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Linux test paper

Marks : 25
Min: 30
1) Why kill command is used?
2) Which command you use to see your environ variables
3) Using ie ho! do you reort the number o" entries in the #dev directory
$) %o! do you rint "irst "ive lines o" a "ile?
5) %o! do you sort a "ile using a numeric "ield?
&) Using !hich command do you determine the current user
') %o! do you change the o!nershi o" all the "iles in the user (uhas)s directory as
*) Using single command !rite the content o" #etc#ass!ord to a "ile dulicate as
!ell as stdout+
,) Why telnet is used?
10) Why "t command is used and !hich rotocol is uses-U./ # 01/)
11+ Which is the command "or searching a attern in a "ile?
i+ "ind
ii+ gre
iii+ locate
iv+ none o" the above
12+ What 22 3"ile name2 !ill does in redirection oeration?
i+ 4edirect only to std outut
ii+ 4edirect "rom standard inut
iii+ (tderr to a "ile
iv+ 5oth stdout and stdin
13+ 6n vi7editor ho! do you relace echo by echoo "rom line number 1 to 10?
i+ :8 s#echo#echoo#g
ii+ :1910 s#echo#echoo#g
iii+ :19: s#echoo#echo#g
iv+ :: s#echo#echoo#g
1$+ 0o change the ath variable "or your environment !hich is the con"iguration "ile
has to edited ?
v+ +bashrc
vi+ +bash;logout
vii+ #etc#ro"ile
viii+ +bash;ro"ile
15+ ksh reresents
i+ korn shell
ii+ bourne shell
iii+ enhanced c shell
1&+ <ile e=ecuted "or non login shell?
i+ +bash;ro"ile
ii+ #etc#ro"ile
iii+ #etc#bashrc
iv+ bash;logout
1'+ %ere -22) oerator used "or?
i+ 0o redirect the outut and aend to a "ile
ii+ >ust aend the "ile
iii+ redirect outut "ile
iv+ all o" the above
1*+ Usage o" the symbol ?:@?
i+ get the id o" the rocess
ii+ get the value o" the variables
iii+ e=it status o" the command
iv+ none o" the above
1,+ A=orting the variable can be done "rom
i+ (ub shell to a main shell
ii+ Main shell to all its sub shell
iii+ 5oth the !ay
iv+ Bone o" the above
20+ Ce otion used along echo command "or?
i+ get the outut in the same romt
ii+ usage o" Dn -ne! line) otion
iii+ remove all sace bet!een strings
iv+ none o" the above
21+ 0he outut o" the command is -the value o" book is 10)9 !hat !ill be the
inut9 i" the ?a@ is set to be value 10?
i+ echo E the value o" book is ?:a@)
ii+ echo E the value o" book is :a)
iii+ echo E the value o" book is E@:a@
iv+ echo E the value o" book is E@D:a@
22+ Wild card character used along egre command?
i+ F
ii+ ?
iii+ G
iv+ all o" the above
23+ 6n cron Hob9 the third "ield -F) reresents?
i+ .ay o" the !eek
ii+ minutes
iii+ month
iv+ day o" the month
2$+ read messages is stored in !hich "ile
i+ :%IMA#mbo=
ii+ :%IMA#mail
iii+ #var#log#messages
25+ 0o create a archive "ile using tar
i+ :tar cJ" "ilename+tgJ "ilename
ii+ :tar cJ" "ilename "ilename+tgJ
iii+ :tar =J" "ilename+tgJ "ilename
iv+ :tar Jv" "ilename+tgJ "ilename

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