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Pass Exam Questions by Topic

Spherical mirrors

Final examination fall 2008
a) Draw a ray diagram to show how a spherical mirror can be used to produce a magnified
inverted image of an object placed in front of it.

b) An object when viewed with a certain mirror appears upright and 3.5 times its actual
height. What must be the location of the object if the mirror has a focal length of 120mm?

c) How far should the object be moved to produce an inverted image with the same

Final examination fall 2002
(a) Show that if a ray of light is incident on a plane mirror and the mirror is turned through
an angle of
, the reflected ray will rotate through twice the angle
.(6 Marks)
(b) A dentist wants a small mirror that, when 2.20cm from a tooth, will produce a 4.5x
upright image. What kind of mirror must be used and what must its radius of
curvature be? .(7 Marks)
(c) A 4.5-cm tall object is placed 28 cm in front of a spherical mirror. It is desired to
produce a virtual image that is erect and 3.5cm tall.
(i) What type of mirror should be used? .(1 Marks)
(ii) Where is the image located? .(2 Marks)
(iii) What is the focal length of the mirror? .(3 Marks)
(iv). What is the radius of curvature of the mirror? .(1 Marks)

Final examination Fall 2006
A spherical mirror of radius of curvature 80 mm is used to form an image of an object. If the
image is to be upright and 4times as tall as the object then determine the following.
a) What type of mirror should be used? (1 mks)
b) Draw the ray diagram to show where should the object be placed relative to the mirror?
...(3 mks)
c) Calculate the distance between the object and the mirror. (4 mks)
d) Calculate the object distance if instead an inverted image was required. (4 mks)

Final examination Fall 2004
When viewed with a certain spherical mirror an object 5.5 mm tall and 8.0 cm away from the
mirror appears to be upright and 22 cm tall.
a) Draw the ray diagram showing how the image is formed. (4 Marks)
Your diagram must show clearly the type of lens, the location,
orientation and nature of the image
b) Calculate the focal length of the lens (5 Marks)
c) The object distance (1 Marks)

Final examination Spring 2007
a) Draw the ray diagram showing how a spherical mirror can produce an inverted magnified
image. [4 mks]
Your diagram must show clearly the type of mirror, the location of the object, the
orientation and nature of the image

b) When an object is place a certain distance in front of a
certain mirror it produces a virtual image 3 the size of the
object. If the object is moved 4.0 cm farther away from the
mirror an inverted image 4 the object results.
i) Calculate the focal length of the lens. [4 mks]
ii) Calculate the object distance when the mirror produced the virtual image 3
magnification. [4 mks]

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