense grace makes us alert that do not regard
anything as our own because he will do all our work, and thus, God
destroys pride. He does not let it remainthis is most gracious,
transcendental & extra-ordinary grace.

Anger basically results from all of the other enemies of the mind
such as envy, greed, madness, illusion, fear & especially lust. These
all lead to anger, which sometimes manifests in very unhealthy
ways. Underlying all of the enemies of the mind, we would find lust
or simply misdirected love. Anger devastated many families of the
world, invited many wars without or with a baseless reason &
decimated millions. It is considered as negative energy that kindles
the self & burns the others too. To be fired by anger means to fire
our virtue. People have many myths about anger that cause them to
categorize the issue in a certain way.

For instance, some people consider anger to be biological or
hereditary but this myth does not have any solid foundation.
Although some people are more prone to anger due to their
psychophysical make-up or emersion in the modes of passion and
ignorance, their socialization or quality of association will have a
greater impact on their reactions. Although we do bring forth other
influences into a situation such as our karma (act), which affects the

ways in which we respond to specific situations, it is a myth that
anger is biological & a permanent, unchangeable aspect of the body.

Anger also deals with the Rudra principle, a demigod known for his
passion and destructive power. We sometimes even refer to it as the
Ravana principle since it relates to a (raksasa) demonic mentality,
which vehemently opposes God and spirituality. This principle of
chaos acts as a source of destruction, annihilation &/or disruption.
The scriptures explain that Rudra, another name for Lord Siva,
manifests from Lord Brahma's eyebrows as a result of anger. Anger
usually involves passion, but at times, ignorance overtakes passion at
the grossest level. Anger is the product of lust, which develops from
the mode of passion.

Anger in other meaning our temperament is directly concern with the
food we eat. A vegetarian food is more effective to control our
angriness while meditation is a basic food for the soul. It prevents
everybody to go anger. Ahimsa, meditation and vegetarianism go
hand-in-hand. Ahimsa is an East Indian word which means non-
violence. Non-violence is not only to other fellow beings but also to
all created beings on the planet. Many people think that animals
were created for man's sport and for his diet but Lord Krishna told in
Bhagvad Geeta that Behold, I have given you every herb yielding
seed and every tree which bears fruit yielding seed, to you it shall be
for your food.

A human being able enough to control the anger, as there is some
automatically developed spirituality, which, all the time inspire us to
love the others but we have observed everywhere that we categories
others in a negative way, means that we have already decided, they
are inherently selfish, unloving or untrustworthy. We cannot help
them turn weaknesses into strengths. Instead, having assumed that
their limitations are insurmountable, we have cast them in a mold
from which it is almost impossible for them to escape. Rather than
sharing our love, we have reinforced their shortcomings by relating
to them according to our narrow definition. No matter how positive
we are, situations may arise in which people reject our love, advice
or support.

Love-The Blessed Power of the Lord

We should express ourselves in such circumstances in the wisest
course of our action that is to remain firm and steady, without
reacting negatively or giving up. We must not change who we are or
alter the love we feel. If we react negatively to a person who refuses
our help, something is wrong with our own consciousness. We are
seeking self-gratification because we want to be viewed as
magnanimous, wise, or powerful. Our love is conditional. We do not
have to manipulate others in order to receive their love and respect.
We should live simply and authentically, uncontrolled by the
opinions of those around us. If we genuinely love, people will be
naturally drawn to us. The only requirement is that we express
ourselves truthfully accepting the fact that some people may like us
and others may not. Under no circumstances should we try to change
just because someone does not approve of us.

All of us want to be loved with unconditional, eternal love-a love
that sees beyond beauty, intelligence, or any other superficial
quality. We want to be loved simply because we are. At the same
time, we all have a natural, innate tendency to share our love with
others. This preoccupation with love arises because in reality we are
eternal, loving beings whose souls are filled with knowledge and
bliss. In this physical embodiment we are temporarily covered by
material energy but our nature is inherently divine, where we are
always seeking the blissful love of the spiritual kingdom where our
real fulfillment lies. But every time something seems to go wrong.
Despite our constant search, we usually experience disappointment,
finding that our experience of love is temporary.

Although we may have tried and failed in a variety of relationships,
we persist in believing that the right person is out there somewhere.
For some mysterious reason, we just never seem to be in the right
place at the right time, always in the name of love. But love is also
necessary for good health. Someone who is not part of a loving
relationship is ten times more likely to experience chronic disease
and five times more likely to have a mental breakdown than
someone who is. Obviously, love is not just an essential element in
higher spiritual experiences but it is also a fundamental necessity for
physical survival and well-being. For many of us, love finds

meaningful expression in a relationship with someone of the
opposite sex.

The relationship between a man and a woman is the foundation of
the family unit, which is in turn the bedrock of society, nations and
the world order. If we do not learn how to create stronger & more
positive male-female relationships, we are inviting even greater
confusion around the planet. Generally, for all most all of us the
exchange of love directly ends in a sexual activeness. Sexual energy
is the most powerful energy we have. Sex, as created by God, is
sacred and pure. Sexual desire is as normal as the desire for food &
for rest. In every man and woman there exist sex instincts and wants.
Sex can be used for good & for evil, for the glory of God or for the
service of the devil.

Since the fall of man, into sin, his view of sex has been perverted &
he himself has become a slave to sexual desire. For all human, the
greatest temptations come through the eye gate. Mainly young
people learn the facts of sex in perverted form through their friends
& other worldly untrustworthy sources and after that they easily fall
into the grip of this evil habit. Once this habit is indulged in, it grips
the person so strongly that he/she is compelled to yield to it again &
again. Those who are already in the grip of this evil habit may
perhaps be wondering how to find deliverance. Scriptures of all
religions confirm that Polluting own body with sexual immorality,
perversion and homosexuality are sinful in Gods eye. Actually, in
the hurry of the day & the promise of pleasure, love making has
turned into a sexual exercise without passion and true enjoyment
while at the other end The art of love making is as ancient as man.

A woman is like a fire. Slow to burn but once the fire starts going,
she is fiery & strong and ready to be fueled up again & again and
you can keep that fire burning for she is slow to cool down! There
are those that love a woman with tender hands & succulent lips.
These caress every nook and corner, suck every peak and valley, lick
every crevice till the peaks are firm to hold & the juices flow out of
the body & then they know the woman is theirs & are able to take
that woman in different postures and styles, slowly or full of power,
till they are exhausted or the woman is. It is so easy to pleasure a
woman if the beginning is right the momentum is allowed to build

up & the pressure brought on slowly & only then can she take not
one but even two or three men on & on- are the facts of male and
female of human being described as the objects of human creation in
the one & only greatest book of its kind, the Kamsutra.

Sage (Maharshi) Vatsyayan has elaborated and refined the ways of
unification of human male and female forces. According to him, like
every creature, humans have also received certain rights and certain
duties for a successful existence in the world, & that is why, objects
of comforts have also been provided. Dharma (religion), Arth
(luxuries), Kama (carnal pleasures) and Moksha (salvation) are four
objects for the real existence the human being but most of the people
neither crave nor strive for all the four. The second & the third-
luxuries and carnal pleasures are more important for them. Including
the first Religion, Maharishi Vatsayana regards these three objects
as the basic reason of existence. Everybody strives to achieve either
of these objects with all his might and for that the scriptures or
disciplines help a person to achieve the object he/she deserves.

All these contradictory phenomena are because of the Lord's
complete arrangement for this material world which is His process of
creation, maintenance and destruction. All living things has taken
place in this universe through birth as a result of a sexual intercourse
of male & female & is a process of universal growth, wherein,
female is given very prestigious important due to her role as a
mother, & that is why, the Hindu religion respect the female as
having a complete & wonderful reproductive system which continue
this progeny.

According to the Vedic scriptures Kamdava is a demigod who
control & bless sexuality of a male & Rati is a demigoddess to do
so for a female. The basic duty of these two is to make the male
interested in female & to beautify the female in all aspects to attract
the male up to the completion of a progeny process.

The beauty of a women should comes from the soul, is not in the
clothes she wears, the figure that she carries & on the way she combs
her hair, it must be seen from her eyes because that is the doorway to
her heart the place where love resides. It never in a facial mole but
true beauty in women is reflected by her soul, it is the caring that she

lovingly gives the passion that she shows & the beauty of a women
with passing years only grows. We can become divine beings or
mindless beasts. This society dedicates an inordinate amount of
energy to beautifying the body to attract members of the opposite

However, it is the soul, not the body, which is the source of our
beauty and attractiveness to others. Because God is beautiful, the
more we become godly and divine, the more our natural beauty
radiates. Sometimes we forget this truth & maintain our relationships
at a mere physical level but, then also, men and women can develop
deeper connections with one another.

Beyond the physical dimension, women often fall in love & interact
with men from the heart while men frequently relate from the mind.
Because of these differences, they often do not understand each
other well. Yet there is a still deeper level of relating where these
differences dissolve in the radiant energy of the soul. This is when
sexuality can become a powerful, constructive force but in order to
grow spiritually, we must learn to master it. Despite this society's
emphasis on sexual activity, underneath it all everyone simply wants
to give and receive love, not lust. When we express our sexuality
with love, we can raise our level of consciousness but when we are
under the sway of lust, sexuality can lower our consciousness.

Love between bodies is bound to be temporary, because the lovers'
bodies are temporary, while when the souls of the lovers meet in the
eternal spiritual world, they enjoy deathless love. This temporary
earthly condition does not fulfill us because physical bodies and
material interactions always come to an end. We want to be loved
eternally because we are imperishable, spiritual beings for whom
love is an expression of the soul. Unlike attraction between opposite
sex is necessary & unrestraint as a part of process of the creation,
which may lead two living bodies up to sexual involvement, love,
care, nourishment, rearing, responsibility, shelter are the few terms
as a part of Gods process of maintenance & must be considered by
us at the time of such attraction.

Love is one of the words we use most and understand least. The
problem is that there are many kinds of love. One of the distinctions

we can make between different kinds of love has to do with time,
duration-how long love lasts. Some love lasts a few days, some lasts
a lifetime and some lasts forever. Most lovers aspire for the latter but
in vain. We love moon we love flower, we love more many things,
but lovedevotion without true knowledge is nothing but Maya
(illusion). After knowing the moon or flower in its own reality if
we love it, this will be true love. No one loves a flower considering it
as a sex organ of the tree. In the same way the realization of God
through self-realization is only a way & we should not go any other
way if the goal is to understand the presence of pure and perfect
love, happiness, hope & faith as Almighty. I also think God is only
as far as our brain can think Him to be. If one is complex, one
conceives Him in complex avatar but if one is simple, He is as
simple as one's Mother.

The Source of Love which means the origin of love can only be
found in a place far beyond this material world. In fact, deep love
cannot exist independently from the Supreme Lord because He is the
source and storehouse of everything. Those who lay claim to love
without a connection to the Godhead may think they have valuable
diamonds but are actually in possession of only cut glass. Because
they lack the essential spiritual connection, in reality they have
nothing. Genuinely spiritual people, on the other hand, automatically
love because they are conduits for God's own energy. As they radiate
divine love, they naturally share it and help others to connect with it.
Our longing for eternal love is a sign that we are out of our natural
state. But the question is, "How do we get to the spiritual world?

The goal of human life is to re-awaken our original pure love for
God. We souls exist to have an intimate loving relationship with
Him. We can never be happy by rejecting that relationship &
denying our true nature. The things we do in this world indicate our
true, eternal nature. We have to love & it is unavoidable. Having
turned away from God, we try to fulfill our need to love and be
loved by searching for ideal relationships in this world. But
exchanges of love here are never perfect & cannot last forever.

Awakening pure love for the supreme Godhead is perfection.
Nothing else will satisfy us. Everything that exists in the material

and spiritual worlds is meant to support our relationship with God.
Human life is a chance for us to reestablish our relationship. That
endeavor should be the focus of our lives. Because love includes
service, pure love for God is called pure devotional service which
called Bhakti. The ways to awaken Bhakti are the substance of the
practice of Bhaktiyoga that described in Bhagvad Geeta.

There should be a correlation between love and happiness. In
order to access our humanity and spirituality, we must accept our
loving nature & our ability to impact upon others lovingly. If we had
a barometer that could determine our level of happiness and
fulfillment in life, it would correspond directly to how much we
function as carriers of love.

For instance, if we accept our constitutional position as loving
beings, no lack of material facility could stop us from sharing that
love. It just means that we would have a different arena in which to
experience who we are & to share what we have. If we accept that
we are really made for love, it does not matter what kinds of
complications come upon us. We will just see them as opportunities
to capture love and give love. Whenever we come across an
opportunity, we want it to help us find a way to exchange love. We
will perceive all activities and emotions as an exchange of love or as
a cry for love.

As a matter of fact, when we think of different emotions, we will see
even more distinctly how life is a school of love and how it is
ultimately expressed in its fullness through the goals of religion,
which aim at satisfying the Lord. That which satisfies the Lord
actually satisfies the soul. Life is a school of love. In this school, we
are not just hungry but starving for love. Starvation is a life-
threatening affair. A person in this predicament wants to survive but
if they do not get food and water in time, he/she will fall sick and
even die. Just think of the difficulty involved in trying to live a so-
called normal life if we do not have food, water or proper shelter. It
is very difficult. If we take this reflection a step further, we realize
that our real nourishment and shelter is love because the soul is made
for love.

Ultimately, life is about spiritual expressions, which involve

completeness, knowledge and happiness. These spiritual expressions
will manifest as we recognize our eternal nature. We are eternal
beings, which mean that we are not meant to have temporary
experiences. If we think of ourselves as temporary entities, it will
consequently mean that our goals will also be temporary. However,
since we are eternal beings, our activities are ultimately meant to be
eternal. As we endeavor to satisfy the different demands of the body,
we are looking for certain experiences, facilities & relationships that
can counteract our deeper starvation and satisfy the hunger. We
ultimately want to live a full life because life itself is really a love
affair. It means that when we are not in loving environments or
relationships, we are having real problems with the quality of our

Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that we care for to
be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they
satisfy us but if the person whom we love is not worthy then life is
too short to wake up with regrets so love the people who treat us
right & at the same time forget about the ones who do not. Relations
are like balloons once we let it go we cannot get it back. In both
cases when we do not trust others or when we attack them harshly
without looking at our own behavior first, we are hurting ourselves
most of all. On the contrary, we are also harming those we love,
closing ourselves off in a misguided attempt at self-protection. In
either case, we are demonstrating that we ourselves do not
sufficiently love because we are unwilling to view objectionable
behavior as a call for help.

Difficult people are like antiques they have potential beauty despite
their spots. For example, if we love antiques we may cherish an
eighteenth-century chair enough to get it upholstered again and
again. Because the piece is important to us, we find a way to make it
functional and beautiful. Similarly, if we genuinely care about
family, friends & associates, we will make our relationships sweet,
defusing difficult situations and helping those who engage in
unproductive behavior to improve. Spiritual warriors put no one out
of their hearts. They love everyone, finding positive qualities in each
individual even if such qualities are well hidden. We may recognize
that some people are immature but instead of condemning them, we
should look for loving ways to protect and guide them.

If any of our relation that able to change our life, let it & if we are
stopped by cheating &/or disturbance by the other side when we
love, never stick only to what our heart feels, remember that
sometimes using our brain is a necessity, never use our eyes for the
person who have hurt us, instead use it to search for the right one.
Start cutting all our connections with our past life. People who
cannot move on from painful experiences & memories should accept
it & surrender their hurt and pain to the Lord, it is impossible for us
to have peace of mind & live happy with all the serenity of life. We
will live forever, wasting our time of thinking our past hurts with full
of resentments & will forever a prisoner of our own self. Free
ourselves now! Move! Acquire the courage to reroute the phase of
our life to a much brighter and peaceful one with the power of love.

Only God is able to love us this way. He loves us when everyone
irritates us. He makes us happy at the time of sorrow but our
ignorance prevents us to establish a loving relationship with God. He
will help us to control our body, to avoid doing sins that will
separate us to God. Evil forces are too strong now a day, only God
can fight them for us. Doing sins is easy & quick to do than doing
righteousness. Though it is easy to do sins but the effect of that is
long-term. The consequences of sins are sicknesses and diseases,
various problems, poverty, misunderstandings between loved ones
and many more sufferings that we all experience. Remember that the
outcome of sins is curse. While doing righteousness is all graces,
happiness, peace of mind, protection and good life all throughout.
This is the reason why our world today suffered too much with
different problems because many people are already forgotten God.
They love worldly things than our Creator.

Fight Everything between Us & God this Way

We need to take everything very positively. Whenever we are
depressed confused or hurt do not worries stand in front of the mirror
we will find the best person who will solve our problem. Just trust
ourselves because "time" has the power to change an ordinary coal
into a diamond. If through some error yesterday was lost in grief, do
not lose today by keeping it in our memory. Successful people can
never be defeated by problems! They become masters of the
situation & defeat the problem! The caliber of a person is not how
well he prepares for everything to go right but how he stands up &
moves on after everything has gone wrong.

Life happens, and it can happen fast. Life is hard and whoever told
us it is not well, I question if they are really living from and through
their heart at all. Life, events that transpire with or without our
control and relationships can be messy, unclear and distracting. Our
mind is a powerful organ. Our minds steer us but our hearts guide
and drives us. We are told to "Guard our heart for it is the
wellspring of life". Pretty wise stuff right there and it makes perfect
sense. Heart and Attitude go hand-in-hand. Choosing a right attitude
protects us, guards us and keeps us on the path of life.

However, what has made the difference, a profound difference, in
the midst of life's storms and uncertainties has been my inner
outlook or what is called attitude. We see nothing, no one and not
one circumstance, no matter what it is, has the power, control or
persuasion to touch our inner man attitude, unless we allow it. We
have to give it permission. Our inner man should always be the
pacesetter not our circumstances or what happens to us, he should be
the head, not the tail, he must respond instead of react, huge
difference. He should be postured in such a way and ahead of the
curveball that life throws at us, and it will, so that we are able to
respond with a right attitude. A true and proper view of your
circumstance you now find yourself in.

Our heart attitude will allow us to see past present circumstances,
will propel us to press on, reject the negative, find solutions to any
problem and yes in the midst of mistakes (and we will make them in
life,) to fail forward. Our heart when coupled with the active daily

discipline of choosing our attitude can and will propel us to keep
going, keep pushing and never, ever quitting this thing called "life
and entrepreneurship." There is a profound truth that should be
considered, that being, we are right where we are for a reason. We
were born where we are, and at this time in history for a reason. We
were made the way we are for a reason. Find our reason, by
continuing in the right attitude and that right attitude will bring us
purpose. Purpose will then drive our response to life.

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude to me is more important than fact, the past, the education,
than money, than circumstances, than failures, than even success &
than what other people think or say or do. It is certainly more
important than my appearance, giftedness or skill. The remarkable
thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will
embrace for that day. Silence fills your life space.

We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people
act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing
we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude"
Chuck Swindoll.

Be courageous as change does not happen when circumstances
improve. A change happens when we decides to improve our
circumstances. If a task is performed in the consciousness that God
is my companion then the impossible is possible. The one who
knows how to adjust is the one who knows how to survive but at the
same time never compromise our values and beliefs, even if it means
risking ridicule and rejection. Be true to ourselves. Live our own life
& do not allow others to decide what is best for us if we do so, we
will be unhappy because we are untrue to ourselves. To succeed in
life, we cannot treat obstacles passively. We must be aggressive and
overcome them with faith, prayer and perseverance.

The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while
we live, decide to live our life by choice rather than chance, by
design rather than default & thats way more deliberately we all
should live joyful & completely. When God pushes us to the edge of
difficulty, trust Him fully, because only two things can be happen
either He will catch us when we fall or He will teach us how to fly.

Every king was once a helpless baby, every oak once a corn, every
mighty ocean swell once a ripple and every great structure once a
blueprint. It is not where we are today but where we are going that
counts. Clear our path strongly with full trust on God & fight hard
against the circumstances. A successful relationship does not rely on
how good understanding we have but it is depend how better we
avoid misunderstandings. The secret of life is to make the best of
whatever comes along, make every day fresh and new, go in search
of knowledge and experience.

Remember always that those odd experiences in our life had helped
us to be strong. It taught us some lessons that life is not at all a bed
of roses. People will come and go in our life. They will hurt us and
will make us happy. All of these people and circumstances had all
the reasons why they were there & why it happened. Broaden our
mind. Think more positively & have a strongest relationship with
God with faith that in every trials and tests in our life, we can pass
all of it because He definitely take everything in His control & will
help us in every circumstances. Help ourselves with His divine
power because after all life is beautiful only if He is with us.

Turn away all the negativity of routine activities. Stop judging
people. Stop prejudicing people. Treat everyone of us as our own
blood because in the eyes of God we are all His children. Let's all
respect each other to avoid troubles & misunderstandings. I am
enjoying the opportunity to work with so many wonderful people
each day with no loss is a word from Dr. Wayne Dyer & according
to him viewing others as dishonest, lazy, sinful & ignorant can be a
way of compensating for something we fear. If there is a pattern of
seeing others as failures, we need to notice this pattern as evidence
of what we are attracting into our life.

Falling and failing is only another opportunity to prove to
ourselves that we have the capacity for greatness every second,
minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade were alive. The little
things in life matter most, while keeping the big picture in focus is
critically as important & never should be neglected or ignored. I get
the best out of life because I believe in 'Face the past without regrets,
handle the present with confidence and prepare for the future without
fear!' Actually our life is very short so forgive quickly, believe

slowly & love truly. Time is like a river, you cannot touch the same
water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again so
enjoy every moment of our life. This is the ultimate goal in life, to
pursue our happiness with vigor. Always trust in God, Thou never
fail in punishing the evil as it is not only my belief but experience of
all living creatures.

Every moment is the right time for us for awakening just we need to
go back to the one who created us. Any moment is a time to wake
up, get awakened for the truth that the real source of our salvation is
God alone and nothing else. Accept the God as our Lord and Savior
& He will stay with us forever. Faith is doing everything. Faith
knows that we cannot live alone by ourselves. Without God we are
nothing. We need Him in our lives. We need Him to be our shield &
armor to fight evil in this world. We need Him to survive in this
chaotic & full of confusion world that we are in right now.

It is nothing but our faith that can make all possible here on earth.
Just believe to God, though we have not seen Him, feel His presence
in us every day! This is a matter fully irrespective of our place,
gender, caste, creed and age. Faith contributes a very big factor on
how we fight life. Keep on fighting! Only God knows our future. He
can make it a perfect one for us. God knows everything what is
inside our hearts today. He is sad and crying seeing any of us alone
in the dark suffered & nothing to run to.

All religions boast that if we have faith & trust & are able enough to
wait than there is no need to worry. So, in essence, there is no need
to worry. God will always help us so feel so light & free living in
this world. I must say that we have lost our faith in the great all
mighty. A man who has no faith in God is lifeless. Just like living
dead. No determination in life. No hope & cannot savor true
happiness here on earth & never at all receive salvation. Please build
our faith now! We are in a hard need to establish our faith in God. A
simple act of establishing our faith is our admission that there is
someone greater than we all, the most powerful God who created the
universe and us humans. There is someone that who loves us beyond
our human comprehension. He will do everything just to make us
happy and be saved soon. Do believe it please!

Faith cannot be acquired by going to our religious place every day
without our heart in it. It cannot be acquired by fasting & something
other like the same. Faith can be obtained through hard works,
humility and sincerity in accepting God's power, mercy and graces.
Faith is receiving God as our own personal Savior. An obedience of
His & our will, forgetting our will and His will be done at all times.
Faith can be established by us not by our religion and anyone else. It
is our own free will and choice. Consider our religion as an ideology
to go on the path that establish our faith & trust towards the lord and
once we have a religion, no need to hope to other religion. Our
religion is okay as long as we are happy with it.

Religion is not the assurance of our salvation. It is our faith alone
can us be saved. Faith is our personal communication with God
everyday in prayer, talking to Him casually in our own words and
thoughts. Just like talking to a friend. Remember that we are not
alone in this world. We have a companion in the form of God. He
loves to listen to us every seconds & minutes of the day. He loves to
hear all updates of our life. He loves to listen to our cries, pains, joys
and simple act of thanking Him for our life. He is just a whisper
away. As soon as we will accept Him and believing in Him that He
is the most powerful then all in this universe, He will dwell in our
heart and will never leave us until the end of time, through the Holy
Spirit that may be our soul &/or anyone from the world.

Next step in building our faith is to talk to God through prayer. Do
not worry if we have done things against His will knowingly or
unknowingly. He understands that. Talk to Him with full humility &
sincerity in our heart. Tell Him that I want a new life with Him
forever. Be willing to accept our faults & repent so soon then if we
are ready ask for forgiveness He will forgive us instantly.
Faith is our personal attachment with God every day. Once forgiven,
there will be manifestation. It is hard to explain this phenomenon.
We can feel the warmth energy that will come into our being in a
split second that enlighten our soul to guide and teach us to
righteousness whole our life. We will than His child forever. The
heaviness of our heart because of sins will vanish outright & we can
feel the light on it. There is a joy deep within our heart that we never
felt it before. We will encounter so strange occurrence at that
moment in our conversation with the Lord using our heart & will

also feel the changes of our character a little while. We than going to
receive as His gifts, will definitely patience, humility, love, charity,
compassion, generosity & many more that surely able us to live in
peace, abundance & have the assurance of salvation.

All the reasons that we can normally think of, will fall under two
headings, in other words, a good human being wants to control his/
her own mind for only two reasons, to be able to do what is right &
to avoid doing what is wrong. Prayer will help us to achieve this.
Chanting will enable us see & perceive every situation in the right
perspective & develop something more than the word skill (Viveka
Buddhi), the ability to discriminate what is right & what is wrong.
Chanting & surrender to Lord will give us the motivation, courage &
the energy to do what is right & the mental strength to reject & avoid
doing what is wrong.

When we reach the stage of complete surrender to, and gain the pure
unconditional love for Lord, we would not have to bother about
controlling our mind. Pray & work hard to receive His power to live
with us, so that we can receive gift of wisdom & many more that can
be use to understand the will of God & prepare us to battle against
evil in our troubled & confusing world that we are in now.

The only free will we have is either we desire to go towards Lord or
towards Maya (delusion) & the rest is orchestrated by the material
energies of the Lord. Desiring to serve Lord and His devotees will
remove us from the clutches of material energy. We should have
control of our desires. Beautiful quote, "Sow a thought, reap and
action. Sow an action, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character.
Sow a character, reap your destiny." So it all starts with our
thoughts, our desires. So let us all desires to always be in the service
of the lord & His devotees from today.

Devotional service of the Lord is so glorious that it does not require
any previous qualification. Anyone in any condition can start
devotional service & God being so kind to immediately accept that
sincere devotional service (love) of such a practioner. As servants of
God, our only concern should be to do what He wants us to do. And
if one really loves Him, then naturally one would like to follow and
receive His instructions as given by the Lord Krishna to Arjuna in

the Holy Scriptures Bhagavad Geeta (this example of instructions
between these two described in the Srimad Bhagavatam is referred
here as my own experience but everybody is free to go with his/her
own like Bible, Quran etc.). Mental speculation or mental
concoctions will not help because that is not a bonafide way to
please God, instead it will greatly displease Him and which is not at
all a symptom of a true love of God, the best friend of all living

Thou work mysteriously in silence to touch our hearts through His
instruments or angels to feel well & help us out of our prison cell of
our own selves. Thou love us and want to save us from hell. God
will never leave us despite all the trials. Thou are with us always! He
alone can make it through! Please do all the good things always,
follow the voice of our inner-our soul-the God, do the hard things in
spite any circumstances & at the end expect so many rewards-a good
life, abundant graces & a perfect world, just like heaven here on
earth! There are many able enough to feel this heavenly happiness in
what so ever the situation in this material world as there is no need to
worry for them due to their relationship with God.

It is very true that in everything that we do & any circumstances that
we are dealing with always have hope in our heart. We have to
remember always that we are not alone in this world. Sometimes we
are alone but we are not lonely because God is always with us to
comfort us in times of sorrows, hardships and sufferings. Please do
not be cold in fighting life. Our life is a cycle. Sufferings and
problems are normal in our lifetime. Our suffering might have
reached the point where we have thought about giving up on God or
asking Him to leave us alone? Consider our options. If we give up on
God, where are we going to go? Who can we turn to for help?

Ultimately, there are only two paths available. We can depend on
either human resources or divine ones and any help we might receive
from people will never come close to that which God can do for us.
No matter how many things are going wrong in our life, we will
always have these things going right for us. God loves everybody of
us. Nothing can separate us from Him. He will never leave us so
giving up on God does not seem such an attractive option. Do not

wander from God. If we stay close to Him all through the darkness,
then we will find ourselves close to Him when daybreak finally
comes. The lesson is of only three words. Don't give up. Is the
road long? Don't stop. Is the night black? Don't quit.

We are here to be happy, to savor God's graces and enjoy life. We
can only receive all the graces from God, if we will come to Him
and be His god (child). We are here in the world to praise God and
do His will and be His children. Now, whatever we do for our life, to
obtain lots of money and wealth of this world without God in us,
what we do is empty. We cannot find real satisfaction and joy on this
path of shallow and temporary happiness. What we have now is not
ours, it's from God. We only borrowed it and anytime it can be taken
from us. Remember that all Scripture is inspired by God and is
useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults and
giving instruction for right living. We must bless and praise the holy
name of God. We can make holy the name of God with our prayers
and actions.

Reflection for today's Gospel is a simple listening to words written
in many holy scriptures that spoken by the God Himself. Balance our
life with work, fun and spirituality. When was our last time
communicating with the God? When was our last time reading His
words on the holy book? We ignore and tend to forget our
obligations to the Lord because of our work and too much
attachment with this world then, let me ask now to all of us that are
we happy with our life? Can this world give us real happiness deep
within our heart? Is our money and wealth gives us real peace of
mind and contentment? Of course not, because we cannot find real
joy here on earth without Him. What we can only find without Him
is we are here on earth to work and work and to kill ourselves of
doing our work.

Eight P Assessment System to measure our
Relationship with God

Here at this point, we have reached to a proper start for our
adventurous attempt the ultimate of life & the only next step right
now is, we must reroute our attention to the Lord. Give Him time in
our busy days, talk to Him. Ask Him for guidance. Thank Him for
all the blessings that we receive our family, our life, the abundance
of living that we have everything. We do not need to make a ritual to
do it. Just talk to Him casually in a quiet place. Just live our self &
Him alone, talking like He is our buddy. He is waiting for us to do
that. It will not take an hour to do that need just a minute. God does
not demand too much from us. Just little time but when He give us
blessing for that little time we give to Him, we receive a lot. Please
come to Him now! Yes now! He is just beside us! Talk to Him and
whisper a little words of love to Him. We now have to start building
our valuable relationship with God with a regular increase in a way
that we can be able to assess it every day.

We now cannot live away each other in between at this stage, &
therefore, I am very pleased to provide you a very extraordinary,
absolutely perfect & extremely helpful assessment system that is
able to measure the quality, perpetuity & soundness of our
relationship with the supreme Godhead. I have developed a peculiar
vision by my continuous experience, research & survey of many
people of my surrounding that can provide all figures of our
relationship with God to us.

I named it as Theory of Eight P, by which, even other person of our
surrounding can also reach up to a perfect result in any individual
case. One can keep the person fully unaware of it while assessing
his/her relationship with God is the most surprising factor of this
theory. Moreover, by adopting a complete & continuous check of
this easy to use evaluation system, anybody of us can easily judge &
maintain a strong relation even for everyday with God. It includes
eight words of Sanskrit language starting from Pra & it is very
interesting that one can use the same system in English too because
these eight words also start with P.

The Supreme element to which all religions use to worship as the

Deity, the Allah, the God, the Creator, the Lord or the Supreme
Being, is widely explained as Prabhu in Sanskrit. It is a
combination of two half of different words. The pra stands for
prasar means by the expanding of & bhu stands for
bhumandal means this whole universe. The complete meaning of
the word Prabu in Sanskrit is the one by whose expansion this
whole universe came in to existence or the one who is pervaded in
each & every molecule of the universe. The word of the similar
meaning used for Him in English with P is Paramount. He is
considered as the most kind, generous, loving, caring & capable one
or as the most trustworthy relative at one side of this relationship.

The most worthless, servile & a very tiny part of this universe at the
other side of this relation of two is called as Person in English to
which all religion use to consider as a living thing, a human being or
an animal, is defined in Sanskrit as Prani means the one there is a
soul inside. He is considered as the most struggling individual for the
happiness though living in the complete uncertainty of the universe.

The first assessment of this theory is the word Prasannata in
Sanskrit for which Pleasantness is the word in English. The more
you are happy & pleasant & the more the person/s of your
surrounding feels happy & pleasant by your presence, the more your
score reach higher towards your relationship with God.

The word Prem in Sanskrit & Pity in English (in the sense of
love, feeling & affection) is the second assessment. When you are
prepared immediately to forgive the others who make mistake &
always eager to make that one understand in very easy tone about
that mistake by keeping full respect for him/her, you are able &
knowledgeable of true & unconditional love. You are also able to
spread love, peace & harmony in your surroundings and in returns
all these are received by you too. The more it spread by you & the
more you get it, the more your score reach higher towards your
relationship with God.

