First-Team Squad Signed Training Shirt: Competition

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"#$%&'&'"() First-Team Squad Signed Training Shirt

1. 1he compeLlLlon sLarL daLe ls +,--,-+. 1hls daLe ls sub[ecL Lo change aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe
2. A copy of Lhese Lerms and condlLlons wlll be avallable aL /&&$),,0"#$%&'&'"(1.#020.0".34,
LhroughouL Lhe compeLlLlon.
3. 8y parLlclpaLlng ln Lhls compeLlLlon beLween 55)55)55 678 on +,--,-+ Lo 9:);<);< 678 on
;,<,-+ (lncluslve), you agree Lo be bound by Lhese Lerms and condlLlons.
4. 1o enLer Lhe compeLlLlon you wlll need access Lo Lhe lnLerneL. ?ou can enLer by vlslLlng Lhe
/&&$),,0"#$%&'&'"(1.#020.0".34,where Lhere wlll be a llnk whlch wlll dlrecL you Lo Lhe
compeLlLlon enLry page.
3. 1he compeLlLlon wlll enLall Lhe enLranL cllcklng on a llnk locaLed aL
/&&$),,0"#$%&'&'"(1.#020.0".34, enLerlng Lhe requesLed deLalls. 1he wlnner wlll Lhen be
selecLed aL random afLer 9:);<);< 678 on ;,<,-+from Lhose who have enLered Lhe promoLlon
ln accordance wlLh Lhese Lerms and condlLlons.
6. When enLerlng Lhe compeLlLlon, you acknowledge LhaL you name, address, e-mall address and
daLe of blrLh wlll have been made avallable Lo ManchesLer ClLy looLball Club LlmlLed (Lhe
=!>3?@) (Lhe A%B1"(C> DC&C"). All ersonal uaLa wlll be held and used by Lhe Club ln accordance
wlLh Lhe Club's prlvacy pollcles (whlch can be found aL
/&&$),,EEE.#020.0".34,!"##"(,AB'FC0G and Lhe uaLa roLecLlon AcL 1998] 8y submlLLlng
your deLalls on enLry Lo Lhe CompeLlLlon you agree LhaL from Llme Lo Llme, our parLners
(lncludlng Lhe Club), sponsors or assoclaLed companles may conLacL you wlLh lnformaLlon
regardlng relevanL goods and/or servlces we feel may be of lnLeresL Lo you].
7. Cne enLry per person per household.
8. 1he prlze ls non-Lransferable and Lhere wlll be no cash alLernaLlve or alLernaLlve prlzes for any
9. 1he wlnners wlll be plcked aL random from all ellglble enLrles recelved.
10. 1he wlnners wlll conLacLed by ManchesLer ClLy looLball Club by Lelephone or emall on or afLer
9:);<);< 678 on +,<,95-+.
11. 1he prlze '1 H'B1&I8%C# JK3CL J'M(%L 8BC'('(M J/'B&. 1he prlze ls noL cashable or refundable.
12. AccepLance of Lhe prlze auLhorlzes MClC Lo publlsh Lhe name of Lhe wlnners and Lhe wlnners
are consenLlng Lo havlng publlclLy phoLographs and/or vldeo lmages Laken of Lhem Laken for use
by MClC. Where consenL ls noL provlded, or where a wlnner does noL wlsh Lo accepL Lhe prlze,
an alLernaLlve wlnner may be selecLed lnsLead.
13. 1he Club shall noL be llable for any fallure Lo comply wlLh Lhelr obllgaLlons where Lhe fallure ls
caused by someLhlng ouLslde Lhelr reasonable conLrol. Such clrcumsLances shall lnclude, buL noL
be llmlLed Lo, weaLher condlLlons, flre, flood, hurrlcane, sLrlke, lndusLrlal dlspuLe, war, hosLlllLles,
pollLlcal unresL, rloLs, clvll commoLlon, lnevlLable accldenLs, supervenlng leglslaLlon or any oLher
clrcumsLances amounLlng Lo force ma[eure.
14. 1he Club accepLs no responslblllLy for any damage, loss, llablllLles, ln[ury or dlsappolnLmenL
lncurred or suffered by you as a resulL of enLerlng Lhe compeLlLlon or accepLlng Lhe prlze.
noLhlng ln Lhese Lerms and condlLlons shall exclude Lhe llablllLy of Lhe Club LlmlLed for deaLh or
personal ln[ury as a resulL of lLs negllgence or for fraud or fraudulenL mlsrepresenLaLlon
13. 1he promoLer ls ManchesLer ClLy looLball Club
16. 1he promoLer's declslon ls flnal and no correspondence wlll be enLered lnLo
17. 1he Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls compeLlLlon shall be governed by Lngllsh law and Lhe Lngllsh
courLs shall have excluslve [urlsdlcLlon.

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