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By Alan Rogers

2009 BetterLife Solutions

20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1. Talking to Family, Friends and
2. Party Presentations
3. CD Presentations
4. Talks to rou!s and "rganisations
#. Press $eleases
%. &et'orking ()ents
*. Flyers
+. ,ocal Ads
-. "!!ortunity Cards on .indscreens
1/. ,ocal and $egional &e's!a!er Ads
11. &ational &e's!a!ers and 0aga1ines
12. Classi2ied Ads
13. Direct 0ailing
14. 3tart a 4log
1#. Article .riting
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1%. 3ocial &et'orking 3ites
1*. Forums and Discussion rou!s
1+. 5ideo 0arketing
1-. ( 6 0ail 0arketing
2/. Paid "nline Ad)ertising

A!!endi7 6 (7tra $esources and ,inks
20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
A8out T9is $e!ort
It is my sincere hope and intention you will receive one of the
following benefits from this report;
i! It may give you new ideas or inspiration for strategies you have tried
before and you can now revisit them" 2res9 and rec9arged
ii! It could introduce you to some com!letely ne' ideas about how you
can attract customers and prospects to your business
iii! It should identify some new business building activities which
struggling members of your downline will be much more comfortable to
wor# with and therefore increase t9eir c9ance o2 success
iv! It may $ust generally re)italise and re:energise you into believing
how great an opportunity our business genuinely is for so many people" in
these fast moving economic times.
Some chapters have %links& to e'ternal resources within them
mainly to provide e'amples of the strategies I am e'plaining.
I have also included a section with all these lin#s P,;3 many e7tra
resources in an A!!endi7 at the end ( allowing you to find out
more information about business building methods" which may be
of interest.

)lthough the lin#s and e'amples are mainly *+ based ( the
strategies themselves are still relevant all around the world.
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
If you have <ust started" or are thin#ing of starting your own ,ome -ased
-usiness" within the .etwor# Mar#eting Industry I a!!laud you.
It is very rare for someone $ust starting in our business" to be dynamic
enough to be loo#ing for ways to build their business ( outside of those
methods taught by their sponsor and up(line.
/ou undoubtedly can see the incredible potential of this booming business
model" and are probably loo#ing for ways you can ma#e the opportunity
wor# best for you.
If on the other hand" you have been
with your .etwor# Mar#eting company
for a while" have not seen any real
success yet" but are still determined to
ma#e it wor#
I a!!laud you e)en more.
Statistics show the vast ma$ority of
networ# mar#eters will give up or 0uit" within $ust % mont9s of starting
their business. 1hat really is a tragedy" because there are now so many
ways of achieving success in our industry that almost any8ody can find a
way in which they can be con2ident and com2orta8le enough to
)ll the trends and latest indications are suggesting that our business could
be about to e'perience e7!onential gro't9. .ot $ust for now" but for
the foreseeable future.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
2conomically the world is changing the days of a =<o8 2or li2e> and the
=security> from wor#ing for a large corporation which was once ta#en for
granted" is disappearing fast.
)s a society our values are changing we aspire to spend less time
commuting and at wor#" and more time with our family and friends.
Most people would lo)e the opportunity to wor# from home and %earn an
income& for themselves ( rather than have %$ob& and wor# for someone
If we accept this is the case for many people" what are the options3
4ell" establishing and ma#ing a success of your own traditional" small
business is not that easy and can be ris#y ( with as many as +/? 2ailing
within the first 5 years.
Starting your own franchise business does offer greater support and a
much higher possibility of success. -ut with minimum start up fees around
the 670# mar# and the average probably around 620#8 ( this option is
beyond reach for most people.
)s you are already aware" a .etwor# Mar#eting business can really be
considered as a =,o' Cost Franc9ise 8usiness>. /ou have very similar
levels of brand awareness" product development and training and support
( but with a minimal entry fee.
So why do so many .etwor# Mar#eters not go on to ma#e a success of
their business3
4ell" one reason could be 8ecause it is so ine'pensive to get involved.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
Probably in the past" most people did not appreciate that it 'as a proper
business they were getting involved with" or did not treat it seriously
enough if they did. )lso in the past" our industry may have not had the
level of credibility it is now developing.
In recent years" many influential
businessmen and entrepreneurs
have spo#en out about how
=genuine and )ia8le> the
.etwor# Mar#eting business model
is today.
Some" such as 4arren -uffett"
9onald 1rump and :ichard -ranson
have gone much further than that
and invested in t9eir o'n .etwor# Mar#eting companies.
;or these" and many other reasons" it loo#s li#ely that the .etwor#
Mar#eting Industry is on the brin# of a massi)e 8oom all around the
-ut hey" you probably already #now this don@t youA
/ou have already done your due diligence and understand this business
presents an incredible opportunity but you want to #now how you are
going to be able to grow and succeed in your business.
1he fantastic news is that there are now so many 'ays many more
than the 20 that I tal# about here that anyone should be able find at
least one they are confident to wor# with" and build their business.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
It wasn&t intentional when I set out" but I found that these <2/ Pro)en
3trategiesB> can roughly be split into three groups.
1he first si' are all methods to build your business locally and mainly at
no" or very low cost. 1hey are not necessarily all about finding prospects
from people you already #now" but mostly do involve face to face contact
with people.
1he ne't seven strategies are more <remote= methods of prospecting" in
that you are attracting %pre(0ualified& people to you" through both local
and even national advertising.
1here are some costs involved in all of these methods" but for most they
shouldn&t be too e'pensive or beyond reach.
1he final seven strategies are all free" bar one" and centre on one of my
favourite mediums for attracting prospects and customers to your
.etwor# Mar#eting business the .orld .ide .eb.
In many ways" prospecting on the internet is still in its infancy" but it
means that it is now <ust as possible to sponsor someone into your
business from America or Australia" as it is from Alders9otC
Isn&t that $ust so e'citing3
4hat&s more if you do it right" you have the opportunity to build e)en
stronger business relationships online than you can o22line. 1his is
because you will attract people that are more similar to you ( in their
goals" mindset" values and aspirations.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
4hichever of these proven strategies you use to attract customers and
prospects to your .etwor# Mar#eting business" you should already #now
that you are in the num8ers 8usiness.
It is not your $ob to sell" persuade or convince. but simply to P$(3(&T
your opportunity.
>nce you truly understand this and have con2idence in this wonderful
opportunity that you have to offer people you will then start to rela' and
have fun with it.
Isn&t that really what life should be about3
Dno'ledge, Con2idence and Ins!iration : to start li)ing
t9e li2e you .A&T to li)e
20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1. Talking to Friends, Family and Acquaintances
1his is almost certainly where your sponsor and up(line will encourage you
to begin" when you start prospecting for your new business.
=.rite your list>B.. <4ho do
you want to $oin you in your
new business3=.. =3elect your
8oard o2 directors>..
1hey will be able to help by
wor#ing through your contact list
with you and suggesting the best
ways to approach people.
1he ma$ority of leaders will ta#e part in 3 .ay Calls and do most of the
presentation for you when you are first getting started. /our only $ob is to

Many people will be very confident using this approach straight off. 1hey
will follow their upline&s directions to the letter" and probably get off to a
fantastic start.
-ut e0ually as many people will not feel confident in tal#ing to their
friends and family so early in the development of their new business or
they genuinely may not have many close people they can tal# to.
In another e(boo# that I have written" <Fo' to 0ake It 4I in &et'ork
0arketing .it9out ,osing Gour Friends= which you can grab from
the lin# ( I tal# about this whole topic in much more detail.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
4hether you do or you don&t approach your warm mar#et as your very
first prospects" there are a few points you must follow.
1H /ou must ta#e the time to sit down and <write your list= of everyone
that you can thin# of that you #now or have e)er met. 2ven if you don&t
plan to contact anyone on it straightaway" or are ??@ sure that they
would never be interested put (5($G4"DG down on that list. +eep it
somewhere safe and #eep adding to it as you thin# of someone new.
>ften when you do this e'ercise a person may $ust leap out at you as
someone that you thin# may well be interested. If you want help with
preparing your list" Click Fere 2or my 0emory Iogger
2H 4henever you meet people" be prepared for what you are going to say
when they are as#" =And '9at you are u! to t9ese daysA> /ou need to
come across as confident and enthusiastic" but not to see it as an
invitation to perform a fully blown presentation there and then.
)s# other people in your organisation for what they use as their <elevator
speech= and find something that you are comfortable with. It&s not always
what you say" but the confident and assured way in which you deliver it.
3H .ever beg or plead with people to come and hear about your
opportunity. 9on&t say <Please= or <Can you 9a)e a look at it, <ust 2or
me=. /ou do not want to come across as %needy&.
)t the same time" you do not want to come across as arrogant either
but it is you that could be doing t9em a favour" not the other way
around. If you can maintain this belief at all times" people will pic# up on
it wherever you go.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
A! 1here will be many times" particularly in your early days" when you
#now that you have not done the best possible $ob of presenting your
opportunity to people. If you don&t you&re not tal#ing to enough peopleB
1here is no reason why you cannot go bac# to them again" at a later
stage" when you feel much more confident and competent about what you
have to offer.
1his can be particularly true after an early" clumsy approach to a friend.
/ou have a responsibility to your friends and family to show them your
opportunity. /ou need to give them the chance to say Eyes@ or Eno@ and
preferably sooner rather than later.
If in two years time" a long term
friend" told you he was now earning
J1/k a mont9 from his fantastic
home based business wouldn&t you
feel more than a little upset if he
hadn&t even told you about it3
4hen you present your opportunity to a friend or family member" you will
want to give them the 8est possible chance to ma#e an in2ormed
4hy not as# the most successful leader that you have contact with" to do
the three way call or presentation for you. 1hey should be happy to do it.
1his way" you #now that your friend will get the best possible presentation
of the business A&D they will believe that you already have high up
connections within your organisation. It&s a double whammyB
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
;inally" if you are still worried about approaching your warm mar#et" thin#
of it this way.
If you as# a friend to have a loo# at your opportunity and they say that
it&s not for them" how long is it realistically li#ely to be on their mind3
) day" a wee# or until they ne't meet you and you don&t mention it
then it will be gone.
-ut" if you introduce your opportunity to a friend and they do get involved
and are very successful" how long is it going to be on their mind then3
()ery time they see you e)ery 'eek e)ery day
e)ery time they wa#e up in their detached 5 bedroom house
e)ery time get in their lu'ury sports car
e)ery time they drop their child off at the private school
e)ery time they fly first class to their 5 star holiday
e)ery time they are playing golf or riding their horse" whilst
everyone else is sat in a traffic $am on the motorwayBBBB..
9on&t leave it too long.

