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$0.02 - Throwing in your two cent's worth

? - Please e!lain
?"# - $uestion %or you
&'T( - )ne 'or The (oa*
2"+, - 2" hours a *ay- , *ays a wee.
2/0 - Too /ate
2#2 - To you too
12 - Three-2i3ensional
"0" - 4 ha5en't a clue 6error 3essage "0"- a**ress not %oun*7
89 - :igh 'i5e
;+S+/ - ;ge+Se+/ocation
;+S+/+P - ;ge+Se+/ocation+Picture
;; - ;lcoholics ;nony3ous
;;; - ;ny ;*5ice ;!!reciate*
;;< = ;slee! ;t the <ey>oar*
;;M)' - ;s ; Matter )% 'act
;;(0 = ;t ;ny (ate
;2;2 = ;nother 2ay- ;nother 2ollar
;2?( - ;ny 2onations ?rate%ully (ecei5e*
;2N - ;ny 2ay Now
;';4;; - ;s 'ar ;s 4 ;3 ;ware
;';4@ - ;s 'ar ;s 4'3 @oncerne*
;';4@T - ;s 'ar ;s 4 @an Tell
;';4< - ;s 'ar ;s 4 <now
;';4( - ;s 'ar ;s 4 (ecall
;';4#4 - ;s 'ar ;s 4 #n*erstan* 4t
;'< - ;way 'ro3 <ey>oar*
;?;N - ;s ?oo* ;s New
;4 - ;s 4%
;4@ - ;in't 4t @ool
;4M = ;)/ 4nstant Manager
;4SA - ;s 4 Sai* Ae%ore
;4S4 - ;s 4 See 4t
;4#4 - ;s 4 #n*erstan* 4t
;4B - ;s 4t Bere
;<; - ;lso <nown ;s
;/)4; - ; /ot )% 4t ;nyway
;M;P - ;s Many+Much ;s Possi>le
;M' - ;*ios- Mother''r or ;*ios- My 'rien*
;M4?; - ; Merely 4nsigni%icant ?a3e ;**iction
;N;B')S - ;n* Now ; Bor* 'ro3 )ur S!onsor
;P;@ - ;ll Praise ;n* @re*it
;P4TN - ; Pain 4n The Nec.
;S;P - ;s Soon ;s Possi>le
;S@44 - ;3erican Stan*ar* @o*e %or 4n%or3ation 4nterchange
;SB?;'' - ;s. So3eone Bho ?i5es ; 'lying '-C
;TA - ;ll The Aest
;TM - ;t The Mo3ent
;TS - ;cross The Street
;TTN - ;ttention
;TTY) - ;nything That Turns You )n
;TB = ;roun* The Be>
;B@4?) - ;n* Bhere @an 4 ?et )ne?
;B?T:T?TT;? - ;re Be ?oing To :a5e To ?o Through This ;gain?
;B:'Y - ;re Be :a5ing 'un Yet?
;B)/ - ;>sent Bith)ut /ea5e
;YT? - ;re You There?
Back to Top
A - Aac.