The third & most easily visible assessment is the word Pragati in
Sanskrit & Progress in English. When you progress higher &
higher, you help the others continuously for their progress, when
other people help you for your progress & when they too become

happy with your progress, there is no doubt at all that your score of
your relationship with God is rushing higher & higher.

The Sanskrit word Prerna is the forth assessment for which the
word in English is Prompture. It is when sometimes you inspired
by your own self, sometimes by the others of your surroundings &
for sometimes you receive direct inspiration from God, what so ever
the manner is, but all these are for the good & for the happiness of
your own & your surroundings. More over when it seems people of
your surrounding continuously get your inspiration for their better
progress, in these both case, your score reach higher towards your
relationship with God.

The word Prasidhdhi in Sanskrit & Prestige in English is the fifth
& final assessment. When people proud of you more & more for
your high moral, loyalty & rectude, when your name become a
symbol for something good, when you get due respect from the
society, when people of your surrounding gets their works be done
just by your name & when you sang with such a similar being &/or a
well-known person & you too can use their name/s for the good,
your score reach higher towards your relationship with God.

Thus by all these five assessment your score figures beyond your
expectation do believe that there is a heavy profuse of benignity of
the God on you. You are fully blessed by Him & nobody else is
happier than you. But there are many on this planet with lower score,
yet to score & score with a minus sign ahead, to whom, only pains &
sufferings are their destiny. Hindu scripture says that such score is
fully datum on the balance of our sin & meritorious of the actions
performed by us in the present & previous lives in addition to the
actions performed by our manes.

For all those who cannot score high by their destiny, the only way to
feel happy in the period of their pains & sufferings, is nothing else
but is the word Prathana in Sanskrit & Prayer in English that
comes last at eighth in my theory of Eight P Assessment system. It is
needless to describe here that by the blessings of the God all those
happy high scorers always remain ever increasingly desirous to prey
God, & therefore, set your meter now from this very moment & start
scoring high with your prayers from the bottom of your heart.

The idea of this assessment system that I have drown up here
develops from my own experience over the years in adjusting my
own self in my family members & intimates, during my public
relations & communications with many people of my surroundings,
while focusing on the problems & their solutions of my friends &
relatives and through the experiences of my peers. If we try to reason
out the scoring by applying this assessment system to all persons of
our surroundings, we can find that everybody of us must have to
pass through certain life condition weather happy or sad. Everybody
of us who existed in this universe has to experience some specific &
peculiar type of pleasures & pains of his/her own. We can make our
mind either happy or keep it up as usual unhappy, but above to all,
no one can bring any change in it.

It is because all of us are framed in a certain criteria of body,
appearance, speech, behavior, nature and liking & disliking. In
consideration with these specialties, peculiarity & differentiations
awarded by the one & only director the great Almighty, all of us are
nothing but an actor of a specific role on this great stage of the
universe & the most surprising thing we have to accept is a universal
fact that our surrounding is a continuously ongoing automatic
process that never stops even for a fraction of moment where every
performance weather poor or perfect has its own continuation of
story, background, co-actors & viewers, and henceforth, there is no
chance at all for any mistake.

Types of Persons, Their Relationship
& its Effects on the Both Sides

All characters of this entire continuation of the cycle of the universe
have their unique reorganization which is mainly black, blind, burly,
bald headed, clean-shaved, corpulent, deaf, dumb, dumpy, fitful, fair
skinned, handicapped, handsome, healthy, haggard, lame, lanky, one
eyed, runt, slim, slender, strong, stout, squat, tall, with mustaches,
with beard, with specs, white etc by their body & appearance. The
voice & speech around us can be stutter, stammer, raucous,
mountainous, throaty, shrill, strident, whisper, lusciously, sweet,
mild, soft & such other either for good or for cajolery, insinuation,
incitement & criticism.

Apart from some good labels those are brave, calm, caring, clever,
courageous, doctrinist, fearless, God-fearing, honest, humble,
intelligent, kind, loving, modest, matured, noble, patient, polite,
politic, practical, religious, sensible, veracious, virtuous & such
other there always are many bad labels like abusive, abundant,
cheater, cunning, cruel, fabulist, flippant, greedy, gambler, ill
minded, immature, jabberer, liar, lazy, loiterer, long tongued, lubber,
miser, quitter, quarrelsome, robber, rough, shirker, slow, shrewd,
short tampered, stupid, talkative, truant, thief & many more for each
& every personality that we face in our everyday life. It may vary
according to our own experience of their nature & behavior but all
people of our surrounding always behave as per the specialty &
peculiarity of the label they carry. We always need to recognize
them by their true label as these labels are the most basic & primary
element of my assessment system that leads the scoring either high
or low.

In addition to that, human being is a social animal entrusted by the
Lord with a mind that think about the future, memories the past &
exchange these both by speech & writings & that way always in
habit to relate with the other being. This relationship with each other
is the main cause of our pleasures & pains. Because while applying
this assessment system on anybody of our relative we can find that in
the name of relationship many of us want the other as their time
pass, some insist only on their work be done by the other, some
pleasure-seeking spent for the other for their company while some

compel the other to pay for what they enjoyed. Some love the others,
some hate the others & there are too many in a continuous practice
of avoiding & ignoring the others. Some are highly eager to utilize
the other for their own benefit, some victimize us, some can be able
to cheat us & some achieve a great success in making us & our
family fully ruined by socially, economically & mentally.

Explaining the human relationship that provides either pleasure or
pain to us, I must describe those taint always proved competent to
create remarkable decrease in the scoring of my Eight P
assessment system. These evil-doer made of two different types are
widely polluting our entire society. The first types is always either
engaged or use to utilize those who are engaged in the practice of
incantations, secret consultations, rite & scared precepts and rings of
precious stones & gems for the bad of others & for the better
progress of their own. They practice astrology, planetary movements
& its effects, esoteric applications, black magic & witchcraft,
necromancy, sorcery & such other evil craftsmanship to harass &
torture the others.

The second type is made of some sex-hungry persons (both man &
women) of our surroundings use to enter regularly in others home in
the name of their relationship with one & only aim of fucking
pleasure. Most of them are list concern with the age, cast, creed,
color, education and physical & mental condition (or even a gender
in some case) of the person they use for their pleasure of few
moments is the height of a bad relationship of a supreme creation of
the God. Such persons never ever have to suffer anything for their
tortuous act because most of them always have a great sense to keep
themselves fully safe & secured toward any short &/or long term
responsibilities of the outcome of their work. All of them always
found unconcerned with the pains & sufferings and family life of
their victimized person. The entire mankind remains failed till date
in fighting this evil over the globe that had ruined, is ruining & will
continue ruining many families.

According to a survey, most surprisingly & definitely, the list of all
such bad labels & highly harmful antisocial elements of our
surrounding is always made of our maternal & paternal brothers &
sisters, intimate relatives, our so called very close friends & the

neighbors, & that means, to establish & maintain good relation other
than the God is against the law of nature! These all is a great
antipathy arrangement of the universe of the God, wherein, a short
term, I mean to write in a extremely wide sense that for one short life
or in other words one can say it as a destiny bound victory of bad
over the good is a very common cause of great decrease in a scoring
of this Eight P assessment system for the both persons affecting
each other.

Sometimes we often hear about, observe &/or face that at many
places & parts of the world, continuously & constantly for too many
years, some groups of our society absolutely unwillingly remain
compel to tolerate a highly selfish ill matched couple, who use to
withstand their surrounding by speaking lie, cheating & by many
more types of tricks & allegations with heart full of jealousy & envy.
Generally in all such cases both persons have compromised to join
each other as a husband & wife only because they know their own
self very well & are also well aware that what they are is well
disclosed all over in their own circles & they have no batter
alternative instead.

Revelry, comfort, delicious food, parties, everyday outings & all the
time enjoyment by hook or crook are their mottos of life for which
they are always eager to cross any limit in taking advantage of any
person of their surrounding by keeping their selves absolutely list
concerned with what & whoever the other person is. Tribulation,
hardship, troubles, pains, annoyance, misery & dolor are the
outcome of this relationship for the person either trapped or
victimized by both the two or even any one of the said couple &
therefore, their score is always resulted as either minus or the lowest
in my assessment system.

However, people are fully aware of the facts & realities of such
couple, it is always observed that all connected persons either fully
succumb to them & concede the loss of their relationship or try their
best to avoid them both & the most surprising tragedy of the case is a
very big lot of victimized persons who always found in a practice to
hide their suffering without any complaint. It is because, in most
case of such couple, the male is either knowledgeable or use to
remain in constant connection of many so called profound persons

in astrology, planetary movements & its effects, esoteric
applications, black magic & witchcraft, and therefore, it become a
strong belief & common to all experience for many persons of their
surrounding that such person can know what is going on in the mind
of other person even though he may be far away, can able to prowl
anywhere as a subtle body, can enter in the body of a particular
person and can use some ungratified souls to fulfill his work.

Many people strongly believe that to gather with some likeminded
persons who exorcises evil spirits such man obtained a mastery in
necromancy, sorcery & to obsess the source of income of any other
person & due to that many of his surrounding either constantly
lacking money when it is required or cannot remain able to earn & as
a surprising fact many of them are always brought in to a great
indebtedness by their family members & close relatives. There can
also a very specific case of such couple where the husband would be
a doctor by profession with all said peculiarities & as such, that
couple has wide & large surrounding, obviously double than any
other couple of similar income & class means there is a big figure of
trapped & victimized persons with either minus or the lowest score
in my assessment system.

Generally, as observed by many of us, such couple always possess a
great influence on their parents, particularly on the father of the wife
who always provides a great fever to their bad ideas & plans, only
because of being under impression of their evil craftsmanship and
due to this, both of them remain constantly successful in bilking,
trapping & victimizing their families & its surroundings consist of
more than five generations (parent, grandparent, sons & daughters,
grandsons & granddaughters and all co-aged family members,
intimates, relatives & all other persons of the surroundings growing
all to gather). They also use to keep some of their family members
continuously ill & seek with serious disease & mental disorder by
the use of some irrelevant medicines & witch crafted things only
because they cannot able to see their progress.

They have no hesitation at all even when a father, brother, husband
of a sister of the wife among the couple & few such other intimates
died by their so called mysterious workmanship & rogueries,
wherein, being a doctor any of them never can be proved wrong & as

such, it becomes a height of bad relationship not only for the people
connected to those two but for the entire mankind. It is a great crush
that befallen to their entire surroundings that keep the score of my
assessment system continuously low & minus for everybody of their

It becomes the most pitiable aspect of this case that the son &
daughter & their families of such couple always have to live under a
threat of insecurity till their last breath from all those persons
victimized by their parents because they are well aware of their
parents bad ideas & plans, and not only that, they also participated
many such trapping & cheating throughout their growth either
intentionally or unintentionally. The second generation of such
couple means their grandsons & granddaughters can never adjust
themselves in any of their relationship as they are always managed
tactfully by their parent & grandparent during their growth, & as
such, the study of their relationship & behavior becomes a puzzle-
some fact for the psychiatrist, psychologist & sociologist of the
present era.

Sometime in the case of the only son & a daughter, the son use to
escape away very tactfully in to the other country to get his family
be settled & as such, the only daughter & son-in-low either
compelled or emotionally blackmailed to carry & continue managing
all aspects of those two families. However, after the death of his
father-in-low, it become very hard for the son-in-law to carry on all
household, social & family responsibilities of a lonely living
vainglorious, beguiler & untidy woman always in practice to diddle
& to speak lie.

Sometime it becomes a unique case when the wife of such couple
secretly victimized a particular person among their very close
relative as a real father of her only daughter to teach a lesion to her
sex-swinger husband, to emotionally blackmail that person, to keep
herself away of any household & family responsibility & to engage
some family members in all aspects to nurture two child throughout
their growth, than after also, it becomes a most surprising fact of this
case that the husband very cleverly turned the birth of such a baby
girl in to a great gift/boon in a well planned way.

He familiarizes his witchcraft & secret incantations by secretly using
her various forms starting from Navjat Balki (nascent baby girl),
Kumarika (girl under twelve), Rajswala (woman in menses),
soubhagyavati (woman with her husband living), Garbhvati
(pregnant woman), a Prasuta (woman who has just given birth to
child) to a mother. According to some profound persons (especially
ouster & dismissed so called Jain Munis) engaged with black magic,
one can achieve a completion of bewitchment & entering a corpse &
to use & enter her body by some extremely special rites & rituals
using these seven forms of a woman. They also cram envy &
jealousy in her childish mind to use herself as a multi-purpose
apparatus for their long term evil planning which are carried &
continued even after her marriage & therefore, there is nothing
wrong to write that until her last breath.

The selection of son-in-law & daughter-in-law of such couple having
only son & only daughter is purely based on very peculiar &
favorable planetary movement decided & finalized by comparing
horoscopes & after secretly completing some extremely special rites
& rituals. And as such, some easily visible & some hidden
similarities becomes a great surprising fact because before their
marriage both of them brought up in a special kind of fondness and
indulgence & their ideology and lifestyle are always nourished &
supported by their family members by keeping them away in doing
& learning some facts & realities of the life that had made them
suffering from inferiority complex.

Both of them are in habit to blame their loved ones for all that they
do not do, know, learn & understand & the hard fact is they cleverly
keep themselves away of any responsibility they fears or wish to
avoid by grieving in the same manner. They are constantly used
accordingly either as a tool or as a weapon against the other persons
of their surrounding either secretly or with their consent. All these
are a prescription of destiny for all involved persons inter connected
to a particular vicious circle of such an ill matched couple, & due to
that, their score always remain low & minus.

It is a widely observed fact that however having a wife, son,
daughter & their families, big circle of intimates & relatives and
above to all many personal contacts, the husband of such couple has

to pass through a lonely life for a long span of for more than one &
half decade. Moreover, has to live either as blind or as deaf & dumb
or as paralyzed or as a patient of a serious sexual disease or having
all these four & most commonly in all cases of such couple, the
husband has to loss some parts of his body, particularly one foot in
prevention of gregarine or such similar body bound treatment after
suffering a lot of pain at least for last one or two years.

If we take up a survey of all such cases of the worlds, a most
surprising fact definitely found by us that at the time of the death of
such person, all their practice of incantations, secret consultations,
rite & scared precepts and rings of precious stones & gems for the
bad of others & for their own better progress always remains
absolutely fail well before that unnatural or untimely death, and that
person never remain able to say or explain anything, but on the
contrary, in the last half an hour such one is always fleered with
abusive & bitter words from his own wife instead of her sympathy,
who, in all such cases, always found eager to be freed from the yoke.
One more surprising fact always observed by our society that the
dead body of such person also has to suffer pain during at least a
weeklong delay in the funeral what so ever the reason behind it. If
any such signs & symptoms come to your notice, be sure, there is a
big lot of either minus or low score in your surroundings.

Effects of Inauspicious
Bond of Indebtedness Contracted in Previous Births

Apart from the types of directly harmful individual described above,
the score of my Eight P assessment system is also affected
indirectly by so many other factors & elements. All those are mainly
a particular moment, period of time, events, places, statues & photos,
shapes & figures, signs & symbols, articles & things, plants & trees,
fruits & flowers, seeds & roots, grain & spices, reptiles & aquatic
animals, birds & animals, precious stones & gems, metals & liquids,
colors & paints, water of holly rivers & wells and such other living
& dead things in addition to the planets, stars & other objects of the
space around the earth.

Many types & kinds of direct & indirect weal & woe effects of all
these on the pleasure & pain & rise & fall of an individual, on the
members of a family, on a group of persons living together at a
particular place & on a group of persons gathered for a particular
moment or a duration are narrated very well in the scriptures of
almost all religions of the world since the growth of our social

According to the observations described in Hindu scriptures, to see a
face of a virgin girl, cow, plant of holy Basil(tulsi), to pass through
pleasant fragrance & to here a sound of a bell of a temple are
consider as auspicious & to see a face of a widow, to accept &/or eat
something from any acarpous considered inauspicious. Moreover,
everything can be made desolate by invoking the curse of an
aggrieved person, by taking a sigh of a helpless poor &/or just
looked in by some devil-eyed person. Although living in this present
era of modern technology, many of us strongly believes that a fallen
soul of an unnatural & untimely died family member can be a reason
of misery, quarrels, pains & sufferings of a family.

Extraction of billions years long experience in studying the effects of
all such living & dead things & persons, our society use to label
many man & woman as disgrace, destroyer & tyrant for their entire
family, breed, race & clan. There can be a jinx, sinister, unlucky, ill-
fated (panoti) & inauspicious types of person whose presence &/or
contact can spoil or harm the other thing or person.

Everybody of us can easily examine such effects in our surrounding
when some extremely poor families having an unbelievable &
unstoppable progress just within a short period from a birth of a
auspicious baby & in the exact opposite to that all happiness,
progress & prosperity of many families are absolutely eclipsed by
the birth of a inauspicious baby resulting in to poverty, hunger &
waif for all members of that family who usually died one by one

However it is purely a matter of personal faith & trust, people
believes all these accordingly & especially are in practice to wear
gold & silver ornaments, rings, bracelets, stones & gems & many
other types & kinds of things, and above to all, it becomes our
routine to put &/or keep so many living & dead things at various
places in & around home & work place for the better progress &
happy future.

Rendering homage, institute or install a discourse on some religious
or mythological text, incantation, secret consultation, shower of
abuses, solemn religious promise, oblation, vow, fast, burnt offering,
chant, hymn, psalm, rite & rituals are some of the ways to survive
from the bad effects & to be blessed for the good adopted by the
people over the globe but we all know very well that heavy profuse
of grace from the great Almighty is highly necessary to save our self
from any such bad effects that lead our score of my assessment
system to the lower side.

Hindu scriptures believes that on a particular moment for a particular
duration for the good or bad of a particular person or its
surroundings, a body &/or a place can be occupied by either blessed
or cursed souls according to the accountability of their meritorious &
sin. The saints & sages engaged in such research had worked out a
complete list of propitious & ominous time period (chogadiya) for
each & every year called as almanac (panchang) to clarify & justify
the bad or good outcome of every such moments & its effect.
According to them the kalichoudas, a night before the last day (the
occasion of Dipavali) of every year, is considered as the kaalratri,
the most inauspicious night of the Hindu calendar.

It is a great antipathy of the entire universal arrangement that this

night is the most favorable period for the devil, elf, witch and such
other ungratified & fallen souls to occupy a body or a place as well
as for all those associated with necromancy, sorcery, esoteric
applications, witchcraft, black-magic, secret consultations, scared
precepts, practice of incantations & such other types & kinds of rites,
rituals, worship & offerings to the God Rudra the incarnation of
Lord shiva, Goddess Kali, demigod Kaalbhairva & 64 Jogani the
endowed assisting enchantresses of Goddess Mahamaya for the
ripeness of their achievements & to establish control over the
negative energy of the universe in the form of devil, elf, witch or
ungratified & fallen souls.

At this juncture, I must draw your attention on an abstract of almost
all religious scriptures that their always a major participation of a
woman in the peace, prosperity & happiness of any family, and that
is why, they differentiated the entry of a woman either by birth or by
marriage as auspicious & inauspicious. History witnessed many
inauspicious women who eradicated many rich & happy kingdoms
& dynasties.

Hindu Scriptures had noted some very extraordinary examples of a
crushed family, wherein, a body of a baby girl is occupied by an
ungratified soul especially by an elf or a witch, either revengefully or
as a part of its destiny bound duty for the entire negative energy of
the universe with the one & only aim to disgrace, ruin & harass a
particular family & its surrounding.

Considering it as the most egregious example of an entry of an
inauspicious woman the Scriptures further says that it can be
possible only when the timing of such occupation & the moment of
the birth of a particular baby girl remains same exactly at 00.00
hours of the midnight of kalichoudas. It is the unbelievably
surprising case of an absolute opposition of pleasantness, peace,
progress, prosperity, prompture, prestige, pity and exchange of love
as well as feelings & affection for each & every family member of
such woman not only in her presence but even though being far
away of her. All affected persons always have to badly suffer
something more than the ever increasingly minus scoring in my eight
P assessment as their destiny.

Narrating the peculiarity of such witch in the form of woman that I
am witnessing since my birth, I must write that all voice & words
that comes out from her mouth since the first breathy sound at the
time of birth are always full of negative vibration & energy that
invisibly effects badly on the metabolism & reflectiveness while her
presence straight way harm the self-confidence, morale & sentience
of all surrounding persons.

Such a living mass of negative energy of the universe always remain
able in establishing an unbelievable ruinous control on all members
of her family before entering in to the teenage, by creating dispute,
contention, litigation & controversies between all of them each other
& with all maternal & paternal relatives. Though immature at that
age, she was possessing great proficiency in speaking lie &
deceptive tricks & artifices with which she always behaves in a way
that block up the growth of her only elder sister & four younger

Wrong allegations & incitement without any reason, poisoning the
ears, to backbite, to hide the necessary fact & information when &
where it is require always with a bad intention, to mislead every
matter by representing the false, to fleer the others very regularly, to
repent unnecessarily & impetuously and to speak immediately
whatever is there in her mind in absolutely impudent manner are the
usual practice of such a beery-voiced liar & slicker woman of the
punk mentality who always constantly remain active to harass, trap
& victimize each & every person of her surrounding in innumerable
& unbelievable manners & ways through her treachery, fraudulent
tricks & tactics. All these skills & proficiencies were developed
inside of her very timely & automatically for the requirements of her
own & no educational institution, society & family culture remained
able to turn her to anything that proves auspicious & salutary for her
as well for her family.

As such, ever-increasing dispute & distance between her parents
without any reason is the very first visible sign & symptom of such
an inauspicious woman after her birth. Day by day social
relationship of the entire family with all maternal & paternal
relatives automatically go fragile with an unnoticeable but very
gradual decrease in the image, prestige, reputation & source of

income of the family, however, it becomes very hard to avoid or to
survive is the only reality. In those circumstances, she proved lucky
or in other word fully supported by the negative energy of the
universe because most people believes that her mother died by
illness while painful living full of quandary & stress with decreasing
prestige & income continuously for more than a decade in
accompanying her husband, in upbringing her sons & daughters &
facing all social & family responsibilities, a long lasting nerves
break-down was the actual reason for that death.

She proved lucky or in other words fully supported by the entire
negative energy of the world all the time to get everything in her
favor. Because she gifted absolute & complete freedom, being alone
at her home for so many hours, continuously during last phase of her
schooling until she left collage uncompleted, as her father & elder
sister were having jobs & all her four younger brothers having study.
Moreover, all students of that small town where she was living had
to travel nearly 30 kilometers by railway to reach the seventh station,
a biggest city of Gujarat for their higher or collage study. These both
proved greatly suitable in the extremely ever-increasing span of her
sexual urge & perversion, to enjoy everything that can be possible
between her two ears & two legs with many newbie & experienced
sexual pleasure seekers of all age.

However before entering in twenties, she became popular slut not
only of her town but in its surrounding stations of both up & down
sides on the railway trek, she proved lucky or in other word fully
supported by the negative energy of the universe because she
remained absolutely successful to establish in her surroundings that
she compelled to leave her study after three failure attempts due to
heavy load of all house hold activities & responsibilities & poor
financial condition of the family. It crossed beyond all heights when
in obtaining sympathy of almost all relatives considering it as her
sacrifice her father was fleered by many for his carelessness &

During the same period, though being a woman, her idealistic,
honest & innocent elder sister had tried her best to support her father
both financially & morally though having a tedious & transferable
government job. In this meanwhile, being a co-employee, a low

profiled, moral less, shallow-minded, addict of marijuana & engaged
illegally in bating as a bookie in number gambling who always uses
to live by double standards had started practicing love game with her
elder sister by pretending that he convinced of her sincerity &
devotion for her family & desirous to do everything for her.

However that unreliable fraudulent actor remained absolutely
unsuccessful in trapping her elder sister, his only evil intention to
satisfy his sex-hungriness was immediately fulfilled by this
defamatory woman for her family & they continued enjoying all
bodily pleasures in full swing till all her sexual organ dilapidated &
vanished off even after that person married to other woman. She
prolonged all such merry-making by averting all proposals &
possibilities pertaining to marriage for herself, her elder sister &
even for her younger brothers that comes from their maternal &
paternal relatives very tactfully, cleverly & extremely evasively &
that way closed the doors of her home for any third person even as
guest or visitor.

She secretly machinated her surrounding by her false & concocted
representations that even though she always equally shared all
burden of family responsibilities, her elder sister never dared to
convert her affairs in marriage & that person had to give up against
his family & got married! She proved lucky or in other word fully
supported by the negative energy of the universe in congesting
sympathy from her entire surrounding for her great sacrifices for her
family because of she remained unmarried as well as in imputing her
sister & father to drop out her study & to spoil off her life, however
the fact is, she never walked off any opportunity in fleering both of
them unnecessarily that they remained careless & ignored her
personal life! It becomes extremely sad, disappointing & unfortunate
fact of this entire case, when as a result of varied artifice of this
slicker, her elder sister also started taunts & sarcastic remarks &
imploringly beseeching to her father to free her by getting her
married with anybody anyhow.

All these extremely excessive agony brought four heart attacks in
rapid succession to her father within couple of years. Very similarly
to her mother, all people believe that her father was died by heart
attack but she proved lucky or in other word fully supported by the
negative energy of the universe because actually during the bed rest
after recovering from attack, being religious her father was on fast
during first nine days of the bright half of Chaitra months called as
Navratri in Hindu calendar, wherein, he died by hunger as he was
not properly served the food that may be taken on fasting day, milk
& fruits, very intentionally & extremely carelessly in the laziness &
busyness of her own, however, it becomes a very painful & extreme
sad aspects of this case, her father almost died regularly &
constantly for each & every moment, during the period of more than
one & half decade, since he lost his wife till his last breath, facing
anguished alienation & scornful estrangement from his entire
surroundings created by her though having been dragged by
donkeywork without any complaint.

So as to establish total control & absolute freedom to loot all
pleasures inside her home, such an untidy woman always uses to
torture & harass her elder brother, younger to herself, by many tricks
& treacheries in keeping him fully detached from her family,
especially, she constantly use to fleer him that he is not able to earn,
& that way, blocked the adolescence of that immature, impractical &
self praising person who never remained able to learn & understand
his responsibilities.

She proved lucky or in other word fully supported by the negative
energy of the universe because he espoused wretched, helpless &
illiterate step motherly grown woman & always remained separated
together with his wife & her only brother having extremely poor
understanding in the name of his spirit of chivalry but the fact is, that
was the most suitable & timely alternate for him to hide all his
incompleteness & shortcoming, to keep himself completely away
from all family & social liabilities and to rule over his wife & her
brother as a king because till date he proved successful to throw
burden or loss of responsibility unjustly on others those are none
other but his elder sister & younger brother.

Exact opposite to this, with the same reason, as & when she need a
person either in the court yard or seated nearby to an opened window
of her home to show off that she is not alone at home, such a thick
skinned woman utilized her weak built, runty & effete younger
brother very cleverly & tactfully by terrifying & horrifying him.
Being feeble his food & its timing required some special attention,
for which, instead fulfilling his requirement she always uses to
rebuke him & starve in a way that he became habitant of little milk,
some salted ground nut & gram and water instead of regular food &
lost his digestion power. She proved lucky or in other word fully
supported by the negative energy of the universe because after long
span of dismay, to kill his loneliness & to regain his individuality he
married to his co-employee in their early forties & started living

Adding insult to injury, the second younger brother who was trying
hard to understand the financial, family & social responsibilities &
started earning immediately after completing his schooling together
with continuing his higher study had to remain away from his family
constantly for more than a decade due to his job. She proved lucky
or in other word fully supported by the negative energy of the
universe in embossing heinous & invidious picture of the family
circumstances in his mind during his each & every visit by poisoning
his ears, by hiding the necessary fact & information when & where it
is require always with a bad intention & by misleading every matter
by representing the false & lies. All these had killed his
individuality, blocked his growth & adolescence & poured
inferiority complex & prejudiced approach inside of him.

While at the other end, her youngest and forth brother proved
incapable & impractical discharging any financial and family matter
being sportive, stormy, childish and harlequin till he started earning
and being fond of wandering & travelling, he never fulfilled any
such responsibility. She proved lucky or in other word fully
supported by the negative energy of the universe because however
having some special knowledge & abilities he either proved himself
or being turned very strangely as an unavoidable costly & heavy
onus for his family.

During the last phase of her forties, when all five members of her
family settled at their jobs & developed their own circles, it became
very hard for her to establish total control on all of them, & that is
why, being dread of getting exposed & unsecured, she secretly
started practicing witchcraft & black magic to obstruct their
progress. In doing so, it became a strong belief & common to all
experience of many persons of her surrounding that she was fully
supported by above narrated ill matched couple made of her
maternal sister, a vainglorious, beguiler & untidy woman always in
practice to diddle & to speak lie and her husband who obtained
mastery in necromancy & sorcery.

Both of them never ever remained able to see others progress & only
because of envy & to establish their supremacy they practiced many
types & kinds of incantations, secret consultations, rite & scared
precepts to shipwreck the holiness of her home & her family
members, to obsess the source of income of some particular persons,
to keep a particular person absolutely unable to earn, to keep them
all constantly lacking money, to brought them all in to a great
indebtedness by their family members & close relatives, to keep
them ill & seek, to know what is going on in their mind even though
he may be far away and to prowl in to their home as a subtle body by
using some ungratified souls to fulfill their work. She proved lucky
or in other words fully supported by the entire negative energy of the
world because till date all they three remained absolutely successful
in their evil intention.

As all these was not enough, she constantly & extremely sagaciously
attacked in many ways using many weapons not only to torture &
harass but to distress & ruin physically, mentally, socially &
economically each & every member of her family & very especially
to exterminate their love, feelings, emotion, affection, trust, faith &
above to all the susceptibility to be helpful to each other that they all
possess mutually & reciprocally by their bond of indebtedness
contracted in previous births, blood relation & being a born of the
same mother, that gradually turn them in a living dead body.

Being well aware of all cooking & eating habits, manners, ways,
methods, taste & likings of the food of all members, the entire food
system of the family became her first weapon. She uses to interrupt,
disturb & create obstacle constantly with tactful shiftiness &
rascality in the quality, quantity & timing of their breakfast, lunch &
dinner. Although such an woman always avoid to prepare a small
cup of tea even for her own self, she constantly established
unbelievable calamitous monopoly on the entire purchase, storage,
cooking, dining & all things of the kitchen & dining room, and
above to all, on each & every person connected to all these even if
he or she is not a member of her family.

What, how & when to cook in what quality & quantity as the daily
food & what, when, how & to whom the prepared food is to be
served or can be allowed to take by any of the family member by
his/her own self in what quality & quantity is purely a matter of her
own desire & the one who oppose or complain is either compelled to
remain hungry or all members of the family has to face a great
tribulation, lamentation & clamor.

However such woman can be possible at any part of the world, being
a Guajarati, here I take an opportunity to proudly write that Gujarati
Dine is considered as the most balanced diet of the world as there
are many verities of appetizer, soup, salad, green salad, vegetables,
sweets, cooked pulses, spiced and fried salty preparation made from
flour of gram & other pulses (Farsan), pickle, stuffed vegetables,
pungent sauce, pieces of vegetable or fruit dressed in curds and
mustard powder, fried or roasted thin crisp cake made of flour mixed
with spices (papad), backed food, curd, buttermilk, juice, frozen food
& so many varieties of such other kinds & types of delicious dishes.

It becomes a symbol of happy living, mutual love, attachment,
harmony & tuning between the members of the family as well as all
persons involved in cooking & dining when many of them included
in a regular food of a family with a frequent change according to the
taste of the family members & requirement of time like season,
occasion etc. Inviting other & accepting others invitations for dining
is a great tradition & convention of Guajarati people that tie up a
strong & healthy relation in the society.

Even though in the case of a Guajarati family when such evil spirit is
there as a member everything becomes absolutely contrary to what is
written above. There always a repetition of only very few common
to all dishes in the regular food for each & every member of the
family, & than also, one never get it properly when actually he/she
feel hungry. Nobody served the dish of liking usually as & when
he/she desires. When anybody is in hurry there always a delay in
preparation of food or all the food served is too hot to eat. When
there is a guest, a unique & peculiar disorder for all things & food is
always maintain very tactfully during the entire dine, & as such, a
particular member is always victimized to feel ashamed when he/she
invites other to dine.

Her harassment & tortures crosses beyond the height when all of a
sudden, on numbers of occasions, a specific member of her family
finds heavily added salt or chilly in a particular or main dish/s of the
food at the time of dining however he/she was well aware that there
never can be any possibility of such mistake by the person who
prepared that food. A very small matter always immediately turns in
to a big quarrel at the time of dining & to eat up whatever there is
without any complaint becomes a mechanical routine of all family
members to avoid any such dispute.

The left &/or surplus food is always cleverly used as her best
weapon & served in the very next dine & not only that in
consideration that of, day by day, she obstinately abate the quantity
of routine food, & as such, gradually the maximum quantity of the
daily food of her family remains equal to a minimum quantity of
morning breakfast of the other family though there is no regular
breakfast for the members of her family. She always tactfully control
& manage the taste, quantity, service & presentation in a way that
never allow gratification to any person eating at any time either there
is only two or three varieties of common food or there is unlimited
kinds of delicious dishes in both cases either the food is prepared at
the home or brought from outside.