2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
2. Party Presentations
4hen people thin# of =Party Presentations> it is either )nn Summers
or" if you&re old enough" the original 1upperware parties ( that will
probably be the first to spring to mind.
2ven if it doesn&t apply to your opportunity" there are doCens of
companies that do promote their E!roduct@ in this way.
Dosmetics" Dlothing" Eewellery" Doo#ware" Dleaning Products" Dandles"
Fift Items and a wide range of ,ealth and 4ellness products" can all be
promoted through Party Presentations. ;or many this is their main
method of distribution.
-ut can it be a good way to attract !ros!ects as well as customers3
4ell many companies have shown that it is ( by combining a 8usiness
!resentation within their !roduct !resentation.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
If you have a satisfied customer who kno's, likes and trusts you" it is
li#ely that they 'ill have a serious loo# at your business ( if they are
interested in ways to earn an e'tra income.
If it is a recognised form of prospecting within your company" they will
have training and tools for your presentation. If it isn&t" there is no reason
why you can&t devise your own ( if this is a business building strategy you
want to pursue.
Ma#e it interesting and educational. 2mphasise the benefits rather than
the features. 1ell stories and include testimonials. Present your product
and your opportunity don&t sell it. *se a 9G9 if your company has one
and let them see" touch and even try the product.
+eep it simple and straight forward you want it to be a presentation
your guests kno' they can duplicateB
If you do it right" you will see them thin#ing =.9o do I kno' t9at
mig9t 8e interested in t9isA>
>ffering to hold a Party Presentation for a potential prospect" can be a
great way to get them in your organisation. 1hey may be very interested
in the business" but are not confident enough to present it themselves" or
they $ust want to see how their friends respond.
1hey are loo#ing to =test t9e 'ater> and for reassurance this could be a
good =2it> for them.
>f course this is a situation from which you cannot lose. 1hey do all the
inviting; your audience should feel rela'ed and unthreatened; you could
sell some product and hopefully recruit this person into your business.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
2ven if t9ey decide not to get involved at this time" you will have met A"
5 or H other people you can follow up with.
If you are still new to the business" you will get your upline to do the
presentation for you.
If you are comfortable with this strategy of business building" it can be a
)ery fast way of growing your organisation especially in the early days.
.etwor# mar#eting is all about 'orking with people to help them to be
success2ul. 1his is a great way to demonstrate true teamwor# and
=Anyt9ing> is !ossi8le 6 i2 you 'ant it 8ad enoug9
20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
3. CD Presentations
*sing D9%s to promote your opportunity" offers a system the ma$ority of
people will be comfortable to wor# with.
1his is because it provides a very efficient" professional" ris# free and
easily du!lica8le method to build a business.
,ow many people could not say
=I 'ant to s9o' you somet9ing.
It@ll take a8out 2/ minutes. Gou
may or may not 8e interested>
)lmost every opportunity will have a D9 you can use to prospect people to
your organisation. /ou might thin# =.ell 'e also 9a)e D5D@s and links
to 'e8sites> so why is the D9 still so favoured by many top .etwor#
It&s because it is so con)enient.
People have to ma#e time to sit down and watch a 9G9 or to log on and
tour a website. -ut with a D9 they can play it in the car" or listen to it
whilst they are coo#ing dinner or doing the family ironing etc.
Many people have built the foundations of 9uge businesses using this
single strategy here are $ust a few of the reasons why.
7! It ta#es G"; out of the e0uation and gives your prospect the best
possible e'planation of the business.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
/ou will not come away with the feeling ="9 no, '9y did I say t9at> or
=I 2orgot to say t9at> =I@m sure t9at t9ey 'ould 9a)e 8een
interested i2 I 9ad !resented it 8etter> 4e have A,, done it.
2! It answers the two main 0uestions your prospect will have in their mind
=.9at do I doA .9ere do I 8eginA> It presents them with a simple
system to follow that is easily duplicable.

I! It is ris# free. 1here is no fear of re$ection or need to handle ob$ections.
1here will also be fewer 0uestions because most of them will have been
anticipated and already answered.
A! It ma#es it easier to build your organisation in de!t9" because it
empowers ine'perienced people to do the business. 1he message is
consistent and doesn&t get changed. It levels the playing field.
5! It is a great le)erage of your time" as it can get the message out to
many people within $ust a few days. It also means that people you bring
on board can get a fast start in their business too. )nd so on down the
H! It ta#es distance out of the e0uation. If you can&t meet someone face
to face" you can call them and let them #now that you would li#e to send
them something in the post that they $ust have to listen to.
J! ;inally" it gives the message to a new prospect" =I can do t9is, it@s
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
4hen you use this method of business building" it is still important that
you come across as confident and e'cited when you give them the D9. It
is also very important to give them a short time frame to listen to it
otherwise they may $ust leave it on a shelf and never get around to it.
)s# if they will have time to listen to it tonight or tomorrow ( as you have
someone else that you have to pass it on to.
1his will create a sense o2 urgency and it also means that you can get
your D9 bac# and hand it on to someone else.
Click 9ere to learn 9o' to 8uild a F;( organisation using t9is
sim!le system
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
4. Talks to rou!s and "rganisations
>+" you do have to be a little bit outgoing and comfortable meeting
people you don&t #now KyetH but this is an e'cellent way to get your
message across to a large amount of people all in one go.
Eust a 0uic# glance through your local newspaper will highlight the
activities of do1ens" if not hundreds" of local community groups and
societies that e'ist in your area.
More often than not" they will mention their <guest spea#er= and than#
them for their contribution.
1his wee#" at the time writing this report" my
local 4omen&s Institute" than#ed their
spea#er for her =talk on Cartimandua 6
Lueen o2 4rigantes>AA
B.. &o me neit9erCC
-ut the point is that these groups are $ust
crying out for guest spea#ers and if you can
devise an informational and educational presentation about your business"
they will probably be more than happy to have you.
1he vast ma$ority of these groups are small and very %niche& and it would
not be a worthwhile use of your time. -ut a handful of them may be.
9espite my comment about the 4I" they are often a good group to tal# to
because they are often well attended and have a wider age range these
days" than the traditional image portrays.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1here are also a wide variety of groups and organisations which will not
usually appear in these reports. 1he ones you decide to target will depend
on your opportunity and whether you aim to lead with the product or the
If you are promoting a Fealt9 and .ellness product" there are a lot of
%self(help& organisations that open up to you. 1here are groups for almost
every ailment and human condition you can thin# of; Ast9ma, Art9ritis,
Dia8etes, 3kin Conditions, 0( in fact any condition that your product
has shown to be of help with.
Eust remember not to ma#e any outrageous or medical claims this
would be catastrophic for your business. ) strong" direct pitch should also
be avoided on the day. >verall this strategy is probably more li#ely to
attract customers rather than business builders" but it does depend on the
1he main prospecting issue with these presentations is that people may
thin# the only way to build a business is by doing these tal#s. Most will
not want to do this and to them it will not seem duplicable.
) way to get around this would be" to $ust touch on the opportunity side
and invite them to see an upcoming business briefing at a different time.
1he best thing about this approach is that you will develop con2idence in
spea#ing to people and a much great depth of #nowledge about the
benefits of your product.
)t the same time" you will definitely sell some product and you may $ust
pic# up a nugget of a distributor along the way.

20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
#H Press $eleases
,aving an article about you in any
publication can add tremendous
credibility to your business.
It ma#es you stand out and maybe
even appear more serious than other
distributors in your area.
It ma#es you the =go to> person" or the =e7!ert>" for your product or
2ven when the initial interest from the article has died down" it is
something that you can continue to refer to in your future mar#eting.
1he best thing is however" an article or editorial is muc9 more powerful
and more li#ely to be read" than an advert and it&s F$((CC
Dontrary to what you might thin#" it isn&t that hard to get a free feature in
your local newspaper. Eust li#e the Froups and >rganisations in Dhapter
A" reporters are often crying out for material to fill this wee#&s column.
In my local newspaper where my business was featured" the $ournalist
writes four to five columns a wee# so she obviously needs a continuous
supply of ideas and threads on which to draw.
*nderstanding this can greatly increase your chances of getting published.
1hey are usually very busy people" constantly on a deadline ( so the
easier you can ma#e it for them ( the better. 1he more <ready to use=
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
information that you provide and the less they have to <wor#= on e'tra
bac#ground research" the greater your li#elihood of publication will be.
I ne)er e)en met the $ournalist who wrote my feature article.
I sent her the Press :elease by e(mail and followed it up with a phone call
a few days later to ma#e sure she had received it. She said that she
planned to use the story" in her column" in a couple of wee#&s time and we
had one more brief conversation before she wrote the piece.
She was able to write the article 'it9out lea)ing 9er deskC
4;T, $ust because you have something that you are really e'cited to tell
the world about" it doesn&t mean the $ournalist will see it in the same way.
1he first thing you have to do" is to consider what angle it is you want to
lead with3 4hat ma#es your story rele)ant to other people3 4hat ma#es
it ne's'ort9yA
1hese are $ust some of many possible angles that you could consider as
you start to thin# about how you are going to approach your Press
9o you want to lead with the product or the business solution3
,ave you got a brand new product that is $ust being launched3
,as your productKbusiness received any national attention recently3
,ow has your productKbusiness helped anyone in a particular way3
Dan you associate your productKbusiness to anything that is a topical
news story in the general media at the moment3
4hat can your productKservice offer to local people3
,ave you overcome any personal adversity to get where you are in
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
If you Foogle <Press $eleases= or <Press $elease Tem!lates= you will
find many good sites where you can get help on composing your story.
,owever" the main 0uestions that you need to answer for the reporter are
: '9o, '9at, '9en, '9ere and '9y.
4hilst you are thin#ing about your Press :elease" read through the local
newspapers and decide which $ournalist or column will be most suited for
what you have to say.
It is best to directly approach the reporter for whom you thin# your story
is the best <fit=. If you send your Press :elease to the <;eatures 2ditor= or
<)ssistant .ews 2ditor=" it is less li#ely that your story will get through.
4hether you send your Press :elease by e(mail or post" you should
always follow it up with a phone call" to ma#e sure they have received it.
If it is not right for them right now" as# them if it is something they may
be interested in at a later date.
>r" as# them what it is they might be interested in Lyou could do this
even before you even start your story in the first place!. It may be that
you could restructure your Press :elease to suit a different angle have a
couple of possibilities in mind when you tal# to them.
I have tal#ed here only about Press :eleases in local newspapers" because
this is a lot more realistic for most people. /ou can approach regional or
national publications" but your angle will have to be something really
special or particularly topical" to attract their attention.