A" - Ae%ore
A"N - Aye 'or Now
A; - Ae*roo3 ;cti5ity
A;@ - Ay ;ny @hance
A;@ - Aac. ;t @o3!uter
A;2 - Aro.en ;s 2esigne*
A;< - Aac. ;t <ey>oar*
A;M' - Aa* ;sse* Mother''r
A;S4@ - Aill's ;tte3!t to SeiDe 4n*ustry @ontrol
A;Y - Aac. ;t You
AA'N - Aye Aye 'or Now
AA4;A - Ae Aac. 4n ; Ait
AA4;' - Ae Aac. 4n ; 'ew
AA/ - Ae Aac. /ater
AAN - Aye Aye Now
AA( - Aurnt Aeyon* (e!air
AAS - Ae Aac. Soon
AAS - Aulletin Aoar* Syste3
A+@ - Aecause
A@ - @ase or Ae @ool
A@@ - Alin* @ar>on @o!y
A@N# - Ae Seein' You
AE? - Aig E5il ?rin
A' - Aoy%rien*
A'2 - Aig ''ing 2eal
A'? - Aig 'rien*ly ?iant or Aig ''ing ?un
A': - Aig ''ing :a33er
A'4 - Arute 'orce an* 4gnorance
A'M4 - Arute 'orce an* Massi5e 4gnorance
A'N - Aye 'or Now
A')? - Alouse 'ull )% ?oo*ies
A? - Aig ?rin
A4A) - Aeer 4n- Aeer )ut
A4@ - Aest 4n @lass
A4' - Aasis 4n 'act
A4/ - Arother-4n-/aw
A4)N - Aelie5e 4t )r Not
A4)Y4)P - Alow 4t )ut Your 4+) Port
A4)Y; - Alow 4t )ut Your ;ss
A4T2 - Aeaten 4t To 2eath
A<; - Aetter <nown ;s
AM' - Aa* Mother''r
AM? = Ae My ?uest
AM)@ - Aig Man )n @a3!us
AMT4P? - Arilliant Min*s Thin. 4n Parallel ?utters
AN' - Aig Na3e 'an
A)@ - Aut )% @ourse
A)' - Air*s )% a 'eather
A)': - Aastar* 6syste37 )!erator 'ro3 :ell
A):4@; - Aen* )5er- :ere 4t @o3es ;gain
A)S - Aig )range Switch
A)T - Aac. )n To!ic
A)TE - Aac. )% The En5elo!e
A)T): = Aut )n The )ther :an*
A(A - Ae (ight Aac.
A(S - Aig (e* Switch
AS - Aull SEEE
ASE? - Aig SEEE Eating ?rin
AS' - Aut Seriously 'ol.s
AS? - Aig S3iling ?rin or Aroa* Swee!ing ?eneralisation
AS)2 - Alue Screen )% 2eath 6error 3essage7
AT; - Aut Then ;gain
AT;4@AB - Aut Then ;gain 4 @oul* Ae Brong
AT;4M - Ae That ;s 4t May
AT2T - Aeen There- 2one That
AT2T?TTS;B4) - Aeen there- *one that- got the t-shirt an* wore it out
AT/ - Aetter Than /i%e
AT)A2 - Ae There )r Ae 2ea*
ATS))M - Aeats The SEEE )ut )% Me
ATT: - Aoot To The :ea*
ATTT - Aac. To The To!
ATB - Ay The Bay
A#;' - Autt #gly ;S@44 'ont
8A#MP8 - Au3! 6sen*ing to!ic >ac. to the to!7
AB/ - Aursting Bith /aughter
AB$ - AuDDBor* $uotient
ABT? - Aig Bay To ?o
AY - Ausy
AY<T - Aut You <new That
AY<T; - Aut You <new That ;lrea*y
AY)A - Aring Your )wn Aottle
AY): - Aat You )n the :ea*
Back to Top
@F? - @huc.le an* ?rin
@+) - @are )%
@;A - @hea! ;ss Aastar*+Aitch
@;2ET - @an't ;**- 2oesn't E5en Try
@A - @all Aac.
@@ - @ar>on @o!y
@2G = @o*e G- Parents Near>y
@E - @reati5e E*iting
@' - @harlie 'otrotH @luster ''* 63eaning si3ilar to SN;'#7
@'2 - @all 'or 2iscussion
@'I - @all 'or Iotes
@:#( - See :ow You ;re
@4@) - @o%%ee 4n- @o%%ee )ut
@42 - @onsi*er 4t 2one
@42 - @rying 4n 2isgrace
@4) - @hec. 4t )ut
@/ - @ross /in.
@/;A - @rying /i.e ; Aa>y
@M - @all Me
@M44B - @orrect Me 4% 4'3 Brong
@NP - @ontinue* 6in 3y7 Net Post
@) - @)n%erence
@)2 - @ash )n 2eli5ery
@o%$ - @hurch o% Scientology
@)J - Aecause
@P - @hat Post
@P'? - @an Pigs 'ly?
