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Type of object: Embroidery

Accession number: 2006.1265 Inventory number: Misc. 76

Object: Dress inset
Material/technique: Silk, cotton, mirrors / hand-embroidered
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: "o#s of small mirrors encircled in rondelles of reen, red, bl$e and %ello#
silk, se&arated b% 'i'a borders, on black cotton backro$nd fabric.
Measurements: (nset) *. +0 cm, ,. -+ cm / c$ffs) *. +0 cm, ,. 7 cm
!ondition: As ne#
Provenance: Qala-ye Binihesar #omen.s &rison, /ab$l, 10+1
"onated by: Abd$l 2adir and /hadi3a 2adeeri, /ab$l/Aara$, S#it'erland, 2001
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Sculpture
Accession number: 2006.1266 Inventory number: Misc. 77
Object: Animal head
Material/technique: *imestone / hand-car;ed
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / ca. 250 9!
rief description: <ello#ish-ochre limestone aro%le in form of mastiff.s head #ith docked
ears. 6he riht cha& and &arts of the e%es sho# traces of red. 8inel% incised
#hiskers on both sides of the m$''le. 5ossibl% ins&ired b% 5eritas, the
historic mastiff of Ale7ander the :reat. 8o$nd at fo$ntain belo# ram&art on
=7$s "i;er. 8rom Ai /han$m.
Measurements: *. 2- cm ,. 11 cm >. 1-.5 cm ,eiht 2650
!ondition: As oriinall% e7ca;ated, small &art of riht ear missin
#eferences: M?m. DA8A, 6ome @@(@ A1016B, &&.-2--1, ill. 01/02) La tte de molosse.
*eriche, 5. and C. 6hora;al) La fontaine du rempart de lOxus Ai Khanoum.
(n: Syria 56/1-2 A1077B &&.171-205D 8i. 10-21) olosse, &&. 101-201
Provenance: E7ca;ated b% DA8A at Ai /hano$m, 6akhar, Afhanistan, 1060s
"onated by: Cohn Eskena'i *td., at reF$est of !arla :rissmann, *ondon, 2002
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Sculpture
Accession number: 2006.1267 Inventory number: Misc. 71
Object: 5laF$e
Material/technique: (;or% / hand-car;ed
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / c. 1
rief description: Sc$l&ted o&en-#ork &laF$e in hih relief, a be3e#elled #oman $nder an
arched torana stands alone at left of latticed se&aration and frament of
door#a% s$rmo$nted b% an (ndian arch, t#o f$rther be3e#elled #omen at
riht, one holdin a ;essel, the other a branch from an asho!a tree. 8rom
Measurements: >. 15.5 cm ,. 12.1 cm ,eiht 12-
!ondition: "ecentl% restored and backed #ith #a7. D$rin restoration the heads #ere
interchaned b% error.
#eferences: MGm. DA8A, 6ome @( A105+B, &.170) Ho.-+ i.6 / ibid. Iol. de &l.) 8i. 6+
Provenance: =f (ndian oriin, e7ca;ated b% DA8A at 9eram, /a&isa, in 10-7
"onated by: Cohn Eskena'i, *td, at reF$est of !arla :rissmann, *ondon
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Sculpture
Accession number: 2006.1261 Inventory number: Misc. 70
Object: 5laF$e
Material/technique: (;or% / hand-car;ed
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / c. 1
rief description: Sc$l&ted o&en-#ork i;or% &laF$e in hih relief. A be3e#elled #oman stands
in a door#a% $nder an (ndian arch, on her left #rist at sho$lder heiht &erches
a &arrot, his head t$rned to#ards the #oman.s face. 8rom 9eram.
Measurements: >. 1-.5 cm ,. 10 cm ,eiht 75
!ondition: "ecentl% restored and backed #ith #a7
#eferences: MGm. DA8A, 6ome @( A105+B, &. 21+) Ho.101 ' / ibid. Iol. de &l.) 8i.1+
Provenance: =f (ndian oriin, e7ca;ated b% DA8A at 9eram, 10-7
"onated by: Cohn Eskena'i *td., at reF$est of !arla :rissmann, *ondon, 2002.
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Sculpture
Accession number: 2006.1260 Inventory number: Misc. 10
Object: 9$ddha fi$re
Material/technique: Schist / hand-car;ed
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / c. +
rief description: 8rament of a frie'e in hih relief. Seated 9$ddha on lot$s blossom in
teachin &osition, flanked b% t#o standin 9odhisatt;as.