To see a co!y o2 t9e Press $elease I sent out to ,ocal &e's!a!ers
6 Click Fere
To see a co!y o2 t9e resulting article 6 Click Fere
20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
%. &et'orking ()ents
.etwor#ing events are one of the mar#eting activities that stri#e the fear
of dread into many people.
/et we all %networ#&" all of the time.
.it9 our friends in the pubIn the
staff restaurant during lunch brea#
In the playground collecting our
children from school"n the touchline
of the football pitch on a freeCing cold
Sunday morningIn the local shopsAt a family gathering or dinner
party ()en online with people that we have never met face to face.
.etwor#ing is $ust interacting and tal#ing to other people and building a
rapport or relationship with them. 4e build both social and business
networ#s ( and sometimes they become entwined.
LSee Dhapter 7" Talking to Friends, Family and Acquaintances" for
the best way to approach this!
;or several months when I first started my networ# mar#eting business" I
was reluctant to attend local networ#ing events. -ut when I finally did" I
had to wonder why it was I had waited so longB

>rganised business networ#ing events are the )ery 8est 'ay to start to
tal# to people about your business ( because e)eryone is there for
e7actly the same reason. 1o tal# about their own small businessB
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
It is the best way to develop and practice how to present your business (
in $ust a minute or a couple of sentences. 1his is because you can listen to
how lots of other people present t9eir businesses.
It is al'ays the eti0uette to spend more time listening than tal#ing" but
this is even more important if you have $ust started your business and are
attending your first few networ#ing events.
Eust go along" get a feel for things and start spea#ing to people about
what it is they do.
1a#e a #een and genuine interest in their business and" if you get to
kno', like and trust them" start to thin# how you may be able to help
It may be that you" or people you #now" will have need of their product or
service in the future.
It is here that you can start to nurture relations9i!s with people that
may want to do the same for you.
1here will be many business networ#ing events ta#ing place in your area
every month" but you want to find the ones that are aimed at small" sole
trader businesses li#e yourself.
Dhambers of Dommerce" -usiness Min# and internet search engines can
identify them for you. Some will be free" whilst others will charge you to
become a <member=.
4&I is one of the most well #nown independent networ#ing organisations
and has over HA0 <chapters= in the *+ ( each having up to a ma'imum of
A0 members.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1hey do charge an annual fee and are strict on regular attendance" but it
is possible to attend one or two meetings before deciding if it is right for
you and to promote your business.
1he main purpose of business networ#ing is to practice and hone your
mini(presentation s#ills" on people that are o!en and rece!ti)e to what
you have to say.
)lso they may #now people that are interested in the products or
opportunity that you are promoting" "$ be interested in an additional
income stream to run along side their own business.
I view networ#ing" or talking to people" as the process of planting many
seeds. /ou never #now which ones will find fertile ground" sprout roots"
grow and blossom but if you plant enough some will.
Someone you meet and tal# to today" could in 7 month" H months or 7
year" turn out to be a huge part of your future success personally or
through someone they #now.
I al'ays believe that.

0ak ing a li)ing, ,i)ing your li2e 6 doing '9at you lo)e
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
*H Flyers
.ow we move on to some more <local= prospecting strategies but in all
of these methods" a level of e'pense is involved. 1his e'pense can be
<minimised= if you wor# with other members of your team and =co6o!>
together" to share the costs and e0ually divide any leads.
/ou will have no doubt heard the phrase <It@s a num8ers game=. 4ell"
that is true for any method of mar#eting Land not $ust in our business!
but here on in" is where it really rings true.

Many companies will have proven and pre(
approved flyers you can purchase to promote
your own business.
/ou will be able to personalise them with your
own contact details" but everything else will
stay the same for everyone in your
1his usually means that they have negotiated incredible rates that are at a
much lower cost than you could get from your local printer. If not" there
should be nothing to stop you from getting them printed yourself.
,owever if you are designing your own flyers" most companies will want
you to get their approval before being printed ( to ma#e sure they are
compliant and that you are not ma#ing any false claims or promises.
If you are designing your own flyer" you need to test it Land spell chec#
itB! before you print off too many copies. /ou don&t want to pay for 70"000
flyers" only to find that they don&t wor# because of a few basic mar#eting
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1he most important purpose of a flyer is to get people to contact you for
more information. >ne of the most effective ways to achieve this is to
provide a 2A hour a day $ecorded 0essage service.
1his is a!!ealing to your !ros!ect" because they #now they are not
going to have to spea# to you in person ( someone who may try and
convince them and give them the =real 9ard sell>.
It should be a!!ealing to you, because it means that no(one is going to
roll home drun# from the pub at 7am ( and call you $ust for a laug9C
1here are a number of 0uality services available that allow your prospect
to call a local rate number and listen to a 2 (I minute recorded message.
If they want to #now more" they can leave their contact details for you to
call them bac#.
1he average cost will be around 675 per month in the *+ "$ you can find
out how to get a Free $ecorded 0essage 3er)ice that you can use in
the *+" by Clicking Fere
4hen you have your flyers" you need to decide where and how you are
going to distribute them. 1his will depend on whether you are leading with
promoting your product or your opportunity. /ou may want to try and
<target= your distribution somewhat" but don&t forget that it can be
dangerous to try and pre($udge who may or may not be interested.
)lso remember that people very rarely =8uy> at the first approach.
:esearch shows that most will need to be made aware of your =o22er> at
least J or N times before considering a =!urc9ase>.
4ith any type of mar#eting" #eep in mind that consistency and
re!etition are #ey.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
4ith a flyer" people may respond when they have seen it a number of
times in various locations. If you are doing mail drops" you may have to
do it every H N wee#s for H months before you start to see a response.
,ere are $ust some ways in which you can use flyers to promote your
9o your own door to door mail drops or !ay your teenagerC
( )s# your newsagent if you can put them in all the wee#end newspapers
( Place it as an insert in a local advertising boo#let
( ,ave it delivered by :oyal Mail Lfeasible if wor#ing in a team co(op!
( 4ith permission" place them in locations where people <wait= or where
you have their undivided attention" eg. doctors and dentists waiting
rooms" bus and train stations" ta'i waiting rooms" hairdressers and
barbers" sports clubs and gyms" petrol station counters as people wait for
their card to be processed" local shops" etc" etc
MMM$(AT TIPMMMet Gour Flyers For FreeMMM
If one of your mar#eting strategies is to do regular door to door mail
drops" why not approach other local <unrelated= businesses to see if they
want any flyers handed out at the same time.
Fuarantee that you will only deal with one o2 eac9 8usiness ty!e each
drop ie" 7 restaurant" 7 hairdresser" 7 beauty therapist up to probably 5
or H businesses in total.
)gree to deliver 500 flyers Lwhich they provide! at the same time as you
are distributing yours. If you charge 670 ( 675 per business" you will have
between 650 and 6?0 which will easily pay for your flyers. )nd a bit
more on top 2or a <o8 t9at you 'ere going to do any'ayCC
20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
+H ,ocal Ads
/ou may thin# there is a close lin# between ;lyers and Mocal )ds because
you could easily post a flyer in a shop window or on a notice board. -ut
for the purposes of this report" I want to separate the two by defining a
<Mocal )d= as being a <2i7ed= mar#eting tool and a <;lyer= as something
that can be <pic#ed up and moved around=.
Mocal ads will typically be the posters or postcards that you see displayed
in local shop windows" or inside supermar#ets and convenience stores on
their %)ds& boards. 1he ma$ority will be promoting the opportunity that is
available" rather than the product or service a company offer.
I&m sure you will have seen them before" but when you see them from
now on" have a much closer loo# to see what you thin# is good about the
ad and '9at isn@tC Fet ideas for your ads by loo#ing at others.
Most companies or leaders will be able to provide you with tried and
tested <templates=" from which to create your own ads.
1hese will usually have more of a personal" =small 8usiness> slant to
them and are often specifically tailored. ;or e'ample" you will sometimes
see Mocal )ds targeting <0ums at Fome= or <$ecently $etiredA=
It has been shown that people are more li#ely to respond to a personal"
home produced Mocal )d than they are to a %glossier& more professional
loo#ing poster. 1his could be because they feel more comfortable wor#ing
with someone local" who they will be able to personally connect with
rather than a large" <faceless= organisation.
I #now someone who" a few years ago" had a great response from his
postcard ads. ,e used to get some ladies in a local retirement home to
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
write out his postcards" because they had such beautiful" stylish and
legible handwriting ( the li#e of which is rarely seen anymore.
)s with the flyers" it is still much better to include a contact number lin#ed
to a 2A hour :ecorded Message Service this will be a more comfortable
way for more people to call and find out more about your opportunity.
If you really want to show that you are a local business" and you are
happy to spea# to people directly with initial en0uiries include your
home number as well. Eust give your prospects the option.
Some shops may let you display your ads for free" but many will charge
between 50p and 67 a wee#. If your %advertising budget& is limited" you
will need to consider how you can use it most effectively.
If we agree that repetition and consistency are %key& to success in our
business" you would be far better off spending your money on ads in the
same 5 70 shops or advertising boards for three or four consecutive
months" rather than posting in 5 70 di22erent locations each month.
)nother strategy to consider isO(
9o I place my ads in 5 70 locations within a relatively <compact= area of
town" so that people see it wherever they go and it becomes %ingrained& in
their mind" "$
9o I place my ads all over the area around where I live one in each
%district& ( and e'pose my business to a far larger number of people3
;inally" when you place your ads" don&t pay for more than a month at any
one time. 1his allows you to %twea#& your postcard or poster if you need
to" as you continue through your planned campaign.

