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Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets

1.- Tina (begin) her new diary last Monday morning.

2.- Thomas .. (play) the guitar and Sonia (sing)
3.- The two kids .. (make) a sandastle in the beah.
!.-The monkeys . (eat) some bananas in the "oo.
#.-$oanna .. (hange) some money at the bank.
%.-&alter . (book) some tikets 'or the ne(t onert.
).-They (build) an enormous hospital in *aiti.
+.-,aniel . (look) a'ter -orena.s baby last Saturday
0.- My daughter (show) me her notebooks.
11.- ,erek . (beome) a 'amous writer.
11.-My husband . (grow) tomatoes and uumbers in the
12.-Marilyn . (learn) to swim in one month.
13.-2atherine . (teah) her son to be polite.
1!.-The teahers . (e(plain) the lessons learly.
1#.-Somebody .. (steal) my mobile phone.
1%.-They .. (kidnap) the little girl.
1).-&illiam .. (throw) the ball to his shool 'riend.
1+.- 3hilip .. (milk) the ow and .. ('eed) the rabbits in the
10.-The shepherd . (take) the sheep to the ountryside.
21.-4hristopher .... (speak) 'i/e languages 'luently.
21.-The 'riendly girl (reommend) me to 'ollow her.
22.-The magiian .. (do) some good triks.
23.-3aul .. ('eel) /ery sad when his dog .. (ha/e) the
2!.-5eorge (answer) the phone and (help) me.
2#.- My unle 6ntonio (earn) a lot o' money in his 7ob.
2%.-6deline ..(design) some 'ashionable 7ewellery.
2).-$immy and Tony ....('ind) some old toys in the atti.
2+.-The 5erman politiian . (deide) to lend us some money.
20.-The house .. (get) on 'ire so 8 .. (lose) all my books.
31.-Samantha .. (understand) my situation in the 'oreign
31.-8 .. (srath) my brother.s bak tenderly.
32.-The two lo/ers .. (kiss) in 'ront o' the priest.
33.-Matilde .. (type) a /ery long letter without any mistakes.
3!.-The postman .. (arry) some hea/y parels to my house.
3#.-3atrik and -isa (walk) to shool together.
3%.-My dad . (prepare) some 'ireworks 'or the party.
3).--oren"o and Miriam (elebrate) their birthday.
3+.-&e .. (marry) 'i/e years ago in Manhester.
30.-2athy ... (ser/e) tea and bisuits to her 'riends.
!1.-The 'ireman . (resue) a lot o' people in the earth9uake.
!1.- 6 little girl .. (ry) in a orner.
!2.--uy .. (remember) to send an email to her boy'riend.
!3.-*etor (reei/e) some bad news 'rom 5ermany.
!!.-:ou .. (wear) a beauti'ul blak dress on 4hristmas
!#.-*elen .. (hear) some strange noises in the garden.
!%.-The dog .. (hide) some bones in the upboard.
!).-;mily and Sonia .. (hoose) an e(pensi/e ring 'or their
!+.- The boy . (eat) the soup and he (like) it.
!0.-The little man . (snore) loudly in the suitase.

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