@(;'T - @an't (e3e3>er ; ''ing Thing
@(AT - @rying (eal Aig Tears
@(P? - @haracter+@o3!uter (ole-Playing ?a3e
@(S - @an't (e3e3>er SEEE
@S - @o! Sho! 6!olice station7
@S - @usto3er Ser5ice+Su!!ort
@S/ = @anKt Sto! /aughing
@S? - @huc.le- ?rin
@TT2 - @ute Things They 2o
@TTS - @ute Things They Say
@# - See You
@#/ - See You /ater
@#/0( - See You /ater
@#)P - @atch #! )n Posts
@B)T - @o3!lete Baste )% Ti3e
@BY/ - @hat Bith You /ater
@Y; - See You
@Y; - @o5er Your ;ss
@Y;/0( - See You /ater
@Y/ - See You /ater
@YM - @hec. Your Mail
Back to Top
2;Y - 2rea3e* ;>out You
2A; - 2oing Ausiness ;s
2A/ - 2on't Ae /ong
2AN - 2oing Ausiness - NotC
2@ - 2istri>ute* @o3!uting
22 - 2arling 2aughter
22? - 2ro! 2ea* ?orgeous
224 - 2on't 2o 4t
2E# - 2u3> En* #ser
2'# - 2on't 'orget #nits
2?#T2J - 2on't ?i5e #! The 2ay Jo>
2:A - 2on't :urry Aac.
24?;2 - 2o 4 ?i5e ; 2a3n?
244< - 2a3ne* 4% 4 <now
24/ - 2aughter-4n-/aw
24//4?;' - 2oes 4t /oo. /i.e 4 ?i5e ; 'EEE?
24Y - 2o 4t Yoursel%
2< - 2on't <now
2<# - 2ro! <ic. #gly
2/ or 2+/ - 2ownloa*
2/? - 2e5ilish /ittle ?rin
2/TAAA - 2on't /et The Ae* Augs Aite
2N; - 2i* Not ;nswer
2NPM - 2arn Near P'* Mysel%
2); - 2ea* )n ;rri5al
2)A - 2ate+2ay )% Airth
2)M - 2irty )l* Man
2$M - 2on't $uote Me
2$M)T - 2on't $uote Me )n This
2(; - 2on't (ecognise ;crony3s
2S - 2arling Son
2T2 - 2ocu3ent Ty!e 2e%inition
2TM? - 2oes That Mean?
2T)<;A - 2ro! To )ne <nee ;n* Alow
2TP - 2es.To! Pu>lishing
2T(T - 2o The (ight Thing
2#@B4@ - 2o you see Bhat 4 see?
2#< - 2ea* #!on <ey>oar*
2BA: - 2on't Borry- Ae :a!!y
2B4M - 2o Bhat 4 Mean
2B4SNB42 - 2o Bhat 4 Say- Not Bhat 4 2o
2YE - 2a3n Your EyesC
2Y:B4: - 2o You :ear Bhat 4 :ear?
2YJ:4B - 2on't You Just :ate 4t Bhen
2YSB4S - 2o You See Bhat 4 See?
Back to Top
E2E? - Ear to Ear ?rin
E;< - Eating ;t <ey>oar*
E2 - E3otionally 2istur>e*
E2P - E3otionally 2istur>e* Person
E? - E5il ?rin
E4' - Eercise 4n 'utility
EMS - E-Mail Shorthan*
EMS? - E3ail Message
E)A - En* )% Ausiness
E)2 - En* )% 2iscussion
E)' - En* )% 'ile
E)/ - En* )% /ecture
E)M - En* )% Message+Matter
E)T - En* )% Threa* 6i.e. *on't re!ly to this 3essage7
ESF2 - Eat SEEE an* 2ie
ES)S/ - En*less Snorts )% Stu!i* /aughter
ESP - ESPecially
ET; - Esti3ate* Ti3e o% ;rri5al
ET2 - Esti3ate* Ti3e o% 2e!arture
ET/; - Eten*e* Three /etter ;crony3
EJ - Easy
Back to Top
'2' - 'ace to 'ace
'2T = 'ace To Tal.
