Intro To Wake Up

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A 10-Day Virtual Adventure

Awakening through Revelation
I came to a point in my life where I woke up and said, "There has to be more to life than this! There has to
be more meaning and purpose to it all! This can't be all there is! For me, at the time, my day looked like
this: I would wake up in the morning to a screaming alarm olting me out of my dream state and plunging
me into the harsh reality of ha!ing to get up before I'm e!en done sleeping" The restorati!e and reparati!e
benefits of sleeping had been rudely interrupted as I was awakened, frightened actually, by the loud bells
suddenly clanging in my head! #till sleepy, I would stumble into the bathroom and robotically go through
the motions of getting ready for what promised to be a !ery challenging yet highly unrewarding day"
$lways the optimist, I would try and think of the positi!e things I could do or say to impro!e the %uality
of the day but, in the back of my mind, I knew I was in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing with the
wrong people" This &:'' ():'' *or more accurately ):''(&:''+ daily grind did not suit my true nature and I
knew it in the !ery core of my being" $t the time, howe!er, I felt there was no way out" It was only when I
totally surrendered and asked for guidance from a higher power, did I find my way and disco!er my true
purpose" ,nly then did my life take on a deeper meaning" I reali-ed later that what that period in my life
had offered me as a gift, or reward for suffering, was in!aluable" It triggered in me a strong determination
to find a greater meaning and deeper purpose to my life" It awakened in me the reali-ation that there had
to be more! .!en then, somewhere inside of me, I knew there was and that I could find it" $nd so I did"
It is this type of faith and determination that has dri!en man for thousands of years to seek out the true
meaning and purpose of our e/istence" 0egardless of what it is that leads man to this inherent search for
truth, e!ery human being will e/perience these feelings at some point in their life one way or another" 1ust
by the fact that you are reading this book means that you ha!e reached that point and because of your
faith and determination, are now searching for truth" 2uring the workshop in the first book 34ighten 5p!
you may ha!e disco!ered the pinnacle where you awakened to the possibilities of greater truths"
0egardless, your interest in uni!ersal truth and sacred wisdom shows you ha!e awakened and are ready to
e!ol!e! $fter reali-ing that the meaning of life was to create and the purpose was to e!ol!e, I began a
%uest to disco!er the true nature and origin of our being" 6y %uest has been !ery fruitful" 7hat I ha!e
disco!ered has filled me with a great sense of awe and wonder" I feel a much deeper connection to nature
and to the uni!ersal energy all around me" I am so grateful for this opportunity to learn, teach and grow! I
embrace e!ery moment of my life with a spiritual fer!or that I want to share with all li!ing beings" I ha!e
a strong sense of o!erwhelming lo!e for all that is and it is this ourney of disco!ery that has inspired me!
I wish to share it with you now in the hopes that you will e/perience the same sense of awe and wonder
as we e/plore the beauty of creation and the mystery of e!olution together" .instein said, 38e!er cease to
stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born" That9s e/actly what we9ll
be doing on this ad!enture!
I am moti!ated by an intense curiosity that dri!es me to read and research e!erything I can get my hands
on" 6y insatiable curiosity fuels my pursuit of answers to the biggest %uestions: 7hat is the source of our
origin: Is there a grand design and if so, what is our role in it: 2o we ha!e a greater purpose beyond the
e!eryday struggle and finally, what *or where+ is our ultimate destiny: In an effort to disco!er, understand
and share these answers, I ha!e taken great strides to interpret comple/ ideas and confusing terminology
into e!eryday language" 6y goal is to present them in a way that is intriguing and suspenseful" The story
of creation is the greatest mystery of all time and should be enoyed as such" #ol!ing this mystery takes us
on a fascinating ad!enture and it re%uires turning information into fascination" Fortunately, unlike most
people today, I am blessed with the gift of time" I ha!e spent thousands of hours o!er se!eral years
researching a !ast array of knowledge on topics ranging from astronomy and physics to spirituality and
metaphysics" $s such, I ha!e de!eloped a depth of knowledge about these matters only by painstakingly
and meticulously going o!er and o!er them in detail until I feel I ha!e reached a clear understanding" It
became e!ident to me early on that all of this information was connected and much of it was saying the
same thing" I found I was e/ploring the same concepts ust from different perspecti!es" I e!en disco!ered
that they were coming up with the same answers to the same %uestions among disciplines that were
supposedly contradictory! The concepts and philosophies were ust presented from different perspecti!es
based on their speciali-ed e/pertise or specific belief system"
I ha!e been able to de!elop a broad perspecti!e on a wide array of topics because I ha!e maintained an
unbiased openness to all of the knowledge" I am not limited by one specific area of research or focused on
one religion or spiritual philosophy" $s a result, I know a little about a lot and this has allowed me to see
the parallels between many different schools of thought" $lthough unlimited in my breadth of research, I
am limited in the specific details and technical knowledge of any one field" ;owe!er, this book is not
intended in any way to be a scientific te/t or a religious or spiritual doctrine" It is intended for the