Measurements: >. 26.5 cm ,. 25 cm ,eiht +675 Aincl. metal s$&&ortB
!ondition: 8rament, minor damae
Provenance: Eastern Afhanistan
"onated by: Anon%mo$s donor, >on /on, 2001
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Sculpture
Accession number: 2006.1270 Inventory number: Misc. 11
Object: 9odhisatt;a fi$re
Material/technique: Schist / hand-car;ed
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / c. +
rief description: 8rament of frie'e in hih relief, seated 9odhisatt;a #ith halo, ornate t$rban,
mo$stache and 3e#elr%.
Measurements: >. -0 cm ,. 17 cm ,eiht -110
!ondition: 8rament, damaed
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Anon%mo$s donor, >on /on, 2001
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Sculpture
Accession number: 2006.1271 Inventory number: Misc. 12
Object: Animal fi$re
Material/technique: Metal / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / c. 250 9!
rief description: 9ron'e toad. 8rom Ai /han$m.
Measurements: *. 7.5 cm ,. 5.1 cm >. 2.+ cm ,eiht 115
!ondition: :reen &atina, riht hind le missin, hole in base
Provenance: (lleal e7ca;ation at Ai /hano$m, 6akhar
"onated by: !ommander Ahmed Shah Masso$d, 5an3sher Ialle%, Afhanistan, 1000
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Sculpture
Accession number: 2006.1272 Inventory number: Misc. 1-
Object: >$man fi$re
Material/technique: St$cco / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan, >adda / c. 5
rief description: Small st$cco head #ith #a;% hair and cro#n.
Measurements: >. 10.5 cm ,. 6.5 cm ,eiht +25
!ondition: 8rament, #orn
#eferences: 9artho$7, C.-C. A10-0B) Les fouilles de "adda ###
Provenance: 9o$ht in /ab$l in 1060s.
"onated by: Mrs. 9onnie Cames, JSA, at reF$est of !arla :rissmann, *ondon, 2002
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Lighting
Accession number: 2006.127- Inventory number: Misc. 1+
Object: *am& stand
Material/technique: 9ron'e / hand-cast
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 10
rief description: 9ase of :ha'na;id tri&od lam& stand #ith /$fic inscri&tions incised aro$nd
the rim and small medallions #ith birds and ;ario$s animals on bod%. 8rom
Measurements: Dia. 17 cm >. 0.5 cm ,eiht 1+5
!ondition: :ood
#eferences: Melikian-!hir;ani, A.S. A1012B) #slami$ etal%or! from the #ranian &orld'
&. 5--5-, similar ob3ect
Provenance: 9o$ht in /ab$l in1060s.
"onated by: Mrs. ,. *e 6issier at reF$est of !arla :rissmann, *ondon, 2002
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Container
Accession number: 2006.127+ Inventory number: Misc. 15
Object: K
Material/technique: K / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / K
rief description: Jnidentified s&herical reenish ob3ect #ith ;ario$s bands of incised
eometric motifs aro$nd bod%. 9ottom &ointed to sit in stand AKB.
Measurements: Dia. 11 cm >. 0 cm ,eiht 5-5
!ondition: Dented, hole
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Mr . Malem Haim, /ab$l, 2002
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Vessel
Accession number: 2006.1275 Inventory number: Misc. 16
Object: C$
Material/technique: !eramic / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 11
rief description: Small b$lbo$s 3$ #ith t#isted handle and dark bro#n eometric decorations
&ainted aro$nd bod% and neck. 8rom :ha'ni.
Measurements: Dia. 10 cm >. 11 cm ,eiht 5+0
!ondition: ,orn, rim chi&&ed
Provenance: 9o$ht in /ab$l in 1070s.
"onated by: Mrs. Doris S$tter, JSA, at reF$est of !arla :rissmann, *ondon, 2001
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Floor covering
Accession number: 2006.1276 Inventory number: Misc. 17
Object: "$
Material/technique: ,ool / hand-#o;en
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: Small 6$rkoman &ra%er r$, in tones of madder and bro#n, ro# of three
flattened (uls bordered #ith ;ario$s hook and horn motifs on madder field,
o$ter border of o;als eded #ith hook desin.
