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Strawberry Lemonade Whoopie Pie

Adaptation from the cookbook: Whoopie Pies- $16.9

- A tan!y "emon cake with a sweet strawberry b#tter cream fi""in!.
Lemon Cakes- Makes about 48 two-inch cakes.
% & c#ps a""-p#rpose f"o#r
1 ' teaspoons bakin! powder
1 teaspoon bakin! soda
' teaspoon sa"t
( tab"espoons #nsa"ted b#tter) at room temperat#re
( tab"espoons *e!etab"e shortenin!
' c#p !ran#"ated s#!ar
' c#p +packed, brown s#!ar
% "ar!e e!!s
' c#p b#ttermi"k
-rated .est of 1 "emon
% tab"espoons fresh "emon /#ice
' teaspoon *ani""a e0tract
Position a rack in the center of the o*en and preheat the o*en to 2345. Line two
bakin! sheets with parchment paper.
Sift to!ether the f"o#r) bakin! powder) bakin! soda) and sa"t onto a sheet of
wa0ed paper.
$n the work bow" of a stand mi0er fitted with a padd"e attachment) beat to!ether
the b#tter) shortenin!) and s#!ars #nti" "i!ht and creamy) abo#t 2 min#tes. Add
the e!!s and the b#ttermi"k and beat #nti" combined.
Add the "emon .est) "emon /#ice) and *ani""a and beat on medi#m for abo#t %
min#tes) #nti" comp"ete"y combined.
Add ha"f the f"o#r mi0t#re and beat on "ow #nti" /#st incorporated. Add the rest of
the f"o#r mi0t#re and beat on "ow. $ncrease the speed to medi#m and beat #nti"
combined) abo#t 1 min#te.
6sin! a spoon) drop abo#t 1 tab"espoon of batter onto one of the prepared
bakin! sheets and repeat) spacin! them at "east % inches apart. 7ake one sheet
at a time for abo#t 1% min#tes each or #nti" the cakes be!in to brown. 8emo*e
from the o*en and "et the cakes coo" on the sheet for at "east min#tes before
transferrin! them to a rack to coo" comp"ete"y.
Strawberry Butter Cream
% c#ps confectioners9 s#!ar
' c#p free.e-dried strawberries +see :ote,
6 tab"espoons +; stick, #nsa"ted b#tter) at room temperat#re
1 tab"espoon *ani""a e0tract
2 tab"espoons <arshma""ow 5"#ff
% tab"espoons a""-p#rpose f"o#r
% tab"espoons mi"k
$n the work bow" of a food processor) p#"se the s#!ar and the strawberries #nti"
the strawberries are cr#shed into *ery sma"" pieces.
$n the work bow" of a stand mi0er fitted with the padd"e attachment) beat to!ether
the s#!ar-strawberry mi0t#re) b#tter) *ani""a) <arshma""ow 5"#ff) f"o#r) and mi"k)
startin! on "ow speed and increasin! to medi#m. Scrape down the sides of the
bow" occasiona""y and contin#e to beat #nti" the mi0t#re is smooth and creamy)
abo#t ( min#tes.
5ree.e-dried strawberries are a !reat in!redient in frostin!s and other fi""in!s "ike
this beca#se they add a p#nch of intense) p#re f"a*or witho#t addin! moist#re.
5ree.e-dried strawberries can be fo#nd at specia"ty !rocery stores "ike <arket of
@hoice or >rader Aoes.

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