Abandoned: Development and Displacement Review in EPW

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book Review

Accumulation by Dispossession and entertainment, and a vaguely defined

social infrastructure.

in India One of the most pressing issues raised

by Perspectives is the need to critique
this colonial relic. Through this principle
the power of the state is pitted against
Ramaa Vasudevan interests of the people not for wider pub-
lic good but to facilitate the pursuit of

here is a rich intellectual tradition Abandoned: Development and Displacement private profits. It is the lever that enables
of engaged scholarship, where re- by The Perspectives Team; Perspectives, New Delhi, 2007; the dispossession and displacement of
search is sparked by the issues pp 196, Rs 50. the labouring poor, turning over land
and concerns of ordinary people and in- and the common property resources that
formed by a commitment to their strug- The book begins by refuting the argu- have formed the basis of their livelihood
gles. This slim volume brought out by ment that the link between development to industrialists and corporations. The
Perspectives, a non-funded independent and displacement is an outcome of faulty magnitude of the problem of displace-
research group started by some students legal structures. Beginning with a discus- ment, the abysmal record of rehabilita-
and teachers in Delhi University, belongs sion of the legal framework, Perspectives tion, especially in the context of the
to this tradition.1 It is a thoughtful and looks at a whole range of laws from the protests around the Narmada Valley
provocative critique of the dominant Forest (Conservation) Act and the Wild- project, forced the issue into public de-
paradigm that shapes developmental life (Protection) Act, to the Panchayats bates. But even the recently notified
policy in India. Displacement has been (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, National Rehabilitation and Resettle-
an integral constitutive component of and the Special Economic Zones Act (the ment Policy of 2007 – meant to safeguard
the process of development in India. The SEZs Act, in short) to show how the the interests of those displaced by the de-
Perspectives Team (hereinafter Perspec- social context of the enactment and im- velopment projects – is built around the
tives) seeks to address and refute the plementation of laws leads to the in- sanctity of the principle of eminent do-
premise that development necessarily fringements of the rights and interests of main (and the amended Land Acquisition
and inevitably involves costs in terms already marginalised people – landless Act that further extends the meaning of
of displacement. labourers, small peasants, tribals and “public purpose”).
To do this, the group explores the way dalits. At the same time, legal safeguards The 1894 Act was the product of a
in which the process of development and protections for these sections are in colonial state that had wrought its own
syste­matically expropriated sections of practice subverted. industrial revolution through the enclo-
the population even as others – the One of the most powerful legal princi- sure of the commons – a process that
powerful and dominant section – cor- ples that have been deployed to effect the threw masses of the peasantry out of its
nered the gains and benefits. The pro­ displacement of people is that of “eminent traditional lands, creating the industrial
cess is fostered through forest laws, in domain”. The principle enshrined in the working class. The enclosure movement
the name of preser­vation of wildlife colonial Land Acquisition Act of 1894 was an integral part of the historical
sanctuaries, the rush to exploit mineral was used to take over land for mines, process of plunder and expropriation –
resources, the large dams, the jugger- plantations and railways while cement- “primitive accumulation” – that forged
naut of urbani­sation and more recently ing the strategic position of the Indian capitalist relations.2 From the account of
through the promotion of special eco- colony as a supplier for cheap raw mate- India‘s developmental pro­cess presented
nomic zones. As part of this investigation rials for the British industrial revolution. by the Perspectives team, it would appear
they also visited a resettlement colony The law allows the state to acquire land that the spirit of this Act has been
in Delhi, coal mines and the villages for “public purpose” by executive fiat preserved and is now being deployed to
where land acquisition is imminent in while disregarding considerations of the promote the neoliberal agenda that
Asansol and Durgapur, the Chandil dam life and livelihood of those dependent on has drawn India more securely into the
site, sites for the proposed iron and these lands. It was deployed in the pursuit embrace of global corporate capitalism.
steel factories in Tentoposi, villages of the goals of developmental planning
affected by Turamidih uranium mines, that was to realise the Nehruvian vision Accumulation by Dispossession
and the Dalma elephant sanctuary in of a modern industrial India. The law con- Harvey3 has argued that imperialism in
Jharkhand. So the analysis is firmly tinues to enjoy legitimacy and sanction in the age of neoliberalism has rediscovered
rooted in an attempt to comprehend the the period of liberalisation where it is “the original sin of simple robbery”. Global
actual experiences of the people on used to make land resources avail­able to capitalism continues to recreate, preserve
whom sacrifices are imposed in the name corporate capital. It is for instance at the and extend itself through an ongoing
of “development”, peoples at the margin heart of land acquisition under the SEZs process of primitive accumulation. In
of society for whom it is a matter of life Act. Public purpose in this Act is stretched Harvey’s exposition this process of
and livelihood. to include real estate development, leisure “accumulation by dispossession” is actively
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   march 15, 2008 41
book Review