';) - 'or ;ttention )%
';$ - 'reLuently ;s.e* $uestions
'@ - 'ingers @rosse*
'E4Y2 - 'orE5er 4n Your 2e>t
''S - 'or ''s Sa.e
'4S: - 'irst 4n- Still :ere
'4TA - 'ill 4n The Alan.MMMMMMMMM
');' - 'rien* )% ; 'rien*
')@ - 'ree )% @harge
')'/ - 'alling )n 'loor /aughing
')S - 'ull )% SEEE
')T@/ - 'alling )%% The @hair /aughing
')TB - 'lags )% The Borl*
')TB - 'la3e )% The Bee.
'( - 'or (eal
'TA)M: - 'ro3 The Aotto3 )% My :eart
'T' - 'ace To 'ace
'T/ - 'ollow The /in.
'TTT - 'ro3 Ti3e To Ti3e
'TB - 'EEE The Borl*
'#A;( - ''* #! Aeyon* ;ll (ecognition +(e!air
'#2 - 6s!rea*ing7 'ear- #ncertainty- an* 2isin%or3ation
'B4B - 'or Bhat 4t's Borth
'N - E%%ects
'Y; - 'or Your ;3use3ent
'YE - 'or Your Entertain3ent
'YE) - 'or Your Eyes )nly
'Y4 - 'or Your 4n%or3ation
Back to Top
O ? P - ?rin 6a** O P %or >igger grins7
?2? - ?ot to ?o
?; - ?o ;hea*
?;@ - ?et ; @lue
?;'4; - ?et ;way 'ro3 4t ;ll
?;? - ?et ; ?ri!
?;/ - ?et ; /i%e
?;S - ?reetings ;n* Salutations
?A: - ?reat Aig :ug or ?rie5ous Ao*ily :ar3
?' - ?irl%rien*
?'N - ?one 'or Now
?? - ?oo* ?a3e
??/ = ?iggle
??N = ?otta ?o Now
?4?) - ?ar>age 4n- ?ar>age )ut
?4B4ST - ?ee- 4 Bish 4'* Sai* That
?J - ?oo* Jo>
?/ - ?oo* /uc.
?/?: - ?oo* /uc. an* ?oo* :unting
?M - ?oo* Mo5e
?MT; - ?reat Min*s Thin. ;li.e
?)/ = ?iggle )ut /ou*
?)// - ?etting+?ot )ne /ong /ist
?(F2 - ?rinning- (unning an*
?(0 - ?reat
?T? - ?ot To ?o
?T: - ?o To :i3+:er
?T: - ?o To :ell
?TSY - ?la* To See You
?B = ?oo* Bor.
?YP) - ?et Your Pants )%%
Back to Top
O : P - :ug
:0 - :ate
:F< - :ugs an* <isses
:;?2 - :a5e ; ?oo* 2ay
:;?N - :a5e ; ?oo* Night
:;?) - :a5e ; ?oo* )ne
:;< = :ugs ;n* <isses
:;N2 - :a5e ; Nice 2ay
:A - :urry Aac. or :ug Aac.
:' - :a5e 'un
:: - :ol*ing :an*s
::4S - :anging :ea* 4n Sha3e
::)J - :a :a- )nly
::)< - :a :a- )nly <i**ing
::)S - :a :a- )nly Serious
:4BT: - :ate 4t Bhen That :a!!ens
:);S - :ol* )n ; Secon*
:S: - :o3e Sweet :o3e
:T: - :o!e This+That :el!s
:B4ST<T - :ow Bas 4 Su!!ose* To <now That
Back to Top
4;@ - 4n ;ny @ase
4;E - 4n ;ny E5ent
4;?B - 4n ; ?oo* Bay
4;N;/ - 4 ;3 Not ; /awyer
4A;/2 - 4t's Aeen ; /ong 2ay
4AM - 4na*eLuate Ausiness Manage3ent
4@ - 4 See
4@AB - 4 @oul* Ae Brong
4@$ - 4 See. You
4@Y2< - 4n @ase You 2i*n't <now
42@ = 4 2onKt @are
42?4 - 4 2on't ?et 4t
42< - 4 2on't <now
42TT - 4'll 2rin. To ThatC
4'# - 4 ''* #!
