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Index 283

Abouloff: as defence against foreign judgment,
229, 230, 231, 241
Abouloff v Oppenheimer: and allegations of
fraud in judgment, 228
Acta jure gestiones, 13
Acta jure imperii, 13
Actions in personam: jurisdiction, 244; and
matrimonial matters, 243; nature of, 121
Actions in rem: nature of, 121
Adams v Cape Industries Plc: recognition of
default judgment in, 232233; residence
and jurisdiction in, 213215
Administration of Justice Act 1920, 237
Adoption: acquisition of nationality by, 7778
Adoption of Children Act, 20
Adoption of Children Act (Antigua and
Barbuda), 20
Adoption laws: Hague Convention on
Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and
Recognition of Decrees Relating to
Adoptions 1965, 20
AG v Thomas DArcy Ryan: application of
nationality by marriage in, 7576
Airbus Industrie v Patel: and determination of
forum, 189190
American states: legal status of, 3
Amin Rasheed v Kuwait Insurance Company:
conditions for service ex juris in, 132
Ancillary dispute: exceptions to Mocambique
rule in cases of, 152153
The Angelic Grace: comity and determination
of forum in, 192
Animus manendi: and application of domicile
of choice, 5152
Antigua and Barbuda: adoption law, 20
Appearance: to contest jurisdiction of foreign
court, 216219
Associates Commercial Corporation v Central
Fire and General Insurance Company
Limited, 5
The Atlantic Star: application of forum non
conveniens in, 169; and forum shopping,
Attorney General for Alberta v Cook:
application of domicile of dependency in,
Attorney General of New Zealand v Ortiz:
non-enforcement of foreign judgment in,
259260, 267
Attorney General of T&T v McLeod: and
constitutional rights, 182183
Australia: and the law of domicile, 89n
Australian courts: and Spiliada doctrine, 183
Bahamas: and place of incorporation, 84; and
private international law, 19
Bahamas International Trust Company Ltd. v
Lisk Wyckott: and lis alibi pendeus, 177;
service ex juris in, 133, 148
Badunius: and procedure vs substance in
conflict laws, 269
Bank of China v NBM LLC: and service of
mareva injunctions out of jurisdiction, 136
Bank of Montreal v Weston: determination of
forum in, 195; foreign law in, 175
Banking secrecy: and international judicial
assistance, 114
Banque DInvestissements Mobiliers et
Financement v Clifton: recognition of
foreign judgment in, 222
Barbados: and the acquisition of nationality,
75; divorce law, 3; Domicile Reform Act,
6566, 67, 68, 69; and jurisdiction by
Guyana, 4; law of domicile, 6364; and
place of incorporation, 8384; marriage
laws, 4
Barclays Bank v Kenton Capital: and natural
forum, 173
Barriero v De Freitas: and the application of
commonwealth laws, 111112
Bata v Bata: and service out of claim of tort,
Beatty v Beatty: foreign money judgment in,
Bell v Kennedy: and tenacity of domicile, 40
Belle v Belle (Barbados), 3; legality of residence
in domicile of choice in, 63
Bermudez v Bermudez: application of domicile
of dependency in, 48
Bias: against service out, 147148
Birth: acquisition of nationality by, 74
Blohn v Desser: and submission to foreign
jurisdiction, 219
Bougu v Timmins: and Caribbean courts
refusal to register Canadian judgment, 238
Bradford v Young: application of domicile of
choice in, 59
Brailey v Rhodesia Consolidated Ltd.:
qualification as expert witness in, 108109
Brandon, J: on foreign jurisdiction clauses,
British Airways Board v Laker Airways: and
trial in foreign forum, 191
British Commonwealth: and notion of foreign
law, 111112
British Law Ascertainment Act 1859: and
proof in foreign law, 111112
British West Indian Airways Ltd. v Bart, 22;
application of domestic law in, 106
Burchard v MacFarlane Exparte Tindell: and
international judicial assistance, 115
Burchell v Burchell: and severability of foreign
judgment, 234
Burden of proof: in the change of domicile,
63; in forum non conveniens cases, 178, 194,
Cable Television Systems Development Co. v
Shoupe: enforcement of foreign judgement
in, 275, 276
Callwood v Callwood: application of domestic
law in, 106107; role of expert witness in,
110111; transnational dispute in, 6
Canada Inc. v Socoa: jurisdiction in, 215
Canadian provinces: legal status of, 3
Caribbean Community (CARICOM):
establishment of the, 24n; harmonisation of
conflict laws, 2324; legal statutes of, 2;
private international law in the, 4, 17
Caribbean conflict rules: English influence on,
Caribbean contract law. See Contract law
Caribbean constitutions: and nationality, 73
Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ):
establishment of the, 4, 25n; and foreign
judgments, 245246; and the
harmonisation of trade laws, 2324; role of
the, 14
Caribbean courts: adoption of forum non
conveniens, 170181; application of foreign
law in, 11; on ordinary residence, 81; and
private international law in, 8; 1718;
recognition of Commonwealth judgments
in, 238242; resistance to the adoption of
forum non conveniens, 167169; stays of
proceedings by, 163196; territoriality in, 9
Caribbean law: domicile in, 78; domicile
reforms in, 36, 6173; and the federal
system, 3; foreign companies: and residence
in, 8688; influence of English law on, 35
36, 4145;
CARICOM Single Market Economy
(CSME): and the harmonisation of laws
affecting trade, 2324
Cause of action: recognition of foreign
