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management marketing Answer Key

1.1 Whatis Management?

1 understand; 2 use; 3 commercialise; 4 risk; 5 work out; 6 analyse; 7 divide; 8 select; 9 form;
10 communicate; 11 contribute; 12 measure; 13 train; 14 improve; 15 perform.
1.2 ManagementSkills
Exercise 1: a - d; b - f; c - j; e - g; h - i.
Thereare nodefinitive answers to theotherquestions.
Exercise 2: 1 analysis; 2 assertiveness; 3 caution; 4 competence; 5 efficiency; 6 individualism;
7 intuition; 8 logic; 9 persuasion; 10 rationality; 11 ruthlessness; 12 sensitivity.
1.3 TopManagement
Exercise 1: 1set; 2achieve; 3 allocating; 4employed; 5follow; 6balance; 7develop; 8 establish;
9 deal with; 10require.
Exercise 2: 1 to set objectives; 2 to allocate resources; 3 to take responsibility; 4 to setstandards;
5 to establishandmaintaingoodrelations; 6 to deal withacrisis.
1.4 TheBoardofDirectors
1 combined; 2 supported; 3 defined; 4 appointed; 5 supervised; 6 reviewed; 7 constituted;
8 attacked.
1.5 CompanyStructure
1 i, j; 2 e, 1; 3 g, k; 4 h, r; 5 a, m; 6 c, n; 7 b,q; 8 f, 0; 9 d, p.
1.6 AnOrganizationChart
Exercise 1:
2. FundControl
3. Credit
1. Tooling 1.Scheduling
2. Assembly 2. Materials
3. Fabrication Control
ma nag e m e n t marketing Answer Key
Exercise2: to be composedof; to be madeup of; to contain; to include.
1.7 Meetings
1attend; 2 agenda; 3 minutes; 4 apologies; 5 approves; 6 arising; 7 items; 8 consensus; 9 proxy;
10 quorum; 11 call; 12 informally.
1.8 BusinessObjectivesand Values
Exercise 1: 1 otherpossible investments; 2 hostile takeover; 3 sell off; 4 bring out; 5 distributes;
6 remunerates; 7fired; 8 rewarded; 9 result; 10 firm; 11 theshareholders.
Exercise 2: 1 d; 2 e; 3 c; 4 f; 5 b; 6 a.
1.9 Competitive StrategyandAdvantage
Exercise1: Thesecondsummaryistheonlyacceptableone. Thefirst summarycontainserrors: Porter
argues thatgrowthanddiversificationalone do notguarantee long-termsuccess. Hedoes notsay that
productioncosts mustbe low, butthata companymustcreatevaluehigherthanits productioncosts.
He says that firms should diversify into related fields, not unrelated market segments. The third
summary also contains errors: Porter does not argue thatsuccess comes from having a small market
share, or from diversifying intonewindustries.
Exercise 2: 1 e; 2 h; 3 a; 4 d; 5 f; 6 g; 7 c; 8 b.
Exercise 3: 1 compete; 2 constrain; 3 consume; 4 deter; 5 differentiate; 6 diversify; 7 enter;
8 influence; 9 invest; 10 lead; 11 optimize; 12 produce; 13 succeed; 14 supply; 15 sustain;
1.10 Innovation
Exercise 1: 1 i,1; 2 g, n; 3 e, k; 4 h, j; 5 b, q; 6 f, m; 7 d, 0; 8 a, p; 9 c, r,
Exercise2: 1businessenvironment; 2rigid structures; 3 economiesofscale; 4distributionchannels;
5 productlines; 6 technologicalskills; 7 re-allocateresources; 8 internationaltrade.
1.11 GrowthandTakeovers
1 Intensive growth; 2 Market penetration; 3 Market development; 4 Product development;
5 Extensive growth; 6 A merger; 7 Horizontal integration; 8 Vertical integration; 9 A raid;
10A takeoverbid; 11 A hostiletakeover; 12A leveraged buyout.
1.12 SportsMetaphors
Exercise 1: 11; 2 a; 3 m; 4 i; 5 j; 6 c; 70; 8 g; 9 h; 10 b; 11 n; 12 e; 13 p; 14 k; 15 f; 16 d.
Exercise 2: 1 marathon; 2 knockout blow; 3 outsider; 4 neck and neck; 5 shown the red card;
6 favourite; 7owngoal; 8 a level playingfield; 9 hurdles; 10 move thegoalposts; 11 on the ropes;
12 newballgame; 13 front runner; 14 key players; 15stalemate; 16 odds.
management marketing Answer Key
1.13 HealthMetaphors
Themostlikelyanswersare: 1givena cleanbillofhealth; 2recover, ...vitality; 3suffer; 4 casualty;
5 paralysed; 6 ailing, ...injection; 7 returnedto form; 8 healthy; 9 in goodshape; 10 disease, ...
robust; 11. terminal; 12. surgery.
1.14 Recruitment
1 a; 2 c; 3 a; 4 a; 5 c; 6 a; 7 b; 8 b; 9 b; 10 a; 11 c; 12 b; 13 b.
1.15 TrainingandQualifications
Exercise 1: 1 b; 2 f; 3 e; 4 h; 5 c; 6 g; 7 a; 8 d.
Exercise 2: 1 apprentice; 2 graduate; 3 trainee; 4 traineeship; 5 job rotation programme;
6 highflier.
1.16 Theoriesof Motivation