Measurements: *. 00 cm ,. 65 cm
!ondition: 9adl% #orn, faded, sections missin at both end
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Mr. and Mrs. >Lner, 9$bendorf, S#it'erland
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Textile
Accession number: 2006.1277 Inventory number: Misc. 11
Object: 9and
Material/technique: ,ool / hand-#o;en
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: Ier% lon #o;en band of ;ar%in #idths of red, bro#ns, beie and #hite
stri&es bordered b% narro# decorati;e stri&es of checkered bro#n and #hite.
Measurements: *. 5+2 cm ,. 2- cm ,eiht 150
!ondition: :ood, faded
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Mrs. (nrid 5i&er, ,olfensbMttel, S#it'erland, 2001
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Accessory
Accession number: 2006.1271 Inventory number: Misc. 10
Object: 9a
Material/technique: ,ool / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: Stiff rectan$lar ba, one lon &iece folded o;er and se#n $& the sides,
braided bro#n and #hite #ool cord attached to both sides of o&enin at reen
cloth reinforcements. 8lat #ea;e, embroidered in black, orane and three
shades of red. !enter field of trian$lar motifs s$rro$nded b% borders of
;ertical stri&es and flattened diamonds. <ello#, black, maroon, and #hite
tassels at lo#er corners.
Measurements: *. -5 cm ,. 27 cm ,eiht +-0
!ondition: :ood, soiled
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Hot kno#n
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Toy
Accession number: 2006.1270 Inventory number: Misc. 00
Object: Doll
Material/technique: !otton, artificial silk / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: 8emale doll in #hite tro$sers, lon flo#ered dress and #hite a$'e ;eil,
$nder bl$e &leated chador.
Measurements: >. -2 cm ,. 1- cm ,eiht 17+
!ondition: As ne#
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Hot kno#n
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Toy
Accession number: 2006.1210 Inventory number: Misc. 01
Object: !hador
Material/technique: Artificial silk / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: 9l$e &leated chador for doll.
Measurements: >. -2 cm ,eiht 2+
!ondition: As ne#
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Hot kno#n
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Vessel
Accession number: 2006.1211 Inventory number: Misc. 02
Object: !$&
Material/technique: !eramic / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: Small c$& #ith straiht sides on flat base, handle. 9l$e la'e #ith cross-
hatched floral and leaf motifs in black. 8rom (stalif.
Measurements: Dia. 6 cm ArimB >. 7.5 cm ,eiht 57
!ondition: 6in% chi&s in rim
Provenance: (stalif, Afhanistan
"onated by: Mrs. Madeleine /Mhn-!omte, 9asel, S#it'erland, 2000
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Container
Accession number: 2006.1212 Inventory number: Misc. 0-
Object: 5ot
Material/technique: Metal, stone / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: "o$nd c%lindrical sil;er allo% &ot #ith fitted lid. 6#o ro#s of fo$r ;ertical
o;al cabochon la&is stones, bet#een stones ;ario$s sil;er c$t-o$t decorations
a&&lied to s$rface of &ot, fo$r ;ario$sl% sha&ed la&is stones on lid.
Measurements: Dia. 6 cm >. 10 cm ,eiht 65
!ondition: 6arnished, corroded
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Mrs. Madeleine /Mhn-!omte, 9asel, S#it'erland, 2000
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Amulet
Accession number: 2006.121- Inventory number: Misc. 0+
Object: Am$let
Material/technique: Metal, lass / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: *on do$ble sil;er allo% am$let #ith t#o broad chains #ith hollo# embossed
leaf-sha&ed &endants on both sides, holdin at one end a flat rectan$lar
embossed bo7 #ith bl$e lass beads in corners and lass inset in center and
leaf &endants at lo#er edeD at other end t#o hollo# embossed c%linders #ith
ro# of ro$nd lass insets and leaf &endants at lo#er ede.
Measurements: *. 77 cm Aincl. bo7es and &endantsB ,. 11 cm Ac%linderB ,eiht -50
!ondition: ,orn, tarnished
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Hot kno#n
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Prayer beads
Accession number: 2006.121+ Inventory number: Misc. 05
Object: 5ra%er beads
Material/technique: Stone, silk / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: *on set of %ello#ish o;al stones Asan(-e-Shah a)sudB on reen silk thread.