judgment with, 225226
Carvalho v Hall, Blythe (Angola) Limited:
application of foreign jurisdiction clause in,
Casena Sulphur Co. v Nicholson: application of
residence in, 87
Cayman Islands: and choice of domicile, 56
Central Ry. Co. v Thompson: application of
residence in, 88
Change of nationality: and evidence of
intention in the choice of domicile, 55
Index 285
Channel Group v Balfour Beatty Ltd.: and
service of mareva injunctions out of
jurisdiction, 136
The Chaparral: application of local
jurisdiction clause in, 143
Chevron International Oil Co. Ltd., v A/S
SeaTeam (The TS Havprins): lex fori and
lex causae in, 7
Children: application of domicile of
dependency to, 4648
Children born out of wedlock: and domicile
of dependency, 4647, 6568; legal status
of, 3940; and Maltese law, 274, 276
Chile Holdings (Cayman) Ltd. v Contadors
Enterprises SA: language and determination
of forum in, 178; and natural forum, 176;
and service out against second defendant,
Christensen v Holderness School: and
submission to jurisdiction, 216
Chrystler (UK) Ltd. v Robinson and Company,
Citadelle Line SA v The Texana: and the
principle of natural forum, 173
Citeria v Citeria: application of domicile of
dependency in, 45, 46
Civil Evidence Act 1972 (Britain): and the
qualification of an expert witness, 109
Civil Liability and Fund Convention 1992, 22
Civil law system: and forum non conveniens,
Civil Procedural Rules: and service out of
jurisdiction, 138
Civil Procedure Rules (Eastern Caribbean): on
the qualification of an expert witness on
foreign law, 109110
Claim against first defendant: and service out
against second defendant, 137
Colt Industries v Sarlie: application of the rule
of presence in, 123124; jurisdiction in,
Comity: concept of, 210; and enforcement of
foreign judgments, 211
Commercial bank of Kuwait S.A.K. v Central
Bank of Iraq: and the application of Order
11, 236237
Commercial Code (St. Lucia), 5
Commercial Court (Paris), and enforcement
of judgement in St Vincent and the
Grenadines, 5
Common law: and allegations of fraud in
foreign judgments, 230231; and private
international law, 13; and enforcement of
foreign judgements, 210211
Common law marriage, 4. See also Non-
marriage unions
Commonwealth: and enforcement of UK
laws, 263264
Commonwealth judgments: Caribbean
legislation and application of, 238;
registration of, 239245
Companhia de Mocambique v British South
Africa Co.: territoriality in, 9
Companies Act (Jamaica), 4, 5
Competence: in enforcement of foreign
judgments, 236
Conditional appearance: nature of, 130
Conflict of laws: and foreign revenue laws,
262, 265. See also Private international law
Conflict problem: definition of, 6;
government and the, 1011; private
international law and the, 8
Connecting factors: defining, 68; personal,
Contesting jurisdiction, 127130
Constitution: and Caribbean law, 1213; and
foreign litigation, 12; right to access under
the, 182183
Constitutional sovereignty: definition of, 13
Contract law (Caribbean): and letters of
acceptance, 6
Contract law (T&T): and letters of
acceptance, 6
Convention on Civil Aspects of International
Child Abduction, 20
Convention Relating to A Uniform Law on
the International Sale of Goods 1964, 20
Conway v Queensway Trustees Limited: and
constitutional rights, 183
Cooper Stevedoring Co. Inc v The Owners,
Master and Crew of the Ship MV Passat
Bonaire: application of forum non conveniens
in, 171
Corporate connecting factors: rules relating
to, 8388
Corporations: and domicile, 8485; and
jurisdiction, 124125, 213215; and place
of incorporation, 8384; and nationality,
86; and residence, 8688
Corporation of Lloyds US: and public interest
in complying with judicial assistance, 115
Country: legal definition of, 23, 19
Cour DAppel DAix-en-Province: and
reciprocal enforcement, 242243
Court of Appeal: constitution and the
establishment of a Caribbean, 12
Court of Appeal (Cayman Island): application
of ordinary residence requirement in Re
James McDonald (No.2), 81; ruling in Re
James McDonald (No.2) and the application
of evidence in choice of domicile, 5455
Court of Appeal (Jamaica), 5
Cramer v Cramer: application of choice of
domicile in, 53
Criminal Proceedings Concerning Lambert and
Pinto: and the application of judicial
assistance, 113; and the application of
international judicial assistance, 114115
Cruh v Cruh: evidence of intention in the
application of choice of domicile, 54
Crumptons Judicial Factor v Finch-Noyos:
application of domicile of dependency in,
Custody laws: and the application of domicile
of dependency, 47
Dames and Moore v Regan: and rights to
access, 184
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. v Howe:
application of residence in, 8788
De Brat v De Brat: definition of expert
witnesses in, 108
Defences: against foreign judgments, 228
233, 234235; not raised in foreign
judgments, 223224
Defendant: and burden of proof in forumnon
conveniens, 172, 178, 194; service on first,
138; service out against second, 137, 138,
Defoe v Braithwaite: and the union other than
marriage concept, 4
Denning, Lord: and the doctrine of forum non
conveniens, 168170
Descent: acquisition of nationality by, 74
Diplock, Lord: and the doctrine of forum non
conveniens, 170
Diplomatic immunity: and private
international law, 19
Distillers Co. (Biochemicals) Ltd. v Thompson:
