Alcatel-Lucent KPI Optimization Test Plan For LTE April 22, 2010

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Subject: Alcatel-Lucent KPI Optimization Test Plan

for LTE
Date: April 22, 2010
Version 1.0
This document provides a detailed test plan for KPI Optimization of the LTE field
technology deployment as detailed in the Verizon High Level Test Plan. The tests ill !e
e"ecuted in #oston$ %& and surrounding areas. The primary o!'ective of the
Optimization is to validate !asic KPI functionality$ evaluate performance of LTE &ir(
Interface functionalities. The scope of test cases included in this KPI Test Plan spans
several areas including access$ latency$ coverage and )apacity
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
Alcatel-Lucent - Proprietary
This document contains proprietary information of
Alcatel-Lucent and is not to be disclosed or used
except in accordance with applicable agreements.
Copyright 2006 Alcatel-Lucent Technologies
Unpublished and Not for Publication
All rights reserved
e!ision "istory
#ersion $escription $ate
1.0 Initial version of test plan that will be executed for
KPI Optii!ation
Ta%le 1& e!ision "istory
%1& LTE KPI Optimization High Level Test Plan$ 'ersion 1( )pril $$ $010( 'eri!on
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $
See notice on first pa+e
'lossary of Terms
D,,S Down-,in. ,oad Siulator
/)0 /nhanced )nal1sis 0ool
eP2 /nhanced 2ore
3b/ 3i+abit /thernet
,,D4 ,3/ ,o++in+ and Dia+nostic 4odule
,40 ,ocal 4aintenance 0ool
44/ 4obilit1 4ana+eent /ntit1
4P,S 4ulti Protocol ,abel Switchin+
4S 4ana+eent Server
5PO 5etwor. Perforance Optii!ation
O)4 Operation( )dinistration and 4ana+eent
O,S4 Open ,oop Spatial 4ultiplexin+
6)4S/S 6ole-based )ccess 4ana+eent Securit1 S1ste
667 6eote 6adio 7ead
SAE S1ste )rchitecture /volution
TLS 0ransparent ,)5 Service
',)5 'irtual ,)5
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 8
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Ta%le of (ontents
E#I*IO, "I*TO-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2
1 I,TO$/(TIO,+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0
2 KPI OPTI1I2ATIO, TA'ET++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0
3 $EPLO-1E,T *-*TE1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4
5 PO(E** O#E#IE6+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++10

Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary "
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List of Ta%les
TA)LE 1& E#I*IO, "I*TO-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2
List of .i7ures
.I'/E 1& LTE $EPLO-1E,T ,ET6OK A("ITE(T/E++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++8
.I'/E 2& EAT (O,.I'/ATIO, I, LTE TIAL+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++13
.I'/E 3& *-,(OTE*T A("ITE(T/E+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++15
.I'/E 5& E$AT LTE TIAL (O,.I'/ATIO,++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++19
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 9
See notice on first pa+e
1 Intro:uction
(ate7ory *u%-(ate7ory *cope Tar7et #alue
( *etup .ailure ate (
Attac< .ailure ate L
Attac< $elay L
2 secon:s
*er!ice e=uest .ailure ate (
*er!ice e=uest $elay L
0+9 secon:
$e:icate: )earer Acti!ation
.ailure ate
$e:icate: )earer Acti!ation $elay ,
0+9 secon:s
$e:icate: )earer $rop ate ,
(onte>t $rop ,
( $rop (
Access A(" Latency L
0+9 secon:s
$L?/L P<ysical Layer T<rou7<put,
00?20 1%ps
$L?/L L( T<rou7<put, pea@ L
99?18 1%ps
$L?/L P<ysical Layer T<rou7<put,
4?3 1%ps
$L?/L P<ysical Layer T<rou7<put,

1?0+9 1%ps
L( AA?"AA etransmission
Pac@et Latency Broun:-trip :elayC L
30 msec
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary :
See notice on first pa+e
*1?D2 "an:o!er .ailure ate (
*1?D2 "an:o!er Interruption
Time, intra-e,)
100 msec
*1?D2 "an:o!er Interruption
Time, inter-e,)
100 msec
Intra?Inter-11E TA/ .ailure

Pa7in7 Performance
IAT <an:o!er failure rate

.-*I, Percent Inclu:e: Area F 13 :)

Percent Inclu:e: Area F -9 :)

.-*P Percent Inclu:e: Area G 153 :) L
OPL Breference: to full-poHer

3 $EPLO-1E,T *-*TE1
3+1 Trial *ystem Arc<itecture
0his section provides a hi+h level description of the ,0/ s1ste architecture and a
description of all involved entities and interfaces between entities. )s shown in ;i+ure 1(
the ,0/ architecture networ. is coposed of:
4ultiple e5ode<s
)n eP2 encopassin+ two functions: 44/ and S)/ 3atewa1
4etro /thernet <ac.haul
)pplications servers
)s shown in the fi+ure( the cluster of e5ode<s will be connected via the ==09 and ==90
routers to the other networ. eleents such as the eP2 and application servers. /ach
e5ode< will consist of a D$> and three 06D>s. /ach D$> will consist of a u224s
?controller with interface to bac.haul@ and three e2/4s ?odesA one for each sector@.
/ach e2/4 will be connected via fiber optic cable to the 06D>.
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary =
See notice on first pa+e