4?P - 4 ?otta Pee
442<A - 4% 4 2i*n't <now Aetter
44(@ - 4% 4 (e3e3>er @orrectly
44BY - 4% 4 Bere You
4< - 4 <now
4<BYM - 4 <now Bhat You Mean
4/# - 4 /o5e you
4/Y - 4 /o5e You
4M - 4nstant Message
4M;) - 4n My ;rrogant )!inion
4M@) - 4n My @onsi*ere* )!inion
4ME - 4n My E!erience
4M:) - 4n My :u3>le )!inion
4MNE(:) - 4n My Not E5en (e3otely :u3>le )!inion
4MNS:) - 4n My Not So :u3>le )!inion
4M) - 4n My )!inion
4N@ - 4N@lu*ing or 4N@lusi5e
4NP) - 4n No Particular )r*er
4NP)I = 4n My Point )% Iiew
4): - 4'3 )utta :ere
4)B - 4n )ther Bor*s
4PN - 4'3 Posting Na.e*
4(@ - 4nternet (elay @hat
4(/ - 4n (eal /i%e
4(M@ - 4 (est My @ase
4() - 4n (egion )%
4S - 4'3 Sorry
4S@ - 4 Stan* @orrecte*
4S2N - 4t Still 2oes Nothing
4SP - 4nternet Ser5ice Pro5i*er
4STM - 4t See3s To Me
4ST( - 4 See3 To (ecall
4SBYM - 4 See Bhat You Mean
4T() - 4n The (egion )%
4T(B - 4n The (eal Borl*
4B;/# - 4 Bill ;lways /o5e You
4BAN4 - 4t Boul* Ae Nice 4%
4Y<B4M - 4% You <now Bhat 4 Mean
4Y) - 4n Your )!inion
Back to Top
J+< - Just <i**ing
J+P - Just Playing
J;M - Just ; Minute
J;SE - Just ;nother Syste3 Error
J;T - Just ; Thought
J;I; - Just ;nother Iague ;crony3
J'T( - Just 'or The (ecor*
J4@ - Just 4n @ase
JM:) - Just My :u3>le )!inion
JM) - Just My )!inion
J)<E - Just )ne <i**ing E5eryone
J)T - Just )ne Thought
JT'M - Just The 'acts- Mister+Ma'a3
JT/Y< - Just To /et You <now
JTYBBT< - Just Thought You Boul* Bant To <now
Back to Top
O < P - <iss
< - ).ay
<A - <iss Aac.
<4S = <ee! 4t Si3!le
<4SS - <ee! 4t Si3!le- Stu!i*
<4T - <ee! 4n Touch
<M; - <iss My ;ss
<M' - <iss Me- 'ool
<)@ - <iss )n @hee.
<B4M - <now Bhat 4 Mean?
<YP) - <ee! Your Pants )n
Back to Top
/0 - /ate
/0( - /ater
/FM/ - /ies an* More /ies
/;AFTY2 - /i%e's ; Aitch an* Then You 2ie
/A: = /etKs Ae :onest
/:M - /or* :el! Me
/:) - /aughing :ea* )%%
/:# - /or* :el! #s
/4 - /aughing 4nsanely or /aughing 4nsi*e
/4S - /aughing 4n Silence
//T; - /ots an* /ots o% Thun*erous ;!!lause
/M;) - /aughing My ;ss )%%
/MA) - /aughing My Autt )%%
/M< - /et Me <now
/M)/ - /aughing Ma*ly )ut /ou*
/MS) - /aughing My Soc.s )%%
/)/ - /aughing )ut /ou*
/S:4S)TS - /aughing So :ar* 4 S!at+S!it )n The Screen
/S:TT;(2 - /aughing So :ar* The Tears ;re (unning 2own
/TNS - /ong Ti3e No See
/TNT - /ong Ti3e No Ty!e
/T( - /ong Ter3 (elationshi!
/TS - /aughing To Sel%
/Y - /o5e You
/Y< - /et You <now
/YB;M: - /o5e You Bith ;ll My :eart
Back to Top
M+'? - Male or 'e3ale?
M0 - Mate
ME?) - My Eyes ?laDe )5er
M:A'Y - My :eart Alee*s 'or You
M:)TY - My :at's )%% To You
M4/' - Mo3- 4K* /i.e To 'K.