and service out of claim of tort, 145
Divorce laws: and the application of
connecting factors, 35; and application of
domicile dependency, 47; in Barbados, 3;
and harmonisation of conflicts, 20
Doctrine of renvoi. See Renvoi doctrine
Domestic laws: conflict between foreign and,
Domicile: and connecting factors, 34; in
Caribbean law, 78; categories of, 38; of
choice, 4961, 63; conflict problems and,
67; corporations and, 8485; definition
of, 89n; of dependency, 4549, 6469, 98n;
English law and, 7; notion of, 36; of origin,
3945, 6263, 90n91n; principles of, 36
38; reform in laws of, 36, 6168; and
service out of jurisdiction, 134; stationary
reform of the law of, 13; strategy reform in
the law of, 6173; transitional
arrangements in, 6873
Domicile of choice: abandonment of, 5861;
and evidence of intention, 5358; and
motive, 5556
Domicile Reform Act (Barbados):
interpretation of the, 6873; provisions of
the, 6566, 67
Donohue v Armeo Inc.: determination of forum
in, 195196
Doucet v Geohegan: application of choice of
domicile in, 52
Egyptian Delta Land And Investment Co. Ltd.
v Todd: application of residence in, 88
The Eleftheria: and principles guiding foreign
jurisdiction, 193, 194, 195
Enforcement: of foreign revenue laws, 265
English common law rules: European
influence on, 16
English conflict rules: incorporation in
Caribbean law, 15, 16
English Court of Appeal: and Machado v
Fontes, 12
English law: Caribbean private international
law and the influence of, 1416, 236237;
Index 287
influence on Caribbean law, 3536, 4145;
domicile in early, 4041; and domicile
reform, 36; and lex causae, 7; principle of
domicile in corporate, 84; and restraint of
foreign actions, 186191. See also United
English Statute of Limitations: application in
Jamaica, 13
Estoppel per rem judicatum: and allegations of
fraud in foreign judgments, 229230, 235
Etrel v Bieber and Co. v Rio Tinto: non-
enforcement of foreign judgement in, 275
European Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights, 184, 196
European Union: and changes in English
common law rules, 16; and harmonisation
of conflict laws, 23
Evidence Act 1994, (Barbados): on the
qualification of expert witness on foreign
law, 110
Evidence (Proceedings in other Jurisdiction)
Act 1975 (UK): and international judicial
assistance, 113
Evidence (Proceedings in other Jurisdiction)
Act 1981, (Barbados): in determination of
domicile, 38; enactment of, 20; and
evidence for foreign proceedings, 116; and
intention in the application of choice of
domicile, 5358; and rules of origin of
domicile, 3940
Exercise of discretion, 131
Expert witnesses: in proof of foreign law, 108
Extradition and Fugitive offenders Act 1870
(UK): and international judicial assistance,
Factum of residence: and the acquisition of
domicile choice, 4958. See also Residence
Fair hearing: and determination of forum, 181
False conflict, 4
Family law: and domicile of dependency, 46
47, 67; domicile reforms in Caribbean, 39;
regulation of conflict rules in, 20, 26n
Family Law (Guardianship of Minors;
Domicile and Maintenance) Act, 1981
(T&T): interpretation of the, 72;
provisions of, 66
Federal states: definition of, 3
Federal Supreme Court of the WI: and
Callwood v Callwood, 6
Finality and conclusiveness; requirement in
enforcement of foreign judgments, 220223
Fitzritson v Dequazon: and registration of
Jamaican judgment in Dominica, 239
Foreign and Commonwealth Judgments
(Reciprocal Enforcement) Act, 209210
Foreign companies: and residence in
Caribbean law, 8688
Foreign courts: application of Caribbean law
in, 1112
Foreign Evidence Tribunals Act, 1865 (UK):
and international judicial assistance, 112
Foreign judgments: and the allegation of
fraud, 228233; the CCJ and, 245246;
competence and the enforcement of, 236;
conflict between Caribbean and, 227228;
conflicting, 226; defences against, 228231;
enforcement by statute, 237245; finality
and conclusiveness requirement for, 220
223, 244; and public policy, 275;
jurisdiction of foreign court and
enforcement of, 211212; recognition of,
210; reciprocal enforcement of, 205246;
registration of, 242245; severability of,
233234; unimpeachibility requirement for,
Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement)
Act 1933, 237, 242, 243
Foreign jurisdiction clauses: principles guiding,
Foreign laws: application in Caribbean
Courts, 11; conflict between local and,
112; exclusion of, 259277; and
international judicial assistance, 112115;
international judicial assistance and conflict
with rules governing proof and exclusion,
113; materiality of, 104106; and national
interest, 275; proof of, 106112; repugnant
to decency, or morality, 274
Foreign money judgments, 221
Foreign public law: action based on, 151
Forum: Airbus Industrie v Patel and
determination of, 189190; and connecting
factors, 34; common law and, 10;
constitutional right of access to, 163, 166
167; foreign judgments and unknown cause
of action in the, 225226; foreign
judgments and statutes of limitation in the,
223225; government and, 11; jurisdiction
of, 236237; shopping, 165, 166, 167,
168169; Societe Nationale Industrielle
Aerosatiale v Lee Kui Jak and the
determination of, 189; territoriality and, 9
10; trials available only in, 189191. See
also Jurisdiction and Natural forum
Forum non conveniens: in Anglo-Caribbean
law, 167171; application of, 192;