.i7ure 1& LTE $eployment ,etHor@ Arc<itecture
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary B
See notice on first pa+e
0he inforation below details the hardware description and the associated O)4
eCuipent list for the 0rial networ.:
o D$> '$ ?1 u224 D 8 e2/4@
o 06D> ?reote-radio-heads coprisin+ of aplifiers and filters@( "0* 0x
o ==90 S6 ?service router@
o ==09 S)6 ?service a++re+ation router@
Transport ser!ices
o 2isco 0,S /'2
o PD5#44/#S)/3* - IPD )02)
o 2isco PIE
LA, sHitc<in7
o 4odule fro ==90
emote support
o 6)4S/S
In order to ana+e the e5ode<s( a coplete O)4 s1ste has to be desi+ned to host the
followin+ functions:
2onfi+uration ana+eent
;ault ana+eent
Perforance ana+eent
)dditional O)4 s1stes include:
,40 to confi+ure and set up the D$> platfor to coission IP addresses(
D,2P server( and default +atewa1. 0he ,40 connects locall1 to console port
,40 to confi+ure the eP2 coplex ?44/( S-3* and PD5 3*@ ?connects
locall1 to console port@
4ana+eent Server ?4S@ to confi+ure the e5< and displa1 e5< status and fault
5etwor. Perforance Optii!ation ?5PO@ to collect perforance counts and
easureents. 0he 4S and the 5PO are to+ether referred to as the ,0/
4ana+eent S1ste Server
4S and 5PO clients to interface to 4S and 5PO servers
5etscreen firewall to protect the ,0/ networ. eleents fro intrusion
5etscreen 3ate firewall to filter access to the 6)4S/S 4ediation s1ste
6)4S/S 6eote )ccess and 6)4S/S 4ediation P2 to provide access control
and authentication on reote access to the ,0/ networ. eleents
9:$0 S#* product ana+in+ the onitorin+ aspects on ==90
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary F
See notice on first pa+e
3+2 Air Interface O!er!ieH
4ain inputs to setup ,0/ air interface durin+ the Optii!ation are:
10 47! spectru bandwidth in the >pper <and 2 ?=00 G ==0 47!@
5uber of freCuenc1 carriers: 1
8 sectors per e5< site
8 06D>s per e5< site
S;<2#4I4O in D, and SI4O in >,
2ross pole and 'ertical pole antennas
3+3 Access terminals
,3/ 3 Series >/s will be used durin+ the Optii!ation
3+5 LTE e,o:e) functions
0he e5ode< hosts the followin+ functions:
;unctions for 6adio 6esource 4ana+eent: 6adio <earer 2ontrol( 6adio
)dission 2ontrol( 2onnection 4obilit1 2ontrol( D1naic allocation of
resources to >/s in both >plin. and Downlin. ?schedulin+@
6outin+ of user plane data towards S)/ +atewa1
Schedulin+ and transission of pa+in+ essa+es ?ori+inated fro the 44/@
Schedulin+ and transission of broadcast inforation ?ori+inated fro the 44/
or O)4@.
4easureent and easureent reportin+ confi+uration for obilit1 and schedulin+
3+9 AL/ 4490 *er!ice outer .unctions
0he S6==90 is an ed+e router that will host the followin+ functions:
,in. a++re+ation
DS2P appin+
',)5 and ,)5 switchin+
IP router to reach different )pplication servers
3+0 AL/ 4409 *er!ice A77re7ation outer .unctions
0he ),> ==09 is a Service )++re+ation 6outer ?S)6@ that offers:
) service-oriented capabilit1 to the 6)5
IP#4P,S 6)5 transport solution
3+4 LTE 11E .unctions
0he 44/ hosts the followin+ functions:
Idle ode obilit1
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 10
See notice on first pa+e
o S1 connection establishent
o Idle to active ode transition
o )ctive to idle ode transition
Session ana+eent
o HoS control
S1 handlin+ durin+ 7O
3+8 LTE *AE .unctions
0he S)/ 3atewa1 hosts the followin+ functions:
4ultiple bearer support ?one default and one dedicated@
S1 30P-> bearer endpoint
Idle ode handlin+: bearer suspension with pa+in+ reCuest
S1 path switch durin+ handover
3+E $ata Laptop (onfi7uration
0he access terinal will interface with a data laptop to support Pin+s( ;0P( >DP( and
700P data transfers. 0he laptop should be confi+ured per the recoended paraeters
to optii!e perforance and provide an appropriate coparison to existin+ data. 0hese
recoendations include:
*indows $000 Professional or *indows EP edition
IP header copression ?'I copression@ turned O;;
PPP software copression O;; except for 700P data transfer
1$BKb1tes 02P window si!e
40> of 1900 b1tes
3+10 Application *er!ers
)pplication servers will be used durin+ the 0rial to provide the data content for the
various tests. 0hese servers will be provided b1 )lcatel-,ucent and the1 need to be easil1
accessible and not bloc.ed or restricted b1 low bandwidth pipes.
*indows $000 Server /dition will be used as a data server( which should reside as close
to the PD5 +atewa1 as possible. 0his will eliinate perforance uncertaint1 due to an1
external networ. dela1. Data applications available throu+h this server will be:
DOS ;0P - 02P#IP
3+11 Test tools
In order to validate functionalit1 and Cuantif1 perforance( a variet1 of test tools will be
0raffic 3eneration 0ools:
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 11
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DOS-;0P( *I5DS( Pin+ G 0o +enerate 02P#IP and >DP based traffic data for
easurin+ data capacit1 and networ. latenc1
Pin+ scripts for access tests
,o++in+ tools
)+ilent is a Dia+nostic 4onitor for lo++in+ and anal1!in+ over-the-air 5etwor.
s1ste perforance and paraeters
/nhanced )nal1sis 0ool ?/)0@: to collect internal traces +enerated b1 the e5<
)nal1sis tools
)+ilent Protocol anal1!er
KPI collector and +enerator Data 4onitorin+ ?PD4@ tool: a distributed data perforance( anal1sis and
troubleshootin+ service
3+11+1 P$1 Tool
PD4 is a distributed data perforance anal1sis and troubleshootin+ service for
data( providin+ end-to-end and per-lin. data Cualit1 anal1sis. It can be used for the
followin+ functions:
'endor independent data networ. onitorin+ capabilities
2onsistent and autoated testin+ and anal1sis of networ.s
2haracteri!ation of end-user perceived perforance in ters of throu+hput(
latenc1( dropped pac.ets( etc.
)bilit1 to onitor # test networ. to support tie sensitive applications(
such as 'oIP
Identification of lin.s#coponents reCuirin+ aintenance and optii!ation( and
onitorin+ of lin. and end-to-end perforance
/nables precise data correlation across the entire networ.
6educes resource reCuireents with an autoated and reote controlled sniffer
3+11+2 En<ance: Analysis Tool BEATC
0he /)0 stores internal traces of up to 19 e5ode<s. /)0 runs on a ,inux P2 which is
connected to one or several e5ode<s via /thernet ?;i+ure $@. It connects to each e5ode<
and confi+ures the trace service b1 providin+ a destination IP address ?i.e. its own IP
address@ and which traces to activate. /)0 does not .now the exact oent the traces
start( so it has to listen via a server. 0races are received via >DP.
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 1$
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Eng rules for EAT:
Traces are transorte! "ns"!e
#$% a&loa!s trace transort
#$%'I%'Et( )stan!ar! Et(ernet
Trace content off"c"all& release!
)5,- Mbs+ b& S&ste* !es"gn
Traces!e! "ns"!e /LAN
OAM an! route! t(anks to LAN
s."tc( to EAT ser0er )!est I% 1
Internal eNB traces act"0ate! b&
!efault L"*"te! e2ort to
outs"!e )u to EAT ser0er+ TBC
Traces co*"ng fro* stan!ar!
Et(ernet ort of t(e eNB, $ebug
ort not use!,
Eng rules for EAT:
Traces are transorte! "ns"!e
#$% a&loa!s trace transort
#$%'I%'Et( )stan!ar! Et(ernet
Trace content off"c"all& release!
)5,- Mbs+ b& S&ste* !es"gn
Traces!e! "ns"!e /LAN
OAM an! route! t(anks to LAN
s."tc( to EAT ser0er )!est I% 1
Internal eNB traces act"0ate! b&
!efault L"*"te! e2ort to
outs"!e )u to EAT ser0er+ TBC
Traces co*"ng fro* stan!ar!
Et(ernet ort of t(e eNB, $ebug
ort not use!,
EAT ser0er
To get EAT traces at eNB site:
a local access point to OAM VLAN required
either from an existing connection point
or from an external hubs!itch to come !ith on eNB site
.i7ure 2& EAT confi7uration in LTE Trial
3+11+3 A7ilent tool
0he )+ilent D5) is a protocol anal1!er and can be used for user-plane anal1sis. It offers
a scaleable( distributed probin+ architecture and the raw data is collected at the S1 level.
Owin+ to the true client-server architecture( each user client is able to test independentl1.
0o enable detailed protocol anal1sis( 7ardware Intelli+ent Processin+ ?7I-PI$@ at
line rate will be reCuired. )t the user-plane( the anal1sis will also reCuire a separation of
the si+nallin+ and pa1load pac.ets to be able to correlate and anal1!e events at both
3+11+5 6ires<ar@
*ireshar. is a networ. protocol anal1!er. *ireshar. offers the capabilities to capture
networ. data eleents and provide soe etrics on the data snoopin+.
3+11+9 *yncroTest
S1ncro0est is an autoated test tool to control test obiles ?called JProbesK@ reotel1 usin+ a
central J4aster 2ontrollerK console. ?See ;i+ure 8: S1ncro0est )rchitecture below@ S1ncro0est
probes control the functionalit1 of ,,D4#)+ilent( *I5DS and ;0P to +enerate traffic and
onitor the connections fro the probeLs point-of-view. 0he lo+ data is then sent bac. to the
aster control for anal1sis. Probes have also been developed to support reote control of /)0
so that testin+ and data collection can be s1nchroni!ed.
) sin+le S1ncro0est aster controller can control at least B )+ilent#,,D4#*I5DS probes and
an /)0 probe siultaneousl1 eliinatin+ the need for an 6; en+ineer in each drive test vehicle.
S1ncro0est uses self healin+ 02P connections with each probe to direct the probe and it receives
periodic heartbeats fro the probe to update the probes status.
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 18
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.i7ure 3& *yncroTest Arc<itecture

