Lesson Plan - Weather

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Grade 10 Science - Weather Dynamics Unit

With an emphasis on multicularism

The focus of this paper is for teaching Senior years Science with emphasis on
adaptations towards a multicultural/antiracist curriculum. During my practicum block of
this term I was able to observe Grade 11 Biology and Chemistry, Grade 12 Biology and
Physics and was able to teach the Grade 10 Science classes in a predominantly white
school. I noticed that the only real emphasis that was put on the learning of other
cultural contributions and other cultures in general was in the 11 and 12 Biology
classes. Being with the Grade 10 classes since September and then for ve straight
weeks of teaching them, I noticed that they all had almost no knowledge of other parts
of the world.
The reason I am choosing to do the following unit plan is because I believe the
importance of cross cultural education is often overlooked within the Science
curriculums and when included it is often in a futile, small or ineffective way. I have
chosen to do the Weather unit from the Grade 10 Science curriculum because it would
follow the Chemistry unit that we just nished off and I feel it is full of opportunity to
learn and understand other parts of the world through Science. The curriculum for the
Weather unit puts no direct importance on weather around specic parts of the world. It
simply lays out that students understand what it is and why it happens and much less
on the where or who it affects. It is a unit that could be easily adapted to include other
learning within it that is inclusive of many other cultures.
The development of this unit by the Manitoba curriculum states that students
should be able to develop an understanding of what controls weather and climate and
the global energy budget through water and heat leading to severe weather
phenomena, gather and analyze meteorological data, explore social, economic and
environmental impact of severe weather events, understand that climate change occurs
through natural events and human activity and to use their understanding of weather
and climate at this point to discuss potential consequences of climate change. There
are no specic instructions to include multiple parts of the world or different types of
people. They use the terminology like humans, Earth, and global which I feel leads to
more ignorance of world diversity. So from this provincial document I have chosen to
teach what is instructed to be taught with and stress on inclusion of multicultural
aspects. The main goal is to be able to teach the information directed by the curriculum
while incorporating cross cultural knowledge along the way. I will use a variety of
assessment styles and learning tasks that would be appropriate if applied to a very
diverse classroom. I want to teach this unit in a multicultural/antiracist way but also be
able to teach the same unit to a diverse classroom and have it be equally effective in
both aspects.
As a future Science teacher, role model for students and equality enthusiast, I
think the importance of teaching all subjects absent of discrimination or favouritism to
any one specic group is a responsibility of mine that I take very seriously. The beauty
of Science is that there is a universal understanding of how it works so other than the
contributions made towards those ndings by people all over the world there is a
somewhat unspoken agreement between cultures on the details. This leaves the
opportunity to add new learning to the subject and to teach students morals in addition
to subject material.

This unit will span approximately 10 classes/lessons separated into specic learning
outcomes on seasons, atmosphere and hydrosphere, Earths radiation budget, wind
and ocean currents, analyzing meteorlogical data, formation and dynamics of severe
weather phenomena, and social economic and environmental impacts of severe
weather events.
Lesson Plan # 1
Lesson Outcomes/Purpose:
-Go outside and have the students make observations
-Introduce Weather unit
-Find out students prior knowledge and conceptions surrounding topic
-Dene fundamental terms and concepts as primary new knowledge
-Seasons and why they exist
-Causes of seasonal variations (good segue into next lesson - Earths
energy budget and di"erent parts of Earths atmosphere)
Activity Plan Strategies
Resources Approximate
Prepare to
-Giant sheets of paper for concept
-Have pictures of di"erent weather
representations in a picture splash on
-Go outside, get students active and
fresh air and make individual
observations of the weather that day.
Concept Map
-Table groups, assign one speaker and
recorder, list group names and all
words to their knowledge that
correspond with weather. (We will come
back to these maps at end of unit
before nal test to see what they have
added to their knowledge and refresh
-Once nished we will go over groups
terms one by one (I will make list on
board) until we run out. Some of the
terms will likely be ones we dene
-Debrief the class on what they already
know about weather.

