Jumaa Prayer Bulletin 23 May 2014

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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries

NIGRI!: A missionary asks us to pray: (1) for the persecuted church, that God will give them the courage to stand
in times of terror, and that they will have wisdom to know when to stand and defend themselves and when to lay low;
() for the terrorists, that key operatives will have !amascus "oad e#periences and $ecome apostles for %esus &hrist
rather than persecutors of 'is &hurch; (() for those who have $een terrori)ed, for the re$uilding of their lives,
churches, communities and families; (*) for the more than +, unreached people groups in the north of -igeria.
mostly /slamic groups0 1hey need to hear a$out &hrist and know 'is power to save and transform their lives23
In the News
4lease pray for 5eriam /$rahim, a +6year6old wife and mother who has $een sentenced to death $y hanging in 7udan0
7he was raised as a &hristian after her father a$andoned the family0 8ecause her father was a 5uslim, she is also
considered 5uslim and has $een charged with apostasy0 7he was given ( days to recant and em$race /slam, $ut
refused0 5eriam9s &hristian hus$and, who holds :7 citi)enship, is now in 7udan appealing for her release0 7he and
their toddler son are $oth in prison, and she is due to give $irth to their second child soon0 4ray for God9s intervention
and favor as the appeal is made, and for 5eriam9s health and a safe delivery0 "ead more at http:;;tinyurl0com;<ddv=v$0
4astor 7aeed A$edini, imprisoned for his faith in /ran and hospitali)ed for the past two months, was severely $eaten in
his hospital room and returned to "a>ai 7hahr prison on 1uesday0 4lease pray for God9s grace on 4astor 7aeed, for his
family, and especially for his wife, -aghmeh0 7he writes: / have to $e completely honest with you all and ask for
your prayers and your help0 ?or the first time in two years, / feel so very tired and not sure of ne#t steps0000 -eed you
all to hold my hands up like 5oses in $attle03 7ee http:;;tinyurl0com;ou@Au>d for more information0
World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted*
1he &entral Asian nation of Tur"menistan is num$er , on the Borld Batch Cist, which ranks countries where
persecution against &hristians is most severe0 1hough it is officially a secular state, /slam permeates community life0
1hose who accept %esus face persecution on two fronts: from the government, which opposes religion in general, and
from their 5uslim families0 Dvangelical $elievers num$er fewer than =,,,,, in this nation of =0 million0 5eetings
are monitored and &hristian literature is $anned0 4ray that the Cord will give wisdom to 'is people and encourage and
guide them in their spiritual growth and witness0 4ray that their lives would touch the 5uslims around them0
For Muslim Women**
4ray for 5uslim women in Eemen0 1hey are often su$>ect to sharia law and have little opportunity to learn a$out %esus
&hrist0 Please pray for Yemen's girls. More than half are married by age 18some as young as 8usually to much
older men. These child brides cannot finish school and are more likely to be abused and to die in childbirth. In pril
Yemen's minister for legal affairs submitted a !"hild #ights ct$ to the Prime Minister. This ct sets a minimum
marriage age of 18 and outla%s female genital mutilation &'(M). Pray for fa*or as this proposed la% is considered.
Prayer Resources
FGpen !oors pu$lishes an annual list ranking the =, nations where persecution against &hristians is most severe0 7ee the full ,1*
Borld Batch Cist at http:;;$it0ly;1mcmfu0 &lick on a country on the map or list to read its profile and prayer re<uests0
FF5uslim women need your prayers2 Eou can >oin a prayer network and receive regular re<uests at http:;;sayhelloinfo0com;0
Praying for Muslims+ (uide for ,ffecti*e Intercession offers many insights concerning /slam and a different prayer su$>ect each
?riday0 1his week we pray concerning the deceptive stories 5uslims $elieve; may they know 1ruth2 http:;;tinyurl0com;m=*A=g@
?or a list of resources for prayer groups, see http:;;tinyurl0com;waast>umaa0
?ind information and prayer re<uests concerning 5uslims around the world at http:;;www0(,6days0net;0
'ow should we pray for those imprisoned for their faithH "ead http:;;www0elam0com;articles;'ow6to6pray6for6those6in6prison;0
?or news updates concerning persecuted &hristians, visit http:;;morningstarnews0org; and http:;;www0releaseinternational0org;0
?or prayer re<uests, visit http:;;www0opendoorsusa0org;pray; and http:;;www0persecution0com;pu$lic;pray0asp#0
1o help you answer 5uslims9 <uestions a$out %esus and the 8i$le, e#plore http:;;answeringislam0org;0
Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
West Africa Advanced School of Theology 23 May 2014

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