20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
-H "!!ortunity Cards on .indscreens
It may not be everyone&s idea of a %professional& mar#eting approach" but
it is a very ine'pensive way of promoting your business and it does
Imagine someone arriving bac# in the station car par# at J.I0pm on a
cold" damp winter&s evening. ,e&s had an awful day at wor# and it&s still
only 0ondayBB 9o you thin# that he may be tempted to find out about a
possible wor# from home opportunity3
>r" the mum arriving bac# at the shopping centre car par# She couldn&t
afford to buy everything she needed for her family today ( and it is still
another wee# until pay(day. 9o you thin# that s9e may be interested in
hearing about a useful second income opportunity3

)nd it is a great and very genuine opportunity that you are offering.
isn@t itA
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
/ou could use your flyers" but that can wor# out to be e'pensive. Most
people use special <%business card siCed=" -usiness >pportunity cards that
usually cost less t9an 1! eac9. /our only ob$ective is for them to call
your 2A hour message service or visit your website.
I wouldn&t thin# of putting a personal telephone number on these cards or
flyers because most car par#s will want to discourage you from putting
your ads on cars. 1he main reason being" they have to clear them up if
people discard them on the ground.
)s long as it is not prolific a problem in your area you probably wont
have any more come bac# than being told <it&s not allowed= and that&s if
you are spotted by someone who actually caresB
9edicated supermar#et car(par#s may be more of an issue" and may not
be worth the bother. 1here are probably enough council run car(par#s to
#eep you busy anyway.
If you are not $ust loo#ing to build your distributor base locally and you
definitely s9ould be loo#ing further a field why not visit out of town
shopping centres. )lso don&t forget temporary special event car(par#s
such as for festivals" carnivals and concerts etc.
;inally although I have called this chapter <"!!ortunity Cards on
.indscreens= it is actually much better to stic# them between the seal
and the glass of the driver&s window. 1hey will then see it as they get into
their car and not $ust as they have got comfortably seated and are
preparing to drive offBB
4e all #now how annoying that isB

20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1/. ,ocal and $egional &e's!a!er Ads
,ere again" we are tal#ing mainly about mar#eting your o!!ortunity,
rather than your product or service.
If you want to mar#et your !roduct in any
newspaper or magaCine" you would need to
place a well designed Land preferably
proven! ad in the main part of your local
;or a sustained campaign of at least N 70 appearances this would
probably run from many hundreds to over a thousand pounds.
4ith my previous business" I too# out a full 2 page <editorial type=
advertisement in my local o ,ocal magaCine.
1his is one of these monthly local advertising and features magaCines"
which are delivered free to every household within your neighbourhood.
1here are o)er #/// distributed in my area and they are generally well
received and used.
My double page spread in the middle of the magaCine loo#ed really good
Lwell I thought it did! and cost $ust under 6200. -ut I didn&t get a single
lead from the ad. 1his was 7N months ago" and before I understood the
importance of consistency and re!etition" over big and bold.
Maybe I should have followed it up with smaller and cheaper ads maybe
this wasn&t the right vehicle for advertising my product in the first place3
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1he truth is" I&ll never #now because I didn&t Etest@ it for long enough to
find out.
1hat is why" if wee# in" wee# out" you #eep seeing the same <.ork From
Fome= or <&eed A 3econd Income= ads in the bac# of your local
newspaper ( you kno' that they wor#.
1hat is really what we are tal#ing about in this section ( the Dlassified
<line ads= ( in the Eobs or Situations Gacant section.

4hen you loo# at people advertising any vacancy or opportunity in this
section" you will notice that there are two different types of ads ( 4o7 Ads
or ,ine Ads.
It will be no surprise to find out that -o' )ds are more e'pensive" but it
may be a surprise to hear that Mine )ds are almost always more e22ecti)e
for our type of opportunity. If you are interested in this type of
mar#eting" use line ads and be prepared to repeat them for N 70 wee#s.
Start monitoring other peoples ads and thin# about modelling your ad on
theirs. If there is a 2A hour recorded message service" give it a call. Gisit
any advertised website.
Dontact you local newspaper to en0uire about their advertising costs for a
I ( A line ad" but you should al'ays resist paying their first 0uoted <$ate
Card> fees. /ou will almost certainly be able to get a discount of between
I0 and 50@ ( for any number of reasons.
;or being a first time advertiser" boo#ing multiple wee#s at a time or $ust
by asking for their best possible rate.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
In many cases you will be able to get much better <value= by having your
ad published in their <sister= publications usually newspapers in nearby
local areas.
Dosts will vary on the siCe of the distribution and how #een they are to
attract advertising revenue but you should be able to negotiate a deal
that wor#s out to be under 670 per ad.
If your budget is tight" this is where you can start to form <co(ops= and
share the costs and leads" with team members or other distributors.

4e '9o you are 6 do '9at you lo)e
20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
11. &ational &e's!a!ers and 0aga1ines
/ou may thin# that the only difference between Mocal and &ational
Ad)ertising would be the price3 4ell in reality it is" but even that may
not be as great a difference as you might have thought.
;or the e'tra cost" you would be e'pecting to see an increase in the
quantity or the quality Lor both!" of the people that you are presenting
your opportunity to.
1he cheapest price should not necessarily be the deciding factor. It is
more important that you consider which publication is most li#ely to have
the readership that you are loo#ing to attract to your opportunity.
)part from this" your main consideration should be whether you have the
structure to effectively support and coach your business outside of your
local area. If you don&t have this" you will $ust be wasting your money.
)dvertising rates will vary and change" but I can give you an indication
from some en0uiries I made when writing this report" in Eanuary 2070.
T9e 3un newspaper advertises -usiness >pportunities in its Dlassified
Section and 0uoted me a :ate Dard Price of 6?N 8 Gat for 7 wee# of its
standard siCe %-o' )d&. 4hen I as#ed what discount they could give to run
the ad for H wee#s" the price came down to 6J5 8 G)1 per wee#.
)t the other end of the scale is T9e 3unday Times" who have a -usiness
to -usiness section within their -usiness Supplement. ;or a typical %Mine
)d& of $ust I lines I was 0uoted 65A 8 G)1 ( and 67N 8 G)1 per line for
any additional lines. 1his was much cheaper than I had anticipated.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1hey do not give any discount for multiple wee#s with Mine )ds" but they
would for a -o' )d.
>ne of our team had 0uite a large -o' )d in the Daily 0ail recently and
negotiated the initial 0uote of 6I00 down to 67N0. 1his was $ust a <one
off=" not a series of ads" and is an indication of the discounts that can be
obtained. 9on&t e)er pay the first price given without as#ing the 0uestion.
2ven if these prices don&t appear to be as prohibitive as you may first
have thought" most people will still benefit by forming %co(op&s& with other
team members" in order to be able to fund an effective campaign.
-y spreading the cost" you spread the <ris#= and can afford to run your ad
for H N consecutive wee#s and increase your chances of getting a
number of 0uality prospects. If you are disappointed with your response
after this time" you can revise your ad or withdraw it completely.
1his method of attracting prospects does wor# otherwise you wouldn&t
see the same companies advertising month after month. If you notice who
these companies are" learn from them and =mirror> their ads.
;inally" if you are the team leader organising the co(op" ma#e sure the
leads are shared out fairly. Fiving your team the best leads Lor even
%wor#ing them& for them! will encourage them greatly and bond them
closer to you.
)nd why wouldn&t you do this3

If they are in your downline" you will get paid from them any'ayC
20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
12. Classi2ied Ads
1he number of publications where you can place Classi2ied Ads offline is
drastically reducing" but is disproportionately increasing online.
Dlassified )ds are still flourishing in some
the newspapers and magaCines that we
have already tal#ed about" but the
dedicated Dlassifieds publication is now
far less common.

