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Read the following text and answer the questions 1 to 5.

A cactus (plural: cacti) is any member of the plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas.
They are often used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants. Cacti are grown for
protection of property from wild animals, as well as many other uses.
Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales, which also include members like beets,
gypsophila, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb, buckwheat, plumbago,
bougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass.
Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which are adapted to etremely arid and hot
environments, showing a wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve
water. Their stems have adapted to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves
have become the spines for which cacti are well known.
Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and si!es. The tallest is "achycereus pringlei, with a
maimum recorded height of #$.% m, and the smallest is &lossfeldia liliputiana, only about # cm
in diameter at maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and like the spines and branches arise from
areoles. 'any cactus species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by nocturnal insects or
small animals, principally moths and bats. Cacti range in si!e from small and globular to tall and
#. (here can we find cacti mostly)
A. *n the +ungle.
&. ,n the beach.
C. ,n the mountain.
-. *n the arid and hot region.
.. in the park
%. (hy do cacti mostly bloom at night)
A. &ecause their flowers are large.
&. /ince cacti are unusual and distinctive
C. /ince cacti are pollinated by nocturnal
-. As the afternoon period is used for
photosynthetic process.
.. Ancient plant
0. (hat does the first paragraph tell us about)
A. The members of cacti.
&. The habitat of cacti.
C. The use of cacti
-. Types of cacti.
.. Cactus
1. (hat is the purpose of the tet )
A. To give information about American cacti
&. To eplain physical feature of cacti
C. To describe cacti in general
-. To tell cacti2s life
.. to entertain reader
3. 4Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants,
which 56
The synonym of the word 4distinctive6 is 5
A. typical
&. anti7ue
C. uni7ue
-. different
.. simila
Text 2 For number 6-13
8esidents assessed the damage after a tornado damaged #39 houses in the district of
Tembalang in /emarang, Central :ava late on /aturday afternoon.
Three people were in+ured and at least five of the houses in the /endangguwo and Tandang
neighbourhoods were destroyed, while many others were seriously damaged as the tornado
ripped off their roofs. Tohirin aka :ayeng, 19, a resident whose house was levelled at the
/endang Asri housing comple, said the winds hit about 1 p.m.
;* saw this black wind coming and becoming pointed into a funnel. *t suddenly approached and
hit my house,; he said.
Tohirin2s wife, two children and mother<in law were in the kitchen at the time when the tornado
known locally as ;=lur<ulur; passed over their home, destroying the guest and bedrooms.
;*t was as if the wind had lifted my home up,; Tohirin said.
The disaster also destroyed the walls of four neighbouring houses.
'any other homes in the area lost their roofs and residents and neighbours had started
rebuilding on /unday.Tembalang district head -ayat said the tornado also damaged a small
mos7ue and felled power lines and about 39 trees. >is office was still collecting data on the
damage, he said.
?illagers said the tornado was the worst to hit the district in living memory.
/emarang 'ayor /ukawi /utarip and his wife, /into /ukawi, visited the scene on /unday,
accompanied by senior officials.
;(e will provide the victims with assistance immediately,; the mayoral spokesman Achyani said.
(Taken from The :akarta "ost, -ecember %9, %991)
@. (hen did the tornado hit the district of
Tembalang in semarang)
A. ,n -ecember #A, %991.
&. ,n -ecember #B, %991.
C. ,n -ecember #$, %991.
-. ,n -ecember %9, %991.
.. ,n /eptember 0, %99B
A. >ow many houses were destroyed by the
tornado in the /endangguwo and Tandang
A. Cess than five houses.
&. 'ore than five houses.
C. Dive houses.
-. Three houses.
.. Dour >aouses.
B. The tornado hit the district.
A. in the morning
&. in the afternoon
C. in the evening
-. at midnight
.. in the rain
$. (hich parts of Tohirin2s house were
A. The kitchen.
&. The guest rooms.
C. The bedrooms.
-. The guest and bedrooms.
.. The bathroom
#9. The disaster also destroyed the walls of four
neighbouring houses.
The synonym of the italicised word is.
A. fortune
&. whirlwind
C. storm
-. calamity
.. >appiness
##. (ho rebuilt the damaged homes)
A. The residents.
&. The residents and neighbours.
C. The Tembalang -istrict head.
-. The mayor of /emarang.