promoted through the neoliberal agenda. marginalisation of tribals under the forest farmlands are being handed over to
In India this process has been driven in laws now subsumed in the recent initia- private capital for infrastructure deve­
particular through privatisation of re- tives to court industry by granting rights lopment in these enclaves with stream-
sources held in common and state redistri- to degraded forest lands and wastelands lined procedures, tax breaks and good
butions in favour of capital (for instance, – the so-called “multi-stakeholder partner- infrastructure that aim to lure investors in
tax exemptions). The investigations and ship for forestation” that is simply another export-oriented industries.
fact findings of Perspectives are a stark means of commercialising forests. Again, Even as the state seeks to facilitate the
testimony to the process of accumulation dams have been one of the major causes procedures and concessions for corporate
by dispossession in India. of displacement in India. The policy debate capital the mechanisms of redress and
The book chronicles the various pre- on the efficacy, performance, environmen- rehabilitation for those dispossessed by
texts by which the Indian state has dis- tal consequences and cost effectiveness of these acquisitions remains opaque, inade-
placed people while serving the interests these large river valley projects continues quate and tortuous. Ignoring the recom-
of corporate capital. Liberalisation has in the face of social movements opposing mendations of the National Advisory
for instance entailed the active promo- such projects and empirical research dis- Council, the proposed national rehabilita-
tion of mining interests in the regions of puting their benefits. What is indisputable tion and relief policy provides for “fast-
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa, is the fact of the 40 million people, largely track exercise for land acquisition” and
both through the privatisation of public dalits, adivasis, and small and landless does not incorporate transparent, equi-
sector enterprises and by opening theses peasants, displaced due to such projects in table and adequate procedures for con-
regions to foreign capital (for instance, India. It is equally clear that the biggest sultation, contestation and compensa-
the Utkal Alumina refinery at Kashipur bene­ficiaries are large landowners and tion. Millions of the labouring poor are
and the POSCO plant at Jagatsighpur). Land organised industry. driven out of their lands by this relentless
is taken over, natural resources, including Apart from seizing land to enable logic of accumulation by dispossession
forests and rivers, denuded and exploited corporate capital to set up mines, dams, and in the absence of any meaningful
by big corporate capital while the ordinary infrastructure and other industrial rehabilitation policy, seek a livelihood in
people living in these regions face projects, the state is now deploying the the proliferating urban centres. Here too,
the loss of their lands and livelihood. SEZs Act to takeover vast tracts of land for they bear the brunt of the forces of dis-
The team’s report of their visit to coal the same end of boosting corporate prof- placement through closures, demolitions
mines around Asansol bears witness to its. As states vie with each other in their and sealing operations in the name of
some of these devastating effects. The aggressive pursuit of foreign capital, refashioning the urban landscape into


Essays from Economic and Political Weekly
A compilation of essays that were first published in the EPW in a special issue in May 2007. Held together with an introduction by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay,
the essays – that range in theme and subject from historiography and military engagements, to the dalit viranganas idealised in traditional songs and the
“unconventional protagonists” in mutiny novels – converge on one common goal: to enrich the existing national debates on the 1857 Uprising.

The volume has 18 essays by well known historians who include Biswamoy Pati, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Peter Robb and Michael Fisher. The articles are grouped
under five sections: ‘Then and Now’, ‘Sepoys and Soldiers’, ‘The  Margins’, ‘Fictional Representations’ and ‘The Arts and 1857’.

Pp viii + 364         2008         Rs 295

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42 march 15, 2008  EPW   Economic & Political Weekly

