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I burnt my hand
_____ I was cooking
a) while
b) as soon
2. Mr. Parker sits by
the window ____ he
eats in that
a) since
b) whenever
3. My grandfather
wants to work in the
factory ___ he is !.
a) as
b) until
". #on$t worry
because I$ll call you
____ I get home.
a) as soon as
b) whenever
!. Peter has been
keen of fishing ____
he was a kid.
a) before
b) since
. ___ %ue$s brother
left school& he
started working in a
a) 'henever
b) after
(. )he home team
was winning ____
the goalkee*er
made a fatal
a) until
b) since
+. 'e sheltered in a
caf, ___ the rain has
a) as
b) until
a) -hoose and circle the correct time con.unction in each sentence.
b) Make time clauses from the following segments of words by using the time con.unction in brackets. /ou may
need to have some words 0articles& *ronouns& *re*ositions). )he first sentence as been done for you as an e1am*le.
1. Mark 2 leave2 hos*ital 2 feel better 0as soon as) 3 Marl will leave the hospital as soon as he feels better.
2. Martha 2 graduate2 get2 .ob 2 as 2 sho* manager _______________________________________
3. My father 2 be 2 in *olitics 2 be 2 university. ___________________________________________________
". Police 2 arrest2 robber2call for 2 ambulance.0 after) ______________________________________________
!. I 2 leave2 flat2 mother2 come2 home2 from work 0as) ____________________________________________
. 'e 2 not start2 dinner2 4ucy2 come 2 home 0 until) _____________________________________________
(. 5ulia 2 com*lain2 headaches 2 car accident 2 two weeks ago 0ever since). ____________________________
a) -hoose and circle the correct time con.unction in each sentence.
1. I burnt my hand
_____ I was cooking
a) while
b) as soon
2. Mr. Parker sits by
the window ____ he
eats in that
a) since
b) whenever
3. My grandfather
wants to work in the
factory ___ he is !.
a) as
b) until
". #on$t worry
because I$ll call you
____ I get home.
a) as soon as
b) whenever
!. Peter has been
keen of fishing ____
he was a kid.
a) before
b) since
. ___ %ue$s brother
left school& he
started working in a
a) 'henever
b) after
(. )he home team
was winning ____
the goalkee*er
made a fatal
a) until
b) since
+. 'e sheltered in a
caf, ___ the rain has
a) as
b) until
b) Make time clauses from the following segments of words by using the time con.unction in brackets. /ou may
need to have some words 0articles& *ronouns& *re*ositions). )he first sentence as been done for you as an e1am*le.
1. Mark 2 leave2 hos*ital 2 feel better 0as soon as) 3 Marl will leave the hospital as soon as he feels better.
2. Martha 2 graduate2 get2 .ob 2 as 2 sho* manager _______________________________________
3. My father 2 be 2 in *olitics 2 be 2 university. ___________________________________________________
". Police 2 arrest2 robber2call for 2 ambulance.0 after) ______________________________________________
!. I 2 leave2 flat2 mother2 come2 home2 from work 0as) ____________________________________________
. 'e 2 not start2 dinner2 4ucy2 come 2 home 0 until) _____________________________________________
(. 5ulia 2 com*lain2 headaches 2 car accident 2 two weeks ago 0ever since). ____________________________
Answer Key:
1. while
2. whenever
3. until
4. as soon as
5. since
6. after
7. until
8. Until
B u!!este" answers:
2. #hen $artha !ra"uates%she will !et a &o' as a sho( )ana!er.
3. $y father has 'een in (olitics since he was in at university.
4. After the (olice arreste" the ro''er% they calle" for an a)'ulance.
5. As * was leavin! the flat )y )other ca)e fro) wor+
6. #e won,t start "inner until -ucy co)es ho)e.
7. .ulia has 'een co)(lainin! of hea"aches ever since the car acci"ent two wee+s

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