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CRFV Launches Operation Red Virginia

Internship Program
For Immediate Release: May 22, 20!
Contact: Liz Minneman
!e Co""ege #e$ub"ican %ederation o& 'irginia !a( o&&icia"") "aunc!ed t!e &ir(t )ear o& t!eir
*$eration #ed 'irginia +ntern(!i$ ,rogram- .!ic! .i"" $rovide (tudent( e/$erience in
deve"o$ing (tudent coa"ition( to $romote con(ervati(m among $eer( and t!e o$$ortunit) to
contribute to t!e deve"o$ment o& e&&ective $o"itica" .or0er( and me((enger( o& t!e 1rig!t2
me((age on cam$u( and in our communitie(.
Co""ege (tudent( .i"" be in(trumenta" in !e"$ing e"ect #e$ub"ican( (tate.ide in t!i( )ear2(
midterm e"ection(. 3it! t!e Co""ege #e$ub"ican %ederation o& 'irginia *$eration #ed 'irginia-
co""ege (tudent( and !ig! (c!oo" (enior( !ave t!e o$$ortunit) to e/$"ore .inning $rinci$"e( and
gra((root( cam$aign .or0. Man) individua"( .!o !ave been invo"ved .it! t!e Co""ege
#e$ub"ican organization !ave !ad (ucce((&u" career( inc"uding 4enator Mar0 *ben(!ain-
&ormer 'irginia 5overnor 6im 5i"more- and 7ar" #ove- $o"itica" con(u"tant and &ormer de$ut)
c!ie& o& (ta&& &or ,re(ident 5eorge. 3. 8u(!.
*$eration #ed 'irginia .i"" $rovide o$$ortunitie( &or )oung $eo$"e in t!e Common.ea"t! to be
become invo"ved in gra((root( $o"itica" cam$aign .or0. ,artici$ant( .i"" be invo"ved in activitie(
(uc! a( $!one ban0ing- door-0noc0ing- and attending "oca" communit) event( to $romote t!e
$art). !e)2"" a"(o be a re(ource in mobi"izing cam$aign activit) and )out! (u$$ort at t!eir
9!roug! t!e *$eration #ed 'irginia +ntern(!i$ ,rogram- co""ege (tudent( and !ig! (c!oo"
(enior( .i"" be in(trumenta" in e"ecting #e$ub"ican( (tate.ide and in !e"$ing $romote
con(ervative va"ue( on cam$u(. :ccording to C;; e/it $o""(- 7en Cuccine""i .on t!e )out! vote
b) (i/ $oint( in 2013. *ur me((age i( re(onating .it! co""ege (tudent(- and it cou"dn2t be more
im$ortant to carr) t!at momentum into t!e 201< e"ection-= Co""ege #e$ub"ican %ederation o&
'irginia C!airman Liz Minneman (aid.
!e dead"ine to (ubmit a com$"eted a$$"ication &or our (ummer term i( 11:59 $.m. on Monda)-
6une >. !e a$$"ication can be &ound !ere. ?ue(tion( ma) be directed to 7a(!a ;ie"(en at
The College Republican Federation of Virginia seeks to provide students a working relationship with Republican Candidates and
the Republican Party of Virginia in order to elect strong candidates at every level of government and to provide an outlet for young
conservatives to share the conservative message with peers through campus outreach and education.

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