3+11+0 $ata Analysis Tool Be$ATC
eDAT is a post-processing tool that allows a user to analyze RF performance KPs! eDAT ta"es
input from #oth $E logs an% e&o%e' logs! eDAT pro(i%es a stan%ar%ize% approach to analyze
metrics in the Ra%io Access &etwor"! eDAT uses the $E Logs generate% #y Agilent)LLD* as
input from the $E perspecti(e! The e&o%e' logs are generate% #y EAT an% pro(i%e an
a%%itional input to eDAT to analyze KPs from the e&o%e' perspecti(e! The following %iagram
illustrates the eDAT configuration for the LTE Deployment!
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 1"
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E(ents KPs *essages
e&o%e' logs
$E logs
E(ents KPs *essages
e&o%e' logs
$E logs
E(ents KPs *essages
e&o%e' logs
$E logs
.i7ure 5& e$AT LTE Trial (onfi7uration
Once the data has been collected( eD)0 post-processes the >/ and e5ode< lo+ files to
+enerate the anal1ses of the KPIs. eD)0 is a standalone tool that does not need to be
connected to the fixed infrastructure. 0he output includes aps( +raphs( plots( reports
and essa+e decodin+. )ll these can be used to evaluate the 6; perforance of the ,0/
0rial networ.. eD)0 use of event tiestaps and locations of the >/s to
+eo+raphicall1 plot out the data+
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 19
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5 Process O!er!ieH
5+1 $eployment *ite Locations
5+2 *ite ea:iness
0he Site 6eadiness are health chec.s that ensure all cells are operatin+ as reCuired. 0hese
procedures are usuall1 perfored after deplo1in+ a new networ. or when introducin+
new cell sites reCuired for a professional service. Once these health chec.s have been
perfored and it a satisfactor1 perforance of all cells can be +uaranteed( these health
chec.s are no lon+er a prereCuisite of the 6; Optii!ation.
5+2+1 *pectrum (learance #erification
0he spectru clearance assures that no external interference is present and sufficient
+uard bands are obe1ed.
0he detection of the interferences can be a ver1 tie consuin+ and difficult tas. once
the ,0/ s1ste is up and runnin+. It is desirable to have a ver1 hi+h de+ree of confidence
that the spectru is cleared prior to an1 testin+.
5+2+2 Antenna Au:it
0his phase involves a series of Cualit1 chec.s to ensure proper installation of the antenna
s1ste. 0he nuber of audited cell sites will depend on the custoer contract. 0here is a
recoended audit iniu of $9M of cell sites in a cluster. 0he selection of cell sites
ust be done with input fro the custoer.
If ore than 90M of the audited antennas uncover installation errors( the reainin+
antennas in the cluster ust also be audited. <ased on the results and the confidence level
of the antenna installations( the percenta+e of cell sites to be audited a1 var1 for
successive clusters. 0he audit process consist of various inspections on antenna hei+ht(
antenna a!iuth( antenna t1pe( antenna echanical down-tilt( cable len+th( etc.
5+2+3 *ector #erification
0he sector tests include verification of basic call processin+ functions includin+
ori+ination( terination and handover tests. 4easureents are ade on ,0/ si+nal levels
to verif1 that each sector is transittin+ with the appropriate power levels and the 2ell id.
0hese basic functions tests are intended to detect hardware -( software-( confi+uration G
and paraeter errors for each cell site in the cluster prior to further drive testin+. Sector
drives should be executed for each sector in the s1ste or accordin+ to contractual
obli+ations. Due to the siple nature of the drives( sector drives do not reCuire custoer
5+2+5 )aseline E>istin7 *ystem
0he objective for the <aseline /xistin+ S1ste is to collect the 6; perforance etrics
of the existin+ ,0/ s1ste eCuipent. <aseline drivin+ should be perfored prior to an1
6; Optii!ation activit1 and contains easurin+ of the Ke1 Perforance Indicators.
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 1:
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Drive routes and Ke1 Perforance Indicators will be the sae as the ones used later for
S1ste 'erification. It is iportant to .eep the drive routes and KPILs identical for
perforance validation and coparison purposes. Drive routes and KPILs ust be a+reed
upon with the custoer.
5+3 . Optimization Plannin7
0he Optii!ation plannin+ phase ensures s1ste and tool readiness for 6; Optii!ation
before be+innin+ the actual drive testin+.
5+3+1 Perform . Parameter Au:it
6; paraeters ust be inspected for consistenc1 with the ,0/ paraeter catalo+ue.
0he 6; paraeter settin+s used in the networ. can be obtained fro the 5DP project
database. 0hese settin+s are then audited usin+ the ,0/ paraeter catalo+ue *PS
5+3+2 #ali:ate Initial ,ei7<%or Lists
)n iportant step within the 6; Optii!ation preparation phase is associated with the
nei+hbor list verification. 0he coplete nei+hbor lists in the ,0/ networ. are reCuired to
copare the nei+hbor relations with networ. desi+n plots. 5ei+hbor relations need to be
verified for recent updates( validit1 and appropriateness. 0he recoended strate+1 is to
have a iniu nuber of nei+hbor relations in the nei+hbor lists. 0he nei+hbor lists
used in the networ. can also be obtained fro the *PS project database.
5+3+3 Tool ea:iness
)ppropriate drive test tools and post-processin+ tools( need to be prepared for
5+3+5 $efine (lusters
)pproxiatel1 19-1F e5ode<s should be cobined into one cluster. 0he actual nuber
used is based on the networ. expansion as well on topo+raphical environent. 0he
clusters are selected to provide a center e5ode< with tow rin+s of surroundin+ e5ode<s .
5+3+9 $ri!e oute Plannin7
Drive routes need to be defined for Sector 'erification( 2luster Optii!ation and S1ste
'erification. 2overa+e prediction plots( orpholo+1 and clusters can define all drive test
0he drive route should aintain a distance eCual to N of the cell site radius for sector
0he routes for 2luster Optii!ation shall consist of ajor roads( hi+hwa1s and hotspots.
0otal tie to drive all routes in at1pical cluster should be approxiatel1 : to B hours.
)dditional border route is chosen b1 the wa1 it crosses the cluster borders witout +oin+
into the cluster areas.
0he S1ste 'erification drive route are used to collect the etrics for the /xit 2riteria.
0he routes are a cobination of individual clusters.
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 1=
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5+5 . Optimization E>ecution
0he 6; Optii!ation /xecution consists of drive tests( proble area identification(
verification drives( and final drives to ensure copletion of /xit 2riteria. 0he core
activit1 is to provide s1ste tunin+( as well as data collection and reportin+. ,0/
networ. optii!ation would be perfored under loaded networ. conditions.
5+5+1 (luster Optimization
0he 2luster Optii!ation consists of three phrases:
>nloaded 2luster Optii!ation
,oaded 2luster Optii!ation
2luster Perforance 'erification
Durin+ the first 2luster Optii!ation phase( a easureent drive is perfored under
unloaded networ. conditions usin+ the optii!ation route. Once the data fro the first
phase are collected( proble spots are identified and optii!ed. 0he unloaded drive test
identifies covera+e holes( handover re+ions and ultiple pilot covera+e areas. It also
spots eventual overshootin+ sites ?as interferences is inial@ fro areas belon+in+ to
nei+hbor clusters. 0he first pass i+ht lead to correction of nei+hbor lists and
adjustents of the fundaental 6; paraeters such as transit powers and#or antenna
a!iuths and antenna tilts. 0he drive test inforation hi+hli+hts fundaental flaws in the
6; desi+n under best-case conditions
0he second 2luster Optii!ation phase is perfored under loaded conditions. 0he drive
routes for the loaded 2luster Optii!ation will be exactl1 the sae routes as those used
for the unloaded easureents drives. ,oadin+ the cell will cause an increase of ne+ative
S56 valuses( identif1 potential covera+e holes( result in hi+her <,/6( result in lower
obilit1 throu+hput( and ore dropped calls. 0he objective is to fix the probles
observed b1 the field teas. 0his involves the fine-tunin+ of 6; paraeters such as the
transit power or handover paraeters. )ntenna re-adjustents ?e.+. down-tilts(
a!iuths( patterns#t1pes or hei+hts@ are also occasional perfored.
0he 2luster perforance is easured a+ainst the cluster /xit 2riteria. 0he exit driveLs
purpose is to verif1 and to confir specific /xit 2riteria deanded b1 the custoer.
0he final statistics fro the cluster exit drive are presented to the custoer for approval.
0hese statistics contain plots as well as data in tabular for.
5+5+2 *ystem #erification
S1ste 'erification is the final phase of the 6; Drive 0est <ased Optii!ation activit1
and it focuses specificall1 on collectin+ overall perforance statistics. It is perfored
under loaded conditions with all cells activated. S1ste 'erification involves fusion of
the previousl1 optii!ed clusters and once a+ain is reCuired to deonstrate that /xit
2riteria are et s1ste-wide.
0he final statistics fro the S1ste 'erification are presented to the custoer for
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 1B
See notice on first pa+e
5+9 Test (ases
0he default test ode in the D, will be the open loop spatial ultiplexin+ ?O,S4@ and
for the >, it will be SI4O.
D,,S ?down-lin. load siulator@ will be used to +enerate interference on the D, of the
nei+hborin+ cells for loadin+ purposes.
5+0 *in7le /ser T<rou7<put Test Pea@
5+0+1 *in7le /ser $oHnlin@ Airlin@ T<rou7<put Pea@ Test
Test O%Iecti!es& 0est 'alidate the perforance b1 conductin+ sin+le-user stationar1 and
liited obilit1 tests on pre-selected locations in an ebedded sector and in a liited
drive route within the sae sector( respectivel1. 0he tests shall be perfored usin+ both
>DP applications for perforance coparison( and under 90M cell loadin+ conditions.
Test $escription&
0ests will be executed in 2lose-,oop Spatial 4ultiplexin+ ?2,S4@.
;or the stationar1 tests( the test >/ will be located at selected locations in an ebedded
sector correspondin+ to the appropriate S56 ran+es for 5ear 2ell ?52@. See for S56
ran+es. ;or the obilit1 tests( the test >/ will be driven accordin+ to the predefined drive
D,,S will be used to load the D, of the cells nei+hborin+ the tar+et cell. ,oadin+ will be
