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Unit 4- What Do We Value?
Project-Based Learning- My Society

Over the course of this unit and this year, we have read and discussed the topics of values, society,
and equality. You will be putting all of these ideas together in our last project, titled My Society. We have
discussed what different cultures value, and this is your chance to create a society, centered around the things
that you value as most important. Think about our discussions of inequalities with Maniac Magee and think
about our discussions of what different people value in different cultures.

For this project, you will have two weeks, and can work in groups of 2-3 to create your own society.
There are several requirements for the project as well as several due dates for each component. You are
expected to work together cooperatively, without arguing, and to equally share the workload. The groups are
final (no switching group members partway through). If I see that a group or group member is off-task and not
working hard on the project, the group will be split up and each group member will complete an individual
project. I will also contact your parents.

Components and Due Dates:

1. Physical map of your society and a detail of your basic needs. Due Thursday, 5/30
For this component, you will create a physical map of your society, which must include all the major
rivers, mountains, bodies of water, and the elevation of your society. You can be as creative with this as you
would like- you can draw it, create a poster, diorama, or other creation. It should not be bigger than two pieces
of computer paper taped together. You also need to share how your society will meet its basic needs. Write a
detailed paragraph, either on the back of your map, or on another piece of paper, explaining your societys
main water source and how you will get the water to your residents. Also, discuss your crops, main food
source, and how you will get your food (transportation of food/farming of food).

2. Political map, laws, and security detail of your society. Due Monday, 6/3
For this component, you need to create a visual or map of the political structure of your society. In this,
you will display the name of your society (which should be related to the main values of your culture), the
names of your cities, and the name of your capital city. You also need to draw/visually represent the
government structure by showing the hierarchy of your society- is it a democracy, dictatorship, or some other
form of government? Along with your visual or map, you need to write a detailed paragraph, explaining your
main laws, the punishments that will occur if those laws are broken, any positive enforcement you are giving to
your citizens (any rewards they get for doing good), and how you will enforce the laws/who will enforce them.

3. Cultural components and social needs of your society. Due Wednesday, 6/6
For this component, you are focusing on the culture of your society. You can use your imagination to
create anything you like that displays the following items from your society:
*Society flag
*Typical clothing in your society
*Religion/religions of your society
*Entertainment options
*Typical food in your society
*Education programs

You can display these items/artifacts however you like, as long as they are all included. You also need to write
a detailed paragraph, explaining/describing each item, and why you chose it or why its important.

4. Values of your society Due Friday, 6/10
For this component, you will be focusing on the essential question for Unit 4, as well as the main
reason you are creating your society. You need to write a detailed paragraph, explaining why you chose the
certain values for your society that you decided on as a group. Included in this paragraph should be the main
values of your culture, the jobs/hobbies that are valued, the programs/organizations that show your values, and
how you show people in your society that they are valued. For example, including organizations like 4H club
show that your society values agriculture and animals, and organizations such as yoga classes show that your
society values health and wellness.

Project Grade Breakdown
Assignment Grade
Component 1- Physical map and basic
Map- 50 points
Paragraph- 50 points
Component 2- Political map, laws, and
Map- 50 points
Paragraph- 50 points
Component 3- Cultural components Visual/creation- 50 points
Paragraph- 50 points
Component 4- Values Paragraph- 50 points
Component 5- Travel Brochure Brochure- 100 points (Summative grade)
Total: 450 points

Checklist for each component
1. Physical map and basic needs
___Physical map
Major rivers
Bodies of water
The elevation

___ Basic needs paragraph
Main water source
How you will transport water to residents
Main food source, crops, farming
How you will transport food to residents

2. Political map, laws, and security
___Political map
Name of society (related to your values),
Major cities, and capital city.
Structure of your government- democracy, republic, monarchy dictatorship, etc).

___Laws and security paragraph
Positive rewards
Who and how you will enforce the laws

3. Cultural components and social needs
___A creation of your choosing that displays the following items:

___A detailed paragraph explaining and describing all the items above and why you chose them/why
they are important.

4. Values of your society
___ Detailed paragraph about the values of your society
Main values of your culture
Jobs/hobbies that are valued
Programs/organizations that show your societys values
How you show the citizens that they are valued

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