Caribbean courts acceptance of, 170171;
defendants burden of proof in, 194; foreign
decisions re the principle of, 183184;
origin of, 165167; principle of, 164165,
171181; service out and proof of, 149
Fraud: enforcement of foreign judgments
relating to, 265266; foreign judgments
and the allegation of, 228233
Gasque v Commissioners of Inland Revenue:
domicile in, 85
German Civil Code (Article 20): provisions
of, 271
Godard v Gray: recognition of foreign
judgment in, 222
Goff, Lord: on principles applicable to the
granting of an injunction, 188189
Good faith: and service out, 149150
Gordon v Gordon: and domicile of choice, 50,
Governing law: in establishing natural forum,
Government of India v Taylor: and exclusion of
foreign revenue laws, 263
Grand Court of Cayman Islands: and
international judicial assistance, 113
Guadalajara Convention 1961: and the
carriage of goods and persons by aircraft, 22
Guyana: domicile reform in, 6667; and legal
jurisdiction in Barbados, 4
Habitual residence: definition of, 8182
Hague Conference on Private International
Law, 24
Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable
Law and Recognition of Decrees Relating
to Adoptions 1965, 20
Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to
Trusts and their Recognition 1986, 21
Hague Convention on the Recognition of
Divorces and Leal Separations Act 1970,
Hague Convention on the Taking of
Evidence Abroad in Civil and Commercial
Matters 1970, 20, 21; and international
judicial assistance, 115116
Hague Private International Law
Conferences: and English law, 35
Harmonisation of conflict rules, 1924
Harris v Taylor: protest against jurisdiction,
128129, 130; and submission to
jurisdiction, 216
Harris v Quine: and statute of limitation in
enforcing judgment, 235
Henderson v Henderson: and the principle of
domicile, 37
Henry v Henry: and marriage, 16
Henry v Geopresco International Limited:
conditional appearance in, 130; submission
in, 216
Hinds v The Queen: and constitutional rights,
182, 185186
Historic Articles Act 1962 (New Zealand),
Hope v Hope: application of domicile of
dependency in, 47, 67
Hoskins v Mathews: and motive in of choice of
domicile, 56
House of Spring Gardens Ltd. v Waite: and the
allegation of fraud in foreign judgment, 230,
HRH Maharanee of Baroda v Wildenstein:
application of the rule of presence in, 123
Huber v Steiner: conflict between procedural
and substantive laws in, 270271
Hulford v Hulford: and domicile of origin, 43
Humphrey v Jolly Roger Cruises: jurisdiction in,
213; place of business and jurisdiction in,
Huntingdon v Attrill: non-enforcement of
foreign judgment in, 260261, 262, 263
Index 289
Illegal residence: and evidence of intention in
the application of choice of domicile, 54
Immigration Act 1952 (Barbados): ordinary
residence and the, 81
Immigration (Restriction) Law 1941
(Cayman Islands): and the application of
choice of domicile, 5455
Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada v
JGC Holdings Limited: and lis alibi pendeus,
In loco parentis: and the application of
domicile of dependency, 48
In personam jurisdiction: and the enforcement
of a personal obligation, 153
Individuals: and jurisdiction, 212213
Indyka v Indyka: and UK common law on
foreign divorces, 20
Injunctions: principles applicable to the
granting of, 188189
Injunctive relief: and service out of
jurisdiction, 135
Institutions: and the harmonisation of private
international laws, 2324
Insurance Act (T&T), 4
Intellectual property rights: conventions, 22
Inter-American Convention on Conflict of
Laws Concerning the Adoption of Minors,
Inter-American Convention on Personality
and Capacity of Judicial Persons in Private
International Law 1984: and the operation
of companies, 21
International Conference on Maritime Law,
International conventions: and private
international laws, 19
International Judicial Assistance: and banking
secrecy, 113; and conflict with riles
governing proof and exclusion of foreign
law, 113; and evidence of foreign laws,
112115; and the Hague Convention on
the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil and
Commercial Matters 1970, 115116;
statutory provision for, 113
International legal disputes: Caribbean courts
and, 1011; private international law and,
Involved enforcement: and foreign judgments,
IRC v Bullock: application of choice of
domicile in, 5253, 55
IRC v Duchess of Portland: application of
domicile of dependency in, 65
IRC v Lysaght: application of notion of
ordinary residence in, 79
Jamaica: and the acquisition of nationality, 74,
James Brodie & Co. Ltd. v Juarez: and service
of mareva injunctions, 136
James North & Sons Ltd. v North Cape Textiles
Ltd.: and service out for injunctive relief,
Jopp v Wood: and tenacity of domicile, 40
Judgment: definition of, 238
Judicial conflict: definition of, 2
Judicial separation: and the application of
connecting factors, 35
Jurisdiction: actions in personam and, 121;
bases for, 122150; bias against service out
of, 148149; conflicts relating to, 68;
corporations and, 124125, 213215; of
foreign court and enforcement of foreign
judgements, 211219; of forum, 2137
237; good faith and service out of, 149
150; individuals and, 212213; protesting,
127130; reluctance to service out of, 139;
service within, 138; subject matter, 150
155; submission to, 127131, 216219.