+enerated b1 occup1in+ portions of the 6esource <loc.s ?6<@. ;or exaple( to +enerate a
cell loadin+ of 90M( 90M of the total D, 6<s will be occupied.
)+ilent 0ool( <ac.hual <andwidth: 100 4bps( SI56: 1= to $1 d<( ,oaded 2onditions:
0est 6outes:
5ear 2ell( S561=d< G $1 d<
0erinal Speeds:
Stationar1( ,iited 4obilit1 ?$9-80@.#hr
0est Set >p:
) drive test van will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
1. /nsure that 9004< file is available at the servers for downloads
$. /nsure that 0x#6x )ntenna 2orrection is below $0M
8. /nsure that >/ is reportin+ 6an. of $
". /nsure that antenna on the 0est van are cross polari!ed
9. /nsure that 02P *indow si!e of client laptop is set to 91$.b1tes
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 1F
See notice on first pa+e
Action esponse
1 Par. test 'an at predeterined location on 52
$ Open )+ilent and connect >/ to the )+ilent
8 Power the >/ and ensure that the ri+ht port is
assi+ned to the >/. 2hec. that 3PS is
on )+ilent and *inds
" Open ,3/ ,0/ 24 and clic. on J2onnectK >/ would start the attach process
9 Pin+ the )pplication Server to a.e sure >/
has acCuired an IP address
IP address verified
: Open *inds >DP and confi+ure the ri+ht
adapter. Populate the fields with ri+ht values
= Start lo++in+ )+ilent and clic. J6eCuestK on
B ,o+ Data for 8 ins. >/ lo+ files collected
F Stop the *inds >DP sessions. Stop lo++in+ on
10 6epeat Steps = -F for two ore runs
11 Save the >/ and *inds files
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er Downlin. )irlin. 0hrou+hput Pea.
$. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput
8. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
". 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
9. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
E>pecte: esult&
Pea. 0put should be :04bps
E>pecte: Test $uration& 0.9 da1
5+0+2 *in7le /ser /plin@ Airlin@ T<rou7<put Pea@ Test
Test O%Iecti!es& 0est 'alidate the perforance b1 conductin+ sin+le-user stationar1 and
liited obilit1 tests on pre-selected locations in an ebedded sector and in a liited
drive route within the sae sector( respectivel1. 0he tests shall be perfored usin+ both
>DP applications for perforance coparison( and under no loadin+.
Test $escription&
0ests will be executed in 2lose-,oop Spatial 4ultiplexin+ ?2,S4@.
;or the stationar1 tests( the test >/ will be located at selected locations in an ebedded
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $0
See notice on first pa+e
sector correspondin+ to the appropriate S56 ran+es for 5ear 2ell ?52@. See for S56
ran+es. ;or the obilit1 tests( the test >/ will be driven accordin+ to the predefined drive
)+ilent 0ool( <ac.hual <andwidth: 100 4bps
0est 6outes:
5ear 2ell( S561=d< G $1 d<
0erinal Speeds:
Stationar1( ,iited 4obilit1 ?$9-80@.#hr
0est Set >p:
) drive test van will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
1./nsure that 9004< file is available at the client laptop for uploads
$./nsure that SI6 tar+et is set to 1Bd< at the e5ode<
Action esponse
1 Par. test 'an at predeterined location on 52
$ Open )+ilent and connect >/ to the )+ilent
8 Power the >/ and ensure that the ri+ht port is
assi+ned to the >/. 2hec. that 3PS is
on )+ilent and *inds
" Open ,3/ ,0/ 24 and clic. on J2onnectK >/ would start the attach process
9 Pin+ the )pplication Server to a.e sure >/
has acCuired an IP address
IP address verified
: Open *inds >DP and confi+ure the ri+ht
adapter. Populate the fields with ri+ht values
= Start lo++in+ )+ilent and clic. JSendK on
B ,o+ Data for 8 ins. >/ lo+ files collected
F Stop the *inds >DP sessions. Stop lo++in+ on
10 6epeat Steps = -F for two ore runs
11 Save the >/ and *inds files
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $1
See notice on first pa+e
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er >plin. )irlin. 0hrou+hput Pea.
$. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput
8. SI6 tar+et
". Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
9. 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
:. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Ph1sical ,a1er >plin. )irlin. 0hrou+hput Pea. should be recorded.
E>pecte: esult&
Pea. 0put should be $04bps
E>pecte: Test $uration& 0.9 da1
5+0+3 *in7le /ser $oHnlin@ L( T<rou7<put Pea@ Test
Test O%Iecti!es& 0est 'alidate the perforance b1 conductin+ sin+le-user stationar1 and
liited obilit1 tests on pre-selected locations in an ebedded sector and in a liited
drive route within the sae sector( respectivel1. 0he tests shall be perfored usin+ both
>DP applications for perforance coparison( and under 90M cell loadin+ conditions.
Test $escription&
0ests will be executed in 2lose-,oop Spatial 4ultiplexin+ ?2,S4@.
;or the stationar1 tests( the test >/ will be located at selected locations in an ebedded
sector correspondin+ to the appropriate S56 ran+es for 5ear 2ell ?52@. See for S56
ran+es. ;or the obilit1 tests( the test >/ will be driven accordin+ to the predefined drive
D,,S will be used to load the D, of the cells nei+hborin+ the tar+et cell. ,oadin+ will be
+enerated b1 occup1in+ portions of the 6esource <loc.s ?6<@. ;or exaple( to +enerate a
cell loadin+ of 90M( 90M of the total D, 6<s will be occupied.
)+ilent 0ool( <ac.haull <andwidth: 100 4bps( SI56: 1= to $1 d<( ,oaded 2onditions:
0est 6outes:
5ear 2ell( S561=d< G $1 d<
0erinal Speeds:
Stationar1( ,iited 4obilit1 ?$9-80@ .#hr
0est Set >p:
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $$
See notice on first pa+e
) drive test van will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
1. /nsure that 9004< file is available at the servers for downloads
$. /nsure that 0x#6x )ntenna 2orrection is below $0M
8. /nsure that >/ is reportin+ 6an. of $
". /nsure that antenna on the 0est van are cross polari!ed
9. /nsure that 02P *indow si!e of client laptop is set to 91$.b1tes
Action esponse
1 Par. test 'an at predeterined location on 52
$ Open )+ilent and connect >/ to the )+ilent
8 Power the >/ and ensure that the ri+ht port is
assi+ned to the >/. 2hec. that 3PS is
on )+ilent and *inds
" Open ,3/ ,0/ 24 and clic. on J2onnectK >/ would start the attach process
9 Pin+ the )pplication Server to a.e sure >/
has acCuired an IP address
IP address verified
: Open *inds >DP and confi+ure the ri+ht
adapter. Populate the fields with ri+ht values
= Start lo++in+ )+ilent and clic. J6eCuestK on
B ,o+ Data for 8 ins. >/ lo+ files collected
F Stop the *inds >DP sessions. Stop lo++in+ on
10 6epeat Steps = -F for two ore runs
11 Save the >/ and *inds files
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er Downlin. 6,2 0hrou+hput Pea.
$. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput
8. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
". 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
9. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Pea. Downlin. 6,2 la1er throu+hput should be recorded.
E>pecte: esult&
Pea. 0put should be 994bps
E>pecte: Test $uration& 0.9 da1
5+0+5 *in7le /ser /plin@ L( T<rou7<put Pea@ Test
Test O%Iecti!es& 0est 'alidate the perforance b1 conductin+ sin+le-user stationar1 and
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $8
See notice on first pa+e
liited obilit1 tests on pre-selected locations in an ebedded sector and in a liited
drive route within the sae sector( respectivel1. 0he tests shall be perfored usin+ both
>DP applications for perforance coparison( and under no loadin+.
Test $escription&
0ests will be executed in 2lose-,oop Spatial 4ultiplexin+ ?2,S4@.
;or the stationar1 tests( the test >/ will be located at selected locations in an ebedded
sector correspondin+ to the appropriate S56 ran+es for 5ear 2ell ?52@. See for S56
ran+es. ;or the obilit1 tests( the test >/ will be driven accordin+ to the predefined drive
)+ilent 0ool( <ac.haul <andwidth: 100 4bps
0est 6outes:
5ear 2ell( S561=d< G $1 d<
0erinal Speeds:
Stationar1( liited 4obilit1 ?$9-80@ .#hr
0est Set >p:
) drive test van will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
1./nsure that 9004< file is available at the client laptop for uploads
$./nsure that SI6 tar+et is set to 1Bd< at the e5ode<
Action esponse
1 Par. test 'an at predeterined location on 52
$ Open )+ilent and connect >/ to the )+ilent
8 Power the >/ and ensure that the ri+ht port is
assi+ned to the >/. 2hec. that 3PS is
on )+ilent and *inds
" Open ,3/ ,0/ 24 and clic. on J2onnectK >/ would start the attach process
9 Pin+ the )pplication Server to a.e sure >/
has acCuired an IP address
IP address verified
: Open *inds >DP and confi+ure the ri+ht
adapter. Populate the fields with ri+ht values
= Start lo++in+ )+ilent and clic. JSendK on
B ,o+ Data for 8 ins. >/ lo+ files collected
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $"
See notice on first pa+e
F Stop the *inds >DP sessions. Stop lo++in+ on
10 6epeat Steps = -F for two ore runs
11 Save the >/ and *inds files
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er >plin. 6,2 0hrou+hput Pea.
$. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput
8. SI6 tar+et
". Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
9. 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
:. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Pea. >plin. 6,2 la1er throu+hput should be recorded
E>pecte: esult&
Pea. 0put should be 1B4bps
E>pecte: Test $uration& 0.9 da1
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $9
See notice on first pa+e
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $:
See notice on first pa+e
5+0+9 *in7le /ser $oHnlin@ P<ysical Layer T<rou7<put 1ean
Test O%Iecti!es& /valuate the )vera+e Downlin. Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput in a cluster
of 19 G $0 e5ode<s
Test $escription& 0ests will be executed in 2lose-,oop Spatial 4ultiplexin+ ?2,S4@.
;or the cluster test( the test >/ will be driven accordin+ to the predefined drive route.
0he route definition would cover S56 distribution that reflect 52( 42( 2/.
D,,S will be used to load the D, of the cells nei+hborin+ the tar+et cell. ,oadin+ will be
+enerated b1 occup1in+ portions of the 6esource <loc.s ?6<@. ;or exaple( to +enerate a
cell loadin+ of 90M( 90M of the total D, 6<s will be occupied.
)+ilent 0ool( <ac.haul <andwidth: 90 4bps <ac.hual
Test *etup&
) drive test van will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
1. /nsure that 9004< file