(7c9ange and 0art, Daltons .eekly, ,oot and Friday Ad are $ust
some e'amples of *+ )ds magaCines that used to have e'tensive
-usiness >pportunity listings. 1he latter three publications still do" albeit
on a much more limited scale.
>n top of this" there are %regional& wee#ly and monthly )d newspapers
that do the same thing.
1he main reason for the demise of these publications in promoting
-usiness >pportunities can only be put down to the increasing dominance
of the internet. .ot only can online advertising reach more people by
reaching out beyond one geographical area" it is usually completely F$((C
1here are literally hundreds of online ad sites" but in the *+ a few of the
most popular are " " " " and .
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1hey all allow you to post your advert for free ( although some will try to
<up(sell= you to paid Premium )ds.
Some will not allow you to post any .etwor# Mar#eting opportunities in
the Eob section" so you have to be creative in the way that you write your
)d" or stic# to the <Small -iC= or <-usiness >pportunity= categories.
It is far better to have them somewhere in the Eob section probably
under Sales" Mar#eting or Part 1ime if they will allow you to post it
I would say" read through their 1erms and Donditions and <#eep them in
mind=. /ou will find what they are saying and what they are allo'ing to
9a!!en, may be slightly different things.
1he best advice is to loo# through for other obvious MMM >pportunity )ds.
See where they are placed and how they are written and then follow a
similar style. I also always load up an image and sometimes a video. It
doesn&t have to be directly about your opportunity it can have an
=ins!irational= angle instead.
9epending on how many ads the site has posted each day" they can slip
off the front page and down the site 0uite 0uic#ly. :epost your ads
regularly and <twea#= them occasionally if you feel you need to.
It all comes bac# to that consistency and repetition again.
/ou should #now by now that you only need # or % serious !eo!le in
your organisation to have the foundations of a successful business. I don&t
#now e'actly '9en and 9o' you will find these people ( but I do #now if
you #eep doing the right things" you 'ill find them.
20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
13. Direct 0ailing
Direct 0ailing may seem a tired and dated mar#eting option in these
technologically advanced times but sending something through the post
can still be an e'tremely effective way to bring attention to your
Indeed some smart internet mar#eters use both methods in tandem ( to
very good effect.
1he trouble with direct
mailing is that you really
need to #now what you are
doing" or you can end up
spending a lot of money for
very little results.
/ou need to have either a version of a proven sales letterKliterature which
your company can provide or a very good personal understanding of
effective copywriting.
1here is a lot of free information online about how to write good sales
letters or <copy= ( but as with any s#ill" it can ta#e a while to master.
1here are t'o important things you are loo#ing to achieve in any direct
;irstly you need to =gra8> your reader&s attention straight away so that
they are curious enough to read the whole of your sales letter.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
Secondly you need to leave them with a direct =call to action> and tell
them what it is they need to do ne't. 1his will usually be to visit your
website or call your 2A hour recorded message for more information.
-efore you even start to prepare your sales letter" you will have to decide
who it is you are <addressing= and sending it to.
It may be to a number of general -usiness >pportunity see#ers" for whom
you have bought a names or to a more specific niche of people" who you
believe could be interested in what your opportunity has to offer.
)lso direct mailing is one of the strategies that you can use to promote
your product as much as your opportunity though not at the same timeB
If you are not e'perienced in this type of mar#eting" I would steer away
from it when you first get started unless your company has a proven
sales letter and a system built up around it.
It is relatively easy to draw up and send out a few hundred mail(shots
but not that easy to get it right and get a profitable response.
If you do want to #now more about this method of prospecting" I can
highly recommend =Direct 0ail 2or Dummies>. :oyal Mail were giving it
away for free for some time which is where I got mine but now you
can pic# it up from )maCon for around 65.

20 10 BetterLife Solutions
Intro to Online Marketing Strategies
1he ne't chapter is where we cross the line from the traditional" so called
=old sc9ool> methods of building a successful MMM business" to the
=ne' sc9ool>. 4e are moving into the fascinating world of Internet
&et'ork 0arketing.
I don&t believe that either <old= or <new= school is better than the other (
it $ust gives us more prospecting choices and more potential to develop a
F;( glo8al business.
4e can now reach anyone"
in any part of the world
where our opportunity has
a presence.
I find this so incredi8ly
I was spea#ing recently to a *+ distributor from a different opportunity.
,e told me he could put a large part of the success of his organisation
down to $ust one !erson that he connected with in MalaysiaB
1o me" that tells us two things.
;irstly" virtually the whole world is now our prospecting %oyster& and
secondly" you ne)er #now where you are going to find that "&( person
who is going to e'plode your business.
It would be dangerous to thin# that Internet .etwor# Mar#eting means
you can develop a business whilst never actually tal#ing to anyone. 1his is
absolutely not the case.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
>urs always has been" and always will be" a =!eo!le 8usiness>.
Donnecting with and building meaningful relationships with other people"
is the strengt9 and 2oundation of our booming business model.
It&s $ust there are many advantages to ma#ing that first connection online.
If you don&t consider yourself to be <computer savvy= it may be very
intimidating to thin# about how you would even start to ta#e your
business properly online.
/ou probably will have a =re!licated> site provided by your opportunity"
but beyond that you will have virtually no internet presence at all.
1he reality is" unless you are a really strong and successful personal
.etwor#er" your business will have a muc9 better chance of long term
success" i2 you are able to develop relationships online.
And" don&t forget ( 4hat was probably the biggest attraction for your
getting involved in .etwor# Mar#eting in the first place3 4asn&t it the
promise of being able to create a !assi)e income for your self3 2arning
money many" many times from wor# that you did $ust onceA
4hen you build your business consistently with either flyers" local ads"
windscreen opportunity cards and classified ads etc" you most definitely
'ill attract people to your business. 4ut you will have to go out and
<redo= that activity every wee# or every month" or whenever.
1here is nothing wrong with that ( it is still better than having a <normal=
$ob. -ut wouldn&t it be fantastic if you could genuinely still be attracting
people in two years time" with wor# that you have done today.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1hat&s what having content on the internet will provide for you. If you
have a blog" or live articles" or forum entries or a video online" they are
there 2ore)er and you never #now when or by whom" they will be
)nother incredible thing about prospecting your business online" is you
have the opportunity to =8rand> yoursel2 rather than being $ust another
distributor from your company. 1his is )ery !o'er2ul indeed.
-uilding relationships with people online is actually very similar to how
you would do it in the =real 'orld>.
If you were at a party you would never go up to someone and say"
=Fi, I@m 3ue and I 9a)e a 8usiness !romoting t9is 'onder2ully
nutritious 9er8al <uice, 'ould you like to 8uy some 2rom meA>
Would you333
1hey almost certainly would not want to buy your <wonderfully nutritious
herbal $uice= and you probably wouldn&t get invited to many more
I&m not here to teach you how to build relationships with people" but I&m
sure you get the point. Eust trying to =sell> your product or your
opportunity online" to someone you don&t really #now" doesn&t usually
wor# anymore. L*nless you are advertising on a classified site!
/ou 9a)e to build a rapport and give someone the opportunity to get to
kno', like and trust you" before they are confident enough to =8uy>.

1he 8est thing about developing relationships online is that they are far
more li#ely to be <valuable= to you" as far as business is concerned. 1his is
because you will "&,G attract people with similar interests to you" or
those loo#ing for what you have to offer.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
/es there is a learning curve" but once you get started" it may not be as
steep as you first e'pected. 1he final J chapters provide an overview of
some of the #ey ways to ta#e your .etwor# Mar#eting business online.
Grab Your FREE 125 Page Report Create Your First
Website By 3.5 !"is A#ternoon $ Cli%& 'ere
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
14. 3tart a 4log
Starting your own %weblog&" is one of the )ery 8est ways to develop and
nurture online relationships. 2verything that you have online" should then
<point= bac# to your blog.
,ere you can mi' information about your product" your opportunity" or
any ot9er income earning promotion ( with interesting <content= which
provides something of unique )alue to your reader.
If you are not really sure what a blog is" the best way to describe it is as
a really sim!le 'e8site. It is can be used as an Eonline diary@ for people
to share their interests and thoughts with others" or as a more subtle
income earning vehicle.
1he main difference between a website and a blog" is that a blog is
constantly being added to and updated" whereas a website is usually fairly
<static=. >therwise" they loo# very similar and are often confused.

1he two most as#ed 0uestions about
starting a blog" or E8logging@ areO
=Fo' do I get startedA> and =.9at
do I make my 8log a8outA>
Fetting started can actually be really
easy. 1here are two main formats or
%platforms&( .ord!ress or 4logger
and both of them are reasonably intuitive and have their own step(by(step
guides to ta#e you through the =etting 3tarted= process.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1here is also lots of free advice and tutorials that you can find online. /ou
will find e(boo#s Ltry sites li#e and !" even blogs on blogging but I often find
Goutu8e is a great place to start.
4ith a little searching around" you will find videos that can ta#e you
through e)eryt9ing. ;rom choosing which blogging format to use right
through to every %twea#& and enhancement that you will e)er need" to
help your blog to get found by Foogle and all the other search engines.
In $ust 5 minutes" I found a couple of short videos on /outube that will
give you an idea of how simple it can be to get started.
( ,ow to -ecome a -logger is the first of a series of videos you can watch"
and it touches on the difference between the two different formats.
( ,ow to -log for ;ree is again the first in a series of videos. 1his e'plains
specifically about how to set up a totally free blog and why this is could be
the best step for beginners.
4hile you are on Goutu8e" have a loo# around for yourself at other
related videos spend an hour on there getting a feel for everything
about starting a blog.
>nce you have decided that by following detailed tutorials" it 'ill be
possible to overcome any preconceived technological barriers you will be
as#ing yourself the ne't 0uestion.
etting startedB =.9at do I 8log a8outA>
)s I will show you in a minute" you can blog about absolutely anyt9ing.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
,owever you are loo#ing to attract people to your business either to
your product or preferably your opportunity. 1his is your ultimate
ob$ective" but don&t forget ( blogging is a =su8tle> mar#eting approach
not a blatant one.
)s# yourself" how can I personalise my blog to attract other li#eminded
Dan you blog about your business and diarise your life ( as someone who;
is a single mum
a stay at home dad
has $ust started in the business
has been in the business for a while and has re(energised
themselves and is now moving forward
has overcome adversity to get where they are" has e'perience or
#nowledge that they can pass on to others33
4hat is your angleA
,ere are a few e'amples of different blogs" so you can see how 2le7i8le
and )ersatile they can be.
httpOKKwww.problogger.netKblogK a %well(#nown& blogging %guru& offering
information to serious bloggers. ,e ma#es money from ads on his site and
also from selling his own and other people&s products" to a ,I3T of people
who have subscribed to get his regular tips" advice and strategies.
,is <,ome Page= is very busy and %cluttered&
httpOKKtony($ a *+ based .etwor# Mar#eter. .ot too much
on here compared to the last blog" but it has a much fresher" cleaner loo#.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
It is a good e'ample how the most recent article ( or post ( is placed at
the top above older posts. ,e does offer a consultation service" but his
main ob$ective is to build a names list from people who re0uest the =Free
uides> that he advertises on the right hand side.
9efinitely needs to post more consistently and more often" to build a
valuable rapport with his reader. more of a fun" %hobby& site. Mots of ads down
the side of this site will bring in some income. I thin# they are missing a
tric# though by having their =3u8scri8e> bo' hidden a long way down on
the left hand(side. Moving it to the top Land having it in more than place!
would increase their chances of capturing people&s details and being able
to sell them associated products at a later date.