Since more than three decades, the entire boarding & dinnertime of
her family, always & especially, turned in to & as the service of a
demoniac grub. There is never ever a possibility of a single loaf of
bread considering it as giving away food in charity to a dog, cow,
bird or a bagger is remain the most surprising & strange fact of this
case even on any occasion. All these affected directly on the
education, employment, business & social image of each & every
family member & visibly obstructed their individual development &
living condition.

The second weapon of such contentious woman to weigh upon &
discomfit the members of her family is article of dress & garments.
Beside the conceit that she likes, takes full interest & personally
cares all domestic & household activities of the home & the
hypocrisy that she is always compelled to carry this entire load, she,
very secretly & tactfully, uses to maintain a great control on the
clothing & garment of the family member to disorder their coming &
going, engagements & occasions and dressing sense & habit. What,
how & when to wash, where & how to keep newly purchased, fresh
& ironed cloths, where & how to keep worn-out & used cloths & for
what, when & how the other members are allowed to leave out their
cloths for washing is entirely a decision of her choice & any
interruption to that monopoly immediately turned down in a big
quarrel & long term mismanagement.

Being well aware of the time of requirement, dressing sense & habit
of all members of the family a pretermission of a particular dress or
thing at any time & particularly as & when it is requires is her
chiefly shrewdness & the thing so missing can be found as it is
hidden under any utensil or even inside of container in the kitchen or
surprisingly at the same place from where it was previously
disappeared after few weeks, months or years. These ways she
constantly remained active to eclipse the charm & effectiveness of
appearance count & relationship of all & for many times some
particular person.

Bedroom, bathroom & drawing room regularly remains the most
unerring weapons imparting a trilateral attack of such tormentress to
infest all her family members & to absolutely devour their comfort,
sleep & privacy. All member of her family has to sleep on the
particular bed always having a one over one layer of five-six bed &
some selected things like bed sheet, pillow, coverlet (chorso),
blanket & such other in the way & manners absolutely suitable to her
desire & mood & any change in the position of the said things is a
matter of annoyance & long term disorder in the sleep & comfort of
the other member of her family.

She never allow anybody to bring or purchase carpet (setranji),
mattress &/or mat (chatai), small caught &/or folding bedstead to
relax &/or to sleep using any such things at any place like drawing
room, balcony, gallery &/or terrace even though there is sultriness of
summer. Changing & washing of bed sheet, casing, pillow cover and
dusting & cleaning of the bedroom mainly & very cleverly taken up
by her only to disturb & to disorder the daily schedule of the other
members of her family otherwise everything remain as it is until she
allow other person of her family to do so. It is the most obviously
bizarre fact that no guest or other person can stay, sleep &/or get
relax at any place in her home as there always a heavy intolerable
grumbling during & after any such rare case.

The use of bathroom for the other members of her family always
should be according to her line of thinking starting from how to enter
to what to do after coming out. There always only one bucket & one
tumbler. She never allow any arrangement like small cupboard,
stand &/or hanger inside the bathroom that put across the cloths,
towels, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste, brushes, deodorant etc. & not
only that, no member of her family is allowed to take with him/her
their necessary cloths, towels & things as it is her monopoly to put
all such things in her own ways & manners at her own time & any
interruption to that flightiness always resulted in long term disorder
in the daily routine of all other members of her family. She of & all
use to engage herself inside bathroom not only to take bath but for
washing & cleaning & for some times very strange reasons to disturb
& torture the other members.

Generally, beautifully colored & decorated well furnished drawing-
room or a main hall with all required basic amenities & proper
lightings is always remains a place of happiness for every family,
wherein, all members use to exchange their pleasure & joy with each
other & with the guests & visitors. It not only reflects the taste of
living, education, custom & culture of a particular family but is a
symbol of amity & unity between all members. But it becomes
absolutely inverse in this case of such a vexatious & irksome woman
as she always use this place as her extreme weapon to create pains &
inconveniencies to all members of her family. She always remained
active either tactfully or forcibly to Interrupt & hinder all efforts
&/or arrangement that provide new look to this place & increase the
charm & comfort for the family members.

She always uses to disturb the entire sitting arrangement by blocking
a particular portion of a sofa at the entry side by using two or more
heaps of waste paper made of news papers, magazines, some
advertisement pamphlet & paper & polythene bags. She never allows
any member to use trivet, service table or such other similar things.
Most surprisingly such woman never allow any kind of use of
folding chairs not only in this room but at any place of the home
even though there is a big strength of guest on any occasion. She all
the time monopolies the entire room by seating there either holding a
news paper/book or by watching television & that way disturb &
interrupt any meeting, engagement & discussion not only between
the members of her family but with the neighbors, guest & other
outsiders who come to there for some necessary work.

Such stout and stupid woman is always in practice to interfere any
matter, concern & discussion of any member of her family with
anybody whether known or unknown, who ever he/she is & what so
ever their relation with her family member, in either abusive or
abundant, evasive, rude or insulting manner without any hesitation &
use to decide anything immediately even though in the absence of
the concerned member by keeping herself completely list concerned
with the outcome even if it would be a great break through, turning
point &/or a lifetime achievement for a particular family member. It
is very surprising that she always remained successful to prove either
the circumstances has compel her to reach up to that or the
concerned person was fully aware of that or very cleverly victimized
other member for that in all cases of failures, loss & sufferings of the
other family members.

Being a witchlike abnormal woman & supported greatly by the
entire negative energy of the universe such woman is always well
aware of all kinds & types of relations & each & every person that
comes in the contact of all her family member even for a moment.
And as such, she uses to create opprobrious situations since the very
first visit for all those who she found good, kind, helpful & of the
good nature & above to all can be able to bring prosperity & good
opportunities for any of her family member. She frequently neglects,
insult & fleer them & that way she either ends up their relation or
agitate a particular family member.

While at the other end, she extremely shrewdly, tactfully & cleverly
always in practice to provide full support to cunning, scheming,
perfidious, cheater & low profiled persons maintaining double
standards & uses to speak words with double meaning till such
relations proved harmful either financially or socially or both
physically & mentally to her family members. All common to all &
statutory relations of all family members are always maneuvered by
her in an oppressively pandering manner as her time pass. She
always uses all the concerned persons as a piece of her game plan &
some time utilizes many of them for some private matters.

Such woman always use to put a set of ladies dress at any time either
hidden somewhere in the kitchen in the box or container or under big
utensil, kept a side somewhere in the other places even inside of
empty washing machine or a home flourmill or intentionally
separated in a well arranged manner on the bed she generally never
allows any member to sleep. She always uses to keep one bucket
separated in the loft in the upsidedown manner continuously since
more than four decades without any proper explanation. It becomes
more surprising when a duly folded sari continuously kept retained
on the floor exactly under the head of a particular person under the
bed for more than three decades in spite of regular sweeping &
cleansing even though it relegated, burned off &/or destroyed by that
person for many times.

She also uses to keep some money in the form of notes & coins
especially some out of trend coins very suspiciously at many places
in out of use flower-vase or pot, tattered purse & small bundle or
packet made of ladies handkerchief. It is really very strange that no
one remained able to get satisfactory explanation till date for all
these necromancy & it is also a matter of great bad luck that no other
family member found interested to know the fact behind it. All these
had gradually turned all the other members of her family to live
insipidly by inferiority complex & dryness.

It is really very strange & mysterious that there always a problem
with either one or more home appliances like refrigerator, home
flourmill, washing machine, air conditioner, television, music system
& gas line or fire-pan/ oven/cooking stove, for which, she always
remained in practice to keep it continue as it is for more damage.
One or many wall clock, tube light & ceiling fan remained either
slow or failed or deteriorated was very obvious matter of her home
which is always shared by lizards, small & large red & black ants,
crickets, cockroach, spiders & its webs, mosquito & such other small
insects & creatures and most surprisingly there always one or two
pigeons well prepared to enter any room or kitchen.

Comparing similarity with the God created entire universe, I must
write that, her small universe is also full of uncertainty! There
always something unexpected with a continuation of unavoidable
circumstances that compel everyone to change their own previously
made decisions. All our hard work goes vain by an unexpected
bungling, & due to that, the triumph we about to achieve
automatically turns to other person.

There never any happiness even though the well determined goal is
achieved after tireless exertion only because at the end either we lost
the charm of the goal or our goal is changed. It seems very hard to
maintain constant interest in any things &/or subjects for a long
period. However having a higher working capacity & enthusiasm &
intelligence than the other there always a great weariness, disgust &
boredom. Dull mindedness & lacking of will-power on a huge level
compel us to ignore all aspects of our appearance count, style of
dressing, dine, living & behavior that unconsciously create an
internal collision in side of us. The continuous single sided push
toward the howe of failures & constant dissatisfaction force us to
hate our own self.

All our hard struggles towards earning money proved worthless
every time & we always have to squander away ever increasingly
more & more however we effort hard continuously only to gain
something. All our intelligence, dexterous & selection go vain & it
becomes highly impossible for us to maintain the internal balance of
our own self which have a concordance of mind, body & soul with a
one & only self-will that is to suffer at the end. We feel that the
development of our individuality is entirely stopped & we have to
live oppressed by all means surpassing all hopes, dreams &
aspirations of our life, wherein, bad habits, illness, social &
economical discomforts becomes a basic of all our discontents &
failures that make a long face our only habit. We never sleep
comfortably because of a continuous grief that we cannot live life by
our own wish & desires.

We always remain fail to maintain intimate relationship with

anybody & all our well established relations with a good person/s
always either ends up or became conflicting with a very trifling
reasons. There is a dearth of coordination between all members of
our family who always found uneasy, anxious, downhearted &
angry. All of them always found in a habit to victimize you by their
immediate & pungent reaction on any incidence &/or matter instead
of love & feeling resulting in constant variance, and as such, there is
no chance at all for any appreciation but we always criticized

Atmosphere around us break us from inside & we need to live by
coercing all pains & sufferings created by such atmosphere. There is
no possibility of any pleasant or exciting moments. We never can
enjoy any moments of joy &/or comfort either in a peace of mind or
in tranquility with our family members, on the contrary, none of us
can remain able to come out of the ongoing scratches made of
frustration & failure on our mind of all those events occurred with us
& other members of our family.

All these facts & truths is a destiny bound condition of life for one or
more persons of a family & in some cases for too many people of
their surrounding who never tightly hugged even by a small kid &
not only that they never remain able to exchange a single moment of
love till date even with a bird or an animal till their last breath. There
is no doubt at all that it is extremely worst & unexplainable living
condition beyond the imagination of the mankind towards the hell
living till date, however, many of us has to live by such an extreme
lifeless condition here on earth. In the name of our relationship, there
always a big strength over the globe that already faced, is facing &
will have to face either such an inauspicious woman or any such
similar one having only one motto of life that is to provide pains to
his/her surroundings.

Not only the one I am witnessing, a living body mass of less than
forty kilograms but such woman is still imparting this planet with all
her family members having no grief for the life they passed, no
neighbor has any complaint & not a single relative of her
surrounding has noted something abnormal, unusual & strange either
in her or any other member of her family. No criminal lawyer can
prove any such person guilty for making her/his surrounding a living

dead, no family court can avail compensation to all those whose
lives were ruined & spoiled, no society can provide justice to the
victims & since human being learned to live in group no civilization
remained able to provide any protection & prevention to any
member against such attacks from inside of family.

When I was young, while reading great epics of Hindu religions the
Ramayana & the Mahabharata, one question always occupy my
mind that why these many characters & deep narration of social
living are included by great saint & sage Maharshi Valmiki &
Mahrshi Vyas though they lived as ascetic? Today I am proud of
their true knowledge, hard research & deep sense towards the kinds
& types of persons, effects & outcome of their relationship on the
both sides & the reflection of the entire universe of their each &
every actions on the persons contacted to each other & their
surroundings. They admonished great message through their writings
that one family member or two-three maternal & paternal relatives or
five-six closely related intimates of our own surroundings are
enough to ruin & spoil our life, & that is why, we should always
judge & treat every person of our contact.

Because it always remain the most surprising fact of such dead
living with a constant minus going sore of my Eight P assessment
system fully under control of devil power or negative energy of the
universe that nobody can be able to prey God even for a moment,
until & otherwise, he/she is caringly turned to do so by the other
person. But we all know very well that life is not about finding our
self but it is all about creating our self, & therefore, the only thing
we must need is to prey even if it may bring death & even though we
lost our trust & faith & our prayer is not answered by the God.

A True Prayer & How to Prey

Because prayer means eulogy to praise the God, is a short visit with
the Supreme Godhead. It is a direct dialogue between our soul & the
Super Soul when it becomes a sentimental feeling that comes from
the deep of the heart. It is a great herb that increase physical &
mental power & produce new vitality. Prayer can bring change in the
situation as per the desire of the praying person & if not I am very
sure it can be able to change him or her entirely to bring a
remarkable change in the situation. Innumerable miracles are
narrated in the literature all around the globe that man of every
language, religion & society is always remained in practice to beg
something from the great Almighty by their prayers & the gracious
Lord always benignly blessed them all as per their desires by
accepting prayers from His devotees.

Prayers & benediction according to our scriptures wonderfully works
to receive an extraordinary blessing from the God. It is a proved fact
that prayer by especially well designed incantation definitely can be
able to generate a unique energy. A silent prayer included by a voice
of the inner being always connect us immediately to the God
because it is a ladder that provide true vicinity of the God.
Explaining the importance of the prayer Mahatma Gandhi said that
unlike to take bath everyday to clean & pure our body, prayer is
necessary to keep our soul holy, conscious & aware.

Sometimes our prayers cannot be answered at once. Just be patient to
wait for His own time of materializing it. For sure He will grant it to
us because we have faith and He loves us very much. Please do not
go the very common complaint from all most all people that our
prayers are not answered because since that moment our immediate
eventual response is to stop praying is our common to all tendencies.
We figure God is not going to respond, so we give up but what if the
reason God has not answered is because the time is not yet right or
the request is not the right one. What if He has answered and we just
have not recognized it? God's timing and His ways may be different
from what we hope for, because He can see the big picture and we
cannot. Wait for rather than ask Him to answer according to our
desires, we ought to pray that He answer according to His. When it
comes to unanswered prayer, rather than doubt God's wisdom, we

should question our own possibility we are somehow limiting God?

When God does not answer, that does not mean it is time to give up.
Instead, keep praying. Pray to have a teachable and willing heart.
Pray that we will be a vessel God can use and pray for God to fulfill
His plan even though we do not understand it. Please do not get tired
of praying. Do not get tired of talking to the Lord every day. He is
listening. Every time we open our lips, He knows beforehand of
what we want to tell Him, because He sees what is inside our heart.
He loves listening to every word that we are going to say. Keep on
believing in His power and love that will work on us & it will!
Keeps our faith burning each day! This is the confidence that we
have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will.

God is watching. Do not quit for if we may miss the answer to our
prayers. He is waiting for us. Everyone is experiencing it, not even
one is exempted to it. What we only do is to be strong and always
hope for the Lord that whatever is happens everything will be alright
because God is always for the rescue. Sometimes God may take time
to answer our prayers but be patient to wait for His time. He knows
what to do & He has plan for everything to happen in our life in His
own time.

A very common sentence we have heard from everybody that "If
only my circumstances were different, I would be so much happier".
We wish for a better job, house, or car. We complain about our
lucks, looks, limitations & for lot more in life. Perhaps our marriage
has encountered difficulties, our children make parenting a
challenge, our health is declining or perhaps our lives have been
shattered in some truly unimaginable way & in bewilderment, we
cry out, "God, why did you allow this to happen to me?" Why is God
sometimes silent in the midst of our suffering? Why is it that even
when we pray with the right motives and seek that which seems
good, there is no answer? When such situation occurs, the time when
God does not answer, than it is an opportunity we have to say, Dear
God I do not understand, but I trust you." It is this kind of
dependence and faith that God desires to build in us. It is king of
yoga situation, a great achievement of the life.

When it seems as though God is not hearing us, our perspective

should not be, "What can I do to get my prayer answered?" but
rather, "What might God be doing through this to draw me closer to
Him. Do not get tired of waiting God's answer to our prayers. God
has perfect time in granting all our prayers. Be patient as He sees
what is ahead of us & our future. He knows what is good or what is
bad on us so we just let Him control everything for our lives. We
must give our absolute trust on Him. He is our God anyway and our
master. He knows better than us so keep waiting, do not stop waiting
because everything has its own time, a Gods time. With our faith,
we cannot be dismayed. He will grant everything, all our prayers in
His glory!

Pray with me with this miracle prayer & our lives will be changed
forever. It can help us build our wonderful lives. Accept the God as
our Savior & have faith that after reading this prayer He will
transform our whole being & our lives. Look back and thank God.
Look forward and trust God. Look around and serve God. Look
within and find God because without God, our days of week are
Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday and
Sinday so allow Him to be with you every day!

Come, read everything of this prayer using your hearts that I am
going to do right now. Remember that this is not my own doing
alone but I beg you all to come now to God what so ever the name
(Jesus/Allah/Shiva/Krishna/Buddha/Mahavir/Nanakji) you used to
worship to help and give us more blessings, guidance, good health
and wonderful lives. I need your prayers for my family-the whole
universe is my family. I know this is a challenge of my faith & this
cannot let my faith down. Be my prayer partners & that way we will
pray for us, we will pray for the rest of many people in the world.
We will pray for each other every day and make a big difference in
each other's lives.

God will be very happy for these acts and I am cent percent sure, He
will answer all our prayers. He never ever tired on us. We kept on
sinning but He is still with us offering His salvation. He still loves us
in spite our failures and hard hearts. He is patient on us. If so, we
should be patient too like Him. One should learn to be humble now
and learn to be sensitive to other peoples feelings. The great all
mighty will love us more this way and give us more blessings.

Read this prayer using our hearts. If we are sincere and true, we can
feel some warmth feeling while reading this, when it touches our
every nerve. It means the holy power is working on us. When we
pray, we open a channel to the reservoir of God's almighty power.
Prayer may not change things for us but it, for sure, changes us for
everything. Lets go with it:

My dear God, You know me from head to toe.
You have seen everything that I did and will do in my future.
I know I am guilty. I did so many things that against your will.

My Lord, I am so tired already.
It seems I am living alone in this world full of miseries and pains and
a lot of chaos.
The devil is always dictating me what to do to harm myself and

My Lord, You are the only one who can help me out of this mess of
my life.

My Lord, I will accept you now as my Savior, my Conqueror,
Protector, Teacher, Healer and Giver of all gifts & everything that is

My Lord, I am sorry for all my sins.

My Lord, Let me provide strength & capability so that I can promise
not to do it again and can promise you to do your will beginning
today until the last breath of my life.

My Lord, Help me and take me out of this prison cell of my own self
and the world.

Please bring me to a place where I can see and feel the true
happiness that I never felt before.

Please embrace me in your arms

My Lord, I want to be loved by you. Please accept me in your love.
I want to live with you forever.

I will promise to tell everyone about your love and power.

O my Sweet and loving God, I praise your name and I shout out with
joy for your presence in my life, and for the anointing power of your
Holy Spirit which is helping me to go deeper in your truths and soar
higher in your power.

I turn my eyes to the heaven anticipating new wisdom and deeper
insights into your sacred truths.

I praise you more and more each day, I am becoming more confident
about whom I am in you and I praise you that the kingdom you are
establishing right now on this earth cannot be shaken.

My heart is flooded with joy knowing that your surrendered ones are
being used in mighty ways right now and that your strength and
power is being made available to each and every one of them.

Lord, do not let me remain where I am. Help me reach where you
want me to be.

Oh God, The Bestower of happiness, Thou are the Giver of life,
Remover of pain and sorrow,
Oh! Creator of the Universe, May we receive thy supreme sin-
destroying light,
May, Thou guide our intellect in the right direction,
Oh, Great Spirit whose voice I hear in the winds and whose breath
gives life to the entire world, hear me,
I am small and weak. I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold, the red and
purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made.
And my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught
my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than other but to fight my greatest
Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight
eyes, so when life fades as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to

you without shame.

Repeat these two prayers whenever you get a chance, wherever you
are & what so ever the course but before that understand it
meaningfully & try to follow it at your best.

Actually, God has never laid down any rule or system for us to prey.
Anyone can pray in any manner at any time, & that is why, I take an
opportunity to write here some abstract of a speech I ever heard
somewhere on the subject how to pray with a hope that it will
cleans away all your beliefs & myths about the way to pray.

Many years ago one day someone has decided to learn how to pray
& urged from the depth of the heart that Lord, please teach me how
to pray?
Lord I want to know exactly how to pray.
I need some words which ones are right?
Please tell me what to say.
Ive bowed my head & have knelt down, but should I be upright?
Ive closed my eyes & have raised my hands, should I fold it tight?
Do I stand up? Should I sit down? Dear, Lord what do you like?
Should I wear something or take it off or let it be between you &
Should I whisper or speak out loud?
What do you think about the time?
Do you prefer the daylight?
Should I pray in the night?
Should I pray fast or keep it slow?
Better short or long? Should you need some offering?
Im new at this what are the rules? I want to do it right.
How do I know youll even hear that & I am in your sight?

And while he sat there quietly, waiting for some sign, he heard a
gentle voice say,

"Oh, dearest child of mine do you think I really care about the time
of day or whether you are standing up or kneeling when you pray?

I dont care about your posture or about the place you choose just
open up your soul to me, I have no other rules.

Tell me what is in your heart and tell me what you seek.
Tell me of your sorrows and of those things that made you weak.
Speak to me in private about what concerns you most.
I know about your good deeds. You have no need to boast.

My child, you do not need lessons,
Just talk to me each day tells me anything you want.

Then after one day he asked God for instructions on how to live on
this earth.

God brought His voice close to his ear and said..

Be like the sun that arise early and do not go to bed late.
Be like the moon. Shine in the darkness but submit to the greater
Be like the birds. Eat, sing, drink and fly.
Be like the flowers, Loving the sun but faithful to their roots.
Be like the fruit where the outside is beautiful but has a healthy
Be like the day, which arrives and leaves without boasting.
Be like the oasis. That gives water to the thirsty.
Be like the firefly, although small, it casts it is on light.
Be like the water, Good and transparent.
Be like the river that always moving forward.
And above all things, be like the heaven, a home for God.

Present Naked Reality of God & Religion

If you still require a path or religion of your own choice, please dont
live me alone. Beyond to this point further I have tried my best to
serve you all those thoughts, ideas, sayings and massages spoken by
God &/or His agents & messengers, which are describes variedly at
innumerable religious scriptures only because I love you all & highly
desirous to be loved by you. I want you all to go through it all with
full of sportsman spirit very broad mindedly because while reading
this all, we are endeavoring life as an adventurer & not at all as a
rigid follower of any religion.

It is a proved fact that since inception of mankind all our previous
societies & civilization had tried best for the mass progressive
upliftment of their own & future generation. By the time, such
concept was than more & more developed, added & recorded as
scriptures & was passed on as a religion to their generations.
Presently we are having our own path & perception not by our own
choice but only because it is believed since many generation. Some
of us have no choice but it is forcefully adopted by his/her
surroundings. Many of us were & are, either by order or tactfully
utilized by some social & religious authorities for their own beliefs
& establishment. There are many who changed to particular religion
to gain the benefit of that religion, some of us compromised to
switch over to a new, some returned back to their previous one while
some have developed or established a new ideology &/or a path.

One should think for it in a way that there always a sun in the sky,
which is considered by us as Gods great gift of light, by which we
can find our way. Even at night, we have the moon for the same and
the stars for navigation. God gave other animals guidance systems
best suited for their conditions and needs. Migrating birds can
navigate, even on overcast days, by how light is polarized as it
passes through the clouds. Whales migrate by reading the Earths
magnetic fields. Salmon return from the open ocean to spawn at the
exact spot of their birth by smell. Fish sense distant movements
through pressure receptors that line their bodies. Bats and blind river
dolphins see by sonar. Certain marine organisms generate &
read magnetic fields, allowing them to see in muddy waters, or
in the blackness of ocean depths. Insects communicate by

pheromones. Plants sense sunlight and grow towards it & their roots
sense gravity and grow into the earth.

It means, God has gifted a guidance to all of His creations, therefore
we should seriously believe that we the human being also definitely
provided all necessary guidance on the one most important aspect of
our existence, that is our reason for being on this planet. It can be
different according to the person, place, time & necessity but we
should be assured that He gives us all the tools by which we achieve
salvation, serve Him at our best & can maintain our strong &
constant relationship with Him.

We should think on it also in a way that every product has
specifications and rules. We use to rely upon owners manuals for
more complex products, whose specifications and rules are not
intuitive. Such manuals are written by the one who knows the
product best, which is to say the manufacturer. A typical owners
manual begins with warnings about improper use, the hazardous
consequences thereof, moves on to a description of how to use the
product properly, the benefits to be gained thereby, provides product
specifications and a troubleshooting guide whereby we can correct
product malfunctions.

Similarly, the ultimate users manual, provided to us as guidance is
nothing but our own revelation that tells us what to do, what not to
do and why, tells us what God expects of us & shows us how to
correct our deficiencies. In the world we know, the products that
meet or exceed specifications are considered successful, whereas,
those product that fails to meet factory specifications is either
repaired or of the no use & goes to garbage, recycled or destroyed if
hopeless. Think on it seriously because here in this example, we are
the product, the product of creation and if there is no revelation
inside of us it is a very serious matter because there never can be a
mistake of God.

Do consider it with how we interact with the various items that fill
our lives. As long as they do what we want, we are happy with them
but when they fail us, we get rid of them. Some are returned to the
store, some donated to charity but eventually they all end up in the
garbage, which gets buried or burned. However nobody ever

considered the difference between heavenly delights & the tortures
of hellfire a laughing matter, we never individually tried to reach up
to an ultimate users manual while using all His products in our
everyday life!

Sometimes we have an erroneous conception in following the right
path but are sincere. A person can be sincere but also can be
sincerely wrong. All Holy Scriptures says there is a way that seems
right to a man but the end of it is the way of death. There are many
cases each year when someone jokingly points a gun at someone
else, sincerely believing it is empty. The gun goes off and the other
individual is killed, with the person pulling the trigger saying, I did
not know it was loaded. That person might be absolutely sincere in
the fact that he did not want to harm the other individual but there
are two points to be noted. One, He points a gun even though he was
aware that gun is an armament that able to kill anybody because after
all gun is a gun which is not a thing to use it jokingly. And two, he is
sincerely believed something that just was not true.

That means the first part of his action proves that he was not having
enough knowledge neither for the thing he was having nor for what
he is doing. While the second part of his action has proved that being
sincere in believing something the required measures were not
sincerely considered. Sincerity is not enough, if the object of belief
is not true, then, all the sincerity in the world will not bring that
person, who has been shot with the gun, back to life. Thus a religious
person has either no advantage or very little return for wrongly &/or
misguidedly worshiping the God, no matter how sincere. Always be
careful, check it twice and do not take a blind chance while deciding
a religion, book or a person in establishing & maintaining our
relation with the God.

If a person want to purchase something and the price is $4.00, it does
not matter whether he/she has $3.90, it is still short. If someone
believes the wrong thing, it does not matter how sincere he is but he
is ultimately short of what God requires. God sets the standard and
He will accept only those who come to Him through the way laid
down by Him. We are sinners who need help. A sinner is someone
who is separated from God, has chosen to go his own way and
cannot get back to God on his own because of his sin. Sin can be

simply characterized as our own self-centered pride and selfishness.
More specifically, sin is the violation of a holy Gods standard of
righteousness. The Bible says, The wages of sin is death Stop
sinning now, because sinning will separate us from God & such
separation means to stop receiving graces from Him. Live in
constant good life with God every day. We must own up to the fact
that we need a right path that accomplishes those entire requirements
of God from us.

Although, the word Religion 'Dharma' in name, but in real meaning
it is the call or invitation of humanity, the call of becoming fully
grown human being that should be a special kind of practice, by
which one can advance on the path of becoming fully grown human
being, through a systematic & true self-development program of
his/her own. This is an absolute self-recognizing inner instinct to be
flamed for consciousness towards the God, which can be achieved
only by our own efforts & not being used by the rules & regulations
of some other person/s, book/s &/or organization/s & vice versa.
Such effort is the only act that brings benefit to our soul in the future
courses of the life though performed in this life. Neither the money,
nor the wealth, nor the intimates nor our family members able to
come with us but the meritorious of our religious actions are the only
thing of our own ownership we become able to carry with us. It is
therefore, highly necessary for us to understand all aspects &
guidance truly & properly before selecting &/or adopting it as our
own path towards the God.

In fact, no religion is looking at a different reality of God (whatever)
& all of them are trying to describe the same reality but their
descriptions are built out of their own different experiences and
cultures. The different views of God held by different religions are
the closest with that particular culture and time can come to an idea
of the absolute reality of God and are helpful to the people of that
culture. It is also a universal fact that these ideas of God always
proved short to achieve the true reality of God because the
differences among the religions of the world are none other but the
various types of minds.

Moreover, humans do not have the mental ability to understand that
reality. Human knowledge is always partial and affected by the

standpoint of the person claiming that knowledge. There can never
be a single true knowledge, merely the aggregate of uncountable
different viewpoints because the universe is always changing, so
knowledge is always changing. God is inside every person, no matter
how wicked they appear and so everyone is capable of change. So
when we attribute properties to God we are actually making a false
analogy based on human ideas as there are different religions with
different ideas of God but it is the best that we can do!

Some people think very differently that religions and belief in God
fulfill functions in human society, rather than being the result of God
actually existing. It is nothing but a human being's consciousness of
the infinite. Human ideas about God were no more than the
projection of humanity's ideas about man onto an imaginary
supernatural being. Religious force is nothing other than the
collective & anonymous force of the clan & is something produced
by human society and had nothing supernatural about it. Religion
helps people to form close knit groups, in which they could find a
place in society. Religious rituals creates mental states in those
taking part which are helpful to the group but do not do anything
other than strengthen the beliefs of the group taking part and
reinforce the collective consciousness.

Some of us strongly believe that it is like a pain-killer but what is
needed is to cure the sickness, not sedate the patient. Religion is the
sigh of the oppressed creature, the feelings of a heartless world, just
as it is the spirit of unspiritual conditions. It is the opium of the
people that may encourage the people to believe something untrue. It
may prevent the people thinking in a rational and objective way &
force them to rely on outside authority, rather than becoming self-
reliant. For some time & at some place it wastes time, energy and
money & imposes irrational rules of good and bad behavior. It
obstructs scientific research & above to all religion divides people
and is a cause of conflict and war.

People called as Atheists argue that since religion is just a
psychological fantasy, human beings should abandon it so that they
can grow to respond appropriately to deal with the world as it is. One
of their theories was that religion stems from the individual's
experience of having been a helpless baby totally dependent on its

parents. The infant sees its parents as all-powerful beings that show
it great love and satisfy all its needs. This experience is almost
identical to the way human beings portray their relationship with
God. Apart from religious art and music, much religious wisdom and
scriptures, its charities and good works & human fellowship and
togetherness, mostly religion is best described as a mass-delusion
that reshaped reality to provide a certainty of happiness and a
protection from suffering.

As such, the veneration for all other religions was articulated by
Mahatma Gandhi as "After long study and experience, I have come
to the conclusion that all religions are true with some error in them.
All religions are almost as dear to me as my own Hinduism, in as
much as all human beings should be as dear to one as one's own
close relatives. My own veneration for other faiths is the same as
that for my own faith therefore no thought of conversion is

But the ultimate fact, the necked truth is, we have been in ignorance
since our birth, & as a result of it, though it is very surprising, all of
us are proudly interested to be recognized as a disciple, follower or a
devotee with the association &/or personality of our own choice,
instead to have our own direct relationship with God. While at the
other end, the same all the time highly rigged approach maintained
by all most all such individuals & organizations, places & books
who always claims their own way as true, proper & ultimate. It is
really unbearable for many of us. It is a great sad fact that 99.99
percent of such claimants from the both sides have never tried even
to inquire what else there is than they associated with & what is
going on with such other groups. On the contrary, many of them are
highly unaware of the facts & proceedings of their own God and
religion they use to follow!

None of them have taken any initiative till date to join their hands to
come under one roof by admitting facts, merits and ingenuities &
discharging all defects, odium & shortcomings of each others, on the
contrary, all those, openly & widely, keeps their owns separated
from the others & divides the people of the world in many groups
accordingly, due to which we have witnessed many communal riots
& wars and have to face disturbance again & again because

presently we are having many Gods by name, appearance &
complexion, wherein, many of us strongly believes that to connect
with the supreme Godhead we need his son, prophet, swami
priest, spiritual guide &/or some other same one that may able to
fulfill our wishes. I cannot understand, highly shocked & extremely
surprised why we have surrendered to such a system where many so
called mediums are there to get us be connected with the God?