0est 6outes:
5ear 2ell( S561=d< G $1 d<
0erinal Speeds:
Stationar1( liited 4obilit1 ?$9-80@ .#hr
0est Set >p:
) drive test van will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
1./nsure that 9004< file is available at the client laptop for uploads
$./nsure that SI6 tar+et is set to 1Bd< at the e5ode<
Action esponse
1 Par. test 'an at predeterined location on 52
$ Open )+ilent and connect >/ to the )+ilent
8 Power the >/ and ensure that the ri+ht port is
assi+ned to the >/. 2hec. that 3PS is
on )+ilent and *inds
" Open ,3/ ,0/ 24 and clic. on J2onnectK >/ would start the attach process
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $=
See notice on first pa+e
9 Pin+ the )pplication Server to a.e sure >/
has acCuired an IP address
IP address verified
: Open *inds >DP and confi+ure the ri+ht
adapter. Populate the fields with ri+ht values
= Start lo++in+ )+ilent and clic. JSendK on
B ,o+ Data for 8 ins. >/ lo+ files collected
F Stop the *inds >DP sessions. Stop lo++in+ on
10 6epeat Steps = -F for two ore runs
11 Save the >/ and *inds files
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er >plin. 6,2 0hrou+hput Pea.
=. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput
B. SI6 tar+et
F. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
10. 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
11. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Pea. >plin. 6,2 la1er throu+hput should be recorded
E>pecte: esult&
Pea. 0put should be 1B4bps
E>pecte: Test $uration& 0.9 da1
Key 1etrics&
=. Ph1sical ,a1er Downlin. 0hrou+hput 4ean
B. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput
F. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
10. 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
11. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $B
See notice on first pa+e
5+4 )est Effort *ector T<rou7<put Tests
5+4+1 $oHnlin@ )est Effort *ector T<rou7<put
Test O%Iecti!es& /valuate the sector throu+hput for ultiple >/s at stationar1 locations
and for liited obilit1 drive tests within the sae sector. 0ests will be conducted under
unloaded and loaded conditions( and for >DP and ;0P applications.
Test $escription&
0hree different scenarios will be tested: Open-,oop Spatial 4ultiplexin+ ?O,S4@( S;<2
and SI4O
;or the stationar1 tests( B test >/s will be placed at selected locations correspondin+ to the
appropriate S56 ran+es for 5ear 2ell ?52@( 4id 2ell ?42@( and 2ell /d+e ?2/@ locations.
0he B >/s will be placed in a ?$( "( $@ confi+uration: $ >/s at 52( " >/s at 42 and $ >/s
at 2/ locations ?shown as $"$ in 0ables below@. 0he B >/s will be placed in four different
vans ?'1-'" in 0ables below@ with $ >/s in each van. See /rror: 6eference source not
found for S56 ran+es. ;our different sets of ?$( "( $@ confi+urations will be tested ?,oc1-"
in 0ables below@.
;or the obilit1 tests the test >/s will be driven accordin+ to a predefined liited obilit1
?sin+le sector@ drive route.
D,,S will be used to load the D, of the cells nei+hborin+ the tar+et cell. ,oadin+ will be
+enerated b1 occup1in+ portions of the 6esource <loc.s ?6<@. ;or exaple( to +enerate a
cell loadin+ of EM ?2,E in 0ables below@( EM of the total D, 6<s will be occupied.
0hree different loadin+ conditions will be used: 0M( 90M and 100M.
0hree different scenarios of active Sectors will be tested: onl1 tar+et sector active ?1S in
0ables below@( all three sectors of tar+et cell active ?8S@( and all cells in the cluster active
)ll tests will be conducted usin+ the default scheduler settin+.
Test *etup&
1. One or ore drive test vans will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput
$. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput ?>DP#;0P@
8. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
". 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
9. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary $F
See notice on first pa+e
5+4+2 /plin@ )est Effort *ector T<rou7<put
Test O%Iecti!es& /valuate the sector throu+hput for ultiple >/s at stationar1 locations
in an ebedded sector and for liited obilit1 drive tests within the sae sector. 0ests
will be conducted under unloaded and loaded conditions( and for >DP and ;0P
Test $escription& ;or the stationar1 tests the test >/s will be located at selected
locations correspondin+ to the appropriate S56 ran+es for 5ear 2ell ?52@( 4id 2ell
?42@( and 2ell /d+e ?2/@. See /rror: 6eference source not found for S56 ran+es. ;or
the obilit1 tests the test >/s will be driven accordin+ to a predefined liited obilit1
?sin+le sector@ drive route
,oadin+ is +enerated b1 placin+ loadin+ >/s in nei+hborin+ cells at pre-selected
locations. ,oadin+ of 100M will result in an Io0 of 0<D d< in the tar+et cell( while a
loadin+ of 90M will result in an Io0 of 0<D d< in the tar+et cell.
)ll tests will be conducted with the default scheduler settin+.
Test *etup&
1. One or ore drive test vans will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
$. /ach stationar1 location consists of a uniCue set of ?52(42(2/@ locations
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput
$. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput ?>DP#;0P@
8. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
". 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
9. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 80
See notice on first pa+e
5+4+3 /plin@ 1/-1I1O *ector T<rou7<put
Test O%Iecti!es& /valuate the sector throu+hput with 4>-4I4O at stationar1 locations
and for liited obilit1 drive tests. 0ests will be conducted under unloaded and loaded
conditions( and for >DP and ;0P applications.
Test $escription& ;or the stationar1 tests the test >/s will be located at selected
locations correspondin+ to the appropriate S56 ran+es for 5ear 2ell ?52@( 4id 2ell
?42@( and 2ell /d+e ?2/@. See /rror: 6eference source not found for S56 ran+es. ;or
the obilit1 tests the test >/s will be driven accordin+ to a predefined liited obilit1
?sin+le sector@ drive route.
,oadin+ is +enerated b1 placin+ loadin+ >/s in nei+hborin+ cells at pre-selected
locations. ,oadin+ of 100M will result in an Io0 of 0<D d< in the tar+et cell( while a
loadin+ of 90M will result in an Io0 of 0<D d< in the tar+et cell.
)ll tests will be conducted usin+ the default scheduler settin+.
4>-4I4O ipleentation allows for up to " >/s paired ?$ pairs@.
Test *etup&
1. One or ore drive test vans will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
$. /ach stationar1 location consists of a uniCue set of ?52(42(2/@ locations
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput
$. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput ?>DP#;0P@
8. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
". 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
9. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 81
See notice on first pa+e
5+8 $oHnlin@ *c<e:uler
Test O%Iecti!es& /valuate the Scheduler perforance for ultiple >/s at stationar1 locations
and for liited obilit1 drive tests within the sae sector. 0ests will be conducted under loaded
conditions with >DP and ;0P applications. 0hree Scheduler settin+s will be tested: proportional-
fair ?P;@( conservative ?2O@( and a++ressive ?)3@.
Test $escription&
Settin+s coon to all tests:
- Open-,oop Spatial ultiplexin+ ?O,S4@ ode
- 100M loadin+ on D, of nei+hbor cells
;or the stationar1 tests( B test >/s will be placed at selected locations correspondin+ to the
appropriate S56 ran+es for 5ear 2ell ?52@( 4id 2ell ?42@( and 2ell /d+e ?2/@ locations. 0he B
>/s will be placed in four different vans with $ >/s in each van. 0he nuber of active >/s will
be increased increentall1 to illustrate the schedulin+ +ain. ;or the stationar1 cases( each
cobination of a subset of the B >/s will be depicted as a triplet ?x( 1( !@ in the tables below to
represent the nuber of active >/s at each of the three locations. ;or the cases with a ix of
stationar1 and obilit1 >/s( each cobination of a subset of the B >/s will be depicted as a
Cuartet ?x( 1( !( @ where will denote the nuber of obilit1 >/s. See /rror: 6eference source
not found for S56 ran+es.
;or the obilit1 tests the test >/s will be driven accordin+ to a pre defined liited obilit1
?sin+le sector@ drive route.
D,,S will be used to load the D, of the cells nei+hborin+ the tar+et cell. ,oadin+ of 100M will
be used for the tests.
Test *etup&
1. One or ore drive test vans will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput
$. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput
8. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
". 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
9. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 8$
See notice on first pa+e
5+E /plin@ *c<e:uler
Test O%Iecti!es& /valuate the uplin. scheduler perforance for ultiple >/s at stationar1
locations and for liited obilit1 drive tests within the sae sector. 0ests will be conducted
under loaded conditions with >DP and ;0P applications. 0hree Scheduler settin+s will be tested:
proportional-fair ?P;@( conservative ?2O@( and a++ressive ?)3@.
Test $escription&
;or the stationar1 tests( B test >/s will be placed at selected locations correspondin+ to the
appropriate S56 ran+es for 5ear 2ell ?52@( 4id 2ell ?42@( and 2ell /d+e ?2/@ locations. 0he B
>/s will be placed in four different vans with $ >/s in each van. 0he nuber of active >/s will
be increased increentall1 to illustrate the schedulin+ +ain. ;or the stationar1 cases( each
cobination of a subset of the B >/s will be depicted as a triplet ?x( 1( !@ in the tables below to
represent the nuber of active >/s at each of the three locations. ;or the cases with a ix of
stationar1 and obilit1 >/s( each cobination of a subset of the B >/s will be depicted as a
Cuartet ?x( 1( !( @ where will denote the nuber of obilit1 >/s. See /rror: 6eference source
not found for S56 ran+es.
;or the obilit1 tests the test >/s will be driven accordin+ to a pre-defined liited obilit1
?sin+le sector@ drive route.
)ll tests will be executed with 100M >, loadin+. 0he uplin. loadin+ will be +enerated b1 placin+
loadin+ >/s in the nei+hborin+ cells to +enerate an Io0 correspondin+ to 100M loadin+ in the
tar+et sector.
Test *etup&
1. One or ore drive test vans will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput
$. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput
8. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
". 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
9. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 88
See notice on first pa+e
5+10 Latency (-plane
Test O%Iecti!es& 0o assess the control plane latenc1 associated with call setup events

