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BY: Monica Tsao

Different Types of Viruses

Storm Worm Virus
Storm Worm Virus was a common Trojan
Horse program. You get the virus by
downloading the link of an email that's pre-
tending to be news article or other current
events. The effect of this virus is having
your computer turn into a zombie; which
means that the hacker can use your com-
puter to send spam mail.

MyDoom Virus
The MyDoom Virus was a common Worm
program of the year 2004. This virus was
spread through email using technical-
sounding subject lines. Once the links are
launched, and the worm is activated, the
infected computer will send more emails of
itself and the attacker will gain full access of
the computer. The attacker would use the
victim's computer to send search requests
to search engines using email addresses
found in the search results. Search engines
would then receive millions of search re-
quests which leads to slowing down the
search engines and potentially cause them
to crash.
Computer Viruses
Computer Viruses are small software
programs that are made to spread from
one computer to another to interfere and
harm computer operations and files. They
are normally spread through attachments
from emails and downloads from online.

"How Does File Anti-Virus from Kaspersky
Endpoint Security 8 for Windows
Work?" Kaspersky. 28 May 2013. Web.
20 May 2014. <http://>.
"MyDoom Worm Spreading
Fast." Sophos. 27 Jan. 2014. Web. 20
May 2014. <
Strickland, Jonathan. "10 Worst
Computer Viruses of All Time" 26 August
worst-computer-viruses.htm> 20 May
Sutherland, Randall. "Avast! Pro Antivirus
8." TopTenREVIEWS. 17 Mar. 2014.
Web. 20 May 2014. <http://anti-virus-
Sutherland, Randall. "AVG Internet
Security 2014." TopTenREVIEWS. 5 Mar.
2014. Web. 20 May 2014. <http://internet-

Different Types of Viruses
The ILOVEYOU Virus is a worm program; it
was the biggest virus at the time (the early
2000s). It spread so fast and affected so
many people that major corporations had to
shut down their emails. The ILOVEYOU
Virus spread to an estimated of 45 million
users in a day, causing over $10 billion in
damage. It is spread through email with the
subject line as "ILOVEYOU." You get the
virus by clicking onto the link of a
supposed love letter with the file name
effects of this virus are;

getting several copies of the virus
hidden in your hard drive
getting new files added to your
registry key
getting your files replaced by copies
of the virus
it re-sends itself using email with your
it downloads an app that steals
passwords and sends the information
back to the hacker's email

Nimda Virus
The Nimda Virus (Admin spelt backwards)
is a worm program that was one of the
quickest to spread. It used multiple different
ways to spread, including email. The
person behind the virus would have the
same access as the account that's logged
in. Meaning that if it was the administrator
of the computer, the person would have full
control of the device. The main goal of this
virus is to create a lot of internet traffic,
which even caused some network systems
to crash.
The best anti-virus
software is Kasper-
sky. This software
protects you from a number of things like
bots, worms, rootkits, trojans, spyware
and viruses. It protects you by scanning
all your opened, launched and saved files
on the computer, connected removable
disks and network devices, and deciding
whether or not things can access your
files by a user or an application.

Another good anti-virus software is Avast.
This software protects you from spyware,
rootkits, trojans and is equipped for all
major security threats. The software is
able to locate and remove any existing
threats, and is able to detect and defend
against any new threats. It also has
specific protection for file sharing
applications to avoid having the problem
of threats in the first place.

AVG is one of the best free anti-virus
software. It isn't just basic security, it's a
complete solution. Since it's a free
software, they have to add more
protection to get people to upgrade to the
paid version. They added things like
Facebook protection, anti-bullying
technology to protect your children,
website reports, more frequent updates,
a YouTube video accelerator, system
tools and 24/7 support. AVG has a web-
site advisor which tells you how reliable
the site is before going on it and it pro-
tects you from all links to avoid viruses.

For More Information


I chose this website because it teaches
you the basics of viruses and gives you
some background knowledge. Not
everyone knows the definition of the dif-
ferent terms used, so this website is ba-
sically for all the beginners. This website
is very important to beginners because
it's really difficult to understand what the
websites are trying to teach you if you
don't understand it.


I chose this website because it tells us
the top 10 most common and malicious
viruses along with a brief description.
You can get a general idea of the virus
without having to read a lot.


I chose this website because it's an even
quicker way to get some basic knowl-
edge on viruses. Although this website
doesn't really go in depth, it gives us
enough information to get a slight idea of
what it is. And at the same time it's really
quick to use because it's not too long and
it doesn't take much time to read.

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