See also Forum
Jurisdiction clauses: provisions, 191196
Jurisdiction limitations: and recognition of
foreign judgments, 222223
Justice: in determination of forum, 178181,
187, 193194, 209; and recognition of
foreign judgments, 231233
Khron v Varna (No.2): and service out of
mareva injunctions, 136
Laager v Kruger: unimpeachibility
requirement for foreign judgments in, 221
Langer v International Transport and
Earthmoving: rule of natural justice in, 232
Language: and jurisdiction, 178
Lascelles de Mecado & Co. Ltd., Kingston,
Jamaica v Wallace Sanchez, Castries, St.
Lucia, 5
Law of Domicile: transitional arrangements in
the reform of the, 6873. See also Domicile
Law of Property Act 1925 (UK): provisions
of, 271
Lazard Brothers & Co. v Midland Bank Ltd:
application of the law of domicile in, 84
Legal disputes: Caribbean, 36
Legal separation. See Judicial separation
Legislation: and private international law, 13;
and reciprocal enforcement of Caribbean
law in foreign states, 13
Legislative requirements: for service ex juris,
Legitimacy of birth: and the application of
domicile dependency, 4648, 67; domicile
of origin and, 39
Letters of acceptance: transnational conflicts
re letters of acceptance, 6
Lex causae: definition of, 6; English law and, 7;
and natural forum, 175176
Lex fori: and connecting factors, 34, 38;
definition of, 7
Liddells Settlement Trust: and service out of
jurisdiction, 134
Lis alibi pendeus: in establishing suitable
forum, 176177
Locu dekicti. See Tort
Lopez v Ward: and the principle of domicile,
37, 56
Lord Advocate v Jaffrey: application of
domicile dependency in, 45
Lubbe v Cape Plc: justice and determination
of forum in,180181, 184185
Machado v Fontes: and the English Court of
Appeal judgement, 12
Mackender v Feldia: comity and
determination of forum in, 193; and proof
of forum non conveniens, 150
MacShannon v Rockware Glass Ltd.:
application of forum non conveniens in, 169
170; and the principle of natural forum,
Maharanee of Baroda v Wildenstein: and
forum non conveniens, 168169, 174
Maltese law: and children born out of
wedlock, 274
Maple v Maple: and reciprocal enforcement,
Mareva injunctions: definition of, 135; service
in and out of, 135136
Marics and Company Ltd. v Florence White:
service ex juris in, 133
Marine environment: protection of the, 22
Marine Insurance Act 1906 (UK): and proper
law of contract, 143
Maroux v Soc. Com Abel Pereira Da Fonseca
SARL: application of service ex juris in,
Marriage: acquisition of nationality by, 7576
Marriage laws, 20; conflict in French and
English, 1, 23; connecting factors and, 35;
domicile and, 10; and domicile of
dependency, 4546, 6465; and R v Millis,
15; and Samuel v Hare, 15: and Henry v
Henry, 16; and Sowa v Sowa, 16
Matrimonial Causes Act: and reciprocal
enforcement, 243
Maycock v International Seafoods, 4; and non-
registration of foreign judgment in, 240
Mayo Perrott v Mayo Perrott: and severability
of foreign judgment, 234
McCarthy v McCarthy: reference to expert
witness in, 110
McCarthy v Pawan: rules governing service ex
juris in, 133
Menendez v Sawyer: enforcement of foreign
judgement in, 276; default judgment of a
foreign court in, 220221; submission in,
Mentally insane: and the application of
domicile of dependency, 4849
Midland Bank Plc v Laker Airways Ltd.:
restraint against foreign action in, 191
Mills v Mills: influence of English law in, 15
Mistake of fact or law: and recognition of
foreign judgments, 222
Mocambique rule: definition of the, 150151;
exceptions to the, 152154; origin in the,
Index 291
154155; origin of the, 151; rationale for
the, 151152
Mohabir v Bismill: and the principle of
domicile, 36, 43, 49
Money judgment: foreign, 221
Montevideo Convention on the Rights and
Duties of States, 19
Moran v Pyle: and service out of claim of tort,
Motive: in choice of domicile, 5556
Motor and General Insurance Company v
Gabin: Privy Council ruling on, 4
Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co. v
Multinational Gas and Petrochemical
Services Ltd: reluctance to allow service out
in, 139
Multiplicity of parties: and determination of
jurisdiction, 177; and the service out, 137
Multiplicity of proceedings: and
determination of jurisdiction, 177
Munn v Munn: and principle of domicile of
origin, 41
M/V Saiga (St Vincent and the Grenadines v
Guinea) (No.2): application of nationality
in, 73
National Chemsearch Corporation v Davidson:
materiality of foreign law in, 104
National Commercial Bank Ltd., v Guyana
Refrigerators Ltd.: application of domestic
law in, 105
National interest: foreign laws and, 275
Nationality: acquisition of, 7477; and
application of connecting factors, 3536; as
a connecting factor, 7378; determination
of, 7778; loss of, 77