-6 sheets

-Prior to


5 mins

5 mins

5 mins

5 mins

1 min
Direct Instruction with Class Interaction
-Fill-in-the-blank note booklets, set
the foundations, expectations and
knowledge basis for future classes. I will
put template on projector and ll it in
with them as we go seeing what they
can ll in rst.
-Watch 2 videos about seasons
v=10Jzw1hjOv4 (gives a visual of the
type of weather and changes that occur
as seasons change)
v=yQ34-2cuzfY (tells why this happens,
how it a"ects di"erent parts of the
earth and will also get kids laughing -
cheesy Bill Nye video)
-Worksheets and write ups for 6
di"erent seasonal variations alternating
them between students and give them a
few minutes to read through.

for each



4 mins

4 mins


-organize in to corresponding groups
to discuss and become experts on their
-Reorganize to have ~one of each
variation in groups and each student
will ll in the parts of the worksheet as
the experts teach their variation.
-At end of class, project worksheet
template on board with answers and
quickly go over to make sure students
have all important points for each
section and debrief.
For Homework
-Draw a picture representation for each
of the 6 seasonal variations. Students
will have freedom to use any format
they want (computer, pencil, paint, etc.)
I should be able to tell just by looking at
the picture which variation it
represents. This will require deep
thinking and understanding.

10 mins


5 mins
Closure Reason for the Season
-Each corner of room will be one
season. Students will gather their things
and move to the corresponding corner
of their favourite season. Then in order
to line up for break or home time I will
move from group to group and by
hands-up will choose a student to tell
me why its their favourite and give me
a reason for that season from what we
discussed in the Jigsaw. (Consecutive
answers must be di"erent from the last
2) If they cant think of something I will
keep going and come back to them for
times sake.

10 mins
t Plan
-The use of the Jigsaw allows students
to compare their knowledge and
understanding of seasons with other
students and self assess their own
knowledge level and to expand it as
they are taught by other students.
-Having the students participate in
making the rules for discussion groups
gives them a say in how things will be
conducted and add a sense of
responsibility because they are
following their own rules.
-The use of the concept map allows me
to see where the students knowledge
base is at regarding the Weather topic.
From this I will know the areas they are
already comfortable with and what we
need to spend more or less time on.
-The answers they give me at the end of
class for Reason for the Season will tell
me what they took from todays lesson
and their level of understanding for the
material presented.
-When building the list of rules for
discussion, their answers will tell me the
level of maturity and understanding on
the purpose of discussion and conduct.
-They will apply what they learn from
this class to their future understanding
of related topics in lessons to come
such as the Earths Energy Budget and
by the di#culty of transitioning I will be
able to tell what was absorbed and what
still needs to be solidied. ONGOING
-While the students are in their groups
and asked to participate in group and
class discussions I will be looking for
level of participation.
-Their answers from the Reason for the
Season will help in determining higher
order thinking for WHY seasons exist,

Lesson Plan #2
Lesson Outcomes/Purpose:
-Illustrate the composition and organization of the hydrosphere and
atmosphere. (S2-4-01)
-Introduce a related SSI, The Disintegration of the Shuttle Columbia and have
students be able to make connections between the characteristics of the
Earths atmosphere layers and how they were involved in the disaster.
Activity Plan Strategies
Resources Approx
Materials Time
Prepare to
-Prior to class I will hand out blank diagrams
of the Earths atmospheric layers.
-When class begins they will be briefed to ll
in as much applicable information on the
diagram from the video.
-Then I will start this video:
It is an excellent, up-beat, educational tool
for our purposes and contains a very good
description of the Earths atmospheric layers.
It also has small pieces of information that
will connect this lesson to upcoming ones
within this unit.
SSI - Shuttle Columbia
-We will then start to discuss as a class,
Shuttle Columbia. (This item is recommended
by the implementation guide from the
curriculum). I will ask who knows anything
about it and based on their knowledge will
determine discussion length.



-Prior to
-1 min

-5 min

-5 min
-I will project the article in slideshow format
as to be able to display the necessary
pictures/video with the literature. Ill ask for
volunteers to read by paragraphs so the
students will have a chance to be active in
reading/listening to the story as well.
These are the 2 videos I will show within the
v=1oBTzbKx0jo (0:54 - live footage of shuttle
v=xxpDbT74VI8 (1:05 - NASA footage)
-Then we will do the Think-Group-Share
activity provided with the text with time for a
class discussion on the outcomes. At this
point Ill reorganize the groups because it will
be time to GET UP! I will ask them to get back
into their season groups from the class before
and group them randomly at di"erent tables
to make sure everyone has to get up and they
will have to stand for a minute as well.
-Back to the slideshow where we will follow
the same process with di"erent students
reading until nished.
-As per the instructions of the activity, Ill ask
students if they have any questions once we
conclude the reading.





