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Because tablets increase student motivation, contain hands on features and increase test

scores, schools should replace textbooks with contemporary tablets. Schools all over the
country are gradually eliminating the out-of date, traditional textbooks for new tablets
with programs to change, modernize and ameliorate the way students are taught.
Thousands of school districts however, are still trapped in the past, still using heavy,
bulky textbooks despite a digitally advanced world. Generation Y, or children born
within the past two decades, is immersed in and dependent on technology
( Further incorporating and integrating this technology into
students education should logically and obviously be the next step to best benefit
students education.
Students and teachers are both affected by the usage of textbooks or tablets in
school. Tablets make learning and teaching more enjoyable and fascinating. According to
a 2012 PBS national survey, 81% of K-12 teachers found that tablets enrich classroom
education, and 77% of teachers found that tech resources in school increase students
motivation to learn ( These teachers found that by using electronics in class,
their teaching was highly effective as students paid more attention to lesson plans and
participated in class activities. In another British study, students responded well to using
the tablets in class, claiming that interactive learning was far more entertaining for them
compared to using textbooks. Parents of the observed students witnessed that their
children engaged more in their schoolwork and homework with tablets than they did
before the switch ( In the same PBS survey, 76% of teachers
said that technology in the classroom responds to a variety of learning styles. Kids with
different learning profiles such as auditory, kinesthetic, verbal, logical and visual are
forced to learn in the same approach with textbooks, with no opportunity for individuality
or creativity that tablets offer

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