Natural forum: lex causae and, 175176;
territorial connections in establishing, 173
Naturalisation: acquisition of nationality by,
Nebraska Dairies Inc. v Tropical Trading:
reciprocity in enforcement of judgement in,
209; submission to jurisdiction in, 218219
Necessary party: service on a, 138; and the
service out of jurisdiction, 136
Nesa v Adjudication Officer: application
residence requirement in, 82
New York Convention on the Recognition
and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral
Awards, 21
New Zealand: other public laws, 267268
Nicholls v Nicholls: and abandonment of
domicile, 61; change of nationality as
evidence in choice of domicile, 55
Non-marriage unions: and application of
connecting factors, 35. See also Common-
law marriage
Nottebohm: application of nationality in, 73
Oceanic Sun line v Fay: rejection of forum non
conveniens, 183
OECS Supreme Court: and the
harmonisation of trade laws, 2324;
judgments, 246
Oppenheimer v Cattermobile: determination of
nationality in, 77
Oppenheimer v Louis Rosenthal & Co.: fair
hearing in determination of forum in, 181
Order 11 of Civil Procedures: jurisdiction in,
147, 148, 236, 237; provisions, 122, 132,
133, 167; and service out of claim of tort,
146, 147
Ordinarily resident: and service out of
jurisdiction, 134
Ordinary residence: in Caribbean law, 81;
definition of, 79
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
(OECS): establishment of the, 24n;
harmonisation of conflict laws, 2324; legal
statues of, 23; private international law
cases in, 17
OT Africa lines Ltd, v Hijaz: access to civil
rights in, 184, 196
Other public laws, 267269
Owens Bank Ltd. v Bracco: and natural forum,
176, 177
Owens Bank Ltd. v Etoile Commerciale SA, 5;
and allegations of fraud in judgment, 229,
Owens Bank Ltd. v Gogettri SA: lack of good
faith by plaintiff in, 149
Panama: and place of incorporation, 83
Pederson v Gold Beach Inn Hotel: domestic law
in, 106
Pemberton v Hughes: recognition of foreign
judgment in, 222223
Penal laws: exclusion of foreign, 260262;
interpretation of, 263
Penn v Lord Baltimore: exception to
Mocambique rule in the enforcement of a
personal obligation in, 153
Personal obligations: exceptions to
Mocambique rule in cases of, 153-154
Pindling v National Broadcasting Corporation:
and the principle of natural forum, 175;
and service out of claim of tort, 145
Pioneer Container: comity and determination
of forum in, 193
Piper Aircraft Co. v Reyno: and the principle of
natural forum, 174
Place of incorporation: as a connecting factor,
Plaintiff: responsibility to act in service out,
149150; role in proving forum non
conveniens, 178181
Plummer v IRC: and domicile of choice, 50;
and intention in choice of domicile, 57
Presence: in jurisdiction, 122127
Princess Nina Aga Khan: Supreme Court
(Jamaica) and Swiss law in, 5
Princess Paley Olga v Weiz, 267, 268
Private disputes: definition of, 8
Private international law: definition of, 13,
18; and foreign laws, 259; on foreign
revenue laws, 262, 265; functions of, 812;
sources of, 1214, 19; public international
law and, 2223; territoriality and, 10;
tradition of, 1418
Privy Council: and Callwood v Callwood, 6;
and Caribbean law, 45, 1314
Procedural laws: foreign, 269273
Proper party: service on a, 138
Property rights: connecting factors and, 35
Public interest: and international judicial
assistance, 115
Public international law: definition of, 18; and
forum non conveniens, 186; nationality and,
73; private international law and, 2223;
sources of, 19
Public laws: foreign, 266269
Public policy: definition of, 273; foreign, 273
277; and foreign judgments, 233; of
inclusion of, 277
Quin v Pres-T-Con Ltd.: recognition of foreign
judgment in, 224225, 239240; and
service out against second defendant, 137;
submission in, 216
R v Lancashire CC, exp. Huddleston: notion of
ordinary residence in, 80
R v Mills: and common law marriage, 15
Raeburn v Raeburn: and severability of foreign
judgment, 234
Raffle America Inc. v Kingsboro International
Holding Co. Ltd.: acceptance of default
judgment in, 220, 232; submission to
foreign jurisdiction in, 218
Ramsay v Liverpool Royal Infirmary:
application of domicile in, 78; tenacity of
domicile in, 41
Raulin v Fischer: severability of judgment in,
233, 234
Razelos v Razelos: enforcement of a personal
obligation in, 153
Re Annesley: lex causae in, 7, 38
Re Beaumont: application of domicile of
dependency in, 4748, 67
Re Cohn: conflict between procedural and
substantive laws in, 271
Re De Veaux: application of origin in, 5758
Re Dulles Settlement Trusts (No.2): bias against
service out in, 148; protest against
jurisdiction in, 128, 129, 130
Re Emrys Investment Trusts: enforcement of
foreign revenue judgements in, 265266
