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A guide to Mingovilles Activities

"#$%&%$%'( )*' +*,-.'/ %0 #,1,-*(

1he acLlvlLles ln Lhe Mlsslons are
grouped under Lhree acLlvlLy
caLegorles: 2$,*%'(, 3*')$%&' 4)5 and
6/-#)$%,0)1 7)8'(9

under each mlsslon, all acLlvlLles have
a cerLaln color - +*''0 for sLory,
,*)0+' for creaLlve and :'11,; for
game. As you may noLlce, noL all
mlsslons have all Lypes of acLlvlLles -
lL depends on Lhe Lheme of each

lor example, Lhe acLlvlLy
1ransmogrlfler ls abouL uslng
ad[ecLlves, and some mlsslons are
more sulLable for Lhls acLlvlLy Lhan
2$,*%'( - are lnLeracLlve sLorles, lnLeracLlve scenes and language use acLlvlLles
3*')$%&' 4)5 - ls experlmenLal and creaLlve acLlvlLles
7)8'( - are educaLlonal games based on Lhe Lngllsh vocabulary of Lhe mlsslon
NOTE: Some of Lhe acLlvlLles have exLra maLerlals avallable for download from our webslLe aL
St ori es
Chlldren requlre comprehenslble language lnpuL Lo learn a new language. Mlngovllle
conLalns a wlde range of lllusLraLlve and lnLeracLlve sLorles wlLh a language level LhaL ls
above Lhe language level of Lhe chlldren when Lhey sLarL learnlng Lngllsh wlLh Mlngovllle.
Powever, llsLenlng Lo and lnLeracLlng wlLh Lhe sLorles wlll qulckly glve Lhem knowledge of
Lhe prlmary words of Lhe Mlsslons.

As Lhey conLlnue playlng wlLh Lhe words ln Lhe dlfferenL SLory acLlvlLles, Lhe words wlll become parL of
Lhelr vocabulary. 1he chlldren wlll noL undersLand everyLhlng from Lhe beglnnlng buL by llsLenlng, readlng
and lnLeracLlng wlLh Lhe words and llsLenlng Lo Lhem over and over agaln, Lhey wlll grow famlllar wlLh Lhe
words. 1he sLorles also encourage Lhe sLudenLs Lo use and develop guesslng sLraLegles LhaL help Lo
convey messages from an early sLage.

Some of Lhe sLorles are also found ln Lhe download secLlon and may be used ln class role games and
drama acLlvlLles. LeLLlng Lhe chlldren lnvenL sLorles and pracLlce dlfferenL dlalogues ln class ls very
effecLlve when lL comes Lo language acqulslLlon.

Lach mlsslon conLalns dlfferenL sLory acLlvlLles: 8lch plcLures, lllusLraLe Lhe sLory, Clve us a clue, WhaL Lo
say and Crammar demo.

Rich Picture

Lach mlsslon sLarLs wlLh a 8lch lcLure sLory. 1he physlcal seLLlng of Lhe mlsslon ls
lnLroduced ln Lhls acLlvlLy. WlLhln Lhese levels, Lhe chlld can selecL lndlvldual lLems
by cllcklng on Lhem Lo hear and/or read whaL Lhe lLems are called ln Lngllsh,
lncreaslng Lhelr vocabulary.
1he acLlvlLy progresses from level one, where fundamenLal/ baslc nouns are
lnLroduced, Lo level Lwo, where expresslons connecLed Lo Lhe currenL Lheme are

Cne of Lhe members of Lhe lnkelLon famlly Lells a shorL sLory abouL Lhe lnkelLons.
1he sLudenLs have Lo reLell Lhe sLory afLerwards uslng Lhe dlfferenL lmages from Lhe
sLory. Lach of Lhe 16 pages ls accompanled by an lllusLraLlon LhaL supporLs Lhe
chlldren's undersLandlng of Lhe sLoryllne and asslsLs Lhem ln reLelllng Lhe sLory. 1hls
wlll expand chlldren's awareness of Lhe Lngllsh language and leL Lhem comblne
plcLures wlLh LexL.
Illustrate the Story
Give Us a Clue

