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Chapter 21

Girding for War: The North and the South 1861-1865

As you read through the chapter, identify and explain the historical significance of the terms, names,
and topics listed below. Proper heading must be on each page if notes are to be used on a quiz.

Day 1:

President of the Disunited States of America (pages 444-445)
Explain why the physical and political acts of secession would prove to be impractical

South Carolina Assails Fort Sumter (pages 445--446)
Where is Fort Sumter located
Describe the dilemma(s) faced by Lincoln when deciding whether or not to resupply the fort.
After the attack, what did Lincoln do to prepare for war?
o How did other Southern states respond?

Brothers Blood and Border Blood (pages 446-448)
Identify the Border States
o Explain why it was so important to the Union war effort that these states remained loyal
to the Union
What tactics did Lincoln take to maintain the border states, why did he go to such lengths
Which Indian groups sided with the Union/Confederacy? Why?
Explain how/why the Civil War was a sometimes called a brothers war

The Balance of Forces: (page 448-450)
Recreate the chart below in your notes and fill in with the pertinent information as it pertains to
the election the strengths and weaknesses of both the Union and Confederate forces
Union Confederacy

Day 2:

Dethroning King Cotton (pages 451-452)
Explain why Englands ruling class favored the Confederacy
Explain why the Englands working class favored the Union
Explain why King Cotton failed to win British support for the Confederacy

The Decisiveness of Diplomacy (pages 452)
Identify the Trent? How did the Trent incident bring the US and England to the brink of war?
How/for what reason was war ultimately avoided?
How did England contribute to the Confederate war effort? Why was this not seen/actually a
violation of neutrality?

Foreign Flare-ups (pages 453-454)
o Liard Rams
o Charles Francis Adams
Explain the relationship between the two terms
Explain the cause and effect of the Dominion of Canada
Explain how France violated the Monroe Doctrine, what made it possible

President Davis Versus President Lincoln (pages 454-455)
Create a T-Chart comparing the Union & Lincoln to the Confederacy & Davis

Limitations on Wartime Liberties (page 455)
Identify the ways that Lincoln expanded his power (the power of the presidency) approximately 6
o Why was Jefferson Davis unable to go to the same lengths as Lincoln?

Volunteers and Draftees: North & South (pages 455-456)
Define conscription
o List ways you could get out of conscription
Describe the cause (causers) of the NYC Drafter Riots

Day 3:

Economic Stresses of War, Norths Economic Boom, & A Crushed Cotton Kingdom (pages 457)
Recreate the chart below in your notes and fill in with the pertinent information as it pertains to
the economic situations of both the Union and Confederacy (include: Morrill Tariff Act, National
Banking System, women at work, etc)
Union Confederacy

The Norths Economic Boom (pages 458-459)
What made the North more economically prosperous after the war?
Identify any changes, discoveries, and/or changes during and after the war?
Discuss the women and the professions they helped to be respected as a result of the war.

A Crushed Cotton Kingdom (pages 459-460)
Explain how the Souths economy was destroyed. How did it affect the Souths spirit?

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