.. The president
#%. (ho is /ukawi /utarip)
A. A resident of the -istrict of Tembalang.
&. Tohirin2s neighbour.
C. A villager of /endangguwo.
-. The mayor of /emarang.
.. .ducation 'inister
#0. (ho went to see the scene of disaster on
A. /ukawi /utarip.
&. -ayat.
C. /ukawi /utarip, his wife and senior
-. Achyani.
.. "ai+
S!""# $%%"&%'('%T
FR)*$+ ,anuar- 25th. 2/1/
There will be a girlsE basketball short meeting right after school this afternoon in the school
library. The meeting is epected to last around 13 minutes and finish by 3. .very member needs
to be present in this important meeting. /hould anyone unable to attend the meeting, find 'r.
.lder for permission and further details about the agenda. Cook forward to see you all in the
#1. The tet is about5.
A. A girlsE basketball short meeting right
&. Dind 'r. .lder for permission
C. Cooking forward to seeing you all in the
-. The meeting is 13 minutes and finish by
.. .very member needs to be present
#3. (hat should a student do if she is not able
to attend the meeting)
A. Fo home
&. Fo to the library
C. Ask for permission from 'r. .lder.
-. Cet the class teacher know about her
.. The meeting is epected
#@. 4/hould anyone unable to attend the
meeting, find 'r. .lder for5
The antonym of the word 4unable6 is5.
A. Able
&. Allowed
C. >ave to
-. ,ught to
.. Dollo
Text 0 1For questions 12 - 323
All planes need air to pressure under their wings to stay up in the air. As they move forward.
The higher air pressure underneath their wings pushes them upward and gives them lift.
The smooth, streamlined shape of the plane allows the air to flows easily over its surface. This
helps to reduce the drag caused by the air pushing against the plane and allows it to move
rapidly through the air.
"lanes move forward using engines. This movement is called thrust. 'oving forward keeps a
stream of moving air passing over the wings. *f the engines fail, the planes will begin to descend
very 7uickly.
The air above the wing moves faster, so it is at a lower pressure than the air under the wing.
The air under the wing moves more slowly and is slightly s7uashed, so it is at a higher pressure
than the air above the wing
#A. The tet tells us about)
A. >ow the wings of a plane work
&. >ow the plane move forward
C. >ow the plane is made
-. The engine of a plane
.. >ow a plane flies
#B. 4This helps to reduce the drag caused by
the air pushing against the plane and allow
it to move more rapidly through the air6
("aragraph %) the underlined word can be
replaced by5.
A. /lowly
&. Guickly
C. /moothly
-. Fradually
.. *mmediately

#$. 'ovement planes forward using engines is
A. Trust
&. Thrust
C. /7uash
-. Thrust
.. /treaming
%9. (hat is the purpose of the tet5.
A. To persuade the reader about something
&. To eplain how planes stay up in the air
C. To describe about planes
-. To entertain the readers
.. To tell past event
%#. (hich statement is false according the
A. All planes need air to pressure under
their wings to stay up in the air
&. /treamlined shape of the plane allows
the air to flows easily over its surface
C. "lanes move forward using engines
-. 'oving forward keeps a stream of
moving air passing over the wings
.. "lanes movement forward is calling as
Text 5 1For questions 22-25 3
/tudentsE cheating is one of the biggest problems faced by teachers nowadays.
-espite the fact that teachers advise their students not to do dishonest acts during tests,
some students still do cheating. There are many kinds of cheating that students do during the
test or eamination, such as looking other studentsE work, put some notes under their clothes,
write notes or formulas on their desks, make hand signals or go to rest rooms to get the
answers from their friends
*n my view, students who do cheating are committing a crime. *t is a sort of taking something
illegally. This crime causes negative results to the students. /tudents who always cheat
deteriorate their mental capacity. Cheating acts also create dependence. They weaken their self
confidence. *nstead of preparing for the coming test, they are busy to organi!e notes on a piece
of paper. *f this awful habit continues, the students will lose their opportunity to develop their
intellectual and mind.
Therefore, school should consider cheating as a very serious problem. /chool board and
administration should go hand in hand to overcome this matter. >onesty must be put in schoolEs
vision. >arsh punishment must be applied to students who commit this crime.