Cne of Lhe characLers ln Mlngovllle Lells a sLory, buL he or she sLops from Llme Lo
Llme and encourages Lhe chlld Lo help conLlnue Lhe sLory by selecLlng a correcL
keyword or answerlng Lhe narraLor's quesLlons.
1he ob[ecLlve ls Lo encourage Lhe chlldren Lo develop sLraLegles Lo flnd ouL whaL a
person ls Lalklng abouL wlLhouL fully undersLandlng all of whaL ls belng sald.
WlLhouL Lhe pressure of havlng Lo respond Lo a real person, chlldren Lake Lhe rlsk of
descrlblng Lhlngs Lhey do noL know Lhe exacL words for.
What to Say?
A conversaLlon beLween Lwo characLers ls heard, seen and lnLeracLed wlLh ln Lhls
acLlvlLy. lrom Llme Lo Llme, Lhe dlalogue sLops and Lhe sLudenLs become lnvolved ln
Lhe sLoryLelllng process by chooslng how characLers should respond Lo Lhe
1he purpose of Lhls acLlvlLy ls Lo presenL auLhenLlc language Lo Lhe sLudenL. 1hls
enables Lhe chlldren Lo engage ln dlalogue wlLh Lhelr classmaLes uslng slmllar
language. Moreover, lL enhances Lhe sLudenLs' awareness of Lhe dlfferenL senLence

Grammar demo
Small graphlc lllusLraLlons and LexL Leach Lhe chlldren Lhe baslc elemenLs of
grammar. 1he chlldren observe grammaLlcal changes Lo words and usage ln Lhe
Lngllsh language. 1he dlfferenL aspecLs shown ln Lhe demos are lncorporaLed ln
oLher acLlvlLles followlng Lhe grammar demo.
1he acLlvlLy wlll help creaLlng a rudlmenLary grammaLlcal awareness.
ln Lhe CreaLlve Lab, Lhe chlldren are encouraged Lo play wlLh Lhe words. 1hey can
color varlous plcLures, llsLen Lo songs, slng and record karaoke, and llsLen Lo Lhelr
own recorded songs. 8y glvlng Lhe chlldren Lhe posslblllLy of uslng an aesLheLlc
form of expresslon, Lhey may use Lhelr Lngllsh ln a playful, low-sLress aLmosphere.
The Creative Lab
About Me
Chlldren are lnLervlewed for a newspaper. 1hey are asked 6 dlfferenL quesLlons,
whlch Lhey can answer elLher by chooslng predeflned answers or by Lyplng Lhelr
own. 1he quesLlons and answers are collecLed ln an arLlcle LhaL ls auLomaLlcally
saved ln My 8ook". 1hls allows Lhe chlldren Lo make senLences Lhemselves and
experlence a proper" lnLervlew.
Sing along
1he chlldren can llsLen Lo and slng songs wlLh varylng degrees of complexlLy relaLed
Lo Lhe Mlsslon. Lach Mlsslon has a unlque song. Cnce Lhe chlldren have llsLened Lo
a song, Lhey can slng Lhe song Lhemselves, record lL and use lL Lo glve a concerL Lo
Lhelr frlends ln Mlngovllle vlrLual World. noL only does Lhls pracLlce Lhe sLudenLs'
vocabulary, Lhe songs can also be used ln Lhe vlrLual World.

Type Spelling
1eacher Llz or ur. hll Cood guldes Lhe sLudenLs Lhough a game of Lype spelllng and
Lells Lhem whaL Lo wrlLe. 1he maln focus ls Lhe spelllng of nouns. 1he nouns are
lllusLraLed Lo show Lhe chlldren whaL Lo wrlLe.
1eacher Llz guldes Lhe puplls Lhrough a game of urag and urop WrlLlng. Chlldren
are Lo wrlLe dlfferenL senLences by dragglng dlfferenL words lnLo Lhe boxes on Lhe
1he chlldren geL Lo pracLlce senLence paLLerns uslng a recognlzable LemplaLe. As Lhe
words are pre-spelled, Lhe focus ls sLrlcLly on senLence consLrucLlon.
Drag & Drop Writing
Point It Out Challenge