M4(/ = Meet 4n (eal /i%e
MM - Ma3a MiaC
MM2 - Ma.e My 2ay
M) - My )!inion
Mor' - Male or 'e3ale
M)S = Mo3 )5er Shoul*er
M)T;S - Me3>er )% The ;!!ro!riate Se
M)T2 - Message )% The 2ay
M)T)S - Me3>er )% The )!!osite Se
M)TSS - Me3>er )% The Sa3e Se
M$ - ; well-.nown so%tware co3!any
MS? - Message
MTA' - Mean Ti3e Aetween 'ailures
MT' - More To 'ollow
MT'AB# = May The 'orce Ae Bith You
MY)A - Min* Your )wn Ausiness
MYB - You Bon*er
Back to Top
N2M - Not too Much
N;2T - Not ; 2arn Thing
N;/;Y/ - Not ;s /ong ;s You /i5e
NA2 = No Aig 2eal
NA4' - No Aasis 4n 'act
N@ - No @o33ent
N2 - Nearly 2one
NE - ;ny
N'B - No ''ing Bay
N?;S - No one ?i5es ; SEEE
N4;MY - Not 4n ; Million Years
N4')@ - Nu*e 4n 'ront )% the @o3!uter
N44@:4 - Not 4% 4 @an :el! 4t
N4MAY - Not 4n My Aac. Yar*
N4Y/ - Not 4n Your /i%e
NM - Ne5er Min*
NM: - Not Much :ere
NMJ@ - Nothing Much- Just @hilling
NM# = Not Much- You?
NNT; - No Nee* To ;nswer
N))A = QNew>ieR = so3eone who is a no5ice
N)YA - None )% Your Ausiness
N)Y/ - Not )n Your /i%e
NP - No Pro>le3
N(N - No (e!ly+(es!onse Necessary
N(N - Not (ight Now
N(P - None (eal-ti3e Processor
NT))T - Nine Ti3es )ut )% Ten
NTB - Not To Borry
NB4: - No Bay 4n :ell
Back to Top
);) - )5er ;n* )ut
)ATB - )h- Ay The Bay
)EM - )riginal ELui!3ent Manu%acturer
)4;M - )ne 4n ; Million
)4@ - )h- 4 see
)/ - )l* /a*y
)M - )l* Man
)M? - )h My ?o*
))TA - )ut )% The Ao or )ut )% The Alue
))T@ - )>ligatory )n To!ic @o33ent
)PM - )ther Peo!le's Money
)T - )%% To!ic
)T' - )n The 'loor
)T): - )n The )ther :an*
)TP - )n The Phone
)TT - )5er The To!
)TT - )%% The To!ic
)TT: - )n The Thir* :an*
)TT)M: - )%% The To! )% My :ea*
)BTTE = )r Bor*s To That E%%ect
)Y; - )n Your ;ss
Back to Top
PG&& = Parent E3ergency
P;B = Parents ;re Batching
P@ - Politically @orrect
P@M = Please @all Me
P2 - Pu>lic 2o3ain
P2; - Pu>lic 2is!lay o% ;%%ection
P2$ - Pretty 2a3n $uic.
P2S - Please 2on't Shoot
PEA@;< - Pro>le3 Eists Aetween @hair ;n* <ey>oar*
PEA<;@ - Pro>le3 Eists Aetween <ey>oar* ;n* @hair
P4MP - Peeing 4n My Pants
P4( = Parent 4n (oo3
P4T; - Pain 4n The ;ss
P/S+P/J - Please
PM - Pri5ate Message
PM'A4 - Par*on Me 'or Autting 4n
PM'J4 - Par*on Me 'or Ju3!ing 4n
PMJ4 - Par*on My Ju3!ing 4n
P);:' - Put )n ; :a!!y 'ace
P)@ = Point )n @ontact
P)S = Parent )5er Shoul*er
P)S - Point )% Sale
P)S - Pile+Piece )% SEEE
P)SS/$ - Person o% )!!osite Se Sharing /i5ing $uarters
P)T@ - Pec. )n The @hee.
