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Quantum Dots 1

Quantum Dots: Crossing the Barriers of Size

Optical Engineering
Dr. Kasra Daneshvar
Jul 1!" #$$%
Shivani Salun&e
'lison Kil(urn
Jeffer Sullivan
Quantum Dots #
Quantum )ots are tomorro*+s technolog. ,he represent a ne* era in nanotechnolog.
Quantum )ots are a uni-ue class of semicon)uctors that have a )iametric range of 1$ to !$
atoms. ,here small size allo*s -uantum )ots the unprece)ente) tuna(ilit that ena(les them to
have a range of applications. 's ne* technologies start to rel more an) more on semi.
con)uctors" their shortcomings are more an) more apparent. ,ra)itional semi.con)uctor )evices
have (een foun) to (e too (ig an) too slo*. 's engineers search for a faster an) more a)apta(le
alternative to conventional semicon)uctors the have )iscovere) -uantum )ots" a ne* form of
semicon)uctors that mo)el atoms. Being onl nanometers in size" these pseu)o.atoms ta&e
semi.con)uctors to a *hole ne* level an) can allo* )evices to *or& almost at the spee) of light.
/urthermore" -uantum )ots have numerous applications in optical technologies" me)iums" an)
in)ustries. ,his paper *ill e0plore the theor (ehin) -uantum )ots" their fa(rication" an) their
applications in science an) technolog.
Quantum Dots 1
Quantum )ots" 2QDs3 have traverse) the (oun)aries of tra)itional semicon)uctors. ,he
fiel) of semicon)uctor -uantum )ots has e0pan)e) over the past fe* ears. ,he have (ecome
an integral element in the )evelopment an) a)vancement of technolog. QDs are sstems *ith
)imensions as small as 1$
to 1$
m that contain a small an) controlla(le num(er of electrons.
,he atom is sai) to (e the smallest *hole unit of life &no*n to man. Consisting of a protons"
neutrons" an) electrons" it is the (uil)ing (loc& of life. ,he QD" also sometimes referre) to as an
artificial atom" is onl a fe* nanometers in )iameter. 5t can sometimes contain up to 1$$$
electrons" an) can (e as small as 1$ atoms or as long as !$ atoms in )iameter. ,he -uantum )ot
is referre) to as an artificial atom )ue to the energ levels it contains" much li&e an atom. ,his
presence of the energ spectrum )istinguishes the -uantum )ot from most other tpes
of nanocrstals. 'nother reason *h it is referre) to as an artificial atom is that it resem(les an
atom in that it consists of electrons or(iting an artificial" man ma)e nucleus.
,here are man )ifferent *as that -uantum )ots can (e fa(ricate). 's technological
po*ers a)vance" the metho)s of fa(rication improve as *ell. ,hree of the most use) processes of
QD creation are 6BE 2molecular (ean epita03" colloi)al snthesis" an) lithograph. 6BE is a
process in *hich ultra pure elements" such as arsenic an) gallium" are heate) in separate cells
until the (egin to evaporate" after *hich the con)ense on a *afer an) react *ith each other
forming a single crstal7 for e0ample gallium arseni)e. ,his process usuall ta&es place in an
ultra high vacuum. Colloi)al snthesis" *hich in most cases is the most favore) process of QD
fa(rication" is a li-ui) (ase) process. 6aterials" mostl from groups t*o an) four of the perio)ic
ta(le of elements" are )issolve) in a polmer solute. 8hen the solution enters a certain phase" the
particles come together to form a -uantum )ot. ,his metho) is favore) )ue to the fact that it
ma&es it easier for the researcher to control the size of the QD" since the amount of time the QD
Quantum Dots 9
is present in the li-ui) is proportionate to ho* (ig the QDs get. ,herefore" if the QD is in the
li-ui) for a longer perio) of time" it *ill (e larger than one that *as in for less time. 5n this
metho)" time is use) to change the properties of the QD. ,herefore" it can (e engineere) to (e
receptive to certain fre-uencies of light. ,he )ifferent sizes of the QDs emit )ifferent *ave
lengths of light" *hich allo*s them to emit )ifferent colors as *ell. 'nother metho) of
fa(rication is electron (eam lithograph. 5t consists of creating mini electro)es over the surface
of a -uantum *ell. 8hen voltage is applie) to the electro)es" it pro)uces a mo)ulate) electric
fiel) *hich confines the electrons *ithin a small area. ,he a)vantages to lithograph are that it
pro)uces lateral confinement" *hich )oes not sho* e)ge )efects" an) the electric gate can (e
create) to allo* the partial elimination of e)ge )efects an) s-ueezing of electrons. ,his allo*s
for the creation of single -uantum )ots along *ith large arras. ,he )isa)vantages are that the
are slo*" contaminate)" have a lo* )ensit" an) can form )efects.