%%. (hat is mainly discussed in the tet)
A. /chool policy.
B. >arsh punishment.
C. Cheating as a crime.
D. 'ental deterioration.
E. -ifferent ways of cheating.
%0. (hat will the school do to eliminate
students who commit cheating)
A. Create a good vision.
B. /elect honest students.
C. 'ake harsh punishment
D. 'ake students confident
E. Administer the school affair
%1. H/tudents who always cheat deteriorate
their mental capacity.E ("aragraph 0)
The underlined word means 5.
A. /upport
B. (orsen
C. Cause
D. Create
E. Dind
%3. HThey weaken their self confidence.E
("aragraph 0)
(hat does HtheyE refer to)
A. Tests
B. "apers
C. 8esults
D. /tudents
Text 6 1For questions no 26 - 3/3
*n modern world, women have the benefit from wider chance of getting a career outside their
household sphere. 'any women, however, have some difficulties deciding whether they will
pursue a career or not. /ome of them stay at their offices, while at the same time they act as a
housewife. &ut, the other chooses to concentrate their attention to their household only.
&eing career women offers the advantage of a wider chance of self<actuali!ation. They can
widen their knowledge and develop their capacity. Dor eample, many women do not know
eactly what their talent is before they start a career. &ut then, after they have a career they
know which field they can do best and which one they canEt. This will help them to refocus their
life goal.
Another big advantage is that they can help supporting their householdHs finance so that men do
not become the single fighter in financing their families. Dor eample, if a wife works, she can
help her husband financing their childrenEs educational budget, so that their children can have
the best education.
&eing career women, on the other hand has some significant disadvantages too. They have
more burdens in their life, as they have to manage their +ob as well as their household. Dor
eample., a female teacher has to prepare teaching material for tomorrow class while at the
same time she has to think about how to handle her naughty son.
*n addition. &eing career women can be risky for their household. Dor eample, many women
have to spend their time in their career as it grows more challenging, so they have only limited
time left for their family, resulting in their lack of care and attention for their household and
children. The etreme impact of this situation is the broken home.
*n the end, the decision that each woman makes will depend on their own personal values, as
well as their readiness for taking on the considerable conse7uences of each choices.
%@. (hich of the following is true)
A. Career woman can widen their
knowledge and develop their capacity
&. Career women canEt support their
householdEs finance
C. &ecoming career woman does not have
-. Career women have more spare time for
their families
.. *n the modern world it will be better for
woman to stay at home
%A. 4&eing career women, on the other hand
has some significant disadvantages too6 the
underlined words have the similar meaning
A. Accordingly
&. ,n the contrary
C. Ievertheless
-. Conse7uently
.. Therefore
%B. The etreme impact of &eing career women
is 5.
A. -ishonest
&. Corrupt
C. &roken home
-. >appy
.. /eparate
%$. Advantage become career women is5.
A. &roken home
&. /pend their spare time in their work place
C. >ave more burdens
-. Can support their householdEs finance
.. CanEt support their householdEs finance
09. The tet tell us about5.
A. Advantages being career women
&. -isadvantages being career women
C. Advantages and disadvantages being
career women
-. Career women
.. "roblem of career wome
Text 2 1For questions no 31 - 303
%9#% Dilm 8eview
%9#% is 8oland .mmerichEs film which uses the 'ayan calendar and other end<of<days
prophecies for their doomsday scenario. *t imagines the world coming to an end in %9#%.
%9#% film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. *t starts when Cusack
drives a limo through the streets of Cos Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all
around him from the shock of a #9.3 earth7uake. The preposterous flying se7uence is e7ually
thrilling. The clima occurs aboard the giant ark, when an e7uipment malfunction almost
threatens the entire mission.
=nfortunately, the crucial se7uence is not filmed or edited with the re7uisite clarity. *n %9#% film,
.mmerich leaves us befuddled as to eactly what is happening to whom. >owever, .mmerichE
%9#% deserves credit for offbeat casting. Cusack supplies his trademark hangdog charm.
'cCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as "eetEs cocky. -anny Flover lends dignity to the role
of the tormented president. Chiwetel .+iofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of
anguish to a stock role. "latt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and (oody >arrelson also
chews the scenery as a bug<eyed radio prophet trying to warn his listeners about Armageddon.
All in one, %9#%Js cinematography, production design and visual effects are awards<worthy.
'usic also propels the movie. *t presents American *dol runner<up, Adam Cambert, who
provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.