Test $escription&
0his test will deterine the call setup tie. 0he dela1 will be easured fro the first
6)27 attept to the tie the >/ copletes traffic channel setup. 0his test will be
executed with >/ in </ and 3<6 odes.
0ests will also be executed to easure obile terinated connection setup tie. 0hese
tests will also be executed with >/ in </ and 3<6 odes.
)E (-Plane Latency
1. Set the lo+ as. for the D4 tool to include the debu+ essa+es.
$. Initiate a call fro the test >/ with the >/ in </ ode
8. Initiate a call fro the networ. side to the >/ with >/ in </ ode
". 6epeat 100 ties each
Ao* (-Plane Latency
9. Initiate a call fro the test >/ with >/ in 3<6 HoS ode
:. Initiate a call fro the networ. side to the >/ with >/ in 3<6 HoS ode
=. 6epeat 100 ties each
Key 1etrics Bper /EC&
1. 2all Setup 0ie
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 8"
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9+9+1 (-Plane Latency
Test (ase Priority Test (ase
(all *etup Ao* of t<e Test
of /Es
7 >/OInitO52O</ >/ Initiated
9.9.1.$ 7 >/-InitO52OHoS >/ Initiated 3<6 1 7 >/O0erO52O</ >/ 0erinated </ 1
9.9.1." 7 >/O0erO52OHoS >/ 0erinated 3<6 1
5+11 Latency /-plane
Test O%Iecti!es& 0o assess the end user experienced latenc1. 0o easure the round trip
dela1 fro the tie a is +enerated at the IP level to the tie a response is received.