Quantum )ots ma ver *ell (e one of the (est )iscoveries of our time. ,he have the
potential to save the :S millions of )ollars each ear in their various applications. Quantum )ots
are ver interesting an) their potential for profit is amazing" (ut to un)erstan) this" it *oul) (e
(eneficial to &no* more a(out ho* )ots are ma)e an) *hat the can )o
's alrea) mentione)" -uantum )ots are (asicall artificial atoms. ,he consist of a
simple su(stance" such as gol)" or ;allium" that replaces the nucleus of an atom. 2Dialogue *ith
Dr. Kasra Daneshvar3 ,he elements retain the original electrons an) all of the original (ehaviors
of the atom until the are e0cite).
Quantum )ots can (e insulators7 confining atoms or molecules an) protecting them from
energ surges" con)uctors7 amplifing energ to rea)il react *ith *hatever it is touching" an)
Quantum Dots !
the can (e semicon)uctors7 hol)ing atoms in place until a rise in energ occurs an) then
amplifing the signal. 28eiss #$$%3
Quantum )ots are amazing creations (ecause the emit light *hen an electrical current is
passe) through them. <ight greatl influences the *a a -uantum )ot performs as *ell as the
light that it emits. 6uch li&e a star" a -uantum )ot of a certain size emits a certain fre-uenc of
light" *hich has a range of applications in laser )evices an) other similar technologies.
<ight is emitte) *hen an electron moves from its e0cite) states to its groun) state. 8hen
an atom is hit *ith energ an) an electron is )isplace) it leaves a hole" referre) to as an e0citon"
*hen the electron is in an e0cite) phase. One of the things that are special a(out a -uantum )ot
is that it emits multiple e0citons as appose) to a single e0citon as an atom *oul).
5t is ver eas to un)erstan) *h" since the 1=>$+s" -uantum )ots have (een such a
popular research topic. 28eiss #$$%3 ,he are incre)i(l small structures that have the potential
to treat )ea)l )iseases" save a lot of mone" an) propel scientific for*ar).
Quantum )ots are progressivel (eing applie) more often in )a to )a applications.
8ith such a small size" their enhance) transport an) optical properties" -uantum )ots have
(ecome a necessit for applications. ,he have (ecome more fre-uentl use) in the technolog
foun) in our homes" such as the ne* ?la Station 1 or the recentl mar&ete) high fre-uenc
D@D plaers. 6an thought it impossi(le to have technolog such as the (lue -uantum )ot
lasers use) in these applications" (ut the use of -uantum )ots has improve) man )evices an)
ma)e everthing much more o(taina(le an) progressive.
,he me)ical fiel) has also foun) great ai) in the usage of -uantum )ots. Ao matter *hat
these artificial atoms are (eing use) for" -uantum )ots ma&e everthing much more e0act"
o(viousl putting them in much )eman). ,o)a" technolog is meant to (e more efficient an)
Quantum Dots %
compact" *hile me)icine is suppose) to (e faster an) more precise. 8ithout the )iscover an)
fa(rication of -uantum )ots" technolog an) me)icine *oul) (e much further (ehin).
' ver important use of -uantum )ots" (eing *or&e) on currentl" is one *hich targets
in)ivi)ual cells" mainl those that are hazar)ous" to eliminate them" an) leaving a person health.
5n the me)ical *orl)" an achievement li&e this *oul) change everthing completel" ma&ing it
much simpler to ta&e care of the *ell (eing of patients" an) eventuall causing man less )eaths.