0#. The tet is a review of aKan
A. Dilm
&. &ook
C. "lay
-. -rama
.. Comedy
0%. (hat is mainly discussed in the tet above)
A. *t presents American *dol runner<up
&. The ending of world
C. The writerEs view about %9#% film
-. -isappointing aspects of %9#% film
.. %9#% film brings off a series of wonders
00. (hich statement is I,T T8=. according to
the tet)
A. %9#% is film which uses the 'ayan
&. *t imagines the world coming to an end in
C. The clima occurs aboard the giant ark
-. (oody >arrelson also chews the scenery as
a bug<eyed radio prophet trying to warn his
listeners about Tsunami
.. .mmerichE %9#% deserves credit for offbeat
01. 5. of Cos Angeles as freeways and
skyscrapers crumble all around him from5.
The underline word means5.
A. "latt
&. .nding
C. Clarity
-. "rophecies
.. &roke
>i, FuysL ,ur neighborhood will hold a Dund 8aising Activity net month. *t is intended to help
victims of the landslide which happened yesterday. .veryone who is interested in this activity,
please +oin us. Mou are also invited to donate your used clothes. *f you have any 7uestions,
please feel free to contact 's. 'aryam as chief program coordinator at her house from 9A.99
a.m. N 90.99 p.m. 'onday to Driday.
03. (hat is the announcement about)
A neighborhood2s activity
&. 's. 'aryam2s program
C. =sed clothes donation
-. ?ictims of a landslide
.. Dund raising activity
0@. (here can 's. 'aryam accept her
neighbors2 7uestions)
A. At her house
&. At her office
C. At the neighborhood
-. At the landslide area
.. At the committee office
0A. *f you have any 7uestion, please feel free to
contact 's. 'aryam. This sentence has the
same meaning as 5
A. 's. 'aryam is always ready to give
information you need
&. 's. 'aryam is always ready to ask your
C. Mou are not charged if you contact 's.
-. 's. 'aryam will give you 7uestions
.. 's. 'aryam has 7uestions to as
-ear Ian,
(e are having a wonderful holiday here in Fold Coast yesterday we great as went to movie
(hen we got up in the morning it looked like rain. After a while the clouds, -isappeared and
it became a sunny day. (e than decided to go to movie went.
Dirst * went to lethal weapon. Iet * saw the police academy show after that * had lunch as *
was really hungry. 'eanwhile mom O Pelly 7ueued for the &atman ride.
*t rained about lunch time but soon it was fine again. (e really en+oyed our holiday.
0B. The tet mainly tell us about
A. A sunny day
&. Fold coast
C. &atman ride
-. /amEs letter
.. /amEs holiday
0$. (hich of the following was not visited by
A. Fold coast
&. &atman ride
C. 'ovie world
-. Cethal weapon
.. "olice academy show
19. (hich of the following is not true about
A. >e went holiday with his mom and Pelly
&. >e had on unpleasant holiday
C. >e went to the Fold Coast
-. >e en+oyed his holiday
.. >e was IanEs frien
:apanese seeking business opportunities
"alembang, south /umatra: a :apanese law maker and two businesses met with the
"alembang government officials on /unday night in hopes of eploring investment opportunities
in the city.
The law maker in 7uestions was senator from fu+umi city, ishikawa shinichiro and the two
business men were. shinbori noaki and /u!uki yushiro .
8esponding to a statement by his guests, "alembang mayor eddy /antana putra told them
that some investment opportunities in the city included the hotel and restaurant sector, palm oil
and rubber plantations as well as mining.
1#. (hat does the news tell us about)
a. :apanese people
b. &usiness meeting in "alembang
c. :apanese business
d. 8ubber plantation
e. &usiness development in "alembang
1%. >as the investment been made by the :apanese in "alembang )
a. Mes, it has d. no, it hasnEt
b. *t was not sure e. itEs deniable
c. *t was not true
10. (hat is the name of the law maker from +apan )
a. 'r. fu+imi d. 'r. ishikawa shinhiro
b. 'r. shinbori noaki e. 'r . eddy santana putra
c. 'r. /u!uki yushiro
11. >ow many people did attend the business meeting to talk about the investment
opportunities in "alembang)
a. 0 people d. a lot of people
b. 1 people e. more than 1 people
c. % people
13. (hat type of the tet is the passage about )
a. Iarrative d. procedure
b. Iews item e. -escriptive
c. recount

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