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Lesson 1 - Introduction to the inside of a desktop computer and Raspberry Pis.

Total lesson time 2hrs 40mins

Learning Objectives

LO1: Can we name and describe the components of a computer system?
LO2: Can we understand the differences between a desktop computer to a Raspberry Pi?
LO3: Can we describe and list what we know about programming?

A3 paper 6 sets of Binary cards
Marker Pens 24 coloured cards for Routing Activity (2 of each colour)

Time Activity Description of activity including organisation Differentiation and relevant
Dan 15
Introduction to us
and the end goal of
the project
Children will be brought into the classroom and sat in
seats facing the board. Using a short video/motion
graphic they will be introduced to the project, informing
them that they will be taking on the role of computer
game developers. Their mission will be to create a new
games console and control system, and then revamp (by
learning about coding) one of three new retro games.
They are given some ideas of the projects they will be
undertaking without giving too much away (i.e. the
makey makeys will not be shown at this point).

Jess 15
Activity- Routing
and Deadlock in
Routing and Deadlock in Networks
This is a cooperative problem solving game. The aim is
for each person to end up holding the cards/items
labelled with their own name.
1. Children to sit in a circle as a whole group.

2. Each child writes their name on two cards (different
coloured card or different items with sticky labels on for
each child?) Except for on child who will only write their
name on one card.

3.Distribute the name cards randomly to the children in
the circle. Each child has two name cards,except for one
child who has only one and an empty hand!. (No child
should have a card with their own name on it)

4.The children pass the cards around until each child
gets the cards labelled with their own name. They must
follow two rules:
-Only one card may be held in a hand at any point.
-A card can only be passed to an empty hand of an
immediate neighbour in the circle. (A child can pass
either of their two cards to their neighbour.)

Children will quickly find that if they are greedy (hold
onto their own cards as soon as they get them) then the
group might not be able to attain its goal!
Emphasize that individuals dont win the game, but that
the puzzle is solved when everyone has their cards.

Curriculum Links
Mathematics: Developing logic and reasoning Skills
Computing: -Co-operative problem solving

-Logical reasoning
(P.S. wasn't sure where to put the curriculum links to this
activity so have just put them in here for now and then
we can move them to somewhere else on the plan once
I have asked you guys!)
Dan 50
Taking apart a
After the ice-breaker has finished a computer will be
brought into the classroom and laid at the front of the
classroom. The class will be asked what is this? and will
be invited to share any knowledge they have about
computer hardware. After a brief discussion, the class
will be divided into three groups and given a computer
each (at present we have two computers, so the class
could be split into two groups if need be).
Once the children are in their groups they will be given
the tools necessary to begin deconstructing the
computer. Each group will also be given some
descriptions and labels of some of the main parts of a
- Motherboard
- Hard drive
- Power supply
- Processor
The children can then use analytical thinking and
reasoning to work out which parts of the computer each
label refers to. Each teacher gives the children room to
work this out on their own, only intervening to ask
thought-provoking or scaffolding questions that may help
their ability to work out the various components of the

After 20 minutes, the class can regroup and discuss their
findings and reason why they thought each component
was the described element. This can then be corrected
and some computational problems can be posed to the
class about computer hardware.
Jess 15
Binary Numbers
Binary Numbers Activity
Data in computers is stored and transmitted as a series
of zeros and ones. Each zero or one is called a bit
(binary digit).
How can we represent words and numbers using just
these two symbols?
Demonstrate the principles of binary numbers to the
whole group. (Using large set of demonstration cards)
Choose five children to hold the demonstration cards at
front of the class (arranged in descending order)

What do you notice about the number of dots on the
cards? (Each card has twice as many as the card to its
How many dots would the next card have if we carried
on to the left? (32) The next?
We can use these cards to make numbers by turning
some of them face down and adding up the dots that are
showing. Ask the children to make 6 (4-dot and 2-dot
cards), then 15 (8-, 4-, 2- and 1-dot cards), then 21 (16,
4 and 1)

When a binary number card is not showing, it is
represented by a zero. When it is showing, it is
represented by a one. This is the binary number system.

Split children into 3 groups.
Ask the children to make 01001. What number is this in
decimal? (9) What would 17 be in binary? (10001)
Try a few more until they understand the concept.

Provide children with 5 follow up activities, that they can
practice to reinforce the concept.
The children can choose to carry out any of these
activities, in any order and complete as many as they

Binary Numbers
Working with Binary Numbers
Sending Secret Messages
Emails and Modems
Counting Higher than 31
(See Activity Sheets)
Jacob 20

Exploring a PC

Comparing it to a
Raspberry Pi
Students will be split into two groups, with two adults for
each group. They will be introduced to a list of parts
whereby a discussion will take place to try and identify
what these parts are and what they do.

At this point, one PC per group will be revealed, and the
students will direct the teachers to remove parts from the
computer, pass them around and determine what parts
are what. Comparison of findings should take place
around this, and a good amount of discussion should be
Ensure that all students are
involved in discussion.
instigated to explore the usage of the hardware more.

Once this is completed, the Raspberry Pi will be
introduced. Jacob will state that everything that is in the
PCs that have just been taken apart is in the Raspberry
Pi. The students will then try and directly match the PC
parts to the areas of the Raspberry Pi, which will be
supplemented by guided discussion from the teachers.

Review at the end with some discussion, ready for
Grace 10
Taster for next
Using the raspberry Pis pupils will have the opportunity
to play the 3 games on python (Frogger, Space Invaders
& Tetris).

Raspberry Pis will be already set up from previous
Q. How are the games controlled?
Q. How could these games be improved?
Get pupils to begin to think about how the games are
controlled and what they would like to do to improve
Katie 20
Mind mapping the
childrens current
knowledge of
Pupils initially will discuss in pairs what they know about

Then pupils will create a big mind map as a group to
show what they already know about programming, we
may need to hint to remind them about their use of
scratch. This is designed for us to use to judge where
the student are currently at regarding their knowledge of
programming. This mind map will then be referred to and
Group mind map will be
used to assess where we
pitch the next lesson.

LA pupils will all be able to
discuss their knowledge
with their peers if they are
added to later in the project to see what they have learnt
(in a different colour).

We will be using A1 paper, if possible, to create one big
mind map. We will put the paper on a table, give out the
same colour pens and allow the children to write on the
paper, it will all be as pupil lead as possible.
MA and HA pupils will be
able to show good
knowledge and may lead
some of the conversations
(need to ensure the LA
pupils are able to make

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