Production Diary

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Production Name: TV Advert

Name: Hannah OConnor

Date Diary
Tuesday 22

Today I have done LO1 Unit 5, task 1,2,3

of April
Started writing Brief

of April
Completed brief and negotiated brief

of April
Written down different ideas for advert and chose what one to concentrate on, made a mood board

of April
Mock up Advert, Contingency plan, created rough storyboard, constraints, costs, target audience,
resources, research into market, research into competition.
of April
Done a production Schedule indicating the times, who is going to be there and where we are needed to
I have research BMW health and safety, brochure articles, I have also written a confirmation email. I
have also done the crew members and their roles and responsibilities.

We had started to do our proposal; we had looked at our target audience, our resources, market
competitors, our budget, cast and crew, content outline, personal requirements.

Finished off proposal we made it look more professional and had added about cast and crew, content
outline, personal requirements. We also made a contents page and had written about our initial ideas.

We started off our pitch, looking at making it creative and what we could do to make it interactive.
Started making a title page and a contents page, before adding about our target audience, content
audience, why my idea is better than my market competitors, filled in our mood board, budget and cast
and crew, storyboard, mock up, production schedule, music and initial ideas.

11/5/14 Today I started to film, in the day time I did shots of the car in action, I did various short footage but I
did different angles to make sure I had a variety for my advert. I had also done a few close up shots of
the miles per hour, the wheel and the gear stick and the different modes. In the night for the second
half of the shoot, I had filmed the headlights going on and off using different close up angles.
15/5/14 I started to edit my actual advert, I first put the music together, cutting down a three minute clip to
thirty seconds making sure that it flowed together nicely, I then started to mark where I wanted it to cut
to the beat before putting the actual chosen footage into the timeline/track.
16/5/14 I started to edit and fit my footage together in the slow part of the music, I had changed the contrast
settings, and made a border around the footage to make it look more professional. With the leopard
footage, because I could not find any snow leopard footage like I had originally planned, I had to change
the settings and make some of it black and white with a hint of colour using the setting leave colour in
the effect controls panel.
19/5/14 I started to complete my first draft of my advert, making sure everything fit nicely next to one another
and that each of the shots were changing on the right beat. I had also started to finish off my
production booklet, doing a dual log script and a final storyboard. I had also added the logo and slogan
in, with some other words to bring more impact into the advert
20/5/14 Today I finished off my final version of the advert, I had done four versions over all, tweaking a few
things like the saturation and contrast and changing the fonts at the end.

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