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Accelerating the Performance of Multiphysics Analysis

Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 Speeds Realistic Simulation

Partner Profle
SIMULIA is the Dassault Systemes brand
that provides scalable simulation solutions,
including Abaqus and CATIA Analysis products,
as well as an open platform to support the
integration of multiphysics analysis.
The Challenge
Mechanical simulation software has cut costs
and accelerated time to innovation in the feld
of manufacturing. It has enabled engineers
to evaluate their conceptual ideas early in
the design process, analyze their designs to
understand the interactions between the
component parts, and simulate realistic product
performance to reduce the need for physical
prototypes. However, scientists and engineers
often rely upon analysis software from multiple
vendors, forcing them to work with a variety
of applications that are often challenged
by the requirements of interoperability.
Additionally, since simulations are comprised
of many complex calculations, a large amount
of computing power is required to run them
efciently. High-performance computing
(HPC) solutions can be difcult to set up and
administer, often requiring a dedicated IT staf
with specialized skills to maintain them.
SIMULIA, the Dassault Systmes brand for
realistic simulation, provides customers with a
Unifed Finite Element Analysis (FEA) solution
that consolidates the number of analysis
products they need to capture real-world
behavior. The Abaqus Unifed FEA software
suite is designed for technology, quality, and
reliability and provides a powerful and complete
solution for both routine and sophisticated
linear and nonlinear engineering problems.
When the Abaqus Unifed FEA software suite
runs on Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster
Server (WCCS) 2003, companies can achieve a
scalable simulation solution on an easy-to-use
HPC platform that supports the integration of
multiphysics analysis.
Combined, Abaqus and WCCS can help you:
Improve efciency.
Increase performance.
Decrease operational complexity.
Integrate job scheduling and workfow.

Abaqus/Explicit provides Abaqus analysis
technology that focuses on transient
dynamics and quasi-static analyses which are
appropriate for drop testing, crushing, and
other manufacturing processes.
Abaqus/CAE provides a complete modeling
and visualization environment for Abaqus
analysis products. Through its feature-based
parametric modeling capability, open access
to computer aided design (CAD) models,
and advanced meshing and visualization
features, Abaqus/CAE is the premier model-
building, results-visualization, and process-
automation solution for Abaqus analyses.
Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003
WCCS is an HPC platform that helps users
to do more science, and less IT. With its easy
integration from desktop applications to
remote clustering, and cost-efective scale
out capabilities, WCCS utilizes your existing
Windows infrastructure and administrators
skill set for managing an HPC system.
The benefts of WCCS extend to the user as
well. Job creation and submission transpire
within the application, simplifying the
workfow process. And, the integration
of WCCS with Microsoft Active Directory
domain service eliminates the need for
multiple logins, and extends valuable security
policies to your HPC jobs.
The Combination
The Abaqus/Windows CCS combination
provides scientists and engineers with an
integrated, efcient, and easily scalable
HPC platform for solving some of the most
complex simulation and multiphysics analysis
equations in less time than before.
For customers solving complex problems,
such as nonlinear stress, contact, and
fuid-structure interaction (FSI), Abaqus
Unifed FEA software is a smart choice. It
provides engineers with the ability to solve
challenging real-world problems. When
Abaqus calculations are run on a WCCS HPC
platform, you can accelerate time-to-insight
by using a cluster solution that is easy to
deploy, operate, and integrate with existing
infrastructure and tools.
Abaqus Unifed FEA
The Abaqus Unifed FEA software
suite reduces dependency on physical
testing and supports multidisciplinary
collaboration. The suite consists of three
core products: Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/
Explicit and Abaqus/CAE.
Abaqus/Standard provides analysis
technology for implicit fnite element
analyses, such as static, dynamics, and
thermal, all powered with the widest range
of contact and nonlinear material options.
Abaqus Unifed FEA enables the realistic analysis of stress
and deformation of products such as cell phones during
virtual drop testing. Using Abaqus on an Opertron-based
WCCS cluster reduced analysis run-times from one day
to two hours.
Images courtesy of Motorola.

Accelerating the Performance of Multiphysics Analysis
Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 Speeds Realistic Simulation
2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This data sheet is for informational purposes only. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechani-
cal, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Microsoft, Windows, Active Directory and the
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Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA
For More Information
For more information about Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003, please visit
For more information about SIMULIA and Abaqus, please visit
For information about purchasing Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003, e-mail
WCCS Requirements
CPU Requirement: 64-bit architecture computer
Intel Pentium, or Xeon family
with Intel Extended Memory 64
Technology (EM64T) processor
architecture, or AMD Opteron
family, AMD Athlon family, or
compatible processor(s).
Minimum RAM: 512 MB
Maximum RAM: 32 GB
Multiprocessor Support : Up to 4 processors
Disk Space for Setup: 4 GB
Disk Volumes: Head node requires a minimum
of two volumes (C:\ and D:\).
For additional roles, additional
partitions are recommended.
Compute node requires a
single volume. RAID 0/1/5 may
be used, but is not required.
WCCS Architecture
The WCCS head node:
Controls and mediates all access to the cluster
Is the single point of management, deployment, and
job scheduling for the compute cluster.
WCCS uses the existing corporate infrastructure and Active Directory
Security features
Account management
Operations management
Performance Numbers
The table above shows execution times for an Abaqus/Explicit
job running on a WCCS cluster of 2P/dual core Opteron nodes
with Infniband interconnect. The results show that 1 day of
execution can be reduced to 2 hours using this hardware setup.

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