Test $escription&
0his test will be conducted with a total of B >/s placed at different sector locations ?52(
42( /2@. Pin+ tests with 8$ b1tes#1":$ b1tes will be executed on the test >/ ?</#3<6
HoS odes@ while bi-directional IP traffic will be run on the other >/s to +enerate D,
and >, loadin+. 0he nuber of loadin+ >/s will be varied in the tests.
/-Plane Latency
1. /xecute 8$ b1te Pin+ tests on the B >/s one at a tie for 80 seconds each.
$. /xecute 8$ b1te Pin+ tests on the test >/1 with bi-direction IP traffic runnin+ on the
other loadin+ >/s ?8 >/s( 9 >/s and = >/s@
8. 6epeat steps 1 and $ the test with a pin+ pa1load si!e of 1":$ <1tes.
". 6epeat steps 1-8 with >/ in 3<6 ode
Key 1etrics Bper /EC&
1. 6esource >tili!ation
$. 0ransport ;orat Distribution
8. ,atenc1
". Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput
9. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput P>DPQ
:. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
=. 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 89
See notice on first pa+e
5+12 Auality of *er!ice
Test O%Iecti!es& 0o assess the HoS perforance of an ,0/ >/ with 'oIP and 700P
applications in various ulti->/ loadin+ scenarios