I would dare to write that all present names, kinds, types & forms of
our so called God & religious activities is nothing but a product of
an art of communication skill of a human being. It is also the only
cause of the creation of these both sides. We can never claim &
prove the name of God & religion of a particular singular or a group
of other living thing if there is no communication among them &
between us & them. Life on earth follows only three rules those are
eat or be eaten, grow as long as possible & contribute progeny but
we human being became the supreme creature by having memories
of our past & can dream & hope for a future, however, we never
learnt from our memories and never dreamed for a common to all
name of God and religion!

Human being had differentiated various sounds that come out from
our mouth by the use of vocal cord as alphabets than vowels &
consonants than words & than as language. We than have had started
using this great gift of the God in exchanging our ideas, experiences,
opinions & expression with the use of some more special gifts of the
God that we can also read & write but unfortunately, reached up to
our present varied overviews towards God & religion. All these was
a millions of years long process where still today there is our longing
of happiness at one side & religious individuals, organizations,
places & books to earn many kinds of benefits & to establish their
supremacy at the other side, means it is very hard to finalize a
particular name of God & a single religion that able enough to
connect us with the God self.

Imagine that there is no word, no language & no communication,
means all books & writings become meaningless & stands as mare
nothing, then, is that become a case where there is no God &
religion? What if you visit a biggest religious place of your choice &
meet a person to whom your choice stands as great when there is no

communication? I am very sure that though the causes of visit for the
both sides would remain same, the outcome would definitely
different from what we generally get when the communication is in
force. All the present dealings & negotiations & so called business
would wipe off even though our longings of such particular place &
person, all other things & aspects remain same!

True awakening & the religious disciplines remains the main
attraction & ideology for all religions and very surprisingly is a
matter of their saying of every sites & seats and is written in the
memorandum of all most all religious and social organizations but
no one is died in the shock of their failure, no organization is
declared closed due to increase in crime in the surrounding area as
well as among the followers. No police station is till date removed
by the workmanship of any such persons or organizations or by an
opening of a religious place at anywhere on this planet.

I must write here a best example of highest level of consciousness.
When India got the independence, Mahatma Gandhi told to
prorogate the congress party as the goal is achieved-is the only
recorded examples that possess the power of God inside him since
the mankind existed. No present religious & social leaders & so
called beloved persons of our choice can reach up to this higher level
of consciousness. Actually beside show off all good, all their
departments in collision with each other work for higher & higher
growth in strength of followers, in the figure of income and in
numbers of establishments & locations, though, we all knows very
well that there is a similarity even in strength of latter in the name of
our religion & holy book. Temple, Church & Mosque are all 6 letter
word and Geeta, Bible & Quran are all 5 letter word.

Neither any social leader nor any government is there since
thousands of years to dare to stop these practices is a real tragedy of
the supreme creature of the universe. We never & I am very sure will
never think that how much money, time, energy, man-hours,
materials & skill are invested-wasted in my own opinion-for these
varied concept of our God & religion. The area of land presently
occupied in the name of God & religion is higher than the area of
land covered by the educational institutions all over the globe & if
surveyed properly stands as far more than the area covered by ten

big cities of the world with a productivity that is nothing but to
differentiate the people over the world for the sake of few
shopkeepers of the blessings as well as for many low profile players
of blind game, starving for their so called wishes & dreams at the
lowest point of their confidence!

A rough calculation of amount invested for making & purchasing of
written, printed & electronic material from a small pamphlet to a
book, cloth banner to a big advertising board, painting to sculpture,
calendar to a large photo & painting, audio & video cassettes, CDs &
DVDs, rings, wristlets, amulets, ribbons, scarves, T-shirts,
worshiping material (loose & as a box) & such other things for the
last thirty years can be the same for the purchase of all types & kinds
of study materials for all students of the world from kinder garden to
PhD for three centuries! One cannot reach up to an exact figure for
the money that spent, is spending & will be spent in the name of
various small and big occasions and celebrations over the globe
having both direct & indirect reference of the name of God &
religion. No one can prove me wrong in roughly assuming the
income of only one day of all seats and sites of this planet in the
name of God & religion and all activities pertaining to that is higher
than the budget figured out toward the expenses of defense of China
for one year!

These all is in addition to over thousands of persons & their families
involved in so called business in the name of God & religion found
in action 24x7 at a so called holly spot like a tiny pillar even in a
small village sessions below one hundred to a biggest religious place
of any big metro city including shrine, temple, tomb, mosque,
monastery, church etc. in the varied way in the name of religious
ceremonies according to the occasion, requirement, faith & paying
capacity of their customers to whom they use to call as their disciple,
visitor & host. Time is now ripped off to bring necessary change in
the qualities, perfectness & the appearance count of all these persons
who is either in charge of such place or is attuning the ceremonies,
otherwise, the future generation will lose their trust & faith even for
some required activities towards the God.

If we concerned only with the written material be prepared, aware &
sure that it is very similar to wine or a whisky, the more old it is the

more valuable, effective, meaningful & straight way sensible. Many
forms of the present written material are a complete change of
phrase as all it be used by their producing seats & sites for their own
interest hiding some realities & facts, representing new names,
places & matters familiar to their followers and with many kinds of
additions & deduction according to their planning & strategies,
which is sometimes fully contradictory to the actual.

Considering all these, devotion, service and contemplation remain
viable ways to transform our self, yet even the most devout people
fall into the trap of believing that they do not have to transform
themselves inwardly, that performing enough acts of devotion will
suffice or that doing charitable work among the poor and sick, or
thinking about God as often as possible, will be sufficient. The Lord
has warns us against this trap when He speaks, in parable form,
about seed that falls on waste ground and does not sprout. The seed
is His teaching that the waste ground is a mind unprepared to receive
the truth. What He does not elaborate upon is how waste ground can
be made fertile. We are neither hopeless nor fully realized in God.
We turn to many names because He understands the territory of the
unknown, the source not only of a messenger or a guru but of the
soul itself.

Because He is absolute, He wants total, unswerving devotion. We
should love the Lord, our God with our entire mind. In other words,
every thought must be of God and every action directed toward Him.
Such a teaching is unworkable except for the most pious of recluses.
The same holds true for the complete selflessness required on the
path of service and the total fixation on spirituality required on the
path of contemplation. But denying the world is a path to extinction,
which no one can advocate. Nor can we assume that the Lord wanted
us to annihilate our egos and personalities in the name of God. It is
more reasonable to assume that reaching heaven requires an
unfolding process.

There are various religions and systems of philosophy which claim
to endow human life with meaning but as a matter of fact, all it
suffer from certain inherent limitations although couch into fine-
sounding words their traditional beliefs and ideologies, theological
or philosophical. Believers, however, discover the limited range of

meaning and applicability of these words, sooner or later. They get
disillusioned and tend to abandon the systems, in the same way as
scientific theories are abandoned, when they are called in question
by too much contradictory empirical data.

When a system of spiritual interpretation turns out to be
unconvincing and not capable of being rationally justified, many
people allow themselves to be converted to some other system,
however, they find limitations and contradictions in the other system
also. In this unrewarding pursuit of acceptance and rejection what
remains for them is scepticism and agnosticism, leading to a fatuous
way of living, engrossed in mere gross utilities of life, just
consuming material goods. Sometimes, however, though rarely,
scepticism gives rise to an intuition of a basic reality, more
fundamental than that of words, religions or philosophic systems.

There can be no religion without words. Recorded religions are mere
heaps of verbiage. Religions show their true face in action, in silent
action. To know what man believes, watch how he acts. For most of
the people service of their bodies and their minds is their religion.
They may have religious ideas, but they do not act on them. They
play with them, they are often very fond of them, but they will not
act on them.

Actually by representing this necked reality, I want to attack all
those walls inside of your minds & hearts that separating you in the
name of God & religions. My very clear intention is to demolish &
destroy all castling & shields that covers religious path & perception
over the globe & in doing so I have no objection at all to become
enemy of all those persons who cannot accept & respect other
religious thoughts & ideologies because I want to love them being an
human. I have more pride & respect for human being than any
religion because human being is a reality & religion is a concept that
can be changed but the one who can change it is none other but the
human being itself. I intend to serve my own self by nourishing the
entire mankind with this new sense of happy living by creating the
real global integrity where there is no chance at all for any kind of
division on the bases of religion, cast, creed, color, region, idea &/or
an individual.

The Religions of the World

Here at this point, I have tried my best to cover all necessary
information of the major world religions, thoughts & establishments
as defined classically that followed by the human being. There also
are many other types & kinds of movements & organizations not
listed here which can be categorized as religions, thoughts &
establishments. Each description has been cared particularly so that
it is easy to read straight through all of them and get a general
impression of the diversity of spiritual paths humanity takes to live
the kind of life God wants. However anybody found anything
insufficiently narrated &/or a great many things have been omitted,
it is nothing but my bad luck. No omissions are intentional and
readers are encouraged to consult other resources on the web as well
as other books for more in-depth information.

At the best of my research & analytical skill I have tried my best to
reason out why & how the particular thought &/or idea of a
particular religion came in to existence for all religions with their
time of inception, geographical regions and latest strength of
followers by narrating all basics & fundamentals so as to make you
all enable to compare the same at your best. My greater aim is to
save us all from all those religious, social & political leaders,
individuals & organizations and our so called sites & seats who are
always eager to utilize us for their benefit in the name of God &
religion. My hope is with you that the content of this book will
surely prevent you to be victimized in any such manner. I am very
sure that this first ever endeavor of mine of this kind to provide all
necessary description all to gather at one place will definitely serve
my purpose to bring religious integrity on this planet & that is why, I
request you to go very deeply beyond this line:

CHRISTIANITY, (from the Ancient Greek Christianos and the
Latin suffix -itas) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on
the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and
other New Testament writings. It also considers the Hebrew Bible,
which is known as the Old Testament, to be canonical. Adherents of
the Christian faith are known as Christians. The mainstream
Christian belief is that Jesus is the Son of God, fully divine and fully
human and the savior of humanity. Because of this, Christians

commonly refer to Jesus as Christ or Messiah. Jesus' ministry,
sacrificial death and subsequent resurrection are often referred to as
the Gospel message ("good news"). In short, the Gospel is news of
God the Father's eternal victory over evil & the promise of salvation
and eternal life for all people, through divine grace.

Christianity is the most popular religion in the world with over 2
billion adherents. Worldwide the three largest groups of Christianity
are the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and
the various denominations of Protestantism. The Roman Catholic
and Eastern Orthodox patriarchates split from one another in the
EastWest Schism of 1054 AD and Protestantism came into
existence during the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century,
splitting from the Roman Catholic Church. As of the early 21st
century, Christianity has approximately 2.2 billion adherents.
Christianity represents about a third of the world's population and is
the world's largest religion. Christianity is the state religion of
several countries. Among all Christians, 37.5% live in the Americas,
25.7% live in Europe, 22.5% live in Africa, 13.1% live in Asia, 1.2%
live in Oceania and 0.9% live in the Middle East. Christianity has
played a leading & responsible role in shaping of Western

Christianity began as a Jewish sect in the mid-1st century.
Originating in the Levant region of the Middle East (modern Israel
and Palestine), it quickly spread to Syria, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor
and Egypt. It grew in size and influence over a few decades and by
the end of the 4th century had become the official state religion of
the Roman Empire, replacing other forms of religion practiced under
Roman rule. During the Middle Ages, most of the remainder of
Europe was Christianized, with Christians also being a sometimes
large religious minority in the Middle East, North Africa, Ethiopia
and parts of India. Following the Age of Discovery, through
missionary work & colonization, Christianity spread to the
Americas, Australasia, sub-Saharan Africa & the rest of the world.

The central tenet of Christianity is the belief in Jesus as the Son of
God and the Messiah (Christ). The title "Messiah" comes from the
Hebrew word, meaning anointed one & the Greek translation
Christos is the source of the English word "Christ". Christians

believe that Jesus, as the Messiah, was anointed by God as savior of
humanity and hold that Jesus' coming was the fulfillment of
messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. The Christian concept of
the Messiah differs significantly from the contemporary Jewish
concept. The core Christian belief is that through belief in and
acceptance of the death and resurrection of Jesus, sinful humans can
be reconciled to God and thereby are offered salvation and the
promise of eternal life.

The foundation of Christian theology is expressed in the early
Christian ecumenical creeds which contain claims predominantly
accepted by followers of the Christian faith. These professions state
that Jesus suffered, died, was buried and was resurrected from the
dead in order to grant eternal life to those who believe in Him and
trust Him for the remission of their sins (salvation). They further
maintain that Jesus bodily ascended into heaven where He rules and
reins with God the Father. Most denominations teach that Jesus will
return to judge all humans, living and dead & grant eternal life to His
followers. He is considered the model of a virtuous life and both the
revealer and physical incarnation of God.

Christians call the message of Jesus Christ the Gospel ("good news")
and generally adhere to the Ten Commandments. Christians believe
that God sent His Son to earth to save humanity from the
consequences of its sins. One of the most important concepts in
Christianity is that of Jesus giving His life on the Cross (the
Crucifixion) and rising from the dead on the third day (the
Resurrection). The Christian holy book is the Bible and consists of
the Old and New Testaments. Christians worship in churches. Their
spiritual leaders are called priests or ministers. Christian holy days
such as Easter and Christmas are important milestones in the
Western secular calendar.

According to the synoptic gospels, Christ generalized the law into
two underlying principles. The first is Hear, O Israel: The Lord our
God, the Lord is one and you shall love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with your entire mind and with
all your strength. While the second is you shall love your neighbor
as yourself. [Matthew 22:34-40][Mark 12:28-33] These are in fact
quotes from Deuteronomy 6:4 and Leviticus 19:18. Barnes' Notes on

the New Testament comments on these verses saying: "These
comprehend the substance of what Moses in the law and what the
prophets have spoken. What they have said has been to endeavor
(sic) to win men to the love of God and each other. Love to God and
man comprehends the whole (of) religion and to produce this has
been the design of Moses, the prophets, the Savior and the apostles."

According to the Gospels of Matthew & Luke, Jesus was conceived
by the Holy Spirit & born from the Virgin Mary. Little of Jesus'
childhood is recorded in the canonical Gospels, however infancy
Gospels were popular in antiquity. In comparison, His adulthood,
especially the week before His death, is well documented in the
Gospels contained within the New Testament. The Biblical accounts
of Jesus' ministry include His baptism, miracles, preaching, teaching
& deeds.

While there have been many theological disputes over the nature of
Jesus over the earliest centuries of Christian history, Christians
generally believe that Jesus is God incarnate and "true God and true
man" (or both fully divine and fully human). Jesus, having become
fully human, suffered the pains and temptations of a mortal man but
did not sin. As fully God, He rose to life again. According to the
Bible, "God raised Him from the dead", He ascended to heaven, is
"seated at the right hand of the Father & will ultimately return[Acts
1:911] to fulfill the rest of Messianic prophecy such as the
Resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment & final establishment of
the Kingdom of God.

Though there are many important differences of interpretation and
opinion of the Bible on which Christianity is based, Christians share
a set of beliefs that they hold as essential to their faith. Creeds (from
Latin credo meaning "I believe") are concise doctrinal statements or
confessions, usually of religious beliefs. They began as baptismal
formulae and were later expanded during the Christological
controversies of the 4th and 5th centuries to become statements of
faith. The Apostles' Creed remains the most popular statement of the
articles of Christian faith that are generally acceptable to most
Christian denominations that are creedal. It is widely used by a
number of Christian denominations for both liturgical and
catechetical purposes, most visibly by liturgical Churches of

Western Christian tradition, including the Latin Rite of the Catholic
Church, Lutheranism, Anglicanism and Western Orthodoxy. It is
also used by Presbyterians, Methodists and Congregationalists.

This particular creed was developed between the 2nd and 9th
centuries. Its central doctrines are those of the Trinity and God the
Creator. Each of the doctrines found in this creed can be traced to
statements current in the apostolic period. The creed was apparently
used as a summary of Christian doctrine for baptismal candidates in
the churches of Rome, wherein the main points are, belief in God the
Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Holy Spirit, the death,
descent into hell, resurrection and ascension of Christ, the holiness
of the Church and the communion of saints & Christ's second
coming, the Day of Judgment & salvation of the faithful.

The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical principles relating to
ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in Judaism and
most forms of Christianity. They include instructions to worship
only God and to keep the Sabbath and prohibitions against idolatry,
blasphemy, murder, theft and adultery. Different groups follow
slightly different traditions for interpreting and numbering them.

Christians consider the resurrection of Jesus to be the cornerstone of
their faith and the most important event in human history. Among
Christian beliefs, the death and resurrection of Jesus are two core
events on which much of Christian doctrine and theology is based
because they demonstrate that Jesus has power over life and death
and therefore has the authority and power to give people eternal life.
According to the New Testament Jesus was crucified, died a
physical death, was buried within a tomb and rose from the dead
three days later [Jn. 19:3031] [Mk. 16:1] [16:6]. The New
Testament mentions several resurrection appearances of Jesus on
different occasions to His twelve apostles and disciples, including
"more than five hundred brethren at once"[1Cor 15:6], before Jesus'
Ascension to heaven. Jesus' death and resurrection are
commemorated by Christians in all worship services, with special
emphasis during Holy Week which includes Good Friday and Easter

Christian theology suggests that although God's creation was perfect,

the Devil tempted the first man Adam and sin was brought into the
world. Everybody carries this original sin with them which separates
them from God, just as Adam and Eve were separated from God
when they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Jesus pays the
penalty for each individual's sin in order to right the relationship
between God and humanity, a relationship damaged by sin. Christ
accepted a difficult and undeserved death. This demonstration of
love in turn moves us to repent and re-unites us with God. The Son
of God took our nature, and in it took upon himself to teach us by
both word and example even to the point of death, thus binding us to
himself through love. Only Jesus can make satisfaction because He
is without sin. He is sinless because in the Incarnation God became

Christian churches accept and teach the New Testament account of
the resurrection of Jesus with very few exceptions. Some modern
scholars use the belief of Jesus' followers in the resurrection as a
point of departure for establishing the continuity of the historical
Jesus and the proclamation of the early church. Some liberal
Christians do not accept a literal bodily resurrection, seeing the story
as richly symbolic and spiritually nourishing myth. Arguments over
death and resurrection claims occur at many religious debates and
interfaith dialogues. Paul the Apostle, an early Christian convert and
missionary, wrote, "If Christ was not raised, then all our preaching is
useless and your trust in God is useless"[1Cor 15:14].

Modern Christian churches tend to be much more concerned with
how humanity can be saved from a universal condition of sin and
death than the question of how both Jews and Gentiles can be in
God's family. According to both Catholic and Protestant doctrine,
salvation comes by Jesus' death and resurrection. The Catholic
Church teaches that salvation does not occur without faithfulness on
the part of Christians & the converts must live in accordance with
principles of love and ordinarily must be baptized. Martin Luther
taught that baptism was necessary for salvation but modern
Lutherans and other Protestants tend to teach that salvation is a gift
that comes to an individual by God's grace, sometimes defined as
"unmerited favor", even apart from baptism. Christians differ in their
views on the extent to which individuals' salvation is pre-ordained
by God. Reformed theology places distinctive emphasis on grace by

teaching that individuals are completely incapable of self-
redemption but that sanctifying grace is irresistible. In contrast
Catholics, Orthodox Christians and Arminian Protestants believe that
the exercise of free will is necessary to have faith in Jesus.

The word trias, from which trinity is derived is first seen in the
works of Theophilus of Antioch. He wrote of "the Trinity of God
(the Father), His Word (the Son) and His Wisdom (Holy Spirit)".
Trinitarianism denotes those Christians who believe in the concept
of the Trinity. Almost all Christian denominations and Churches
hold Trinitarian beliefs. Although the words "Trinity" and "Triune"
do not appear in the Bible, theologians beginning in the 3rd century
developed the term and concept to facilitate comprehension of the
New Testament teachings Trinity. It refers to the teaching that the
one God comprises three distinct, eternally co-existing persons those
are the Father, the Son (incarnate in Jesus Christ) and the Holy
Spirit. Together, these three persons are sometimes called the
Godhead, although there is no single term in use in scripture to
denote the unified Godhead. In the words of the Athanasian Creed,
an early statement of Christian belief, "the Father is God, the Son is
God and the Holy Spirit is God and yet there are not three Gods but
one God". They are distinct from another & though distinct, the three
persons cannot be divided from one another in being or in operation.

The Trinity is an essential doctrine of mainstream Christianity.
According to this doctrine, God is not divided in the sense that each
person has a third of the whole, rather, each person is considered to
be fully God. The distinction lies in their relations, the Father being
unbegotten, the Son being begotten of the Father and the Holy Spirit
proceeding from the Father and (in Western Christian theology)
from the Son. Regardless of this apparent difference, the three
'persons' are each eternal and omnipotent. "Father, Son and Holy
Spirit" represents both the immanence and transcendence of God.
God is believed to be infinite and God's presence may be perceived
through the actions of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Since that time, Christian theologians have been careful to
emphasize that Trinity does not imply three Gods, nor that each
member of the Trinity is one-third of an infinite God. Trinity is
defined as one God in three Persons. A small minority of Christians

that reject the doctrine of the Trinity with various nontrinitarian
views, such as adoptionism or modalism, existed in early
Christianity, leading to the disputes about Christology.
Nontrinitarianism later appeared again in the Gnosticism of the
Cathars in the 11th through 13th centuries, in the Age of
Enlightenment of the 18th century and in some groups arising during
the Second Great Awakening of the 19th century.

Christianity, like other religions, has adherents whose beliefs and
biblical interpretations vary. It regards the Biblical canon, the Old
Testament and New Testament, as the inspired word of God. The
traditional view of inspiration is that God worked through human
authors so that, what they produced was what God wished to
communicate. The Greek word used to describe inspiration in 2
Timothy 3:16 is Theopneustos, which literally means "God-
breathed". Some believe that divine inspiration makes our present
Bibles "inerrant". Others claim inerrancy for the Bible in its original
manuscripts, though none of those are extant. Still others maintain
that only a particular translation is inerrant, such as the King James

Another view closely related is Biblical infallibility or Limited
inerrancy, which affirms that the Bible is free of error as a guide to
salvation but may include errors on matters such as history,
geography or science. The Books of the Bible, considered to be
inspired, among Judaism and the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant
churches vary, thus each define the canon differently, although there
is substantial overlap. These variations are a reflection of the range
of traditions and councils that have convened on the subject.

Every version of the Bible always includes books of the Tanakh, the
canon of the Hebrew Bible. This makes up what Christians regard as
the Old Testament. The Catholic and Orthodox canons, in addition to
the Tanakh, also include the Deuterocanonical Books, as part of the
Old Testament. These Books appear in the Septuagint but are
regarded by Protestants to be apocryphal. However, they are
considered to be important historical documents which help to
inform the understanding of words, grammar and syntax used in the
historical period of their conception. Some versions of the Bible
include a separate Apocrypha section between the Old Testament

and the New Testament. The New Testament, originally written in
Koine Greek, contains 27 books which agreed upon by all churches.

In antiquity, two schools of exegesis developed in Alexandria and
Antioch. Alexandrine interpretation, exemplified by Origen, tended
to read scripture allegorically, while Antiochene interpretation
adhered to the literal sense, holding that other meanings (called
theoria) could only be accepted if based on the literal meaning.
Catholic theology distinguishes two senses of scripture as the literal
and the spiritual. The literal sense of understanding scripture is the
meaning conveyed by the words of scripture.

The spiritual sense is further subdivided into the allegorical sense,
which includes typology. An example would be the parting of the
Red Sea being understood as a "type" (sign) of baptism [1Cor 10:2],
the anagogical sense, which applies to eschatology, eternity and the
consummation of the world, the moral sense, which understands the
scripture to contain some ethical teaching. Regarding exegesis,
following the rules of sound interpretation, Catholic theology holds
the injunction that all other senses of sacred scripture are based on
the literal, that the historicity of the Gospels must be absolutely and
constantly held, that scripture must be read within the "living
Tradition of the whole Church" and that "the task of interpretation
has been entrusted to the bishops in communion with the successor
of Peter, the Bishop of Rome".

Protestant Christians believe that the Bible is a self-sufficient
revelation, the final authority on all Christian doctrine and revealed
all truth necessary for salvation. This concept is known as sola
scriptura. Protestants characteristically believe that ordinary
believers may reach an adequate understanding of scripture because
scripture itself is clear (or "perspicuous") because of the help of the
Holy Spirit, or both. Martin Luther believed that without God's help
scripture would be "enveloped in darkness". He advocated "one
definite and simple understanding of Scripture". John Calvin wrote,
all who...follow the Holy Spirit as their guide, find in the scripture a
clear light." The Second Helvetic Confession, composed by the
pastor of the Reformed church in Zurich (successor to Protestant
reformer Zwingli) was adopted as a declaration of doctrine by most
European Reformed churches.

The end of things, whether the end of an individual life, the end of
the age, or the end of the world, broadly speaking is Christian
eschatology, the study of the destiny of humans as it is revealed in
the Bible. The major issues in Christian eschatology are the
Tribulation, death and the afterlife, the Rapture, the Second Coming
of Jesus, Resurrection of the dead, Heaven and Hell, Millennialism,
the Last Judgment, the end of the world and the New Heavens and
New Earth. Christians believe that the second coming of Christ will
occur at the end of time after a period of severe persecution (the
Great Tribulation). All who have died will be resurrected bodily
from the dead for the Last Judgment. Jesus will fully establish the
Kingdom of God in fulfillment of scriptural prophecies.

In Christian belief and practice, a sacrament is a rite, instituted by
Christ that mediates grace, constituting a sacred mystery. The term is
derived from the Latin word sacramentum, which was used to
translate the Greek word for mystery. Views concerning both what
rites are sacramental and what it means for an act to be a sacrament
vary among Christian denominations and traditions.

Most Christians believe that human beings experience divine
judgment and are rewarded either with eternal life or eternal
damnation. This includes the general judgment at the Resurrection of
the dead as well as the belief (held by Roman Catholics, Orthodox
and most Protestants) in a judgment particular to the individual soul
upon physical death
In Roman Catholicism, those who die in a state of grace, i.e., without
any mortal sin separating them from God but are still imperfectly
purified from the effects of sin, undergo purification through the
intermediate state of purgatory to achieve the holiness necessary for
entrance into God's presence. Those who have attained this goal are
called saints (Latin sanctus, "holy").

Some Christian groups, including Anglicans, Lutherans and
Seventh-day Adventists hold to mortalism, the belief that the human
soul is not naturally immortal and are unconscious during the
intermediate state between bodily death and resurrection. These
Christians also hold to Annihilationism, the belief that subsequent to
the final judgment, the wicked will cease to exist rather than suffer

everlasting torment. Jehovah's Witnesses hold to a similar view.

Justin Martyr described 2nd century Christian liturgy in his First
Apology (c. 150) to Emperor Antoninus Pius and his description
remains relevant to the basic structure of Christian liturgical

And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country
gather together to one place and the memoirs of the apostles or the
writings of the prophets are read, as long as time permits, then, when
the reader has ceased, the president verbally instructs and exhorts to
the imitation of these good things. Then we all rise together and
pray, and, as we before said, when our prayer is ended, bread and
wine and water are brought and the president in like manner offers
prayers and thanksgivings, according to his ability and the people
assent, saying Amen, and there is a distribution to each and a
participation of that over which thanks have been given and to those
who are absent a portion is sent by the deacons. And they who are
well to do and willing, give what each thinks fit and what is
collected is deposited with the president, who succors the orphans
and widows and those who, through sickness or any other cause, are
in want and those who are in bonds and the strangers sojourning
among us and in a word takes care of all who are in need.

Thus, as Justin described, Christians assemble for communal
worship on Sunday, the day of the resurrection, though other
liturgical practices often occur outside this setting. Scripture
readings are drawn from the Old and New Testaments but especially
the Gospels. Often these are arranged on an annual cycle, using a
book called a lectionary. Instruction is given based on these
readings, called a sermon, or homily. There are a variety of
congregational prayers, including thanksgiving, confession and
intercession, which occur throughout the service and take a variety
of forms including recited, responsive, silent, or sung. The Lord's
Prayer, or Our Father, is regularly prayed. The Eucharist (called
Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper) is the part of liturgical
worship that consists of a consecrated meal, usually bread and wine.
Justin Martyr described the Eucharist as:

And this food is called among us Eukaristia (the Eucharist), of which
no one is allowed to partake but the man who believes that the things
which we teach are true and who has been washed with the washing
that is for the remission of sins and unto regeneration and who so is
living as Christ has enjoined. For not as common bread and common
drink do we receive these but in like manner as Jesus Christ our
Savior, having been made flesh by the Word of God, had both flesh
and blood for our salvation, so likewise have we been taught that the
food which is blessed by the prayer of His word, and from which our
blood and flesh by transmutation are nourished, is the flesh & blood
of that Jesus who was made flesh.

Some Christian denominations practice closed communion. They
offer communion to those who are already united in that
denomination or sometimes individual church. Catholics restrict
participation to their members who are not in a state of mortal sin.
Most other churches practice open communion since they view
communion as a means to unity, rather than an end and invite all
believing Christians to participate.

Some groups depart from this traditional liturgical structure. A
division is often made between "High" church services,
characterized by greater solemnity and ritual & "Low" services, but
even within these two categories there is great diversity in forms of
worship. Seventh-day Adventists meet on Saturday, while others do
not meet on a weekly basis. Charismatic or Pentecostal
congregations may spontaneously feel led by the Holy Spirit to
action rather than follow a formal order of service, including
spontaneous prayer. Quakers sit quietly until moved by the Holy
Spirit to speak. Some Evangelical services resemble concerts with
rock and pop music, dancing, and use of multimedia. For groups
which do not recognize priesthood distinct from ordinary believers
the services are generally led by a minister, preacher, or pastor. Still
others may lack any formal leaders, either in principle or by local
necessity. Some churches use only a cappella music, either on
principle or by tradition.

Worship can be varied for special events like baptisms or weddings
in the service or significant feast days. In the early church, Christians
and those yet to complete initiation would separate for the

Eucharistic part of the worship. In many churches today, adults and
children will separate for all or some of the service to receive age-
appropriate teaching. Such children's worship is often called Sunday
school or Sabbath school (Sunday schools are often held before
rather than during services).

Baptism is the ritual act, with the use of water, by which a person is
admitted to membership of the Church. There are different views on
whether the act has any spiritual significance, Catholic and Eastern
Orthodox churches as well as Lutherans and Anglicans hold to the
doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration, which affirms that baptism
creates or strengthens a persons faith, and is intimately linked to
salvation, while others simply acknowledge it as a purely symbolic
act, an external public declaration of the inward change which has
taken place in the person. Secondly, there are differences of opinion
on the methodology of the act.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "Prayer is the
raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good
things from God". The Book of Common Prayer in the Anglican
tradition is a guide which provides a set order for church services,
containing set prayers, scripture readings and hymns or sung Psalms.
Intercessory prayer is prayer offered for the benefit of other people.
There are many such prayers recorded in the Bible, included prayers
of the Apostle Peter on behalf of sick persons[Acts 9:40] and by
prophets of the Old Testament in favor of other people.[1Ki 17:19
22] The effectiveness of prayer in Christianity derives from the
power of God rather than the status of the one praying.

In subsequent Christian traditions, certain physical gestures are
emphasized, including medieval gestures such as genuflection or
making the sign of the cross. Kneeling, bowing and prostrations are
often practiced in more traditional branches of Christianity.
Frequently in Western Christianity the hands are placed palms
together and forward as in the feudal commendation ceremony. At
other times the older orans posture may be used, with palms up and
elbows in.

The cross, which is today one of the most widely recognized
symbols in the world, was used as a Christian symbol from the

earliest times. Tertullian, in his book De Corona, tells how it was
already a tradition for Christians to trace repeatedly on their
foreheads the sign of the cross. Although the cross was known to the
early Christians, the crucifix did not appear in use until the 5th
century. The fish was depicted as a Christian symbol in the first
decades of the 2nd century & it would seem, to the famous acrostic
consisting of the initial letters of five Greek words forming the word
for fish (Ichthys), which clearly described the character of Christ and
the claim to worship of believers.

Christians from the very beginning adorned their tombs with
paintings of Christ, of the saints, of scenes from the Bible and
allegorical groups. The catacombs are the cradle of all Christian art.
Other major Christian symbols include the chi-rho monogram, the
dove (symbolic of the Holy Spirit), the sacrificial lamb (symbolic of
Christ's sacrifice), the vine (symbolizing the necessary
connectedness of the Christian with Christ) and many others.

JUDAISM is the original of the three Abrahamic faiths, which also
includes Christianity and Islam. There were around 13.1 million
Jewish people in the world, most residing in the USA and Israel.
Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i faith all originated with a
divine covenant between the God of the ancient Israelites and
Abraham around 2000 BCE. The next leader of the Israelites, Moses,
led his people out of captivity in Egypt and received the Law from
God. Joshua later led them into the Promised Land where Samuel
established the Israelite kingdom with Saul as its first king. King
David established Jerusalem and King Solomon built the first temple
there. In 70 CE the temple was destroyed and the Jews were
scattered throughout the world until 1948 when the state of Israel
was formed.

