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Home Motion Sensor 105dB Alarm Model Number 2402

Product Description
Free shipping Home Motion Sensor 105dB Alarm With 2 Remote ontrol 2!02
Super Loud Alarm (105db)
with 2 Remote Control
Sensor With Siren is Compatible with 4*AA batteries (batteries not inluded)
Alarm si%e!122 & '( &4$mm(L & W & ))
)his is an eas* solution +or home seurit* or o++ie seurit* "uardin",
-ts .assi/e -n+rared sensor (.-R sensor) an wath wide0an"le up to 110 de"ree area1 it +eatures 105d2 loud siren
sound to deter thie/es and intruders as well as drawin" the attention o+ polie or nei"hbors,
-t is powered b* 4& AA batteries1 so *ou should ne/er worr* about the eletri power shut down problem +or this
simple home seurit* alarm s*stem,
-ndependentl* Wireless -n+rared 3otion 4etetin" Alarm S*stem with 2 & remote ontrols
Armin" and disarmin" b* remote ontrol
)wo remote ontrollers inluded
)he time dela* o+ settin"! 10 Seonds
Alarmin" )ransmittin"! (0 Seonds
-ntermission! 2 Seonds
.ower b* 4 & AA al5aline batteries (not inluded)
4etetin" ran"e! 0 0 ' meters
4etetin" an"le! 110 4e"ree
Loud alarm sound! 105d2
6oldin" bra5et inluded
Remote ontrol 5e*hain +or eas* arr*
7as* installation
-n retail pa5a"in"
Additional Features
8nit dimension! 122&'5&52mm
Wei"ht! 114 "rams
Pac$age includs"
1*Sensor With Siren 8sin" 9ust 4:AA batteries (;ot -nluded)
1* wall holder
2 * -n+rared Remote Control
)his sensor alarm an 5eep *ou aware o+ intruders or /isitors in *our home, -t e&tends *our seurit* s*stem, -t<s suitable
+or home1 o++ie1 shop1 warehouse1 shed et,
Wireless1 in+rared detetor1 motion0ati/ated
4etetion area! 10m= #0 +eet lon" and 110 de"rees wide
-nlude 2 diret in+rared remote ontrol (8p to #0m= 100 +eet)1 please use it diretl* +ain" to the sensor
Support 220> Char"er(not inluded)
4o not +i& this senor near 6eatin" materials
.lease he5 its sensiti/it* monthl*1 to ma5e sure it is in "ood ondition, Chan"e batteries e/er* # month i+ *ou
do not use 220> har"er,
Alarm .ower Suppl*! 4 & 1,5/ AA batteries or (/ 4C power(not inluded)
Remote Control .ower Suppl*! # & A?1# batteries(inluded)
Product Description
From the Manufacturer
@ull* batter* operated and remote0ontrolled +rom a distane
)he 3aeAlert SALA 3otion 4etetor Alarm is the per+et all0in0one home or o++ie alarm unit +or detetin" motion in
an* area with loal alertin", -t is ideal +or basi seurit* in sin"le room appliations li5e detahed "ara"es1 stora"e sheds1
hallwa*s1 stairwa*s1 and e/en +or /isitor detetion in unattended reeption areas,
%he Mace Di##erence
)his stand0alone alarm unit is +ull* batter* operated and remote0ontrolled +or on/enientl* han"in" between Alarm
Siren or Chime Sound noti+iation modes and reBuires no wirin" or monitorin" ser/ie, )he motion detetor uses .-R
tehnolo"* allowin" detetion o+ both people and pets, @rom eas* installation to simple operation1 the 3ae di++erene is
Alarm mode
With the mode seletor swith on the 5e*hain remote ontrol set to ALAR31 simpl* press the AR3 button, )he alarm
unit will beep and its L74 indiator will start +lashin" until a 45 seond e&it0dela* time e&pires1 at whih point the alarm
unit will be armed, )he e&it0dela* allows time +or *ou to lea/e the proteted area without tri""erin" the alarm,
-+ the built0in .-R motion detetor senses motion while the s*stem is armed1 then the alarm will beep and the L74
indiator will start +lashin" until a #0 seond entr*0dela* time e&pires1 at whih point the 120d2C siren sound will
ati/ate, )he entr*0dela* allows time +or *ou to 4-SAR3 the alarm when enterin" the proteted area be+ore the siren
ati/ates, )o stop the Alarm simpl* press the 4-SAR3 button on the 5e*hain remote ontrol,
A wall0mountable1 ompat spot alarm +or simple deterene,
Chime mode
With the mode seletor swith on the 5e*hain remote ontrol set to C6-371 simpl* press the AR3 button, )he alarm
unit will instantl* produe a door0hime sound without dela*1 eah time the built0in .-R motion detetor senses motion
while the s*stem is armed,
Panic feature
-n the e/ent o+ personal threat or dan"er1 the alarm siren an be immediatel* initiated at an* time +rom the 5e*hain
remote ontrols,
2e alerted to motion +rom the presene o+ people1 pets1 and e/en pests in an* sin"le area appliation,
)he 3aeAlert SALA 3otion 4etetor Alarm has 1200de"ree wide0an"le motion detetion up to 20+t distane1
automati entr* and e&it time dela* +eature +or reduin" +alse alarms1 and the L74 on the +ront o+ the alarm unit +lashes
ontinuousl* to let *ou 5now when it<s time +or a batter* han"e,
Installation and power
-nludes (1) 3otion 4etetor Alarm 8nit with pi/otin" wall mount bra5et and installation anhors1 srews1 produt
manual and (2) De*hain Remote Controls, 3otion 4etetor Alarm 8nit reBuires (#) & AA al5aline batteries (not
inluded)E De*hain Remote Controls eah inlude (1) & CR20#2 al5aline batter*,
Detailed &n#ormation
4ownload the 8ser ?uide +or more detailed step0b*0step instrutions on how to properl* install1 pro"ram1 and operate
*our 3aeAlert SALA 3otion 4etetor Alarm,
'ther MaceAlert S'(' Solutions
3aeAlert SALA
Window and 4oor Alarm
All0in0one seurit* alarm +or
stand0alone monitorin" o+
windows and doors,
3aeAlert SALA Wireless
Alarm S*stem Dit
7&pandable S*stem Dit that
inludes a wireless alarm
panel1 2 window=door sensors
and 2 5e*hain remotes,

