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This is one list of the many laws of magick.

I believe this list is

pretty complete, and non-denominational. This was taken directly from
the following website:
I have seen these laws in many books in many different wordings. This
particlar wording I fond very sefl. !lease read all of the laws. I
am not saying p front that these are the laws I work by. "t as yo
see, we each need to create or own. If yo have #estions, refer the
section by copying and pasting so we know e$actly to what yo are
&. 'eep a copy of these laws and make notes throghot the class as to
the evidence of these laws yo e$perience.
(. !resent two other sets of )aws to the class. !lease site these
accrately. These need to be someone else*s work. +nd at least three
laws compose a set. ,May &-, (.../
0. 1efte these laws with e$perience of yor own, and spport of yor
beliefs. ,May &2, (.../
3. "y the end of this month yo will have yor own laws written, and
spported ,sited if necessary/. 4ach law needs to be backed p with at
least one story of e$perience ,preferably yor own/. ,May 0&, (.../
The 5ine )aws of Magick
These are the laws of magick, the origination of these laws is nknown
&. The )aw of 1ebond

6esignates that a sperior force will always rebond a lesser
power. In other words, shold yo come against a practitioner or a
disembodied energy that is more adept or stronger then yo, whatever
yo pro7ect in his or her direction will retrn to yo !)89 the force
of the 1ebonder.
(. The )aw of Three 1e#ests

+ll re#ests from the sbtle ,magickal/ dimensions are
repeated in triplicate. +t the first tterance the conscios mind is
alerted, the repeat engages the reasoning faclties, while the third
statement makes direct contact with the psyche or sol force. It is an
aspect of the mysti#e of the sacred :0: and strictly observed.
0. The )aw of Challenge

+ll visions, dreams, sorces of inspiration, sspicions,
anything, in fact, that wold appear to isse from beyond the bonds of
rational, logical thinking, shold be challenged. The lesson here is
one of absolte honesty, as the stdent shold be aware of the sbtle
line that divides the present reality from interpenetrative
spernatral fre#encies and inspiration from delsion.
3. The )aw of 4#alities

;hen two e#al forces meet, one will eventally give way to
the other who then rises in stats as a reslt. This )aw is echoed in
the natral laws of science and may be clearly evidenced in particle
<. The )aw of "alance
4verything shold fnction according to its own fre#ency or
at its correct level. =or e$ample, sitting for hors concentrating on
moving a table with psychokinetic energy, when the same effect can be
prodced by giving it a slight psh, is a fritless task and waste of
power that cold be spent in more constrctive ways. The )aw of
"alance is also concerned with the state of e#ipoise necessary for the
satisfactory fnctioning and correct e$pression of energy at any level,
which relates it particlarly to the field of disease and healing. It
denonces e$cesses of any kind, and demands for e$ample, that the
physical body be treated with cortesy becase it is host to many other
life forms inclding the for 4lements, withot whose kind offices
there wold be no moleclar strctre and, therefore, no physical body
in the first place.
2. The )aw of 9mmons
This law designates how things do or do not work for one,
which will be, of corse, according to one*s degree of adeptship. If,
pon issing an occlt smmons, a stdent finds that the response is
not correct, then the right to do so has not yet been earned. This
will fre#ently occr with aspirants whose workings tend to sterility,
or who :command: intelligences from the 4lemental 'ingdom only to find
that they are being led a merry chase by those they wold spposedly
control. 9hold this be the case, go back and begin at s#are one.
>. The )aw ?f !olarities

!ositive and negative, anima and animas, mascline and
feminine, the process of individation both spirital and rational -
all these are e$pressions of this law. The stdent mst be well
polari@ed within him or herself before he or she can pass a certain
point along the path. This law, althogh skewed by some people, is
strictly adhered to by the 4lemental 'ingdoms who will not pay de
deference to those who refse to abide by it. The frther p the
planes, the finer the fre#encies, the more polarity distinctions
become blrred and therein lies the danger. The ideal stage is the
anima and animas in perfect balance within the individal, neither
obtrding or breaking cosmic law.
A. The )aw of Case and 4ffect
Commonly referred to as the )aw of 'arma. "t 'arma is
strictly an 4astern term, althogh it is loosely sed by many people to
e$press the *as yo sow, so shall yo reap* principle. + generally
nheeded aspect of this law involves the e$change of energies, meaning
that we shold never e$pect anything for nothing. +lthogh the
e$change need not always be :kind.: =or e$ample, a poor person
receiving a gift of money need not repay in cash, bt cold render a
service to the giver which is appropriate to their means and talents.
+ simple healing prayer said in deep sincerity is often, by cosmic law,
e#al in energy otpt to the rich man*s fist of a thosand dollarsB
-. The )aw of +bndance
This law e$presses the attraction of like for like, e.g.
money makes money, a fear is an nre#ited wish, etc....+s it is
associated with nonconservation, in the olden days it was referred to
as :The Miser*s 6read:. The occltist who is down to his or her last
dollar is advised to go ot and spend it, for an energy spent attracts
a similar energy.

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