Jews believe in one creator who alone is to be worshipped as
absolute ruler of the universe. He monitors peoples activities and
rewards good deeds & punishes evil. The Torah was revealed to
Moses by God and cannot be changed though God does
communicate with the Jewish people through prophets. Jews believe
in the inherent goodness of the world and its inhabitants as creations
of God and do not require a savior to save them from original sin.
They believe they are God's chosen people and that the Messiah will

arrive in the future, gather them into Israel, there will be a general
resurrection of the dead and the Jerusalem Temple destroyed in 70
CE will be rebuilt.

Judaism originated in the Middle East over 3500 years ago & was
founded by Moses, although Jews trace their history back to
Abraham. In exchange for all the good that God has done for the
Jewish people, Jewish people keep Gods laws and try to bring
holiness into every aspect of their lives. Judaism has a rich history of
religious text but the central and most important religious document
is the Torah. Jewish traditional or oral law, the interpretation of the
laws of the Torah, is called halakhah. Spiritual leaders are called
Rabbis. Jews worship in Synagogues. There are many people who
identify themselves as Jewish without necessarily believing in, or
observing, any Jewish law.

JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES are members of a Christian-based
religious movement founded in the USA towards the end of the 19th
century, under the leadership of Charles Taze Russell with its
headquarters in New York. There are about 6.9 million active
Witnesses in 235 countries in the world. Members of the movement
are probably best known for their door-to-door evangelical work,
witnessing from house to house, offering Bible literature and
recruiting and converting people to the truth. Although Christian-
based, the group believes that the traditional Christian Churches
have deviated from the true teachings of the Bible and do not work
in full harmony with God.

Jehovah's Witnesses base their beliefs only on the text of the Bible
and ignore "mere human speculations or religious creeds." They
believe that the Bible is the Word of God and consider its 66 books
to be divinely inspired and historically accurate & reject the sinful
values of the secular world and maintain a degree of separation from
non-believers - they are "in the world" but not "of the world".

MORMONISM has been present in the UK since 1837 & The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was founded in 19th
century America by Joseph Smith and has 13.5 million members
world-wide. It was then developed by Brigham Young who migrated
with the new Mormons to Salt Lake City in 1847. Mormons believe

their church is a restoration of the Church as conceived by Jesus and
that the other Christian churches have gone astray. They believe that
God has a physical body, is married and can have children. They
also believe that humans can become Gods in the afterlife. Mormons
are strongly focused on traditional family life and values who oppose
abortion, homosexuality, unmarried sexual acts, pornography,
gambling, tobacco, consuming alcohol, tea, coffee and the use of

ISLAM is an Arabic word, a verbal noun originating from the tri-
literal root s-l-m which forms a large class of words mostly relating
to concepts of wholeness, completion & bonding/joining. In a
religious context it means "voluntary submission to God". Muslim,
the word for an adherent of Islam, is the active participle of the same
verb of which Islam is the infinitive.

Muslims are those who willfully submit to and actively obey God,
living in accordance with His message. They believe that God is one
& incomparable & the purpose of existence is to love & serve God
and that Islam is the complete & universal version of a primordial
faith that was revealed at many times & places before, including
through Abraham, Moses & Jesus, whom they consider prophets.
They maintain that previous messages & revelations have been
partially changed or corrupted over time but consider the Qur'an to
be both the unaltered & the final revelation of God. Religious
concepts & practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are
basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship and following Islamic
law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society,
providing guidance on multifarious topics from banking and welfare
to warfare and the environment.

Followers of Islam believe that the original source of Islam is as old
as the first human in this universe because as per them, Adam
followed Islam, in that he directed worship to God alone and none
else and abided by His commandments. But through the passage of
time and the dispersal of humanity throughout the earth, people
strayed from this message and began directing worship to others
instead of or along with God. Some took to worshipping the pious
who passed away amongst them while others took to worshipping
spirits and forces of nature. It was then that God started to send

messengers to humanity steering them back to the worship of God
Alone, which accorded to their true nature, and warning them of the
grave consequences of directing any type of worship to others
besides Him.

The first of these messengers was Noah, who was sent to preach this
message of Islam to His people, after they had started to direct
worship to their pious forefathers along with God. Noah called His
people to leave the worship of their idols and ordered them to return
to the worship of God Alone. Some of them followed the teachings
of Noah, while the majority disbelieved in Him. Those who followed
Noah were followers of Islam or Muslims, while those that did not,
remained in their disbelief and were seized with a punishment for
doing so. After Noah, God sent messengers to every nation who had
strayed from the Truth, to steer them back to it. This Truth was the
same throughout time that to reject all objects of worship and to
direct all worship without exception to God and none else, the
Creator and Lord of all and to abide by His commandments.

God sent specific messengers to specific nations for a specific time
period according to the difference of each nation in regards to their
way of life, language and culture. To the Kingdom of Babylon, He
sent Abraham, one of the earliest and greatest prophets, who called
His people to reject the worship of the idols to which they were
devoted. He called them to Islam but they rejected him and even
tried to kill Him. God put Abraham through many tests and He
proved true to all of them. For His many sacrifices, God proclaimed
that He would raise from amongst His progeny a great nation and
choose prophets from amongst them. Whenever people from His
progeny started to stray away from the Truth, which was to worship
none but God alone and to obey His commandments, God sent them
another messenger steering them back to it.

Many prophets were sent amongst the progeny of Abraham, such as
His two sons Isaac and Ishmael, along with Jacob (Israel), Joseph,
David, Solomon, Moses, and of course, Jesus, to mention a few,
from amongst the messengers came with the same message, was
Muhammad, from the progeny of Ishmael, the son of Abraham, who
was sent as a messenger in succession to Jesus, may the mercy and
blessings of God be upon all of Them. Muhammad preached the

same message of Islam as the previous prophets and messengers, to
direct all worship to God Alone and none else and to obey His
commandments, in which the followers of the previous prophets
went astray. Muslim believes that the Prophet Muhammad was not
the founder of any new religion, as many people mistakenly think,
but He was sent as the Final Prophet of Islam & by revealing His
final message to Muhammad, which is an eternal and universal
message for all of mankind, God finally, fulfilled the covenant that
He made with Abraham.

Just as it was incumbent upon the those who were alive to follow the
message of the last of the succession of prophets which was sent to
them, it becomes incumbent upon all of humanity to follow the
message of Muhammad. God promised that this message would
remain unchanged and fit for all times and places. Suffice is it to say
that the way of Islam is the same as the way of the prophet Abraham
because both the Bible and the Quran portray Abraham as a towering
example of someone who submitted Himself completely to God and
directed worship to Him alone and none else & without any

Though it is very controversial, but many followers of Islam believes
that once this is realized, it should be clear that Islam has the most
continuous and universal message of any religion because all
prophets and messengers were Muslims, in a wide & justified
overview of those who submitted to Gods will and they preached
Islam, in a meaning of their submission to the will of Almighty
God by worshipping Him Alone and obeying His commandments. In
this way, the Ultimate Truth of Islam stands on solid ground and its
unshakeable belief in the Unity of God is above reproach. Muslim
believes that if Islam were presented in the proper way to the world,
it surely might make many people reconsider and re-evaluate their
own beliefs. It is quite likely that when they find out that there is a
universal religion in the world that teaches people to worship and
love God, while also practicing Pure Monotheism, would at least feel
that they should re-examine the basis for their own beliefs and

The core beliefs of Islam are that there is only one God, unitary and

beyond comprehension, & that Muhammad is the prophet of God,
the last in a series of prophets beginning with Adam. The Qur'an is
upheld as the eternal, literal word of God & revelations to earlier
prophets, as seen in the Jewish Torah and Christian Gospels, are
believed to have become distorted by human intervention. Muslims
believe that the Quran was revealed to Muhammad through the
angel Gabriel. Belief in angels as Gods servants is part of the
Islamic tradition which is fundamental to the faith of Islam. The
Arabic word for angel malak means "messenger". According to the
Qur'an, angels do not possess free will and worship God in total
obedience. Their duties include communicating revelations from
God, glorifying God, recording every person's actions & taking a
person's soul at the time of death. They are also thought to intercede
on man's behalf. The Qur'an describes angels as "messengers with
wingstwo, or three, or four pairs, He (God) adds to Creation as He

Belief in the Day of Judgment, when all people will undergo bodily
resurrection & be judged by God, is another core tenet. While Sunni
and Shia Muslims adhere to these basic beliefs, Shia also believes
in the Imamate, the line of infallible spiritual & political leaders who
succeeded Muhammad, beginning with his cousin and son-in-law,
Ali. Islam's most fundamental concept is a rigorous monotheism,
called tawhid. God is described in chapter 112 of the Qur'an as "Say:
He is God, the One and Only, God, the Eternal, Absolute, He
begetteth not, nor is He begotten and there is none like unto Him."
(112:1-4) Muslims repudiate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and
divinity of Jesus, comparing it to polytheism but accept Jesus as a
prophet. In Islam, God is beyond all comprehension & Muslims are
not expected to visualize God. He is described & referred to by
certain names or attributes, the most common being Al-Rahman,
meaning "The Compassionate" and Al-Rahim, meaning "The

Muslims believe that creation of everything in the universe is
brought into being by Gods sheer command Be and so it is and
that the purpose of existence is to love & serve God. He is viewed as
a personal God who responds whenever a person in need or distress
calls Him. There are no intermediaries, such as clergy to contact God
who states "We are nearer to Him than (His) jugular vein". Allah is

the term with no plural or gender used by Muslims & Arabic-
speaking Christians and Jews to reference God, while Ilah is the term
used for a deity or a God in general. Other non-Arab Muslims might
use different names as much as Allah, for instance "Tanr" in
Turkish or "Khoda" in Persian.

Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have
about Islam have to do with the word Allah. For various reasons,
many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different
God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false, since Allah is
simply the Arabic word for God and there is only one God. It is
the same word that Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews use for
God. There is no doubt, Muslims worship the God of Noah,
Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus, however, it is certainly true that
Jews, Christians and Muslims all have different concepts of
Almighty God. Muslims, like Jews, reject the Christian beliefs of the
Trinity and the Divine Incarnation.

This, however, does not mean that each of these three religions
worships a different God because Judaism, Christianity and Islam all
claim to be Abrahamic Faiths and all of them are also classified as
monotheistic & as there is only one true God. However, Islam
teaches that other religions have, in one way or another, distorted
and nullified a pure and proper belief in Almighty God by neglecting
His true teachings and mixing them with man-made ideas. More
importantly, it should also be noted that the Arabic word Allah
contains a deep religious message due to its root meaning and origin.
This is because it stems from the Arabic verb taallaha (or alaha),
which means to be worshipped. Thus in Arabic, the word Allah
means The One who deserves all worship. This, in a nutshell, is
the Pure Monotheistic message of Islam.

Muslims identify the prophets of Islam as those humans chosen by
God to be His messengers. According to the Qur'an, the descendants
of Abraham & Imran were chosen by God to bring the "Will of God"
to the peoples of the nations. Muslims believe that prophets are
human & not divine, though some are able to perform miracles to
prove their claim. Islamic theology says that all of God's messengers
preached the message of Islam, submission to the will of God. The
Qur'an mentions the names of numerous figures considered prophets

in Islam including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses & Jesus among
others. Muslims believe that God finally sent Muhammad (Seal of
the Prophets) to convey the divine message to the whole world that
to sum up & to finalize the word of God.

In Islam, the "normative" example of Muhammad's life is called the
Sunnah, literally "trodden path". This example is preserved in
traditions known as hadith ("reports"), which recount His words, His
actions and His personal characteristics. Hadith Qudsi is a sub-
category of hadith, regarded as the words of God repeated by
Muhammad differing from the Quran in that they are "expressed in
Muhammad's words", whereas the Quran are the "direct words of
God". The classical Muslim jurist Ash-Shafii emphasized the
importance of the Sunnah in Islamic law & Muslims are encouraged
to emulate Muhammad's actions in their daily lives. The Sunnah is
seen as crucial to guiding interpretation of the Qur'an. Six of these
collections, compiled in the 3rd century AH (9th century CE), came
to be regarded as especially authoritative by the largest group in
Islam, the Sunnites. Another large group, the Shiah, has its own
adith contained in four canonical collections.

The Islamic holy books are the records which most Muslims believe
were dictated by God to various prophets. Muslims believe that parts
of the previously revealed scriptures, the Tawrat (Torah) & the Injil
(Gospels), had become distorted, either in interpretation, in text, or
both. The Qur'an (literally, Reading or Recitation) is viewed by
Muslims as the final revelation and literal word of God and is widely
regarded as the finest piece of literature work in the Arabic language.
Muslims believe that the verses of the Qur'an were revealed to
Muhammad by God through the archangel Gabriel on many
occasions between 610 CE until His death on June 8, 632 CE. While
Muhammad was alive, all of these revelations were written down by
His companions (sahabah), although the prime method of
transmission was orally through memorization. After the death of
Muhammad, it was compiled in the time of Abu Bakr, the first caliph
and was standardized under the administration of Uthman, the third

The Qur'an is divided into 114 suras, or chapters, which combined,
contain 6,236 ayat, or verses. The chronologically earlier suras,

revealed at Mecca, are primarily concerned with ethical and spiritual
topics. The later Medinan suras mostly discuss social and moral
issues relevant to the Muslim community. The Qur'an is more
concerned with moral guidance than legal instruction & is
considered the "sourcebook of Islamic principles and values".
Muslim jurists consult the hadith or the written record of Prophet
Muhammad's life, to both supplement the Qur'an & assist with its
interpretation. The science of Qur'anic commentary & exegesis is
known as tafsir.

Believers demonstrate submission to God by serving God and
following His commands & rejecting polytheism. The word
sometimes has distinct connotations in its various occurrences in the
Qur'an. In some verses (ayat), there is stress on the quality of Islam
as an internal conviction "Whomsoever God desires to guide, He
expands His breast to Islam". Other verses connect Islam and din
(usually translated as "religion") "Today, I have perfected your
religion (din) for you, I have completed My blessing upon you, I
have approved Islam for your religion". Still others describe Islam as
an action of returning to God, more than just a verbal affirmation of
faith. Another technical meaning in Islamic thought is as one part of
a triad of Islam, iman (faith) and ihssn (excellence) where it
represents acts of service (ibadah) & Islamic law (sharia).

When Muslims speak in the abstract about "the Qur'an", they usually
mean the scripture as recited in Arabic rather than the printed work
or any translation of it. To Muslims, the Qur'an is perfect only as
revealed in the original Arabic. Translations are necessarily deficient
because of language differences, the fallibility of translators & the
impossibility of preserving the original's inspired style. Translations
are therefore regarded only as commentaries on the Qur'an or
"interpretations of its meaning", not as the Qur'an itself.

The words Islam, Muslim and salaam (peace) all come from the
Arabic root word Sa - la ma. It denotes peace, security, and
safety. When a person submits to the will of God he or she
experiences an innate sense of security and peacefulness. Salaam is a
descriptive word that entails more than tranquility and calmness that
also encompasses the concepts of safety, security and submission. In

fact, Islam in the complete sense means submission to the One God
who grants us safety, security, peace and harmony. This is real
peace. Muslims greet each other with the words Assalam Alaikum.
These Arabic words mean May God grants you protection and
security (real and lasting peace). This greeting encourages believers
to be a worldwide community unencumbered by tribal or
nationalistic loyalties and bound together by peace and unity. Islam
itself is inherently associated with inner peace and tranquility.

Islam teaches us and God reminds us in the Quran that our sole
purpose in life is to worship Him. The first principle and focal point
of Islam is belief in one God and the whole of the Quran is dedicated
to this that speaks directly about God and His Essence, Names,
Attributes and Actions. Prayer connects us to God, however truly
knowing and understanding the Names and Attributes of God is an
important and unique opportunity, one that is only available in Islam.
Those who do not make the effort to really know God may find the
nature of their existence puzzling or even distressing. A Muslim is
encouraged to remember God and be grateful to Him and a person
can do this by contemplating and understanding Gods beautiful
Names and Attributes. It is through this that we are able to know our

Islam recognizes that human beings are the custodians of the earth
and all that is on it, including vegetation, animals, oceans, rivers,
deserts, and fertile land. God provides us with the things we need to
survive successfully and flourish but we are obligated to care for
them and preserve them for future generations. Another beautiful
aspect of Islam is respect for humanity and the universe in which we
live. Islam states clearly that it is the responsibility of each member
of the human race to treat creation with respect, honor and dignity.

The most deserving of respect is the Creator Himself and of course
respect begins with loving and obeying His commandments. Total
respect for God allows all the manners and high standards of
morality that are inherent in Islam to flow into our lives and the lives
of those around us. Because Islam binds respect to peace, love and
compassion this involves respecting the honor, reputation and
privacy of others. Respect involves staying completely away from
the major sins of backbiting, lying, slander, and gossip. It means

avoiding sins that will sow discord among the people or lead to

All practicing Muslims accept belief in the Six Articles of Faith
and are obliged to follow the Five Pillars those are:

1. Muslim profession of faith or shahada.
2. Ritual Prayer or salah.
3. Obligatory Charity or zakah.
4. Fasting or sawm.
5. Pilgrimage or hajj.

The First Pillar, Muslim Profession of Faith and in Arabic word the
Shahada means testimony that is to testify to two things, nothing
deserves worship except God and Muhammad is the messenger of
God. One becomes a Muslim by making this simple declaration.
Muslims say this when they wake up in the morning and before they
go to sleep at night. It is repeated five times in the call to prayer in
every mosque. A person who utters the shahada as their last words
in this life has been promised Paradise.

The first part of this testimony states that God has the exclusive right
to be worshipped inwardly and outwardly, by ones heart and limbs.
In Islamic doctrine, not only can no one be worshipped apart from
Him, absolutely no one else can be worshipped along with Him. He
has no partners or associates in worship. Gods right to be
worshipped is the essential meaning of Islams testimony of faith. It
is the crux of Islamic belief in God, even all of Islam. It is
considered the central message of all prophets and messengers sent
by God. But by a mere verbal profession alone, one does not become
a complete Muslim & for that one has to fully carry out in practice
the instruction given by Prophet Muhammad as ordained by God.
This brings us to the second part of the testimony that He is the
Messenger of God (Allah).

Muhammad was born in Mecca in Arabia in the year 570 CE. His
ancestry goes back to Ishmael, a son of Prophet Abraham. The
second part of the confession of faith asserts that He is not only a
prophet but also a messenger of God, a higher role also played by
Moses & Jesus before Him. Like all prophets before Him, He was a

human being but chosen by God to convey His message to all
humanity rather than one tribe or nation from among the many that
exist. For Muslims, Muhammad brought the last & final revelation.
In accepting Muhammad as the last of the prophets, they believe
that His prophecy confirms & completes all of the revealed
messages, beginning with that of Adam. In addition, Muhammad
serves as the preeminent role model through His life example. The
believers effort to follow Muhammads example reflects the
emphasis of Islam on practice and action.

The Second Pillar of Islam, The Prayer or Salah is the daily ritual
prayer enjoined upon all Muslims as one of the five Pillars of Islam.
It is performed five times a day by all Muslims. Salah is a precise
worship, different from praying on the inspiration of the moment.
Muslims pray or, perhaps more correctly, worship five times
throughout the day between first light and sunrise, after the sun has
passed the middle of the sky, between mid-afternoon and sunset,
between sunset and the last light of the day & between darkness and
midnight. Each prayer may take at least 5 minutes but it may be
lengthened as a person wishes. Muslims can pray in any clean
environment, alone or together, in a mosque or at home, at work or
on the road, indoors or out. Under special circumstances, such as
illness, journey or war, certain allowances in the prayers are given to
make their offering easy.

Having specific times each day to be close to God helps Muslims
remain aware of the importance of their faith and the role it plays in
every part of life. Muslims start their day by cleaning themselves and
then standing before their Lord in prayer. The prayers consist of
recitations from the Quran in Arabic and a sequence of movements
those are standing, bowing, prostrating and sitting. All recitations
and movements express submission, humility and homage to God.
The various postures Muslims assume during their prayers capture
the spirit of submission & the words remind them of their
commitments to God. The prayer also reminds one of belief in the
Day of Judgment and of the fact that one has to appear before his or
her Creator and give an account of their entire life.

In the course of the day, Muslims dissociate themselves from their
worldly engagements for a few moments and stand before God

which brings to mind once again the real purpose of life. These
prayers serve as a constant reminder throughout the day to help keep
believers mindful of God in the daily stress of work, family, and
distractions of life. It strengthens faith, dependence on God and puts
daily life within the perspective of life to come after death and the
last judgment. As they prepare to pray, Muslims face Mecca, the
holy city that houses the Kaaba (the ancient place of worship built by
Abraham and His son Ishmael). At the end of the prayer, the
shahada (testimony of faith) is recited and the greeting of peace,
Peace be upon all of you and the mercy and blessings of God, is
repeated twice.

Though individual performance of salah is permissible, collective
worship in the mosque has special merit and Muslims are
encouraged to perform certain salah with others. With their faces
turned in the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, the worshipers align
themselves in parallel rows behind the imam or prayer leader, who
directs them as they execute the physical postures coupled with
Quran recitations. In many Muslim countries, the call to prayer
or Adhan echo out across the rooftops aided by a megaphone the
muezzin calls out as Allahu Akbar (God is the greatest), Ash-hadu
an-laa ilaaha ill-Allah (I witness that none deserves worship except
God). Hayya alas-Salah (Come to prayer) Allahu Akbar (God is the
greatest), La ilaaha ill-Allah (None deserves worship except God).

Friday is a day of devotion and extra worship in Islam. The weekly
convened Friday Prayer, a communal worship is the most important
service marked by many features. It falls in the same time as the
noon prayer which it replaces & must be performed in a
congregation led by a prayer leader, an Imam. It cannot be offered
individually. Muslims in the West try to arrange their schedules to
allow them time to attend the prayer. Typically, the Friday Prayer is
performed in a mosque, if available. Sometimes, due to
unavailability of a mosque, it may be offered at a rented facility,
park, etc.

When the time for prayer comes, the Adhan is pronounced. The
Imam then stands facing the audience and delivers his sermon
(known as khutba in Arabic), an essential part of the service of
which its attendance is required. While the Imam is talking,

everyone present listens to the sermon quietly till the end. Most
Imams in the West will deliver the sermon in English but some
deliver it in Arabic. Those who deliver it in Arabic usually deliver a
short speech in the local language before the service. There are two
sermons delivered, one distinguished from the other by a brief sitting
of the Imam. The sermon is commenced with words of praise of God
and prayers of blessing for Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and
blessings of God be upon him. After the sermon, prayer is offered
under the leadership of the Imam who recites the Fatiha and the
other Quranic passage in an audible voice. When this is done, the
prayer is completed.

Special, large congregational prayers, which include a sermon, are
also offered at late morning on the two days of festivity. One of
them is immediately following the month of fasting, Ramadan and
the other after the pilgrimage or hajj. Although not religiously
mandated, individual devotional prayers, especially during the night,
are emphasized and are a common practice among pious Muslims.

The Third Pillar of Islam, Zakat is viewed as compulsory charity is
not just recommended by Islam but is required for every financially
stable Muslim. Giving charity to those who deserve it is part of
Muslim character and one of the Five Pillars of Islamic practice. It is
an obligation for those who have received their wealth from God to
respond to those members of the community in need. Devoid of
sentiments of universal love, some people know only to hoard
wealth and to add to it by lending it out on interest. Islams
teachings are the very antithesis of this attitude which encourages the
sharing of wealth with others that helps people to stand on their own
and become productive members of the society.

In Arabic zakat literally means purification & considered to purify
ones heart of greed. Love of wealth is natural and it takes firm
belief in God for a person to part with some of his wealth. Zakat
must be paid on different categories of property like gold, silver,
money, livestock, agricultural produce and business commodities &
is payable each year after one years possession. It requires an
annual contribution of 2.5 percent of an individuals wealth and
assets. Like prayer, which is both an individual and communal
responsibility, zakat expresses a Muslims worship of and

thanksgiving to God by supporting those in need. In Islam, the true
owner of things is not man but God. It condemns acquisition of
wealth for its own sake or so that it may increase a mans worth as it
counts for nothing in the sight of God. Islam teaches that people
should acquire wealth with the intention of spending it on their own
needs and the needs of others.

The whole concept of wealth is considered in Islam as a gift from
God, who provided it to many persons & made a portion of it for the
poor, so the poor have a right over ones wealth. Zakat reminds
Muslims that everything they have belongs to God. People are given
their wealth as a trust from God and zakat is intended to free
Muslims from the love of money, wherein, the money paid is not
something God needs or receives. He is above any type of
dependency. God, in His boundless mercy, promises rewards for
helping those in need with one basic condition that zakat be paid in
the name of God & one should not expect or demand any worldly
gains from the beneficiaries nor aim at making ones names as a
philanthropist. The feelings of a beneficiary should not be hurt by
making him feel inferior or reminding him of the assistance.

Money given as zakat can only be used for certain specific things.
Islamic Law stipulates that alms are to be used to support the poor
and the needy, to free slaves and debtors, as specifically mentioned
in the Quran (9:60). Zakat, which developed fourteen hundred years
ago, functions as a form of social security in a Muslim society.
Neither Jewish nor Christian scriptures praise slave manumission by
raising it to worship. Indeed, Islam is unique in world religions in
requiring the faithful to financially help slaves win their freedom and
has raised the manumission of a slave to an act of worship if it is
done to please God.

Unlike the zakat, giving to other in any forms of charity in private,
even in secret, is considered better, in order to keep ones intention
purely for the God. Apart from zakat, the Quran also stress sadaqah
or voluntary almsgiving, which is intended for the needy. It
emphasizes feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, helping those
who are in need. Muslim believes that the more one helps, the more
God helps the person and the more one give, the more God gives the
person & that way one feels he is taking care of others and God is

taking care of him.

Under the caliphates, the collection & expenditure of zakat was a
function of the state, in the contemporary Muslim world, it has been
left up to the individual, except in some countries in which the state
fulfills that role to some degree while most Muslims in the West
disperse it through Islamic charities, mosques or directly giving to
the poor. Money is not collected during religious services or via
collection plates but some mosques keeps a drop box for those who
wish it to distribute zakat on their behalf.

The Fourth Pillar of Islam, the sawm or the Fast of Ramadan, occurs
once each year during the 9th lunar month, the month of Ramadan,
the ninth month of the Islamic calendar for which as per (Quran
2:185) the Quran was sent down as a guidance for the people.
God in His infinite mercy has exempted the ill, travelers and others
who are unable from fasting Ramadan. Fasting is not unique to the
Muslims. It has been practiced for centuries in connection with
religious ceremonies by Christians, Jews, Hindus, Taoists and Jains.

Fasting helps Muslims to develop self-control, gain a better
understanding of Gods gifts and greater compassion towards the
deprived. Fasting in Islam involves abstaining from all bodily
pleasures between dawn and sunset. Not only is food forbidden but
also any sexual activity. All things regarded as prohibited are even
more so in this month, due to its sacredness. Each and every
moment during the fast, a person suppresses their passions and
desires in loving obedience to God. This consciousness of duty and
the spirit of patience help in strengthening our faith. A person who
abstains from permissible things like food and drink is likely to feel
conscious of his sins. A heightened sense of spirituality helps break
the habits of lying, staring with lust at the opposite sex, gossiping
and wasting time.

Past nations of the Old World, such as the Assyrians and the
Babylonians, observed fasting as a form of penance. Early
Christians associated fasting with penitence and purification. During
the first two centuries of its existence, the Christian church
established fasting as a voluntary preparation for receiving the
sacraments of Holy Communion and baptism and for the ordination

of priests. Later, these fasts were made obligatory, as others days
were subsequently added. In the 6th century, the Lenten fast was
expanded to 40 days, on each of which only one meal was permitted.
Jews observe fasting as a form of penitence and purification annually
on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur. On this day neither food
nor drink is permitted. Some Native American societies fasted to
avert catastrophe or to serve as penance for sin. Native North
Americans held tribal fasts to avert threatening disasters. The Native
Americans of Mexico and the Incas of Peru observed penitential
fasts to appease their gods.

After the Reformation, fasting was retained by most Protestant
churches and was made optional in some cases. Stricter Protestants,
however, condemned not only the festivals of the church, but its
traditional fasts as well. In the Roman Catholic Church, fasting may
involve partial abstinence from food and drink or total abstinence.
The Roman Catholic days of fasting are Ash Wednesday and Good
Friday. In the United States, fasting is observed mostly by
Episcopalians and Lutherans among Protestants, by Orthodox and
Conservative Jews, and by Roman Catholics. Fasting took another
form in the West, the hunger strike, a form of fasting, which in
modern times has become a political weapon after being popularized
by Mohandas Gandhi, leader of the struggle for Indias freedom,
who undertook fasts to compel his followers to obey his precept of

Islam is the only religion that has retained the outward and spiritual
dimensions of fasting throughout centuries. Selfish motives and
desires of the base self alienate a man from his Creator. The most
unruly human emotions are pride, avarice, gluttony, lust, envy and
anger. These emotions by their nature are not easy to control, thus a
person must strive hard to discipline them. Muslims fast to purify
their soul, it puts a bridle on the most uncontrolled, savage human
emotions. People have gone to two extremes with regard to them.
Some let these emotions steer their life which lead to barbarism
among the ancients, and crass materialism of consumer cultures in
modern times. Others tried to deprive themselves completely of
these human traits, which in turn led to monasticism.

At dusk, the fast is broken with a light meal popularly referred to as

iftaar. Families and friends share a special late evening meal
together, often including special foods and sweets served only at this
time of the year. Many go to the mosque for the evening prayer,
followed by special prayers recited only during Ramadan. Some will
recite the entire Quran as a special act of piety and its public
recitations can be heard throughout the evening. Near the end of
Ramadan Muslims commemorate the Night of Power when the
Quran was revealed. The month of Ramadan ends with one of the
two major Islamic celebrations, the Feast of the Breaking of the Fast,
called Eid al-Fitr, to which, Muslims joyfully celebrate the
completion of Ramadan and customarily distribute gifts to children.
They are also obliged to help the poor join in the spirit of relaxation
and enjoyment by distributing zakat-ul-fitr, a special and obligatory
act of charity in the form of staple foodstuff, in order that all may
enjoy the general euphoria of the day.

The Fifth Pillar of Islam, The Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) is the fifth
of the fundamental Muslim practices and institutions known as the
five pillars of Islam. Pilgrimage is not undertaken in Islam to the
shrines of saints, to monasteries for help from holy men or to sights
where miracles are supposed to have occurred, even though we may
see many Muslims do this. Pilgrimage is made to the Kaaba, found
in the most sacred city in Islam, the Mecca in Saudia, the House of
God, whose sanctity rests in that the Prophet Abraham built it for
the worship of God. He rewarded by the God by attributing the
House to Himself, in essence honoring it and by making it the
devotional epicenter which all Muslims face when offering the
prayers (salah). The rites of pilgrimage are performed today exactly
as done by Abraham and after Him by Prophet Muhammad, may
God praise them.

Pilgrimage is viewed as particularly meritorious activity that serves
as penance, the ultimate forgiveness for sins, devotion & intense
spirituality. The pilgrimage to Mecca is required of all physically
and financially able Muslims once in their life. It rite begins a few
months after Ramadan, on the 8th day of the last month of the
Islamic year of Dhul-Hijjah & ends on the 13th day. Mecca is the
center towards which the Muslims converge once a year, meet &
refresh in themselves the faith that all Muslims are equal and deserve
the love and sympathy of others, irrespective of their race or ethnic


More than two million persons perform the Hajj each year, from all
over the world, they were of all colors, from blue-eyed blonds to
black-skinned Africans & thus it unites the Muslims of the world
into one international fraternity. The rite serves as a unifying force in
Islam by bringing followers of diverse backgrounds together in
worship. In some Muslim societies, once a believer has made the
pilgrimage, he is often labeled with the title hajji, however, is a
cultural, rather than religious custom. Finally, the Hajj is a
manifestation of the belief in the unity of God, wherein, all the
pilgrims worship and obey the commands of the One God.

At certain stations on the caravan routes to Mecca or when the
pilgrim passes the point nearest to those stations, the pilgrim enters
the state of purity known as ihram, the certain normal actions of
the day and night become impermissible for the pilgrims, such as
covering the head, clipping the fingernails and wearing normal
clothing in regards to men. Males remove their clothing and don the
garments specific to this state of ihram, two white seamless sheets
that are wrapped around the body. All this increases the reverence
and sanctity of the pilgrimage, the city of Mecca and month of Dhul-
Hijjah. There are 5 stations, one on the coastal plains northwest of
Mecca towards Egypt and one south towards Yemen, while three lie
north or eastwards towards Medina, Iraq and al-Najd.

The simple garb signifies the equality of all humanity in Gods sight
and the removal of all worldly affections. After entering the state of
ihram, the pilgrim proceeds to Mecca and awaits the start of the Hajj.
On the 7th of Dhu al-Hijjah the pilgrim is reminded of his duties and
at the commence of the ritual, which takes place between the 8th and
the 12th days of the month, the pilgrim visits the holy places outside
Mecca-Arafah, Muzdalifah and Minaa-and sacrifices an animal in
commemoration of Abrahams sacrifice. The pilgrim then shortens
or shaves their head. And, after throwing seven stones at specific
pillars at Minaa on three or four successive days, heads for the
central mosque where he walks seven times around the sacred
sanctuary or Kaaba, in the Great Mosque, and ambulates, walking &
running, seven times between the two small hills of Mt. Safaa & Mt.

