Product Marketing Development in Los Angeles, CA Resume

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John I.

Mobile: (562) 682-9823
Forward-thinking product marketing professional with a proven ability to grow new categories of business and
assume overall responsibility for large P&Ls. Instrumental in successful positioning of consumer products through
competitive analysis, etensive market research and strategic planning leadership. !pertise in launching new
consumer products in ma"or retailers across #$, !urope & %sia, sourcing products with manufacturers in %sia, and
managing a supply chain. !tensive eperience in strategic partnerships with top tier manufacturers and retailers for
promotions and bundles. &eputation for moving efforts forward, building consensus, and recogni'ing and pursuing
high-potential product opportunities.
Product (anagement
Product (arketing
)hannel (arketing
*usiness $trategy
Product Life-)ycle (anagement
Portfolio (anagement + P&L
*usiness ,evelopment
)ustomer and Press
(arket %nalysis
KLEENMAID INC. )ommerce, )% -./+0.12 - P&!$!345
Leader in consumer household cleaning and automotive accessories under the 6i-)lean, $pic7n7$pan and
8oodyear brands.
Consultant - Head of Product Marketing
&esponsible for all day-to-day activities in $ales, (arketing, Product ,evelopment and 6perations globally.
(anage a team of ten employees across 3orth %merica, )hina and 9ong :ong.
Increased revenues ;.< within ; months through new channels and ad"acent product categories.
Led :leenmaid from =uarterly operating losses to positive earnings in >? F@0.12.
Increased *ona 6!( opportunity A..< over B months.
&estructured development process -concept to end of life5 to launch products 2.< faster and reduce costs
by 1/<.
,eveloped short-term and long-term product roadmaps for 6i-)lean, $pic7n7$pan and 8oodyear brands.
Implemented multi-channel marketing strategy to prevent conflict between big bo and regional retailers to
maintain retailer margin and :leenmaid profitability targets.
,eveloped new marketing strategy for 8oodyear products to help consumers purchase the correct product
and also increase same basket sales for retailers.
ZENUS USA INC. *rea, )% -.A+0.10 - .0+0.125
Premier leather manufacturer of smartphone and tablet -$amsung and %pple5 accessories.
Consultant - Managing Director North America
,irect and managed all day-today $ales, Product (arketing and 6perations for 3orth %merica region.
(anage a team of four employees
4hrough strategic channel management increased monthly sales 2..< within ? months.
!stablished online, social media and retail strategy to develop 3orth %merica business to C/( within three
,rive all aspects of new product developmentD design, branding, packaging, *6( cost ob"ectives, overseas
production, importation logistics and distribution.
,evelop and implement channel specific sales and marketing programs for smartphone and tablet
accessories while minimi'ing channel conflict.
Creative Ca!!e" Servi#e$ -6mnicom (edia 8roup5, Los %ngeles, )% -11+0.1. - .E+0.115
Leading retail marketing agency providing integrated solutions for manufacturers and retailers.
Consultant Director of Analytics
!stablished and managed analytics team to provide in-depth analysis for field marketing activities and online
education at the retail store level.
(anage team of ten analysts.
%naly'e field market intelligence, retail transactional data, =ualitative research, and competitive intelligence
to provide uni=ue insights that help drive product and marketing strategy for clients.
Provide strategic field marketing plans for 9ome %ppliance, 9ome !ntertainment, (obile !lectronics groups
at $amsung !lectronics %merica -$!%5.
Identified C?.( in potential revenue for $amsung 9ome %ppliance 8roup by targeting different price points.
)ollaborate and present to the )66 and !ecutive 4eam client strategy and effectiveness of current
product portfolio in maimi'ing &6I of field marketing activities.
BELKIN INTERNATIONAL% INC., Los %ngeles, )% -.E+0..? - 11+0.1.5
8lobal manufacturer of computer and electronic accessories and solutions.
Business Unit Manager Core Product Grou !"#$%""& - ''$%"'"(
Full P&L responsibility for over C?..( in global revenue for %F )ables, )omputer )ables, $urge Products,
and #$* ,evices product lines.
(anage team of five product managers.
Launch the first %F accessory containing *lu-&ay video content in retail chains, by initiating "oint product
venture with Garner 9ome Fideo and $amsung.
,efine product roadmaps across entire product lifecycle, from concept through development, launch and
end of life.
Interface with 8lobal Purchasing, $ourcing, >uality %ssurance, and (arketing teams.
)enior Product Manager A* Product Grou !"+$%"", - #$%""&(
6verall P&L responsibility for C10.( in sales revenue worldwide for %F )ables and %F Power.
6versaw team of two product managers.
Increased 3orth %merica product line sales from C?.( to CB.( -B/<5 in nine months with new business
from retailers such as Gal-(art, 4arget, $am7s )lub, )ostco and $ears, and 3%4(.
$uccessfully launched new consumer electronics product that was selected as a $am7s )lub FPI for 0..A.
,efined and implemented product re=uirements, product strategy for retail & commercial sales, and
marketing strategies.
!stablished and personally fostered customer relationship with ,ions in #.:. and !urope.
(anaged manufacturers in )hina.
)enior Manager Demand Planning and Category Management Deartment !"+$%""+ - "+$%"",(
,ecreased overall inventory levels by 2.< in si months to all-time company low by determining and
eecuting H*est-in-)lassI product forecasting, and improving $:# level forecasting and inventory
management practices.
Implemented collaborative forecast and inventory planning in con"unction with Gal-(art and 4arget.
(anaged four customer demand planners encompassing all key retail accounts, including Gal-(art, 4arget,
)omp#$%, )ircuit )ity, )ostco and $am7s )lub.
Manager Category Management Deartment !"&$%""- - "+$%""+(
$pearheaded development of newly created department that focuses on optimi'ing retail space worth
!nhanced growth by developing retail strategies for all product categories, and identifying product
placement opportunities in emerging categories.
Furthered growth strategy by initiating market research analysis of key consumer demographics and buying
trends of ma"or retailers, including 4arget, 4he 9ome ,epot and office superstores.
Implemented H*est-in-)lassI strategy by instituting financial and performance benchmarks for $ales &
Product (gmt.
6versaw a team of four analysts.
Pa#i&iCare Hea"t S'$te($, Los %ngeles, )% -.;+0... - .;+0..05
Financial %nalyst III J in-depth financial modeling of structured and shared-risk settlements.
,ecreased production time by 22< by improving financial models.
De")itte & T)*#e LLP, Los %ngeles, )% -.;+1EEA - .;+0...5
4o service bouti=ue lender clients, performed due diligence and analy'ed financial statements of retail
energy businesses and =uick service restaurants.
,etermined value of retail energy sites and franchised restaurants by performing discount cash flow
analyses, asset valuations, and business comparable benchmarking.
CIGNA Hea"t#are, Los %ngeles, )% -./+1EEB - .;+1EEA5
,ecreased production time by over /.< by improving underwriting model.
,eveloped methods to increase business opportunities and retain current clients.
Ma$ter )& B*$i!e$$ A+(i!i$trati)!, with emphasis in Finance and (arketing -0../5
#$) (arshall $chool of *usiness, Los %ngeles, )alifornia
Ba#e")r )& Art$ i! E#)!)(i#$ -1EE/5
#niversity of (ichigan, %nn %rbor, (ichigan

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