Test $escription&
#oIP Ao* Test&
0his test will be executed with the test >/ in 'oIP ode. 0ests will be executed under
different loadin+ conditions. 0he loadin+ >/s will be executin+ </ traffic. 0he nuber of
loadin+ >/s will be varied fro 8 to = and the1 will be placed at a 5ear 2ell location.
"TTP Ao* Test&
0his test will be executed with the test >/ in 3<6 ode runnin+ 700P application. 0ests
will be executed under different loadin+ conditions. 0he loadin+ >/s will be executin+ </
traffic. 0he nuber of loadin+ >/s will be varied fro 8 to = and the1 will be placed at a
5ear 2ell location.
') #OIP Ao* Test
1. 2onfi+ure test >/Ls 4)2 Downlin. Scheduler with the followin+ settin+s:
a. 'oIP ;la+ R 0rue
b. Initial 42S: 9 ?HPSK( 2ode 6ate 0."8B@
c. 7)6H 4ax 5uber of 0ransissions: 1
$. 2onfi+ure test >/ with the followin+ >,#D, 0;0 inforation:
a. 6eote IP address#subnet as.
b. Port 6an+e for 60P#602P: 10000 G 10010
c. Protocol: >DP
8. 2onfi+ure test >/ with the followin+ HoS Inforation:
a. HoS 2lass Identifier ?H2I@: 1
b. >,#D, 4<6: ?not used@
c. >,#D, 3<6: ?not used@
". Initiate a call fro >/1 to Ix2hariot to siulate voice traffic. Increentall1 add >/s
with best effort IP transfers until 1ou have = active >/s.
9. 6epeat steps 1 G " for the 4id 2ell and the 2ell /d+e +eoetries
') "TTP Ao* Test
:. 6epeat steps 1-8 and activate Ix2hariot. Initiate an 700P session at the 5ear 2ell
location. Increentall1 add >/s with best effort IP transfers until 1ou have = active
>/s. 6epeat the tests for both the 4id 2ell and the 2ell /d+e locations
Key 1etrics Bper /EC&
1. 6esource >tili!ation
$. 0ransport ;orat Distribution
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 8:
See notice on first pa+e
8. ,atenc1
". 4ean Opinion Score
9. Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput
:. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput P>DPQ
=. Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
B. 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 8=
See notice on first pa+e
5+13 (o!era7e Testin7
Test O%Iecti!es& 'alidate the covera+e for sin+le->/ tests on the pre-selected drive route.
0ests will be conducted under interfered and non-interfered conditions for >DP application.
Test $escription& 0est >/ will be driven accordin+ to the pre-selected drive route fro
5ear 2ell ?52@ to 2ell /d+e ?2/@ until call drops. >plin. ?>,@ interference is +enerated b1
placin+ loadin+ >/s in nei+hborin+ cells at pre-selected locations. D,,S will be used to
+enerate D, interference in the nei+hborin+ cells.
Interference of 100M will result in an Interference over 0heral ?Io0@ of 0<D d< in the
tar+et device ?i.e.( cell for >, and >/ for D,@( while interference of 90M will result in an
Io0 of 0<D d< in the tar+et device. <oth >, and D, ph1sical-la1er data rate and Si+nal to
Interference plus 5oise 6atio ?SI56@ will be easured and si+nalin+ will be recorded in the
/L Tests
1. Set SI56 tar+et in nei+hborin+ cells to control the power of loadin+ >/s
$. Place loadin+ >/s in nei+hborin+ cells at pre-selected locations to +enerate desired Io0 in the
tar+et cell
8. 4a.e a >DP <est /ffort ?</@ call to the tar+et cell on the test >/ and easure both >, and D,
ph1sical-la1er data rates( SI56( and record the si+nalin+ essa+es
". Place the test >/ in a van and drive on a pre-selected route fro 52 to 2/ of the tar+et cell until
the call drops
9. 6epeat steps 1 to " for each interference condition
$L Tests
1. Set D,,S in nei+hborin+ cells to +enerate desired D, interference levels
$. 4a.e a >DP </ call on the test >/ fro the tar+et cell and easure both >, and D, ph1sical-
la1er data rates( SI56( and record the si+nalin+ essa+es
8. Place the test >/ in a van and drive on a pre-selected route fro 52 to 2/ of the tar+et cell until
the call drops
". 6epeat steps 1 to 8 for each interference condition
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput
$. SI56
8. PD227 error rate
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 8B
See notice on first pa+e
5+15 "an:o!er
Test O%Iecti!es& /valuate handover perforance in followin+ scenarios:
- Intra-Site ?different sectors within one e5ode<@
- Inter-Site ?different e5ode<s@
- ,oaded and >nloaded Destination e5ode<s
Test $escription&
0est >/ will be driven alon+ two routes:
7andover 6oute coprisin+ of intra and inter e5ode< handovers between 8-"
sectors. On this route( additional >/s will be stationed in each sector alon+ the
drive route. 0hese >/s will load both downlin. and uplin. of their respective
sectors with </ traffic.
2luster 6oute coprisin+ of intra and inter e5ode< handovers in the entire 10
e5ode< 2luster. Onl1 D, loadin+ will be +enerated via D,,S on this route.
5on-+uaranteed and +uaranteed Hualit1 of Service ?HoS@ tests will be conducted via <est
/ffort ?</@ and 3uaranteed <it 6ate ?3<6@ HoS classes( respectivel1.
)pplication perforance will be easured Cuantitativel1 and subjectivel1. *hile
Cuantitative easureents are throu+hput ?ph1sical-la1er data rate@ and latenc1(
subjective perforance will be based on userLs perception of the application. ;or
exaple( Cualit1 of a 'oice over IP ?'oIP@ call can be either Jclear(K Jchopp1 but
audible(K or Jnot audible.K
<oth >, and D, SI56 ?Si+nal to Interference plus 5oise 6atio@ will be easured and
Si+nalin+ essa+es will be recorded in the tests.
Key 1etrics&
1. Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput
$. SI56
8. ,atenc1
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary 8F
See notice on first pa+e
5+19 #-Pol !s+ (ross-Pol
Test O%Iecti!es& 2opare the perforance of 'erticall1 and 2ross polari!ed antenna
Test $escription&
Settin+s coon to all tests:
- Open-,oop Spatial ultiplexin+ ?O,S4@ ode
- 100M loadin+ on D, of nei+hbor cells
- Stationar1
) sin+le >/ will be used for all the tests. 0ests will be executed in 52( 42 and /2 locations
with >DP and ;0P applications on both D, and >,.
;or the '-pol ?verticall1 polari!ed@ tests( both the e5ode< and >/ antennas will be set to the '-
pol confi+urations. Siilarl1( for the E-pol ?cross polari!ed@ tests( both the e5ode< and >/
antennas will be set to the E-pol confi+urations.
D,,S will be used to load the D, of the cells nei+hborin+ the tar+et cell. ,oadin+ of 100M will
be used for all the tests.
Test *etup&
1. One test van will be used with rooftop ounted antennas
1. Set the e5< and >/ to '-pol confi+uration
$. 6un D,#>, >DP#;0P tests in each of 52( 42 and /2 locations
8. 6epeat for E-pol confi+uration settin+
Key 1etrics&
1. 2hannel 2orrelation Statistics at >/ for D, tests
$. Ph1sical ,a1er 0hrou+hput
8. )pplication ,a1er 0hrou+hput
". Initial <loc. /rror 6ates
9. 6esidual <loc. /rror 6ates
:. Scheduled 0ransport ;orat distribution
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary "0
See notice on first pa+e
Appen:i> A& Perforance 4etrics
0he followin+ etrics will be collected durin+ the trial execution phase. 0he list shall
include ?but not necessaril1 liited to@:
)ir Interface
o >/ 0x power
o 6SSI
o SI56
o <,/6
o 6etransission statistics ?7)6H and 6,2@
o 0ransport ;orat
o 5uber of resource bloc.s ?D,#>,@
o 2hannel ran. statistics
o 4I4O ode ?0x diversit1 or Spatial 4ultiplexin+@
o Servin+ sector
o ,ocation ?3PS@
o >/ 'elocit1
o Individual user throu+hput and a++re+ated sector throu+hput
o >DP individual user throu+hput and a++re+ated sector throu+hput
o 02P individual user throu+hput and a++re+ated sector throu+hput
o >ser statistics ?pea. rates( avera+e rates( standard deviations@
o >-plane latenc1
o 2onnection set up ties
o 7andover interruption tie within the sae site and across different sites
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary "1
See notice on first pa+e

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