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Career Research Report Erin Wood


According to the ONET Interest Profiler my interests include: Investigative, Enterprising,
and Artistic. It also showed that I am not realistic, social, and conventional. The profiler stated
that people with an investigative interest like searching for facts, figuring out problems, and like
work that has to do with ideas and thinking rather than physical activity or leading people. I do
agree that I am not very social or conventional but, I do not agree that I am not realistic. I also
agree that I am investigative, enterprising and artistic because I love science, business, and

According to the online personality test results my best personality traits include:
agreeableness, extraversion, and conscientiousness. The results also show that I take things
very personally and I have a low level of openness. I do not agree with this because I do not
usually have a low level of openness but I do take everything personally.

According to the Edutopia learning style survey, I am a Naturalistic learner, also
somewhat of a logical-mathematical, and somewhat visual-spatial learner. It stated that
naturalistic learners they apply scientific reasoning to the world, recognize different types of
plants or animals and empathize with animals. Some careers that use naturalistic learners
include: farmer, naturalist, and scientist. The survey showed that I am not a bodily-kinesthetic,
musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, or linguistic learner. I do agree with these results because
I love learning in the outdoors and when teachers show me how to do something I learn very

Career Research Report Erin Wood

Investigating the world of work

I interviewed a mechanical engineer who has a bachelors degree in mechanical
engineering. Mechanical engineers are people that build and repair machines and tools. An
entry level position makes around $60,000. Some of the top level positions make upwards of
250,000. You usually do get health benefits because of the danger of the job. Most entry level
jobs require you to have a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering. He doesnt have to
travel far because he located his home near the plant he owns and is the CEO of. Because he is
CEO of this company, he travels a lot around the world to shows and conventions with the
products he has made. When he is in his office he doesnt have to wear anything formal but
going to shows he has to wear formal professional attire. He has to know how to use lots of
technology such as computers and machines in order to design and build the products. As CEO
he has to know about payroll, insurance, etc. He also uses office and needs to know website
design and maintenance because he has a website for his company. Even though mechanical
engineering is an interesting career, I am not interested in mechanical engineering because I do
not really like building or making tools and I am not very good with technology.

The business owner that I interviewed has a high school diploma, and took college
classes that helped her start her business instead of a specific degree. She said that if she could
start over she would have gotten a degree. She has to wear professional clothes when in her
store but farm clothes when on her farm. She said that she works 60 hours a week because
owning a business is none stop work. The income kind of depends on the business and what
you pay yourself. Her work environment is a farm because she sells produce, crafts, and other
Career Research Report Erin Wood

local products. She also works at her store selling the goods and interacting with customers.
She said that, that is to owning a successful business was interacting with your customers. She
says that she doesnt get health benefits from her job but she said that a larger business you
would probably even as owner have health benefits. This interview helped me understand what
it really takes to own a business. I now know I do not want to over-work, need to go to college,
and pay myself enough to live when I hope to own my own business.

The teacher that I interviewed has a masters in education. The working environment is
a classroom. You have to have a professional appearance. You have to have a good amount of
computer skills which include; office, gradequick, research, lessons, online, and khan academy.
Some of the hazards of work include; bullying, harassing, fighting, and cyber hazards. Your
salary depends on how much experience and education you have. Some benefits of the job
include; health insurance, and time to take courses to improve your teaching. You mainly travel
to work, and conferences. Teachers are always needed. You have to work both individually and
in a team. You have to be; organized, good at time management, and making instructions as
simple as possible. I cannot become a teacher because even though Im good with children, I
am not good at time management and organization. What I learned from this interview is that
you have to love what you do in order to make it a successful career.

According to Onet I would be a good reporter or correspondent. This career I think is interesting
but I do not think that it would be the best match for me, even though I do like to travel and
communicate with others. Another career it suggested was fashion designer. I do like designing
Career Research Report Erin Wood

and creating things but I do not think that it would be the best for me because I do have a real
passion for the environment and making this a better place to live. The other career it
suggested was a teacher. I would definitely not be a good teacher because I am disorganized,
cant think on the spot, but I am good at communicating with all ages.

Geoscientists are professionals that study the physical aspects of the earth such as its
composition, structure, and processes, to learn about the past, present and future. Their
median pay per year is $82,500. For an entry level job you have to have a bachelors degree.
The job outlook for this decade is at a growth of 21%. Geoscientists spend their time between
working in offices, laboratories, and working outside (fieldwork). Some of the field work may
require traveling to remote locations and irregular work hours. I have always been interested in
the environment, and an advocate for renewable energy due to the issue of global warming.
This makes me think that I would be a good geoscientist that will be passionate and serious
about what I do.
Astronomers are professionals that study the fundamental nature of the universe,
ranging from the vastness of space to the smallest subatomic particles. They develop new
technologies, methods, and theories based on the results of their research. Most of their time is
spent working in offices but also conduct research in laboratories and observatories. Most
astronomers need a Ph.D. for most research jobs. Most begin their careers in a temporary
postdoctoral research position which typically last 2 or 3 years. The median pay of an
astronomer is $105,430 per year. The job outlook rate is 14% which is about average. I have
Career Research Report Erin Wood

been interested in astronomy for most of my life. In the summer I go to conventions, go to star
dates, and take out my own telescope in the summer. I have a real passion for the stars,
planets, and space in general.
Environmental engineers are professionals that use the principles of engineering, soil
science, biology, and chemistry to develop solutions to environmental problems. Entry level
education required is a bachelors degree. The median pay per year is $78,740. The projected
job growth for this career is 22% which is faster than average. They are resourceful people that
are advocates for global warming change. I would be a good environmental engineer because I
am one of those people that care about our environment and that are worried about what will
happen if we do not take action now to reduce pollution and waste.
Continuing Education

I really hope to go to college. I am applying to UVM, Castleton, Keene, SUNY
Plattsburgh, SUNY Potsdam, and USM. UVM is my top choice because of its location, academics,
and study abroad opportunities.