P)ETS - PEss )%% Early- To3orrow's Satur*ay
P)I - Point )% Iiew
PP/ = Peo!le
P(B = Parents ;re Batching
PS - Post Scri!t
P# - That stin.s
Back to Top
$ - $uestion
$T - @utie
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(E - (egar*ing
(E:4 - :ello ;gain
('2 - (eLuest 'or 2iscussion
(:P - (ea* :is+:er Post
(/ - (eal /i%e
(M; - (eturn Merchan*ise ;uthorisation
(M; - (egistere* Me3>ers' ;rea
()'/ - (olling )n 'loor /aughing
()'/;ST@ - (olling )n 'loor /aughing ;n* Scaring The @at
()4 - (eturn )n 4n5est3ent
()T' - (olling )n The 'loor
()T'/ - (olling )n The 'loor /aughing
()T'/M;) - (olling )n The 'loor /aughing My ;ss )%%
()T'/M;);Y - (olling )n The 'loor /aughing My ;ss )%% ;t You
()T'#TS - (olling )n The 'loor #na>le To S!ea.
(P? - (ole-Playing ?a3e
(PTS - (ePost That SEEE+Stu%%
(SN - (eal Soon Now 6i.e. ne5er7
(T';$ - (ea* The ';$
(T'M - (ea* The ''ing Manual +Message
(TM - (ea* The Manual +Message
(#? - ;re You?
(#"( - ;re You 'or (eal?
(#)< - ;re You ).ay?
Back to Top
S2( = Sen* To (ecei5e
S;() - S3art;ss (e!ly )nly
S;Y/ - Sorry ;>out Your /uc.
SA - S3iles Aac.
SAP: - Shoul* Ae Poste* :ere
S@N( - Sorry- @oul* Not (esist
SETE - S3iling Ear To Ear
S'ETE = S3iling 'ro3 Ear To Ear
S:42 - Sla!s :ea* 4n 2isgust
S4T = Stay 4n Touch
S4T2 - Still 4n The 2ar.
SM) - Serious Mo*e )n or Sa%e Mo*e )nly
SM)%% - Serious Mo*e )%%
SN;'# - Situation Nor3al- ;ll ''* #!
SNE(T -- Snot-Nose* Egotistical (u*e Teenager
SN( - Signal-to-Noise (atio
S) - Signi%icant )ther
S):' - Sense )% :u3our 'ailure
S)/ - SEEE )ut o% /uc.
S)MY - Sic. )% Me Yet?
S)S - Sa3e )l* SEEE+Stu%%
S)T - Short )% Ti3e
S)TM? - Short )% Ti3e- Must ?o
S)J - Sorry
SP;M - SPice* h;M 6unwante* a*5ertising7
S(:4 - So (u3our :as 4t
SS22 - Sa3e SEEE- 2i%%erent 2ay
STA - Si3!ly The Aest
ST'# - Shut The 'E #!
ST'B - Search The ''ing Be>
SB - ShareBare
SB;? - Scienti%ic Bil* ;ss ?uess
SB;< - Seale* Bith ; <iss
SB/ - Screa3ing Bith /aughter
SBMA) - She Bho Must Ae )>eye*
SY/ - See You /ater
SYS - See You Soon
SYS;2M4N - SYSte3 ;2M4Nistator
SYS)P - SYSte3 )Perator
Back to Top
T; - Than.s ;gain
T;'N - That's ;ll 'or Now
T;/ - Than.s ; /ot
T;NJ - There ;in't No Justice
T;NST;;'/ - There ;in't No Such Thing ;s ; 'ree /unch
T;('# - Things ;re (eally ''* #!
T;T - Turn;roun* Ti3e
TA; - To Ae ;nnounce*
TA' - To Ae 'air
TA: - To Ae :onest
TA4A - The Aitch+Aastar* 4s Aac.