Apart from Hajj, the minor pilgrimage or umrah is undertaken by
Muslims during the rest of the year. Performing the umrah does not
fulfill the obligation of Hajj. It is similar to the major and obligatory
Islamic pilgrimage (hajj) and pilgrims have the choice of performing
the umrah separately or in combination with the Hajj. As in the
Hajj, the pilgrim begins the umrah by assuming the state of ihram.
They enter Mecca and circle the sacred shrine of the Kaaba seven
times. Then one may if he can, touch the Black Stone, pray behind
the Maqam Ibrahim, drink the holy water of the Zamzam spring, go
for the ambulation between the hills of Safa & Marwah seven times
& then the shortening or shaving of the head complete the umrah.

HINDUISM is generally regarded as the world's oldest organized
religion which has grown to become the world's third largest religion
after Christianity and Islam. It claims over thousand million
followers, about 15% of the world's population. It is the dominant
religion in India, Nepal and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka.
Hinduism refers to a religious mainstream which evolved organically
and spread over a large territory marked by significant ethnic and
cultural diversity. This mainstream evolved both by innovation from
within and by assimilation of external traditions or cults into the
Hindu fold. The result is an enormous variety of religious traditions,
ranging from innumerable small, unsophisticated cults to major
religious movements with millions of adherents spread over the
entire subcontinent.

It consists of "thousands of different religious groups that have
evolved in India since 1500 BCE." The world's oldest extant religion
Hinduism has its origins in such remote past that it cannot be traced
to any one individual. Some scholars believe that Hinduism must
have existed even in circa 10000 B.C. and that the earliest of the
Hindu scriptures, The Rig Veda, was composed well before 6500
B.C. Among its direct roots is the historical Vedic religion of Iron
Age India, Hinduism is often called the "oldest living religion" or the
"oldest living major religion" in the world.

The word "Hinduism" is not to be found anywhere in any of its
scriptures and the term "Hindu" was introduced by foreigners who
referred to people living across the river Indus or Sindhu, in the
north of India, around which the Vedic religion is believed to be

originated. The word Hindu is derived (through Persian) from the
Sanskrit word Sindhu, the historic local appellation for the Indus
river in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent, which is
first mentioned in the Rig Veda and then after, the word Hindu was
borrowed into European languages from the Arabic term al-Hind,
referring to the land of the people who live across the River Indus,
itself from the Persian term Hindu, which refers to all Indians. By
the 13th century, Hindustan emerged as a popular alternative name
of India, meaning the "land of Hindus".

The term Hinduism also occurs sporadically in Sanskrit texts such as
the later Rajataranginis of Kashmir (Hinduka, c. 1450), some 16th-
18th century Bengali Gaudiya Vaishnava texts, including Chaitanya
Charitamrita and Chaitanya Bhagavata, usually to contrast Hindus
with Yavanas or Mlecchas. It was only towards the end of the 18th
century that the European merchants and colonists referred
collectively to the followers of Indian religions as Hindus. The term
Hinduism was introduced into the English language in the 19th
century to denote the religious, philosophical and cultural traditions
native to Indian subcontinent.

A Hindu is an individual who accepts and lives by the religious
guidance of the Vedic scriptures. While the teachings of the Hindu
tradition do not require that one have a religious affiliation to
Hinduism in order to receive its inner teachings, it can be very
helpful to formally become a Hindu because it provides one a formal
connection to the world's oldest continually existing enlightenment

Hinduism is the predominant religion of the Indian subcontinent and
one of its indigenous religions that includes Shaivism, Vaishnavism
and Srauta among numerous other traditions. It also includes
historical groups, for example the Kapalikas. Hinduism as it is
commonly known can be subdivided into a number of major
currents. In early centuries CE several schools of Hindu philosophy
were formally codified of the historical division into six darsanas,
including Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Purva-Mimamsa
and Vedanta but only two schools, Vedanta and Yoga, survive.
Vedantic Hinduism, for example Advaita Vedanta (Smartism) is
based on the philosophical approach of the Upanishads. Yogic

Hinduism is especially based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
"Dharmic" Hinduism or "daily morality", based on Karma, and upon
societal norms such as Vivaha (Hindu marriage customs).

The period between 5th and 9th century CE was a brilliant era in the
development of Indian philosophy as Hindu and Buddhist
philosophies flourished side by side. Of these various schools of
thought the non-dualistic Advaita Vedanta emerged as the most
influential and most dominant school of philosophy. Charvaka, the
atheistic materialist school, came to the fore in North India before
the eighth century CE. Increasing urbanization of India in 7th and
6th centuries BCE led to the rise of new ascetic or shramana
movements which challenged the orthodoxy of rituals. Mahavira (c.
549477 BCE), proponent of Jainism and Buddha (c. 563-483),
founder of Buddhism were the most prominent icons of this
movement. Shramana gave rise to the concept of the cycle of birth
and death, the concept of samsara and the concept of liberation.

Sanskritic culture went into decline after the end of the Gupta period.
The early medieval Puranas helped establish a religious mainstream
among the pre-literate tribal societies undergoing acculturation. The
tenets of Brahmanic Hinduism and of the Dharmashastras underwent
a radical transformation at the hands of the Purana composers,
resulting in the rise of a mainstream "Hinduism" that overshadowed
all earlier traditions. In eighth century royal circles, the Buddha
started to be replaced by Hindu Gods in pujas (worships). This also
was the same period of time the Buddha was made into an avatar of

Though Islam came to India in the early 7th century with the advent
of Arab traders and the conquest of Sindh, it started to become a
major religion during the later Muslim conquest in the Indian
subcontinent. During this period Buddhism declined rapidly and
many Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam. Numerous Muslim
rulers or their army generals such as Aurangzeb and Malik Kafur
destroyed Hindu temples and persecuted non-Muslims but some,
such as Akbar, were more tolerant. Hinduism underwent profound
changes, in large part due to the influence of the prominent teachers
Ramanuja, Madhva, and Chaitanya. Followers of the Bhakti
movement moved away from the abstract concept of Brahman,

which the philosopher Adi Shankara consolidated a few centuries
before, with emotional, passionate devotion towards the more
accessible Avatars, especially Krishna and Rama.

The basic scriptures of Hinduism, which is collectively referred to as
"Shastras", are essentially a collection of "the accumulated treasury
of spiritual laws discovered by different saints and sages at different
points & in different times in its long history. The "Shruti" (heard)
and the "Smriti" (memorized) are the two types of sacred writings
those comprise the Hindu scriptures which were passed on from
generation to generation & transmitted orally in verse form to aid
memorization, for many centuries before they were written down
mostly in the Sanskrit language. These texts discuss theology,
philosophy, mythology, rituals and temple building among other
topics. Over many centuries, sages refined the teachings and
expanded the canon. In post-Vedic and current Hindu belief, most
Hindu scriptures are not typically interpreted literally.

Shruti, which is heard, primarily refers to the Vedas, which form the
earliest record of the Hindu scriptures. While many Hindus revere
the Vedas as eternal truths revealed to ancient sages (uis), some
devotees do not associate the creation of the Vedas with a god or
person. They are thought of as the laws of the spiritual world, which
would still exist even if they were not revealed to the sages. Hindus
believe that because the spiritual truths of the Vedas are eternal, they
continue to be expressed in new ways.

There are four Vedas called ig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and
Atharva Veda, wherein the Rig Veda is the first and most important
Veda. Each Veda is divided into four parts & the primary one, the
Veda proper, being the Sahita, which contains sacred mantras. The
other three parts form a three-tier ensemble of commentaries, usually
in prose and are believed to be slightly later in age than the Sahita.
These are the Brahmaas, Arayakas and the Upanishads. The first
two parts were subsequently called the Karmakaa (ritualistic
portion), while the last two forms the Jnanakaa (knowledge
portion). While the Vedas focus on rituals, the Upanishads focus on
spiritual insight and philosophical teachings and discuss Brahman
and reincarnation.

Hindu texts other than the Shrutis are collectively called the Smritis
(memory). The most notable of the smritis are the epics, which
consist of the Mahabharata and the Ramayaa. The Bhagavad Geeta
is an integral part of the Mahabharata and one of the most popular
sacred texts of Hinduism. It contains philosophical teachings from
Krishna, an incarnation of Vishnu, told to the prince Arjuna on the
eve of that great war. It is spoken by Krishna & described as the
essence of the Vedas. However Geeta, sometimes called
Gitopanishad, is more often placed in the Shruti, category, being
Upanishadic in content. Puraas, which illustrates Hindu ideas
through vivid narratives, come under smritis. Other texts include
Devi Mahatmya, the Tantras, the Yoga Sutras, Tirumantiram, Shiva
Sutras and the Hindu Agamas. A more controversial text, the
Manusmriti, is a prescriptive law book which lays the societal codes
of social stratification which later evolved into the Indian caste

The beliefs and practices of the pre-classical era (1500500 BCE)
are called the "historical Vedic religion". The Vedic religion shows
influence from Proto-Indo-European religion. The oldest Veda is the
Rigveda, dated to 17001100 BCE. The Vedas center on worship of
deities such as Indra, Varuna and Agni, and on the Soma ritual. Fire-
sacrifices, called yajna were performed and Vedic mantras chanted
but no temples or idols are known. The 9th and 8th centuries BCE
witnessed the composition of the earliest Upanishads.

Upanishads form the theoretical basis of classical Hinduism and are
known as Vedanta (conclusion of the Veda). The older Upanishads
launched attacks of increasing intensity on the rituals. The diverse
monistic speculations of the Upanishads were synthesized into a
theistic framework by the sacred Hindu scripture Bhagavad Geeta.
The major Sanskrit epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata, were
compiled over a protracted period during the late centuries BCE and
the early centuries CE. They contain mythological stories about the
rulers and wars of ancient India and are interspersed with religious
and philosophical treatises. The later Puranas recount tales about
devas and devis, their interactions with humans and their battles
against rakshasa.

Hinduism does not have a "unified system of belief encoded in

declaration of faith or a creed" but is rather an umbrella term
comprising the plurality of religious phenomena originating and
based on the Vedic traditions. It cannot be neatly slotted into any
particular belief system. Unlike other religions, Hinduism is a way of
life, a Dharma, that is, the law that governs all action. It has its own
beliefs, traditions, advanced system of ethics, meaningful rituals,
philosophy and theology. But it differs from Christianity and other
monotheistic religions by its deep and varied overviews on each &
every aspects of life, in that it does not have a single founder
(particularly in a wide sense), a specific theological system, a single
concept of deity, a single holy text, a single system of morality, a
central religious authority and the concept of a prophet.

Hinduism grants absolute and complete freedom of belief and
worship. Hinduism conceives the whole world as a single family that
deifies the one truth and therefore, it accepts all forms of beliefs and
dismisses labels of distinct religions which would imply a division of
identity. Hence, Hinduism is devoid of the concepts of apostasy,
heresy and blasphemy. Prominent themes in Hindu beliefs include
(but are not restricted to), Dharma (ethics/duties), Samsara (the
continuing cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth), Karma (action and
subsequent reaction), Moksha (liberation from samsara) and the
various Yogas (paths or practices).

The religious tradition of Hinduism is solely responsible for the
creation of some original concepts and practices as Yoga, Ayurveda,
Vastu, Jyotish, Yajna, Puja, Tantra, Vedanta, Karma, etc. Among
other practices & philosophies, Hinduism includes a wide spectrum
of laws & prescriptions of "daily morality" based on karma, dharma
& societal norms. Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic
religions. They recognize a single deity & view other Gods and
Goddesses as manifestations or aspects of that supreme God.
Henotheistic & polytheistic religions have traditionally been among
the world's most religiously tolerant faiths. As a result, India has
traditionally been one of the most religiously tolerant in the world
with many paths & perceptions.

Hinduism is a conglomeration of distinct intellectual or
philosophical points of view, rather than a rigid common set of
beliefs, and as such, it is formed of diverse traditions and has no

single founder. The wide variety of Hindu traditions, freedom of
belief and practice, a conglomeration of religious, philosophical and
cultural ideas & practices that originated in India are the notable
features of Hinduism. All it are characterized by the belief in
reincarnation, one absolute being of multiple manifestations, the law
of cause and effect, following the path of righteousness and the
desire for liberation from the cycle of births and deaths.

Most Hindu traditions revere a body of religious or sacred literature,
the Vedas, although there are exceptions. Some Hindu religious
traditions regard particular rituals as essential for salvation but a
variety of views on this co-exists. Some Hindu philosophies
postulate a theistic ontology of creation, of sustenance and of
destruction of the universe, yet some Hindus are atheists. Hinduism
is sometimes characterized by the belief in reincarnation, based &
determined by the law of karma and the idea that salvation is
freedom from this cycle of repeated birth and death. However, other
religions of the region, such as Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, also
believe in karma, outside the scope of Hinduism & therefore it is
viewed as the most complex of all of the living, historical world
religions. Despite its complexity, Hinduism is not only one of the
numerically largest faiths but is also the oldest living major tradition
on earth, with roots reaching back into prehistory.

Hinduism does not have a single or common historical founder,
hence, Hinduism, or as some say 'Hinduisms,' does not have a single
system of salvation and has different goals according to each sect
and denomination. The forms of Vedic religion are seen not as an
alternative to Hinduism but as its earliest form and there is little
justification for the divisions found in much western scholarly
writing between Vedism, Brahmanism and Hinduism. According to
Supreme court of India "unlike other religions in the world, the
Hindu religion does not claim any one Prophet, it does not worship
any one God, it does not believe in any one philosophic concept, it
does not follow any one act of religious rites or performances, in
fact, it does not satisfy the traditional features of a religion or creed.
It is a way of life and nothing more".

Hinduism is a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning
monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, monism and

atheism among others and its concept of God is complex and
depends upon each individual & the tradition and philosophy
followed. It is sometimes referred to as henotheistic (i.e., involving
devotion to a single God while accepting the existence of others) but
any such term is an overgeneralization. The oldest scripture and the
mainstay of Hindu philosophy, the Rig Veda in its Nasadiya Sukta
(Creation Hymn) does not take a restrictive view on the fundamental
question of God and the creation of universe. It rather lets the
individual seek and discover answers in the quest of life.

Most Hindus believe that the spirit or soul, the true "self" of every
person, called the Atman is eternal. According to the
monistic/pantheistic theologies of Hinduism, this Atman is
ultimately indistinct from Brahman, the supreme spirit. Hence, these
schools are called non-dualist. The goal of life, according to the
Advaita School, is to realize that one's Atman is identical to
Brahman, the supreme soul. The Upanishads state that whoever
becomes fully aware of the Atman as the innermost core of one's
own self realizes an identity with Brahman and thereby reaches
moksha (liberation or freedom).

The schools of Vedanta and Nyaya states that karma itself proves the
existence of God. Nyaya being the school of logic makes the
"logical" inference that the universe is an effect and it ought to have
a creator. Dualistic schools understand Brahman as a Supreme Being
who possesses personality and they worship Him or Her thus, as
Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva, or Shakti, depending upon the sect. The
multitude of devas are viewed as avatars of the Brahman. In
discussing the Trimurti, Sir William Jones states that Hindus
"worship the Supreme Being under three formsBrahma, Vishnu
and Sivathe fundamental idea of the Hindu religion, that of
metamorphoses or transformations is exemplified in the Avatars."

The Atman is dependent on God, while emancipation (moksha)
depends on love towards God and on God's grace. When God is
viewed as the supreme personal being (rather than as the infinite
principle), God is called Ishvara ("The Lord"), Bhagavan ("The
Auspicious One") or Parameshwara ("The Supreme Lord").
However interpretations of Ishvara vary, ranging from non-belief in
Ishvara by followers of Mimamsakas, to identifying Brahman &

Ishvara as one, as in Advaita. In the majority of traditions of
Vaishnavism He is Vishnu, God and the text of Vaishnava scriptures
identify this Being as Krishna, sometimes referred to as svayam
bhagavan. However, under Shaktism, Devi or Adi parashakti is
considered as the Supreme Being & in Shaivism Shiva is considered
Supreme. In Bhagavad Geeta, for example, God is the sole
repository of Gunas (attributes) also, as His hands and feet are
everywhere, He looks everywhere & all around, His eyes, ears and
face point to all directions & all the three worlds are surrounded by

Among the atheistic doctrines dominate Hindu schools like Samkhya
and Mimamsa, the Samkhya argues that the existence of God
(Ishvara) cannot be proved and hence cannot be admitted to exist
and that an unchanging God cannot be the source of an ever
changing world. It says God was a necessary metaphysical
assumption demanded by circumstances. The proponent of the
school of Mimamsa, which is based on rituals and orthopraxy, states
that the evidence allegedly proving the existence of God was
insufficient. They argue that there is no need to postulate a maker for
the world, just as there is no need for an author to compose the
Vedas or a God to validate the rituals. Mimamsa considers the Gods
named in the Vedas have no existence apart from the mantras that
speak their names. To that regard, the power of the mantras is what
is seen as the power of Gods.

The Hindu scriptures refer to celestial entities called Devas (or devis
in feminine form), "the shining ones", which may be translated into
English as "Gods" or "Heavenly beings". All those are an integral
part of Hindu culture and are depicted in art, architecture and
through icons and mythological stories about them are related in the
scriptures, particularly in Indian epic poetry and the Puranas. They
are, however, often distinguished from Ishvara, a Supreme personal
God, with many Hindus worshiping Ishvara in one of its particular
manifestations (ostensibly separate deities) as their Ia devata, or
chosen ideal. The choice is a matter of individual preference and of
regional and family traditions. Hindu epics and the Puranas relate
several episodes of the descent of God to Earth in corporeal form to
restore dharma to society and to guide humans to moksha. Such an

incarnation is called an Avatar. The most prominent avatars are of
Vishnu and include Rama (the protagonist in Ramayana) and
Krishna (a central figure in the epic Mahabharata).

The ultimate goal of life of Hinduism, referred to as moksha, nirvana
or samadhi, is understood in several different ways, as the realization
of one's union with God, as the realization of one's eternal
relationship with God, realization of the unity of all existence,
perfect unselfishness and knowledge of the Self, as the attainment of
perfect mental peace and as detachment from worldly desires. Such
realization liberates one from samsara and ends the cycle of rebirth.
Due to belief in the indestructibility of the soul, death is deemed
insignificant with respect to the cosmic self that means a person who
has no desire or ambition left and no responsibilities remaining in
life or one affected by a terminal disease may embrace death by

The exact conceptualization of moksha differs among the various
Hindu schools of thought. For example, Advaita Vedanta holds that
after attaining moksha an atman no longer identifies itself with an
individual but as identical with Brahman in all respects. The
followers of Dvaita (dualistic) schools identify themselves as part of
Brahman and after attaining moksha expect to spend eternity in a
loka (heaven), in the company of their chosen form of Ishvara. Thus,
it is said that the followers of dvaita wish to "taste sugar", while the
followers of Advaita wish to "become sugar".

This cycle of action, reaction, birth, death and rebirth is a continuum
called samsara. The notion of reincarnation and karma is a strong
premise in Hindu thought. As a person puts on new clothes and
discards old and torn clothes, similarly, an embodied soul enters new
material bodies, leaving the old bodies the Bhagavad Gita (2:22).
The Samsara provides ephemeral pleasures, which lead people to
desire rebirth so as to enjoy the pleasures of a perishable body.
However, escaping the world of samsara through moksha is believed
to ensure lasting happiness and peace. It is thought that after several
reincarnations, an atman eventually seeks unity with the cosmic
spirit (Brahman/Paramatman).

Karma translates literally as action, work or deed and can be

described as the "moral law of cause and effect". According to the
Upanishads an individual, known as the jiva-atma, develops
sanskaras (impressions) from actions, whether physical or mental.
The linga sharira, a body more subtle than the physical one but less
subtle than the soul, retains impressions, carrying them over into the
next life, establishing a unique trajectory for the individual. Thus,
the concept of a universal, neutral and never-failing karma
intrinsically relates to reincarnation as well as to one's personality,
characteristics and family. Karma binds together the notions of free
will and destiny. Classical Hindu thought accepts the four objectives
of human life, that which is sought as human purpose, aim, or end, is
known as the puruarthas.

Dharma (righteousness, ethikos) is considered as the first puruartha
for a human being. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad views dharma as
the universal principle of law, order, harmony, all in all truth that
sprang first from Brahman. It acts as the regulatory moral principle
of the universe. It is Sat (truth), a major tenet of Hinduism. This
hearkens back to the conception of the Rig Veda that "Ekam Sat,"
(Truth Is One), of the idea that Brahman is "Sacchidananda" (Truth-
Consciousness-Bliss). Dharma is not just law or harmony, it is pure
reality. In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad's own words Verily, that
which is Dharma is truth, therefore they say of a man who speaks
truth, He speaks the Dharma," or of a man who speaks the Dharma,
"He speaks the Truth", Verily, both these things are the same. In the
Mahabharata, Krishna defines dharma as upholding both this-
worldly and other-worldly affairs. The word Sanatana means
'eternal', perennial or 'forever' thus, 'Sanatana Dharma' signifies
that it is the dharma that has neither beginning nor end (Mahabharat

The Artha (livelihood, wealth) described as the second puruartha of
human life. It is objective & virtuous pursuit of wealth for
livelihood, obligations and economic prosperity. It is inclusive of
political life, diplomacy and material well-being. The doctrine of
Artha is called Arthashastra, amongst the most famous of which is
Kautilya Arthashastra.

Kama (sensual pleasure), the third objective of human life means
desire, wish, passion, longing, and pleasure of the senses, the

aesthetic enjoyment of life, affection, or love.

The forth & last objective of the human life according to the Hindu
scripture is Moka (liberation, freedom from samsara). Moksha or
mukti, literally "release" is the last goal of life. It is liberation from
samsara and the concomitant suffering involved in being subject to
the cycle of repeated death and reincarnation.

In whatever way a Hindu defines the goal of life, there are several
methods (yogas) that sages have taught for reaching that goal. Texts
dedicated to Yoga include the Bhagavad Geeta, the Yoga Sutras, the
Hatha Yoga Pradipika and, as their philosophical and historical
basis, the Upanishads. Paths that one can follow to achieve the
spiritual goal of life (moksha, samadhi or nirvana) include Bhakti
Yoga (the path of love and devotion), Karma Yoga (the path of right
action), Raja Yoga (the path of meditation) & Jnana Yoga (the path
of wisdom).

Traditionally the life of a Hindu is divided into four Ashramas
(phases or stages, unrelated meanings include monastery). The first
part of one's life, Brahmacharyashrama, the stage as a student, is
spent in celibate, controlled, sober and pure contemplation under the
guidance of a Guru, building up the mind for spiritual knowledge.
Grihasthashrama is the householder's stage, wherein, one marries
and satisfies kama and artha in one's married and professional life
respectively. The moral obligations of a Hindu householder include
supporting one's parents, children, guests and holy figures.
Vanaprasthashrama, the retirement stage, is gradual detachment
from the material world. This may involve giving over duties to
one's children, spending more time in religious practices and
embarking on holy pilgrimages. Finally, in Sannyasashrama, the
stage of asceticism, one renounces all worldly attachments to
secludedly find the Divine through detachment from worldly life and
peacefully shed the body for Moksha.

Hindu society has traditionally been categorized into four classes
called Varnas form appearance those are the Brahmins (teachers and
priests), the Kshatriyas (warriors, nobles and kings), the Vaishyas
(farmers, merchants and businessmen) & the Shudras( servants and

Vegetarianism is propagated by the Yajur Veda and it is
recommended for a satvic (purifying) lifestyle. Thus, another reason
that dietary purity is so eminent within Hinduism is because the
ideas that food reflects the general qualities of nature like purity &
energy. It follows, then, that a healthy diet should be one that
promotes purity within an individual. In accordance with ahisa,
many Hindus embrace vegetarianism to respect higher forms of life.
The food habits vary with the community and region, for example
some castes having fewer vegetarians and coastal populations
relying on seafood. Some avoid meat only on specific holy days.
Observant Hindus who do eat meat almost always abstain from beef.
The cow in Hindu society is traditionally identified as a caretaker
and a maternal figure and Hindu society honors the cow as a symbol
of unselfish giving. Cow-slaughter is legally banned in almost all
states of India.

Hindu practices generally involve seeking awareness of God and
sometimes also seeking blessings from Devas. Therefore, Hinduism
has developed numerous practices meant to help one think of
divinity in the midst of everyday life. Hindus can engage in
puja(worship or veneration), either at home or at a temple. At home,
Hindus often create a shrine with icons dedicated to their chosen
form(s) of God. Temples are usually dedicated to a primary deity
along with associated subordinate deities though some
commemorate multiple deities. Visiting temples is not obligatory
and many visit temples only during religious festivals. Hindus
perform their worship through icons (murtis). The icon serves as a
tangible link between the worshiper and God. The image is often
considered a manifestation of God, since God is imminent. The
Padma Purana states that the murti is not to be thought of as mere
stone or wood but as a manifest form of the Divinity.

Hinduism has a developed system of symbolism and iconography to
represent the sacred in art, architecture, literature and worship. These
symbols gain their meaning from the scriptures, mythology, or
cultural traditions. The syllable Om (which represents the
Parabrahman) and the Swastika sign (which symbolizes
auspiciousness) have grown to represent Hinduism itself, while other
markings such as tilaka identify a follower of the faith. Hinduism
associates many symbols, which include the lotus, chakra and veena,

with particular deities.

Mantras are invocations, praise and prayers that through their
meaning, sound and chanting style helps a devotee focus the mind on
holy thoughts or express devotion to God and the deities. Many
devotees perform morning ablutions at the bank of a sacred river
while chanting the Gayatri Mantra or Mahamrityunjaya mantras. The
epic Mahabharata extols Japa (ritualistic chanting) as the greatest
duty in the Kali Yuga (what Hindus believe to be the current age).
Many adopt Japa as their primary spiritual practice. Yoga is a Hindu
discipline which trains the consciousness for tranquility, health and
spiritual insight. This is done through a system of postures and
exercises to practice control of the body and mind.

The characteristic of comprehensive tolerance to differences in belief
and Hinduism's openness makes it difficult to define as a religion
according to traditional Western conceptions. To its adherents,
Hinduism is the traditional way of life and because of the wide range
of traditions and ideas incorporated within or covered by it, arriving
at a comprehensive definition of the term is problematic. While
sometimes referred to as a religion, Hinduism is more often defined
as a religious tradition. It is therefore described as both the oldest of
the world's religions and the most diverse. A definition of Hinduism,
given by the first Vice President of India, who was also a prominent
theologian, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, states that Hinduism is not
"just a faith" but in itself is related to the union of reason and
intuition, that mean the Hinduism cannot be defined but is only to be

Hindus today continue to be influenced by historical ideas of
acceptability of conversion, hence, many Hindus continue to believe
that Hinduism is an identity that can only be had from birth, while
many others continue to believe that anyone who follows Hindu
beliefs and practices is a Hindu and many believe in some form of
both theories. However, as a reaction to perceived and actual threat
of evangelization, prozelyzation and conversion activities of other
major religions many modern Hindus are opposed to the idea of
conversion from (any) one religion to (any) other.

There is no formal process for converting to Hinduism, although in

many traditions a ritual called diksha("initiation") marks the
beginning of spiritual life. A ritual called shuddhi ("purification")
sometimes marks the return to spiritual life after reconversion. Most
Hindu sects do not actively seek converts, as they believe that the
goals of spiritual life can be attained through any religion, as long as
it is practiced sincerely. However, some Hindu sects & affiliates
such as Arya Samaj, Saiva Siddhanta Church, Gayatri Parivaar,
BAPS (Swaminarayan) & the International Society for Krishna
Consciousness accepts those who have a desire to follow Hinduism.

Buddhism and Jainism are two religions which evolved during the
post Vedic Age. There were many reasons why the birth of these
religions became imminent during a phase where friction between
different sections of the society took center stage. Besides, a major
difference lies in the dominions of both the religions. Though both,
Buddhism and Jainism, originated and developed individually in the
same geographical area of India but difference lies in their spread.
While Buddhism crossed the frontiers of its motherland and went to
other parts of the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, far eastern
countries, and parts of North America and Europe as well, whereas
Jainism, on the other hand, remained confined to India, the land of
its origin. Over a period of time, while Buddhism disappeared from
the Indian soil, Jainism survived in India, with its teachings intact,
mostly untouched by the overwhelming philosophy and practices of
Hinduism, at the same time imparting to the later some of its noblest

BUDDHISM is a religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that
encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely
based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, who is
commonly known as the Buddha (meaning "the awakened one" in
Sanskrit). The Buddha lived and taught in the eastern part of Indian
subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. He is
recognized by Buddhists as an awakened or enlightened teacher who
shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering (dukkha)
through eliminating ignorance and craving, by way of understanding
& seeing dependent origination & non-self & thus attain the highest
happiness, the nirvana.

There are two major branches of Buddhism. Theravada, "The

School of the Elders" has a widespread following in Sri Lanka and
Southeast Asia and Mahayana, "The Great Vehicle" is found
throughout East Asia and includes the traditions of Pure Land, Zen,
Nichiren Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Shingon, Tiantai (Tendai)
and Shinnyo-en. While Buddhism remains most popular within Asia,
both branches are now found throughout the world. In some
classifications, Vajrayana, practiced mainly in Tibet, Mongolia &
adjacent parts of China and Russia is recognized as a third branch,
while others classify it as a part of Mahayana. Estimates of
Buddhists worldwide vary significantly depending on the way
Buddhist adherence is defined. Lower estimates are between 350
500 million.

Historically, the roots of Buddhism lie in the religious thought of
ancient India during the second half of the first millennium BCE.
That was a period of social and religious turmoil, as there was
significant discontent with the sacrifices and rituals of Vedic
Brahmanism. It was challenged by numerous new ascetic religious
and philosophical groups and teachings that broke with the Brahman
tradition and rejected the authority of the Vedas and the Brahmans.
These groups, whose members were known as shramanas, were a
continuation of a non-Vedic strand of Indian thought distinct from
Indo-Aryan Brahmanism. Scholars have reasons to believe that ideas
such as samsara, karma (in the sense of the influence of morality on
rebirth) and (moksha) emancipation originated in the shramanas and
were later adopted by Brahmin orthodoxy.

There are also other categorizations of these three Vehicles or
Yanas. Buddhist schools vary on the exact nature of the path to
liberation, the importance and canonicity of various teachings and
scriptures and especially their respective practices. Two of the most
important teachings are dependent origination and no-self. The
foundations of Buddhist tradition and practice are the Three Jewels
those are the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings), and the Sangha
(the community). Taking "refuge in the triple gem" has traditionally
been a declaration and commitment to being on the Buddhist path
and in general distinguishes a Buddhist from a non-Buddhist. Other
practices may include ethical precepts like support of the monastic
community, renouncing conventional living and becoming a
monastic, the development of mindfulness and practice of

meditation, cultivation of higher wisdom and discernment, study of
scriptures, devotional practices, ceremonies and in the Mahayana
tradition, invocation of Buddha and bodhisattvas.

According to Buddhism, the path of liberation goes through good
conduct and good deeds, as mentioned in Eightfold path, Four Noble
Truths, Five Perceptions and other moral conducts. The original
Buddhist doctrine does not entail any godly figures, though the later
Buddhist sects introduced some Godly figures. The Buddhists
simply believe in the Godlike figures or the Bodhisattvas, who take
interest in the welfare of the world and work for its liberation.
Buddhism believes in the universality of Karma, which is a result of
one's action.

In Buddhism, nirvana is freedom from the cycle of rebirth, when a
being turns into a state of non-being, loses its identity and becomes
nothing, after Nirvana, there is no soul but the individuality of an
individual that passes into nothingness, which is beyond any
description and speculation. It also believes that soul is an
individuality that does exist in plants and animals but not in non-
living or inanimate things. Buddhism emphasizes on the practice of
mediation and other forms of Yoga to concentrate on inner self.
Buddhism is a most peaceful religion with non-violence at the heart
of its thoughts and behavior.

The teachings on the Four Noble Truths are regarded as central to
the teachings of Buddhism and are said to provide a conceptual
framework for Buddhist thought. These four truths explain the nature
of suffering, anxiety, dissatisfaction, its causes and how it can be
overcome. They can be summarized as the truth of dukkha
(suffering, anxiety, and dissatisfaction), the truth of the origin of
dukkha, the truth of the cessation of dukkha and the truth of the path
leading to the cessation of dukkha. Devotion is an important part of
the practice of most Buddhists. Devotional practices include bowing,
offerings, pilgrimage, and chanting.

The Buddha is a title for those who have attained Nirvana. The
Buddha could also be represented as a concept instead of a specific
person, the perfect wisdom that understands religion (Dharma) and
sees reality in its true form. In Mahayana Buddhism, the Buddha can

be viewed as the supreme Refuge, "Buddha is the Unique Absolute
Refuge. Buddha is the Imperishable, Eternal, Indestructible &
Absolute Refuge."