If you are unable to build a big enough organisation $ust from friends"
family and people you meet developing your business online could ma#e
all the difference to your long term success.
1hin# of how many people are potentially finding your business e)ery
I am based in the *+ but have been contacted by people from countries
as diverse as Spain" Mithuania" )ustralia" Danada and the Philippines.
If starting your own blog seems $ust a step too far at the moment some
of the ne't online methods may prove to be a better starting point for you
( in the wonderful world of Internet &et'ork 0arketing.
Initially you can direct prospects to your company provided replicated site"
and then redirect them when you set up your blog.
20 10 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1#. Article .riting
4riting and submitting Articles to the internet is one of the 0uic#est and
easiest ways to start building a <!resence= on the web. It is something
you will find near the top of many internet mar#eters list of =tra22ic
dri)ing> methods.
Tra22ic simply means getting people to visit your website. >nce they get
there" it our $ob to ma#e sure they =stay and linger>, and hopefully ta#e
some form of action ( to get more information.
1he best way to see e'actly how this strategy can wor# is to chec# out the
world&s largest article publication site" and have a
loo# around to see what other people are doing.
/ou may have come across 2Cine )rticles before" because articles
submitted to their site" often come up very high in the search engines
such as Foogle.
/ou&ll regularly find them on the first or second page of Foogle and this
is why it is such a popular and proven method of attracting traffic.
It is also a very good introduction to writing and =telling your story=
online. It&s a s#ill that may ta#e a while to develop" but li#e any other
s#ill" it 'ill develop" the more you practice it.
etting startedB 'it9 Article .riting
/ou do so" very much in the way you would if you were to start a blog
but with article mar#eting" you only need to do the writing part" not the
building part of the blog which goes on in the bac#ground.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
;ind something about your product"
your business" what either of them
has done for you" what either of
them can do for your reader" etc
Something you are enthusiastic and
passionate about and you would li#e
to share with li#e(minded" interested
;or e'ample" I have submitted articles about my product and the networ#
mar#eting industry as a fantastic business model. I have also written an
article as a review for an inspirational boo# I read on <Foal Setting=.
1he principle of article writing is <ust li#e our business" and indeed life in
general you have to gi)e before you receive. 1hey don&t have to be very
long either" 250 A00 words is totally sufficient.
So once you have written your own story and uni0ue view of a sub$ect"
you can then include a link to your site ( in your signature at the end.
And t9is is '9ere it gets interesting.
People will read your article and some of them will clic# on that lin# which
will then ta#e them bac# to your blog" your website or even your
personalised company website.
My average <clic# through rate= is around 1# 6 2/?. If I wor#ed harder
at it I&m sure I could improve this figure" because many people do.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
If you consider that a good res!onse for a 9irect Mailing campaign is 2
6 3?, you can see how !o'er2ul this can be.
I&m not saying that everyone who clic#s through to your site will buy your
product or $oin your business ( but don&t forget this is completely F$((.
9irect mailing can be e'pensive especially if you don&t get it rightB
4ut it gets 8etterB
1he best blog and website owners regularly update and add to their site
#eeping it 2res9 and )alua8le for their visitors.
*sually they write their own content" but sometimes they may not have
time or simply don&t #now what to write for that wee#. So they loo#
elsewhere for content their readers will find valuable and rele)ant.
)rticle sites allow anyone to <ta#e= and publish any article" as long as it
remains com!letely untouc9ed and unc9anged and that means with
your signature and your website lin# at the end.
/our article may then be read by t9ousands of people" '9o 9a)e an
interest in '9at you 9a)e to say. 1he website owner wouldn&t have
chosen your article if he didn&t #now it would be of interest to his readersB
I have had a couple of my articles published on other blogs and websites
and I&m pretty sure it was through article writing this way" I was able to
open up a 8rand ne' territory for my business in Mithuania.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
If you haven&t had a chance to visit 2Cinearticles yet" here are a couple of
lin#s to articles I have written the ones published by other website
<Starting a .etwor# Mar#eting -usiness3 1he J Most Important 1hings to
Donsider )bout /our Product= and
<*ltimate Foal Setting 1he Midas Method by Stuart Foldsmith=
If you are thin#ing about prospecting for your .etwor# Mar#eting business
online" )rticle Mar#eting is a great place to start.
It&s relatively 0uic# and easy to get started and you can be beginning to
build a presence online by the end of the dayC It also helps to %hone&
valuable writing s#ills which you will find indispensable as you move
forward on the web.
Don@t li)e a li2e : o2 un2ul2illment and regret
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1%. 3ocial &et'orking 3ites
*sing online 3ocial &et'orking 3ites to build your .etwor# Mar#eting
business" is the closest thing to how you build it in <the real world=.
Social media is about =!eo!le 9a)ing
con)ersations online> and 8uilding
relations9i!s" $ust li#e you and I would if we
were; outside of the school gates
LFace8ook!" at a party LT'itter! or at a
business networ#ing event L,inkedIn!.
12.1% million people in the *+" nearly 2/? of the population" regularly
use a social networ#. )lthough this will mainly be for <recreational
reasons=" social media is starting to have a 9uge affect on the way we do
business ( and I can only see this developing even further.
Dertainly it has been shown" we are becoming 2ar less responsive to the
traditional brandKcompany advertising" and 2ar more likely to <buy= on
the word or recommendation of a friend or an <independent= consumer.
>f course this is great news for independent business owners" who do not
have the money to compete with the big brands. )t least it levels the
playing field somewhat.
etting startedB 'it9 3ocial &et'orking

If you aren&t already a member of a Social .etwor#ing site" as# around
your friends and other team members to find where they =9ang outC>
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
/ou will probably be surprised how many people you #now are registered
at some of the more popular sites li#e ;aceboo#" MySpace" MS." ;riends
:e(united or 1witter even if they don&t use them often.
;aceboo# is a good place to begin even if $ust to get an idea of how
online communities wor#" and to start interacting with them. -ut D"&@T
start by blatantly promoting your business straight away ( it&s $ust li#e the
real world rememberB
;irst of all" it is very important you ma#e the effort to set up your Profile
properly many people don&t bother. It helps when connecting with
people you don&t #now yet" and starts the process of building a rapport
and getting people to kno', like and trust you. /ou should include a lin#
or something about your business in here.
)s you $oin in the conversations and start to contribute yourself" observe
how others are interacting and ta#e note of why you are drawn towards
and bond with some people" and not with others.
Frow your networ# by as#ing other people to $oin you. ;aceboo# for
e'ample will find and suggest people that you may #now through details
you provide on your profile" friends of other friends and even some e(mail
accounts" I believe. /ou can also add your ;aceboo# account details to
business cards" e(mail signatures or even $ust invite people personallyB
>nce you have <honed= your s#ills at you first Social .etwor#ing site you
may want to loo# for one or two other sites which may be more relevant
to your 8usiness 8uilding intentions.
Min#edIn is recognised as being one of the largest .etwor#ing sites for
Professional people" or you may loo# for a <community= focused around a
more direct need for your product or your opportunity.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
)s people get to kno', like and trust you" they may clic# through on
the lin# to your business" or even as# you straight out about it.
T9e 8est t9ings a8out 3ocial &et'orking sitesB
( /ou have the potential to interact with many" many more people than
you would e)er come into contact with offline.
( /ou attract to you or at least choose to spend time with ( people who
are interested in what you have to say" or offer. /ou can target who you
prospect more efficiently and nurture your online relationships.
( 4ith =li)e> networ#ing" each %conversation& is restricted to a ma'imum
of 5 people. In online Social .etwor#ing" lots of people can listen in to
your dialogue and" the conversation is recorded for future audiences.

( It is a totally 2ree method of prospecting and once set up" shouldn&t ta#e
up too much of your time to participate each day
And t9e 'orstB
( It is easy for social networ#ing to become addictive and eat up too many
hours in your day
( *nless you really wor# hard at it" it is very much a slow(burn strategy
and should only ever be a small part of your business building plan.
&4. .iki!edia has a comprehensive list of Social .etwor#ing 4ebsites (
with descriptions of community interest from all around the world.
If you want more information about any of these sites" or want to #now
how to set up an account ( don&t forget oogle and GouTu8e are your
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1*. Forums and Discussion rou!s
*nless you are a
seasoned user of the
web" you won&t
necessarily be aware of
how popular and well
fre0uented internet
2orums can be.
.iki!edia definition =an online discussion site 6 t9e modern
equi)alent o2 a traditional 8ulletin 8oard>
1hey are similar to Social .etwor#ing sites in they are also communities
where people come together online ( the difference is" they are much
more focused or <niche= in their content.
It can be a much more effective way of attracting people to your business"
because you are 2inely targeting the audience you are interacting with.
Peo!le in Forums are looking 2or some kind o2 solution in t9eir
li)es. If you can help them to find that solution" they 'ill be grateful.
etting startedB 'it9 2orums
1H ;irst you should complete a list of discussion boards" blogs and forums
that are related to your product or opportunity.
/ou do this by going to Foogle and typing in ( =2orum N your su8<ect
matter> or $ust ( your su8<ect matter 2orum
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
/ou could lead with your business" in which case your sub$ect matter may
be %net'ork marketing@, E'ork 2rom 9ome@, E9ome 8usiness@ etc or
you may wish to lead with an issue for which your product provides a
valuable solution.
2! ,ave a loo# around the forum to ma#e sure it has sufficient acti)ity
and users.
)re there recent postings3
)re there responses to 0uestions as#ed" or points raised and more
importantly" are there a lot of page views3
Is the sub$ect you would li#e to contribute to being discussed" or
are e'isting users li#ely to be interested in what you want to say3
I! If the forum does appear to have potential start to get involvedread
postsintroduce yourselfas# 0uestionsadd your opinions to postings
)lways be nice and polite. -e !ositi)e at all times and don&t get %dragged
into& being negative or nasty about anyone else.
A! )s always" you don&t promote your business in your conversations and
interaction. /ou are allowed to include a =signature> at the end of your
post and this is how people find out more about you and your business.
/our signature is not the <hand(written= personalised scrawling you
sometimes see at the bottom of e(mails or sales(letters" but a clic#able
lin# to wherever you want your reader to go. It could be your website
address ( or a phrase or slogan" lin#ing them to your website.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
5! Many forums have the facility to send a personal message Lor !m! to
another user at the site ( so you can communicate away from the open
discussion board.
>ften meaningful business relationships are built and deals made" if you
can provide a solution to their problem and show you genuinely care.
.A$&I&O ;orums" li#e Social .etwor#ing sites" can be )ery draining on
your time limit your time on them to I0 ( A5 minutes a day" ma'imum.

