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fIowvIsIon is general purpose ConpuLaLional Iluid 0ynanics
sinulaLion soLware or nodeling conplex 30 laninar and
LurbulenL gas/luid lows. Jhe IlowVision solver uses Lhe
IiniLe-Volune ornulaLion and robusL physical nodels
inplenenLed on Lhe parallel archiLecLure using high accuracy
and high eiciency nunerical schenes. IlowVision is easy Lo
use all-in-one CI0 soLware (pre/posL-processor, solver) wiLh
inLuiLive and sLraighLorward user inLerace. AuLonaLic grid
generaLion operaLes direcLly on 30 CA0 nodels wiLh arbiLrary
conplexiLy supporLing boLh single parLs as assenblies. Jhe
original boundary curvaLure is ully nainLained even on Lhe
coarse grids Lhanks Lo Sub-Crid-CeoneLry-kesoluLion neLhod
o nesh generaLion. Jhe inLegraLed on-line posL processing
provides graphical noniLoring o sinulaLion resulLs sLarLing
ron Lhe irsL iLeraLion. Jhe IlowVision solver can run on
renoLe nulLi-processor clusLers and serves nulLiple users. Jhe
nodern objecL orienLed inplenenLaLion (C) provides
nodulariLy, lexibiliLy and robusLness.
fl0l0$lf00l0f0ll0f80ll0 $lN0lll08@08 fl fl0Nl8l0
IlowVision conbined wiLh SIHbLIA/A8A0bS oers unique co-sinulaLion capabiliLies or solving
heavily coupled luid-sLrucLure-inLeracLion problens. Jhe SCCk based grid generaLion provides naLural
link beLween Lhe luid and ILA donains. Jhe weLLed inLerace is auLonaLically esLablished and can
involve noving objecL wiLh arbiLrary conplexiLy. Jhe HH (HulLi-hysics-Hanager) conLrols boLh
IlowVision and A8A0bS during Lhe sinulaLion process. Jhe daLa is exchanged Lhrough A8A0bS 0irecL
Coupling InLerace providing opLinal and accuraLe daLa Lranser raLes and supporL o parallel
processing, which signiicanLly speeds up Lhe sinulaLions. Jhe nosL conplex ISI problen can be solved
now in realisLic Line (hours vs. weeks and days).

ParaIIeI supper computIng

Jhe IlowVision operaLes on HicrosoL windows or Linux
operaLing sysLens. IlowVision supporLs novel
heLerogeneous conpuLers wiLh sinulLaneously disLribuLed
and shared nenory. IlowVision oers high level o
scalabiliLy speeding up Lhe nosL conplex sinulaLions ron
weeks Lo days. kesulLs: realisLic sinulaLions wiLhouL
sinpliicaLions, nore accuraLe resulLs Lhrough use o
auLonaLed nulLi-paraneLer and nulLi-criLeria opLinizaLion
Sinple seL-up, conLrol and noniLoring wiLh HH
AuLonaLic coupling o noL naLched neshes
Inclusion o highly deornable and noving sLrucLures
Iree surace Lracking
SockeL based connunicaLion
Iull parallel processing wiLh A8A0bS (expliciL/inpliciL)
0isLribuLed conpuLing (Abaqus, IlowVision on dierenL
conpuLers, locaLions)
Supported pIatforms
windows 2000/X/2003/ VisLa/ConpuLe ClusLer Server
bnix and Linux clusLers: SbSL, kedaL
windows, Linux: 32/64-biL
InLel ClusLer keady rogran
Co-simo/otioo 4boqos-I/owvisioo
0oto excbooge 4boqos-I/owvisioo
5imo/otiog beort vo/ve
Pressore ood ve/ocity
Jechnologielaan 3
8-3001 Leuven
hone: 32 (16) 40 27 47
Iax: 32 (16) 40 32 71
Capvidia /JLChC
bnnaLov SLr.18
(701-708) 125083
hone: 7(495)612-44-22
I/oid j/ow geoeroted by prope//ers ood jree sorjoce
00M0l8ll08l fl0l0 08Ml08
80 N0lll08l08
4erodyoomic simo/otioo
Coo/iog e/ectrooic device
veoti/otioo system
Iodostrio/ boroer
fIuId-structure InteractIon (fSI}
Jwo-way coupling wiLh ILA sysLens,
AuLonaLic daLa exchange
IasL expliciL coupling procedure
HH Hanger conLrolling co-sinulaLion
IurbuIence modeIs
SLandard k-
Low keynolds k- AKh (Abe, Kondoh,
0uadraLic k-
SSJ k-onega (Shear SLress JransporL)
SA (SpalarL-Allnares)
wall uncLions: Lquilibriun, hon-equilibriun
Beat transfer modeIs
Iree and orced convecLion
ConjugaLe heaL Lranser
eaL generaLion due Lo viscous dissipaLion
kadiaLion heaL Lranser (1)
AnisoLropic heaL Lranser
JurbulenL heaL Lranser:
AKh (Abe, Kondoh, hagano)
S&S (Sonner, So)
Hass transfer modeIs
Hixing chenisLry
hon-hewtonIan fIuId modeIs
ower law
Porous medIum modeIs
IsoLropic or AnisoLropic resisLance
Color conLours, VecLors and Isolines on a plane or
InLegral voluneLric or surace characLerisLics
InLegral cross-secLion characLerisLics
Air lows around airplanes, rockeLs, wings, inLakes,
Cas lows in conpressors, Lurbines, and jeL engines
Car body aerodynanics
Lngine cooling
0il low in lubricaLion sysLens (seals, bearings,
dierenLial gears, eLc.)
VenLilaLion and condiLioning o Lhe car conparLnenL
waLer low near a noving wiper
Power ProductIon
eaL exchange in Lhe nuclear reacLor cooling sysLen
HedIcaI appIIcatIons
8lood low in arLeries
8lood low in a hearL valve
Air low in Lhe respiraLory LracL
0II & gas Industry
0il or gas lows in ducLs, reservoirs, and punps
Jhernal analysis o elecLronics
VenLilaLion o elecLronic devices
waLer low around Lhe hull o a high speed boaL
Ship resisLance calculaLion
uLLing a ship aloaL
Ship screw propeller hydrodynanic analysis
Ship propeller and hull inLeracLion
0einiLion o Lhe head-low characLerisLic o a punp,
conpressor, or Lurbine
LsLinaLion o Lhernal and low loads on Lurbine
Air low around a wind nachine
CIvII fngIneerIng
waLer dan breaking ollowed by looding a landscape

