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Week 1 of Internships
This week was the first week of internships! I learned about the heart of worship. My
mentor, Paul Black, talk with me about vertical and horizontal worship. That to be a good
worship leader, I need to not only have a strong connection with God (vertical) but a strong
connection to the congregation (horizontal). I need to lead them into worship. To be a
worship pastor it is essential to lead the congregation into that secret place with God, where
everything seems to just fade away and its just you and God.
The vertical connection is by far the most important of all. The whole reason for
everything is to love and glorify God. There is only so much we can do on our end but the
hard job really goes to Holy Spirit because without Holy Spirit, we are ultimately just making
noise. Its all about a personal relationship with God. Without that relationship, leading
worship is pointless because Im just singing a song that has no meaning to me, which will
translate to the congregation. If they cant see Him in me, why would they want what I
have? Why would they want to pour their hearts out to God in worship? So its all about a
relationship with the King!!
I got the opportunity to pick out the worship set for a service. I also got to help with some
aspects of the New Life service. His assistant, Jamie, showed me the administrative side of
the creative arts department. Jamie showed me how to pick out the worship teams each
month. I did a lot of other work pertaining to different parts of creative arts. It was a lot of fun
but also a lot of work. I stayed later some days to get it all done! I found that their time
schedule is nothing like high school where we get a week to finish something. I had to have
it finished within a day. Although it was a tight time frame, it was a lot of fun and a joy to do
Week 2 of Internships
This week I learned about how to create and organized and successful ministry! Obviously
God does about 98% of the work but the other 2% is up to us. The first percent surrender
and relationship with God. The second percent is organization. Paul taught me about a well
thought out and organized ministry plan called VPVSP. The first V is vision. This talks about
what God has showed you for a particular ministry or people and when its to happen. The
next is P. This stands for purpose. What is the purpose of this ministry? The second V is
value. This is the why of the ministry, which is very simple, His name is Jesus! The S stands
for strategy. This asks the question of how this ministry will get together. The last P is
I saw a different side of the worship sets each week. Usually, I am singing on the stage but
this time I saw it from the music directors point of view. Paul taught me about the positioning
of the worship team and how to lead the band in each song.
I had the opportunity to work with Paul and the other intern Brian on the worship songs they
were going to take to Israel. We worked together to come up with the right key to put all the
songs and the arrangement of the songs. Not only did we get a lot of work done, we just
had the awesome privilege to worship God together!
Not only do we need God but we also need each other. I found that you cant do a ministry
on your own. You need good relationships with other of Gods kids. Relationships with other
Christians are not only encouraging to mine and their walk with God but also to just glorify
God together. Matthew 18:20 For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am
with them. Yippee!!
Throughout this experience, God has definitely humbled me...a lot. There are so many
talented people at Northridge and its awesome how God can use ALL of their gifts and
passions for His glory! Ive really learned how to hear Gods voice. Whether He has
something to share with me or speak to someone elses heart. I had a crazy experience
with a woman just looking for hope. She definitely came to the right place! God sent me to
her to share the truth of His amazing love. I had the amazing opportunity to lead her to
Jesus! She came in balling her house out but left laughing, filled with the Holy Spirit!
Through this experience I learned that I probably should have helped her in the next steps
in her walk with Christ. But I know God will put someone else in her life to help her because
God has quite the destiny for her!!
Week 3 of Internships
First off, I learned how to create a worship set for our churchs services. I learned how to
take songs that our church has already done and create a great worship set that will be
equally fitting for the worship leaders voice and the message of the service. Worship
leading or even living as a Christian in a relationship with God isnt just about the singing or
praying. Worship leading is about obedience to God. Even though we have free will and the
complete control to say no to God, it is the little acts of obedience that God really looks for
to grow in our relationship and gain more of His trust. Finding trust in God and what He
commands us will help us go even deeper into a personal relationship with our awesome
Dad in Heaven! I learned about the staging and lighting process that the creative arts team
goes through. I have realized that a lot goes into each service that our church has. With a
church this big, a lot of organization goes into the different ministries here.
I learned how God has uniquely anointed each of us to minister to all kinds of
different people. God can use a person surrendered to His light to impact someones life for
His glory. I can now see that you dont have to minister (preach) to everyone to get them
into a relationship with God. Sometimes God just wants you to be a good spiritual influence
in the persons life.
I have learned this week a lot about communication. Not only can you bring Holy
Spirits light to people but you can also make Jesus friends that will last! I have learned to
trust the voice of God, even when it seems like what Hes saying is goes against my
judgment. I know that what He commands is to better the Kingdom and bring people into
His heart.
During this week of my internship, I learned that Holy Spirit can lead you to talk
and/or minister to specific people in different ways. A girl around my age was smoking
outside of the church so I decided I should go make friends with her! We started talking and
her testimony was crazy. One thing led to another and later on that week she gave her life
to Jesus! I have learned that the pressure is really off when it comes to ministering.
Sometimes you dont even need to do that, you just need to be a good friend. All I really
need to do is get a relationship and listen to the voice of my Dad in Heaven! He tends to
take over and lead me where I need to go anyway so its just a lot easier that way then
trying to control it myself. And people get saved too! Wohoo!!

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