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NAME. _____________________________________________________________________
CAREER. ____________________________________________________________________
QUARTER. ________________
Use the correct personal pronouns. Watch the words in brackets.
1) ______ is dreaming. (George)

2) ______ is green. (the blackboard)

3) ______ are on the wall. (the posters)

4) ______ is running. (Maria)

5) ______ are watching TV. (my mother and I)

Use the correct form of the verb to be in simple present.
6. Ana ______ an intelligent person.

7. The president of U.S.A _______ Barack Obama.

8. They ___________ (be/not) in China.

Use the correct form of the verb to be in simple past.
9. Carlos Salinas de Gortari _______ the president of Mexico from 1988 to 1994.
10. We ____________ (be/not) in school yesterday.

11. She _______ a famous singer.

Choose the correct question word.

12 _______ is your brother? He is in Acapulco.

13. _______ old are you? I am 19 years old.

14. _______ is your English teacher? My English teacher is Mr. Jaimes.

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete each sentences. Use the correct object pronoun related to the underlined
Eg. The coin is under the table. I can find it .
15. Martha is beautiful. I like ___________

16. I have not seen my parents. I miss ________.

17. Your car is nice. I like ________.

Choose the correct option.
18. My sister eats to much, she is very _____________.
a) angry

b) fat

c) slim.

19. a) I have a car red.

b) I a red car have.

c) I have a red car.

20. My friend fast run

b) My friend run fast

c) My friend runs fast

Complete the first conditional sentences using the verbs in brackets.

21. If it rains, I _____________ (stay) at home.

22. If you study hard, you ___________ (pass) the test.

23. They ______________ (not/go) if they dont get money for the tickets.

Write a text about what you did on your holiday.

Where did you go?
Who did you go with?
What did you do?
Did you have fun?
Put the gerund form of the next verbs (ing)
24. Go __________.
25. Dance ____________.
27. Study ______________. 28. Work ______________.
30. Die _____________.

26. Play ___________.

29. Swim _____________.

Put the next verbs in simple past.

31. Eat ________.
32. Smoke __________.
34. Stop _________.
35. Study ____________.

33. See ____________.

36. Destroy ______________.

Complete the sentences with the present perfect tense.

38. She ___________________ (do) her homework.

39. We _____________________ (talk) to the teacher.

40. I ___________ never _________ (be) to Canada.

41. _________ she studied for the test?

42. Yes, she ___________.

43. No, she _________________.

Complete the next sentences using Should or Shouldnt.

44. I have a headache.
What _______________ I do? You ___________________ go to the doctor.
45. You _________________ smoke in the classroom.
Write the numbers in English.
9. __________

11. ____________

13. ____________

15. ______________

30. ________________

Put the correct number.

Twenty __________

Fourteen. _________

Seventy. ___________

Eighty. ____________

Write down two things you can do and two things you cant do.
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________


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