Pa)ment Methods
We aept Credit Card1 )=)1 Western 8nion,
2e+ore .a*ment1 please ma5e sure the shippin" address is ri"ht, -+ *ou want send items to a un0usual0used plae please
ma5e notes or send me messa"es,
Shipping * Handling
We are not responsible +or ustoms dut* or import ta&1 but write lower /alue on pa5a"e,
All items will be sent within # da*s upon pa*ment leared (e&ept Sunda* and .ubli 6olida*) 2* China .ost
Airmail=.arel1 6on" Don" Airmail=.arel, We an send b* 7&pressed deli/er* but need e&tra pa*ment,
-t is estimated to arri/e in 150#0 4a*s,
-+ not arri/e a+ter (0 da*s1 +ull re+und an be "i/en,
Return Polic)
We "uarantee that our produts has ( months Warrant*,
4e+eti/e=Wron" -tems been returned within the warrant* period we pa* +or ost,
-+ there is somethin" wron" with produts1 we promise to "i/e satis+ied solution but a piture is neessar* to proo+,
ontact +s
We "uarantee 100F ustomer satis+ation,
We will "i/e prompt response +or *our Buestion, (;ormall* within 2404' hoursG)
.lease ontat us +irst lea/in" an* 1 or 2 Stars +eedba51 the* are eBual *ou the ne"ati/e +eedba5, Ar Raisin" up
4isputes, We will tr* m* best to sol/e the problem in a wa* *ouHll be satis+ied,

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