Re Eskine: application of ordinary residence in,
Re Field (No. 3): application of rules re
residence subject to contingency, 51, 53, 55
Re Flynn: abandonment of domicile of choice
in, 5859, 61
Re Furse: application of choice of domicile in,
52, 53
Re Fuld: and domicile of origin, 41
Re James: and motive in of choice of domicile,
Re James McDonald (No.2): and change of
nationality as evidence in choice of
Index 293
domicile, 54notion of ordinary residence in,
Re Jones Estate: evidence of intention in choice
of domicile, 54; and the revival of domicile
of origin, 44, 45
Re Lloyd Evans: domicile of choice in, 59
Re Macartney: non-enforcement of judgement
in, 274, 276
Re Norris: residence in, 80
Re OKeefe: determination of nationality in,
Re Raffenel: domicile of choice in, 5960
Re Ross: and exception to the Mocambique
rule, 152
Re Scullard: domicile of dependency in, 46,
6465, 70
Re Tolbert: conflict law in, 19; non-
enforcement of foreign judgement in, 261
262, 266267
Re Visser, Queen of Holland v Drukker: and
exclusion of foreign revenue laws, 262
Re Wallach: domicile of dependency in, 46
Reciprocal enforcement: of Commonwealth
judgments, 238; of foreign judgments, 209,
Recognition: as defence against foreign
judgment, 234235
Registration: of Commonwealth judgments,
239242; of foreign judgments, 242245
Reid v Reid: and evidence of intention in
choice of domicile, 5657
Remy v Proshpere: and domicile of choice, 50
Renvoi doctrine: application of the, 16, 38,
Residence: as a connecting factor, 7882; of a
corporation, 8688; definition of, 80; and
jurisdiction, 212219. See also Factum of
residence, Ordinary residence
Residence subject to contingency: and
application of domicile of choice, 5157
Restraint of foreign actions: applicable
principles in the, 188189
Revival of the domicile of origin: abolition of,
Ricardo v Garcias: defence against foreign
judgment in, 235
Right to access: constitutional safeguards to,
182183, 196
Robinson v Bland: and private international
law, 15
Rosler v Hillberry: refusal of application for
service out of jurisdiction in, 135, 137
Roywest Trust Corporation v Savannah NV:
qualification as expert witness in, 109
Rule of precedent: and foreign law, 110
Russell v Van Galen: domestic law in, 107108
Sadler v Robins: foreign money judgment in,
Samuel v Hare: and marriage, 15
Sanchez v Lascelles de Mercado & Co. Ltd.:
and statutory prescription of procedure or
remedies, 272
Sanctis v Bowen: and the exclusion of actions
based on foreign public law, 151; and the
non-enforcement of foreign judgment, 264
The Sanitary Laundry Company Limited v
Heal: and the place of incorporation, 83
Scott, LJ: and the doctrine of forum non
conveniens, 167168, 170
Sardina v Johnson: recognition of foreign
judgment in, 223, 238, 241
Scottish law: and the origin of forum non
conveniens, 165167
Scrimshire v Scrimshire: and private
international law, 15
Seafarers International Union Plans v Franco:
conflicting foreign judgments in, 227228
Service ex juris: definition of, 131132; and
enforcement of foreign judgments, 236;
legislation requirements for, 133134
Severability: of foreign judgments, 233234
Seymour v Chief Immigration Officer: notion
of ordinary residence in, 81
Shah v Barnet London Borough Council:
ordinary residence in, 79, 80, 82
Shanks v Shanks: domicile of dependency, 47,
Showlay v Mansour: conflicting foreign
judgments in, 226227
Simpson v McCallum: and English law in the
Caribbean, 15
Sirdar Gurdyal Singh v Rajah of Faridkote:
residence and jurisdiction in, 213, 214
Societe du Gaz du Paris v Societe Anonyme de
Navigation les Armateur Francais: forum
non conveniens in, 166
Societe Nationale Industrielle Aerosatiale v Lee
Kui Jak: and the grant of an injunction,
South India Shipping Corpn. Ltd. v Export-
Import Bank of Korea: place of business and
jurisdiction in, 125
Sovereign authority: definition of 13; and the
exclusion of foreign laws, 259269
Sovereign immunity: definition of, 13; and
private international law, 19
Sowa v Sowa: and marriage laws, 16
Spiliada doctrine, 171; and determination of
forum, 183, 185, 187188, 194
Spiliada Maritime Corpn. v Cansulex Ltd.:
application of forum non conveniens in, 171
172; multiplicity of proceedings in, 177
St Pierre v South American Stores (Gath and
Chaves) Ltd.: exception to Mocambique
rule in, 152; rejection of forum non
conveniens in, 167
St Vincent and the Grenadines: and
compliance with judgement by the French
court, 5
Stabilisation changes: multinational
corporations use of, 11
State: legal definition of, 2, 19; Montevideo
Convention on the Rights and Duties of
the, 19
Status of Children Act 1976 (Jamaica): and
children born out of wedlock, 3940
Status of Children Act 1976 (St Vincent and
