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1. (A) Cooking dinner right away
(B) Not having dinner at all
(C) Going out to eat
(D) Shopping for grocerie
!. (A) on a plane
(B) on a "u
(C) on a train
(D) in a car
#. (A) She hardly worked on the paper
(B) $t wa not poi"le to write the paper
(C) $t i hard for her to "e pleaed
(D) She %ade a trong effort
&. (A) Anwer have already "een %ailed
(B) 'e ha (ut reponded to the wo%an)
(C) 'e will end repone to%orrow %orning
(D) +any of the letter till re*uire repone
,. (A) -he tadiu% wa never "uilt
(B) -he chool really need a new tadiu%
(C) 'e really like the new tadiu%
(D) 'e agree with the wo%an
.. (A) 'e i on hi way to take the tet
(B) 'e) dipleaed a"out the grade on the e/a%
(C) 'e) happy the core i o good
(D) 'e ha not yet received hi core
0. (A) Buying a folder now
(B) 1riting the report now
(C) 'eading to the "iology la"
(D) Studying together for "iology
2. (A) A writer
(B) a inger
(C) an actor
(D) a %uician
3. (A) 'e pray often
(B) 'e i dipleaed with their work
(C) 'e aid their work wa good
(D) 'e ha diplayed their work
14. (A) She)ll fi/ it after dinner
(B) Dinner will "e ready in a few %inute
(C) Dinner wa prepared *uickly
(D) She got dreed for dinner
11. (A) She would like %ore infor%ation a"out the
(B) She did not en(oy the lecture
(C) She agree with the %an a"out the lecture
(D) She would like to attend the lecture
1!. (A) -he roo% wa not dark
(B) 'e did not notice the light
(C) 'e thought the roo% wa too light
(D) -he light were off
1#. (A)-urning the heat on
(B) Adding another layer of clothing
(C) 1orking up a weat
(D) 5utting the weater away
1&. (A) on a hip
(B) on a plane
(C) on a train
(D) on a "u
1,. (A) 'e) waiting patiently to go
(B) 'e) eager to go
(C) 'e doen)t want to go
(D) 'e can)t attend the concert
1.. (A) Not %uch %ail arrived today
(B) nu%erou piece of %ail were delivered earlier
(C) -he letter carrier ha not yet delivered the %ail
(D) 'e already took the %ail to the pot office
10. (A) 'e find the eat rather co%forta"le
(B) 'e really agree with the wo%an
(C) 'e think there are not enough eat in the
(D) 'e would like her to repeat what he aid
12. (A) -he %ath "uilding i too hot
(B) -he %ath pro"le% are too difficult
(C) 'e wa una"le to find the %ath "uilding
(D) -he %ath "uilding i cold
13. (A) Going away now
(B) Continuing the earch
(C) 6ooking at the car
(D) 7eeping the key
!4. (A) At an airport
(B) At a train tation
(C) $n a %arket
(D) $n a hotel
1. 888888 i fa%ou a the ho%e of the 9.S. Naval
A) Annapoli
B) Becaue of Annapoli
C) 1hy Annapoli
D) Becaue Annapoli
!. So%e cientit think 888888 "e a planet "ut a
%oon of Neptune.
A) that 5luto doe not ee%
B) not 5luto
C) 5luto that %ight not
D) that 5luto %ight not
#. 1ith 88888 of ophiticated oil la%p: ela"orate
tool were %ade to cut the wick.
A) appeared
B) the appearance
C) the appearance wa
D) $t appeared
&. ;ort 9nion wa the ite of what 8888 principal fur<
trading pot on the upper +iouri =iver.
A) the
B) "eing the
C) wa the
D) it wa the
,. Since 8888 co%%ercial rik: it ha to appeal to a
large audience to (utify it cot.
A) the face of the %ovie
B) %oving face
C) a %ovie face
D) to face a %ovie
.. A current of water known a the Gulf Strea% co%e
up fro% the Gulf of +e/ico: and then 88888 the
North Atlantic toward >urope.
A) it croe
B) croing
C) with it croe
D) croe it
0. Syte% 8888 the two y%"ol 4 and 1 are called
"inary nu%"er yte%.
A) ue
B) they ue
C) ue
D) uing
2. Gene: 88888 the "lueprint for cell contruction:
e/it in tightly organi?ed package called
A) are
B) they are
C) which
D) which are
3. -he >arth@ at%ophere conit of gae 88888 in
place around the >arth "y the gravitational pull of the
A) held
B) hold
C) it hold
D) the hold
14. Acar 'a%%ertein $$ colla"orated with a nu%"er of
co%poer including Bero%e 7ern: who% 88888 in
writing the %uical Show Boat.
A) (oined
B) wa (oined
C) he (oined
D) (oining

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