The five precepts are training rules in order to live a better life in
which one is happy, without worries, and can meditate well are:

To refrain from taking life (non-violence towards sentient life
To refrain from taking that which is not given (not committing theft),
To refrain from sensual (including sexual) misconduct,
To refrain from lying (speaking truth always),
To refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness
(specifically drugs & alcohol).

The other five more rules by the time added to these basic are:
To refrain from eating at the wrong time (eat only from sunrise to
noon) at an unseasonable time, that is after the mid-day meal,
To refrain from dancing and playing music, singing and unseemly
shows; attending shows and other performances,
To refrain from using high and luxurious seats and beds,
To refrain from the use of wearing jewelry and cosmetics, garlands,
perfumes, ointments, and from things that tend to beautify and adorn
(the person) and
To refrain from accepting gold and silver.

ZEN BUDDHISM pronounced Chan in Chinese, seon in Korean or
zen in Japanese derived from the Sanskrit term dhyana, meaning
"meditation" is a form of Buddhism that became popular in China,
Korea and Japan and that lays special emphasis on meditation. Zen
places less emphasis on scriptures than some other forms of
Buddhism and prefers to focus on direct spiritual breakthroughs to

JAINISM encourages spiritual development through cultivation of
one's own personal wisdom and reliance on self control through
vows. The triple gems of Jainism are right vision or view (Samyak
Darshana), right knowledge (Samyak Gyana) and right conduct
(Samyak Charitra) provide the path for attaining liberation from the
cycles of birth and death. When the soul sheds its karmic bonds

completely, it attains divine consciousness. Those who have attained
emancipation (moksha) are called siddhas, while those attached to
the world through their karma are called samsarin. Every soul has to
follow a path, as explained by the Jinas & revived by the
tirthankaras, to attain complete liberation/nirvana.

Contemporary Jainism is a small but influential religious minority
with as many as 6 million followers in India and growing immigrant
communities in North America, Western Europe, the Far East,
Australia and elsewhere. Jains have significantly influenced and
contributed to ethical, political and economic spheres in India. Jains
have an ancient tradition of scholarship and have the highest degree
of literacy for a religious community in India. Jain libraries are the
oldest in the country.

Jaina dharma is an Indian religion that prescribes a path of non-
violence towards all living beings. Its philosophy and practice
emphasize the necessity of self-effort to move the soul toward divine
consciousness and liberation. Any soul that has conquered its own
inner enemies and achieved the state of Supreme Being is called a
jina ("conqueror" or "victor"). The ultimate status of these perfect
souls is called siddha. Ancient texts also refer to Jainism as
shramana dharma (self-reliant) or the "path of the nirganthas" (those
without attachments or aversions).

According to Jainism, soul is present in every animate and inanimate
object of the universe including its elements - earth, water, wind, fire
and air. The path of liberation in Jainism is to follow right
perception, right knowledge and right conduct. One has to overcome
the worldly desires and feelings to attain liberation or to become a
perfect soul. Jainism also believes in the universality of karma and
its effect on human beings. But, unlike Buddhism, karma, according
to Jainism, is not a mere effect of one's actions, but a real substance
that flows into each individual body or jiva. This karmic substance
remains with a being until good conduct and self purification
eliminates them.

Alike Buddhism, Jainism also denies the existence of God, though
they acknowledge the presence of the Jinas or Kevalins, who are
higher than human beings in status but subject to change and

evolution. However, unlike the Bodhisattvas, the Kevalins are rather
indifferent to the prayers and problems and remain unaffected. In
Jainism, emancipation (nirvana) is a state of moksha, where a being
loses its identity and is free from the cycle of birth and death & after
Nirvana, the soul continues to remain as an individual soul but in the
highest state of purity and enlightenment. In Jainism as well,
meditation and other yogic practices are essential for self
purification and liberation, while non-violence followed in action,
thought, and speech is the highest morale in Jainism.

The commonly accepted definition of the term "God" in Jainism is
of a being one that rules and created the universe. Jainism does not
believe in a creator deity that could be responsible for the
manifestation, creation or maintenance of this universe but the
universe is self regulated by the laws of nature. It believes that life
exists in various forms in different parts of the universe including
earth. It believes that to attain enlightenment and ultimately
liberation from all karmic bonding, one must practice the following
ethical principles not only in thought, but also in words (speech) and
action. Such a practice through lifelong work towards oneself is
called as observing the Mahavrata ("Great Vows").

These vows are: Ahimsa (Non-violence), Satya (Truthfulness),
Asteya (Non-stealing), Brahmacharya (Celibacy) and Aparigraha
(Non-possession, Non-materialism). Jainism has extensive
classification of various living organisms including micro-organisms
that live in mud, air and water. All living organisms have soul and
have ability to perceive pain therefore, need to be interacted without
causing much harm (Ahimsa/Non-violence).

According to Core beliefs of Jainism, every living being is a soul.
Every soul is potentially divine, with innate qualities of infinite
knowledge, perception, power, and bliss (masked by its karmas)
therefore regard every living being as you do yourself, harming no
one and being kind to all living beings. Every soul is born as a
heavenly being, human, sub-human (animal) or hellish being
according to its own karma. Every soul is the architect of its own
life, here or hereafter. When a soul is freed from karmas, it becomes
free & attains divine consciousness, experiencing infinite
knowledge, perception, power & bliss (Moksha).

Second, the universe was never created, nor will it ever cease to
exist, therefore, it is eternal (shaswat) from that point of view. It has
no beginning or end but time is cyclical with progressive and
regressive spirituality phases. In other words, within the universe
itself, there will be constant changes, movements and modifications
in line with the macro phases of the time cycles.

Followers of Jain dharma eat before the night falls. They filter water
regularly so as to remove any small insects that may be present and
boil water prior to consumption. They all are vegetarians, strongly
believes in non violence (Ahinsha). They avoid eating vegetables in
general, as cutting root from a plant kills it unlike other parts of the
plant (leaf, fruit, seed, etc.). Furthermore, according to Jain texts,
root vegetables contain infinite microorganisms called nigodas.

Jainism offers an elaborate cosmology, including heavenly beings
(demi-gods) with super natural powers. These demi-gods are subject
to suffering and change like all other living beings and have limited
life of enjoyment at their heavenly abodes. Jainism does not
encourage dependency on any supreme being for enlightenment. The
Tirthankara is a guide and teacher who points the way to
enlightenment/Nirvana but the struggle for enlightenment is one's
own. Karmic rewards and sufferings are not the work of any divine
being, but as result of an innate self-regulating mechanism whereby
the individual reaps the fruits of his own thoughts, speech and

Followers of Jainism hold that the universe and its natural laws are
eternal and have always existed in time, however, the world
constantly undergoes cyclical changes as per governing universal
laws. The universe is occupied by both living beings and non-living
objects. The soul (samsarin) incarnates in various life forms during
its journey over time. Human, sub-human (category catering to
inclusion of animals, birds, insects and other forms of living
creatures), super-human (heavenly beings) and hellish-beings are the
four forms of soul incarnations. A living being's thoughts,
expressions and actions, executed with intent of attachment and
aversion, give rise to the accumulation of karma. These influxes of
karma in turn contribute to determination of circumstances that
would hold up in our future in the form of rewards or punishment.

Jain scholars have explained in-depth methods and techniques that
are said to result in clearance of past accumulated karmas as well as
stopping the inflow of fresh karmas. This is the path to salvation in

Jainism acknowledges that every person has different capabilities
and capacities to practice and therefore accepts different levels of
compliance for ascetics and householders. The Great Vows are
prescribed for Jain monastics while limited vows (anuvrata) are
prescribed for householders. Householders are encouraged to
practice five cardinal principles of non-violence, truthfulness, non-
stealing, celibacy, and non-possessiveness with their current
practical limitations, while monks and nuns have to observe them
very strictly. With consistent practice, it is possible to overcome the
limitations gradually, accelerating spiritual progress.

SIKHISM was founded in the 16th century in the Punjab district, a
region now divided in India and Pakistan. It was founded by Guru
Nanak and is based on His teachings and those of the 9 Sikh gurus
who followed Him. Sikhism was well established by the time of
Guru Arjan, the fifth Guru. The tenth Guru, Gobind Singh, recreated
the Sikhs as a military group of men and women called the Khalsa in
1699, with the intention that the Sikhs should forever be able to
defend their faith. Since then the community of men and women
who have been initiated into the Sikh faith is the Khalsa. He
established the Sikh rite of initiation (called khandey di pahul) and
the 5 Ks which give Sikhs their unique appearance. The Sikh
religion today has a following of over 20 million people worldwide
& is ranked as the worlds 5th largest religion. Its followers
considered it as a progressive religion well ahead of its time when it
was founded over 500 years ago.

Sikhism preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at
all times, truthful living, equality of mankind & denounces
superstitions & blind rituals. It is open to all through the teachings of
its 10 Gurus enshrined in the Sikh Holy Book & Living Guru, Sri
Guru Granth Sahib. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion & its most
important thing is the internal religious state of the individual. It
stresses the importance of doing good actions rather than merely
carrying out rituals. Sikhs believe that the way to lead a good life is

to keep God in heart and mind at all times, live honestly and work
hard, treat everyone equally, be generous to the less fortunate &
serve others. Sikhs believe that human beings spend their time in a
cycle of birth, life and rebirth. The quality of each particular life
depends on the law of Karma which set the quality of a life
according to how well or badly a person behaved in their previous
life. The only way out of this cycle, which all faiths regard as
painful, is to achieve a total knowledge of and union with God. Sikh
spirituality is centered round this need to understand and experience
God and eventually become one with God.

According to Sikh religion There is only one God. He is the
Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer, who is without form or gender,
everybody is equal before Him & everyone has direct access to Him,
A good life is lived as part of a community, by living honestly and
caring for others and empty religious rituals and superstitions have
no value. Sikhs believe that God cannot be understood properly by
human beings but he can be experienced through love, worship and
contemplation. Sikhs look for God both inside themselves and in the
world around them. They do this to help themselves achieve
liberation and union with God. The goal of human life is to break the
cycle of births and deaths & merge with God. This can be
accomplished by following the teachings of the Guru, meditation on
the Holy Name and performance of acts of service and charity.

Sikhs believe that most of us misunderstand the universe. We think
that it exists on its own, when it really exists because God wills it to
exist and is a portrait of Gods own nature. The message has been
shown to us by the Gurus in their lives and in their words & is set
down in the teachings of scripture. Sikhism does not ask people to
turn away from ordinary life to get closer to God. In fact it demands
that they use ordinary life as a way to get closer to God. Sikhism
rejects all distinctions of caste, creed, race or sex. "All are created
from the seed of God. Recognize the light (of God) and do not ask
for the caste, there is no caste in the next world" (Guru Nanak, Asa).
The potter (God) makes many kinds of pots but there is the same
clay in the whole world" (Guru Amar Das, Bhairo).

The Guru Granth Sahib or Adi Granth, is the religious text of
Sikhism. It is a voluminous text of 1430 Angs, compiled and

composed during the period of Sikh gurus, from 1469 to 1708. The
Adi Granth was first compiled by the fifth Sikh guru, Guru Arjan
Dev (15631606), from hymns of the first five Sikh gurus and other
great saints or bhagats including those of the Hindu and Muslim
faith. Guru Gobind Singh (16661708), the tenth guru, affirmed the
sacred text Adi Granth as his successor, elevating it to Guru Granth
Sahib. The text remains the holy scripture of the Sikhs, regarded as
the teachings of the Ten Gurus, as a source or guide of prayer is
pivotal in worship in Sikhism.

It is a book that Sikhs consider a living Guru. The tenth Sikh Guru
decreed that after his death the spiritual guide of the Sikhs would be
the teachings contained in that book, so the Guru Granth Sahib now
has the status of a Guru and Sikhs show it the respect they would
give to a human Guru. After the demise of the tenth Sikh guru many
copies were prepared for distribution by Baba Deep Singh.

Sikhs consider the Granth to be a spiritual guide for mankind and it
plays a central role in "guiding" the Sikhs' way of life. Its place in
Sikh devotional life is based on two fundamental principles. That the
text is divine revelation and that all answers regarding religion and
morality can be discovered within it. Its hymns and teachings are
called Gurbani or "Word of the guru" and sometimes Guru ki bani or
"Word of God". Thus, in Sikh theology, the revealed divine word is
written by the past Gurus. The numerous holy men other than the
Sikh Gurus whose writing were included in the Adi Granth are
collectively referred to as Bhagats, "devotees" and their writings are
referred to as Bhagat bani, "Word of Devotees". These saints
belonged to different social and religious backgrounds, including
Hindus and Muslims, cobblers and untouchables. Guru Granth Sahib
is said to be the sole and final successor of the line of gurus.

According to The basic teaching the Granth Saheb, Kam (lust),
Krodh (anger), Lobh (greed), Moh (worldly attachment) and
Ahankar (pride) are the five cardinal vices & if one can overcome
these, they will achieve salvation. "Five thieves who live within this
body are lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. They rob us of
ambrosia but the egocentrics do not understand it and no one listens
to their cries" (Guru Amar Das, Sorath). "Five are the Muslim
prayers, five their appointed hours, Five their names and these be the

true prayers, The first is Truth, the second is lawful earning and the
third is to beg the Graces of God for all, The fourth is the right
intention in the mind and the fifth is the praise of the Lord." (Guru
Nanak, Var Majh). Honest labor and work (Kirat Karna) are the
approved way of living ones life. It is considered honorable to earn
ones daily bread through honest work and not by begging or
dishonest means.

The Guru's stressed the full equality of women, rejecting female
infanticide, sati (wife burning), permitting widow remarriage and
rejects purdah (women wearing veils). "We are born of woman, we
are conceived in the womb of woman and we are engaged and
married to woman. We make friendship with woman and the lineage
continued because of woman. When one woman dies, we take
another one, we are bound with the world through woman. Why
should we talk ill of her, who gives birth to kings? The woman is
born from woman and there is none without her. Only the One True
Lord is without woman" (Guru Nanak, Var Asa)

Sikhs worship God and only God. Unlike members of many other
religions they worship God in His true abstract form and do not use
images or statues to help them. Sikh worship can be public or private
& at any time and any place. There are set prayers that a Sikh should
recite in the morning, evening and before going to sleep. Guru Arjan
wrote of the importance of prayer as The praising of His Name is
the highest of all practices. It has uplifted many a human soul. It
slakes the desire of restless mind. It imparts an all-seeing vision.
Although Sikhs can worship on their own, they see congregational
worship as having its own special merits. Sikhs believe that God is
visible in the Sikh congregation (Sangat) and that God is pleased by
the act of serving the Sangat. Sikh public worship can be led by any
Sikh, male or female, who is competent to do so.

The Sikh place of worship is called a Gurdwara, the place where
Sikhs come together for congregational worship. The literal meaning
of the Punjabi word Gurdwara is 'the residence of the Guru', or 'the
door that leads to the Guru'. There are no idols, statues, or religious
pictures in a Gurdwara, because Sikhs worship only God and they
regard God as having no physical form. There are no candles,
incense, bells, or any other ritualistic devices but the focus of

attention and the only object of reverence in the main hall (or Darbar
Sahib) is the book of Sikh scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib, which is
treated with the respect that would be given to a human Guru.

The Guru Granth Sahib is kept in a room of its own during the night
and carried in procession to the main hall at the start of the day's
worship. The book is placed on a raised platform (Takht or Manji
Sahib, meaning "throne") under a canopy (Chanani or Palki) and
covered with an expensive cloth when not being read. During a
service a person with a whisk or fan called a Chaur waves it over the
Guru Granth Sahib.

There are four doors into a Gurdwara, known as the Door of Peace,
the Door of Livelihood, the Door of Learning and the Door of Grace.
These doors are a symbol that people from all four points of the
compass are welcome and that members of all four castes are equally
welcome. There's always a light on in a Gurdwara, to show that the
Guru's Light is always visible and is accessible to everyone at any
time. Every Gurdwara has a Langar (free food kitchen) attached to it
where food is served to anyone without charge. The term Langar is
also used for the communal meal served at the Gurdwaras. The food
served in the Langar must be simple, so as to prevent wealthy
congregations turning it into a feast that shows off their superiority.

The three duties that a Sikh must carry out can be summed up in
three words; Pray, Work, Give. Normal Family life (Grasth) is
encouraged, celibacy or renunciation of the world is not necessary to
achieve salvation. The devotee must live in the world yet keep his
mind pure. He must be a soldier, a scholar, a saint. (Vand Chhakna)
sharing with others is also a social responsibility. The individual is
expected to help others in need through charity. (Seva) community
service is also an integral part of Sikhism. Many Sikhs carry out
chores in the Gurdwara as their service to the community, which
range from working in the kitchen to cleaning the floor. The Langar
is a community act of service. Sikhs serves God by serving (seva)
other people every day & by devoting their lives to service they get
rid of their own ego and pride. Sikhs also regard caring for the poor
or sick as an important duty of service.

SHINTO OR SHINTOISM, also kami-no-michi, is the indigenous

spirituality of Japan & the people of Japan. It is a set of practices, to
be carried out diligently, to establish a connection between present
day Japan & its ancient past. Shinto practices were first recorded and
codified in the written historical records of the Kojiki and Nihon
Shoki in the 8th century. Still, these earliest Japanese writings do not
refer to a unified "Shinto religion" but rather to disorganized
folklore, history & mythology. Shinto today is a term that applies to
public shrines suited to various purposes such as war memorials,
harvest festivals, romance, & historical monuments, as well as
various sectarian organizations. Practitioners express their diverse
beliefs through a standard language & practice, adopting a similar
style in dress & ritual, dating from around the time of the Nara and
Heian Periods.

Fact books & statistics typically list some 80 to 90% of Japanese
people as Shintoist, however, polls suggest that most Japanese
consider themselves non-religious & believe that there are currently
only 4 million "actual" observers of Shinto in Japan. The vast
majority of people in Japan who take part in Shinto rituals also
practice Buddhist rituals. However Shinto does not actually require
professing faith to be a believer or a practitioner a person who
practices "any" manner of Shinto rituals may be so counted and as
such it is difficult to query for exact figures based on self-
identification of belief within Japan.

The word Shinto, "Way of the Gods" was adopted from the written
Chinese combining two kanji, the "shin" meaning "spirit" or kami &
the "to" meaning a philosophical path or study. Kami are defined in
English as "spirits", "essences" or "deities, that are associated with
many understood formats. In some cases being human-like, in others
being animistic & others being associated with more abstract
"natural" forces in the world like mountains, rivers, lightning, wind,
waves, trees, rocks. Kami & people are not separate. They exist
within the same world & share its interrelated complexity. Kami is
generally accepted to describe the innate supernatural force that is
above the actions of man, the realm of the sacred & is inclusive of
Gods, spirit figures & human ancestors. All mythological creatures
of the Japanese cultural tradition of the Buddhism, Christian God,
Hindu Gods, Islamic Allah, various angels & demons of all faiths
among others are considered Kami for the purpose of Shinto faith.

The kami reside in all things but certain places are designated for the
interface of people & kami sacred nature, shrines & kamidana. There
are natural places considered to have an unusually sacred spirit about
them and are objects of worship. They are frequently mountains,
trees, unusual rocks, rivers, waterfalls and other natural edifices. In
most cases they are on or near a shrine grounds. The shrine is a
building built in which to house the kami, with a separation from the
"ordinary" world through sacred space with defined features based
on the age and lineage of the shrine. The kamidana is a home shrine
(placed on a wall in the home) that is a "kami residence" that acts as
a substitute for a large shrine on a daily basis. In each case the object
of worship is considered a sacred space inside which the kami spirit
actually dwells, being treated with the atmost respect and deference.

Another problem is that Shinto is more considered a way of life
rather than a religion by the Japanese due to its long historical and
cultural significance. Due to the syncretic nature of Shinto and
Buddhism, most "life" events are handled by Shinto & "death" or
"afterlife" events are handled by Buddhismfor example, it is
typical in Japan to register or celebrate a birth at a Shinto shrine,
while funeral arrangements are generally dictated by Buddhist
tradition although the division is not exclusive. Shinto teaches that
everything contains a kami, commonly translated as god or spirit.
Shinto's spirits are collectively called yaoyorozu no kami, an
expression literally meaning "eight million kami" but interpreted as
meaning "myriad", although it can be translated as "many Kami".
There is a phonetic variation kamu & a similar word among Ainu
kamui. There is an analog "mi-koto".

TAOISM is an ancient tradition of philosophy and religious belief
that is deeply rooted in Chinese customs and worldview originated in
China 2000 years ago. It is also referred to as Daoism, which is a
more accurate way of representing in English the sound of the
Chinese word. Taoism has no founder and no founding date as it
grew out of various religious and philosophical traditions in ancient
China, including shamanism and nature religion. But it began in the
year 142 C.E. with the revelation of the Tao to Zhang Daoling or
Chang Tao-ling by the personified God of the Tao, Taishang laojun
(Lao Tzu), the Highest Venerable Lord. Taoism was first recognized
as a religious system during the 3rd and 4th centuries BCE than it

became a semi-official Chinese religion during the Tang dynasty &
continued during the Song dynasty. As Confucianism gained
popularity Taoism gradually fell from favor & changed from an
official religion to a popular religious tradition.

Before the Communist revolution fifty years ago, Taoism was one of
the strongest religions in China but after the communist takeover of
China, Taoism was banned and its followers re-educated, with the
result that the number of practicing Taoists fell by 99% in 10 years.
After a campaign to destroy non-Communist religion, however, the
numbers significantly reduced and it has become difficult to assess
the statistical popularity of Taoism in the world. At this time Taoism
began to flourish in the greater freedom on offer in Taiwan.

It is a religion of unity and opposites-Yin and Yang. The principle of
Yin Yang sees the world as filled with complementary forces-action
and non-action, light and dark, hot and cold & so on. Taoism
promotes achieving harmony or union with nature, the pursuit of
spiritual immortality, being 'virtuous' (but not ostentatiously so) &
self-development. Many Taoist ideas come from other Chinese
schools of thought. It is not always easy to draw accurate distinctions
between ideas that are fundamentally Taoist and those that Taoism
took in from elsewhere, especially Buddhism. The method of
following the Tao is called Wu Wei. This can be translated as
uncontrived action or natural non-intervention. Taoists believes that
the world is a spiritual vessel and one cannot act upon it, so live lives
of balance and harmony. They find their way through life in the
same way that a river flowing through the countryside finds its
natural course. The common view of Daoism is that it encourages
people to live with detachment and calm, resting in non-action and
smiling at the vicissitudes of the world.

Taoism is about the Tao that is usually translated as the Way but
hard to say exactly what this means & cannot be described in words.
Actually Philosophical speculation about the Tao is less important
than living in sensitive response to the Tao that how it works in the
world and how human beings relate to it. Human language can only
give hints that may help the mind to form an idea however, it is the
ultimate creative principle of the universe, wherein, all things are
unified and connected in it. The Tao is not a thing or a substance in

the conventional sense. It cannot be perceived but it can be observed
in the things of the world. Although it gives rise to all being, it does
not itself have being. The Tao is not God and is not worshipped.

Taoism includes many deities that are worshipped in Taoist temples,
by considering them as part of the universe and depend, like
everything, on the Tao. The Tao Te Ching uses female images such
as the mother of the universe and the mother of all things when
describing the Tao. Taoism has always accepted that women have an
equal part to play in spiritual life. Women took priestly roles from
the earliest days of organized Taoist religion and Taoist legend has
many tales of female deities. Taoists view the body as a miniature of
the universe, filled with the Tao. The parts of the body have their
counterparts in physical features of the universe. The idea is that as
the Taoist draws closer and closer to nature throughout their life,
death is just the final step in achieving complete unity with the

The key book of Taoism was compiled around the 3rd century BCE.
It's called the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing or Daode Jing)-The Way
and Its Power also known as the Lao-tzu. It is an essential guide for
all Taoist to living a full spiritual and ethical life. According to it the
One is the essence of Tao, the essential energy of life, the
possession of which enables things and beings to be truly themselves
& in accord with the Tao. Taoist texts sometimes refer to the Tao as
the mother & the One as the son. Wu and Yu are non-being & being
or not-having & having. Ch'i or qi is the cosmic vital energy that
enables beings to survive and links them to the universe as a whole.

Taoist practices include meditation, feng shui, fortune-telling &
reading and chanting of scriptures. Taoist priests undergo long and
intense training to acquire the necessary skills. They must study
music, liturgy and ritual, as well as meditation and other physical
practices & they must learn Taoist theology and the spiritual
hierarchy of the Taoist deities. During this training they are required
to live highly disciplined lives. Taoist experts believe that they can
journey in spirit to higher realms of being-in much the same way that
Shamans can journey out of the body. Such traveler makes that
journey through ritual, meditation, and visualization which separates
them from this world and harmonizes them with the energy flows of

the universe. The journeys gradually move them closer and closer to
the Tao itself.

Taoist rituals involve purification, meditation and offerings to
deities. The details of Taoist rituals are often highly complex and
technical and therefore left to the priests, with the congregation
playing little part. The rituals involve the priest (and assistants) in
chanting and playing instruments (particularly wind and percussion),
and also dancing. One major Taoist ritual is the chiao (jiao), a rite of
cosmic renewal, which is itself made up of several rituals. Temple
rituals can be used to regulate ch'i and balance the flow of yin and
yang both for individuals and the wider community. Other rituals
involve prayers to various Taoist deities, meditations on talismans,
and reciting and chanting prayers and texts.

CAODAIISM (Cao i) is a syncretistic, monotheistic religion,
officially established in the city of Tay Ninh, southern Vietnam in
1926. o Cao i is the religion's shortened name. Its full name is
i o Tam K Ph (Great Religion of The Third Period of
Revelation and Salvation). Cao means "high" and i means "dais"
as in a platform or altar raised above the surrounding level to give
prominence to the person on it. Figuratively, it means that highest
spiritual place where God reigns. Caodaiists often use the term c
Cao i as the abbreviated name for God, the creator of the
universe, whose full title is Cao i Tin ng i B Tt Ma-ha-tt
translation as the Ancient Sage and Great Bodhisattva Mahasattva.
According to Caodaiists, the full title was purposefully chosen by
God because within it is representations of the Three Teachings of
Saint, Sage and Buddha.

Caodaiists credit God as the religion's founder. They believe the
teachings, symbolism and organization were communicated directly
from God. Even the construction of the Ty Ninh Holy See is
claimed to have had divine guidance. Cao i's first disciples, Ng
Vn Chiu, Cao Qunh C, Phm Cng Tc and Cao Hoi Sang,
claimed to have received direct communications from God, who
gave them explicit instructions for establishing a new religion that
would commence the Third Era of Religious Amnesty. According to
the Cao i myth of creation, before God existed, there was the Tao,
the nameless, formless, unchanging, eternal source referenced in the

Tao Te Ching. Then a Big Bang occurred, out of which God was
born (emanationism). The universe could not yet be formed and to
do so, God created yin and yang. He took control of yang and shed a
part of himself, creating the Mother Buddha to preside over yin. In
the presence of yin and yang, the universe was materialized. The
Mother Buddha is, literally, the mother of the myriad of things in the

Adherents engage in ethical practices such as prayer, veneration of
ancestors, nonviolence and vegetarianism with the minimum goal of
rejoining God the Father in Heaven and the ultimate goal of freedom
from the cycle of birth and death. Estimates of Cao i adherents in
Vietnam vary but most sources up to six million. Caodaiists worship
not only God the father but also the Mother Buddha. The Mother
Buddha, like all buddhas, is a part of Yang and therefore is male.
Yin is the female side & the Mother Buddha oversees Yin but is not
a part of Yin. God is symbolized by the Divine Eye, specifically the
left eye because Yang is the left side & God is the master of Yang.
There are 36 levels of Heaven & 72 planets harboring intelligent life,
with number one being the closest to heaven & 72 nearest to Hell.
Earth is number 68. It is said that even the lowest citizen on planet
67 would not trade place with a king on 68 & so forth.

CHEONDOISM originated from the Donghak ("Eastern Learning"),
a Confucian movement that arose as a reaction to Western
encroachment & as a religion evolved in the early 1900s in the
southern provinces of Korea. While the Donghak movement began
with Confucian scholar Choe Jeu, it did not become a religion until
the 3rd patriarch, Son Byeong-hui, who decided to modernize the
religion and usher in an era of openness and transparency in order to
legitimize it in the eyes of the Japanese. Choe Jeu formulated the
Donghak ideology in the 1860s to help ease the lot of the farmers
suffering from abject poverty and exploitation & to restore political
and social stability. His ideas rapidly gained broad acceptance
among the peasantry.

Choe set his Donghak themes to music so that illiterate farmers
could understand, accept and remember them more readily. His
teachings were systematized & compiled as a message of salvation
to farmers in distress. During the waning days of the Joseon

Dynasty, King Gojong himself embraced Cheondoism and promoted
it nationwide. The King added Buddhist and Christian rituals and
codices to the new religion, which was organized into a formal
organizational hierarchy similar to that of Roman Catholicism with
Pope, Papal Nuncio, formal ceremonies.

TENRIKYO is Japanese Religion of Divine Wisdom, largest and
most successful of the modern Shinto sects in Japan. Though
founded in the 19th century, it is often considered in connection with
the evangelistic new religions of contemporary Japan. It was first
considered a branch of the Yoshida sect of Shinto. In 1880 it
changed its affiliation to Buddhism and from 1908 has been
recognized as one of the 13 groups that compose Kyoha Shinto.
Tenrikyo was one of the most powerful religious movements in
Japan immediately before World War II and has retained a large
following. In 1980 its membership was about 2,500,000.

It originated with Nakayama Miki (17981887), a charismatic
peasant from Yamato Province, who claimed she became possessed
by a God called Tenri O no Mikoto (Lord of Divine Wisdom)
when she was 40 years old. She developed a worship characterized
by ecstatic dancing and shamanistic practices and a simple doctrine
based on the oracles transmitted through her emphasizing charity
and the healing of disease through mental acts of faith. Her writings
and deeds were considered divine models and she was widely
venerated till date. The founder, Nakayama, was succeeded by
Master Iburi & since his death the leader of the sect has always been
a member of the Nakayama family.

The goal of Tenrikyo is a happy life free from disease and suffering.
The modern sect emphasizes modern medical care. The centre of
religious activity is the jiba, a sacred recess in the sanctuary of the
main temple in Tenri city. The world is said to have been created
here and from the jiba salvation will finally be extended to the entire
world. Every member of Tenrikyo is expected to carry on missionary
work. In the propagation of its teaching, the sect has founded a radio
station, a university and an outstanding library. Followers of
Tenrikyo describe their deity as God the Parent, with the name
Tenri-O-no-Mikoto. The parental imagery stresses the love the deity
has for his children (humanity), as well as the sibling status that all

humans have with each other.

Self-centered thoughts are considered contrary to the Joyous Life,
blinding people from how they should properly behave and enjoy
life. Hinikishin is selfless and thankful action one can show toward
his fellow human beings. This helps to banish self-centered thoughts
while celebrating the love of God the Parent through assistance to
other members of humanity. Followers are also encouraged to
remain optimistic in the face of hardship, continuing to strive
forward without complaint or judgment.

CONFUCIANISM, unlike most religions, is primarily an ethical
system with rituals at important times during one's lifetime. The
most important periods recognized in the Confucian tradition are
birth, reaching maturity, marriage and death.

THE BAHAI FAITH is one of the youngest of the world's major
religions. There are 6 million Bahais in the world, in 235 countries.
It was founded by Bahaullah in Iran in 1863 when it was mainly a
Muslim country. This faith was proclaimed by a young Iranian, who
called himself The Bab & said that a messenger would soon arrive
from God, who would be the latest in a line of prophets including
Moses, Muhammad and Jesus Christ. Bahaullah, which means the
Glory of God in Arabic, was born Mirza Husayn Ali in 1817 &
stated that he is not God's final messenger. He taught that God
intervenes throughout human history at different times to reveal
more of Himself through His messengers (called Divine Messengers,
or Manifestations of God). Bahais believes that God is transcendent
and cannot be known directly but can be known through the lives
and teachings of His great prophets, the most recent of whom was

Bahai religion may be unique in the way that it accepts all religions
& other faiths as true and valid. It accepts the divine nature of the
missions of Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, the Buddha, Jesus and the
Prophet Muhammad. They believe each one was a further stage in
the revelation of God. Other prophets and Manifestations are also
accepted. The central idea of the faith is the idea of progressive
revelation that of unity. They believe that people should work
together for the common benefit of humanity. All human beings

have a soul that lives forever. All human beings are members of a
single race, which should soon be united in a single global
community. All human beings are different, but equal; there should
be no inequality between races or sexes. All religions have the same
spiritual foundation, despite their apparent differences.

Bahais believes that there has only ever been one God, who is
called by different names in different religions and that all the
universe and creation belong to Him. God is omnipotent, perfect and
has complete knowledge of life, God is too great to be ever
understood by the finite human mind, knowledge of God means
knowledge of the attributes of God & therefore the only thing we can
actually know about God is that God exists everywhere.