Overall" this i)ea coul) en) up saving millions of lives that *oul) )ie from )iseases such as
cancer cause) ( B(a)C cells. 5n this process" a -uantum )ot of a certain material is attache) to
an cell that nee)s to (e Dtrac&e)+ or even gotten ri) of. ,his science is *hat )octors an)
scientists ali&e have hope) for" for man ears.
5n (iological analsis these )as" a variet of organic )es are (eing use)" an) as each
ear passes" these )es are re-uire) to (ecome more fle0i(le. ,here is onl one thing that is
currentl ta&ing place that can ta&e place of these organic )es: -uantum )ots. One maEor
a)vantage of using the -uantum )ots in this is that the are more receptive to light an) are also
more sta(le" especiall compare) to the stan)ar) organic )e. ,he are currentl ta&ing place of
these stan)ar) )es" (ut more research is ta&ing place in consi)eration to organic )es an)
Solar po*er *as thought to (e a ingenuous i)ea" an) then scientist trie) it. 8hen a
photon from the sun hits a solar cell 28eiss #$$%3" theoreticall" one photon *as suppose) to hit
atom an) cause several e0citonic reactions to occur" *hich in turn *as suppose) to ma&e man
e0citon *ells until enough energ *as pro)uce). 2?earsall #$$$3 ' maEor snag *as that one
photon onl cause) one e0citon an) the electron lost usuall heat another atom an) (ecame heat.
But no* -uantum )ots have the potential to unleash multiple e0citons opening another )oor for
Quantum Dots >
more solar po*er research. 28eiss #$$%3 ,his has to potential to a)vance solar technolog" an)
ma&e it more relia(le than it is to)a.
5n the future science ma (e a)vance) enough that it *ill (e possi(le to have a car that
respon)s to optical signals. 8hen this happens" the ans*er fuel an) gas for cars ma (ecome
-uantum )ots. Quantum )ots ma emit enough light to po*er an optical po*ere) car an) if the
that coul) change the entire fuel an) certainl (ring gas prices (ac& )o*n (elo* t*o )ollars.
Quantum )ots are currentl (eing researche) ( engineers an) scientists ever*here.
6an applications alrea) e0ist using these" (ut there is al*as hope for more applications to
appear an) e0ist in ears to come. ,here is al*as great nee) for an Bartificial atomC an) *ith
their small size an) efficienc7 -uantum )ots have a (right future ahea).
5n conclusion" -uantum )ots are a ver important part aspect of the future of technolog
as *e &no* it. ,hough research is still (eing con)ucte) on other metho)s of fa(rication" an)
other applications of QDs" the features alrea) intro)uce) *ill help improve the technologies
that *e have in place to)a.
Quantum Dots 4
Evi)ent ,echnologies" 2#$$!3. Quantum )ots e0plaine). Fetrieve) Jul. 11" #$$%" from Evi)ent
,echnologies 8e( site: http:GG***.evi)enttech.comG-)ot.)efinitionG-uantum.)ot.a(out.php.
6olecular (eam epita0. 2#$$!3. Fetrieve) Jul. 11" #$$%" from 8i&ipe)ia: the /ree
Encclope)ia 8e( site: http:GGen.*i&ipe)ia.orgG*i&iG6olecularH(eamHepita0.
Electron (eam lithograph. 2#$$!3. Fetrieve) Jul. 1#" #$$%" from 8i&ipe)ia: the /ree
Encclope)ia 8e( site: http:GGen.*i&ipe)ia.orgG*i&iGElectronH(eamHlithograph.
8i&ipe)ia" 2#$$93. Quantum )ot. Fetrieve) Jul. 11" #$$%" from 8i&ipe)ia . the free
encclope)ia 8e( site: http:GGen.*i&ipe)ia.orgG*i&iGQuantumH)ot.
8eiss" ?. 2#$$%" June %3. Quantum Dot <eap: ,apping tin crstals+ ine0plica(le light harvesting
talent. Science News. @ol. 1%=" Ao. ##.
?etroff" ?.6." <or&e" '." 5mamoglu" '. ?hsics ,o)a.
:.S. Department of Energ. 2#$$1" 6arch 1!3. Fetrieve) Jul 11" #$$%" from I

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