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Computer Guide

Nina LoDuca
Gabriel Richard Catholic High School
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Types of Computers
Desktop: a personal computer small enough to it con!enientl" in an indi!idual #orkspace
$etbook: a small laptop computer designed primaril" or accessing %nternet&based applications'
(aptop: a computer that is portable and suitable or use #hile tra!eling'
)ablet: a computer that accepts input directl" onto an (CD screen rather than !ia a ke"board or
Operating ystem!
*perating s"stem& the sot#are that supports a computer+s basic unctions, such as scheduling
tasks, e-ecuting applications, and controlling peripherals'
.indo#s /0& .indo#s /0 is an operating s"stem produced b" 1icrosot or use on personal
computers, including home and business desktops, laptops and media centers'
.indo#s 2& an operating s"stem produced b" 1icrosot or use on personal computers,
including home and business desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablet 0Cs, and media center 0Cs'
.indo#s 3& .indo#s 3 is a personal computer operating s"stem
de!eloped b" 1icrosot as part o .indo#s $) amil" o
operating s"stems'
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*S /& *S /, pre!iousl" 1ac *S /, is a series o 4ni-&based graphical interace operating
s"stems de!eloped, marketed, and sold b" 5pple %nc
*S / 1ountain (ion&*S / 1ountain (ion is the ninth ma6or release o *S /, 5pple %nc'+s
*S / 1a!ericks&*S / 1a!ericks is the tenth ma6or release o *S /, 5pple %nc'+s desktop and
ser!er operating s"stem or 1ac computers'
.indo#s Ser!er 2012& .indo#s Ser!er 2012, codenamed 7.indo#s Ser!er 37, is the si-th
release o .indo#s Ser!er'
Computer "arts
1otherboard& a printed circuit board containing the principal components o a
computer or other de!ice, #ith connectors into #hich other circuit boards can be
C04& central processing unit: the ke" component o a computer s"stem, #hich
contains the circuitr" necessar" to interpret and e-ecute program
R518 R5$D*1 5CC9SS 191*R:;& 5 memor" de!ice in #hich inormation can be
accessed in an" order'
Hard Dri!e& a high&capacit", sel&contained storage de!ice containing a
read&#rite mechanism plus one or more hard disks, inside a sealed unit'
Solid State Dri!e& 5 solid&state dri!e is a data storage de!ice using
integrated circuit assemblies as memor" to store data persistentl"'
1agnetic Dri!e& 5 memor" de!ice, such as a lopp" disk, a hard disk, or a
remo!able cartridge, that is co!ered #ith a magnetic coating on #hich
digital inormation is stored in the orm o microscopicall" small,
magneti<ed needles'
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9-pansion slot& 5 place in a computer #here an e-pansion card can be inserted'
$et#ork Card& 5 net#ork interace controller is a computer hard#are
component that connects a computer to a computer net#ork'
5udio Card& 5 sound card is an internal computer e-pansion card that
acilitates the input and output o audio signals to and rom a computer
under control o computer programs'
Graphics Card& a printed circuit board that controls the output to a
displa" screen'
=ire#ire& a technolog" that allo#s high&speed
communication and data e-change bet#een a computer
and a peripheral or bet#een t#o computers'
)hunderbolt& 0opularl" a lightning bolt' %n m"tholog" the
thunderbolt #as usuall" hurled b" the god o thunder 8or
e-ample, )hor; as a bolt or dart'
Dri!ers& a program that controls the operation o a de!ice
such as a printer or scanner'
Dongle& a de!ice that is connected to a computer to allo#
access to #ireless broadband or use o protected
0eripheral& near the surace o the bod", #ith special
reerence to the circulation and ner!ous s"stem'
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4S> 2'0& 4S> 2'0 is a 4ni!ersal Serial >us 84S>;
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