5 min

1-2 min
(the Think-Group-Share activity ts in Using
Learning as well)
Concluding Questions
-There is a list of questions with the story of
Shuttle Columbia they will be given at this
point. They will work on these independently
and nish for homework if necessary.

sheet per

15 min
Closure Exit Slip
-The last 10 minutes of class I will put my
version of the video-diagram of atmospheric
layers from the beginning of class up on the
screen for them to compare and add (in a
di"erent colour or distinguishable way) any
important ideas they may have missed. Then
once they have nished comparing use the
remaining time and back of the same paper
to tell me 1 thing they learned, 1 thing they
want to know more about and 1 thing they
dont understand yet, using happy, neutral
and sad faces and hand them in before they
leave class.

10 mins

t Plan
-The Think-Group-Share activity allows the
students to assess their learning in
comparison to other students and share their
assumptions. They also have to all agree on a
cause of the disintegration of Shuttle
Columbia which will hopefully teach them
some reasoning and group skills.
-I will use the exit slips to nd out where
theyre at with the lesson and understanding
the SSI. Seeing what they rst picked up from
the video will give me a good idea of whether
or not it is an e"ective teaching tool for
certain students. Then the exit slip style
answers they will write on the back will tell
me what they are taking from the lesson and
what I will still need to cover in more depth
for next class.
-When they write their upcoming quiz on this
material I will know if I am doing an e"ective
job of relaying the material to them.
-The set of questions at the end, once
marked, will also give me an idea of their
e"orts, work ethic and understanding as they
are for homework and for marks.
-I will be able to see how they are improving
at working in groups from the class before as
this will be the second time. I will also be
checking to see who volunteers easier to read
or speak as to try to encourage the others to
participate in some way.
Lesson Plan #3
Lesson Outcomes/Purpose:
-Discrepant Events Density: Hot vs. Cold - From this demonstration I want
them to be able to understand how temperature a"ects air density and in turn
our weather. Also provides good segue into explaining the Hydrosphere.
-S2-4-02: Introduce the Earths Energy Budget fundamental terms and
concepts to familiarize them before we delve into the material.
-Spreading out the Sun: Worksheet, an interactive activity that will
mathematically prove how di"erent seasons and their weather is a"ected by
the suns position to the Earth. The conclusion will prove if they understand
and have correctly done the activity.
Activity Plan Strategies
Resources Approx
Materials Time
Prepare to
-I will set out all the materials for the
demonstration ahead of class time and have
them set out on the front table. This will
intrigue them and get their curiosity going.
-When they get to class I will ask them to
take out a piece of paper and to record the
results of each event demonstrated as we go
through. I will have them gather around the
front table within reasonable safe distance as
I will be working with hot water. This will get
them ready for something interesting/

list is in

-Prior to

2 min
Discrepant Events
-As we go through the demonstration they
will notice and record how water at di"erent
temperatures interact and how the
temperatures a"ect and alter the density
slightly. This slight change causes noticeable
interactions that they should be able to make
the connection with once we conclude and
-When demonstration is nished we will go
through each event together, what students
noticed and what it means and they will add
to their paper.
-We will then watch an introductory video
that makes relatable real-world analogies
about Earths Energy Budget to help students
understand and is entertaining.
-Because this demonstration relates to the
rst 3 SLOs it leaves a good foundation to
lead into S2-4-02. So we will do our ll-in-
the-blank notes for the Energy Budget section
here in the same fashion as lesson #1.



20 min

10 min

4 1/2

Spreading out the Sun Worksheet
-They will work their way through the
interactive worksheet that displays how the
suns rays are more spread out during certain
seasons compared to others. If we are short
for time I will have them save the calculations
and conclusion for homework. The conclusion
will be a formative assessment of that days


20 min
Closure Dene-Line
-I will give the class a few minutes to talk
about the new vocabulary they have learned
that day and choose one word they will dene
to me in order to get in line for their break or
end of the day. Those who volunteer rst will
get to leave rst. If they cannot choose a
specic word to dene I will let them use one
word to dene todays class.

5 min
t Plan
-The students will reect on their learning
during their end of class discussion with the
other students about the vocabulary they
have learned.
-This is another lesson full of new
information with lots of deep thinking
required so I want to know if it is actually
sinking in. I will assess during the
demonstration by the types of answers and
interactions Im getting from the students. Ill
use a similar style of assessing throughout the
new set of notes and the dene-line will let
me know what students are getting out of the
-When they write their upcoming quiz on this
material I will know if I am doing an e"ective
job of relaying the material to them.
-The Spreading out the Sun worksheet Ill
take for marks so the conclusion section from
this especially will tell me how they are each
doing and if theyre understanding the
connections of the material.
-I will be using the students responses
constantly as feedback to how they are taking
in the class. Also how they respond to certain
styles of my teaching, whether their attention
is more apt to videos, labs, demos, notes etc.

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