Measurements: *. -+ cm ,eiht -0
!ondition: :ood
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Hot kno#n
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Seal
Accession number: 2006.1215 Inventory number: Misc. 06
Object: Seal
Material/technique: Metal, fabric / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / K
rief description: 6rian$lar bron'e seal #ith imae of monke% #ith lonish sno$t and lon
tail, sittin on a sF$are ob3ect, #ith staff in one hand. *oo& on back. 6he seal
#as fo$nd #ra&&ed in the frament of soiled, torn bl$e fabric. 8rom
Measurements: *. - cm >. - cm ,eiht 27
!ondition: !orroded / restored at the archaeoloical laborator% of A$$sta "a$rica
Provenance: 9ami%an, 2001
"onated by: An American 3o$rnalist #ho bo$ht the seal in 9ami%an from an Afhan #ho
claimed it #as fo$nd in the debris of one of the d%namited 9$ddhas
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Furniture
Accession number: 2006.1216 Inventory number: Misc. 07
Object: !hair
Material/technique: ,ood, leather / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: *o# #ooden chair, #ith sF$are #o;en leather seat. 9ack &anel car;ed on
both sides #ith floral and leaf motifs. *are t$rned side &osts held toether at
to& b% thick leather thons.
Measurements: >. 70 cm AbackB / 1+ cm AseatB ,. 5- cm
!ondition: ,orn
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Hot kno#n
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Clothing
Accession number: 2006.1217 Inventory number: Misc. 01
Object: !oat
Material/technique: ,ool / hand-#o;en
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: Soft #hite ribbed-#ea;e #ool coat, sF$are bod%, short sF$are slee;es. ,hite
#ool frine aro$nd hem, slee;es and front o&enin eded in bro#n #ool.
6hin hori'ontal red and bl$e lines across bod%. SF$are &anel on back
embroidered in reen, bl$e, chartre$se and red diaonal eometric &attern,
small embroidered sF$ares on slee;es and on front &anels. Jnlined. 8rom
Measurements: *. 1+0 cm Aincl. slee;esB ,. 00 cm ,eiht 2-00
!ondition: :ood, colors ha;e r$n
Provenance: ,aial Ialle%, H$ristan
"onated by: Mrs. I. 8ra$enfelder, He$ha$sen, S#it'erland
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Furniture
Accession number: 2006.1211 Inventory number: Misc. 00
Object: !radle
Material/technique: ,ood, strin / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: *are ornate cradle #ith bed s$s&ended from hea;% t$rned #ooden frame
&ainted bl$e #ith &ale &ink and %ello# decorations. !radle bed of #ide
inter#o;en bands of strin. !radle can be s#$n b% ro&e attached to rim.
Measurements: 8rame) *. 1-5 cm ,. 126 cm >. 120 cm
9ed) *. 00 cm ,. 60 cm >. -+ cm
!ondition: :ood
Provenance: 9o$ht in /andahar in the 1050s.
"onated by: Mr. and Mrs. de S&indler, ,ettinen, S#it'erland, 2001
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Furniture
Accession number: 2006.1210 Inventory number: Misc. 100
Object: !radle
Material/technique: ,ood / hand-crafted
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 20
rief description: Slatted #ooden bed #ith hole in the middle, flat arched s$&&orts #ith
s&indles at either end 3oined b% thick t$rned handle at to&. At bottom, c$r;ed
board at each end for rockin.
Measurements: *. 07 cm ,. -1 cm >. 66 cm
!ondition: ,orn
Provenance: Afhanistan
"onated by: Mr. /$rt :$ll, NMrich, S#it'erland, 200-
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006
Type of object: Sculpture
Accession number: 2006.1200 Inventory number: Misc. 101
Object: :ra;estone
Material/technique: Marble / hand-car;ed
Origin/Period: Afhanistan / 11
rief description: "ectan$lar #hite marble ra;estone. 6he front has se;en, the back si7 small
rectan$lar &anels #ith an Arabic te7t in HastaliF scri&t. =ther &lain s$rfaces
are co;ered #ith lihtl% incised floral motifs. 6he %ear 1125 A> A171-B is
fo$nd on the back. 8rom :ha'ni.
Measurements: *. 52 cm ,. 1- cm >. -+ cm ,eiht c. 50 k
!ondition: :ood
#eferences: (n) 9$cherer A1011B) Bauen und &ohnen am "indu!ush' &&. 177-10: :.
D3elani Da;ar%) *ine +ra,ins$hrift aus +ha-ni.
Provenance: :ha'ni, Afhanistan
"onated by: Dr. ,. and Mrs. M. "iemer, Ehner-"edane, *$7emb$r, 101+
!o&%riht 4 - 5hoto/6e7t) Stift$n 8o$ndation 9ibliotheca Afhanica - Afhanistan M$se$m, !arla :rissmann, 2006

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