Bahaullah was the founder of the Bahai faith. His life as a prophet
was spent in a series of exiles that culminated in Acre, where he
wrote the Kitab-i-Aqdas, one of the key Bahai scriptures, as well as
other spiritual works & letters. The writings of the Bab & Bahaullah
are regarded as Divine Revelation. The writings of Abdu'l-Bah are
recognized as sacred. The scriptures of other faiths which include the
teachings of previous Manifestations of God (such as Buddha,
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad) are also regarded as Divine
Revelations. The Qur'an is recognized as fully authoritative and the
Judaeo-Christian Bible as substantially authentic. While readings
from other religions form part of Bahai worship, their teachings are
not binding because Bahai teaching asserts that each Manifestation
brings laws and teachings appropriate for its own time.

ZOROASTRIANISM is one of the world's oldest monotheistic
religions. It was founded by the Prophet Zoroaster (or Zarathustra) in
ancient Iran approximately 3500 years ago. Although the precise
date is uncertain, an approximate date of 1200-1500 BCE has been
established through archaeological evidence and linguistic
comparisons with the Hindu text, the Rig Veda. For 1000 years it
was one of the most powerful religions in the world & was the
official religion of Persia (Iran) from 600 BCE to 650 CE but now it
is turned to one of the world's smallest religions. Today there are
probably less than 2,50,000 followers worldwide. The Zoroastrians
are roughly split into two groups of the Iranians and the Parsis.

Zoroastrianism is a home and community oriented religion. There is
no tradition of monasticism or celibacy. Zoroaster himself was a
family man and most worship happens in the family home.
Zoroastrianism is also about action. Zoroastrians work towards
improving the local community and society in general. They tend to
give generously to charities and are often behind educational and
social initiatives. The Parsi community in India is particularly known
for its industrious contributions to Indian society.

Unlike some religions where man is God's child or servant, in
Zoroastrianism man is considered more as God's helper. Men and
women, rich and poor & young and old are all seen as equal. One
only surpasses the other through their righteousness. Through man's
positive choices, evil will be eradicated and God's Paradise on Earth
will be established. In practice, modern Zoroastrianism has a
positive outlook. It teaches that Mankind is ultimately good and that
this goodness will finally triumph over evil. This could be seen as a
retrenchment from the faith's original purity of dualism. It is the
existence of, yet complete separation of, good & evil that is
recognized in two interconnecting ways of Cosmically means
opposing forces within the universe and Morally means opposing
forces within the mind.

Zoroastrians believe there is one God called Ahura Mazda (Wise
Lord) & He created the world. They are not fire-worshippers, as
some Westerners wrongly believe. But they believe that the elements
are pure and that fire represents God's light or wisdom & Ahura
Mazda revealed the truth through the Prophet, Zoroaster. God is
worshiped as supreme. Zoroastrians believe that everything he
created is pure and should be treated with love and respect. This
includes the natural environment, so Zoroastrians traditionally do not
pollute the rivers, land or atmosphere. This has caused some to call
Zoroastrianism 'the first ecological religion'.

In Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda has an adversary called Angra
Mainyu (meaning 'destructive spirit'). Angra Mainyu is the originator
of death and all that is evil in the world. Ahura Mazda, who is
perfect, abides in Heaven, whereas Angra Mainyu dwells in the
depths of Hell. When a person dies they will go to Heaven or Hell
depending on their deeds during their lifetime. It is generally

accepted that in the Abrahamic religions, the concepts of Heaven,
Hell & the Devil were heavily influenced by Zoroastrian belief.

Cosmic dualism refers to the ongoing battle between Good (Ahura
Mazda) and Evil (Angra Mainyu) within the universe. It is important
to understand that Angra Mainyu is not God's equal opposite rather it
is the destructive energy that opposes God's creative energy. This
creative energy is called Spenta Mainyu through which God created
a pure world, to which Angra Mainyu continues to attack, making it
impure using its attributes like aging, sickness, famine, natural
disasters, death & so on. With cosmic dualism we have life & death,
day and night, good and evil. One cannot be understood without the
other. Life is a mixture of these two opposing forces.

Moral dualism refers to the opposition of good & evil in the mind of
mankind. God's gift to man was free will, & therefore, man has the
choice to follow the path of Evil (druj - deceit) or the path of
Righteousness (asha-truth). The path of Evil leads to misery &
ultimately Hell. The path of Righteousness leads to peace &
everlasting happiness in Heaven.

As with cosmic dualism, we have the polarity of happiness and
sadness, truth and deception and so on but with an emphasis on
choice. This choice is crucial as it determines whether we are the
helper of Ahura Mazda or the helper of Angra Mainyu. When all of
mankind chooses the former over the latter, evil will finally be
defeated and Paradise on earth will be realized.

Zoroastrians believe that Zoroaster is the prophet of God. Zoroaster
himself is not worshipped, but through his teachings man can
become close to God by following the path of truth and
righteousness (asha). At the age of thirty, Zoroaster had a divine
vision whilst bathing in a river during a pagan purification rite. On
the bank of the river he saw a 'Shining Being' made of light who
revealed himself as Vohu Manah ('Good Mind'). Vohu Manah led
Zoroaster to the presence of Ahura Mazda (God) and five other
radiant beings, which are called the Amesha Spentas (Holy
Immortals). This was the first of a number of visions in which
Zoroaster saw Ahura Mazda and his Amesha Spentas. During each
vision he uses to ask many questions & the answers given to him are

the foundations of Zoroastrian religion.

The Zoroastrian book of Holy Scriptures is called The Avesta which
can be roughly split into two main sections. The Avesta is the oldest
and core part of the scriptures, which contains the Gathas, a bunch of
seventeen hymns thought to be composed by Zoroaster himself. The
Younger Avesta-commentaries to the older Avestan written in later
years also contains myths, stories and details of ritual observances.

Amesha Spentas translates as 'Holy Immortals'. Just as light rays are
emanated from the sun but are not the sun, so the Amesha Spentas
are emanated by God but are not God. These emanations are seen as
the divine attributes of God. They helped God fashion the world and
each is associated with a particular aspect of creation. The six
Amesha Spentas are Vohu Manah-Good mind and good purpose,
Asha Vahishta-Truth and righteousness, Spenta Ameraiti-Holy
devotion, serenity and loving kindness, Khashathra Vairya-Power
and just rule, Hauravatat-Wholeness and health and Ameretat-Long
life and immortality.

Zoroastrian beliefs can best be summed up as Good Thoughts,
Good Words, Good Deeds & they all try to live their daily lives by
this creed. At the age of seven, Zoroastrians are given a sudreh
(shirt) and kusti (cord) as part of an initiation ceremony. These
garments are considered sacred. They tie the kusti around the sudreh
three times to remind themselves of 'Good Words, Good Thoughts
and Good Deeds'. The Navjote is also known as Sedreh-Pushi. This
is the initiation ceremony where a child, between the ages of seven
and twelve, receives his or her sudreh and kusti and performs the
'Kusti Ritual' for the first time. From then on, Zoroastrians
traditionally perform this ritual with prayers several times a day.
They worship communally in a Fire Temple or Agiary.

Prayers are primarily invocational, calling upon and celebrating
Ahura Mazda and his good essence that runs through all things.
Prayers are said facing the sun, fire or other source of light
representing Ahura Mazda's divine light and energy. Communal
worship is usually centered on seasonal festivals (of which the
Zoroastrians have many), but there are other opportunities for
worshipers to gather, such as the Navjote, the initiation ceremony

where a child is accepted into the Zoroastrian fellowship.

Purification is strongly emphasized in Zoroastrian rituals. They
focus on keeping their minds, bodies and environments pure in the
quest to defeat evil (Angra Mainyu). Fire is seen as the supreme
symbol of purity, and sacred fires are maintained in Fire Temples
(Agiaries). These fires represent the light of God (Ahura Mazda) as
well as the illuminated mind, and are never extinguished. No
Zoroastrian ritual or ceremony is performed without the presence of
a sacred fire. They may engage in a purification ritual, such as the
washing of the hands, then untie and then retie it while reciting

Zoroastrians believe that as soon as the breath has left it, the body
becomes impure. Death is considered to be the work of Angra
Mainyu, the embodiment of all that is evil, whereas the earth and all
that is beautiful is considered to be the pure work of God.
Contaminating the elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) with
decaying matter such as a corpse is considered sacrilege. Instead of
burying the corpse, Zoroastrians traditionally laid it out on a purpose
built tower (dokhma or 'Tower of Silence') to be exposed to the sun
and eaten by birds of prey such as vultures. In future, unfortunately,
this practice may have to end with a rapid decline in the population
of vultures and the ecological changes of India. Modern Zoroastrians
must rethink how they keep continue this ancient tradition alive by
their limited strength & sources.

CANDOMBL is a religion based on African beliefs which is
particularly popular in Brazil. The religion is a mixture of traditional
Yoruba, Fon and Bantu beliefs which originated from different
regions in Africa. It has also incorporated some aspects of the
Catholic faith over time & is a religion which combines elements of
many religions is called a syncretic religion. Enslaved Africans
brought their beliefs with them when they were shipped to Brazil
during the slave trade. The religion has surged in popularity in Brazil
since then, with as many as two million people professing to follow
the faith. It is particularly practiced in Salvador da Bahia, in the
north east of Brazil. Interestingly, many people from African
countries visit Bahia in order to learn more about the faith of their
ancestors. For many followers it is not just a matter of religious

belief but also of reclaiming the cultural and historical identity which
slavery stripped them of.

The name Candombl means 'dance in honor of the Gods'. It teaches
that any evil you cause to people will return to you eventually. There
is no concept of good or bad in Candombl. Each person is only
required to fulfill his or her destiny to the fullest, regardless of what
that is. Candombl is an oral tradition and therefore has no holy
scriptures. The first official temple was founded at the beginning of
the 19th century in Salvador, Bahia in Brazil.

Practitioners of Candombl believe in one all powerful God called
Oludumar who is served by lesser deities. These deities are called
orixas or voduns or inkices. According to them every person has
their own individual orixa which controls his or her destiny and acts
as a protector. Orixas are a link between the spiritual world and the
world of humans. They are ancestors who have been deified can be
from recent history perhaps only one hundred years old or they may
be over a thousand years old. Each orixa represents a certain force in
nature and is associated with certain foods, colors, animals and days
of the week. A person's character or personality is strongly linked to
their orixa. Voduns and inkices are spirit Gods, essentially the same
as orixas.

Music and dance are important parts of Candombl ceremonies.
Specially choreographed dances and hymns are performed by
worshippers to enable them to become possessed by the orixas. The
dance is a call to the spirits. At its height, the worshipper's orixa
temporarily possesses the dancer's body and he or she enters into a
trance like state and dances alone. Finally the Gods are expelled.
This is done by singing the hymns again, but in reverse order starting
with the last hymn. Collectively, ancestor spirits are called 'Baba
Egum' in Brazil. This is also known as 'Egungun' in other parts of
South America. During important ceremonies, priests and priestesses
will masquerade as Baba Egum. Specially choreographed dances
will be performed in order to become possessed of each ancestor
spirit. The Baba Egum are important in regulating the moral code of
Candomblcists. It is their responsibility to make sure that moral
standards of the past are continued as it is in the present.

This is regulated during the worship ceremonies. When a person
becomes possessed of their ancestor spirit during the ceremony, they
may act out scenes from the community to highlight both good and
bad actions in a sort of public tribunal. Worship services used to be
held in the homes of the enslaved. There are reports of dancing
ceremonies taking place in Rio de Janeiro, and laws being made that
forbade any person from attending these ceremonies. Anyone caught
at such places were given from fifty to one hundred lashes. Women
are very important in the Candombl faith. Services are usually led
by women, called 'mothers of the holy one', and it is the women who
are responsible for ensuring the training of future priestesses.

There is an important distinction between sacred and profane places
for Candomblcists. In profane places, ordinary everyday life occurs
like work, playing, relaxation and eating. Sacred places are called
terreiro or temples. They are buildings with indoor and outdoor
spaces and special areas for the Gods. Worshippers wear clean
clothes and splash water on themselves before they enter to rid
themselves of the uncleanliness of the world. Followers go to
terreiro for a number of reasons. Many go to have their fortunes told.
To do this, a priest or priestess casts cowry shells & interprets the
pattern in which they fall. Others go for months to immerse
themselves in the spiritual and become possessed by their orixa.

SANTERIA religion focuses on building relationships between
human beings and powerful, but mortal, spirits, called Orishas. An
Orisha is a manifestation of Olodumare (God). Followers believe
that these spirits, the Santeria deities will give them help in life, if
they carry out the appropriate rituals and enable them to achieve the
destiny that God planned for them before they were born. It is a
mutual relationship as the Orishas need to be worshipped by human
beings if they are to continue to exist. The Santeria faith teaches that
every individual has a destiny from God, a destiny fulfilled with the
aid and energy of the orishas. The basis of the Santeria religion is the
nurture of a personal relation with the orishas and one of the
principal forms of devotion is an animal sacrifice. According to
Santeria teaching, the orishas are powerful but not immortal. They
depend for survival on the sacrifice. Followers of Santeria are often
(nominal) Roman Catholics as well. Catholic symbols are sometimes
used in Santeria rituals. Santeria has no scriptures and is passed on

by word-of-mouth.

RASTAFARI is a young, Africa-centered religion which developed
in Jamaica in the 1930s, following the coronation of Haile Selassie I
as King of Ethiopia in 1930. Rastafari theology developed from the
ideas of Marcus Garvey, a political activist who wanted to improve
the status of fellow blacks. There are approximately one million
worldwide adherents of Rastafari as a faith. They believe that blacks
are the chosen people of God but that through colonization and the
slave trade their role has been suppressed but their God Haile
Selassie will return to Africa members of the black community who
are living in exile. The movement's greatest concerns are the
repatriation of blacks to their homeland, Africa and the reinstatement
of blacks' position in society. It is an exocentric religion as their God
is outside the religion.

Its religious ceremonies consist of chanting, drumming and
meditating in order to reach a state of heightened spirituality.
Rastafarian religious practice includes the ritual inhalation of
marijuana to increase their spiritual awareness. They follow strict
dietary laws and abstain from alcohol, eat clean and natural produce,
such as fruit and vegetables & refrain from the consumption of meat,
especially pork. They believe reincarnation follows death and that
life is eternal. Rastafarians are forbidden to cut their hair but they
grow it and twist it into dreadlocks. Rastafarians practice a number
of Old Testament Laws & there is a separate code of religious
practice for women in Rastafari & are opposed to abortion and

The Rastafarian colors are red, green and gold. Sometimes black is
added. These colours are chosen because Red signifies the blood of
those killed for the cause of the black community, throughout
Jamaican history, Green represents Jamaica's vegetation and hope
for the eradication of suppression, Gold symbolizes the wealth of
Ethiopia & Black signifies the color of the Africans who initiated
Rastafari. The lion is the symbol of Rastafari that represents Haile
Selassie I, who is referred to as the 'Conquering Lion of Judah'.
Rastafarians' dreadlocks represent the lion's mane.

WICCA is a modern pagan religion that draws upon a diverse set of

ancient pagan religious motifs for its theological structure and ritual
practice. The religion usually incorporates the practice of witchcraft.
Developed in England in the first half of the 20th century, it was
later popularized in the 1950s and early 1960s by Gerald Gardner
with a median estimate of 800,000 members at present worldwide.
Gardner was a retired British civil servant and an amateur
anthropologist and historian who had a broad familiarity with pagan
religions, esoteric societies and occultism in general.

Wicca is traditionally and primarily a duo-theistic religion centered
upon the idea of gender polarity and the worship of a Moon Goddess
and a Horned God which regarded as the Divine Feminine and the
Divine Masculine. They are complementary opposites, similar to the
ideas of Yin and yang in Taoism. The God and Goddess are
generally seen as lovers and equals, the Divine Couple who together
co-create the cosmos. Traditionally the God is viewed as a Horned
God and given various names according to the tradition that these
include Cernunnos, Pan, Atho and Karnayna, associated with nature,
wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle. The Goddess is
usually portrayed as a Triple Goddess, thereby being a triadic deity
comprising a Maiden goddess, a Mother goddess, and a Crone
goddess, each of whom has different associations, namely virginity,
fertility and wisdom.

Wicca also involves the ritual practice of magic, ranging from the
"low magic" or "folk magic" of shamanism and witchcraft to more
elaborate and complex rites influenced by the ceremonial magic of
the Western Hermetic Tradition. Wiccans frequently subscribe to a
broad code of morality known as the Wiccan Rede, although this is
not taken literally or even adhered to by them. Another characteristic
of Wiccan religion is the ritual celebration of the lunar and solar
cycles. Lunar rites, known as esbats are usually held around the time
of the full moon but they may also be held at the new moon or the
waxing or waning moon. The solar or seasonal festivals, known as
sabbats take place eight times a year, in regular intervals known as
the Wheel of the Year.

There are several other theological positions possible, including
Dianic feminist witches, a form of monotheistic goddess worship.

These various theological perspectives are not necessarily regarded
as mutually exclusive and any individual Wiccan may shift from one
perspective to another or combine two or more perspectives together
in one ritual. The metaphysical flexibility that allows for embracing
more than one theological perspective at a time may seem
paradoxical but it is a common feature of Wicca as a mystery
religion. A belief central to Wicca is that the Goddess and the God
are able to manifest in personal form, most importantly through the
bodies of Priestesses and Priests via the rituals of Drawing down the
Moon or the Sun.

Many Wiccans believe that the God and Goddess are merely two
aspects of the same godhead, often viewed as a pantheistic deity,
thereby encompassing everything in the universe within its divinity.
Gardner referred to this being as the Prime Mover and claimed that it
remained unknowable, although in the rituals of his tradition,
Gardnerianism, it is referred to as Dryghten, which had originally
been an old English term meaning The Lord. Many Wiccans accept
the concept of polytheism, thereby believing that there are many
different deities.

Some accept the view espoused by the occultist Dion Fortune that
"all Gods are one God and all Goddesses are one Goddess". With
this mindset, a Wiccan may regard the Germanic Eostre, Hindu Kali
and Christian Virgin Mary each as manifestations of one supreme
Goddess and likewise, the Celtic Cernunnos, the ancient Greek
Dionysus and the Judeo-Christian Yahweh as aspects of a single,
archetypal God. Some Wiccans conceive deities not as literal
personalities but as metaphorical archetypes or thought forms,
thereby technically allowing them to be atheists. For some Wiccans,
idea also involves elements of animism. Typically, Wiccans who
believe in reincarnation believe that the soul rests between lives in
the Otherworld or Summerland, known in Gardner's writings as the
"ecstasy of the Goddess. A common liturgical rite or poem used in
Wicca is "The Charge of the Goddess".

Various different symbols are used by Wiccans, all most like the use
of the Star of David by Jews. The most notable of these is the
pentagram, which has five points, each representing one of the five
classical elements in Wicca (earth, air, fire, water & spirit) & also

the idea that the human, with its five appendages, is a microcosm of
the universe. Other symbols that are used include the triskelion, the
triquetra, the three hares & the triple Moon symbol of the Triple

PAGANISM describes a group of contemporary religions based on a
reverence for nature. These faiths draw on the traditional religions of
indigenous peoples throughout the world that encompasses a diverse
community. Wiccans, Druids, Shamans, Sacred Ecologists, Odinists
and Heathens all make up parts of the Pagan community. Most
Pagans share an ecological vision that comes from the Pagan belief
in the organic vitality and spirituality of the natural world while
some groups concentrate on specific traditions or practices such as
ecology, witchcraft, Celtic traditions or certain gods. Pagans are not
sexual deviants, do not worship the devil, are not evil, do not
practice 'black magic' and their practices do not involve harming
people or animals. The Pagan Federation of Great Britain has no
precise figures but estimate that the number of Pagans in the British
Isles may reach up to only 200,000.

MODERN SPIRITUALISM is a movement dates from 1848 when
the Fox sisters of Hydesville New York produced knocking sounds
that were alleged to be spirit messages from a spirit which led to an
explosion in spiritualist activity in the USA. In the late 1920s and
early 1930s there were around one quarter of a million practicing
Spiritualists and some two thousand Spiritualist societies in the UK
in addition to flourishing micro-cultures of platform mediumship and
'home circles'. It is said to be the eighth largest religion in Britain
and has a network of groups across the country. Those who follow it
are united in believing that communication with spirits is possible
but beyond this central idea Modern Spiritualism can include a very
wide range of beliefs and world-views. It sees itself as entirely
rational, with no element of the supernatural. It is based on
demonstrated evidence that there is life after death & is different
from the world's major and minor religions because it is recent, it
does not have a global presence & it does not have a body of
theology. However it is a new religious movement with rituals,
doctrinal components, a belief in a transcendent realm and it has an
experiential dimension and elements that many other religions also

Spiritualists are those who believe in a continued future existence.
They strongly believe that people who have passed on into the spirit-
world can communicate with us. Such communication is thought to
be beneficial to the dead and the living. Spirits are said to
communicate through people with special skills, called mediums. In
the 19th Century communication was said to have occurred at an
event called a sance but in the 21st Century most communication is
said to take place either in a public demonstration of such
mediumship at a Spiritualist church service or in a private sitting
with a medium. Communication can be verbal, such as messages or
physical manifestations, such as tapping during such sitting.

Spiritualists sometimes refer to Spiritualism as a Religion, a
Philosophy & a Science based on natural, scientific laws and do not
involve the supernatural. They regard their religion as based on
universal truths, a common sense religion, one of knowing and
living. Truths are found in nature, in other religions, in writings, in
science, in philosophy, in Divine Law and are received through spirit
communication & they accept all truths & endeavor to prove their
validity. They generally believe that every human soul survives the
death of the body & enters a spirit-world that surrounds and
interpenetrates the material world. They say that communication is
possible between the material world & the spirit-world under the
right conditions usually through a medium as the Spirit beings are
little changed from their earlier selves.

Spiritualists teach that communication from the Spirit-world not only
shows that life continues after physical death, but that human beings
in the Spirit-world remain morally responsible for good and bad
deeds committed in the material world. They believe in a growing
awareness that even death does not free a person from the
consequences of their bad acts will lead people to behave better in
this present life. They also believe that the information received
from the spirit world should be sufficient to remove the fear of death
for all living things.

The Spiritualists' National Union in UK bases itself on the Seven
Principles, Those are:

The Fatherhood of God

The Brotherhood of Man
The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
The continuous existence of the human soul
Personal responsibility
Compensation & retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds
done on earth
Eternal progress opens to every human soul

Spiritualists acknowledge God as their Father because they are part
of the Life created by God in the beginning and still does so today.
All human beings are members of one divine family because they
spring from the same creative force. Matter being part of the creative
force or energy cannot be destroyed but it merely changes its form
therefore Spirit, as part of the Creative Force is indestructible. On
the death of the physical body, the spirit continues as an integral part
of the spiritual world. The spiritual world interpenetrates this
material world in a different dimension because in spirit life we have
a spirit body, which, until we progress far enough, is a replica of our
earthly body with the same personalities and characteristics.
Individuals in the spirit world only progress through their own
efforts & its personal responsibilities do not stop at death.

Each individual is responsible for their wrongful thoughts and deeds.
No other person or outside influence can interfere with an
individual's spiritual development, unless they allow them to. The
compensatory or retributive effects of this law operate now-they do
not wait until life in the Spirit World. Every human spirit has the
power to progress in wisdom and love. The rate of progress is
directly proportional to the desire for mental & spiritual
understanding. Each spirit always has the opportunity to reform & to
deal with the wrong things it has done in the past.

UNITARIANISM is an open-minded & individualistic approach to
religion that gives scope for a very wide range of beliefs and doubts.
Religious freedom for each individual is at the heart of Unitarianism.
It grew out of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century CE &
started in Poland & Transylvania in the 1560s. There are about
800,000 Unitarians worldwide, wherein, everyone is free to search
for meaning in life in a responsible way & to reach their own
conclusions. In line with their approach to religious truth, Unitarians

see diversity & pluralism as valuable rather than threatening. They
want religion to be broad, inclusive & tolerant. Unitarianism can
therefore include people who are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Pagan
& Atheist. Unitarians believe religion should make a difference to
the world, so they are often active in social justice & community
work & development.

Unitarianism has no standard set of beliefs but believe that religious
truth is not necessarily or primarily laid down either in scriptures, by
a holy person or by a religious institution and no individual or group
in Unitarianism makes an exclusive claim to the truth within certain
core values each Unitarian can believe what they feel is right.
Unitarians are so called because they insist on the oneness of God
and because they affirm the essential unity of humankind and of
creation. The Unitarians were the first church in Britain to accept
women as ministers, in 1904. They welcome gays and lesbians in
their ministry and support equal rights for gay people within the
Church and in society at large. Unitarians have adopted the Flaming
Chalice as the symbol of their faith.

Early Unitarians felt that the language of the Bible spoke clearly of
"one God" & because of this they felt that the traditional Christian
idea of God being a Trinity was wrong. From the viewpoint of
mainstream Christianity, therefore, Unitarianism is a heretical belief
and for many centuries those who believed in the unity of God were
persecuted by the churches.

Universalism, in its primary sense, refers to religious, theological
and philosophical concepts with universal application or
applicability. Religion in this context is defined as a set of beliefs
concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe, especially
when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or
agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances and
often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human
affairs. However, not only a set of values but a world view, to which,
any can prescribe if they observe and believe in the universality of
the human experience and that of all sentient life. It is a term used to
identify particular doctrines considering all people in their

In its secondary sense, a community that calls itself Universalist may
emphasize the universal principles of most religions and accept other
religions in an inclusive manner, believing in a universal
reconciliation between humanity and the divine. A belief in one
common truth is also another important tenet. The living truth is seen
as more far-reaching than national, cultural or religious boundaries.

Christian Universalist ideas are first undisputedly documented in
17th-century England and 18th-century Europe and America. The
Catholic Church is universal in the sense that it embraces individuals
"from every race, nation, language, and people", but does not teach
universal salvation.

Hinduism embraces universalism by conceiving the whole world as
a single family that deifies the one truth and therefore it accepts all
forms of beliefs and dismisses labels of distinct religions which
would imply a division of identity.

Sufis generally hold to a much more exclusivist and tolerant view of
other faiths & religious systems than traditional Sunni & Shi'a Islam.
Hindu Universalism denotes the ideology that all religions are true
and therefore worthy of toleration and respect.

In Sikhism, all the religions of the world are compared to rivers
flowing into a single ocean. As per Guru Nanak there is no
distinction between religions in God's eyes, whether polytheist,
monotheist, pantheist, or even atheist, all that one needs to gain
salvation is purity of heart, tolerance of all beings, compassion and

The Bahai view promotes the unity of humanist and that people's
vision should be world-embracing and that people should love the
whole world rather than just their nation.

ATHEISM is the absence of belief in any Gods or spiritual beings.
The word Atheism comes from a meaning without and theism
meaning belief in God or Gods. Atheists do not use God to explain
the existence of the universe & say that human beings can devise
suitable moral codes to live by without the aid of Gods or scriptures.
They find insufficient evidence to support any religion, think that

religion is nonsensical & live in a non-religious culture. Many of
them once had a religion and have lost faith in it but it do not interest
them, does not seem relevant to their lives & seem to have done a lot
of harm in the world. For them the world is such a bad place that
there cannot be a God. Many atheists are hostile to any special
treatment given to organized religion, however, they are categorizes
as Humanism, Postmodernism, Rationalism, Secularism & Unitarian

It is possible to be both atheist and religious. Virtually all Buddhists
manage it, as do some adherents of other religions such as Judaism
and Christianity. Atheists are as moral (or immoral) as religious

In practical terms atheists often follow the same moral code as
religious people but they arrive at the decision of what is good or
bad without any help from the idea of God. Many people are atheists
because of the way they were brought up or educated or because
they have simply adopted the beliefs of the culture in which they
grew up. It may be a fact that someone raised in Communist China is
likely to have no belief in God because the education system and
culture make being an atheist the natural thing to do while some
people are atheists because they just feel that atheism is right. Many
people are atheists because they think there is no evidence for God's
existence-or at least no reliable evidence. They argue that a person
should only believe in things for which they have good evidence.

Ultimately to all my loving fallow enthusiasts

I have tried best form the bottom of my heart to get us acquainted
with the knowledge of some terms of the pure, proper & perfect
three hoods (three qualities), a trinity of the Supreme Godhead, as
these all are most primarily required to establish a connection with
God. These terms are soul (Jiv), material world (Jagat) & God
(Jagdish), inanimate (Jad), animate (Chetan) & time cycle
(Samaychakra), creation (Brahma), maintenance (Vishnu), &
destruction (Mahesh), physical body (Deh), mind (Man) & senses
(Indriya), birth (Janma), lifespan (Jivan) & death (Mrutyu), desire
(Ichha), act (Karma) & accomplishment (Fal), goodness (Sattva-
guna), passion (Rajo-guna) & ignorance (Tamo-guna), happiness
(Sukh), sadness (Dukh) & middling (aavdhav), meritorious (Punya),
sin (Pap) & its accountability (karmabandhan as stated in Gita),
heaven(swarga), hell (narka) & emancipation and the ultimate of
life, the excellent enjoyment of life (Moksh).

The epitome is absolutely clear that a soul, is a subtle part of God,
has to constantly perform act at its best in this material world, during
a definite life span between birth & death, through a specifically
allotted body having a mind, where, desire for a particular act is
produced, in accordance with, its full control & at the same time, in
the absolute dependence on the body & senses, for which, it is given
a time being minute independence, though the God is the cause of all
causes, but by His causeless mercy, whether to serve Him or to serve
our senses, only because He lives inside of us as our soul, wherein,
the law of nature is a mysteries arrangement of God for the
accomplishment of the action, which works according to the balance
of good and bad of the present & previous acts of the soul, who
carries that particular body.

Each & every living body is all the time doing something as per its
own desire during the period in which it considered as live which is
called an Act & in other words whatever we are doing for a
particular moment in accordance with our desire is Karma. The Role
of karma is that though the lord is the cause of all causes, He still
gives us the minute independence, off course, everything is in His
hands but by His causeless mercy He also gives us this time being
minute independence whether we want to serve Him or we want to

serve our senses. The choice is ours. No doubt the lord is the
Sanctioner but the desire is ours so the lord is very merciful if we
desire to forget Him, He gives us chance to forget Him but if we
desire to remember and serve Him always for that also He will
arrange & that is His causeless mercy. Thus, a final conclusion we
reached is now confirmed that our desire is the ultimate binding
cause for our existence weather happy or sad. It provides a purpose
to all our actions, & that way, is cause weather we have a relation
with God or not.

During this constant performance for the fulfillment of the desire,
our soul is always in search of something very special & what is that
special is a different experiences of all living bodies truly relied on
its level, & that is why, though mundane enjoyment of happiness is
apparent aim of the life, but behind of that, due to the presence of
God as our soul, there are working latent demands of self-search that
lead to search of truth and attainment of fullness. As a result of run
forward for indomitable impulse of enjoyment of happiness, through
acquiring knowledge & experience, gradually development of
consciousness (self-development) is being happened. In this way, at
the end of complete self-development an attainment of oneness is the
ultimate aim of the life but it is achieved only when one strongly
desires for it & for that the trinity of I should be in complete
control of that soul.

My only intention to carry out this greatest ever adventurous attempt
of my life up to here is to bring us out of the ignorance we have been
in since thousands of years in spite of many big & famous
universities & to make you all mature to think on the original source
of real happiness of our life. I am very sure that if you have gone
through all these extremely seriously, it has definitely cleans away
all the stuffs of your mind about the unreal impression of the I &
the universe. It is now realized by you that all pleasures & pains are
experienced only by the body, senses & mind, that is I who fears
of death but the only thing remain constant is our soul who is
beginingless & endless.

It has now purified your hearts & filled it with unconditional love for
all that would enable your unreal I to reach up to a height of your
holiness that will definitely enable you to bring your mind an all

round pleasantness by the help of your truly delighted power of
vitality of your own inner instinct, the real self.

It will surely leads you to acquire the full-fledged spirituality that is
able enough to gain the required consciousness & awareness to go
for the self search, which is the only thing that can brings you a
moment of experience of the power of the vitality of the Supreme
Personality of the Godhead without help of any religion, person &/or
a book because now you all have absolutely realized that our own
soul is a part & portion of the Supreme Element.

I am very sure that, by His grace, to become happy all the time at
everywhere for everybody of us is entirely a matter of our own
hands. In fact, neither anybody else of the universe nor our destiny
can prevent us to do so. Being happy & making happy is the rhythm
of life, give up all to gain all is the universal truth. Here I must write
what Hon. US President Mr. Obama says Yes, We can. Yes we
can be happy by all means & respects!

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading up to here
because all these is a living testimony of my life,
Our journey of relationship with the Supreme Personality of
Our working latent demands of self-search that lead to search of
truth and attainment of fullness,
Our complete self-development,
The oneness that merge soul & God in to one,
The real aim of the life,
An extremely excellent enjoyment of life,
A never before & never ending greatest adventure attempted by a
living body The ultimate of life

This Attempt is still continued,
And will remain continue even after my body is destroyed &

May God bless you a very happy living.

Mahesh Bhatt.
(Muni Mr. Mac Mohammad Mahesh Singh Lama 0.1008 Maharaj Shree)
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