e!eryday person who has an open mind and a willingness to e/plore a !ariety of ideas and paths" $s such,
I am opening my book with a blanket statement to clarify my intention:
The theories presented within are purely hypothetical, conceptual and not necessarily factual" I ha!e taken
information that I ha!e disco!ered, contemplated its significance within the conte/t of a broad perspecti!e
and then de!eloped a theory, or set of ideas for consideration" 6y intention is that the readers decide for
themsel!es what represents uni!ersal truth and sacred wisdom" I encourage this by suggesting further
research as well as contemplati!e meditation"
$ristotle said that, 3The ultimate !alue of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation
rather than mere sur!i!al" I ha!e found deep contemplation to be an e/tremely !aluable tool which has
led to many of my epiphanies and re!elations" .instein called them 3thought e/periments and although
his were on the le!el of genius, the concept is still the same" ;e connected to a greater field of
consciousness which led to earth(shattering re!elations" 7e too can access this field and disco!er our own
truths! There are many %uestions that we as humans do not ha!e absolute factual answers for so we must
3theori-e based on what we belie!e to be true" For centuries, scientists, spiritualists and theologians ha!e
taken what they ha!e knowledge of and formulated what they belie!ed to be 3truths about it based on
actual research as well as intuiti!e insight" It is all a matter of perception" In fact, perception is a maor
factor in the assessment of the true nature of reality" ;onestly, it may be the only one that truly matters!
The 2alai 4ama once said something to the effect of: 2o not belie!e anything I say" 4isten to and read
e!erything you can and then contemplate what you ha!e learned so you can ha!e your own e/perience of
the truth" This is e/actly what I want you to do with the ideas I present" I will share as much knowledge as
I can from credible sources %uoting intelligent and insightful contributors of wisdom *as well as offer my
own perspecti!es+" In the end, howe!er, it is for you to decide what resonates as true for you" 7hat works
for you is whate!er you can wrap your head around and apply to your own e/perience of reality" The most
important thing I encourage you to do is to ha!e an open mind" I heard a funny %uote by Frank <appa
once, 3$ mind is like a parachute" It doesn9t work if it isn9t open" #o we need to keep an open mind and
not allow preconcei!ed ideas and notions, or fear of the unknown, to stand in the way of letting new ideas
and possibilities enter your mind" In a book by #hirley 6ac4aine, called 3,ut on a 4imb, I found a
wonderful e/cerpt that inspired me to e/plore beyond the familiar hori-on of my comfort -one:
3Instead of going deeper, most people choose to be comfortable, to ust accept the limits and restrictions
imposed by safe superficiality, to be successful and well(attended creatures of comfort with protection
and warmth and no challenges from what could be frighteningly new and unknown=no challenges from
what more we could be, no challenge from what more we could understand, no challenge of how that
might threaten us"" >?@ 7hen I read this, I thought, 3It9s like scuba di!ing" It challenges you to go way
outside of your comfort -one as you di!e into the free-ing water and enter a world of the unknown where
you can9t e!en breathe normally! Aut the fascinating world of incredible beauty and wonder that lies ust
under the surface is so magical, it9s absolutely worth the risk and you are grateful you accepted the
challenge! 1ust by the fact that you are reading this, shows that you ha!e chosen to accept the challenge
of going beyond your preconcei!ed notions and e/plore new ideas" 6oti!ated by a desire to enhance your
life and become more enlightened in your approach to li!ing and being in the world, you may already be
!ery open(minded and that will benefit you greatly on this ad!enture into the depths of reality"
In the introduction of my first book 34ighten 5p! I shared a story about how one day I woke up
determined to figure out the true meaning and purpose of life" 7hile on a walking meditation later that
day, I was suddenly blessed with a di!ine re!elation" It was so spectacular that it triggered an intense
desire within me to reach out and tell e!eryone what I had learned in that moment" To %uickly refresh
your memory: on a walk one day, I was looking down at the ground intensely focused on my thoughts" I
was saying o!er and o!er in my mind, 36eaning and purpose, meaning and purpose when suddenly I
felt compelled to look up at the sky" $s if I was ha!ing a dreamlike !ision, I saw clearly written across the
sky in puffy white letters:

6.$8I8B C T, D0.$T. E50E,#. C T, .F,4F.
From that moment on, I knew I had to de!ote the rest of my life to creating with meaning and e!ol!ing
with purpose" I also felt !ery strongly that this message had been gi!en to me so I could share it with
others" I ha!e spent e!ery day since then focused on doing ust that" I am either working on a program or
writing my book" I ha!e also found myself helping many people around me understand that they are
e/traordinary human beings with the potential to intentionally create and consciously e!ol!e" I assure
them that all they ha!e to do is belie!e in themsel!es, apply some basic principles and stay focused! This
book takes the whole concept of reali-ing one9s potential to a much higher le!el as we re!eal the true
power of our GDreator(consciousness9 and the ama-ing strength of our directed intention" It all starts with
a greater understanding of the !ibrational nature of reality and our connection to the uni!ersal mind!

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