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Have Faith in Fate

I was 17 when I first met him. To be frank, he was just

another ordinary boy. But he was like my sunshine, streaming in
golden bands into my dim,colourless life. He brought all sorts of
emotions and colours into my life without nagging or complaining a
single bit of it. No matter how many times I tried to bring him down
or gave him a huge dissapointment,he never gave up hope...Maybe not
hope,maybe it’s me.Yeah,he never gave up his hope upon me...And,only
one word can described it:Faith.

Suddenly,I heard a loud voice was calling me. The harsh,yet

velvety voice woke me up from the dream. As I opened my heavy
eyelids, my head spinned and I was momentarily dazzled by a warm
smile. And then,instantly,I found myself lying on a bed.

“Do you know where you are?” the recognizable voice asked me.
Suddenly, I felt a hand slapped onto my cheek.

“OUCH! What was that for?!” I murmured to him and slowly

struggled to bolt up into a sitting position. “

“She is awake,”he said relievely.

The most embarrasing moment was the time I almost fell from the
bed as I tried to bolt up. Instantly,two long,white hands held me
before I “kissed” the floor.

“Pheww,that was close.Thanks” I murmured. As I tilted my head

slightly and caught his gaze,a mixture of emotions boiled in my
heart. His bright green stone-like eyes met mine and my mouth
formed a “O” shape. It was the same face I saw-every minute now
and then-before I fainted. I blushed furiously at the memory. The
events that led up to this eventful afternoon were shown in a series
of flashback. Back to the Biology period, I was commanded to
operate a dead frog with my lab-partner(the boy I louthe the
most),Edward. Then,as I held a knife,ready to operate the
frog,everything went black!

“Bella?”, Edward was shaking me hard.


“So,how are you feeling?”

“I guessed,fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Well,I am pretty sure.But,if you stop holding my waist with your

hands,I will feel much more better.” I spitted out the words
meaningly to him while pulling his hand from me to set myself free.

“You have to try harder.” he argued back and smirked to me.

“Get your hands of me,you freak or-” before I had the chance to
finish my line he laid his cold lips onto mine.

“Or what? Or I will kiss you?” he said evilly as he pulled his lips apart
from mine.

How could he?! Well,I don’t blame him from sending me to here after
the event at the biology and saved me from “kissing” the floor.
But,how could he kiss someone that loathed him so much. I was so
overwhelmed by the suddenness of the events that without warning
he kissed me more wildly again. I tried to push his chest away from
mine but eventually,I gave up. In fact,I stopped moving and hopefully
he will give up whenever he started to get bored of it. But,this will
only encouraged him more. So,I bit his tougue as he tried to stick it
into my mouth.

“Wow. Thanks,sugar!” he shouted at me.

I could see blood oozing out from his mouth. Served him right,I
thought,but my soft heart gave me away. “Sorry,but you were the
one who started it,so,I have to end it in this way-”I murmured
softly. Then,without warning again,he kissed me. Eww,I could taste
his blood,it was so rusty.

“Yoo-u do-nn’t w-ant mmm-e to bi-ite yo-ur to-o-u-ugue do yo-uu?” I

tried to tell him in a soft way this time,careful enough not to bite
his tougue again.

“Sorry,but you taste good”he winked at me and shot me an innocent

face like a five-year-old boy.

“Urgh!”I glared at him and still wondering why he just couldn’t give
up winning my heart. I meant there were millions girls out there.
And,I doubted there are few blond,hot cheerleading girls which
were way more prettier than me.But,why me? I sighed silently and
that caught his attention.

“What’s wrong,baby?”he said and placed his hand on my lap.

“First,I am not your baby! Second,why is that hand on my-?!” I said

as loud as I could while blushing as I tried to finish the line.But,then
he cut off my line again by squeezing my face like a tomato.

