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Vashikaran Yantra

(gold rupees 5100/=only)(silver rupees2100/=only)

is one of the most powerful and effective mediums of Vashiaran and gives !est results" #t will enchant and attract anyone and everyone who
comes in contact with you$ leave a strong impression on their minds$ influence them and their decisions in your favor$ draw them and entice them
towards you" Vashiaran %antra will ena!le you to control their minds$ regulate their thoughts$ and get what you want from them"
Vashiaran %antra can !e worn in the nec or arm$ or carried on the person$ in a wallet$ purse$ or pocet$ in order to get the desired effect" &ach
Vashiaran %antra is customised for the person who has to wear it$ as per his/her !irth details" 'his maes it many times more effective and
#t taes ()* days for each Vashiaran %antra to !e made"
Vashiaran %antra can also !e used to attract a particular person !y recitation of a specific +antra" ,egular recitation of Vashiaran +antra
increases the power and !enefit of the Vashiaran %antra"
Vashikaran 'Tilak -'
is the most potent potion made with the use of special Tantric powers and works like a magnet to hypnotise a person and draw them
towards you. The power of this 'Tilak' is irresistible and it's results almost fatal.
Vashikaran 'Tilak' has to be put on the forehead with the right thumb. It can be used daily or occasionally for some specific purpose
or before going for some special task.
Vashikaran Rosary-
(gold rupees 5100/=only)(silver rupees2100/=only)
is used for 2 purposes : for wearing in the neck and for recitation of Vashikaran Mantra. When the Vashikaran Mantra is recited on
the Vashikaran osary! it gets charged with immense attraction energy or 'akarshan'. "nd when this charged osary is worn in the
neck! it creates a magnetic aura around the wearer and adds a new charisma to his#her personality! making him#her irresistible for
anybody and e$erybody who comes in contact with them.
Vashikaran osary has to be charged and energi%ed with the Vashikaran Mantra. &efore deli$ering it to you it is charged by reciting
lakhs of mantras in our Vashikaran 'entre.
Vashikaran Ring-
(gold rupees 5100/=only)(silver rupees2100/=only)
is one of the most powerful and effecti$e mediums of Vashikaran and gi$es best results. It will enchant and attract anyone and
e$eryone who comes in contact with you! lea$e a strong impression on their minds! influence them and their decisions in your fa$or!
draw them and entice them towards you. The person#s who will come in contact in wearer will start dancing at his tune.
( apka pyar tutne nahi dunga god promise. . .)
dn't ignor golden chance. . .make 1 call change your life. . ..
contect"yogi guru -i "./1)/5025(*12/
(345+'65, 67 85+5965,):::::: so don;t waste your golden time$
!eco< time doesn;t wait any!ody" " "" " "
()or payment our bank details*
if you li$e in foreign(out of India*pay payment by western union or money gram by name +pramod kumar sri$asta$ payble at delhi
For payment plz check belo bank details.
!"#"$ %#&' (F )&*)#
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7#Y$$ &#-$/ pramod kumar sri8asta8
%.#&+9/ sasthya 8ihar
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=e will never let your love relation !rea god promise""
hello %ogi guru
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>?9' V#9#' #8 ""==="vashiaransansar"com
& +5#@ V594#65,5895895,AB+5#@"37+
Address : yogi baba vashikaran sadhna kendera mukti dham aashram haridwar #ndia

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