the Grenadines): and children born out of
wedlock, 98n; provisions of the, 67
Status of Children Reform Act 1979
(Barbados), 39; provisions of the, 67
Stays of proceedings: by Caribbean courts,
Statute: enforcement of foreign judgment by,
Statute of limitations: and foreign procedural
laws, 269271
Statutory prescription of procedure or
remedies, 272
Stewart v Ask Secs Ltd.: application of forum
non conveniens in, 174, 176
Stuart Young and Sons Ltd. v Chase
Manhattan Bank: application of forum non
conveniens in, 171
Stulz v Wallace (1873): conflict between
procedural and substantive laws in, 271;
and English statute of limitations, 14, 15
Subject matter jurisdiction: categories of,
Submission: to jurisdiction of a foreign court,
127131, 215219
Succession Act (section 184) (Barbados):
provisions of, 271, 272
Supreme Court: constitution and the
establishment of a Caribbean, 12
Supreme Court (Bahamas): and judicial
assistance, 113
Supreme Court (Jamaica): and conflict in
Caribbean laws, 4; new civil procedure
rules on service out on a necessary or
proper party, 136; and private international
law cases, 1718; and transnational
disputes, 5
Supreme Court (T&T): ruling on Henry v
Henry, 16
Succession: legislation, 7
Succession Act 1975 (Barbados): domicile in,
90n; provisions of the, 7273
Swiss law: and letters of acceptance, 6
Taxation: and residence of foreign
corporations, 8688
Tee v Tee: and domicile of origin, 44
Tenacity: of rules of domicile, 4044
Territorial connections: in establishing natural
forum, 173175
Territorial sovereignty: and enforcement of
foreign judgements, 205
Territoriality: rules of private international law
and, 910
The Evidence (Proceedings in other
Jurisdictions) (Cayman Islands) Order
1978: and the application of judicial
assistance, 113
The owners of the M/V Allure v Doust and
Company Ltd: application of domestic law
in, 105
Index 295
Thorne v Board of Education and Darrell: and
motive in choice of domicile, 56; and the
principle of domicile, 36, 4243
Tiger Air Inc., v Summrall: conditional
appearance in, 130131
Tort: and service out, 143147; theories on
place of, 144146
Touche Ross & Company v Intercontinental
Limited: restraint on foreign actions in,
Transnational cases: between Caribbean,
North American and European Countries,
56; disputes resolution in, 18. See also
International legal disputes
Transnational Causes of Action (Product
Liability) Act (Dominica), 245
Triangle Refineries Inc. v Carle: rejection of
default judgment of a foreign court in, 220
Trinidad and Tobago: and the acquisition of
nationality, 75; family laws, 66, 72
Trinidad and Tobago laws: and the principle
of domicile, 3738, 40
Tyburn Productions Ltd. v Conan Doyle:
Mocambique rule in, 154155
Udny v Udny: and principle of domicile, 36,
39, 44, 45, 62
UN Convention on the Carriage of Goods by
Sea 1987, 21
UN Convention on Contracts for
International Sale of Goods 1980, 20
UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
Unfair Contract Terms Acts: provisions of,
Unification of Certain Points of Substantive
law on Patents for Invention, 22
Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Bills
of Lading, 21
Unification of substantive laws: conventions
facilitating the, 2122
Unimpeachibility: requirement for foreign
judgments, 221228
Unitary states: definition of, 2
United Kingdom: adoption laws, 20; divorce
law, 20; judgments and Caribbean law, 238
United States of America v Carver: and the
application of judicial assistance, 113
United States of America v Inkley: non-
enforcement of foreign judgment in, 260
Unity v Attorney General: application of
nationality by descent in, 7475
Unwin v Unwin: application of domicile of
dependency in, 46; and domicile of origin,
4142, 47
Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse
Tariefcommissie: and influence of Europe on
English common law, 17
Vanquelin v Brouard: recognition of foreign
judgments in, 222
Vita Foods Inc v Unu Shipping Co. Ltd., 20
Walsh v Deloitte & Touche Inc.: jurisdiction in,
236; and the service of mareva injunctions,
Warsaw Convention 1929: and carriage of
persons by aircraft, 22
Warner Brothers Pictures Inc. v Nelson:
application of domestic law in, 105
West India trading Co. Inc. v Barbados Packers
and Canners Ltd.: application of domestic
law in, 106
West Indian Reports: private international law
cases in the, 17
Winward Properties v The Governor General of
St Vincent and the Grenadines: conditional
appearance in, 131
Women: and the abolition of wifes domicile
of dependency, 6465; and domicile of
dependency, 4547
Zanelli v Zanelli: application of domicile of
choice in, 60
Zeiss Stiftung v Rayner And Keeler (No.3):
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