Exercise 1: 1pursue; 2require; 3 maximize; 4 achieve; 5 set; 6earn; 7 reward; 8 exist; 9 expect;
10 avoid; 11 actualize; 12perform.
Exercise 2: 1 False; 2True; 3 True; 4 False; 5 False; 6True; 7False; 8 True.
1.1 7 Remuneration
Exercise 1: 1deducted; 2cost-of-livingallowance; 3 increments; 4 evaluate; 5 executivedirectors;
6salary; 7commission; 8 incentive;9 salespeople; 10 earningpotential; 11 cash; 12 fringe benefit.
Exercise2: 2,3,4,8,9,10 and 12 refer to highsalaries; 1,5,6,7,11 referto low ones.
1.18 WorkingConditions
Exercise 1: 1 holiday; 2 vacation; 3 leave; 4 flexitime; 5 maternity; 6 colleagues; 7 contracts;
8security; 9duties; 10workforce; 11manual; 12sickpay; 13morale; 14absenteeism; 15satisfaction.
Exercise 2: 1 d; 2 c; 3 e; 4 a; 5 b; 6 f.
1.19 IndustrialRelations
Exercise 1: 1 trade; 2 staff; 3 role; 4 pay; 5 group negotiations; 6 complaints; 7 unfairly treated,
8 dismissed; 9stopworking; 10 ignored; 11 enemy; 12 unprofitable.
Exercise 2: 1 to go on strike; 2 to join a union; 3 to picket a factory; 4 to reinstate a worker;
5 to take industrialaction.
1.20 Redundancy
1employ; 2dismiss; 3 merged; 4recession; 5 temporary; 6demand; 7competition; 8 globalization;
9delayering; 10decision-making; 11core; 120utsource; 13reports; 14 created; 15sub,contractors.
Answer Key management marketing
1.21 CulturalStereotypes andManagement
Exercise 1: arrogant - modest; generous - mean; hard-working - lazy; hospitable - unfriendly;
individualistic- public-spirited; lively- reserved; progressive- conservative; quiet- noisy; serious-
relaxed; tolerant- narrow-minded; trustworthy- devious; well-organized- chaotic.
Exercise 2: 1,3,and8are oftensaid ofsouthernEuropeansandLatinAmericans; 2,5and6 are often
said of northern Europeans, North Americans, Australians and New Zealanders; 4 is often said of
Germans, Dutch, Swiss, andScandinavians, and also ofJapanese andSingaporeans; 7 isoftensaid of
the Japanese and other Asian and Arab countries; 9 is often said by northern Europeans and
Americans of Latin, North African and Middle Eastern countries; 10 is often said of Asian and
southernEuropeancultures; 11isoftensaid oftheJapaneseandtheSwiss; 12isoftensaid ofAmerican
companies, manyof whichpublishfinancialstatementsandpay dividendsevery three months.
1.22 BusinessEthics
Thereare no'right'answers.
1.23 Collocations- Business
1big; 2do; 3 class, get downto; 4give; 5go into; 6partners; 7trip; 8plan; 9 leaders; 10set up
in, school; 11 hours; 12card; 13 core; 14cycle, go outof; 15ethics.
1.24 Review- HumanResources Management
1 shortlist; 2 dispute; 3 performance; 4 motivate; 5 subordinates; 6 appraisal; 7 incentive;
8 traineeship; 9 negotiate; 10 labour; 11 recruit; 12 applicants; 13 white collar; 14 personnel;
15 remuneration; 16 vacancy; 17 absenteeism; 18 goals; 19 colleagues; 20 trade unions; 21
promored; 22 delegate; 23 headhunters; 24flexitime.
1.25 Review- ManagementVerbs 1
Across: 1supervise; 3 measure; 7 attain; 10 pay; 11 forecast; 12 up; 14 sack; 15 train; 17 fire;
18 delegate; 21 comply; 22 allocate; 24 plan; 25 demote; 26 recruit; 27 control; 29 motivate;
30 promote.
Down: 1set; 2 innovate; 3 manage; 4 (and 12across) set up; 5 report to; 6 layoff; 8 negotiate;
9 quantify; 13 hire; 16appoint; 18decide; 19employ; 20evaluate; 23 locate; 28 owe.
1.26 Review- ManagementVerbs 2
Exercise 1: Themostlikelypartnershipsare: 1 allocatejobs, people, resources, responsibilities, staff,
tasks; 2 analyse competitors, markets, proposals, results, sales; 3 communicate decisions, objectives,
results; 4 delegate responsibilities, tasks; 5 develop markets, objectives, people, staff, subordinates;
6 forecast results, sales; 7 make a profit, decisions, proposals; 8 measure performance; 9 motivate
people, staff, subordinates; 10negotiate contracts; 11perform jobs, tasks; 12 set objectives, targets;
13supervisepeople, staff, subordinates; 14 trainpeople, staff, subordinates.
Exercise 2: 1 interview; 2 transfer; 3 set; 4 instruct.

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