“I liked the way you blushed and the way you loathed me...”Before he
could say another word,I slapped his face as hard as I could.
Then,crazily,he fell to his knees and raised both of his hand like
praying and shouted “I AM SO IN LOVE WITH ISABELLA SWAN!”
Then,everyone in the room set their stare on both of us. I blushed
again and felt the anger lurking into my emotions. “Take a picture if
you like it.It lasts longer than staring!!!” I shouted at the
“audiences” after a long 3 minutes. Eventually,everyone stopped
staring at me. Then,my life-savior showed up,my mother! I never
wanted her to show up at these situations normally.But it was
different this time as this EDWARD never stop flirting with me. So
I guessed,for the first time,I wanted my mum to nag about these
similar incidents that I never learned to “hide” away from.

“So,what happened this time?” my mum,Renee asked furiosly.

“Good evening,madam.May I introduced myself?” Edward asked

politely. It shocked me as I never seen him being so politely to any
of the elders everywhere.

“Fine,but please don’t interrupt me when I am questioning my

daughter here. Get lost!” my mum shouted at him.

“Mum! It’s nothing. Can I go home now?” I looked at her curiosly

without bothering how hurt that Edward might get after my mum
shouted at him.

“Yes,get changed fast! I haven’t even ate anything because of

you,this-superb-clumsy-daughter.” She answered me back. I jumped
happily from the bed and knocked his shoulder when I passed the
room to get my clothes. Then,in a sudden,something reminded me
how did I got into all this hospital clothings. Shit,it must be him! No!
No!No!I fighted back my thought and I turned slowly to Edward. He
caught my eyes and smirked. Then,Bang! The door was shut as my
mum went out. He turned around to check whether my mum is still in
the room and laughed evily. Tears mistled up my eyes as I imagined
him taking off my clothes,then “helped” me to change into this
hospital clothes. As soon he saw tears running down to my cheeks,he
stopped laughing and shot me a sorry look.

“Don’t worry,i didnt-*cough,cough**,the nurse did-*cough*”he tried

to explain while trying to hide his evil smile behind the every coughs.
A wave of relieveness hit my heart and without saying a word,I took
my clothes and went into the bathroom.

“Thank God! Thank God! That freak didnt-”I screamed in the

bathroom and suddenly reminded me that he was still standing out
there. Urgh,how could I even forgot about it. Now,he was going to
laugh more and more,and I can’t hide from him. Everytime,I ran away
from him,he would quoted this sentence:”You can run,but you can
hide” Sigh,as soon as I changed back to my clothes,I ran out from
the room without glancing at him. But,fate changed everything,which
I hated a lot. God must be really hate me.

When I opened the door and ran as fast as I could towards the
parking lot. A dark figure suddenly came and hit me to the floor.

“Sorry” I said apologetically while slowly bolt myself up and saw the
face that I doesnt want to see the most-Edward’s face. I can’t
denied that he is really gorgeous:his untidy bronze-hair,emerald
stone-line eyes,beautiful shaped nose and that lips...Eww,that
remembered what happened back to the room.

“Oh,you! Not sorry” Without warning, I stormed my heels on his foot

and ran towards my mum’s car. From here,I could see her waiting
impatiently in the car.

“Bang.Let’s go home now!”I shouted happily. After 2 long minutes,my

mum didnt replied to me but clicking her iPhone impatiently.

“Well? Mum?” I asked curiosly

“Hmmp? Oh,yeah...we still have to wait for that guy. Erm,what’s his
name?! Oh yeah,Edward!” my mouth fell open as soon as my mum said
the name. It can’t be.

“Why?!” Then, i felt something rocked the back-sit of the car and I
knew it must be him.

“Well,because he doesn’t have a ride to return home”my mum

answered me and turned her head towards him. “Would you like to
stay over for dinner,Edward?”

“NO!” I shouted.

“Technically,she is asking me,baby.” He gave me a puppy look which

meant:You can run ,but you can’t hide. “Sure,sure,my
pleasure,madam” he answered my mum politely again.

Next chapter sneak-peeks: Edward,Bella and Renee were

having dinner. Then,Renee accidently fell asleep and Bella had
to let Edward stayed away as he doesnt have a ride to return
home. What happened that night?

Well,I hope you guyz like it. Please comment it and tell me if
you dont like it. I will stop writing if you don’t like it. Thanks for

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