book Review

“global, investor-friendly havens” – the so- binding agricultural constraint, which re- the extent to which state power is commit-
called “urban renewal missions”. stricts the supply of the most important ted to the repressive defence of this neo-
wage good, and raw materials on the one liberal developmental model. But it is
Neoliberal Development Vision hand, and on the other, demand due to equally a manifestation of the irrepressi-
In the face of this evidence of the system- low income levels. The phase of liberalisa- ble groundswell of opposition to the re-
atic and relentless logic of accumulation tion has seen an exacerbation of inequality lentless logic of the neoliberal juggernaut.
by dispossession, the book argues that the alongside the slow growth of employment As political parties across the spectrum
“issues of displacement cannot be looked (particularly in rural areas) and a redistri- embrace the neoliberal development vision,
at in isolation” but are integral to the dis- bution of income in favour of profits and the distinctions in the economic pro-
torted developmental model that is being rentier incomes. This has stimulated the grammes of different parliamentary par-
espoused – the basis of the unprecedented demand for both consumer durables and ties becomes increasingly blurred. The
growth performance (with the rate of specific services, which have been the widespread anger and outrage that the
growth of real gross domestic product more dynamic sectors through this peri- Nandigram violence inspired is not a
expected to cross 9 per cent). This growth od, but at the same time, the sectoral pat- symptom of a revolt against politics. It is
performance has been characterised by tern of growth has allowed the effective in fact a reflection of the coalescing of
agrarian stagnation on the one hand and easing of the agrarian constraint. That political opposition to the collusion of
the disproportionate growth of the services this rapid transformation was taking place state and capital that lies at the heart of
sector. A major impetus to industrial per- while nearly 1,50,000 farmers committed the politics of accumulation by disposses-
formance in the period of reforms came suicide between 1997 and 2006, and in sion, of a search for forms of struggle and
from the surge in the growth of consumer 2006 alone there were about 17,000 organisation that could effectively chal-
durables demanded by the large upper farmer suicides, is a stark manifestation lenge the neoliberal hegemony. It is not an
middle class. The developmental model, of this structural change.4 accident that the diverse social move-
based on the logic of global corporate cap- But the core developmental issue re- ments engendered by displacement are
ital, derives its impetus from the expro- mains that of fostering industrial develop- becoming increasingly important in the
priation of the rural poor, the exploitation ment by absorbing the labour surplus of politics of people’s resistance in India. So
of natural and common property resources. the stagnating agrarian sector. If one is to even though instances of resistances, as
While documenting the phenomena of develop a critique and alternative to the Perspectives suggests, have been primarily
“developmental terrorism”, Perspectives model of development and displacement localised mobilisations against specific
stresses that the repeated instances of that dominates policy discourse we need projects, it is in the coalescing of these
state repression are not stray aberrations to address this issue. This is in a sense the mobilisations that the hope for alternative
but are pivotal to the exclusionary devel- same problem of primitive accumulation – sustainable developmental models will
opmental model that preserves itself by the expropriation of the peasantry to pave emerge. The Perspectives Team does not
restricting democratic space (p 155). the way for industrialisation. It was “primi- claim to have the answer to how the path
Neoliberal reforms heralded the retreat tive socialist accumulation” that was at to alternatives may be traversed, but this
of the developmental state, but it has not stake in the course of the New Economic volume is essential reading for those who
ousted the state from its crucial role in the Policy in the Soviet Union where the im- would like to engage with this process.
Indian macroeconomy. While in the earlier peratives of fuelling industrial transforma-
phase of “development planning”, public tion was the justification for squeezing the Email: Ramaa.Vasudevan@colostate.edu
investment was crucial in extending the peasantry through the use of state power.
home market, in the present phase the This is also the premise on which the sei- Notes
state has played an active role primarily as a zure of agricultural lands and handover to 1 A revised edition of the book has come out in
January 2008.
facilitator of “accumulation through dis- corporate capital is being justified. Aban-
2 Karl Marx, Capital, Volume I, Penguin, 1973,
possession”. This connection reflects the on- doned brings this issue sharply to the fore. Part VIII.
going mechanisms of primitive accumula- 3 David Harvey, The New Imperialism, Oxford
University Press, 2003.
tion in India that the state machinery is The Politic of Resistance 4 ‘Farm Suicides Worse after 2001’, The Hindu,
enforcing through the liberalisation agen- But the process of displacement and margi­ November 13, 2007.

da. Dispossession has enabled this trans- nalisation has also engendered resistances
formation and India’s recent spectacular in different parts of India. Nandigram
growth performance. where the Left Front government of West
The question that arises is what are the Bengal had proposed to set up a chemical available at
macroeconomic constraints facing the hub under the Salim group has been the
Indian economy? How have recent eco- site of a brave resistance of villagers to the
B.N.Dey & Co. News Agent
nomic developments circumvented or seizure of their lands. Following the re- Guwahati 781001,
redefined the principal constraints on currence of violence in the wake of the Assam.
development? The Indian economy has state backed attempts to reoccupy the Ph: 2546979, 2547931
been characterised as being faced with a lands, Nandigram has become a symbol of
Economic & Political Weekly  EPW   march 15, 2008 43

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