UVM is my first choice of a college because it has a great location of Burlington, VT
which is a city but, is near a lake and not so huge that you cant get away for a while. You still
have the sense of community in Burlington. Another reason I like UVM so much is its academics
such as; internships and study abroad programs. When I visited there, I got to sit in a geology
class. When I sat in the class, I learned something within a few minutes of the start of the class.
I found that it was really easy to learn when I was there. I found it very beneficial that I got to
sit in an example of my future classes, if I go to UVM because geology is my intended major.
Career Research Report Erin Wood

The environment there was very respectful, friendly, and convenient. I thought the size of UVM
was not too big that I felt like I was just a number and not to small that I feel like there is a limit.
Some facts about UVM include; undergraduate student-faculty ratio is 17-1, the average
undergraduate student class size is 30, and more than 1900 undergraduate course offerings.
They have an academic help center and tutors.

Another school Im interested in is SUNY Plattsburgh because it is very much like UVM. It
is in a city setting, has about 6,000 undergraduates, the student to faculty ratio is 17:1, average
class size is 22, and has a good international representation. I feel that Plattsburgh is just the
right size because it is definitely not too big or too small. It offers everything Im looking for in a
college: geology major, business and French minors. It offers academic support at the Clark
Learning Center where they offer free peer tutoring. Plattsburgh also offers certificate
programs but none are of areas of interest.

USM is another school that interests me. They have three campuses; Portland, Gorham,
and Lewiston. Most classes in the first year happen in Gorham, therefore all the dorms are on
the Gorham campus. Gorham is a suburban town that is close to Portland. USM has 9,300
students, average class size of 25, and the student faculty ratio is 15:1. It has over 100 student
organizations which I would like to be part of the French club. I liked USM because of its size
and that most students have a job or are working on internships. When I visited I found that the
student panel was helpful to hear their stories of how going to USM has benefited them and
what opportunities they got from going to USM.
Career Research Report Erin Wood

Career Opportunities

Most of the jobs for Geologists are in the south and west because of oil production. I do
and dont want to work in the oil industry because I am an environmental advocate and want to
find alternative ways to fossil fuels because I know that if we do not act now there will be mass
extinctions. I do think that it might help me to find alternative energies if I worked in the oil
business to know what the cause of the environmental destruction is. I also think that if I
conduct my own research it would be beneficial as well. That would help me conduct more
specific research into climate change, how it changes geological structures, and how geological
structures or data can help scientist discover ways to combat climate change.

I would like to live on the coast of Maine because Maine is rich in geology. However, I
am willing to move and work elsewhere such as the south if that is where I can find good job
opportunities because I do know people down south. I found a job opportunity in Scarborough,
Maine which is a city. This job would require me to provide soil boring, conducting site field
work, and oversight of projects. I think this job would be good for me as an entry level job but, I
would like to work in the field conducting more environmental research related to climate
change and global warming. In order to get this job, I would have to have a bachelors degree in
geology or a related field, and some experience within the field.
Career Research Report Erin Wood

Professional Data

As of right now for the geology interest; I love science and math. I have participated in a
math and science fair. I presented a research project at Dartmouth College. French; I am a
member of the national French honors society, a member of the French club, and have
participated in a two-week French exchange. Business; I am taking a business class at HACTC. At
that class I have taken college courses; Fundamentals of accounting, and Intro to Computer
Applications. These things have helped me prepare for my future because I now know what
long term scientific research projects are like, know what the French language entails, what the
French culture is like, and know some of the basics when it comes to owning my own business.

The salary range of a geologist is $50,000 to $250,000. It ranges so much because the salary
depends on experience and whether you are working in a big corporation or small private
company. I hope to work in both to learn about each because I do want to conduct specific
research that I am not sure I could do in a small private company because of its services.

What I would need to become a successful geologist would be; a car so that I can get to work,
and an apartment or home near the base of my work. I hope to start a family so I would have to
have food for all, and need to have a nanny to take care of kids if my spouse works. I would
need the nanny because I would most likely have to travel for work all the time.
Career Research Report Erin Wood

Career Action Plan

My current plan is to go to college. In college, I plan to major in Geology, minor in
French, and minor in Business Administration. All of these subjects supplement each other
because I want to be a geologist that can travel to Africa, Europe, and other francophone
countries to do geological research. Business will help me because I do want to own my own
potentially international business that sells environmentally friendly, natural, and creative
products. After I graduate college, I hope to get a job as a geologist that does field work in
different countries to research alternative ways to fossil fuels because that is what the main
cause of climate change is. I also hope to start my own business. I learned from the interview of
the business owner about how college can help and that I need to take time for myself when
owning a business because it is an all the time thing. My strengths include; communication,
conscientiousness, and I am agreeable. I also get things done within a reasonable amount of
If my plan to go to college and then get a job as a geologist does not work out, I plan to
do an international exchange in a francophone country so that I can learn even more about
French culture by immersing myself in the culture. There I would go to college to still be
learning about business, geology, and French.
If that plan does not work, I plan to do an/some internship(s) related to the science field
because that is what I want to go into. I would attempt to do internships related to the
environment because that is ultimately what I am going to do. I am an advocate for the
environment and I will continue with it until I can no longer. I would do a couple of internships
and then try to find a job in New England related to what I did the internships on.

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