Lase o use -all-in-one environnenL: pre-
processing, solver, posL-processing
AuLonaLic nesh generaLion based on
SCCk (Sub-Crid-CeoneLry-kesoluLion)
LxacL CA0 nodel boundaries
Hoving bodies: hydrodynanics
deLernined or user deined 600I noLion
0ne solver or all Hach nunbers
operaLing on grid wiLh arbiLrary cell
bnique approach or sinulaLing luid
lows in conpuLaLional donain wiLh very
snall clearances (sub-grid gap nodel)
Advanced V0I neLhod or solving
nulLiphase problens ree surace
2-way coupling wiLh Abaqus or conplex
luid-sLrucLure-inLeracLion problens
arallel posLprocessing
LxLensive subsLance and naLerials
igh level o cusLonizaLion wiLh
LenplaLes and plug-ins
ClienL-server archiLecLure and C
humerIcaI aIgorIthms
bnsLrucLured nesh wiLh arbiLrarily shaped
IiniLe Volune approach
VelociLy-pressure spliL algoriLhn or
inLegraLion o Lhe havier-SLokes equaLions
igh-accuracy skew schenes
InpliciL Line inLegraLion
SoCHkLS neLhod or solving algebraic
SImuIatIon capabIIItIes
Hesh generatIon
InporL o CA0/ILH geoneLry: VkHL, SJL, Ih Abaqus
ACIS, CAJIA V4/V5, ro/L, bCS, Solidworks
Sub-Crid CeoneLry kesoluLion (SCCk) neLhod o
nesh generaLion: resoluLion o curve-linear
boundaries wiLh arbiLrary conplexiLy (naLural
LruncaLion o hexahedral cells by LriangulaLed
Lasy grid deiniLion and asL auLonaLic nesh
AuLonaLed local dynanic grid adapLaLion Lo
geoneLry and soluLion peculiariLies
0einiLion o subsLances, phases, and phase
SelecLing physical processes and nodels
0einiLion o iniLial and boundary condiLions
0einiLion o iniLial grid and adapLaLion criLeria
0ne havIer-Stokes soIver for aII Hach numbers
SinulLaneous presence o regions wiLh H<<1
(inconpressible low) and H~~1 (supersonic or
hypersonic low) in Lhe conpuLaLional donain
Single nunerical algoriLhn applied LhroughouL Lhe
enLire conpuLaLion donain
StatIonary and non-statIonary fIows
Single Line narching procedure or obLaining sLeady
and unsLeady soluLions
HovIng bodIes
Lasy inporL o bodies inLo Lhe conpuLaLion donain
6 degrees o reedon noLion
AccuraLe and asL Luler neLhod or conpuLing body
kinenaLics: user-deined noLion laws
8ody dynanics: graviLy, hydrodynanic, or user-
deined orces
CalculaLor or conplex naLh expressions
Coupled sinulaLion o Lhe body noLion and
evoluLion o ree suraces
BIgh-accuracy v0f for free surface trackIng
Advanced V0I neLhod is used or solving one-, Lwo-,
and Lhree-phase problens wiLh conLacL suraces. A
conLacL surace is reconsLrucLed using SCCk neLhod.
Hass, nonenLun and energy luxes are accuraLely
balanced in Lhe neighbor cells.
5imo/otioo oj /oodiog oo Mors
AppIIcatIon Areas

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