0aking a li)ing, ,i)ing your li2e 6 doing '9at you lo)e
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1+. 5ideo 0arketing
/ou are probably thin#ing right
=.ell, I@ll read t9roug9 t9is
c9a!ter, 8ut t9is is 'ay a8o)e
my ca!a8ilities>.
Am I rig9tA
4ell" you would be very 'rong. Gideo mar#eting is so easy and cheap to
do these days that anyone can <dip their toe in the water=.
It is the latest 8ig t9ing in internet mar#eting" but still only a very small
amount of people are currently doing it.
Imagine if you landed on two fairly identical sites some opportunities
provide replicated sites for e'ample.
If one had a 2 (I minute personal message from the owner of the site"
telling you a little bit about themselves and how they maybe able to help
you don&t you thin# you would be more drawn to them3
)s long as they came across as genuine" honest and sincere" you may feel
you have started to form an affinity with them already.
4ut t9ere is moreB
It has recently been shown that websites with videos on them have 2ar
9ig9er conversion rates from visitors even if the video is not actually
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
watchedBB 1his must mean $ust by having a video screen on your website"
it is immediately perceived as being more professional" more serious and
more valuable ( than similar sites without.
>r" it may $ust mean the way in which people want to <learn= and <gather=
information is changing.
4e rarely turn to boo#s to answer our 0uestions or find solutions anymore
( we $ust <oogle It=. I wonder how much further into the future it will be
before we $ust =GouTu8e It>A

)nd don&t worry if you feel your videos will be too amateurish or badly
produced to start with people really don&t care.
In fact most of us prefer to hear from other real:li2e people" giving real
tips and solutions we trust it more than the big" glitCy corporate
message we see.
etting startedB 'it9 5ideo 0arketing
;irst of all you may be surprised to hear" you can record and post a video
online for absolutely no charge i2 you have an inbuilt webcam in your
monitor or laptop. If you don&t" you can pic# one up for under 670 at 2bay
or )maCon.
/ou can use a video recording and uploading service li#e Giddler there is
a small learning curve to this and it is only suitable if you have a website
to upload it to.
2mail me if you want more information on using this ;ree software.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
,owever if you do have a camcorder or access to one it is straight
forward enough to transfer your video onto your pc or laptop ( $ust li#e
you would with your photos ( and then upload it directly onto /ou1ube.
It is very simple" but if you need any help" $ust Foogle %;!loading a
)ideo to GouTu8e& and you will find some videos about it at. errrr
/ou1ubeB Dlic# ,ere for a direct lin#
If you don&t have a camcorder and can&t borrow one ( but really want to
use video to stand out from the crowd in your opportunity" the Fli! 0ino
FD camera at around 6770 ( 6720" comes very highly recommended.
It produces great quality video and is so simple to use because it $ust
<plugs= directly in to your PD or laptop to upload. It also has inbuilt
software to ma#e uploading to /ou1ube" a 0uic# I minute process. )ll for
<ust o)er J1//CC
So if it&s not the technology that&s holding you bac#" what is it3...
if you&re anything li#e me and ?0@ of the population it&s what
you&re going to say" how you&re going to sound" what you&re going to loo#
li#e" how you&re going to come across" etc" etc
)nd that&s natural. It is li#e everything" you learn and grow in confidence
as you go along.
Fere are a 2e' ti!s 2or your 2irst )ideo messageB
7! Set the scene let your visitor #now where you are recording the video
from and maybe even give them a view of your surroundings. It helps
them to start to build an affinity with you.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
2! 1al# to the camera and imagine you are tal#ing to one !erson only
your ideal visitor in your eyes. /ou don&t have to stare into the lens all the
time" but if you have a camera with a side viewing screen" ma#e sure you
are not staring at that.
I! Involve your viewer in what is happening. If someone is with you"
maybe helping with the filming" mention their presence before moving on.
/ou should ma#e sure your video comes across as natural and informal.
-ut the best tip is $ust to gi)e it a go and develop your own style as you
go along. ,aving a video presence on the web is so much more !o'er2ul
than any other online medium.
If you only have time to get involved in one online activity" it would be a
close call between having a blog and video mar#eting.
I thin# video mar#eting $ust ta#es it because it ma#es you stand out as a
serious player and you can 0uic#ly develop yourself as the =go to>
!erson in your field.

Dno'ledge, Con2idence and Ins!iration : to start li)ing
t9e li2e you .A&T to li)e
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1-. (:0ail 0arketing
2( Mail mar#eting is a strategy you can" and s9ould use" with the leads
you gather from any of the above methods of attracting customers and
prospects to your business.
If you have your own blog" a website" or a company replicated website"
you will have some way to <capture= name&s and email addresses. 1his is
how you can culture and nurture a relationship" with the people who show
an interest in #nowing more about your business.
)s we already #now" a person very rarely <buys= at their first point of
contact or interaction. It usually ta#es at least % or * =messages> before
they will have earned enough trust in you" to ta#e the re0uired action.
*sually it&s $ust a case of catching someone in the rig9t !lace at t9e
rig9t time.
I am on a lot of email lists"
but I li#e to #eep my inbo'
fairly clear. )t the end of
the each day I li#e to leave
only what is effectively my
<to do later= file.
I often delete emails with <offers= I mig9t be interested in at a later date"
because I kno' they will email me again in a few days time. 4hen they
catch me ne't time" I may have more time and may be more responsive.
I&m sure many people are the same we e'pect to be approached more
than once" and that affects our responsiveness.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
If you use an email mar#eting strategy in your business building" you will
need at some stage" to include a call to action and to instil a sense o2
urgency. .ot too often though and certainly not every time" or it will
totally lose its effect.
)s you use this strategy" you will have people with whom you don&t
connect" and who feel you don&t have anything to offer them. 1hey will
as# you not to contact them again or =o!t:out> of your list ( this is
normal and totally fine.
>ne very ethical internet mar#eter I #now <culled= his list from 20"000
subscribers to 72"000 with the clic# of a button. ,e could see N"000
people on his list had not opened an email from him in H months so
after a final email as#ing them to confirm if they wanted him to stay in
contact" he deleted their details.
,e was happy" because he had cleaned up his list and he now #nows he
has 12,/// !eo!le who loo# forward to" and are responsive to" his
communication. If you had a list $ust 5@ of that siCe" do you not thin# you
may find H 70 good people to set your business alight3
)nd by the way" he built that list in $ust a little over 1+ mont9sC
etting startedB in (mail 0arketing
If you have a company provided replicated site" there is a good chance
you will have an inbuilt series of automated messages" which go out to
your prospects. 4hen they finish" you can continue on with your own
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
If you don&t have a company site to capture people&s details" you will have
to do it yourself with one or more of the other online methods listed in the
last few chapters.
Subscribe to other business opportunity lists and see how they interact
with their list. 1a#e notice of what they do well ( and also not so well (
and learn lessons for your own campaign.
-y including an in2ormati)e and educational email series into your
prospecting strategy" you can start to develop relationships" which in
some cases will lead people to $oin your business.
/ou may wish to lead with either;( what your company has to offer" what
networ# mar#eting as a home based business opportunity has to offer" or
what you have to offer personally to anyone who $oins your team.
If you are loo#ing to attract customers to your !roduct rather than your
opportunity you could prepare a series of emails which inform the
reader about the !ro8lem to which your product could be the solution.
/es" either way it is all about building a relationship by providing good
0uality" relevant information ( rather than trying to sell.
)re we starting to see a recurring theme here3

2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
2/. Paid "nline Ad)ertising
I felt I should include a
chapter about Paid "nline
Ad)ertising" but it is
certainly &"T something I
would recommend as a
starting point for any
beginner. It can ta#e a
while to learn and put into
practice" and can cost a lot of money if you don&t get it right.
I 9a)e used Paid >nline )dvertising" but $ust the once as research for this
report and then only because Foogle sent me a che0ue for 6J5" to
effectively try it for freeB More on my e'periences ( in a moment.
1he reason why I felt I must include Paid )dvertising was it can be a )ery
2ast way to attract people to your website you can have people coming
to your website within minutes of placing an ad.
,owever" if the message at your site does not con)ince them to ta#e the
action you want usually to leave you their contact details your money
has been wasted.
A 8rie2 e7!lanationB o2 Paid "nline Ad)ertising
It is also #nown as oogle Ad'ords or Pay !er Click LPPC! this is
because you do not pay to place the advert" but only when someone
=clicks> on your ad and are forwarded through to your website.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
1hese adverts are the <s!onsored link= ads you see on the right hand(
side of the Foogle search engine results page. 1here are often 2 or I ads
at the top of the page as well.
+eeping it very simple" you open an Ad'ords account with Foogle and
based on a number of parameters and settings ( submit your ads to be
displayed. 1here are no fi'ed cost prices for ads ( they vary constantly
depending on the competition to place ads in your mar#etplace.
) few years ago" the cost per clic# used to be $ust pennies" but now you
could pay 658 to advertise in the ,ome -usiness mar#et and even up to
J1/ !er click if you were advertising Dar InsuranceB
Some less competitive sectors still may only cost a few pennies" but you
can see how it can be very e'pensive if you don&t understand how best to
use the system. /ou can however" set daily limits and budgets" so you are
comfortably protected from the possibility of receiving a bill for 6700&s.
My e'perience with Pay per Dlic#
I too# a day to read through a lengthy e(boo# ta#ing me step by step
through the process of setting up a oogle Ad'ords =cam!aign>. It
would probably ta#e a 'eek to understand and set everything up
properly but as it wasn&t my money
I started off too conservatively and hardly got any e'posure in the
sponsored lin#s columns at all.
>nce I increased my ma'imum <!er click= price from 50p to 67 and my
daily limit from 675 to 620 ( I got better results ( but my 6J5 was gone in
a few days.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
-y the time I closed my campaign" my ad had been shown $ust over 4#//
times" clic#ed on 1// times and resulted in about + !eo!le leaving their
details for my free e(boo# and free wee#ly newsletter.
If I had been selling a product for 6I0 ( 650" this would have been a
sound investment but seeing as I was only loo#ing to attract newsletter
subscribers who may in time become prospects the return on
investment is harder to predict.

