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Wednesday, 23 April 2014

How to install OpenERP 8 on Ubuntu !" 14#04 "er$er

The following installation of OpenERP was done using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server, and VMware Player
6.0.2, all running on a laptop running Windows 7, i5, 8 GB RAM.
The installation of Ubuntu was easy using VMware Player - simply start VMware Player, select "Create a
New Virtual Machine", and point it at the ISO image of Ubuntu that you downloaded. I used these
Maximum disk size: 20 GB
Split virtual disk into multiple files
Memory: 1.5 GB
Processors: 2 cores
Network Adapter: NAT
These initial instructions are expanded from:
Log into your Ubuntu machine using your username and password.
Su to root:
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list:
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Place this line in the file:
deb ./
Save and quit.
Run these two commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install openerp
Create a home directory for openerp
This was missed by the current installation.
Make a home directory for openerp:http
mkdir /home/openerp
chown openerp /home/openerp
chgrp openerp /home/openerp
Run OpenERP
You are now ready to run OpenERP: in a browser, go to http://yourServer:8069
Updating OpenERP
At a later time, if you want to update your installation of OpenERP:
apt-get upgrade openerp
%nstalar &ire&o'
we will make use of a Linux Mint package repository that targets Debian proper. To do this add the
following line to you /etc/apt/sources.list file:
deb debian import
acer alguna de lasdos cosas siguientes To get a !alid "#" key for the Linux Mint repository
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 3EE67F3!FF"!#$%
gpg --export 3EE67F3!FF"!#$% & 3EE67F3!FF"!#$%.gpg
apt-key add ./3EE67F3!FF"!#$%.gpg
rm ./3EE67F3!FF"!#$%.gpg
w(et )ttp*++pa,-a(es#linu'.int#,o.+pool+.ain+l+linu'.int/-eyrin(+linu'.int/
instala.os en
dp-( i linu'.int-eyrin(02001#04#210all#deb
&ow you should be able to update the package list successfully
apt-get update
. Then what's left to do is to install firefox and you can do that like so:
apt-get install 'ire'ox 'ire'ox-l(!n-es-)*
The branch has not been merged to the offical trunk!/openob*ect)addons/trunk)website)al!/openob*ect)ser!er/trunk)website)al!/openerp)web/trunk)website)al
the modules are called website

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