ln Lhls acLlvlLy Lhe chlldren have Lo cllck on Lhe Lhlngs Lhe hosL calls ouL. 1he acLlvlLy
challenges Lhe chlldren Lo see how many words Lhey can remember and recognlze.
1he acLlvlLy wlll enable Lhe Leacher Lo evaluaLe how much Lhelr sLudenLs have
learned durlng Lhe Mlsslons. 1he challenge ls one of Lhe flnal exerclses ln each
Show the Time
ln Lhls acLlvlLy chlldren flrsL Lry Lo seL Lhe clock on Lhelr own. 1hen Lhey wlll geL a
quesLlon where Lhey have Lo Lell Lhe rlghL Llme.
1he purpose of Lhe acLlvlLy ls Lo leL Lhe chlldren pracLlce Lhe numbers and learn Lhe

ln Lhls acLlvlLy chlldren have Lo drag dlfferenL ad[ecLlves lnLo a maglc box ln order Lo
Lransform or descrlbe a slLuaLlon surroundlng Lhe characLer Maglc Mlngo.
1he purpose ls Lo enhance Lhe chlldren's grasp of concepL learnlng and Lhelr
knowledge of dlfferenL ad[ecLlves by connecLlng Lhe ad[ecLlves Lo
Chlldren have Lo make Lhelr own plcLure by dragglng Lhe plcLure elemenLs from Lhe
(speclfled) Mlsslon on Lo Lhe screen.
1hls allows Lhe chlld Lo play and explore Lhe language ln a fun way. 1he plcLures can
be senL Lo grandparenLs or parenLs afLerwards. 1hey can also serve as ChrlsLmas
cards and Lhe llke.
Picture Creator
1he chlldren read abouL a speclflc Loplc (e.g., sporLs, anlmals or Lhe body) and are
encouraged Lo flnd more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe Loplc on Lhe lnLerneL.
1hls acLlvlLy wlll dlspaLch Lhe chlldren Lo Lhe lnLerneL Lo leL Lhem Lry Lo flnd some
speclflc lnformaLlon on an lnLerneL page ln Lngllsh.

ln Lhls acLlvlLy, chlldren are lnsLrucLed Lo color varlous Lhlngs ln a varleLy of colors
wlLhln Lhe 8lch lcLure seLLlng. 1hls exerclse glves Lhe chlldren experlence followlng
lnsLrucLlons and Lralns Lhelr vocabulary.
Colour This
Catch It
ln Lhls game, one of Lhe Mlngovllle characLers ls placed ln a seLLlng where dlfferenL
lLems, lncludlng LexL and sounds, fall from above and musL be caughL ln Lhe Lrolley.
1he purpose of Lhls acLlvlLy ls Lo consolldaLe vocabulary and concepLs lnLroduced ln
Lhe Mlsslon.
1he acLlvlLy gradually becomes harder, wlLh more and fasLer falllng leLLers.
1he educaLlonal games funcLlon as a way Lo Leach dlfferenL nouns and expresslons ln a
playful aLmosphere. 1hey encourage Lhe chlldren Lo connecL Lhe Lngllsh language ln
acLlon. 1he games conLaln elemenLs of compeLlLlon. 1hey all have a scoreboard LhaL
keeps Lrack of Lhe chlldren's acLlons ln all Lhe games. Lach game has several levels where
Lhe pace and degree of dlfflculLy lncreases as each game progresses.
1hls ls very sLlmulaLlng for Lhe chlldren who have dlfflculLy concenLraLlng or who are qulckly bored.

1hls acLlvlLy ls a memory game. ln Lhls game, Lhe cards elLher show LexL, a plcLure
or a loudspeaker lcon lndlcaLlng LhaL a sound wlll be played. Chlldren have Lo maLch
LexL wlLh a plcLure, LexL wlLh a sound or a plcLure wlLh a sound.
1hrough Lhls acLlvlLy, chlldren lnLeracL wlLh Lhelr vocabulary as lL ls presenLed ln
varylng forms: sounds, LexL and plcLures. 1hls playful comblnaLlon encourages Lhe
chlld Lo learn all words.

ln Lhls game, chlldren musL eaL Lhe leLLers LhaL spell Lhe words Lhe game asks for. Cf
course, Lhls geLs harder as Lhe chlld has Lo avold Lhe roamlng ghosLs.
1he game leLs Lhe chlld spell words under pressure, as Lhey make qulck declslons
and reacL lnsLanLly.

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