If you have come to .etwor# Mar#eting on the bac# of some internet
mar#eting e'perience" you may very well consider this as a route you
would want to go down otherwise I would stay well away.
)s you grow your team and get more e'perienced" this is a method you
could consider =!ooling> your finances towards but only when you
have a website you are sure will appeal to visitors when they land on it.

E(%ite) by t"e potential o# ta&ing your business online*
Grab Your FREE 125 Page Report Create Your First
Website By 3.5 !"is A#ternoon $ Cli%& 'ere
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
4hether you are $ust getting started" or are loo#ing for a 2res9 ne'
start in your .etwor# Mar#eting business" I hope you can see we have at
least one method whereby anyone can be successful in our business.
/es" I truly believe anyone can be successful in our business ( but I don&t
believe everyone will be successful in our business.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
Anyone can put flyers through doors inviting people to watch
your companies 4ee#ly >pportunity Presentation online
Anyone can put >pportunity Dards on car windscreens" in stations"
on buses" etc directing people to listen to a low(cost" 2A hour
recorded message about your opportunity
Anyone can go around local shops and put up posters or flyers
inviting people to either of the above
Anyone can give out a D9 and say
OI@)e got somet9ing t9at I 'ant to s9o' you.
It 'ill only take 2/ minutes.
It mig9t 8e 2or you and it mig9t notO
Anyone can arrange for you or your upline to answer any 0uestions
that arise from one of these initial presentations of the business

>f course most people you attract to your business will be confident"
competent and motivated enough to use many of the 2/ Pro)en
3trategies detailed in this report.
>r rather" a 9and2ul of the methods laid out in this report. I don&t believe
anyone should be using anymore than # or % of these different activities
certainly not at the same time. Some people will be most effective by only
using 7 or 2.

,owever" I hope that one of the biggest <ta#e(aways= you get from this
report" is how 9uge the potential our business model really isC
1he Dorporation as we #new it and the comfort of the <<o8
security= that came with it is disa!!earing 2ast
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
) recent report suggests that in less than 70 years 4/? of the
wor#ing population will be =inde!endent 8usiness
Many people are already loo#ing for an e7tra income or an
alternative li2estyle solution

>ne of the To! 1/ Predicted Trends for 2070" and beyond" is a
desire for people to want to s9o! local and spend more of their
money with local businesses. People still li#e doing business with
.etwor# Mar#eting is only now coming of age and is predicted by
many to be entering the accelerated gro't9 stage of its <Industry
/our initial assessment and e'citement of .etwor# Mar#eting" was not
misplaced ( you 9a)e stumbled across a great o!!ortunity.
People entering our industry today can e0ual" or e'ceed" many of the tens
of thousands of people who have already achieved great success with
.etwor# Mar#eting.
>f course it is not as easy as $ust $oining up and letting the money roll in.
.obody should say it is.
It is a 8usinessB it will need wor# for a few years but the pay off for
the time and effort you put in" can be tremendous.
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
4ut t9e 8est t9ing a8out &et'ork 0arketingB in my o!inionB
/ou cannot be successful unless you 9el! ot9er !eo!le to be successful.
1hat is such a huge dou8le '9ammyCC
/ou get everything you want for yourself in your life and so do doCens"
hundreds" even thousands of other people too.
Isn&t that $ust so 2antastic3 I literally have a smile on my face as I&m
typing this out ( $ust at the t9oug9t of it.
1o the uninitiated it must appear trite and clichP" but if you have got this
far I@m sure you feel the same way.
I sincerely hope that my report has given you a little bit of Dno'ledge,
Con2idence and 0oti)ation to go out and start to live the life you want
to live ( through 9el!ing ot9er !eo!le to do the same.
)ll the very best"
I consider myself to be a %student& and a %reporter& rather than an %e'pert&"
but if you have any 0uestions or want more information about anything in
this report" please feel free to 2mail Me and I will reply to e)ery message
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
A!!endi7 6 (7tra $esources and ,inks
Introduction first a couple of videos you may well have seen before"
but always worth another loo# in my opinion also to share with your
prospects and team.
( 4e #now the world is changing fast but =Did Gou Dno'A...>
( ) timeless classic video about our industry < 4rilliant Com!ensation>
LScroll down and watch either or both of the lin#s in the %yellow bo'&!
C9a!ter 1 1al#ing to ;riends" ;amily and )c0uaintances
( Frab a copy of my list prompting 0emory Iogger
( )lso a copy of an earlier eboo# of mine" which tac#les a dreaded myth
Fo' to 0ake It 4I in &et'ork 0arketing .it9out ,osing Gour
C9a!ter 3 D9 Presentations
( Q70 Dompelling :easons and a Simple Strategy to build a F;(
organisation with a D9Q 3te! 8y ste! audio guide sets it out
C9a!ter # Press :eleases
( 1o see a copy of the Press :elease I sent out to Mocal .ewspapers 6
Click Fere
( 1o see a copy of the resulting article 6 Click Fere
C9a!ter % .etwor#ing 2vents
( 1here are networ#ing <chapters= of the 4&I all over the *+
C9a!ter * ;lyers
( Free /+44 P9one &um8ers for 2A ,our :ecorded Message Service"
ma#e it easier for your prospects to find out about your opportunity R
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
C9a!ter - >pportunity Dards
( Supplier of ine'pensive >pportunity Dards and ;lyers" li#e the card
shown in this chapter 0ulti ,e)el De)il
C9a!ter 12 Dlassified )ds
( >ffline sources Daltons .eekly , ,oot , Friday Ad
: "nline sites : ''' , '''.)i) ,
''' , ''' , '''
and '''
LPlease let me #now if you&ve found any good ones!
Intro to Internet &et'ork 0arketing
ra8 Gour F$(( 12# Page $e!ortB Create Gour First .e8site 4y
3.4# T9is A2ternoon 6 Click Fere
C9a!ter 14 Start a blog
( Fet free e(boo#s to help you set up a blog and info on many other
sub$ects which may be of interest ( ''' and
''' LI cannot personally verify any e(boo#s at
this site" but they are freeB!
( .ord!ress is one blogging site and Foogle&s 4logger is another.
( Goutu8e is a great place to learn about any new s#ill
( Fo' to 4ecome a 4logger and Fo' to 4log 2or Free are two short
videos about Fetting Started with -logging
C9a!ter 1# )rticle 4riting
( Some of the more popular )rticle Mar#eting sites are
''' , ''' ,
''' , ''' ,
( ) couple of e'amples of my articles at (1inearticles are (
: =3tarting a &et'ork 0arketing 4usinessA T9e * 0ost Im!ortant
T9ings to Consider A8out Gour Product> and"
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
( =;ltimate oal 3etting 6 T9e 0idas 0et9od 8y 3tuart oldsmit9>
C9a!ter 1% Social .etwor#ing Sites
( Some of the most popular sites to start with are" ''' ,
''' , '''.t' '''
( 4i#ipedia has a comprehensive list of 3ocial &et'orking .e8sites
C9a!ter 1+ Gideo Mar#eting
( Gideo yourself on your own webcam ( 5iddler
( ,ow to uploading a video online at GouTu8e
C9a!ter 1- 2mail Mar#eting
( ) good introduction to (mail 0arketing which I found on /ou1ube after
I wrote my chapter
E(%ite) by t"e potential o# ta&ing your business online*
Grab Your FREE 125 Page Report Create Your First Website By
3.5 !"is A#ternoon $ Cli%& 'ere
2010 BetterLife Solutions
20 Proven Strategies to Sponsor Motivated Prospects.
And FinallyB

,(A, &"TIC(3( 1he information presented herein represents the view
of the author as of the date of publication. -ecause of the rate with which
conditions change" the author reserves the right to alter and update his
opinion based on the new conditions.
1he report is for informational purposes only. 4hile every attempt has
been made to verify the information provided in this report" neither the
author nor his affiliatesKpartners assume any responsibility for errors"
inaccuracies or omissions. )ny slights of people or organiCations are
If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed" the services of a
fully 0ualified professional should be sought. 1his report is not intended
for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. /ou should be aware of
any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices
in your country and state.
1his publication may be shared with others as long as the original content
remains unchanged.
&o part of this publication may be reproduced or translated into any form
by any means without the written permission of the author.
DI3C,AI0($Q )lthough there are no direct affiliate lin#s in this report"
e'tra valuable resources I have provided as an option" may eventually
lead to me being paid a commission if you were to li#e" and purchase a
product. -asically if you buy something from some one else that I
recommend I may get a cut. 1he )ast ma$ority of information and
content I put out even recommendations from other people ( are 700@
free of charge and without any obligation.
2010 BetterLife Solutions
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