T@ - Tele!hone @all
T@) - Ta.en @are )%
T@)Y - Ta.e @are )% Yoursel%
T2M - Too 2arn Many
TE)TB;B<4 - The En* )% The Borl* ;s Be <now 4t
T'4' - Than. 'EEE 4t's 'ri*ay
T'S - Than.s 'or Sharing
T?4' - Than. ?o* 4t's 'ri*ay
T:N -Than.s
T4; - Than.s 4n ;*5ance
T4;'4 - Trie* 4t ;n* ''* 4t
T4@ - Tongue 4n @hee.
T42 - Threa* 4s 2eteriorating
T4/44 - Tell 4t /i.e 4t 4s
T/; - Three /etter ;crony3
T/@ - Ten*er /o5ing @are
T/? - The /i5ing ?o*
TM; - Ta.e My ;*5ice
TMA = Tet Me Aac.
TMA@# - Till My Aowels @ra3! #!
TM' - Too Much 'un
TMTT - Too Much To Ty!e
TNT - Till Net Ti3e
TNT/ - Trying Not To /augh
TNN - Than.s
TNN &.0ES - Than.s a 3illion 6&.0ES is e!onential notation %or one 3illion7
TNNES - Than.s a 3illion
T)Y - )% You
TPTA - The Powers That Ae
T(2 - Tears (olling+(unning 2own
TTA)M< - To The Aest )% My <nowle*ge
TT'N - Ta Ta 'or Now
TT'S - Try This 'or SiDe
TTT - To The To! or Ti3e To Twist
TTY/ - Tal. To You /ater
TB - Two Bee.s
TBA;( - That Boul* Ae ; (iot
TB4S - That's Bhat 4 Sai*+State*
TN - Than.s
TY = Than. You
TYIM - Than. You Iery Much
Back to Top
# - You
#2 - You too
#/ - #ntil /ater
#/ or #+/ - #!loa*
unP@ - unPolitically @orrect
#( - You are
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I;( - Ialue-;**e* (eseller
I;T - Ialue-;**e* Ta
IA? - Iery Aig ?rin
I@ - Iirtual @o33unity
IE? - Iery E5il ?rin
I?4 - Iery ?oo* 4*ea
I( - Iirtual (eality
IB? - Iery Bic.e* ?rin
Back to Top
B0 - Bait
B0;M - Bait ; Minute
B;A)/ - Bhat ; Aunch )% /osers
B;? - Bil* ;ss ?uess
BA - Belco3e Aac.
BAS - Brite Aac. Soon
B2TM - Bhat 2oes That Mean?
BE - BhatE5er or Bee.En*
BE? - Bic.e* E5il ?rin
B'M - Bor.s 'or Me
B? - Bic.e* ?rin
B:Y2 - Bhat :a5e You 2one?
B+) - Bithout
B)A - Baste )% Aan*wi*th+Arain!ower
B)AT;M - Baste )% Aoth Ti3e ;n* Money
B(T - Bith (egar* To
B(#'? - Bhere are you 'ro3?
BT' - Bhat The ''?
BT? - Bay To ?oC
BT: - Bhat The :ell?
BT:2TM - Bhat The :ell 2oes That Mean?
B# = BhatKs #!?
B#'? - Bhere are you 'ro3?
BY?4BYP' - Bhat You ?et 4s Bhat You Pay 'or
BY?)BM = Bill You ?o )ut Bith Me
BYMM - Bill You Marry Me?
BYS4BY? - Bhat You See 4s Bhat You ?et
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N:NS - eNtra :ot N' S!icy
N)N) = :ugs ;n* <isses
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Y - Bhy?
Y; - Yet ;nother
Y;A; - Yet ;nother Aloo*y ;crony3
YAS - You'll Ae Sorry
Y?M - You'5e ?ot Mail
Y?BYP' - You ?et Bhat You Pay 'or
Y:AB - You :a*+:a5e Aeen Barne*
Y<YA:T/B - You <now You'5e Aeen Too /ong Bhen
Y/ - Young /a*y
YM - Young Man
YMMI - Your Mileage May Iary
YMMI? - Your Mileage May Iary ?reatly
Y)Y - Bhy )h Bhy
YTA - You're The Aest
YB - You're Belco3e
YBSY/S - You Bin So3e- You /ose So3e
YYMI - Your Ya. May+Mo5es Io3it
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JJJ = Tire* or Aore*

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